July 11,
July 12th Holy Spirit
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July 11, 2014 - Feast of St. Benedict
Israel, come back to Yahweh your God
your guilt was the cause of your downfall.
Provide yourself with words
and come back to Yahweh.
Say to him, ‘Take all guilt away
and give us what is good,
instead of bulls we will dedicate to you
our lips.
Assyria cannot save us,
we will not ride horses any more,
or say, “Our God!”
to our own handiwork,
for you are the one
in whom orphans find compassion.’I shall cure them of their disloyalty,
I shall love them with all my heart,
for my anger has turned away from them.
I shall fall like dew on Israel,
he will bloom like the lily
and thrust out roots
like the cedar of Lebanon;
he will put out new shoots,
he will have the beauty of the olive tree
and the fragrance of Lebanon.
They will come back to live in my shade;
they will grow wheat again,
they will make the vine flourish,
their wine will be as famous as Lebanon’s.
What has Ephraim to do with idols
any more
when I hear him and watch over him?
I am like an evergreen cypress,
you owe your fruitfulness to me.Concluding admonition
Let the wise understand these words,
let the intelligent grasp their meaning,
for Yahweh’s ways are straight
and the upright will walk in them,
but sinners will stumble.
Psalm 93: 1-2, 5
Yahweh is king, robed in majesty,
robed is Yahweh and girded with power.The world is indeed set firm, it can never be shaken;
your throne is set firm from of old,
from all eternity you exist.Your decrees stand firm, unshakeable,
holiness is the beauty of your house,
Yahweh, for all time to come.
Matthew 10: 16-23
Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; so be cunning as snakes and yet innocent as doves.
Missionaries will be persecuted
‘Be prepared for people to hand you over to sanhedrins and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, as evidence to them and to the gentiles. But when you are handed over, do not worry about how to speak or what to say; what you are to say will be given to you when the time comes, because it is not you who will be speaking; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you.
‘Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will come forward against their parents and have them put to death. You will be universally hated on account of my name; but anyone who stands firm to the end will be saved. If they persecute you in one town, take refuge in the next; and if they persecute you in that, take refuge in another. In truth I tell you, you will not have gone the round of the towns of Israel before the Son of man comes.
From the Priestly Newsletter 1998 - Issue 2
3The life of prayer requires an attitude of listening. Brother David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B. speaks to us about the role of listening in the spiritual life: "The key word of the spiritual discipline I follow is listening. This means a special kind of listening, a listening with ones heart. To listen in that way is central to the monastic tradition in which I stand. The very first word of the Rule of St. Benedict is listen!Ausculta!and all the rest of Benedictine discipline grows out of this one initial gesture of wholehearted listening, as a sunflower grows from its seed.
"Benedictine spirituality in turn is rooted in the broader and more ancient tradition of the Bible. But here, too, the concept of listening is central. In the biblical vision all things are brought into existence by Gods creative Word; all of history is a dialogue with God, who speaks to the human heart. The Bible has been admired for proclaiming with great clarity that God is One and Transcendent. Yet, the still more admirable insight of the religious genius reflected in biblical literature is the insight that God speaks. The transcendent God communicates Self through nature and through history. The human heart is called to listen and to respond.
"Responsive listening is the form the Bible gives to our basic religious quest as human beings. This is the quest for a full human life, for happiness. It is the quest for meaning, for our happiness hinges not on good luck; it hinges on peace of heart. Even in the midst of what we call bad luck, in the midst of pain and suffering, we can find peace of heart, if we find meaning in it all. Biblical tradition points the way by proclaiming that God speaks to us in and through even the most troublesome predicaments. By listening deeply to the message of any given moment I shall be able to tap the very Source of Meaning and to realize the unfolding meaning of my life.
"To listen in this way means to listen with ones heart, with ones whole being. The heart stands for that center of our being at which we are truly together. Together with ourselves, not split up into intellect, will, emotions, into mind and body. Together with all other creatures, for the heart is that realm where I am intimately united with all. Together with God, the source of life, the life of my life, welling up in the heart. In order to listen with my heart, I must return again and again to my heart through a process of centering, through taking things to heart. Listening with my heart, I will find meaning."
3. David Steindl-Rast, O.S.B., A Listening Heart, Crossroad, pp. 9-10.
Given March 12, 2010
Sing: Hosea
Today's Readings
Israel, come back to Yahweh your God
your guilt was the cause of your downfall.
Provide yourself with words
and come back to Yahweh.
Say to him, ‘Take all guilt away
and give us what is good,
instead of bulls we will dedicate to you
our lips.
Assyria cannot save us,
we will not ride horses any more,
or say, “Our God!”
to our own handiwork,
for you are the one
in whom orphans find compassion.’I shall cure them of their disloyalty,
I shall love them with all my heart,
for my anger has turned away from them.
I shall fall like dew on Israel,
he will bloom like the lily
and thrust out roots
like the cedar of Lebanon;
he will put out new shoots,
he will have the beauty of the olive tree
and the fragrance of Lebanon.
They will come back to live in my shade;
they will grow wheat again,
they will make the vine flourish,
their wine will be as famous as Lebanon’s.
What has Ephraim to do with idols
any more
when I hear him and watch over him?
I am like an evergreen cypress,
you owe your fruitfulness to me.Concluding admonition
Let the wise understand these words,
let the intelligent grasp their meaning,
for Yahweh’s ways are straight
and the upright will walk in them,
but sinners will stumble.
Psalm 81: 6-11, 14, 17
'I freed his shoulder from the burden,
his hands were able to lay aside the labourer's basket.
You cried out in your distress, so I rescued you.'Hidden in the storm, I answered you,
I tested you at the waters of Meribah. Pause
Listen, my people, while I give you warning;
Israel, if only you would listen to me!'You shall have no strange gods,
shall worship no alien god.
I, Yahweh, am your God,
who brought you here from Egypt,
you have only to open your mouth for me to fill it.'My people would not listen to me,
Israel would have none of me.at one stroke I would subdue their enemies,
turn my hand against their opponents.
Mark 12: 28b - 34
One of the scribes who had listened to them debating appreciated that Jesus had given a good answer and put a further question to him, ‘Which is the first of all the commandments? Jesus replied, ‘This is the first: Listen, Israel, the Lord our God is the one, only Lord, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: You must love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. The scribe said to him, ‘Well spoken, Master; what you have said is true, that he is one and there is no other. To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and strength, and to love your neighbour as yourself, this is far more important than any burnt offering or sacrifice. Jesus, seeing how wisely he had spoken, said, ‘You are not far from the kingdom of God.’ And after that no one dared to question him any more.
Jesus: You are to love as I have commanded
you —
Admonish the sinner —
If they listen, they will be glad
If they ignore you, they will continue
in their darkness —
I am the way, the truth and the life —
Deuteronomy 4: 1, 5-9
And now, Israel, listen to the laws and customs which I am teaching you today, so that, by observing them, you may survive to enter and take possession of the country which Yahweh, God of your ancestors, is giving you.
Look: as Yahweh my God commanded me, I have taught you laws and customs, for you to observe in the country of which you are going to take possession. Keep them, put them into practice, and other peoples will admire your wisdom and prudence. Once they know what all these laws are, they will exclaim, No other people is as wise and prudent as this great nation! And indeed, what great nation has its gods as near as Yahweh our God is to us whenever we call to him? And what great nation has laws and customs as upright as the entirety of this Law which I am laying down for you today?
'But take care, as you value your lives! Do not forget the things which you yourselves have seen, or let them slip from your heart as long as you live; teach them, rather, to your children and to your children's children.
R. God created us to love God and love
our brothers —
We are to give ourselves in greatest
intimacy with God
I am the Perfect Pair of Shoes
February 3, 1994 5:40 a.m.
R. Oh, Lord, show me Your ways. Mold me, fashion me into your instrument. Empty my mind of anything that is not for Your work. I am Your servant. This is my job. Oh, how I love Thee, my all.
6:30 a.m.
R. I feel like an empty shoe box. The box looks good but is no longer providing the purpose for which it was created. The box needs to be filled with a pair of shoes and then it is realizing fully the reason for its existence.
I am an empty shoe box that was created to be filled by God. If God is not in me, then I feel I have no reason for my existence. I can fill myself with other things, like putting junk in the shoe box, but the form and the way it was created is only meaningful when it contains a pair of shoes.
I can fill myself with other things, but my life is only meaningful when it is filled by God. In You, Lord, I have peace.
