Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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July 22, 2007
July 23rd Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
We need $17,500 to mail25,000 newsletters to the priests
and also the prayer manual.Please help us with your donations.
Rita will be here in Florida to dothe Sidney RosaryTuesday July 24, 2007 6:20pmPlease tune in!Retreat in ChinaAugust 10th - 13thRetreat in FloridaAugust 19th - 22nd
August 19th is the 90th anniversary
of Mary's apparition at Fatima
after the children were jailed.
August 22nd is the Queenship of Mary.
Rita will be here to sign books.
Excerpt from Response to God's Love,
by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
The Mystery of Christ and
Christian Existence...In reference to Christianity, God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.
The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.
At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ. St. Paul tells us: "I became a minister of this Church through the commission God gave me to preach among you his word in its fullness, that mystery hidden from ages and generations past but now revealed to his holy ones. God has willed to make known to them the glory beyond price which this mystery brings to the Gentiles—the mystery of Christ in you, your hope of glory. This is the Christ we proclaim while we admonish all men and teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ" (Col 1:25-28).
Excerpt from Response in Christ
by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
Relationship with Members of the Church
e) Relationship with Members of the Church
There is but one true Church of Christ. Yet this one Church has three different states of existence. There is the pilgrim Church, the Church of this world, composed of members who have received the grace of Christ and strive for its development. They have not yet obtained the goal of their efforts, as have the members of the heavenly Church, who enjoy God in eternal happiness. The Church suffering is an intermediate state of existence necessary for those who had not achieved the required purification as members of the pilgrim Church. Although there are these three phases of the Church’s existence, there is a profound union existing between all the members. All these members possess the same basic life of grace in Christ, and this common life establishes the most intimate bonds of love. In our preceding chapter, we discussed the pilgrim Church. Let us now consider the Church suffering and the heavenly Church.
The members of the Church suffering are those who have departed from this life in an incomplete state of Christian development. Their development is incomplete in the sense that grace has not fully taken possession of them, and, as a result, they are yet closed in upon themselves to a greater or lesser degree. They as yet cannot open themselves out in complete love to the Triune God in the beatific vision. They must undergo a further purification, a purification which could have been achieved upon earth with merit. Now the purification must be achieved with no merit attached. The pain of this purification is mixed with the certain expectation of achieving the vision of God. We can hasten the advent of this vision for this people by the offering of prayers and other good works. Scripture itself refers to our action on behalf of those in purgatory in Chapter 12 of the Second Book of Maccabees beginning with verse 38.
The members of the heavenly Church are those in whom the life of grace has taken full possession and has reached its completion in the life of glory. Faith now is unnecessary, as the light of glory gives the human intellect a new strength and capacity for seeing God face-to-face. While the Christian was a wayfarer, he received the imprint of the indwelling Trinity as he shared in God’s own life. Now in heaven that grace-life and possession of God reaches its completion—the absolute completion is not achieved, however, until the resurrection of the body. The divine persons give Themselves to the beatified in a profound union far surpassing that of the indwelling of the Trinity experienced here below.
This life of heaven is still the Christ-life, for just as we possess a share in Trinitarian life here below as mediated by Christ, and exercise this grace-life as structured by Him, so also in heaven is the mediation of Christ present. In the words of Rahner, "One always sees the Father through Jesus. Just as immediately as this, for the directness of the vision of God is not a denial of the mediatorship of Christ as man."14 And not only does the humanity of Christ unite the blessed to God, but also, in some way, to the whole of creation. This is merely a completion of what is begun here below, namely, the union with Christ in His humanity establishing the Christian in a special relationship with God, with other men, and with the whole of creation. We have a glimpse, therefore, of the fullness of life which members of the heavenly Church possess.
The heavenly Church, as St. Thomas says, is the true Church.15 The Church of this earth and the Church of purgatory are, each in its own way, reaching out in loving hope for the heavenly Jerusalem. Vatican II puts it very simply: "The Church, to which we are called in Christ Jesus, and in which we acquire sanctity through the grace of God, will attain her full perfection only in the glory of heaven."16
The members of the heavenly Church can help us in living our life of grace until we too share its fullness with them. Their power of intercession on our behalf is but another ramification of the communal aspect of Christianity. We are meant to help others grow in Christ. We, in turn, are intended by God to receive aid from others—yes, from members of the heavenly Church, as well as from those with whom we dwell here below.
Not only can we be aided by the saints’ intercession, but the example of the canonized saints can also be of great value to us. They have concretely proved that full holiness is possible. Such an inspiration is of real worth when we are tempted to think that Christian sanctity in its higher degrees is impossible of attainment. Moreover, the canonized saints, in their diversity, teach us that there are many authentic versions of Christian holiness. They can be innovators in showing us that there are numerous possibilities in assimilating the mystery of Christ, although the basic assimilation remains the same for all Christians of all times. In the opinion of Rahner this is one of the chief roles the canonized saints exert in the life of the Church.17
16. Second Vatican Council, Constitution on the Church, No. 48.
17. Cf. Karl Rahner, Op. cit., pp. 100-101.
![]() Mary by day |
![]() by night |
March 26, 1996
Very carefully
discerned by Fr. Carter
Messenger: I came to All Saints Church before a beautiful Monstrance of gold that contained Our beloved Savior. He was adorned in light, the altar beneath shone with the brightest light and the cross behind was entirely silhouetted with the same celestial light. I was overwhelmed with the presence of God and cried deeply from the awe of it all.
To be so aware of the Almighty God truly present in His splendor and glory—to know the presence of God, to see the glistening of the gold and the light and reflection of the cross behind Him—my beauteous love—words do not exist to describe the rapture of a heavenly embrace! I cry because of the immense awe within my being to know Him. God truly present in His majesty and glory and oh, God, I behold the presence of a heavenly court. You opened wide the heavens and lifted up the veil and I knew You in Your splendor and glory. I behold God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." He is the Almighty God. He shows us the celestial lights with which He will light this earth. Many must surrender their hearts to His Heart and Mary's heart. It is in surrendering, the Spirit will move in the hearts of men and the light of God will shine on the darkened earth. Not with a light that you comprehend, but a light that is divinely granted—a light beyond all lights, a vision beyond all visions. It takes the surrender of minds and hearts to God. The Spirit cannot move in us when we are in control. Surrender and give Him our heart and He will make us fishers of men.
We are His apostles in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. He is sending us out into the world to light the hearts with His burning love. We are chosen by Him and He is giving us abundant graces to grow in our union with Him. He will light this world with His burning love. Our hearts must be open. We must surrender and let go and reach beyond the senses, reach with our hearts. Pray for faith, pray for the vision of God.
Note: I cried all through this writing, having the presence of God and being in great ecstasy to behold Him. May God touch your heart and may His Spirit move within you. May you be filled with the grace of God to surrender and let Him accomplish a great work within you.
And I was filled on high with His miraculous light and He reached down and spoke within me. I was filled as never before and knew the presence of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Note: As I finished, the bells at All Saints Church rang at 9:00 A.M. As I began to experience the immense splendor, the bells of 8:00 rang. Words do not express anything that I saw or experienced or know from this ecstasy. This was the greatest and the first of three visions, which defined clearly to me our role in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Jesus defines clearly the role of Fr. Carter in this great mission given to him by the Father.
For Fr. Carter from Jesus:
Jesus: To him who has eyes to see, they will see - not with earthly vision, but with the eyes of faith, and to him who has ears to hear, he will hear with the fluttering of the Spirit moving within him.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am the Almighty God. I say to the rocks to fall and they fall and to the grass, grow, and it grows, and to the sun, shine, and it shines. I give to you My love in these letters. Filled with My love, you will conquer this earth, not with weapons and powder or force, but with fires of My love. The fire will wipe out the hatred in the cold hearts and the earth will be covered with My celestial light. The earth will rock and I will appear in the heavens adorned in power and glory and the contrite hearts will be saved. I came to separate the sheep from the goats, the light from the darkness. I come and no one pays Me heed.
To you, My beloved son, Father Carter, I have sent you on a mission to spread this fire that will cover this earth. The hearts of men will turn from their sick and desolate ways to hearts gentle as a little lamb.
There will be one flock and one Shepherd and My staff will rule over all. Hearts consecrated to Our Hearts will lead the light across the earth. This light will be a light of intense brightness, brighter and hotter than any light from a flame. It will be the fire of God's love. The Spirit will move in the hearts of all consecrated to My Heart, and you will know how fire truly spreads, for the love of God is a fire. It is vibrant. It is encompassing. It is smoldering, burning deep within and speedily spreading on the outside. No fire on this earth can ever describe the burning embers that burn from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. No fire burns like the fires coming from My Heart and hearts filled with the love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I have written your name, Fr. Carter, in My Heart, never ever to be blotted out and this earth will be renewed with the fire of God's love through you. You are My beloved priest-son, forever, according to the order of Melchizedek. Most holy and most sacred are your hands that consecrate the Host and write My precious newsletter for My beloved priest-sons. You are never unguarded. You are held within the deepest chamber of My Heart, and you will spread My love to the priest-sons of this earth.
