July 1, 2015
July 2nd Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Florida Retreat
July 3rd - 5th
1:30pm & 6:20pm
Please tune in!
Pray for special intentions.
Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Sonny & family, Blue Book 15,
We need funds to print Blue Book 15.
Please pray for funds & grace.
July 1, 2015
May 5, 2015 - 6:20 Rosary
Right Before The Assumption
In My house, Jesus says, there are many mansions, and I am preparing a place for those who live their lives, in service and obedience to God.
Mary is Crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth
3. Mary: What is your goal? Have you decided how important the goal, that Jesus told you about, was? Or do you just want to have it in the back of your mind, so that every day you can taste the senseless pleasures, as if the day, the last day that you are on this earth, will never come? If you do not focus on your goal, you are foolish in your behavior.
Excerpts from June 2, 2015 Rosary
Jesus was Scourged at the Pillar
1). R. And the message continues: June 2, 2015 Message
The fool tells themselves they don't
want to change and wants the
world molded in their
dysfunctional image and
likeness –
they fight to be right –
lie to be right –
being right becomes their way of life –
not God –First in their life is themselves –
not changing –
dying in a polluted stream
of self-centeredness –
(R. Jesus said, it was so clear these words that He said. Listen
to this)
R. First in their life is themselves –
not changing –
dying in a polluted stream
of self-centeredness –
isolating to raise themselves above –
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. That's a prescription from satan, that's not being under the docile influence of the Holy Spirit. The devil is trying to mold us and lead us and use us. That's being a slave to satan, "dying in a polluted stream of self-centeredness", He said. How are you when you are on your pity-pot for a month at a time? Does it get better after 30 days?
I can see this one thing that I got in a message once, and it was the person that decides to get mad, and if you get mad against authority, it's like you are in this upside down balloon, or an upside down umbrella, He said in the rosary, and you are hanging in there, like somebody is going to come and apologize to you for your anger and hatred in your heart, because you feel awful. Little babies can do that stuff, people that are advancing in the spiritual life, are being lifted up in the hot air balloon, where Jesus says, I am one in you in the hot air balloon, and you are one in Me. And watch it, because satan's grip is paralyzing and crippling. When do you come out of the upside down umbrella, with your feet dangling, while you decide you are going to get madder and madder, and more full of hate? When are you coming out, especially when there is an authority over you? You try to provoke them so they keep on putting up with more evil. That's right, if you have sinned, go sin some more, and see if you can get somebody that's over you, to lose control, so that you can make yourself feel better? That's not going to make yourself feel better, what's that going to do? It's going to get you deeper and deeper into darkness, because His way is so clear, to obey and respect just authority, to do good acts, to use your energy for love and not anger. God has called us to love. When you are angry you are not to hold onto it, punish others, nurse it, God has told us to love.
The smallest sin starts taking us away from intimacy with Him when we lie to ourselves about it, that's why we are suppose to examine our conscience like Fr. Carter did, twice a day for 10 minutes. Because you take your spiritual pulse, well am I starting to go off God's will, yeah, I'm starting to get in desolation. Well I can change that now, but I have to change my stubborn heart and will, like it says in the Holy Spirit Sequence – "melt the frozen, warm the chill, guide the steps that go astray". Bend the stubborn heart and will, that what it says in the Holy Spirit Sequence on Pentecost Sunday, but the more we get into the thing where, we are looking for that place on earth, where we can be by ourselves, where we can be in control, where we don't have to trust anybody, I'm telling you, you are not trusting God, because the greatest commandment, commands us, and it's been around since the time of Noah, and it commands us to put God first and to love, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. And that means that I have got a duty, I have a duty to try to give back for what has been given to me, which is the greatness that I have been given in my country, in the Church, for the people that went before me, and that gave their lives in service, till they died.
I have that duty, in the Father's family, to be whatever I can be to serve God as long as I am here. And if my heart is on a pity-pot for a month, I need to do something to fix it, because I am not serving God, but I am serving satan, and it's taking a long time. When satan gets somebody in one of those stupors, you can sit in that upside down umbrella with your legs hanging out and wait until hell freezes over, and you actually think when you are nasty and mean and not like Jesus at all, that somebody should come over and apologize and make you feel better. I don't know what commandment that is, but it isn't coming from God. God commands us to go out, to give ourselves, to forgive our neighbor, to be unified, to be members of the body of Christ, to realize what we have been given and we are to give to others. Those are the commandments of God. Hell is a place of total isolation.