I sat here and was in love with Jesus for about 50 minutes and I felt like this empty shoe box. I had not a letter to start. I know that only in You, Lord, do I have meaning. When You come and fill me with Your presence, I am as You created me to be. Without You I might as well be filled with junk. I am empty!
Jesus: Let Me fill you. I am a pair of shoes to the shoe box. A shoe box is at its ultimate when it is filled with shoes. It is only in Me that you have any meaning at all. You were created by Me to be filled by Me. If you do not have My life, vibrant and as your main purpose inside you, you will find all kinds of things to fit inside you, but you are missing why you were created as you are. You reach your ultimate purpose in Me.
This is My teaching: your main concern is to know, love and serve Me. All else is useless and frustrates the very reason for your existence. You were created with special talents. You have all you need to accomplish My work.
To try to be a good carpenter without any talent for that work is a disaster. It takes inborn talent to do that work. It takes inspiration and know—how to learn from a Master carpenter.
You, My child, have talents just right to do My work. If you do other things, it does not bring you harmony. You and My work for you fit like a glove. My work for you is not the way of the world. Your glory is not attained in this world. He who seeks the glory of the world as his end is missing the boat. Only when you seek God as your end do you find the perfect glove. You fit into a glove that was created by Me. You and the glove are a perfect match. If you try to put yourself into someone else's glove, you have lots of trouble. Their glove was made for them. Your glove is the only glove that brings you peace and comfort.
You find your glove when you are doing My will. If you do your own will, you are trying to squeeze yourself into someone else's glove, or maybe it is very baggy on you. Either way, you are very uncomfortable with a tight glove or a loose glove. Your glove fits just right.
Seek the Lord and He will be found. Call to Him and He will come! You must forever listen to the promptings in your heart. I am ever present there and ready to tell you exactly what I want you to do. It is you, in your willfulness and in your desire for control, who do your own things. My work fits you like a glove. It may not be anything you want to do at first, but if you do your own will, it is like putting your hand into someone else's glove. It just isn't right.
Open up your hearts to Me. Sit in silence and be with Me. Make your whole day a day to be in harmony with Me. Do not get anxious and up-tight. I, in My time, make My will very clear to you. At this moment I may want you praying or being very still. I may want you to learn patience. I will never let you down. When you seek the Lord, He will be found. When you call to Him, He will harken, but in His time.
My hand is in everything you are experiencing. Pray for openness to know My will. Pray for harmony with Me. I do not want you ever to be so busy you are missing your time with Me. This is to go it alone. I am the center of your life. I am He Who gives you directions. If you are busy to the point of not having time to come to Me, you are missing the most important part of your life. I must come first in your life. Your personal relationship is with Me! All else takes its place after this. My ways I make clear to you in the silent whispers of your heart. You cannot go it without Me. I must be your top priority.
Come to Me, My babies. I have all the answers. Satan wants you to miss your time with Me. He is always working to stop you so you do not have time to be with Me. I must be first in your life. I give you your directions. I tell you My ways. I give you peace and love and joy. I am your refuge in a busy world. I am He Whom you crave. Your union with Me is your top concern. Come and let Me fill you. You are the empty box. I am the perfect pair of shoes.
I love you, sweet ones. Come to Me and let Me make your paths right. I am He Who never steers you wrong. Nobody can tell you what I can. Your life is full only in Me.
end of February 3, 1994
R. This is what I was made for —
it was to love —
God calls us to give ourselves to Him —
Jesus gives us Himself in the Holy Eucharist.
God gives us Mary as our model —
the New Eve
Jesus came to this earth and took flesh
to teach us how to love —
to show us how to love —
Heaven is for lovers
We are here to prepare ourselves
for heaven —
We are here to learn to love —
God intends me to give my life to
His service —
When I use my life to serve
myself in an impure
way — I am taking away
the gift God wants me to
give and I use my life for
I can become enslaved to these
evil habits that lead me
from God —
We see the enslavement of the
Israelites in the Old Testament
I am free when I am doing
God's will —
When I make myself a rival to
God's will — I make my
life a misery
Religious are called to let go
of inordinate attachments —
to be detached from things —
to take vows of poverty,
chastity and obedience —
God calls men to chastity in
religious life that they
freely give themselves so
completely in love to God —
The religious offers themselves
so completely to God —
The religious are to detach from
things in the world —
to live in poverty, chastity and
obedience —
The religious bring fruit to the
Church, by their gift of
themselves in complete
love of God and embrace
their vocation —
The Church asks religious to
live the vows of poverty,
chastity and obedience — the
Holy Father speaks of this
gift of religious —
Religious are to give this
gift of themselves to God —
loving Him especially above
all things and live their vocation
helping the community to grow
and do their special work
in love in serving the
Church —
The Shepherds of Christ was given by a message
from Jesus to help renew the
Church and the world —
It is in religious life to detach from
the things of the world and to live
to support and work in their
vocation to serve the Church —
It was foggy and in the fog one
cannot see — the religious
are to see through the eyes of
God — His will for them and to
be loving — giving a beautiful
example to the world of
obedience and love —
We see Christ who died on the
cross —
We see how Jesus obeyed the
will of the Father —
We see Jesus' self-less love —
We see His complete giving of Himself
for all of us
We see Jesus and hear the words
"This is My Body, given up
for you"
We see His Blood shed —
We hear the words
"Take this, all of you, and drink from it:
this is the cup of my blood,
the blood of the new and everlasting covenant."
This is the mystery of our faith —
Jesus died, Jesus rose —
Jesus will come again —
We know Jesus is the Savior
of the world —
Through Him, with Him
and In Him
Song: A Priest is a Gift from God
R. Our mission to spread the
Good News to the world —
To know that we are so loved by
Jesus He died for us and gives
Himself to us this day in
the Holy Eucharist —
We are created by God — we
must focus on this — not
on how others have treated
us — with or without respect —
Others do not determine our
worth —
We were created by God —
we are to be respected and
loved —
God loves us so much —
What is our mission?
What is our vocation?
The saints gave themselves selflessly —
They suffered and put God first —
God wants this intimacy with us —
God created us to love Him
with our whole heart,
our whole soul, our
whole being and to love
our neighbor as ourselves —
People are imperfect —
We are sinners —
Because one sins and does something
wrong and is corrected in love —
It is because of love —
Because real love obeys
the commandments of God —
Real love wants God's will —
Real love gives God want is
His due —
Real love — doesn't steal,
or lie, or deceive, or
disobeys authority
Real love is humble —
not puffed up and prideful
when corrected by one in
authority doing so to do
God's will —
Real love is likened to Jesus —
Real love is heroic - serving God —
Real love does what is difficult
to serve God —
Real love does not give into
the willfulness of others
when one is in authority
over others —
Look at the woman at the well
John 4: 5-42
On the way he came to the Samaritan town called Sychar near the land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there and Jesus, tired by the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, ‘Give me something to drink.’ His disciples had gone into the town to buy food. The Samaritan woman said to him, ‘You are a Jew. How is it that you ask me, a Samaritan, for something to drink?’—Jews, of course, do not associate with Samaritans. Jesus replied to her:
If you only knew what God is offering
and who it is that is saying to you,
‘Give me something to drink,’
you would have been the one to ask,
and he would have given you living water.‘You have no bucket, sir,’ she answered, ‘and the well is deep: how do you get this living water? Are you a greater man than our father Jacob, who gave us this well and drank from it himself with his sons and his cattle?’ Jesus replied:
Whoever drinks this water
will be thirsty again;
but no one who drinks the water
that I shall give
will ever be thirsty again:
the water that I shall give
will become a spring of water within,
welling up for eternal life.‘Sir,’ said the woman, ‘give me some of that water, so that I may never be thirsty or come here again to draw water.’ ‘Go and call your husband,’ said Jesus to her, ‘and come back here.’ The woman answered, ‘I have no husband.’ Jesus said to her, ‘You are right to say, "I have no husband"; for although you have had five, the one you now have is not your husband. You spoke the truth there.’ ‘I see you are a prophet, sir,’ said the woman. ‘Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, though you say that Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.’ Jesus said:
Believe me, woman, the hour is coming
when you will worship the Father
neither on this mountain
nor in Jerusalem.
You worship what you do not know;
we worship what we do know;
for salvation comes from the Jews.
But the hour is coming—
indeed is already here—
when true worshippers
will worship the Father
in spirit and truth:
that is the kind of worshipper
the Father seeks.
God is spirit,
and those who worship
must worship in spirit and truth.The woman said to him, ‘I know that Messiah—that is, Christ—is coming; and when he comes he will explain everything.’ Jesus said, ‘That is who I am, I who speak to you.’
