July 22, 2016
July 23rd Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
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July 22, 2016
From Blue Book 17
December 14, 1997 Sunday
Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection of Jesus from the Dead
l. Song: This is the Day the Lord has Made
2. Song: This is the Day the Lord has Made
3. Song: Glory, Glory, Glory Lord
4. Song: A Song from Jesus - refrain
5. Reference Matthew 3: 13-17
6. Reference Isaiah 53: 7-8
7. Reference Acts 9: 10-19
8. Reference Acts 2: 1-4
9. Reference Acts 10: 34-43
10. Reference Acts 10: 44-48
Song: I Love You Jesus
And so you went to church this morning. And how was it? Did you sit in the pew and you just wished with all your heart that they would come alive from their hearts and that they would speak from their hearts and that they would proclaim the Good News which is actually good news. But how is it when some walk stiffly up to the podium and very stiffly they raise their voice sometimes. But it is not from the heart for it is the lips that speaks these words in many of the churches this day. And how are the songs? Is it as if the men are asleep and slumbering? And you wish to shake them and say, “wake up, wake up, and tell us what is in your heart this day.” We are not talking as hot air that moves across our tongue and out of our lips. This is about the living Word of God and He is alive and He is amongst us. And so how is it? Have the dead fallen asleep? And He speaks to us and He says, “Dead, really dead, really dead, I tell you.” This is what He calls us to, to be alive. For they will wake from a long sleep and they will bud as never before and the fruit will come forth on the vine and the children of Israel will proclaim God as their God. And the scales fell off of his eyes and the Spirit filled his soul and within was the Almighty God, who lived and dwelled within their breast.Jesus:
I am alive and I come to you, My beloved Shepherds, that you will go out into the world and wake them from a dark sleep. For many have fallen asleep and they do not even know that they walk in darkness. The light will steal across the sky and as the sun comes up in the morning, so too their hearts will be alive with My Word planted deeply within them. Hold tight for I am sending you into the wolves. And you may be afraid but know that I am with you. I am the Word. I am the Almighty God. It is through Me that you will know God most intimately in your hearts.
The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven
l. Psalm 47: 1-2, 5-8
Clap your hands, all peoples,
acclaim God with shouts of joy.
For Yahweh, the Most High, is glorious,
the great king over all the earth.
God goes up to shouts of acclaim,
Yahweh to a fanfare on the ram’s horn.
Let the music sound for our God, let it sound,
let the music sound for our king, let it sound.
For he is king of the whole world;
learn the music, let it sound for God!
God reigns over the nations,
seated on his holy throne.
2. Jesus: Lift your voice high, oh Jerusalem, for I am your God and I come to you and I speak to you. I speak to you this day to waken those that are in darkness, that have fallen asleep, that do not know that God is alive.
3. R. This earth has walked in shame and in darkness for the sin of Adam. But it is because of the New Adam that the earth is filled with His life. And in the end the victor will wear the white robe of glory if they endure to the end. For it is not the senseless pleasures of the earth that are our gods, but God Himself Who is worthy of all honor, power and glory. And His Majesty will Reign on His Throne and Reign in all of the hearts of the faithful. Are they faithful to the God or are they faithful to the gods of this earth? For He is the King, Almighty and true. It is in Him that we find all truth. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
4. Song: A Song from Jesus
And what of the senseless pleasures of this earth, the gods that are their gods. For are we not like the Apostles, that we must go about the earth and tell people, “this is your God. You have made all of these false things your god. And there is but one, Holy one, God, honest and true. He is the God of justice. It is in Him that we live. It is in Him that we will be satisfied. None of the gods of this earth will do anything but leave us with a quenchless thirst for that which our souls seek.”5. Song:
Little Child6. Jesus: I am alive. I am alive. I am alive and I will live in you. Give yourselves to Me.