2. R. And I drew a puzzle piece and it says: Like a puzzle piece in creation, man has joy because the puzzle piece seeks it's place in the Divine Plan.
R. Wow, God's got a unique place for me in His Divine plan. Nobody has a heart like mine. Nobody can love Him the way I love Him and He wants me to love Him like that, and He wants me to bring that love to the world, that it will, like ripples on a pond, keep on going long after I am here. But the sins of the parents, are felt all the way down to the 3rd and 4th generation. We got a free will. You cannot decide that your actions depend on how you feel, and you must use right reason, to discern your actions. God has given to us the gift of an elevated knowing and loving capacity in baptism. We need to use it.
3). June 2, 2015 message continues
R. We must let the Holy Spirit possess us and
We seek the Holy Spirit –OPEN and EMPTY
Come to me Lord and possess my soul
We seek to be changed –
We seek to be purified –
We don't spend our lives trying
to force people into our
program and tell ourselves
we have arrived –
we don't need to change!
4). June 2, 2015 message continues
We seek to be possessed by the Holy Spirit and
the Holy Spirit possesses our soul
more and more – imprinting
on our soul the image
of Jesus!
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. If we are not acting like Jesus, we are not acting the right way.
5). June 2, 2015 message continues
We have our unique call from
God the Father in His Plan
for our lives in salvation history.The man not trusting, controlling,
not seeing himself responsible
for his selfish actions –
hurts others –
he is twisted inward
where God calls him to build – to go
out –
he is going backward – tearing
down –In the puzzle – each piece has a part and
pieces are not the same –
6). June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. And I saw this vision, like so clear. It was like one of those wrecking things, and it had the devil in it. And he had a pitch fork and horns, and it had one of those wrecking balls, and it had little windows. And I tried to draw it in the daily message as best I could. And the ball is hitting a real tall building, and it says: Satan wants destruction. Satan is in the wrecking machine. Satan aims high on the totem pole to knock down what others built.
R. Naturally satan is going to go after the top. We need to pray for our priests, because they need our prayers. They are such gifts.
June 2, 2015 message continues
The Holy Spirit works in the heart of the
docile man who wants
the Holy Spirit to possess him –
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. We have to ask the Holy Spirit to come and possess us, and then we have to be open so that He can come and possess us. It's not like we sit in an upside down umbrella with our feet hanging over, we have been a nasty person, we have hurt a lot of people, we have done what was evil and we expect – what – the guy over us, to come and make us feel better. It's like He said to me yesterday, He said the message is the message, and you deliver the message as I give it to you. You don't go to the other side, no matter how much they are pressing on you, how much they try to manipulate you, no matter how much they try to force you. You can't go to the other side when you are a messenger from God. The message is really, really clear.
June 2, 2015 message continues
The Holy Spirit works in the heart of the
docile man who wants
the Holy Spirit to possess him –
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. It's called 'bend the stubborn heart and will, melt the frozen, warm the chill'. If you are going to sit in an upside down umbrella with your legs hanging out, and you are going to expect somebody to come to you, when you were wrong, and expect to be catered to so you feel better – you got some mixed up thinking going on there. That isn't in right reason either. Right reason says that a person has a choice in how they act, and God has elevated our knowing and loving capacity. So we have the knowledge to develop because it is a capacity. We are to perform our actions for good. God is all good.
So we can act because we feel a certain way, and so if you feel like killing somebody, do you do it or do you look for a place on the face of the earth, where you can just do what you feel like doing. And then you are not accountable, you are not responsible, you throw out confession, because that is what confession is all about. We go to the Mass, at the beginning of the Mass, we are saying we are sorry for our sins, we are examining our conscience, and those venial sins are forgiven at Mass. Or we don't say it, or we don't admit we did anything wrong. The devil loves that. We just keep lying to ourselves. When you do something wrong, you should want to stop it, because you are seeking that place of judgment, in the last days, like Mary was talking about on the edge of death, for the souls just did what they wanted, they rebelled against the commandments.