I am Jesus. You will spread My love to all souls on this earth. I love you with the tenderest burning love. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior.
end of March 26, 1996
March 26, 2002
From the Vatican
Dear Mr. Weickert,
Holy Father has asked me to
thank you for the book which
you sent to
him at the request of the
Reverend Edward J. Carter, S.J.
very much
appreciates the sentiments which
prompted this presentation.
Holiness will remember Father
Carter in his prayers.
upon him joy and peace in our
Lord Jesus Christ, he cordially
imparts his
Apostolic Blessing.
Sincerely yours,
Monsignor Pedro López Quintana
and many other letters from the
Psalm 118: 22
stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
The Newsletter was from Florida
The list was prepared in Florida
Major funding for the newsletter from the Clearwater building
July 22, 2007 - Another message
Colossians 1: 24-28
It makes me happy to be suffering for you now, and in my own body to make up all the hardships that still have to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body, the Church, of which I was made a servant with the responsibility towards you that God gave to me, that of completing God’s message, the message which was a mystery hidden for generations and centuries and has now been revealed to his holy people. It was God’s purpose to reveal to them how rich is the glory of this mystery among the gentiles; it is Christ among you, your hope of glory: this is the Christ we are proclaiming, admonishing and instructing everyone in all wisdom, to make everyone perfect in Christ.
Luke 10: 38-42
In the course of their journey he came to a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. She had a sister called Mary, who sat down at the Lord's feet and listened to him speaking. Now Martha, who was distracted with all the serving, came to him and said, 'Lord, do you not care that my sister is leaving me to do the serving all by myself? Please tell her to help me.' But the Lord answered, 'Martha, Martha,' he said, 'you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part, and it is not to be taken from her.'
For what keeps us stuck is the
loss of faith, the purity of motive —
the vision of the men in the desert.
For me and John and the servants
and handmaids have been tested to
see what is our focus —
The window a test to see if we
would believe and here 9 years later —
we believed and are still there — for
you it may be letting go of your
$10 and $50, for us it was to live
without measuring for no where
could we have accomplished this
without faith —
I saw one thing what I believed
to be the will of the Father and every
5th my faith was strengthened as
I watched the image change from
rainbow to then rainbow and gold
from the bottom to solid glistening
gold —
Revelation 12: 1
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
a lady, not like the one I
saw when she really appeared as
a woman of light and beauty every
day for 14 months, but I saw
her in solid gold in the dark
night and light and it felt as heat
coming from a fire to strengthen
me against those who did not
believe me and John and Fr. Carter
showed unwavering faith and
some special persons in the
Movement whose faith kept us
there and never faltered in their
faith and the message of the Father
concerning Our Lady of Clearwater/
Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas.
And the more you tightened up —
the stronger the call for our faith
for when it should have been us
doing His work, it was us with
greater faith over functioning and
you with lesser faith holding on
to what you believed to be solid
I was tested and tried and John
and all those in the Shepherds of Christ
core group, but we withstood the test
instead of asking how in dollars
and cents circulated 5 million
Priestly Newsletters, 1/2 million
Blue Books and at least 2 million
rosaries homemade to school children
with 2 million consecration cards —
and it must be a billion prayer
manuals which were rejected by
so many when we were spreading
the Litany to Mary, Litany to the Sacred Heart,
Promises of Margaret Mary, Seven Sorrows,
prayer for priest, the priestly
newsletter, St. Michael prayer,
prayer for funds, Guardian angel
prayer - Holy Spirit prayer
Such a collection only Jesus
could have given them to Fr. Carter
and then had them easily translated
to 6 languages
But when Jesus asks man to
gaze now at the image, God
so sweetly gave to strengthen our
faith and look at 1/2 million
Newsletters circulated in one year —
with responses from the hierarchy —
like 7 inches high —
The core group has become more
united, our faith put always to
a greater test and some dropped
out with an empty heart when
they were clearly called because
they did not want to take both
feet off the ground.
Look at the Annunciation — was
Mary thinking — "Oh Joseph won't
believe me" —
No she waited on the Lord to
show him — it was beyond her
to do it
She said
"Oh Joseph, you too were chosen"
and after a dream he believed
Look at Thomas —
I am sick to know what I know
and when Mary appeared and said
"You have made money your god —"
she was right, but Jesus just
yesterday told me He didn't like
me saying to someone — "Well
this is like a game of 'Life', but
we didn't get money to start the
game" —
The truth is Jesus gave us a
donation yesterday and I am to thank
Him and let Him run the Movement
and test and strengthen our faith
more and more —
I see the bills and all we need
and want to feel secure — Jesus
gives us what we need, just
barely enough or I feel too
comfortable and less grateful
and more demanding —
I believe in this mission from
God, like Mary, the angel
appeared to her and she
believed and did what Jesus
Mary appeared to me for more
than 10 years and appeared in
Clearwater as the Clearwater
image when I begged for more
for people to believe —
I begged and Jesus told me
He let me see Him and Mary
and He gave me the Blue Books,
and Rosaries from the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary,
But He gave us all the
images of Clearwater to strengthen
our faith, the water from the
wells, the glass/Clearwater for
the Fatima statues, the exposed
Eucharist 24 hours in China, Indiana
the ability to circulate 5,000,000
Priestly Newsletters in 13 years
to hierarchy and priests — the church
in China, Indiana from the diocese
for $1, but we had to fix the
roof etc. —
He gives and He tests our
faith — to me after writing
every day for 16 years — I have
truly lived this message —
I Want Both Feet Off the Ground
January 18, 1994 4:40 a.m.
R. Dear Jesus, I am ready for Your work. I love You. I am sorry I didn't get to Mass because of the snow. I love You, Jesus.
Jesus: You mustn't feel that I am displeased because you stayed home. You need to be with Me at home just as you are in church. Focus on Me and My love for you and keep making Spiritual Communions. I am Jesus. I am present. I talk, you write. I am He Whose bootstraps you are unworthy to tie. I am He Who loves you intently. If you only knew a little of My love, you would be preaching about Me from a high mountain.
You are he that wants one foot on the earth and one foot in the air. One foot will let go, but the other is not willing. I want both of your feet off the floor. That extra security you hold on to, just in case--that is what makes you worldly. I demand you let go entirely. You will then be free in My love. You will soar! As long as you think you are doing any of it yourself you stop yourself from the total freedom of letting go.
So here you are and I am telling you in your heart to do something and you decide to ask someone else, or you procrastinate, or you want proof. I don't give proof! The beauty of total surrender is to have no proof and total trust in Him Who truly loves you! "Well, Lord, I know you are telling me this." Then, do it child! Let go! Feel the freedom of flying. You are totally free. I am running the balloons. You, child, let go. You totally surrendered to Me and at first you were afraid, but here you are flying and it is such freedom! Take in the sights. Be lighted on your way. Do you trust Me like that? If you don't, you are still in control.
The will of The Father I make clear to you. You want that security the world says you should have. The world is not secure. It is built on a sinking ship. It may look secure, but in one instant your ship could sink and if you are counting on yourself, what will you do?
I sail your balloon to heights you never dreamed possible. Let go. I run the balloon. There may be a little wind, but the freedom of sailing, of knowing you will never lose your way because Jesus is holding you up, what power Jesus has over all and He holds you up! If you go out on a limb for Him, He supports the limb. "Scary," you say? "Freedom," I say! When you trust your interior promptings this much, when you know God is this close that you will do whatever He calls you to, despite the world, that is freedom. You are My special messengers. The world is teaching some awfully sick messages. People are getting literally sick. Become selfless, let Me possess you so I can do what I need to through you.
The world wants you to have security, insurance, jobs that they consider safe. "Be sure you have all these things to be sure." Sure of what? That in one minute there can be an earthquake and it all is destroyed? You are not sure! I have all the power. You are so silly to think you are sure of anything in this world.
There is only one thing you can be sure of: I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. Put your trust in Me and then you are sure. You may not receive a reward in this world, but you, for sure, will receive a golden reward in the next.
Let go, My children. Seek after only the things of God. Do not store up earthly treasures that wither and fade. Store up heavenly treasures that never die.
Let go, My children. I am waiting for you to let go with both of your feet. Jump into the arms of Him Who saves you. You let go, I catch you. God is there to hold you up lest you stumble and lose your way.