At this point his disciples returned and were surprised to find him speaking to a woman, though none of them asked, ‘What do you want from her?’ or, ‘What are you talking to her about?’ The woman put down her water jar and hurried back to the town to tell the people, ‘Come and see a man who has told me everything I have done; could this be the Christ?’ This brought people out of the town and they made their way towards him.
Meanwhile, the disciples were urging him, ‘Rabbi, do have something to eat’; but he said, ‘I have food to eat that you do not know about.’ So the disciples said to one another, ‘Has someone brought him food?’ But Jesus said:
My food
is to do the will of the one who sent me,
and to complete his work.
Do you not have a saying:
Four months and then the harvest?
Well, I tell you,
look around you, look at the fields;
already they are white,
ready for harvest!
Already the reaper
is being paid his wages,
already he is bringing in the grain
for eternal life,
so that sower and reaper
can rejoice together.
For here the proverb holds true:
one sows, another reaps;
I sent you to reap
a harvest you have not laboured for.
Others have laboured for it;
and you have come
into the rewards of their labour.Many Samaritans of that town believed in him on the strength of the woman’s words of testimony, ‘He told me everything I have done.’ So, when the Samaritans came up to him, they begged him to stay with them. He stayed for two days, and many more came to believe on the strength of the words he spoke to them; and they said to the woman, ‘Now we believe no longer because of what you told us; we have heard him ourselves and we know that he is indeed the Saviour of the world.’
R. Jesus told her the truth when
she said 'I have no husband' —
Jesus loved —
He died for our sins
He knows our sins
He showed us obedience and love
Looking into the eyes of Jesus —
we see compassion —
not trying to prove we are
right our god when
we have in fact sinned —
The heroic thing is doing God's will
The darkness comes every day and so
does the morning light —
Every day light - dark —
light - dark
Can we see the message about
living Jesus' life, death and
resurrection in our lives —
Waiting on His time
Waiting to do His will —
Wanting His will with all our
hearts and serving Him
like Mary
I went down the road and the
fog was so thick I
could not see —
Others behind me raced even
in the darkness — passing
where vision was completely
impaired —
Is this not how sin is — little
sins can turn into greater
deception — brazenness —
being driven as we
proceed in a thicker and thicker
fog led by the devil taking
us into a vice blacker and
blacker — we cannot see
for the thick fog
It becomes a habit —
A person cheating on their spouse —
Looking at obscenities
A person helping to abort babies —
We lose touch with that sensitivity of
trying every moment to be good —
to live in God's will —
A rush can come and one prone to
steal — steals more and more freely —
deception is like this —
how can one trust another
who habitually lies —
How do you know when
they tell the truth?
They become motivated by
something they have given into and
that can become their driving
force and reason for their actions —
NOT living every moment obeying,
do God's will — saying 'yes'
to obedience — they just do
what they want and lie when
something gets in their
way —
Jesus is the way, the truth and
the life —
The devil is the father of lies —
Revelation 14: 1-7
Next in my vision I saw Mount Zion, and standing on it the Lamb who had with him a hundred and forty-four thousand people, all with his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads. I heard a sound coming out of heaven like the sound of the ocean or the roar of thunder; it was like the sound of harpists playing their harps. There before the throne they were singing a new hymn in the presence of the four living creatures and the elders, a hymn that could be learnt only by the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the world. These are the sons who have kept their virginity and not been defiled with women they follow the Lamb wherever he goes; they, out of all people, have been redeemed to be the first-fruits for God and for the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths and no fault can be found in them.
Then I saw another angel, flying high overhead, sent to announce the gospel of eternity to all who live on the earth, every nation, race, language and tribe. He was calling, 'Fear God and glorify him, because the time has come for him to sit in judgement; worship the maker of heaven and earth and sea and the springs of water.'
R. Accountability for our sins —
Sin hurts our relationship with
God and others —
Sin drives us from that intimacy
God wants with us —
We are to be obedient to God's will for us —
We have a free will —
Oh God You have all the power —
We are here to serve You
You reached out Your hand to sinners.
Help us God to be holy —
Help us to find peace in living
in the truth and being cleaned
of our sins —
Oh God, Our Father, we are sorry we have
stood many times like little
disobedient children —
and we wandered far from You —
Our beloved Father —
Outpour Your grace upon us
that we will do good —
be good and not give into
the temptations that offend You
Our beloved Father —
that we will not be a rival
acting against Your will —
Oh God Your Word is our truth —
Oh God help us to be holy —
Oh God help us to put You first in our lives.
Oh God help us to serve You.
One day we will die —
Our bodies will be put to rest, but
God when we come to You —
please take us to our heavenly home —
We want to learn to love here below —
Oh God we see before us — Your
Plan - for us to serve You and
through our example this
acts as a teaching to others —
How we love —
How we forgive
How we obey those over us —
We show bad example when we
disobey and bend the rules —
Oh God the Father You so loved the
world You sent Your only begotten
Son to us — who showed us
obedience and selflessness and
Oh God the Father — help us to be more and
more God-like — for You
created us in Your image
and likeness —
Oh God the Father help us to put our
focus on pleasing You and
not focus on the affections
of others as our god —
Oh God - help us to be holy —
help us to offer our lives to You —
with Jesus our Savior who
died for our sins and now
we can unite to the Mass —
the sacrifice of Calvary,
sacramentally made present —
Oh God the Father —
thank You for the Mass —
Oh God the Father —
thank You for the gift of the
Eucharist —
the Gift of Jesus who comes to
us with His love —
Who comes to us in His Divinity
and humanity through the hands
of consecrated priests —
Oh God - I love You so —
I love You, I love You, I love You —
Soft and supple is the Heart of Jesus —
Love like the soft falling snow on
a day of such beauty —
Love gives to us — overflowing
and steadfast
God is love —
He created us to love —
He gives Himself in love to us —
Jesus is the bridegroom of our soul —
Jesus calls religious in a special
way to the marriage of their soul
to His —
Love — Deep intimate love —
Love on fire for God —
Obedience to God's will is love —
When we sin — we open a door
to darkness and Jesus wants us
walking in the door of light
dwelling in that light, closely
to Him in His Heart
He shows us His Heart on fire for us —
His hands pointing to His Heart —
Through His pierced Heart the Church
was born —
water for baptism
blood for the Eucharist
Dear Holy Spirit fill me with the
fire of God's love —
Oh Holy Spirit give me Wisdom,
I let go - to You
1 John 4: 17-21
Love comes to its perfection in us when we can face the Day of Judgement fearlessly, because even in this world we have become as he is. In love there is no room for fear, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear implies punishment and no one who is afraid has come to perfection in love. Let us love, then, because he first loved us. Anyone who says 'I love God' and hates his brother, is a liar, since whoever does not love the brother whom he can see cannot love God whom he has not seen. Indeed this is the commandment we have received from him, that whoever loves God, must also love his brother.
R. We unite to the Masses going on in
this world — giving thanks to
our God for His gifts to us —
We outpour our love to You God —
We want forgiveness for our sins,
Oh God — we are sorry for
having offended You —
Please God forgive us —
We want to forgive those who have
offended us — God give us the
grace to forgive, to empty
our hearts of hate and anger —
discord toward others —
Oh God - we want to be healed —
Oh God help us to be holy —
We unite to the Masses going on
around the world - now —
Dear God we offer our lives —
lived — united to these Masses
as a sacrifice to You
Oh God fill us with Your Spirit —
We want to have our life in
Oh God we love You so very much
Oh God help us to be united to our
Pope Benedict and our bishop and
God help the Church to be so deeply
united in You —
Oh God grant us Your peace
Lamb of God
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
R. Oh God help us to get to heaven
Oh God help us to build Your Kingdom
Oh God help us to serve You and do
all things for Your honor and glory —
2 Corinthians 5: 17-21
So for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation: the old order is gone and a new being is there to see. It is all God’s work; he reconciled us to himself through Christ and he gave us the ministry of reconciliation. I mean, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not holding anyone’s faults against them, but entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
So we are ambassadors for Christ; it is as though God were urging you through us, and in the name of Christ we appeal to you to be reconciled to God. For our sake he made the sinless one a victim for sin, so that in him we might become the uprightness of God.