June 2, 2015 message continues
R. Satan is the evil spirit
he works in pride,
anger, envy, jealousy
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. And satan isn't saying to you, oh way to go, guy. He's saying, look how weak, now I can end up getting him to do something even nastier, because he is on a roll. It's like Fr. Mike says, once satan gets his foot in the door, he keeps sticking it in further and further. Evil is evil and satan tries to tell people that evil is good and good is evil.
June 2, 2015 message continues
R. Satan is hate
Satan wants souls for hell –
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. Then there are all these messages from Mary in yesterday's message. They are so beautiful.
May 5, 2015 - Afternoon Rosary - The Coronation
1. Mary: I am Mary your Mother. I am the Lady of Light. Jesus knows the intimate secrets of your heart.
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. That's what else somebody said to me, they went and they prayed, they were in the church, and I said they must have really got a grace, because they said, they were suppose to do something, and they didn't do it, and they asked themselves why didn't I just do it, and now why am I going to fight for the next month to prove I was right, when I was wrong to start with.
Well, that's what satan does, and then it just becomes a habit. I just know what's going to end up happening, when somebody is a kind of person that rebels against any kind of correction, that's what ends of happening. We need to ask God for forgivenness for our sins, that's why Fr. Carter did the examen twice a day, that's why St. Ignatius says examine our conscience twice a day. That's why we are suppose to see if we are going away from what God's will is for us, and correct it. But if we lived the past 20 years of our life, lying to ourselves, trying to find that place, where we can just make our feelings our god. And then not have accountability and responsibility, we are just distancing ourselves from that intimacy from God which is a real treasure. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. If you want to grow in your knowing and loving capacity, you can't have denied your lives, you need to clean out the darkness, have a fearless inventory.
May 5, 2015 - Afternoon Rosary - The Coronation
Mary: He is offended when He is calling you to listen to Him, and you turn away and do not obey His request. I am the Handmaid of the Lord. God has called certain people to help you, and He has given to them the ware with to be able to do that. How is it that when God calls, that another would oppose the very thing, that the Father is asking for, as if you believe that God does not know, what actions and thoughts and ways you have blocked the plan. I have appeared here for 19 years, that souls will know my Son Jesus, that they will know His love. I have cried out and begged, I have spoken to you. He has outpoured His grace and given so many gifts to the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and the devil wants to block the plan of my Son, Jesus. For this is the Movement of your Heavenly Father. Your Heavenly Father allowed me to appear all these years, to bring this message to the earth, that men's hearts will know the love of God, and that they will work with one another, that they will work in unity, that they will serve God and help to build the Kingdom. In all the years of spreading the consecrations since I appeared in this building, and the Shepherds of Christ received the building, 1998, spreading the consecrations, spreading the Nursing Home books, starting the prayer chapters, Jesus knows every thought in your heart.
7). May 5, 2015 - Afternoon Rosary - The Coronation
2. Mary: I have appeared as Our Lady of Light, here, for God is all powerful. He created all men. He created the world. He created the fish of the sea and the animals that walked the earth. He made the waters, and the sun, and all there is. Do you not know the power of God? For the old Eve thought that she could be equal to God, and her sin was the sin of great pride. Today there are many men of great pride, that oppose the Heavenly Father and my Son Jesus, who has called you to send this message to the world.
(R. And Doris transcribed this and we don't change a word, this is exactly as Mary spoke it.)
Mary: Today there are so many souls that will be lost to everlasting damnation, because of their sins, their mortal sins, because of their lives. Jesus died so that men could go to heaven, and they threw away that grace. They threw away all of the promptings and love, that were on their path. Heaven is forever. Hell is forever. Today, so many souls will be lost. I am Mary, your Heavenly Mother.
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
8). R. And we can see ourselves as right. Somebody told me once, I was going to them, they were a teacher. I was going to them for some music, and I was having trouble with one of the people, that were down here, and he said, well Rita, I'm sorry, tomorrow they are not going to change, they are going to be doing the same thing tomorrow, that they are doing today. They are going to be doing it even worse, because they don't see it the way you are seeing it as being right, they are not changing. They are using themselves as their measuring stick and they are getting away with it, and they are not going to change because they just aren't going to change. You are just using your voice. So then he told me a story. He was like married for 25 years and he wasn't very nice and his wife left him, and he became really bitter. And he became so bitter, that then he didn't have any friends, because you keep thinking that people should put up with you, and then he didn't have any friends. He said eventually, he ended up going into a mental hospital and he sat in a mental hospital, and he was expecting somebody to fix him.