You walk the road to My love. It does not go down the solid roads the world has built. It is a road suspended in the sky. To know Me is to let go. Get off that road that appears to the world as solid. You know an earthquake can split that road in half. Walk My road with Me. That may mean the road seems to be missing at times. But you do not have your ducks in a row. Minute by minute you follow a road supported by Me. What freedom! To trust in Me, to do My work with support from Me is so free, but so uncertain for your earthly minds.
I tell you in your hearts. The world wouldn't even hear that which becomes to you a command to obedience. I tell you to do such things. The more I possess your soul, the more it becomes Me acting out of you. You know you are doing things you would not have done before.
This is Me. When you beg Me to possess your soul, you let go and I take over. You don't need security here. You only need the inner promptings and the trust in your heart that God has spoken and you follow His command.
How can I minister to this sick world if you choose to keep one foot on what the world calls "solid ground"? I want to possess you. I want to operate from your very being. I want to be in constant communion with you. I want you to hear the pipeline to Me every second you breathe. You will do this when you let go. I need to have full reign to operate from you as I see fit. Believe Me, I will not be doing what you would do.
When you see yourself moving selflessly ahead, doing My work, no questions asked, when you are listening to your information from within instead of from without, then your pipeline is open and working. Your answers are in your heart. You search for your answers in a senseless world, while you cover up the answers in your heart. Let Me possess you. Be selfless, be unattached. Operate as I am telling you in your heart.
"But," you say, "Oh, how do you test it?" That is the world. The more you know Me, you do not even think. It is I Who operate you. You do not even deliberate. I just work through you and you see that what you did was a vital move in My plan. But you did not even deliberate much. You were pushed in that direction and you knew you had to do it.
Child, listen to your heart. I am calling you to quiet union with Me. Silence with Me. Let Me change you and make you open. Say the Prayer for Union with Jesus, then let go and let Me do My work. I need your total submission. Your security is not found in thinking. It is found in your heart, in being so attached to Me that it is I Who live and act from your soul.
I operate you like a little windup doll. You don't worry and fret. You just go. You ask no questions. You are selfless and unattached and what you achieve is the work of the Son of Man.
I am Jesus. I am God. I am He Who wants to possess you and use you. When I do something, I do not make mistakes. Quit trying to do it yourself. Let Me operate you. Let Me do it all. Get both feet off the ground and say, "Lord, Lord, I give you My all. You use me, You run me, You possess me. I am Yours." Die to yourself and all the things of the world. You are he whom I want to possess and use to do My work. If you continue to do it your way, it is your doing a so-so job. Let go and let Me do My work as I want it done!
Don't ask questions. Don't jump back to the ground and say, "Oh, but it got scary out there with nothing under my feet. I just wanted to stand on solid ground." My ground is all that you must walk. You do not have a choice. My life in you is like being suspended in midair. It only feels good when you have decided that you will let go, that you know in your heart that trusting in Me is the only way. What freedom, to sail the sky and never ever look for security!
This is life in Me. You can't go to the world. Life with Me is like this. Life in the world is sick. You can't go there. You don't let go so you are not fully here. So, there is discontent in your heart. One foot on, one foot off. Surrender, My child. Let go with both feet and don't question! I will lift you up and lead you on your way. I need you to do My work in this world. If you become selfless and let Me possess you, you will operate just as I want you to because I will be doing the work.
Don't look for security! Pray constantly. I am as close as your breath. I am He Who powers you. You will not falter for I will catch you on your way. Your only job is to let go and trust. Know I am truly here and you are never abandoned. I love you so. You are doing My work with all your heart and I am powering your heart. Let go. Living in Me is not the security that the world preaches. It is like being in midair and knowing I am by your side and will catch you. If you feel your life is like this, being in midair, you are doing a great job. But it is not you at all. It is I Who sustain you. It is I Who act from you. You are My precious ones. You, I love to My death! Trust Me. I died for you. I am your beautiful Jesus. I am your spouse. I am ever by your side and I love you with a heart on fire for love of you. Surrender. Let go and you will be free in the Lord!
R. Alleluia. And He made them His workers and they acted as He did in them and the world knew His love in mighty proportion through those who chose to serve the Lord. Alleluia. Our hearts are lifted to such heights in Him. His ways are secure!
end of January 18, 1994
For you - when I and John and the
core group held on and some
let go wanting solid earth —
we were tested and now we live
IN HIM more deeply, know
the oneness with heaven and earth and
really live the mystery of
death/resurrection in our lives.
When I held on, people persecuted
me and some being called listened
to those persecuting me, and persecuted me
worse than the
other — even when they saw the
fruits and the work of God —
but to do this it takes faith and
focus on Him —
I see the saints with thorns
in their heads, St. Francis
building the Church — I am sure
lots of saints weren't recognized,
but God wants us to study the
faith of Noah and Moses and
Mary and Joseph and see the
waning faith of Thomas after
all he knew
And some of the Apostles
ran at the death of Jesus —
Why did they sleep in the garden
I remember a message I got not
too long ago over and over again and
it said
"Pray you will not be put
to the test"
When others do not answer
it affects us all.
What if Joseph said "no"
I got the dream, but I can't
take both feet off the ground.
Mary appeared at Fatima and there
was World War II —
I saw the window dark
September 5, 2001 and there was
September 11, 2001 6 days later and
in begging once again for
money September 6, 2001 I got
this response from Jesus —
5 days before September 11, 2001
Excerpt from September 6, 2001
Jesus speaks: You must pray for your donors.
I appeared and my mother appeared
for the whole world.
The apparition is not appreciated.
The fact you cannot even make
the rent payment for the
building is proof.
So much money in the world and the
state of Florida.
Look at your news on television.
Look at what the
news is on the
It is not the
responsibility of 100
people to support such a vision.
It is a gift from God.
This shows you
the focus of men
and your news.
Your eyes are blind.
I ask today September 6, 2001 to
see Our images and to help
do what We have asked you to do.
These messages are important.
You have ignored Me.
Prayer for Union
with Jesus, Prayer Before the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass, Say daily card,
morning offering, Shepherds of Christ
Prayer manuals, Holy Spirit Novena book,
rosary meditations are gifts from God.
Messenger: Jesus also said "All materials
used for the school rosary program
printed by B&M have helped the
school children."
Jesus speaks: The Priestly Newsletter is a gift from God.
Because of these prayers your world
is a better place.
If B&M closes and the printing stops -
your world will be affected.
Again I repeat, these revelations and
materials are for the world.
Mary appears the Lady clothed in gold
for the world.
Very, very few are helping to do what I ask.
My movement is to
help the priests, the
Church and the world, it is a gift.
Because of My
movement, the world is a
better place.
You will feel the effects if the printing stops.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I speak here.
end of excerpt from September 6, 2001
People believed Guadalupe
after the roses — the Fatima
message was not heeded as it
should have after the miracle
of October 13, 1917 —
The children were jailed
August 13, 1917 and so Our Lord
asked me for prayer when
Mary did appear August 19, 1917
ninety years later — prayer from
the Clearwater Building (August 19, 2007).
Bishops Comments 2007
1) Thank you for your letter with the enclosed book Light, Happiness & Peace - Journey Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality.
With prayerful best wishes and kind regards. (Archbishop - Apostolic Nuncio - Canada)2) We cordially thank you for sending us the book Light, Happiness and Peace by Fr. John J. Pasquini. We will use all the available
publications of Shepherds of Christ translated in Portuguese, to promote and enrich the prayers for priests at our diocese. (Bishop -
Brazil)3) We are happy to get this special book "Light, Happiness & Peace" from which we obtain immense amount of useful information for
the priests in all the eight chapters. We were deeply impressed by the quotation from Mother Teresa given on p. 143 of it, which is
specially actual in the days of Lent. (Vicar General - Poland)4) Recently I received your letter and the book on the Spiritual Life "Light, Happiness and Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you
very much for sending it to me! Be assured of my prayers for your intentions: that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives!