This is the goal that as we walk and breathe on this earth that we are elevated to such heights in Him that He lives and dwells within our feeble breasts.7. Song:
City of God8. Song: A Voice Cries out in the Wilderness
9. Song: Glory, Glory, Glory Lord
10. R. This is about life, life in Him. But we must get to the very depth of our heart and connect with Him and with one another. And so many today are on the surface. For they go out and they keep on talking and talking and talking. And there is noise and noise and noise, and do they ever get to the depth of the heart and connect with the one, the Holy One that is alive and wants to operate in this world in them. It is so superficial. It is so on the surface and when they act how do they act? As stiffs, stiffs that are trying to act. When it would be so easy to sing from the heart. To say the Word of God from the heart. But many are as men that have fallen asleep. And the long sleep lingers on and they fall to the ground and they cannot get up. They reach a little place where they get a little spark and they lift a little, but they fall back to the ground and on their face. And no matter how they try they cannot get up. The earth is in need of the Spirit moving within their hearts. But it will only come, as Our Lady said at Fatima. And so we feel this way in Church as if you want to scream out and say, “wake up in here.” And many walk as stiff men. And so what is the answer, my God? For You give to us Your Word. And it is as if we are backed up and backed up and backed up. And then you read the Acts of the Apostles. And you see how they were pressed on and they were imprisoned. And they went through every test and trial. Some of them were murdered. Are we not walking in the same footprints as the Acts of the Apostles? His Word is His Truth and His Word has been given to us. For it is in the Bible that He speaks. And we know Him in His Word. We know this is truth but the world is asleep and it slumbers in a dark sleep. And as we walk about we may feel as if we are crazy. But is this not what they called Jesus Himself to the point where they screamed out to Him, “We have no God, but Caesar. Crucify Him.” And they hung Him on the tree.
Song: Come to My Heart
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
l. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. R. This is March 2nd in the second Blue Book.
— March 2, 1994 - At Cathedral After Communion
I want you to love Me as I love you. If I asked you to lay down your life for Me, you would give this freely of yourself. I need this surrender from you that you put Me above all things–not some things, all things.Jesus:
I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any gods before Me–not your husband, your children, your life, your house. I want your total surrender! I am not asking you to give these things up. I am asking you to love Me more than any of these things, that you are willing to give them up for Me!
This is freedom. When your love is for Me and Me alone, no one has any control over you. You live for Me and I am Almighty. I love you with the most ardent love and you know all that comes from Me is from Him Who laid down His life for you.
Do you love Me? Would you lay your life down for Me? If you love, you give of yourself. Do you love each other? Do you give of yourself to one another or do you have relationships that give to you? This is not love. Love gives from the heart. Love is for the good of the other. I gave My life for you that you might live. Follow the Master. I did not die for any of My own gratifications, I died to show you how I loved you! I gave My only life for you. I love you this much!
I call you to love. Love is action from your heart. Do you love Me this way or do you just do busy work and call it love? To learn about love you must come and be with Me. Sit and let Me teach you My ways. I sit with My red garb, covering My white tunic, you at My feet and I teach you ever so sweetly each day. You are My beloved ones. I died for you. I give you this same love today. Love gives to the other. Do you give this kind of love to Me and your brother or do you ask what others and I will give to you?
You do not know love if you do not come and you are not taught by Me. I am the author of love. I teach the mighty lessons of love. I died out of love for you.
You cannot love intimately if you hold back. To love Me, you must totally surrender, surrender all you hold on to. People do not love Me because they want to hold back. If you want intimacy with Me, you must be willing to surrender your all to Me.
Are you willing to do this? This is where the power is. When you give your all, I possess your soul and I am all powerful. I want your all, not little pieces you stingily let go of. I want your all. Then you will have an intimate union with God. Then you will live in His love and be powered by His might. Then you will be free. I will operate you and you will be united to Me as one. What power, God dwelling within your breast and acting from your soul! Become selfless and unattached to anything. I am God and you shall not have any gods before Me! end of excerpt
7. R. It becomes more and more apparent how we must live in the Spirit and we must live according to His Will. We can be too much one way or too much another way. We can take our fasting too far. And this is to an extreme. We can take our prayers too far and this is to an extreme. If we ignore our family and we do not do what God is asking us to do, this is too far if we have children that are young and depend on us.