And that's really what was happening in this case. I have dealt with every person in this Movement, and the devil has been working against the messages of Our Lady, like this one, came out of my mouth in a second, that we don't listen to, which is why we are in this building, to listen to this. And he was sitting there and then he said to himself, you know, I got to change. If I don't change I am just going to be by myself, I am going to be isolated and I'm just going to be stuck in this mental hospital. He said, I changed my heart. He has a wonderful wife. He has a wonderful life. And this is a lot of years later. I really thanked him for sharing that with me, because I have had problems, where people would just do things, that would be just hateful, and then expect somebody to come to fix them, by telling them it is okay and then get fixed. You get fixed by being nice, being like Jesus wants. You get fixed like choosing the right action. How do you feel is not your god, we are responsible for our actions, that's what confession tells us, we are responsible and accountable for our actions. And we can't lie. Like Jesus told me while I was saying these prayers tonight. "First to thy own self be true." Fr. Carter use to get in the car and we would go to China, and he would say, 'Rita, it's going to be a sunny day'.
9). June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. And this was in the afternoon when she appeared.
May 5, 2015 Afternoon Rosary
3. Mary: I appear in magnificent light, in beauty that you will know a little of the glory that awaits those who love and serve the Lord. I appear here in my building in Clearwater, with such light and beauty. I am Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas.(R. That message needs to go out.)
10). June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. It needs to go out, that heaven is contacting the earth, in this building, and that God the Father and Mary are this close to us, no matter how the evil is that's out there, the battle is won, in God's plan, in obedience, not in rebellion, we know how that worked in the garden. How did that work? Wouldn't it be nice to know you are not going to die. We are all going to die and there is all this disorder, because Eve disobeyed in the garden, she rebelled against God. And she wanted to be equal to God. And the devil knows he is not going to go to heaven and you are a human person that could go to heaven, and devil is jealous of that, so why doesn't devil tempt you so you do whatever you can, to hurt other souls and yourself, and what do you do, you become a slave of satan, when you say no, when God is calling us to such a high honor. This is such a high honor that Mary appeared with a message for the earth. Like at Fatima, she says –
May 5, 2015 Rosary continues
4. Mary: God the Father has allowed me to appear here, in this building in Clearwater, to spread this mission to the world, to spread the messages of the love of my Son Jesus, to spread the consecration to the little children, to the families, to the nursing homes,
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. And the devil comes and says, well you are mad and you just should do nothing, and do it for a month. And Mary says spread this consecration to the families and to the people. Be excited, I'm appearing here –
May 5, 2015 Rosary continues
Mary: ...to the priests, to the sisters, to the Churches, and to the schools. God has called you a chosen one, to be vibrant and filled with the love of God, and energy, to know that He has called you to spread this mission to the earth, to spread the prayers of Jesus, which can enormously help the families and the Churches to be united, to pray for the priests and the world. God has called you to spread the Priestly Writing. It has been given to you with such gifts. It is not because you own the Priestly Writing.
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. We don't own the building. This is God's building. God the Father told us, somebody was complaining and I got a nice message.
He says: You are a guest in the building, act like one. You have been chosen by Me for this mission, what right do you have, to come and to try to take out what I am doing here. You are a guest, act like one.
May 5, 2015 Rosary
Mary: It is because it is a gift from God, and for this, you are to be thankful, to worship God, to adore Him, to honor Him. God has called these fifths, opposition to the 5th does not please Him.
June 2, 2015 Rosary continues
R. And if you oppose the 5th and you try to end up doing stuff to them, you are not going to feel good. And then the silliest thing is to sit back and to think that somebody should come over and make you feel better, after you have sinned. When you have sinned you don't feel good, you might have some momentary pleasure, but on down the line, when you realize you are going deeper and deeper into darkness, and you are not in the light, it don't feel good. So then you can get angry, because you don't feel good because of your own sin. Sin makes you angry because you are taking yourself further and further from God, from His will, from why you were created. Sin makes you not feel good. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Seek the will of God. Seek to be loving, obeying the greatest commandment. These are the messages that the world needs to hear, like when Pope John Paul II went to Poland, and he said 'Be Not Afraid'. 'Solidarity'. God is with you. It is love. It is being like Him. It is building the Kingdom of God.
