Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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July 16, 2005
July 17th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary Mysteries |
Here are entries from God's Blue Book 4
July 26, 1994
Title: Believe that My Mother Mary and I Love You!
My dear sweet one, I am the Son of God. You know I am longing for your time spent with Me. You awake and you wish to continue sleeping. Do you ever want to get up? You need to go to bed at night, do not get on the phone, do not talk to people - just come to Me and be with Me.
I am the Alpha and the Omega. Satan is trying to block your union with Me with many distractions.
R. I can't believe Mary or Jesus would love me.
I can't believe that Jesus truly loves me so much that He died for me. I can't believe that the same Mary that bore Christ and stood beneath the cross at His death is ever by my side and loving me as such a loving mother!
My dear child, I have come to you with such tenderness and love this morning to tell you of my great love as your loving mother. Believe all I say to you. I love you as the most dear mother.
Love can only exist if you trust. You must realize your own preciousness and know I never leave you. I am guarding your very way. Trust in my Son Jesus. He truly laid down His life for love of you and would die for you this very day.
Love is given to you, my child. Look to the uniqueness of this love poured out to you. Pray to the Holy Spirit for the gift of understanding to understand all I am teaching you here.
In your heart, you will know a new love of Jesus and myself as you let yourself experience our love, given to you.
Center on the uniqueness of this love. It is in realizing this personal love you will be able to give His love to others.
He loves you, so dearly. He would suffer every beating, every thorn, every laceration, every ugly word, His most bitter death, this very day for you and you alone.
Meditate on His passion and know this is the love He has for you.
My precious little one, thank you for responding to this call. I am calling you to wrap yourselves in the arms of my beloved Son and experience His love - His life, His flesh, His blood, given for you.
I am your most loving mother, Mary.
My dear child, do you realize how much you must ponder My love for you? My passion is the key for you to understanding this love. Pray for the gift to realize this love. I would die for you this very day. For you, My sweet one! Think: Jesus loves ME this much! This will increase your closeness to Me. It is in this personal love I pour out to you that we will be ever closer. My Heart is ever beating for you in such oneness. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am your Jesus. I love you with this love. Meditate on My passion and see how I loved you.
I am your most loving Jesus, tenderest of all Hearts and I am in your midst this very day.
July 26, 1994
Title: He Is In Our Midst This Very Day
After Communion
R. Do I realize how Jesus loves us? Do I realize how Jesus loves you? Do I think and ponder how Jesus loves me?
He is not far off, He is inside of me right now. He is truly present in His Divinity and Humanity, in the Eucharist, in the tabernacle. Do I realize that He is truly present to me in front of the tabernacle?
We are so fortunate to be in the presence of God. We are so fortunate to have Him in a special way within ourselves when we are in the state of grace. We are indeed blessed, to be in your presence, Lord. God dwells within us. Do I realize this presence? How can I not love you when I realize He dwells within your very soul?
Oh, my brother, I have so much to learn on this journey and how little I see! I am sorry for not seeing the God who created you, His special creation and He loves His creation!
I am sorry for not seeing the special creation of God the Father. I am created in such love by God the Father!
I am sorry for not realizing His special presence within me when I am in the state of grace. I am sorry for the moments lost when I did not recognize God's presence in my very own midst. Open my eyes, oh Spirit of God, to see You as You are present in me and my brothers. Help me to become more and more aware of Your existence surrounding me and within me. God is truly in our midst this very day. Jesus exists in His humanity and divinity in the Holy Eucharist. What words can we say but that He, God, is alive in us!
My personal journey to greater union with Him depends on my pondering how He loves me personally. The more I realize how He loves me, the more I realize how He loves you. I am one in Him. You are one in Him. How can I not love you if you are this close to Him?
To love you, my brothers, I must busy myself about developing my personal love affair with God. The more I love Him, the more I love you. You are His creation, His child, His precious one, His beloved. I must see myself as His creation, His child, His precious one, His beloved.
I must ponder this love poured out for me. This is the key to my loving. God first loved us and sent His only Son that we might have life. From His love given to me, I can love Him and you, but I must first realize and know His love. He first loved us! Open my heart, Lord, to know your love for me so I can love you and others as you call me to.
Mary, guide me to know the love of your Son. Spirit open my heart. Father, help me to see the love you pour out to me. Jesus, Jesus, my precious love, open my heart to the immense love of God and let me feel this love poured out in such abundance so I can love you more fully and love my brothers as you want me to.
Jesus: Open your heart to the love I pour out to you every day in the Eucharist. I come to you, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. I give you, My child, Myself. This is love: to lay down your life for your friend. I give Myself to you this day in the Eucharist, in My Divinity and Humanity. I enter your heart. My child, My child, ponder this love that God comes to you, a mere mortal, because He loves you so much. This is the secret to your life, to ever ponder the love of God and His presence with you this very day.