The devil will infiltrate your Movement in ways to impress upon people that they should do certain things that are not according to the Father’s will. I am telling you this that you know your truth is found in the Commandments and in the Scriptures. That it is in living in the Spirit that you will know the word that I speak to you. I am alive and I am dwelling in your heart. The Spirit will move within you and your sorrow will be turned to joy. For when you are possessed in your hearts by God and know His love, you will be filled with great joy. At this stage, My beloved Shepherds, you are learning. You are learning about life in the Spirit. You have come to Me and I have given Myself most intimately to you. It is in this intimate union with Me that you have become one with the Father. And that you are growing more and more in your relationship with God the Father that you love. I am God. I am God the Son. The Father is one with Me. As you go to the deepest chamber of My Heart, you have united also to My Father. The Spirit moves within you to lead you to the fire of God’s love. It is this action of the Spirit that must move within you.R.
We see that Jesus was baptized by John and the skies were thrown open and the voice of the Father was heard. “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”. The Holy Spirit was seen over His head. It is all Trinitarian. Mary is all pure, when we go to her Immaculate Heart - she takes us to God. We unite to the Persons of the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, more perfectly, for Mary is pure and sinless. Mary is the singular vessel - she takes us to God. But when we know more the love of God and the love of the Virgin Mary, knowing them as one, we too see the unity of it all. The great love that we have with one another. And how we must truly blend more and more with one another and live according to His Word. We must live according to His Word. This will help us unite. So now we see that our love of God flows over into love of one another. And we have suffered and we have been bruised on our way, as we have bumped into each other. And some of our imperfections came to light. And we would have rather just gone on doing exactly the same way, acting the same way that we were used to. But we knew that it wasn’t right, because we kept bumping into these people. He is bringing these imperfections to light. We can be many in the world and decide that it is too hard to change and that we will continue in our selfish, imperfect ways. We must seek God’s will and operate in love. And so we bump into each other and it hurts and our imperfections come up. But it is in dying to them that we will rise to greater life in Him. If we decided to hold on to these imperfections, we would not rise to greater life in Him. We must die to all of those things in the false self that are not like Him and live more and more to be that ideal self that the Father created us to be, this child, this child of God, that is more and more living in His image and likeness.8. R. There is not another way. There are three loves. The message that He gave when He showed the heart, December 17th of 1991, said that. There is love of God, love of one another, and love of self. We are loving ourselves when we take care of ourselves, when we sleep properly and we eat properly. It is all in balance. For it is not the Father’s will that we do not treat ourselves with love, that we sacrifice so much for others and then expect them to give us love and then we will have the love that we need. The love comes first from the Source of all love, which is the Almighty God.
The love flows from us to others but in exchange they give to us love and we want love from others. But we cannot be attached to this love. In our heart we must want to freely give as He did on the way to Calvary. But there is this exchange, this giving and receiving of love. There is also this love of self. All three being immensely important. Not one of them can be missing. It is all merging into oneness in our lives for He is teaching us that we do not fast five days a week. We will fall on our face. We have a body that needs care. He is teaching us that we must sleep for in our hearts the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. It is the way that the body operates, that the body must be fed, and that the body must sleep. It is the Will of God that we have this body. Some of the greatest saints He gave an exceptional way thatthey could live just on the Eucharist. He has not revealed that to us. We must have balance in our life. Whenever there is an extreme in the life, it is very questionable as to whether it is the Will of God. He gives to us His Word and His Commandments, and we are to follow them. They are the Way, the Truth, and the Life that we must follow.
9. R. What if we spend all of our days in front of the tabernacle? Unless He has called us to be a monk, this is not right. What if we spend every day fasting and we are not nice to others and we miss many of the things that are very fruitful to our lives, like the prayer meeting because we have gone to an extreme. These are only examples. But we must do what the Father’s will is. This is how we receive the greatest grace. It is not in our deciding and our control what is the best for us. It is in living in the Spirit and living according to the Father’s will. He will move in us and more and more the action of the Spirit will be that which governs our lives. But we must realize that we must pray to the Spirit and invoke Him, and ask Him to come into us to lead us in this way, to truly know the fire of God’s love. For it is the Spirit that fills us with the fire of God’s love.