I'm not sure where I am at. Don't tell me. You can't figure it out either. So I am just going to go the Crowning With Thorns and start another message from last month.
The Crowning With Thorns
1. May 5, 2015 Afternoon Rosary - The Coronation
6. Mary: My child, you will never know how much God loves you, who has given so many graces, to so many that refuse the grace He has given. How it offends my Son Jesus, and your Heavenly Father, when such gifts have been given and have been treated so irreverently, by those that He has bestowed so many talents and blessings. Oh my child, I pray for these children, that have been called to be leaders, but have given into the evil one and not given as God has called them too.
The Eucharist in China is such a tremendous gift, that you have been given with the 24 hours of adoration. The Eucharist in China is to be adored and worshipped and loved. Others are to be encouraged to come and to pray there because of the tremendous graces, as are those that have been chosen by me to come to my building in Florida, for tremendous blessings have been given. And to those that take the statues into their homes with the glass, they will receive special blessings, when they pray the prayers of the Shepherds of Christ prayers from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, who promises to take them ever deeper into His Heart, and into my heart. As your Heavenly Mother, I ask you, pray with all your heart, my child, pray with all your heart.
2. And Jesus says: They crowned My head with a crown of thorns, which I endured for My love of you.
3. Jesus: What do I do to reach the hardened hearts, that will not move for their rebellion, for their anger, that have listened to satan, that is not your friend.
4. Jesus: Is it not easy to be nice? Why has being angry become such a habit, that you deny?
5. As your Heavenly Father I speak to you, My little child, that anger does not become you.
6. God the Father: I am God and I am love.
7. God the Father: I have all the power.
8. God the Father: Don't try to play a power game with Me.
9. God the Father: Your Mother Mary is the perfect Handmaid of the Lord.
10. R. This is a different rosary.
Glory Be
Jesus Carries the Cross
Jesus: I give to you the Mighty Medicine for a sick world. Do not hold the medicine back from My children.
1. R. And I want to pray for grace today, especially for Dan, because it is his birthday, and ask God to please heal him, if it is not against His will, and help Melanie too with healing, she has suffered a lot with different ails. Thank You God for all they have done for the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and it is really a lot.
2. R. Pray for the priests, the Church and the world, and all the hierarchy and everybody that got the Father's Day Mailing, and for Fr. Joe's book to go out as Our Lord wants.
3. Hail Mary
4. R. In the May 13, 1993 message, Jesus says 'I want to be one in you and I want you to be one in Me', but He says satan's grip is paralyzing, paralyzing – how does a paralyzed person walk. He says satan's grip is paralyzing and crippling. So satan comes when somebody is filled with anger, and they are going to take an arrow, and they are going to stick it into somebody. Sometimes they don't even have any idea why they are angry, they just feel angry, they have pinned somebody else's face on age-old anger, like somebody told me. They just kind of live in an existence of being angry, so therefore, it doesn't take much and they are off and running.
And so then that's all that satan has to do, just go knock on your door, and you say, oh you are here again, satan, okay, come right on in, and I got that old anger going. I'm ready. You don't even think about it. And then as you go into it and decide that you are trying to live on a pity-pot, what ends up happening. Does it get better, like that guy said? No. He found out the only way he could do it was to change himself. God knows everything that we have ever done, from the beginning and we are going to stand our trial.
So let's tell Him we are sorry today, ask the Holy Spirit to help us to see what we have done and start being nice. How can we spread the love of the Two Hearts, if we are not nice, if we are not united, if we are not paying any attention to the messages. That's another thing with the pride, where God is really telling us what He wants, and we say, oh we know that, we don't have to listen to that. Wasn't that nice. That's what they said at Fatima, wasn't that nice. And look at Russia, it is still spreading it's errors around the world, after 66,000,000 people were killed, after the world is in the shape that it is in, but they were right, 98 years ago, they said, oh isn't that nice. They didn't live those messages. Let's live the messages, let's prepare ourselves for the day of reckoning.