Response Letters from the mailing of
Fr. Joe's Homily book - Cycle C
1. I received your literature a couple of days ago and the book of Guiding Light, homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson, and am delighted with it. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I will remember all of you in my Mass on Sunday (24th). Will also keep you in my prayers in continuing your splendid work. 1/22/10 – priest – Washington DC
2. Thank you for the book and the gracious praise of our priesthood – would that we much all be deserving of it! 1/16/2010 – priest – NY
3. Thank you for sending me Guiding Light and for your prayers for us priests. Your ministry is deeply appreciated. May God bless you and help you to continue. 1/2010 – priest – NY
4. Thank you for the book of homilies. 1/2010 – priests – NY
5. Thank you for the book Guiding Light. 1/2010 – priest – NY
6. Thank you so much for your brother’s homily book. Please thank Fr. Joseph, Mr. Weickert and your group of Shepherds of Christ for me. Your kindness, thoughtfulness and especially prayers for me and for other priests are deeply appreciated. Please continue your prayers for me as I will for all of you. May God bless you always and reward you abundantly. 1/2010 – priest – NY
7. Thank you for the Cycle C Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. Please send me a copy of B Cycle and the A Cycle if possible. I’m enclosing a small offering. “Oremus Pro Invicem” 1/25/2010 – priest – NY
8. Thank you so much for making me so proud and affirmed in my priesthood. You truly make our priesthood worth living for. I am a chaplain in a correctional facility – “the priest-in-prison”. Your love makes me love my prisoners more. God bless you and continue to reward the work of your hands. 1/26/2010 – priest – NY
9. I received the book “Guiding Light Feed My Soul” – Thank you. They are indeed beautiful homilies that Fr. Joe Robinson gave in Cycle C Book. I have no idea how much it cost the ministry to print and send this book out to all the priests, but I can imagine that it was a great amount of money. Enclosed please find my gift to help to defray the expenses involved. It isn’t much I know, but maybe it will help some, o.k.? Once again THANK YOU and Good luck in your ministries in getting the word of Jesus out to others. 1/28/2010 – priest – NY
10. Thank you so much for the book. I will use it as I put my homilies together. Together let us bless the Lord, for God has been so good to us. God bless your ministries. 1/29/2010 – priest – IN
11. I do not know when you mailed the book with/of your brother’s homilies – but I received it just today. Thank you, I shall refer to the homilies in my preparations. Thank you for your prayers. I am sure you are obtaining many graces, conversions and returns to faith as a result of perpetual adoration. 1/19/2010 – priest – NY
12. Thank you for the C cycle copy of “Guiding Light”. I’m enjoying it in my prayer life … and preparing homilies. I would like to buy the A & B cycles. Send me the bill and mailing cost. Thanks again. 1/2010 – priest – NY
13. My twin brother and I are priests in Florida and I’m sure I speak for many priests throughout the country in expressing appreciation to Father Joseph. His Christmas homily – the voices of all within and around the crèche, was especially beautiful – and I didn’t want the year to get too for away from us without expressing gratitude to you and to Father Joseph – what a fantastic Ministry. Please know that you and your brother are in the prayers of many of us. 1/14/2010 – priest – Florida
14. Thank you very much for the gift of the book for homily help. It is very generous of you to give this gift. Even though retired I help out on Sundays so any help to get a homily started is really appreciated. God bless you for your kindness and may Lent bring you the best gifts from Jesus. I appreciate your prayers. 2/10/2010 – priest – NY
15. Thank you for your letter and for the book “Guiding Light” by your brother Fr. Joseph Robinson. Also, thank you for your letters over the years. I’m very grateful. 2/8/2010 – priest – Illinois
16. Thank you for the Cycle C Book of Father Robinson’s homilies. I’m grateful to for your prayers and on your mailing list. Love and prayers. 2/2010 – priest –
17. Many thanks for the book. Received with great love and joy. 2/2010 – priest – MA
18. Many thanks for sending me the book of Father Joe’s homilies for Cycle C – and to your brother for making it possible. I’m especially grateful, of course, for your and the other Shepherds daily prayers for me and other priests. 2/17/2010 – priest – IL
19. Thank you for the copy of Fr. Robinson’s book of homilies. 2/2010 – priest – NY
20. Thank you for the encouraging letter you sent and the book, Guiding Light. May the Lord bless your efforts to bring spiritual renewal to souls. 2/23/2010 – priest – MA
21. I like the book of homilies. 2/26/2010 – priest – IN
22. Thank you for sending me the book Guiding Light, Feed My Soul. I shall treasure this as I used to receive newsletters from Father Carter for many years. If people had been praying for priests years ago then the priesthood would not be in themes it is at this time. I shall remember you at my Mass tomorrow. I am very grateful for your gift. May God be with you. 2/25/2010 – priest – IL
23. Recently I received your book of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson, and trusting it will be helpful for preparing our Sunday Celebrations, enclosed is a check. It was my understand that “Shepherds of Christ Ministries” was no longer in existence, especially since my classmate of High School and College in Cincinnati, Fr. Ed Carter had died. Peace, Prayers & Progress in Jesus. By the way, my 1st prayer every morning is the Morning Offering. 3/1/2010 – priest – NY
24. Thank you for sending me a copy of Fr. Robinson’s collection of homilies. I have already found it helpful in preaching about the Transfiguration this past Sunday. It’s a fine resource. Thanks, too, for your prayers. 3/1/2010 – priest – MA
25. I truly appreciate the book of sermons that you sent as I will make good use of it. 3/5/2010 – priest – CA
26. It was very thoughtful of you that you have generously shared your gift of ministry with the priests. 3/2010 – priest – CA
27. Thank you for sending me Fr. Joe Robinson’s book of homilies for Cycle C, and especially for all of the prayers and devotions that the Shepherds offer for us priests and for the Church. I spend a great deal of time preparing my homilies, and from reading father Joe’s book, I can see how it will be helpful to me. 3/3/2010 – priest – CA
28. I am so pleased to know that I am remembered and prayed for by such holy people and society. I am ever grateful to you and assure you of my remembrance at Mass your organization and mission. Thank you also for the book of sermon notes of your brother priest Fr. Joseph. I appreciate it and I find it very inspiring and enlightening which I will be using very effectively in my preaching ministry. I shall be pleased to have a copy of the other two cycles as well, if possible later on. Thank you once again and asking God’s blessings upon you and your good work. 1/29/2010 – priest – IL
29. Thank you so much for your thoughtful letter of 13 January and for the enclosed copy of Guiding Light: Feed My Soul. I Appreciate your kindness in sharing this good work with me and I presume so many other priests, especially through the benefaction of Fr. Joseph Robinson. God bless and strengthen you as you carry out this beautiful work. Have a happy and blessed year. 2-23-2010 - priest - NY
30. I am grateful for the many prayers you raise to God on my behalf and that of my brother priests. The book of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson will surely be help to me in the years to come and for as I give you my thanks. May the Lord bless you for your kindness! 3/7/2010 – priest - IL
31. Thank you for the Homilies of Cycle C of Fr. Joe Robinson. God bless you in your apostolate. 3/8/2010 – priest - PA
32. I just wanted to thank you for the book “Guiding Light” for this Lent and the celebration of the year for Priests. May the Lord reward you with his grace for your work, prayers, and sacrifices. I know you sent the books out to many priests, but I would like to just say thanks and give this small donation for your work and apostolate. 3/8/2010 – priest - MA
33. Thank you so much for this wonderful gift, Celebrating Light. Fr. Robinson has wonderful insights that I plan on sharing with our retreatants weekly. God bless you and your wonderful ministry. 3/10/2010 – priest – CA
34. Thank you for the copy of Feed My Soul (Cycle C). 3/10/2010 – priest – IL
35. Thanks for the book of Fr. Joe Robinson and the covering letter expressing appreciation for the priests. God bless you. 2/22/2010 – priest
36. Thank you for sending me “Guiding Light” Feed My Soul book of homilies. Certainly it will help me with my ministries. 3/4/2010 – priest – CT
37. Thank you for your letter of January 13, 2010, with the enclosed copy of the book of homilies by Fr. Joseph Robinson. I Sincerely appreciate your kind and generous gift. Moreover, I am pleased also to know about the Shepherds of Christ and your ministries, particularly your prayers for priests. 2/23/2010 – priests – IL
38. Thank you for the very lovely Cycle C book Guiding Light which just arrived at my place in NY. 1/23/2010 – priest - NY
39. I received the 3 volumes of homilies, thanks again for your generosity and sending to me this marvelous works of divine power. Let us be and work together to build our church. May the almighty God bless you and your work. 2/6/2010 – priest – Ethiopia