(Auxiliary Bishop - Netherlands)5) Thank you for the special book on the Spiritual Life by Fr. John J. Pasquini "Light, Happiness and Peace." (Vicar General - Spain)
6) Thank you for your letter and the book "Light, Happiness & Peace." The thoughts presented by Fr. John J. Pasquini are very
inspiring and will help me in my prayers and talks and sermons to the people. May God continue to bless your work. (Bishop -
India)7) It has been quite a number of times that I have received your newsletter which I deeply value. I thank you for the free copy of the
book you sent me titled "Light, Happiness & Peace." (Bishop - Eritrea - Eastern Africa)8) I accept most gratefully the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" which you have sent for our priests as a mission of love. Yours in
Jesus and Mary. (Archbishop - Sri Lanka)9) Thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini which is being put on the bookshelves of our Parish
under the care of Fr. Jun De Peralta in charge of our priests. I wish you the best for the Lenten celebration of Paschal Mystery of
Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Happy Easter! (Bishop - Philippines)10) I have received your letter, the Magazine, Prayer Manual and the book "Light, Happiness and Peace." I am very grateful and hereby
send you my best wishes and the Lord's blessings. (Msgr. - Croatia)11) The book "Light, Happiness & Peace" will make for good reading during the Lenten Season. Perhaps it could be translated to
Russian. (Bishop - Kazakhstan)12) Thank you for sending the book "Light, happiness and Peace" as a gift of thanksgiving, and also the Newsletter for our Priests and
the two Prayer Manuals (English and French). With every Blessing of the Holy Season of Lent. (Archbishop - Pakistan)13) We received "Light, Happiness and Peace" the Bible quotations are important and precious. Thank you for all you send to us and
for all you do! (Bishop - Brazil)14) Thank you for your letter of February 12, 2007 with which you enclosed the book entitled Light, Happiness and Peace:
Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality by the Reverend Fr. John J. Pasquini, the Shepherds of Christ newsletter and
the Prayer Manuals. I offer my best wishes in Our Blessed Lord Jesus. (Archbishop - Vatican City)15) I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 12th instant, along with an enclosed copy of the book entitled "Light, Happiness
& Peace", 2007 Issue No. 1 of the newsletter "Shepherds of Christ" and the Prayer Manuals. In sincerely thanking you for these, I
wish to congratulate you all on the completion of 12th year of your ministry of prayers for priests, the Church and the world, and
reassure you my prayers. (Archbishop - Apostolic Nuncio - India)16) Please do congratulate Fr. John J. Pasquini for his two books, In Imitation of the Two Hearts and Light, Happiness and Peace.
I am happy that the book Light, Happiness and Peace takes head on a challenge that I had underlined in the 3 of the documents of
this Discastery. While appreciating your work in helping people to pray and in emphasizing and promoting traditional Catholic
Spirituality, I implore God's Blessings on you and your work. (Cardinal - President - Vatican City)17) I thank you for your letter of 12 February 2007 to which you attached the book "Light, Happiness and Peace," the recent issue of
"Shepherds of Christ" spirituality newsletter for priests and the Prayer Manual of the Shepherds of Christ Associates. In
commending you for the work you do for the clergy, the church and the world, please be assured that these reading materials will
be included in the library collection of this Apostolic Nunciature to which our staff will have easy access. May I invite you to also
send similar literature Episcopal Commission on the clergy, of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines. (Archbishop -
Apostolic Nuncio - Philippines)18) I acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the Light, Happiness & Peace. Thank you and may the Lord Jesus bless you all with His
abundant spiritual gifts. (Cardinal - Japan)19) I have received the book, "Light, Happiness & Peace", which you kindly sent me, and I am much obliged. Please count on my
prayers. (Bishop - Republic of Panama)20) Thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" Which I found to be very inspiring and useful. My prayers are with you for the
success of your apostolate. (Bishop - India)21) Recently I received your letter of February 12, 2007, with its enclosure of a copy of Light, Happiness and Peace (authored by Rev.
John J. Pasquini). Please accept my appreciation for these materials. With most cordial regards I remain. (Bishop - Vatican City)22) I hereby write to acknowledge the receipt of your letter and the gift of the book, Light, Happiness and Peace. I am grateful to you
for sharing with me your mission as a ministry. I am also glad to note that you love priests and the church. (Bishop - Ghana - West
Africa)23) I am writing to acknowledge receipt of the book, Light, Happiness & Peace, written by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you for
providing me with these publications. Know that I am most grateful for your zeal in encouraging prayers for priests, church and the
world. (Auxiliary Bishop - USA)24) We received the copy of Light, Happiness and Peace, Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality, by Fr. John J. Pasquini,
the newsletter and the Prayer Manual that you kindly sent to me for the Vatican library. I gladly take this opportunity to express my
gratitude for the books and for your kind attention to our Institution. (Prefetto - Vatican City)25) I would like to thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" that I have received. I ask God to bless you in a special way.
Also I invite the protection of Holy Mary, about your projects. (Archbishop - Brazil)26) Thank you very much for your kind letter of the 12th instant and for the book, "Light, Happiness and Peace," by Fr. John J.
Pasquini. I assure the members of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries of my special prayers and blessings. (Cardinal - Prefect -
Vatican City)27) I received your letter of February 21, 2007, wherein you kindly enclosed a copy of the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter, Prayer
Manual and the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you very much for your consideration in this
regard. With renewed sentiments of gratitude, and prayers for continued blessings. (Cardinal - Vatican City)28) Thank you for your kindness and generosity in forwarding the booklet "Light, Happiness & Peace." The prayer book too will be
used. (Bishop - Australia)29) Thank you for the copy of the book by Fr. John J. Pasquini "Light, Happiness & Peace" as well as the Newsletter. Be assured of
my prayers for you and the work your apostolate does in praying for priests, the church and the world. (Bishop - USA)30) Thank you so much for the letter of February 12, which I received now. Many thanks for the rich and precious book "Light,
Happiness & Peace" and the Prayer Manuals. God Bless you and grant His richest gifts and blessings. (Patriarch of Alexandria of
the Copt Catholics - Egypt)31) I thank you for the copy of Light, Happiness & Peace, which is a journey through traditional catholic spirituality by Fr. John J.
Pasquini. I look forward to reading this work and I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending it to me. With every good wish for you
and your staff and the promise of prayer, I remain. (Bishop - USA)32) Thank you for sending to me the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" and the Prayer Manuals. I ask God the Father and the Holy
Mother to illuminate your work. (Bishop - Peru)33) Thank you very much for your post from February 12, 2007, and for the book by Fr. John J. Pasquini, Light, Happiness and
Peace. Thank you for your prayers for the priests. In this time of Lent I wish you the spirit of contemplation of the face of our Lord
Carrying the cross and the joy of Resurrection. (Archbishop - Poland)34) I am very grateful to you for having forwarded to me the new book of Fr. John J. Pasquini: Light, Happiness & Peace, the Prayer
Manual and the Newsletter. I thank you very much for everything. Remembering you in my prayers. (Apostolic Nuncio - Belgium)35) Thank you for your letter of February 21, 2007, for the book; Light, Happiness and Peace and all the materials. Thanks for all you
do for our priests. May God bless you. (Archbishop - USA)36) My sincere appreciation for the inspirational book "Light, Happiness & Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini and the Prayer Manuals. I
am grateful for your thoughtfulness. God Bless! (Bishop - USA)37) Thank you so much for the book entitled, Light, Happiness & Peace, written by Reverend John J. Pasquini, and the Shepherds of
Christ Prayer Manuals and Newsletter. With every best wish. (Bishop - USA)38) For the time and effort you have taken to share your publications and other materials with me, I am most grateful. Fr. John J.