R. He is truly here. He is in our midst. He ardently loves us with a burning fire. He loves me personally. He loves you personally.
This is the "Good News". Shout it from the housetops, raise the roof: Jesus is Lord and He Is With Us This Very Day with an abiding Love, given for me, given for you!
Mary is my most loving mother and she is ever by my side. I love you, Jesus and Mary. I love you Father and Holy Spirit. This is the Good news! Jesus Has Died and Has Risen to New Life and we are sharers in this New Life!
Come one, come all to the altar of the Lord. Praise, Honor and Worship for God is truly present and He is worthy of all Honor and Praise.
Alleluia, Praise the Lord, Alleluia. Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Love to our most wonderful Mother. We are the chosen ones. God has visited His people and is in our midst this very day!
Do I think God really does love me?
Jesus loves me so, He died for me, He gave His Blood for me!
He dwells within me. I am a temple of the Holy Spirit.
How do I treat this temple? Do I treat it with such honor because God is present there?
I am the creation of the Father. He loves me. He loves what He creates.
Do I realize He loved me first. God loved me before I was born! He sent His only Son to save me from my sins so I can be with Him forever in Heaven.
Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
I consecrate myself to your most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in total surrender to be the creation you want me to be.
Thy Will Be Done...
Father, my Father, You who dwell within my breast, I am Yours. God, take me, mold me into the image of Jesus, Your Son.
Song: On Eagles Wings
Psalm 91: 1-2, 14-16
You who live in the secret place of Elyon,
spend your nights in the shelter of Shaddai,
saying to Yahweh, ‘My refuge, my fortress,
my God in whom I trust!’‘Since he clings to me I rescue him,
I raise him high, since he acknowledges my name.
He calls to me and I answer him:
in distress I am at his side,
I rescue him and bring him honour.
I shall satisfy him with long life,
and grant him to see my salvation.’
Christ has risen to bring us new life!
Song: Night Is Over
Song: New Life
The Lady is Calling, She is Calling us Now.
Note: I was filled up with such sorrow and crying, unexplained, all the way home from church.
This is a fact, Christ is truly present and in our midst this very day.
Souls will be lost. We are being called to spread His love. We are being called by Our Lady.
What is more important? (I was filled up with such intense sorrow could hardly drive.)
This is reality. All this about Jesus, God and Mary is real. His life and death were real. The Mass is real. He is truly present in the Eucharist and the tabernacle. This is reality. This is true today. (The tears were as always, unexplained after Communion, sitting before the tabernacle as I experience such sadness for the blindness of men to not even know Him. She is calling us now! Mary allows me to experience her sadness.
(Before the tabernacle I had a vision of Our Lady holding Jesus' body after He was taken down from the cross.
On the bus when I was in Medugorje, a priest recited the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary..on Mt. Krucivec (Medugorje) - nails in his hands..also he did the stations of the cross, he also talked about Mary and how she suffered.) I have experiences, deep crying, experiencing the sufferings of Jesus and Mary. The veil is lifted and I am so close to the other side. I experience such joy to be so close to Them.)
Mary held the lifeless body of Jesus under the cross. We have Christ inside of our body when we receive the Eucharist. He is no less present in us than He was in Mary's womb.
Jesus: I come to you in such a special way and many do not even know what a treasure they possess. This is My Body you receive. This is My Blood you receive. I come inside of you to be so closely united to you.
Do you see the love I want to share with you. I give you the sacrament of My greatest love. I come to dwell, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, within your very breast!
I am love. I give My love to you in this most sacred mystery. I am so full of love for you, My sweet ones.
R. Mary held the Son of God within her body. She felt His life within her body and she knew that life was God's own Son. The baby she carried would save the whole world. Jesus is a Divine Person with two natures - a human nature and a Divine nature. Jesus was a little baby formed in the womb of His sweet Mother Mary.
What an honor for Mary that the child Jesus was formed in her body. Mary was so joined to Jesus from His beginning of life on earth. He was formed from her body. Mary was there at His death and received His lifeless body, taken down from the cross. As she delivered His tender body at birth, she held His battered, bruised body after His death on the cross. Such anguish for her tender heart - this is her beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ!
July 28, 1994
Title: Study His Passion
R. Think of how we ponder and look at our wounds. Oh, a splinter in my finger! Look what they did to our Savior during the scourging: raw flesh, unexamined. Such harsh treatment to our Savior God! Does my brother hurt my feelings with a word? What a baby I am to hold on to it forever and months later to still be harboring the hurt!