10. Hail Mary
What is the Will of the Father for us this day? It is the Will of the Father that we are praying here this Sunday afternoon. For it is immensely important to the Father that we spend lots of hours in prayer, and we are making reparation to God for the sins of men. Many today will spend all their time going to games and doing whatever it is that they think is so important, and it is the Sabbath Day. And the third Commandment tells us that thou are to keep the Sabbath Day holy. But to many, they will see the necessity of serving the needs of others and forgetting that there is a Commandment that says, remember to keep holy the Sabbath Day. To many, they do not realize that the gods, that they worship, are gods, they are worshipping. It is the same as the molten calf. When our god becomes our television, when we spend all these hours on some thing, whatever it is, it can become a god. This is the good news that He gives to us. The good news is that God is alive and He is God and we are His people. And we have to stop worshipping the molten calf. It is much like the Apostles that we travel around and we tell the people in our books that God is God and He is the craving that we have in our soul. Anything less than that does not satisfy the simple moments pleasure that seems that we must have. These are not gratifying in the end. They are only gratifying when they are giving honor and glory to Him. And so I heard this and it said:Matthew 23: 38-39
Look! Your house will be deserted, for, I promise, you shall not see me any more until you are saying: Blessed is he who is coming in the name of the Lord!’
And I just see this all through the Bible and the Mass. And that is exactly how it is. Every action that we perform is in His name as He lives in us and we become one in Him and it is no longer I who live but He who lives in me, as Paul says. And this is how it is. So all of our actions are done for His honor and glory and in His Name. Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord. And the people in this prayer room are living this way. Where they are coming wherever they are going in the Name of the Lord. This is how God wants us to be. This is how the new earth will be. That every person will be the one that is coming and we can say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.’ Now, how it is, that they have all these false gods and they are not coming in the Name of the Lord. Proclaim in the wilderness a highway for Our Lord. For we are like John the Baptist, heralding this Word to the people. Except unlike John the Baptist, we have the Eucharist, we have the risen Lord that came forth from the tomb and gives to us a sharing in His Divine life.Song: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
l. Psalm 118: 22-24
The stone which the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
This is Yahweh’s doing,
and we marvel at it.
This is the day which Yahweh has made,
a day for us to rejoice and be glad.
2. Song: I Am Your Sacred Heart
When it started to rain the only ones that survived were the ones that went on Noah’s Ark. And that’s why I wonder on August 13th when we were here if that rain was like that out there. Because later He said that it was beginning to rain and it is like we were protected under that tent, like we were in His Heart. And it looked like we were going to get blown off the face of the earth but we were under the tent and we were like in His Heart.Song:
I Am Your Sacred Heart3. R. Oh Mary, the Holy Spirit came down upon you and together you gave us the Christ Child. Help us to prepare our hearts so that we also may receive the Holy Spirit and allow Him to work in us. Grant this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
4. Acts 1: 12-14
So from the Mount of Olives, as it is called, they went back to Jerusalem, a short distance away, no more than a Sabbath walk; and when they reached the city they went to the upper room where they were staying; there were Peter and John, James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot, and Jude son of James. With one heart all these joined constantly in prayer, together with some women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
5. Jesus: No longer should you wear a ball and chain around your ankle, but you must be filled in your hearts with the fluttering of the Spirit alive within you. I am telling you at this time that you must call upon the Holy Spirit and ask Him to come upon you in a strong way that you will live in Him. And as you live, you live with the fluttering of the Spirit alive within your heart and your soul.
Song: Come Holy Spirit
6. Hail Mary
7. R. On October 8th, I was wakened at 6:00 am. Jesus sounded angry and mumbling and someone walking around the bed repeating and repeating, “Seedless, barren, not bringing forth fruit on the vine.”
October 8, 1997
Seedless, barren, not bringing forth fruit on the vine. I come to be heard and who pays Me heed. To a people of stiffs I address this issue, what think you when the water is gone from the trough?Do you think you will then worship the molten calf or will you be ready for surrender then?