40. Thank you for sending Fr. Robinson's book of homilies for Cycle C. Actually you had given me a copy earlier, and now I can share this treasure with another priest. And a treasure it is, both the introduction and homily text. I sincerely hope the holiest Birthday anniversary will be a religious experience for you and all of Shepherds of Christ. 12/20/2009 - priest - Ohio
41. Just a small devotion to let you know I enjoy reading Fr. Joe's homilies. God bless you and your ministry in 2010. 12/23/2009 - priest - Kentucky
42. Thank you for Guiding Light by your brother, Fr. Joseph Robinson. I greatly appreciate this gift and I thank you very much. This "Feed My Soul" is based on the Sunday Gospels of Year C — Do you still have spare copies for Years A and B? What do they sell for? Thank You. Enjoy the Christmas Season. 12/2009 - priest - Florida
43. Greetings! Last year you sent me the book – Guiding Light: Focusing on the Word. It is a series of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. What a wonderful gift. I have used it for all my homilies and spiritual reading. It has been a blessing for me and even more – a blessing for my parish. I am very grateful for this gift. – 10/22/2009 – priest - Florida
44. Please accept this donation to help in some small way the apostolate you have so devotedly engaged in for the glory of God and the spiritual growth of his people. 2009 – priest - Ohio
45. Greetings from Ohio. And Merry Christmas! Thanks for the book of Fr. Joe's homilies. I've used it already today in my own homily. I remember you from the Athenaeum Chorale. 12/20/2009 – priest - Ohio
46. Enclosed, please find a check for the book entitled, “Guiding Light: Feed My Soul”, by Fr. Joe Robinson. I enjoy his homiletic reflections very much. They are very helpful and spiritually uplifting. Thank you for sending the book so quickly. I received it in just a few days following my order, just in time for the First Sunday of Advent. I would be very interested in receiving the Cycle A edition when it is in print. Thanks again for all your help. 2009 – priest - Ohio
47. Thank you so much for your gift book, “Guiding Light”. I’ve read a number of homilies, and they are really good. However, the book has already led me into sin! You see, I’ve “stolen” some of Fr. Robinson’s stories and incorporate them into my own homilies! Many blessings, and I will certainly be purchasing items from you. 2009 – priest – Ohio
48. Thank you for remembering me and for your kindness. Be assured of continual prayers for you and your family. 2009 – priest – Ohio
49. Thanks for the copy of your brother Joe’s homilies. Years ago he and I worked together at St. Columban. He is a good friend. 12/19/2009 – priest – Ohio
50. Thank you for Father Joe’s Cycle C homilies. 12/19/2009 – priest – Ohio
51. Thanks for the book. Enclosed please find check. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
52. Merry Christmas and I blessed New Year. Thanks for your prayers for priests. You also will be remembered in my prayers. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
53. Thank you for the book gift of “Guiding Light”. Much appreciated for enriched preaching. Enclosed is a little token gift. Many thanks! Christmas cheer and blessings! 12/22/09 – priest – Ohio
54. Thanks for the good work. May the Lord receive your prayers for all priests. 12/2009 – priest - Florida
55. Thanks for sending me the book “Guiding Light”. I wish you all success and for my prayers for the noble ministry you do. 12/2009 – priest – Florida
56. Thank you for sharing Fr. Joseph Robinson’s homilies with me. May God bless you and your apostolate for us priests! 12/24/2009 – priest – Indiana
57. Thank you for the gift of the book of homilies and especially all you do spiritually for the Church and for priests. We need more emphasis on the spiritual aspects of the priesthood, along with all the other things priests are asked to do. I do Parish Missions and realize many Catholic’s seek a deeper spiritual life along with their lived “human” life. 12/27/2009 – priest – Kentucky
58. Many thanks for the Cycle “C” homilies by Fr. Robinson. Very insightful! God bless you in your work, that’s a tremendous apostolate. 11/19/2009 – Msgr. – PA
59. Thank you so much for the “Cycle C” readings. I always read the “B” ones – great insights and ideas. Wishing all of you the Blessings of the Christmas Season. Hope 2010 will be a time of great joy in your ministry. 12/2009 – priest – Missouri
60. Thank you for the complimentary copy of Guiding Light Feed My Soul – the homilies of Father Joe. I am grateful for your kindness. May God continue to bless you and your ministry in the New Year. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
61. Thank you for your generous gift of Fr. Robinson’s homilies and for all your care and kindnesses for priests. I too will remember you in prayer. The world needs us. May God bless you and your ministries. 12/2009 – priest – Ohio
62. Thanks a lot for your lovely greetings. I appreciate your love and prayers. Wish you a hope-filled 2010 – with New Year blessings! 12/29/2009 – priest – Kentucky
63. Thank you for the book “Guiding Light” for the Cycle C Readings. May God bless all of you with the best of health and peace throughout the coming New Year! 12/23/2009 – priest – Indiana
64. A word of gratitude for your prayers, ministry, and copy of “Guiding Light”! God bless your dedicated work in His vineyard! 12/28/2009 – priest – Indiana
65. Thank you for the homily book – I used them a lot last year. I really appreciate them. 12/2009 – priest – Florida
66. Thank you for your greetings and the copy of “Guiding Light” I find his books very helpful. 12/7/2009 – priest – Illinois
67. Thank you for mailing me free copy of Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. I enjoy reading his homilies. In the past you sent me that of another Cycle. Happy New Year to all in Shepherds of Christ Ministries. 1/7/2010 – priest – Florida
68. Many thanks for the gift of your brother’s book of homilies. I am 90, in a nursing home, sometimes with two Masses a day, and I need some ideas for homilies. 1/7/2010 – Msgr. – Ohio
69. I am delighted to have your greetings at Christmas, with all those dear names personally signed. Thank you. The photo of Fr. Carter with John and Rita is good. 1/5/2010 – priest – Ohio.
70. I was so happy and overjoyed to receive this past Advent the best Christmas present – one that I had wished for – in your brother’s Cycle c homilies – Guiding Light. The book cover is beautiful and when Cycle B ended I said to myself I wish I had the new cycle, but alas, I didn’t know where I was going to get it…Then like an answer to prayer, it was in the mail! I was already missing his homilies at the beginning of December until the book arrived. I love the cover and I love the work you are doing. In the Year of the Priesthood this is certainly a welcome gift and presentation to the priests. And for me the best Christmas gift. And it came free!! The cover is great, the print is nice and big and easy to read, and the thoughts, of course, are great. One week Fr. Robinson talked about how long he was in a parish and changes, and I could use that talk myself. So the Scripture, reflections, homilies, and personal antidotes are perfect. With your generous gift you have certainly made it a blessed and Merry Christmas for me. Thank you for your prayers before the Blessed Christmas and be assured of our prayers every week when we pull out “Guiding Light – Feed my Soul” for encouraging words for our parishioners here. 1/10/2010 – priest - Florida
71. Thank you for your letter and the book of your brother’s homilies, as well as for all your prayers. You and everyone at Shepherds of Christ Ministries are doing wonderful work. 1/18/2010 – priest – Washington DC
72. Thank you! Great work – great book! 1/2010 – priest – Washington DC
73. The Holy Father wishes me to express his gratitude for your kind gift of a collection of homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. He appreciates your thoughtful gesture. His Holiness will remember you and your associates in his prayers. Invoking upon all of you joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ, he cordially imparts his Apostolic Blessing. 11/24/2009 - Holy Father - Vatican
74. I thank you for your beautiful letter and for the fine publications of Shepherds of Christ Ministries you sent me. With all my best wishes for your splendid apostolate. 11/24/2009 - Cardinal - Rome
75. Thank you cordially for the booklet, you sent to me, especially for the sermons of Fr. Robinson. I am a retired bishop, but can use it for meditation. Also my sincere thanks for your continuous prayer and for your apostolate for the priesthood and for vocations. With you I pray for that daily. May God bless you and your apostolate with all esteem, wishes and blessing and cordial greetings. 11/10/2009 - Cardinal - Netherlands
76. Thank you very much for your kind letter of November 13th last, enclosing Fr. Michael Barth's homily given during your monthly retreat in China, Indiana. With cordial regards, I remain 11/27/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican.
77. Thank you for your letter addressed to Cardinal and the books and material you enclosed from the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. The Cardinal has asked me to extend his thanks to you. Wishing God's blessing, I remain 12/4/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican.