Pasquini's work "Light, Happiness & Peace" is a good spiritual work on the essential life. Please be assured of my prayers for you
and the work of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. (Vicar general - USA)39) I am really grateful to receive a new issue of the Priestly Newsletter "Shepherds of Christ" with the enclosed book of Fr. John
Pasquini "Light, Happiness and Peace". Wishing you to spread love towards the Church and her Ministries everywhere, I avail
myself of this opportunity to renew to you my sentiments of high esteem. (Bishop - Vatican City)40) Thank you for your kind gift of Light, Happiness & Peace, by Fr. John J. Pasquini. May Almighty God continue to Bless your
ministry, and with prayers for a Holy Lenten Season I am. (Bishop - USA)41) Thank you for sending me the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter and a complimentary copy of the book, "Light, Happiness & Peace." I will read this book with interest. (Bishop - USA)
42) Thank you for the courtesy of sending me Light, Happiness & Peace along with the Prayer Manuals. I appreciate receiving
them and will pass them along to staff. My prayers to you for a blessed Lenten Season. (Bishop - USA)43) I sincerely appreciate your generosity and the sacrifice you make in helping the priests all over the world. Your Priestly Newsletter is a rich source of spiritual nourishment for our priests. Please continue to send them. (Archbishop of India – 06-03-07)
44) I am greeting you in the most cordial way to thank you for the Newsletters from Shepherds of Christ by Fr. John J. Pasquini you have sent to me. (Bishop of Ecuador – 03-26-07)
45) Thank you for sending the materials which I received from Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I would like to share some texts with some of the seminarians, and I ask If you have some of the Newsletters translated in Spanish, please send them to me. (Msgr. of Argentina – 03-16-07)
46) I received your letter, the Magazine, Prayer manual and the Book "Light, Happiness and Peace". I am very grateful and hereby send you my best wishes and the Lord’s blessings. (Archbishop of Croatia – 03-14-07)
47) I thank you heartily for the copies of Shepherds of Christ publications that you have been sending to me for many years. This is much appreciated. With renewed heartfelt thanks and prayerful best wishes, I am. (Bishop of Bangladesh – 03-15-07)
48) The priestly Newsletter is displayed in our Chancery for visitors who may be inspired to read. The book Light, Happiness and Peace by Fr. John J. Pasquini is being put to the bookshelves of our Bahay Pari under the care of Fr. Jun De Paralta in charge of our priests. I wish you the best for the Lenten celebration of Paschal Mystery of Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. (Bishop of the Philippines – 03-08-07)
49) Thank you for your recent letter and the enclosed newsletter. Your prayerful support for priests, the church and the world is much appreciated. Please be assured of my prayers and best wishes for you and your work. (Archbishop of the Vatican City – 04-26-07)
50) Greetings in the name of the risen Lord. Thank you for sending me the regular newsletter of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. It is very inspiring. (Msgr. of Malaysia – 04-26-07)
51) I was so glad to receive your mail with the enclosed information. It a joy to say that I am satisfied with the information to a considerable degree. I remain deeply grateful and will be on my way to forming a chapter in my parish. Surely, I will communicate when the ball starts rolling. (Priest of Nigeria – 03-28-07)
52) A belated, but nonetheless sincere thanks for the copy of the book you sent to me authored by Fr. John J. Pasquini. I look forward to read it. (Msgr. of the Philippines – 04-18-07)
53) Thank you for your recent letter and for enclosing the newsletter together with a prayer manual and Light Happiness and Peace. With good wishes and an assurance of my prayers. (Auxiliary Bishop of London – 04-20-07)
54) A note to thank you for the 2007 issue No. 1 of “Shepherds of Christ” and the Book ‘Light, Happiness & Peace’. Your kindness is appreciated. Every blessings and Peace for Eastertide. (Bishop of Australia – 04-18-07)
55) I am writing to you first of all to tell you how much I appreciate your publications “Shepherds of Christ Ministries”. It is a great apostolate and you would know through your own experience, how much it is needed in the church specially in our times. May the Good Shepherd bless you and reward you for all that you are doing for our priests. (Archbishop of Sri Lanka – 05- 04-07)
56) I am most grateful for your kind gesture and will keep you and the Shepherds of Christ Ministries in my masses and prayers. With every good wish. (Archbishop of Australia – 05-01-07)
57) Thank you very much for the first issue of 2007 “Shepherds of Christ Ministries” by Fr. John J. Pasquini and the book Light, Happiness and Peace. As always the newsletter have been distributed to all our priests with great appreciation. (Bishop of Bethlehem – 04-18-07)
58) Thank you for your leadership with Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I appreciate the Commitment that you and those associated with you have made to strengthen the spirituality of priests and the church. May God continue to bless you in your efforts abundantly.(Archbishop of USA - 04-25-07)
59) Thank you for kindly sending me this Newsletter on the priesthood. I greatly appreciate your tremendous support and prayers on behalf of our priests. May God bless you, and may He continue to guide your important work with Shepherds of Christ Ministries. (Bishop of USA – 04-26-07)
60) I am really grateful to receive a new issue of the Priestly Newsletter “Shepherds of Christ” with the enclosed the prayer of Fr. John J. Pasquini. Wishing you to spread love of Christ and Mary everywhere, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you my sentiments of high esteem. (Bishop of the Vatican City – 04-30-07)
61) Thank you for your letter of April 13th, 2007. I am grateful for your prayers before the Blessed Sacrament for me and the priests of our Diocese. With prayers and best wishes, I remain. (Bishop of USA – 04-26-07)
62) I wish to thank you for the materials you sent and I send my appreciation and best wishes to all the members of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. With kind regards and prayerful good wishes. (Archbishop – Apostolic Nuncio of India – 04-26-07)
63) We will use all of Shepherds of Christ’s publications to promote and to enrich the prayers for priests vocations at our Diocese. (Bishop of Brazil – 04-20-07)
64) I have long wished to express my thanks for the newsletter and other publications which you send me. I appreciate very much your mission to promote the renewal of the spiritual life through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (Bishop of Albenia – 03-21-07)
65) Thank you for sending me your publications “Shepherds of Christ" ministries regularly. It gives good directions for the life of priests. (Bishop of India – 04-21-07)
66) I express my deep gratitude to the Shepherds of Christ Ministry, for being generous is sending us the shipment of books of prayers and prayer manuals. (Bishop of Papua New Guinea – 04-03-07)
67) It is very encouraging to know that there is a movement whose members are constantly praying for the priests, the church and the world. Be assured of my prayers for your intentions, that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives! (Bishop of Nederland – 04-27-07)
end of comments
Here are some comments from over “a half a million” people who have received the Blue Books. Many have called the “Shepherds of Christ Ministries” to thank us for the Blue Books and to tell us how they have been touched and how their lives have been changed by reading God’s Blue Books!
From Rita Ring
Discerned by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S. J. - Founder
1) Monroe - MI
To read the Blue Books is what I need. Jesus’ words of love make me feel so good!
2) Niles - IL
They are so beautiful and I am so happy in becoming more united to Jesus! These books are so powerful! And I want everyone to have them! I will buy many of the Blue Books and give them out!
3) Salem - OR
The Blue Book has helped me immensely and I want to thank the Shepherds of Christ for these great books!
4) Inglewood - FL
I love the Blue Books! I feel so comforted and full of hope! These books are worthy to give thanks for.
5) Montrose - MI
I love the Blue Books and they have helped me a lot!
6) Steubenville - OH
These books are just so beautiful and so comforting. I will give one to each of my friends!
7) Coral Springs - FL
I was in church begging Jesus to speak to me! Then, came a lady and gave me a Blue Book and I opened it at a page and it said exactly what I needed to hear! Jesus truly speaks to me in the Blue Books!
8) Forth Worth - TX
I got a Blue Book from my sister and I put it on the shelf without opening it, but for some reason I could not get that book out of my mind until I opened it and, all I can say is that; the words were very powerful and I felt in my heart that Jesus was speaking to me!
9) Pittsburgh - PA
I love the Blue Books and I live by them! My life has changed! I am so happy! This is all I can say!
10) Midland - TX
I love the Blue Books! I can feel in my heart that Jesus is speaking to Me! They brought me back to church after 5 years!
11) Denver - CO
I love the Blue Books! I will spread the good news to all I meet!
12) Orange Park - FL
The messages are so beautiful! I would never stop reading them!
13) Niles - IL
I love the Blue Book so much that I can no longer live without it!
14) Chicago - IL
This is what I need! I want to grow spiritually and get closer to God! I open it all the time, it lifts me up and gives me the answers I need! I will help many people to have these books!
15) South Paris - ME
This is what I need! Nobody loves us as God does! These love letters are real joy and happiness! That is what I need in my life! I am so touched by these books…I have no words to express myself…
16) Delray Beach - FL
I will promote the Blue Books and help others to grow in their relationship with God!
17) Maryville - TN
All my family use the Blue Books and I have given them to many people! The Blue Books are a gift from God! I make sure, I tell everyone about them! I carry the book with me wherever I go! I love to meditate in what Jesus tells me!
18) Sarasota - FL
Jesus' love letters have changed my life! I just love them!
19) Mesa - AZ
I found a Blue Book in the adoration chapel. I love it! It changed my life!
20) Rockville - NY
I find my answers in the Blue Books and I will share this great gift with others!
21) Bronx - NY
I have no words to express how the Blue Books has helped me! I am feeling much better now!
22) Tampa - FL
My friend was reading the Blue Book and said that Jesus was speaking to her! All right I said and laughing I added; Jesus will talk to me too and He did! I could not contain my emotion, for Jesus spoke to me exactly of what I was joking about! YES! Jesus really speaks to us in the Blue Books!
23) Staten Island - NY
I live by the Blue Books! Jesus tells me what I need to know! I love it!
24) Chaparral - NM
One day I was organizing my books and I found a Blue Book and I don’t know where it came from! I opened the book and I was touched1 I use the book all the time ever since!
25) Denver - CO
Jesus called me back to church in His Blue Books! I have been away for several years! Now I know God loves me! He is guiding and directing me…How blessed I am!
26) Saucier - MS
I use the Blue Books all day long and I love it!
27) Kendall Park - NJ
The Blue Books are so powerful! I can’t live without them! I am buying 2 boxes to give out and I know everybody will love it!
28) Hollywood - CA
His love is so intense! I am so happy to know God loves me so much! I want all to know how precious everyone is to God! The Blue Books tell me what I need to know!
29) Atlanta - GA
The Blue Books have helped me greatly and all my family! It is a treasure!
30) Detroit - MI
I went on your web site and I found the Blue Books! Thanks to God!
31) St. Mary’s - PA
I lost my Blue Book! I am so anguished! Please send me the book as soon as you can! I need these words!
32) Exeter - PA
I feel like giving the Blue Books to the youth! They are searching for something to satisfy their hunger!