Oh, you thankless race, anger and wrath is the mind of your God. You do not worry, My messenger, for I am God and I speak to you. You think you are alone and I have chosen you. Your money is your god, oh people of Zion - your money in the pockets is the sound that brings you joy. What brings Me joy is the songs of the faithful, praising
and worshipping God, but I go to the tent and there is the molten calf and an abased nation of stiffs, heartless and filled with fear. I beg of you to stop now before it is too late, but you do not know of the chastisement I have in store for you - it is under the plan of the Father.The children who walk in darkness carried a molten calf in their arms and the God of justice struck the earth. He struck you, senseless people, because you would not listen. end of excerpt
8. John 15: 11 I have told you this so that My own joy may be in you and your joy be complete.
October 8, 1997 continues
I did not put you on the earth and then leave you to yourselves. I dwelt amongst you to guide you in all your ways and the people today spit on Me as they did 2,000 years before. For all these years I waited for the likes of you, My people, and why should you have more time for false joy? Joy is not in the molten calf. It is in the words of the Savior.My Words are your truth, yet you try to wash them away as hearsay and of no importance. My Word is the Word of God mighty and true.
end of excerpt9. Reference John 16: 4-15
10. Reference John 16: 16-28
Song: See the Eyes That Look at Mary
The Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth
1. Jesus: I am alive. I am alive. I am alive. And I give to you these messages that you will love Me most intimately. I have given these writings to lead you to the depth of My Heart. I have revealed Myself most intimately to you in the Holy Eucharist. This is the Bread of Life that I give to you. The Bread of Life is My Word and the Eucharist.
2. R. Can you imagine how it was for Jesus in the garden to know all things and to know what He would undergo at the hands of men who were blind and did not even know anything about Him being God, and that they would hang Him on the cross.
Move with your body, My senseless race. I tell you that I am alive and I live this day. I give you the Bread of Life: My Word and the Eucharist. I am truly present and I am waiting for the sons of Zion to come to Me. But they are hidden. They do not come. For they are a people that are walking in darkness and they must be aroused for they aresleeping too long, too long and too deep is their sleep. Oh children of Zion, children of your Mother, Mary, come forth. Hear the trumpet blast. Waken to the sound for the glory of the Lord is at hand. He will come in the night unannounced and many will be lost. For the day of reckoning is at hand and the sun will shine and the men of the earth will hear the trumpet blare in the dark night and they will know that soon the day of glory is at hand, the day of victory.3.
R. A little King, a big King, the Almighty God, without a beginning without an end. And so we meditate on the mysteries of the rosary and we read His Word but truly this Word lives in our lives. And this is a reality, this mystery of the rosary. For He will be King of all hearts and she will be Queen of their hearts, the little King and the Queen of Heaven and earth.4. Song:
Hail Holy Queen, Enthroned Above5. Reference Revelation 12: 1-2
6. Reference Revelation 12: 10-12
7. Reference Revelation 12: 13-18
8. R. Anyone who has ears ought to hear these words.
9. Hail Mary
10. Reference Revelation 22: 17-21
Song: A Song from Jesus - refrain
Song: I Am the Bread of Life
My beloved Shepherds, I am pleased with the events of yesterday. You must pray fervently for the seeds were planted in the hearts of many. It was a most powerful day for your Movement. And there will be many fruits from that day. You must pray fervently for as the seeds are planted, the devil will try to press on the individuals that were there and that responded to these seeds. I am Jesus. It was a glorious day for your Movement, yesterday, the 13th of December. The woman clothed with the sun is with you on the building in Florida.Song: A Voice Cries out in the Wilderness
Song: We Have Been Told
Song: Taste and See
My beloved ones, I come to you this day for you are the Father’s holy family and I give to you great gifts that you will love Me, that you will come to Me, that you will spend time and tell Me of your love. For I love you with a special love and I long to hear these words from your lips. I long. I long and I wait. The Father loves you with the greatest love and the Holy Spirit, and They wish that you will communicate this love to Them. I am God. Come to Me. Come to Me. Come to Me, My sweet and faithful chosen ones.Song:
A Song from Jesus - refrainJesus:
I long to hear the words from your mouth that you love Me, to ask you to sing this song, I love you Jesus.Song:
I Love You Jesus
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Guiding Light Homily Book Series
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Feed My Soul
Cycle A –
Inspired to be Genuine4 for $20 plus postage of $6.95
These books can be given to:
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Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 17 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
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