Christ showed us the way, He was brutally beaten and not a whimper. He was led away, His head and eyes cast low, His crown of thorns penetrating His head, with the trickling of blood surrounding His face and head. He went as the innocent lamb, led to the slaughter. He showed us the way to accept our crosses. He carried His, even when He fell under it. He did not throw it back or try to relieve Himself, He collapsed under it, still holding on.
How do I carry my cross? Do I complain and try to alleviate the pain by giving it to you, do I try to get out of it completely, or do I realize that He is allowing me to experience this and accept it as He did?
He left with each of us the story of His passion. It is in meditating on this I learn about my beloved Master, and how to be more like Him. Study His passion and death. No one gave Him bandages for His wounds. I am receiving the fruits for meditating on His wounds. One wound, what a story, what a lesson for my life: He was battered from head to toe, not to mention the mental suffering, the heartache. So much to meditate on, to learn more about my precious lover. This is His love given for us, each wound graciously accepted out of such love for me.
No little love does He have that He, my precious Savior, my most ardent lover, suffered every wound, every slander, every heartache, everything done to Him to His death on the cross for love of ME!
How does He love me? He loves me this way: He loves me in His aching shoulder. He loves me as He carried His cross. He loves me so much He carried the cross until he literally collapsed under its weight. His love is undying. His love is enduring. His love is the love of God, beyond all human comprehension. His love is. He showed us during His life and resurrection His undying love. His life, given for love of me!
Jesus: To My very death, I loved you, My sweet and faithful child. This is not a myth, this is reality. Tell them. Tell them all, for love of them I died so they would rise to new life and be forever with Me in heaven!
The battle is done, the victory is won. Your life lived for love of Me gives you pass into My kingdom. Spread the good news. Shout it from the rooftops. Hold not back one word from your lips that Jesus is Lord and He is truly risen! You will rise to new life if you love and serve the Lord. It is in your preaching of this Gospel, you will help others to go to heaven. By My death and resurrection, you will live forever.
I am the Good Shepherd. I know mine and mine know Me. Follow Me. Meditate on My ways. My ways are the ways to peace and love in your hearts. My ways are the ways that lead to everlasting life.
It is in meditating on My passion you realize more fully My immense love given for you. I Love You, Child, to My Very Own Death! Ponder My life, my ways, pray the rosary, meditate on My passion, My life given for love of you!
July 28, 1994 - Pounding Heart
To embrace you, my Lord! I want to be united as one in my soul. I want to be united as one in my heart. My heart beats with ardent love for my Savior. Such an honor! I cannot even fathom my heart being united to Yours. If You would but tuck me in a little part, a little pocket, and let me be there, let me hear the beating of Your most tender Heart. Let me feel the warmth of Your love, poured out for me!Jesus speaks: Oh, my precious one, do you know this is reality? The reality of My Heart and that of My Mother’s joined to your heart in such union? This is reality. My Heart beats as one with you in such love!
Meditate on the abyss of My most Sacred Heart, it is a mighty furnace burning with such a roaring fire for love of you. Think of this union. My Heart gives the fire that burns in the hearts of those who open themselves up to Me. It is this fire that burns with love in your eyes, that is emitted from you when you are with others.
Your oneness with Me is of importance to your life on this earth and the life hereafter. Strive for deepest union with Me in the burning furnace of My Heart. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, ablaze with love on fire for you. Be so intimate with Me, My precious child. This intimacy I crave with every soul. Speak of My Heart ablaze for love of each soul. I want their love. Tell them I wait for them with such yearning!
Messenger: I saw a heart that looked like it was a furnace inside. It was bright yellow, white in the center. I am experiencing pounding in my heart.
His Heart is truly beating for love of us. I felt my heart beating so hard in my chest. I knew it was from Him. Hearts don’t do what the mind is doing. This morning my heart was pounding, heart racing, I got this letter:
Jesus speaks: This is My love for you. The pounding in your heart is from Me. Every second My Heart is beating with intense love of you. Even when you forget about Me, I am loving you with My intense love. I love you with a beating Heart, on fire for love of you. When you are lonely think of My Heart beating so strongly for love of you.
July 28, 1994 - Jesus Loves You this Day
Jesus speaks: I am Jesus, child. I love you this way, no matter where you go. Pray the rosary and be with your children. It is My love you must pour out to others. My Heart beats like this for love of all. Respect your brothers and love them as My Father's dear creation, as the temple of the Lord, of My love. They are your brothers. Love them, sweet one, love all for Me. You are My Heart beating in this cold world.
Messenger: How can I leave you after this?
Jesus speaks: I don't leave you. I go with you as you love and serve your Lord. You must share My love with all. You are My temple in this world. Love your brothers for Me.
July 28, 1994 - 4:30am - Reach Out With the Hands of Love
Messenger: To love you this way! Jesus wants me to realize the dignity that He bestows on me. "With dignity and honor, I have clothed you, My sweet one."