33) Whippany - NJ
I gave a Blue Book to a friend four years ago and she paid no heed. She opened recently and it changed her life! It opened her eyes to see that God really speaks to us in the Blue Books!
34) Cincinnati - OH
I grew in relationship with God since I began to read the Blue Books! God is becoming more and more personal to me! I love it and I want all to know about it! I just can’t keep secret of such joy! Thank you Jesus!
35) San Antonio - TX
We have a great supply of books at our house! Since we have the Blue Books we dropped all the rest! We don’t want to read anything else! We are so happy to have the Blue Books and to follow Jesus' directions!
36) West Chester - OH
I find the answers in the Blue Books! I love it! I now spend an hour with Jesus everyday! I want to have this love relationship with God!
37) Columbus - OHAll my life I have searched for answers and now I find them in the Blue Books! They have helped me so much!
38) Rochester - MA
I borrowed my friend's Blue Books just out of curiosity! I learned that God is truly speaking to us in these messages! It touched me! I can no longer live without the book!
39) Jackson - TN
I saw a lady with the Blue Book and I had no peace until I went to talk to her. She gave me your toll free phone number! I know I need this book! Please send it to me as soon as possible!
40) Framington - MA
I am a priest. Please send me 2 sets of the Blue Books to put in my Adoration Chapel!
41) Jacksonville - FL
I have three youth children and they say that Jesus speaks in the Blue Books! They want to have all the books. They go to their friends house and read the Blue Books and they love them!
42) Los Angeles - CA
My friend was away from the Catholic faith but now, all she wants is to be with Jesus before the Blessed Sacrament! She is in great love with Jesus through the Blue Books!
43) Missouri City - TX
I open the Blue Book and Jesus said to me: “Come to Me my little one, be with me in silence. I have all you ever need”. This message touched me so much and opened my eyes to see that I have been too busy with other things. Now I know that Jesus wants me to take time to be with Him and to love Him in return!
44) Des Moines - IA
I gave a Blue Book to the priest at my parish and he begun to spend an hour with Jesus every day!
45) Khartoun - SUDAN
I am a priest and a nun friend of mine told me about the wonders of the Blue Books, please send me all the volumes!
46) Pittsburgh - PA
I saw a lady reading a book and she never took her eyes off of it and, when I finally could read the cover of it, I read “God’s Blue Book”. From there I went to see the doctor and when I walked into his office, there was the Blue Book! I opened it and what I read was so beautiful and I could not take my eyes off the book either then, I could understand why the lady was so focused on what she was reading.
47) West Indies
The Blue Books are working wonders in my life! Please send my order out soon! I will share the books with all my friends!
48) Boston - MA
I went to confession and the priest gave me a Blue Book! He said that the book would help me! The book has helped me so much! I feel I am a new person! Thank you Jesus!
49) New York - NY
God led my hand in the adoration chapel and I picked up the Blue Book! I am so blessed to have opened it, now I can order my own!
50) Orland Park - IL
I found a Blue Book in the church and I love it! Please send me all the other volumes!
51) England
I found the Blue Books on the internet and I would like to purchase all the volumes for myself and also some for my friends to whom I already told about the Blue Books!
52) Broomall - PA
The Blue Books are wonderful! They make me feel so loved and so special to God!
53) Jacksonville - FL
The Blue Book brought me to life in Him. Jesus is in my heart and I totally rely and depend on Jesus for everything! I would never stop thanking your Ministry for the Blue Books! Please let me know when the next volume will be published!
54) Nyika - Zimbabwe
I am a priest! Please send me your Blue Books! I have heard so much about them!
55) Gary - SD
A friend of mine showed me the Blue Book and I read a sentence! It was the exact answer I was waiting for!
56) Grand Rapids - MI
The Blue Book VI is so powerful! My husband and I have grown so much in our spiritual life by using the rosary meditations from that book! Thank you Shepherds of Christ!
57) Ghana - West Africa
I am a priest and I thank God for providing us the Blue Books through your ministry! May God continue to bless all your wonderful works!
58) New Zealand
I am spreading the Blue Books in my Country! They have made my life much better!
59) Smithfield - NC
I had a Blue Book sitting on the shelf for a couple of years and suddenly my children began to use it and leave it everywhere in the house! Wherever I went or was looking for something, there was that Blue Book! It was like the book was following me around! So, I finally decided to open it today and the message I got was so important to me and it made me cry…my life has changed the last minutes!
60) Morgan City - LA
I was in the chapel and a lady had a Blue Book and was reading it! I knew I had to have that book! That is why I am calling you today!
61) Mobile - AL
I had my Blue Book since 1999 and I use it all the time! It is a treasure! I want to order some to give out!
62) North Haven - CT
I would like to have my own copy of the Blue Book! Sometimes it is not available at the chapel when I want it! This book is so great!
63) Chicago - IL
I know the Blue Books are very powerful! Please send them to me! I know I need to have them!
64) Moville - IA
I love the Blue Books and the people to whom I give them love them too! My daughter was pregnant and she wanted to have an abortion! After she used the Blue Books a few times she changed her mind and did not have the abortion!
65) Corwith - IA
I got a Blue Book from a priest and I just love it! Jesus really speaks to me in that book and I want to give some out to my friend and to the priest who gave his own book to me!!
66) Spring Ballew - CA
A friend of mine gave me a Blue Book and I love it! It is so comforting to me to know that God loves me and is always with me!
67) Miramar - FL
My daughter and I found a Blue Book in the adoration chapel and we love it! We took it home with us and we would not return it until we would have our own!
68) Fairborn - OH
I found a Blue Book in the adoration chapel and I love it! I want my own and I want to follow what Jesus is teaching in it!
69) Atlanta - GA
I love the Blue Books and I know Jesus is really speaking to me in them!
70) Whippany - NJ
I gave a Blue Book to a friend whose family was all divided and there was so much sufferings! She opened the Blue Book and she kept getting the same message every time she opened it! The Divine Mercy! She began to pray that prayer and things began to change and from there on she always looks for her answers in the Blue Books!
71) Glastonbury - CT
A friend of mine gave me a Blue Book and I use it all day long. I cry of joy because I know Jesus is speaking to me! Jesus’ love letters changed my life and my heart! My heart is on fire for love of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! I am so grateful and I will thank Jesus forever for the Blue Books! I am giving them out. I want all to have these books!
72) Kendall Park - NJ
I give out the Blue Books and I have the permission of two priests to put the Blue Books in the churches so people can help themselves. Please send me two more boxes of books, volume IV and V. I will help you “Shepherds of Christ” until you have done what God wants you to do!
73) Holyoke - MA
I am Sister ______ and I got two Blue Books from a friend! Oh! How good is God to us! These books are so beautiful! I will share them with all the other 75 nuns and we will be ordering more, I am sure! Thank you Shepherds of Christ!
74) Plainfield - NY
I got a Blue Book from a friend and I love it! I believe if everyone would live by these messages, they would change their lives and their hearts!
75) Boston - MA
I got a Blue Book from a friend and I love it! I have my own ministry but, the Blue Books are what the world needs, really!! They are the food for the hungry souls on this earth!
76) Maywood - NJ
I went to my daughter’s house and I found a Blue Book there on the table. I opened it and I was deeply touched! Please send me all the volumes!
77) Ft. Walton Beach - FL
I need to order more books for they go fast, just like hot cakes! I believe in the Blue Books and so does everyone else who opens them! It is amazing! God is so good to us! Thank you Rita for the Blue Books and for being God’s messenger!
78) Brazil
I gave a Blue Book to a friend of mine who was the most bitter person I ever met! She was snarley, angry and had no respect for anyone! She had no friends and nobody wanted to be around her either! She was a smart person and knew eight languages but, did not work at any place for a long time until I gave her a Blue Book and she began to change overnight! Today she is a new person and is successful in many ways!
My daughter and I love the Blue Books! We let Jesus guide and direct us on our ways! We totally depend on Him! Now my daughter needs another Blue Book to send to her boyfriend in Maryland! He needs it!
80) Belgium
I am a priest. Please send me the Blue Books! I am looking forward to have them! May Our Heavenly Mother protect you and all your work!
81) Middleburg - FL
I love to read the Blue Book when I go to the Adoration Chapel! It is so great! Now, my mother passed away a few days ago and I decided to go through her stuff and I found a Blue Book! What Joy to know my mother also used the Blue Books! I am calling today to order 30 books and give them to my family as a Christmas present!
82) Sylmar - CA
My wife and I love the Blue Books! A friend of mine borrowed one from us but he never gave it back! So now, I would like to order that same volume so we have all of them!
83) Romania
I heard about the Blue Books and I want to order them! I heard the Blue Books are awesome! I will spread it all over my Country! God Bless you!