78. I thank you very much for spreading the Priestly Newsletter for the past 15 years and for all the other pastoral and liturgical actions you undertake. You fulfil this pastoral task with an exceptional courage and continuity. I pray for your work and that of all the Shepherds of Christ Ministries and I hope you can carry on this work in the service of spiritual life. 12/1/2009 - Cardinal - Belgium
79. Thank you very much for your respectful letter, which enclosed material produced and used by the Shepherds of Christ Ministries to promote the renewal of the spiritual life and the prayer for the priests, as well as the homilies of Fr. Joseph Robinson and Fr. Michael Barth. But above all, thanks for your prayers which all of us priests need, in order to be faithful instruments of God’s grace. 11/18/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican
80. I am pleased to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 13 November 2009, wherein you kindly enclosed several publications of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. Thank you very much for your consideration in this regard. I remain grateful for your important service to the Church, and in particular to the priests and bishops. I am confident that all you do is a tremendous support to the clergy and no doubt will bear great fruit. With renewed sentiments of gratitude and warm regards 11/14/2009 - Cardinal – Vatican
81. Thank you very much for your wonderful letter and for the Homily sent on November 13, 2009. Please be assured of my prayers for you and your wonderful ministry. 12/2/2009 - Bishop - USA
82. I thank you for your recent letter to me. Thank you for the information which you have forwarded to me – along with a copy of the homilies preached by your brother, Fr. Joseph Robinson, and others. You are in my thoughts and in my prayers as you continue your apostolate. 11/16/2009 - Cardinal – Scotland
83. I recently received your letter of 13 November 2009 in which you presented a homily by Fr. Michael Barth. Thank you for your prayers and concern for me and the work; they are much appreciated. In reviewing the materials on your website, it appears that your materials may be available in Italian as well as in English. If you have materials in Italian I would be interested in seeing those in lieu of the materials in English. If the materials are only available in English then we would be most happy with those items. Availing ourselves of this opportunity to express our thankfulness and to extend our best wishes for a blessed Advent 12/4/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican
84. Please accept my appreciation for your letter of November 13, current. My commitment to remember in prayer the efforts of the Shepherds to support priestly formation and lifestyle. Your practice of perpetual adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is a wonderful expression of the kind of entrustment to the Lord of those many needs which priesthood in the contemporary Church continues to experience. Before the same Altar, kindly remember me and those associated with me in the service. 11/16/2009 - Cardinal - Vatican
85. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! I have received Fr. Joe Robinson’s Cycle C, Guiding Light Feed My Soul along with the prayer cards and the CD titled The Priest, A Gift from God. I will share these with the priests and the faithful of the Diocese. May God shower his blessings upon you this holy Season of Advent and Christmas! 12/10/2009 - Bishop - USA
86. Thank you for the books and materials you sent me. Your support for all priests is very much included. I pray for you and your ministry – Shepherds of Christ Ministries. God bless you. 11/11/2009 - Bishop - USA
87. Thank you very much for the book of homilies and other prayer cards from the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I will enjoy reading your book – During this Year for Priests, I commend you for the good work you are doing for the Church and for priests, and pray that the Lord will continue to bless you and your work. Please keep me in your daily prayers, as you are assured of my prayers. 11/12/2009 - Bishop - USA
88. His Excellency has asked me to thank you for the gracious communication of November 13, 2009, and especially for all the documents which you sent. The Bishop is grateful for your thoughtfulness and kindness in sending this information to him. 11/17/2009 - Bishop - USA
89. Thank you for your recent letter and for the items from Shepherds of Christ. I look forward to listening to the CD and to reading the homilies. 11/6/2009 - Bishop - USA
90. Thank you so very much for the many ways that you express your love for Jesus and Mary and your love for priests. I am most grateful to you for your prayers, especially before the Blessed Sacrament. I thank you for this current mailing, very especially for the homilies of your brother, Fr. Joseph Robinson, on Cycle C. May God continue to bless you and your ministry in rich abundance! 11/9/2009 - Bishop – USA
91. Thank you for your letter of November 13th and also, for the information on the ministry of Shepherds of Christ Ministries along with the book, booklets, cards and CD. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. 11/9/2009 - Bishop - USA
92. I thank you for your letter of November 13, 2009 with Guiding Light, the book of homilies for Cycle C, by your brother, Fr. Joe Robinson, as well as a CD recording of Fr. Michael Barth and various other materials relating to Shepherds of Christ Ministries. With my appreciation and an assurance of my prayerful best wishes. 11/9/2009 - Apostolic Nuncio - USA
93. Thank you for your recent letter and for the various materials from the Shepherds of Christ Ministry. I appreciate your kindness in forwarding these materials and look forward to reviewing them. With prayerful best wishes. 11/9/2009 - Bishop - USA
94. Thank you for the very helpful books that will help us celebrate The Year for Priests. I am grateful to you and those who serve with you for all that you do to support us priests. It pleased me especially to know the hours that are spent before the Blessed Sacrament. That is the most wonderful gift. God’s peace to all. 11/10/2009 - Bishop - USA
95. It is with sincere appreciation that I received your letter of November 13, 2009 and the information you sent on the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. Thank you for the materials you sent on your ministry for priests, including the book Guiding Light and the CD The Priest – A Gift From God. Thank you also for your kind words, and for the work you do in support of our priests. In this the Year For Priests, may our Lady, the Mother of all priests, bless your efforts and endeavors to promote a greater love and appreciation for the holy priesthood. And let us continue to remember and pray for all priests, to grow in love, fidelity, and courage in the service of the people of God and of the Church. 11/10/2009 - Bishop - USA
96. Thank you for your letter and for the enclosed book, Guiding Light: Feed My Soul, CD, The Priest: A Gift from God, and materials. I appreciate you thinking of me and taking the time to send them. Be assured of my prayers for you. May the Lord bless you with His love and mercy. 11/11/2009 - Bishop - USA.
97. Many thanks for your recent letter and for the many years your group has been praying in prayer chapters in all parts of the world. It is overwhelming to hear that prayers are offered for our intentions every day, at all hours of the day. What a wonderful gift you are to us. Thank you for sending me a copy of the homily by Fr. Michael Barth given during a retreat in China, Indiana. With gratitude to you and all your associates in the Shepherds of Christ Ministries for your continued remembrance of us and with the assurance of my own prayers for you. 11/11/2009 - Archbishop - USA
98. Thank you for your letter and for your many kind gifts. I am grateful for your thoughtfulness and generosity, and I appreciate very much your continued prayerful support of my brother priests and me. Please also know of my appreciation for your work to advance the Kingdom of God through Shepherds of Christ Ministries. 11/12/2009 - Bishop - USA
99. I would like to thank you for sharing with me the book Guiding Light: Feed My Soul, CD and other pamphlets. I am sure your efforts in putting together these materials will be greatly rewarded. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and prayers. 11/11/2009 - Bishop - USA28. On behalf of Bishop, thank you very much for the copy of the book, Guiding Light: Feed My Soul – Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson and the CD: the Priest A gift from God – Recording of Fr. Michael Barth. Bishop is currently out of the office, but will no doubt appreciate your thoughtfulness in remembering him with this gift. 11/15/2009 - Bishop - USA
100. The book Guiding Light: Feed My Soul and The Priest: A Gift from God DVD which you were kind enough to send to Archbishop arrived and he has asked me to thank you for your thoughtfulness in providing this gift. 11/17/2009 - Archbishop -USA
101. A word of thanks for the material I just received and your letter of November 13th. Our priests will be on retreat beginning November 30th. I am sure that your prayers will help them have a wonderful spiritual experience. 11/18/2009 - Bishop – USA
102. Hey I just wanted to call you and say blessings – this is simply just an affirmation call. I got in the mail a while back Guiding Light – the Word Alive in Our Hearts – Homilies by Fr. Joe Robinson. I have to admit this has been one of the most edifying pieces of literature I have received in my hands in a long time. Fr. Joe’s homilies are inspiring, they are just wonderful. They are absolutely wonderful. I would love to hear this man preach. I mean that assuming that from what I saw – He’s still around – 40 years – it says on the back here – I haven’t read it thoroughly. – it even has a song – the song about priests! What an edifying thing that Christ has given to you – the Holy Spirit given to you. I just want to say from one of the priests out here in the trenches along with the great laity of the Church – Thank you! What a blessing this has been to me. So I would love to integrate this in some how, and thank you for the mission of the Shepherds of Christ. What an edifying thing for us today. So no need to call back, but I would just give you my cell phone number. And there’s no need to call back or anything. You got tons on your plate already and everything. But I mean these were just blessed homilies – I would like to see if there is a continuing of Fr. Joe’s homilies and the series and stuff. So anyway – my opinion for whatever it counts. Blessings to you this Christmas season and may the Blessed Mother and all the angels and saints just fill you with Christ’s presence. Talk to you later. – 12/30/2008 – priest – Kentucky
From Blue Book 8
July 11, 1995
Sorrowful Mysteries
At a Shepherds of Christ Meeting
The Agony in the Garden
Jesus: My dear ones, Satan is pressing hard on many of My beloved souls. Sufferings are about to befall this earth. You must hold tight to My Heart for he aims to stop you. You are My beloved soldiers that I am sending into this world to carry forth My love. Hold tight, My dear ones. I am giving you abundant graces for all the trials you are facing daily. I am attentive to your every need, minute by minute, second by second. I am guarding and watching you. You must come to My Heart through the Heart of My beloved Mother. Nestle ever so close to the Heart of My Mother, My dear ones. Come into her loving arms and let her caress you and lead you gently into My Heart, burning for love of you. I am Jesus. Do not fear. Do not feel pressed on by Satan. Come to Me and meditate on My passion. It is in realizing My intense love for you that you will have peace and joy in your life and know My constant presence with you. I am Jesus, I am with you. I am depending on you to go into this world and be strong soldiers. Hold tight to My hand, My beloved ones. Focus on My love for you.2.