5. R. And I want to pray for the publication of Blue Book 15, the cover and everything inside of it, that it happens quickly, and that there is no snags.
6. R. The Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present, and so we unite to that Mass, praying to the Father, united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit, with all the angels and the saints, and the souls in purgatory, and all of us gathered here, and we pray to God, to spread the Blood of Jesus on us, so that satan can't come with His paralyzing and His crippling affects, trying to work in any kind of diversion that could lead us from the simple work that God is asking us to do, with contrite and loving hearts. Be nice.
Mary speaks: Let go of the old habits of punishment, of contrariness, of retaliation, of bringing violence down on others because of your own anger in your heart. Deal with that anger, and ask my Spouse the Holy Spirit, as you empty your hearts, to fill you with His love, His grace and healing. I am Mary, Mother of Heaven and Earth. Would you not listen to your Mother, your Spiritual Mother, or would you rather listen to satan, who talks in your head, to deaden your spirit.
7. Mary: Be holy and docile, and responsive to His touch. Tell the Holy Spirit that you want Him to come to you, and to work in your heart, so that you will be more and more in the image of my Son, Jesus, and do not fear, but love.
8. Song: A Song from Jesus
9. R. Holy Spirit come to us, please, we seek You and want You to fill our hearts with Your wisdom and understanding, that we are molded more and more in love, in the image and likeness of Jesus, our Beloved Savior.
10. Jesus: I am with you all days. I am Jesus, your Savior.
The Crucifixion
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary3. R. Help us to be more like Jesus.
4. And Mary says: Do not fear.
5. R. Holy Spirit, we love You and we seek You, and we want You to fill our hearts, and we ask You to throw the devil out of there into the fires of hell.
6. And Jesus says: I come to you with greatest love, etc. R. Wow, He died for us.
7. R. He died for me.
8. R. He died for you.
9. R. Grace is His life in us, and Mary is full of grace, and if we go to heaven, we will be full of His life. Wow! God help us.
This is right before the Hail Holy Queen
10. And I will take care of your children, if you help to spread this message to mine, Mary says. I am your Heavenly Mother. You must let go and surrender. Surrender that your hearts will be pure, that if God calls you this night, that you will find your way to everlasting happiness. There is no reason to fear when your heart is one of truth and love. I appear in such beauty, that you know that a heart that is full of the Holy Spirit, is full of beauty and love. You sell yourselves short, in what I have seen that has blocked my message that God the Father is delivering, you sell yourself to enslavement and you hurt souls. Seek the Holy Spirit in your hearts. Pray the Novena that Jesus has given you, twice a day. Study the words and meditate as you pray, that the Holy Spirit will work in your hearts, molding you more and more, into the image of my Son. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Open up my children. What are you saving yourselves for? I cry blood to watch my children go to the fires of hell. I am Mary your Mother.
Hail Holy Queen
R. I want to pray for everybody in the Movement, including myself that there is healing of the family tree. Pray for all of our families, those people we love so much. Pray especially for Dan, today on his birthday, and Melanie too. Every once in a while, we get to go to the Red Squirrel, that's kind of our little hang-out if we get together, and Dan looks great. So that's a real blessing from God, because he was really sick, and we want to thank God for that tremendous gift of Melanie and Dan. Happy Birthday Dan! I know you are probably not listening today, maybe you will hear this again. We could send this to them, Sheila. Let's be united and have faith that God will use those prayers abundantly for souls. Amen.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. And we are going to watch that movie, so if anybody wants to watch it, I think it's like an hour and a half. I'm not sure, I don't think it is that long. But anyway, it's worth watching. I mean, even our memory, we take this for granted, and it's like all of a sudden, all this stuff that God has given to us, He can just take it away. We just take stuff for granted. Our lives are short, aren't they. We keep moving on in petty pace, as He says, and so thanks again. We love you. Bye. In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
For the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and Lent
$10.00 plus shippingBlue Book 14
One of the following DVD
Prayer Brochure
Give the gift that keeps giving.
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
Books available in limited supply for this sale.
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
Good for Deacons
5) Good
for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Good for Mom and Dads
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 15 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182