84) Shelton - CT
I got your phone number from a Blue Book I found in the Adoration Chapel! I am on fire with love of Jesus and His love letters! God is so good to us! What love He has for us! I did not know that God loved me so much until I opened the Blue Books! Thank You Jesus!
85) Canada
I used the Blue Books since 1999 and I love them! I am having some health problems and the Blue Books are helping me greatly! When I am having a difficult time, the Blue Book comes to my mind as a mighty medicine and I always read what I need to hear! Thank You Jesus!
86) Springfield - NJ
I give out many of the Blue Books! The other day I was at my church and a priest from India was there and I opened the book and I read; Jesus speaks “Give My Blue books to the priests” and so I did and the priest was so happy with it!
87) Chicago - IL
I got the Blue Book a long time ago! I study it I read the messages over and over again! My heart burns for the desire of spreading these Blue Books! I want all people to know these powerful and beautiful love letters! They need to get to all God’s children!
88) St. Mary’s - PA
I gave the Blue Books to the priest at our parish! He loves them and has the books with him all the time and underlines many parts of the books!
89) Kansas City - MO
I have a book store and would like to know if you have a special price for bookstores, for I would like to order several boxes. I have heard wonders about this book and that everyone loves them!
90) Wethersfield - CT
My husband and I read the Blue Books at the Adoration chapel and they have been so helpful to us! We would like to have our own books from here on! Please send us all the volumes!
91) Woodstock - GA
I have the Blue Books for many years and would like to order a new set because mine are falling apart for I use them all the time! I love them! I don’t want to live without them! Thank you Shepherds of Christ!
92) New York - NY
Thank you for sending me the Blue Book! I am old and have no money to pay for it! I was so sad someone took my Blue Book and thanks to your generosity I have a new one now! Thank you Shepherds of Christ!
93) Hot Springs - SD
I am a priest and I would like to have your Blue Books! Could you please send me all the volumes you have, I will send you the payment.
94) Stow - OH
I am a father of 8 children and we all love the Blue Books but we need some more to make everybody happy!
95) Antioch - TN
I got a Blue Book from a lady and I just love it! The messages are so beautiful! Please send me all the volumes you have!
96) Santa Maria - CA
I received a Blue Book from Rita days ago! I am reading it! I love it! Please send me 5 more so I can give them to some of my friends!
97) Clearwater - FL
I was in the chapel searching for an answer for a long time then, I opened a book and there was the answer! Oh my God! That book talks to me! I looked at the cover and it said; God’s Blue Book! I took it home with me and wanted to find out where I could get that book! Then, I found you! “Shepherds of Christ Ministries” Thank you all!
98) Norwood - OH
I called you a few weeks ago and I bought a Blue Book. Today I am calling to thank you, for the Blue Book took me back to church! I now realize that Jesus is waiting for us to come to Him. He is really speaking to us in His Blue Books!
99) Middlesex - NJ
I was at church this morning and I saw a lady with the Blue Book. I went to her and asked her about the book and the lady with great emotion told that the Blue Book has changed her life and that Jesus wants us to open the book all day long at any page and He gives us our answers! So, I opened the book and I was touched and I would like to order all the volumes and I will promote them to all the people I meet!
100) Dayton - OH
I am a 78 year old man and I have given out many Blue Books! All people need these books, they are very powerful. I will help to spread these books as long as I can afford it!
Mary G.
How has being a member of Shepherds of Christ has changed my life?
When I was a baby, we lived next door to a convent and I had 12 years of Catholic education. I married and lived Cincinnati eventually. After my civil divorce, my three younger children and I moved back to Price Hill in Cincinnati where I grew up. This time brought me the Catholic Charismatic experience.
Dad died in '86, and I moved away to a small town. Though I tried, I thought no Catholic church or prayer group met my needs so I attended Protestant prayer meetings and services. I found ministers and prayer groups that deeply love the Lord Jesus, and I would still be in these circles except that I went back to Cincinnati to visit. I hadn't told my old friends that I was no longer a practicing Catholic so I joined them when they attended charismatic functions. At one of these I was given Blue Book I.
Actually, someone tried to give it to me and I wouldn't take it saying, I had too much to read , so it was given to the friend I was staying with. When we got home and she was out of the room, I opened the book so I could congratulate myself for not accepting it.
That's Jesus! Jesus is speaking in this book! I read almost the whole book that night, then I ate humble pie and phoned the lady who had pressed me to accept it. I received it in a few days.
Back home I read and reread it. Jesus was speaking loud and clear and I went to the nearest church and made a confession and resumed my long neglected practice of daily Mass. I also began to go to the Shepherds of Christ chapter meetings in Morrow, Ohio, where I heard the call for volunteers to come to the Virgin Mary Site in Clearwater, Florida.
How well I understand God's words, "Your thoughts are not My thoughts!".
Changing my thoughts and my ways comes more slowly than changing my address, which is now Clearwater, Florida.
Though retirement isn't at all what I thought it would be, I wouldn't trade places with anyone at all.
Mary G. has been a live in apostle for 10 years
I am an apostle in China and feel very blessed to be here.
Truly, I can't imagine life anywhere else. When I think about
that, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the great privilege of
being with Shepherds of Christ and I thank the Dear Lord
for allowing me to be here.What keeps me going is the hope that everyone in
whole world will have access to the Blue Books in their own
language, and just yesterday I added the prayer that they'll
also be in Braille. I know that some day they'll "catch on" and
people will tell other people about them and they'll go like wild-fire.I had been given a Blue Book I to my granddaughters and sister in
'97. My granddaughters laid them aside somewhere until maybe a year
ago when trouble struck one of them and she "just happened to open the
Blue Book and wrote me to tell me what was going on. Her answer was in
the Blue Book and she told her younger sister who is one of those people
that everyone comes to with their troubles. Now, the younger one says
"Just open up this book and see what Jesus says."My sister called me to say she has cancer and I sent her a
Blue Book immediately. (She had given her copy to St. Vincent de Paul).I prayed for her to have peace and it really worked. She
keeps the Blue Book handy and flips it open often. I don't know how
often, but she assures me that she uses it and it's always in reach.Mary G.
Kathleen W.
I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love! I write this for the honor and glory of God and in thanksgiving to Jesus for calling me to this Movement.Jesus says in St. John's Gospel, "You did not choose me, no, I chose you…" Jn 15:16.
What a calling! To be chosen to be a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd! His special spouse! The spouse of THE KING & CREATOR of the Universe!
WOW! And a Movement personally directed by Jesus! Thank you, Jesus!
Words cannot express all I would like to say. Since 1st grade I wanted to be a nun. I saw the nuns at my school and I wanted to be like them. Unfortunately growing up... all the peer pressure in school and the struggles of young adulthood took away any hope of being a nun. I followed the ways of the world and left Jesus out of my life.
During my senior year of nursing, the seed of pursuing a religious vocation sprang up again in my heart. I started attending daily Mass as often as I could, and Mary our Mother was bringing me closer to Jesus. My 1st choice was Mother Teresa's Order, however, that didn't happen for me.
After graduation from nursing school I went to a Bible Institute Retreat at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. While there, I attended a Baptism of the Spirit Seminar and felt a strong presence of the Holy Spirit.
That fall, in 1996, I went back to Ohio for another retreat, and while I was in the chapel one evening, I picked up God's Blue Book II and read a message on Communion from Jesus. I almost fell out of my pew! The message touched me deep in my heart. Thankfully, I was able to take the book home. the messages were awesome! I never knew of having such an intimate relationship with Jesus!
I started spending an hour everyday after Mass. I joined the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart and later started a Shepherds of Christ Prayer Chapter. I got the other Blue Books, the rosary book and rosary tapes. I felt so committed to praying the prayers and the rosary mediations were so powerful! I thank Jesus and Mary for all these revelations!
I heard about the handmaids in 1998, while ordering through the Shepherds of Christ. I was really interested in them. I thought maybe this is where God is calling me. I kept praying to do His will.
Jesus, in His time, made it all work out. When we give our lives to Jesus, He can do more than we could ever ask for or imagine! Jesus loves us!
I feel so blessed and privileged to be in the formation of being a handmaid! Thank you, my Father, for this Movement and all the beautiful people in it! Thank you, Holy Spirit, for your tremendous work in my soul! Thank you, Jesus, for choosing me for this special calling. And like Mary, my life is a continuous FIAT. "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." and "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."
Kathleen Handmaid for 7 yearsMy vocation as a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd is the most
rewarding work I could ever do. I worked as a nurse prior to becoming
a handmaid. I got my 1st Blue Book volume 2 while on retreat in Ohio
in September 1996. I loved reading the Blue Books and I wanted others
to know of Jesus' tremendous love for them. When I got Blue Book one in
November 1996 I first learned about the 12 promises to St. Margaret Mary
and the 9 First Fridays, from the front of Blue Book I.