Jesus: When you think that nothing else can go wrong, My dear ones, and something else goes wrong, you are being tried. For the days ahead will be dark and hard. Realize that these are gifts that are helping you to grow in holiness and in virtue.3.
Jesus: I mold you into special gems, My dear ones, My beloved ones, My precious ones. I long for your love. I long for a heart that is set so deeply in love of Me! Will you answer My call to unite? Be a heart that is burning with deep love for God. You are so precious to Me! A heart filled with love is so dear to Me and comforts My aching Heart! My dear ones, so many of My beloved ones treat Me with such indifference and ingratitude. How My Heart is warmed by your burning love. Will you come to Me? Will you join in deepest love with My burning Heart, on fire for love of you.4.
Jesus: Know that, as you go each day, as you suffer all through the day with different trials, different obstacles that are put in your path, I am with you as you struggle. See Me as I knelt in the garden. I suffered so for the ingratitude of all of the souls that I loved with deepest love, souls who would reject Me. Many times you are faced with rejection by those that you love. My dear ones, when you are faced with sufferings and crosses, come to Me. Meditate on My life. Focus on the sufferings in My life and how they parallel your life. You will grow more deeply in your life with Me.5.
R. Jesus knelt in the garden and, in His divine knowing, He knew all of the souls from all time, all of their sin, all of the vileness in the hearts of men. He also knew all of the acts of love, the burning love of His precious souls who come and spend time with Him. This love was sweetness during His bitter passion.6.
Jesus: Many in the world this day are blind and do not see. My dear ones, because you do not see with your earthly eyes, do not think that I am far. I am with you, ever by your side, guarding and protecting you. The Father is watching you. Your Mother is by your side. Let the Spirit live within your being and operate you as you go about your lives. Know the presence of the Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, within you. Go inside of yourself and feel the presence of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.7.
Jesus: You will be pressed on by Satan, through much mental torment and anguish, and people that you love, those closest to you that seem to hurt you. I am allowing this, My dear ones, so that you may be strengthened for the days ahead. You are My soldiers. I am testing you. I am sending you out as shining stars in the darkest night. I am Jesus. I love you with the deepest love. Come to My Heart and I will bathe you in a bath of My precious love.8.
Jesus: The heart and its ways! Many have closed their hearts and turned cold. They operate with a gaze that is hard and focused. Open wide your hearts. Let your hearts be soft and supple.Let your heart be the light of your body and the life of your soul. I am filling your heart with My life. Be open and remove all of the blockages to your heart. Let me penetrate your heart and fill you with vibrant divine love. I am Jesus. You are My light that will shine in the darkest night.
Jesus: My dear ones, I want you to meditate on My sufferings. This will strengthen you in your sufferings. In all your sufferings, stay rooted in Me. You will experience deeper and deeper life in Me. Your days are a constant suffering and rising to new life. Accept all that is given to you and focus on Me. Every moment I want to be so close to you! I want your thought to be focused on Me every moment of your day, a constant awareness of the presence of God. You will have peace and joy in your hearts even in times of struggle. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior. I came to this earth to save you from your sins.10.
Jesus: My Mother nurses you with the milk of salvation. Let go and be bathed in the love of Our Two Hearts. As I suffered in the Garden, I was comforted by your acts of love this day. Comfort My aching Heart, come and outpour your love, for I am waiting and longing and thirsting to hear the words of your love from your lips. Will you come, My beloved? I am the bridegroom of your soul, waiting for your precious soul to unite with Me. Will you come? Will you unite for our wedding? I am Jesus Christ and I am waiting for you.
The Scourging at the Pillar
R. It is through the Body and Blood of Jesus that we are saved. Think of the price He paid for our salvation.2.
R. I see Jesus tied to the pillar, His body unmarred. Then they begin to beat Him with such harsh instruments! They tear His flesh and wound His beautiful body. When I think of the little irritations that I allow to bother me each day, I see Jesus with His body covered with wounds.3.
Jesus: It is in your struggles that you will find comfort when you meditate on My passion and the stations of the cross. My dear ones, I am giving you abundant grace when you meditate on My passion, the stations of the cross and the Sorrowful Mysteries. It is there you will find much comfort from the struggles you are experiencing. Come to My Heart and let Me bathe you in unending love.4.
Jesus: The starved soul searches and wanders for love. I am present to you in a special way, My dear ones, outpouring My love to you. Do you feel the love that I am giving to you at this moment? Stop. Make a Spiritual Communion. Feel the presence of the Almighty God within your heart. Release and let go of all of the anxieties of the day, all of the distractions that have occurred with your family and friends. Focus totally on My love for you and My presence within.5.
R. I see before me the gigantic wounds on the arms of Jesus, My Savior. The wounds are open wide, exposing the interior of His body. I know the little crosses that I am asked to carry that seem so monumental. They seem so minute when compared to His wounds!6.
R. It is in meditating on the relationship between Jesus and His Mother that I experience much warmth in my heart.7.
R. If we were really there and saw the men as they beat our beloved Jesus, would we believe then the immensity of His love? It is through His life, His suffering and His death that we are saved from our sins. Blessed Jesus, I place my trust in You.8.
R. How hard it is many times to trust and surrender when we are backed against a wall and the sufferings seem so monumental. It is in meditating on these Sorrowful Mysteries that our hearts are softened and we realize the immense love that Jesus has for each one of us. He gave His Flesh and Blood for each and every soul. He died for each person and He asks us to love God and our neighbor, to love those that are kind and those that are not so kind, to love all our brothers.9.
Jesus: Let your hearts be soft and supple. Come to Me, My beloved ones, and I will bathe you in My Heart filled with love. Let go of all hatred, anger and resentment and look at your brothers through My eyes. I suffered, I was scourged, for your beloved brother. My dear ones, will you not love him for Me this day? Many of your brothers are hurting and in pain and you will carry out My love to this hurting world. Surrender and let go of all resentments, of hatred and anger. It is hard, many times, to follow My way. I am giving you abundant graces. I am showering you with My love. You know the Heart of Jesus. Can you not share this Heart with all you meet? Lift your hearts to God. Pray to the Spirit to be lifted high and filled with vibrancy.10.
R. His back was scourged and He walked away from the pillar covered with wounds, but His Heart was filled with love and His eyes were gentle and loving, for He loved each and every soul unconditionally and He proceeded on His way. As He was crowned with thorns and carried His cross to His death on the cross, He loved each and every soul.
The Crowning with Thorns
R. His head was crowned with a crown of piercing thorns. They pounded the thorns into His head. The thorns tore His flesh.2.
R. He stood. They spit on Him. They mocked Him. They called Him a King. Jesus Christ, the King of all Kings, whose Heart is filled with burning love, such gentleness! To each one of us He says, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” His Heart filled with love for His persecutors!Jesus:
My dear ones, think of the little crosses you are asked to carry this day. Think of how they treated Me, and I am God! You will suffer and you will receive much persecution for My sake. My dear ones, pray for the grace to be strong. Satan aims to stop you. I am giving to you abundant graces to withstand all of your sufferings. I love you, I love you, I love you. You are My beloved ones. I am Jesus. I give Myself to you. Come to the Eucharist. I will give you Myself.3.
Jesus: Little thorns on your way! Little thorns that lead you to greater life in Me! Little ones, I know you are struggling this day.4.