Jesus speaks: Reach out with the hands of love. Be heart-centered, filled deep within with My most ardent love. You will love others proportionate to your love affair with Me. From the depth of My Heart I cry unto you to realize this love that is outpoured to you. You are My beloved. You are My sweet and faithful one. You, I ask to come and be in love with Me. Pray from your heart. Be in love with Me.
Messenger: He would do what He did because He knew the love of the Father. All love that comes through Jesus comes from the Father. He loved when they hated because He knew the Father's love. When the world is cold, jump into His Heart. He puts us in a little pocket. Little lambs, caressed by His Heart!
July 29, 1994 - Stay Ever Pure in My Heart
Messenger: Jesus told me He could withstand His bitter Passion because He knew the Father's love for Him. All love that comes through Jesus comes from the Father. He loved when they hated Him because He knew the Father's love.
When the world is cold, I run to His Heart and tuck myself inside His Heart. It is for you I live, Lord. Give me the courage and your love to love when I would rather not. You are my Savior. I am your servant. I want to do the will of the Father. Help me to realize more and more the Father's love for me. He loved me first to create me. I am the creation of God the Father.
Let me forever hold in my heart the vision of Jesus caressing the little lambs with such love. I want to be a little lamb caressed and held close to the Heart of the Good Shepherd!
Creatures are imperfect, I am imperfect, my brothers are imperfect. I cannot demand perfection of myself or others.
I must love myself and others despite my faults.
The Lord will be my Shepherd, nothing more shall I want.
Jesus speaks: I am Jesus, the Son of God. I am He Who loves you, My little one. Forever focus on My love. Do not be troubled. My Heart is the tenderest of all hearts. I am as gentle in heart as I was as a tender baby in Mary's arms. My Heart is tender and loving and pure. Come to Me, My beloved one. I caress you close to My Heart and you are never afraid, for I love you with strength and gentleness.
I am Jesus, Son of the Living God.
I live in you, dear one. Stay ever pure in My love. Come and meditate with Me. I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am your love. Come to Me, My precious child.
Messenger: I have immense heartache when I do not get to be with Him in front of the tabernacle.
Jesus speaks: When you love Me more than you love yourself, you will find a way to come to Me in adoration.
Messenger: He told me to ask the priest for a key to the church. I didn't want to.
I want to hug others for Jesus. I see Jesus in them. He loves each person so much.
Satan always works hard on Fridays between 12 and 3:00.
Come unto Me all who are weary and find rest for your soul. Be an empty vessel so My love can flow through you as an open pipe. You must rid yourself of all guilt imposed on you by the devil. Pray for humility to know the truth and deal with the truth. Forget your failings after you have confessed them. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and they follow Me. My life is your model to follow, study Me and My ways and pray to Me constantly.July 30, 1994 - My Life Is Your Life to Follow
Jesus speaks:
I am the Good Shepherd, I tend to My sheep. You are guarded. I go with you and give you all you need.
Do not stray, stay close to Me and follow Me. Do not look to the world. Keep your focus on Me.
Oh, I love you with the tenderest of all hearts. Oh, I am your most precious Jesus. Meditate on My life in the rosary, all 15 decades. Live My life and that of My Mother in your actions.
Messenger: I feel their oneness in heart. I feel this unity so strong today. To be with Him is to be united to my Mother. I am not dealing with Him alone. She is there, united to Him.
Jesus speaks: I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and they follow Me. Open your heart to My ways, not what you think is the way, but what My ways are for you this day..
Your children need your attentiveness. You want to please them and let them do their thing. You obey Me, they obey you. You need time alone with them every day. You need to play with them everyday. Treasure our moments together and being with your children.
I am Jesus, your ardent lover. I love you when you are doing all things. You must be with them and realize how close I am when you are doing the will of the Father.
I am with you when you play games. I am with you all day, very close, inside of your heart. My Heart beats as one with yours. You are My beating heart in this world. Spread My love to all. Your job is to love, to see My loved ones, to smile and be Me to those you touch. Love given to your brothers is of utmost importance.
I love you, I love through you. Ask yourself, how would Christ treat this person, beloved creation of My Father?
You are here to love God with your whole heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Doing My will is doing your duties. You love to pray, but you must take care of yourself and your family.
You are My hands. You are My Heart. You are Me to this world. I need you to interact with people, even though you would rather pray and be alone with Me. You are My body to this world. Act as I would act. Love for Me, My sweet one. You are My Heart beating in this cold world.
I am close to you at every moment, no matter what you are doing.
I am your precious Jesus, forever by your side and in your heart and ardently on fire for love of you. Love for Me! First and foremost - always love.
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