I started praying the Shepherds of Christ prayers in January of 1997.
I loved going to daily Mass and spending an hour with Jesus. I love
praying the rosary and using the rosary meditations.
I started reading the daily messages on the Internet every day
by going to the Library in 1998.I felt such a strong calling to be a handmaid in the summer of 1998.
I visited Mary's Image in Clearwater in September 5, 1999 and went to
China, Indiana and Morrow, Ohio in October 1999.
I quit my job as a nurse on January 31, 2000 and joined the handmaids
first living in Morrow, Ohio then Cincinnati, Ohio and now I am the
site leader in Clearwater, Florida.I love giving out the Sacred Heart of Jesus picture with the Prayer
for Union and Mary's Image wallet. I love telling people about
the Blue Books and Daily Message Books and writings and
the Rosary Books. I love giving people a rosary and asking them
to pray.I love praying for priests around the world and telling people
to pray for the priests. I feel — through God's grace working in
my life — I can affect many souls by praying for them, and showing
them God's love. In the Shepherds of Christ we have been
taught to be great intercessors of prayer. I have been praying
the hourly Infant of Prague Novena since 1997. Thank You Jesus
for calling me.I love being a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd.Kathleen W.Rosie R.
How has Shepherds of Christ changed my life?
The first time I opened God's Blue Book, I knew that Jesus was speaking to me! The message was just what I needed that day!
I had not attended daily Mass since Catholic High School, approximately 30 years previous. MY PRAYER LIFE had been practically non-existent — attending Sunday Mass and calling on God during trials. In fact, the threat of my husband dying of cancer took me back to praying the rosary and praying novenas to the Blessed Mother. After he died I was at a loss, for I considered him my "rock". For the first time ever in my life, I began praying to do God's will. I had a career, but I felt in my heart that I didn't want to do that for the rest of my working life.
I was invited by a friend to make a Cursillo weekend and without hesitation, said yes. Following the grace-filled weekend, I entered the chapel for adoration and picked up the Blue Book, which I had ignored for weeks. I immediately fell in love with Jesus and my life began to change! With the help of Jesus through the Blue Book, along with daily Mass and Holy Communion and spending time after Communion with Jesus and time in prayer, I was able to work through my depression, which I had even denied existed.
After giving out many Blue Books to relatives and friends, I received an invitation to attend the first monthly Shepherds of Christ national prayer meeting at Tom A's farm held on October 13, 1996, with Rita leading a Live Rosary. I felt drawn to every meeting after that, and soon found myself in the core group at Morrow, Ohio, attending weekly prayer meetings with Live Rosaries. Through the use of the Blue Books, mostly in front of the tabernacle, weekly prayer meetings, and rosaries at Morrow, I have grown closer to Jesus than I ever thought possible.
I thank Jesus every day for His many graces and the deep love that He gives me to draw me closer and closer to Him. I also thank my spiritual Mother, Mary, with all my heart for her help when I turned to her in desperation and for the help she's given me throughout my life.
As an apostle working in Florida at Our Lady's Image Site, I have a great opportunity to spread the light and love of Christ to all I meet!!!
From Betty G. Handmaid for 10 years
What does my vocation in Shepherds of Christ mean to me?
I am a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd for nearly nine years.
During this time I have grown so close to Jesus, far more than I
ever thought possible for me. The hours I have spent before the
tabernacle and now the exposed Eucharist have filled me with
such peace, joy, happiness as I have never known before.It all began in the fall of 1995 when someone gave me my first
copy of God's Blue Book. After a time I began to read it. I was soon
drawn back to attending daily Mass and Holy Communion. It wasn't
long until I was drawn to the tabernacle for an hour a day which
soon went from an hour to more than an hour a day.I cannot physically do much labor any more, but I can and
do pray. My desire is to help support the Church in its labors by
praying for the priests and all religious and for the renewal of the
Church and the world.By living from the God's Blue Books my whole life has
changed from one of turmoil and wondering is this all there
is to life? to one of peace and joy. God is back in my life as
the center of my life. I have found all I have ever wanted as a
Handmaid of the Good Shepherd. Like St. Therese of Lisieux
who never left her convent but did much for the missions I may
not travel around the world but I can do much for the Church
and the world through prayer. I thank God for my vocation in
the Shepherds of Christ for here I feel I am fulfilling the
purpose for which I was created.
Sophie L. - Handmaid for 9 yearsWhat my vocation in Shepherds of Christ means to me.
I am Sophie Lee a handmaid in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I love it very much and cannot thank God enough for His loving presence
in my heart giving me so much joy and peace. I am spending my days
praying and some time singing holy songs. I love to go to daily Mass and
and to receive my beloved Jesus in Holy Communion. This is my heaven
on earth to be so close to God and to feel His so great love in my heart.
I love all my friends here they are so good to me. The Shepherds of Christ
Ministries is my little heaven on earth and I thank God for His so great
goodness to me.Oh! my God I love You so much
Sophie L.
Bob V. In the Movement for 10 years
Servant for 7 yearsThis vocation in the Shepherds of Christ means an awful lot to
me. All my life I wanted to be a brother or a priest but, instead I
went the way of the world and now I have this great opportunity to be
what I always wanted to be and doing what I like doing best, creating
things with my hands and praying before the tabernacle when I am
not working.I'm enjoying what God has chosen me to be, a brother in the
Shepherds of Christ Movement.Sincerely in Christ
Bob V.
I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love.
From Jerry S. Servant for 7 yearsWhat my vocation in the Shepherds of Christ means.
I think it's real awesome that God gave me the
grace to answer His calling out of everybody else.
When I think of that awesome calling he gave and
He gave me the grace to answer it what an overwhelming
feeling that gives me when I think of that and on
top of that great calling He gives me the grace to
do prayer every 15 minutes.It's not just praying every but I still try to keep
that up when I am working like when I'm moving stuff
helping with other stuff. I really enjoy my vocation
in the Shepherds of Christ. I stay real busy. I found my
true home in the Shepherds of Christ.I always wanted to serve God in some way and
I found it.
From Sheila W. Handmaid for 9 years
My vocation in Shepherds of Christ has meant so much to me.
I know for certain that being a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd
is God's will for me.For many years, I longed and pined for a deep love
relationship with someone and when I realized it was Jesus
who was calling me, I was in awe. Whenever I hear or
read the Gospel or see a picture of Jesus, it moves me
deeply in my heart that He chose me for Himself. Jesus
fulfills this longing and pining in my heart.I've been a prayerful person most of my life and was
especially drawn to praying for priests.It wasn't until I was 27 that I completely understood
about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Eucharistic
adoration became very attractive to me.Then I began to go to daily Mass and doing a holy hour
every day and found that I loved and needed Jesus so much
that I couldn't go a day without the Mass and holy hour.When I read my first Blue Book from Shepherds of Christ --
I found out I was doing exactly what the messages said.Being a Handmaid has fulfilled a dream I had to spend
all my time and energy on Jesus, serving Him in what ever
way He asks me to.Also, the main purpose of Shepherds of Christ is to
send the Newsletter to priests and praying specifically for
priests -- another dream fulfilled.I love so much to work on the Newsletter mailing,
knowing that priests will be receiving it.Having the Blessed Sacrament here in China and
the exposed Eucharist is such a gift and honor to me.
And I love, love, love being with Jesus before the
exposed Eucharist between 12:00 and 3:00 a.m.
It is a special time for me to be alone with my beloved
Spouse and that time energizes me for the rest of the day.Being a Handmaid in Shepherds of Christ
has taught and helped me to be a better intercessor,
praying for the priests, the Church and the world.I love my vocation in Shepherds of Christ and
wouldn't want to do anything else.Sheila W.
Rosie R. In the Movement for 10 years
Handmaid for 7 yearsMy vocation as a Handmaid of the Good Shepherd in Shepherds of Christ
means the world to me! My world is Shepherds of Christ.When Jesus called me, He called me for life and this is where
I'll be until He calls me home. I'll remain a Handmaid, by His
grace, no matter how difficult it may be and no matter what happens.I love Jesus with all my heart and soul and I love the vocation
He has called me to in Shepherds of Christ.Rosie R.Doris Handmaid for 9 years
Shepherds of Christ means everything to me.
I love it! I waited 40 years to find it and I will
never leave. I thank You God from the bottom
of my heart for choosing me. I love You so much.
This is all that I want to do. I don't want to do
anything else.I love doing the daily message and working for
You Jesus. Thank You Jesus for calling me to be
your Handmaid. I love You.Doris
Matthew 7: 20
I repeat, you will be able to tell them by their fruits.
Fatima/Clearwater Glass Statues available.Call Glaci or go to China or Clearwater.
Crucifix — hand carved by Felix
who carved the crucifix 22'
at the Virgin Mary building.
Available for $750.00