R. If Jesus sat and was crowned with thorns, if they spit on Him and mocked Him, can we not stand the vile words of our brothers? Words wound us sometimes, words from those closest to us. Satan knows how to get to each one of us. He works on those that are closest to us. Dear Jesus, give me the grace to love more and more as You loved.5. Song:
Give me Your Heart, O Jesus, give me a heart like Yours. Teach me to love You with this new heart. Oh, I know little of how to love You. Create in me, oh, precious Savior, this special heart.Jesus:
I allow you to suffer many sufferings for you are being strengthened.6. Song:
Crown Him with many crowns, the lamb upon His throne. His regal scepter knows no bounds, all kingdoms are His own. All Christians come and sing, to Him who died for thee, and hail Him as thy Savior King for all eternity.7.
R. So precious, the head to the body, and they gave to Jesus a crown of thorns.8.
Jesus: Can you not love your brothers this day? See My face, covered with blood, and My head crowned with thorns. This is the love I have for you. Will you not love your brothers that are in this world, those hurting and in pain? I am Jesus. I am sending you into the world as My special apostles of love.9.
Jesus: Pray as you have never prayed before, for prayers can stop wars. Pray the rosary and meditate deeply on the mysteries of Our lives.10.
R. Touch me, Jesus, with your burning love.Song:
Little baby hands and feet…
The Carrying of the Cross
Jesus: I carried My cross up Calvary and the road became harder and harder. I fell under My cross. My face hit the earth. My dear ones, you carry crosses that get heavier and heavier. Look at me as I carried mine and look at Me with My face on the ground. This is the love that I have for you. Do not give up in all your trials and struggles. You are My beloved ones. You must come to My Heart. Let Me fill you with My strength. You cannot give up. Meditate on this mystery as I went on and on and on and it became harder and harder as the cross became heavier and heavier.2.
Jesus: Satan wants you stopped. You must pray for grace to have joy in your heart, for you are given great gifts and I am giving you the messages of My love.3.
Jesus: The night may be dark and cold but in your heart the light of My love shines brightly.4.
Jesus: The First Commandment commands that you love God with your whole heart, your whole soul and your whole being. It is through your example that the others will see the love in your heart. My dear ones, do not go backwards. Come to Me and let Me fill you with such vibrancy. You will go into this world and show all a heart that is filled with the love of God.5.
R. Veronica wiped His blood-covered face.6.
Jesus: I know your every thought far better than you yourself, My dear ones. I know what is in your hearts. I am so attentive to all of your needs, all your struggles, all your pain. Do you believe Me? I am Jesus. You do not know the tender love I have for you. I am here and I am pouring out to you tender love.7.
R. His eyes met the eyes of His beloved Mother. Her face was reddened and covered with tears. His eyes and His face were covered with blood. As their eyes met there was such intimacy between the Son and His Mother. They had known that this day would come. In that look they shared their grief and their love.8.
R. He fell a second and third time and He was forced to get up, always in compliance with the Father’s Will. To His death on the cross He gave His all for love of us.9.
Jesus: The sun may not shine, the stars may cease to shine, but, My dear ones, you will have My light within your heart. Your hearts will be filled and lighted with this love. As you walk in darkness you will feel an interior warmth in your heart. You will know the presence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If you are in the state of grace, We dwell within your heart in such a special way.10.
Jesus: No matter what your cross is, know that you are never alone. Focus on this presence within you, the presence of the Almighty God. Know the love of your Father. Think of this: a Father that loves you with the deepest love and is dwelling within your heart.
The Crucifixion
Jesus: Sufferings may befall the earth but you will not fear for you will feel the presence of the Almighty God within you. At this moment feel this presence so close to you.2.
Jesus: Come to My Heart. Take refuge from the scorching sun in My Heart. I hung for three agonizing hours on the cross. You, too, will remain in peace, for you will know the interior presence of the Almighty God within you.3.
Jesus: Feel the warmth within you and surrender, My dear ones. When you are backed up against a wall, surrender. Take all of your cares and put them in the arms of the Almighty God. I spread My arms on the cross and gave My all for love of you. Do you think I am not listening to your prayers this day? I am Jesus. If I gave My life for you, do you think I would abandon you now? I am so attentive to all of your needs.4.
Jesus: Come to Me, My little child. I feel your heart so filled with fear. I am gentle and kind of Heart. I give you My abundant love. My Mother nurses you with her milk. You are so loved by the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Surrender. Do not be in fear. I do not want you to fear, My precious little child. Come as a baby at the breast and surrender to your loving Mother and your loving Father.5.
R. Such love Jesus had for each one of us that He gave the last beat of His Heart! He could have at any time stopped what was happening. He had complied with the Will of the Father for love of us. Then He gave the last beat of His Heart.6.
Jesus: Come to Me, My beloved ones. My Mother nurses you with the milk of salvation. I am Jesus. I love you, I love you, I love you. Mary stood beneath the cross. I gave you, My beloved ones, My very own Mother to care for you.7.
Jesus: Mary is caring for you as she cared for Me, forming you forever in her Heart, through the Holy Spirit, to be more and more like Me. My dear ones, you were created in the image and likeness of God. Surrender and let Us work in you.8.
Jesus: You are being polished and purified. I want hearts that are filled with love. I am the bridegroom of your soul. I gave My life for love of you. Will you come and give your heart to Me?9.
R. I consecrate my heart to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. His Heart was pierced with a lance. Her Heart was pierced with a sword.10.
R. It is through His pierced Heart that the sacramental life of the Church was formed: water, a symbol for baptism; blood, a symbol of the Eucharist. We are given His divine life in baptism. We are fed through His very own Body and Blood. Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces and His life flows through her Heart. It is through Mary’s Heart that we are dispensed this life, merited by Her Son as He gave His life on the cross.July 11, 1995 Shepherds of Christ Meeting
My dear little children, I am Mary, your Mother. I have called each one of you here to hear my plea. This world is hurting and in pain. My little children suffer so. Will you be my little children that go out and spread the love of my Son Jesus to the world? It is in your actions that many are taught the lessons of His love. I speak to you gently for I love you with a gentle Heart. My Son Jesus loves you with a Heart of deepest love. Surrender and let go and let Our love penetrate your heart and fill you. I am protecting you with my motherly mantle. I am holding you in my arms and pressing you close to my Heart. I am giving to you my motherly love. Surrender and feel me as I hold you in my arms and give you the milk of salvation. I am Mary your mother and I am forever with you. My precious, precious little children, pray for all my little children on this earth.
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
Sally Jo, Richard, Carol,
Margaret, Sue, Jack & Jean,
John's dad, Special intentions
2) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
3) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
4) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
5) People going to Florida and China.
6) Vocations to all 7 categories.
7) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
8) Pray for pope helping us.
9) Pray for Jeff and sales. Pray for Nick.
10) Blue Book 13 cover; Blue Book 12, Blue Book 13 – all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
11) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
12) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
13) Donors and members and their families.
14) Healing of the Family tree.
15) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
16) All who asked us to pray for them.
17) All we promised to pray for.
18) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, a special couple,
Rosie & all involved.
19) 2 babies and moms.
20) Funds and insurance.
21) Jerry's garage.
22) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
23) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
24) Consecrate all hearts.
25) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
Package for Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II was canonized April 27th.
Here is a wonderful DVD about his life.
12" Statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus with glass
CD of Live Rosary from Blue Book 13 October 13, 1996 –
1st 13th – Fr. Carter leads this live rosary
Blue Book 12
Karol Movie
Pictures of Our Lady of Clearwater 8 x 10 and 4 x 6
Hard copy of October 13, 1996 Rosary
We will include this special rosary with this offer.$100 plus postage
while supplies lastThis is a limited time offer.
These statues may become scarce in the near future.
Bible Bash/Fatima Package
11" Fatima
Statue with
image glassYour choice of
Bible DVD – JosephOr Esther
8x10 picture of Our
Lady of Clearwaterplus CD of October 13, 1996 Rosary
while supplies last
$50 plus postage
Call 1–888–211–3041
The Wedding RosaryCrystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Special First Communion Rosary with Image Center
in a gift box
white blue red
and an 8 x 10 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater
and a 4 x 6 picture of Our Lady of Clearwater$10 plus postage
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Special Sale Statues with image glass
15" Pilgrim Virgin Fatima – $85
12" Our Lady of Fatima – $75
plus shipping
while supplies lastCall Regina 1–727–776–2763
Call Rosie 888–211–3041
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
God's Blue Books 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8, 9, 10
$4.00 each plus postage
Blue Book 4
Blue Book 5
Blue Book 6A
Blue Book 6B
Blue Book 6C
Blue Book 7
Blue Book 8
Blue Book 9
Blue Book 10
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Special sale statue with glass
27" Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
$175 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Dan called and gave the report to me, when I hung up I saw this rainbow and took a picture for him.
Shepherds of Christ
Ministries P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405 FAX:
(812) 273-3182