Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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July 24, 2007
July 25th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
August 5, 2007 FloridaPlease come and pray!!Retreat in ChinaAugust 10th - 13thRetreat in FloridaAugust 19th - 22nd
August 19th is the 90th anniversary
of Mary's apparition at Fatima
after the children were jailed.
August 22nd is the Queenship of Mary.
Rita will be here to sign books.
July 21, 2007
Prayer Service
Song: A Song from Jesus
R. And they wandered in the desert and they wandered and they wandered — for how many years did they wander in the desert. How many people of this earth are enslaved by sin in living and not doing God's will? How long do they wander in the desert if not a life time for some for they will not do what God has called them to do in following God's will. But the enslavement is sin which is in our world today that covers the earth in so many different facets - can be changed as we as people of prayer, as people of love go to the Eucharist and are fed at the table of the Lord — we wander not a barren desert.
God gives us more than milk
and honey —God gives us the Body and Blood
of Jesus.Now feast your eyes on the picture that was in the Eucharist newsletter of the hands of a priest raising the precious Body of Jesus at Mass and the Blood under the appearance of bread and wine — God gives to us this gift in the Mass. We receive the Body and the Blood of Jesus through the hands of our precious priest.
The Mass is so very precious —
We prepare ourselves all through the Mass for offering a Holy Sacrifice —
We ask for forgiveness for our sins in the beginning and the priest prays with us.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercyAnd we are fed by the bread of life, by His precious Word that He gives to us — and His Word is like a two-edged sword that penetrates our heart and we know His life alive in us. God gives to us the precious priest to teach us about Himself and it is our work in the Shepherds of Christ to pray for this precious gift that God has given, to not be focused on ourselves. For what is love but self-giving and do we not see this in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross — His self-giving love that you and me live our lives always as members of the body of Christ in that unity with Jesus. For we know that the Mass is the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present and our life is in uniting in this self-giving of ourselves endlessly to the Father, that someday we will be embraced in that tremendous love affair of the beatific vision with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
What a glorious event indeed is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We prepare ourselves more to offer a more Holy Sacrifice and we listen to the words of the offertory. We want to be cleansed of our sins. We want our sacrifice to be most pure because if it is with you as it is with me — I look upon the earth and it is blindness that I see — it is being hidden in a cave — it is enslavement for one to continually sin and to not recognize the gift that God has given to us in our Church and the priest.
For me, my life is living united to the Mass, it is in that giving, the self-giving sacrifice of doing the Father's will at any moment of my life - in such oneness that I unite to the most pleasing sacrifice of Jesus, for the Mass is the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present and it is indeed a gift to be able to unite to that and to pray to the Father for the people of the earth, to ask that graces spread all over the whole earth, unity and love, constantly being given as we struggle with our own concupiscence and the weaknesses of others. We are always in that oneness with Christ in the death and the resurrection and the uniting of the Holy Sacrifice and of the giving of oneself and knowing the grace that is outpoured.
For I will not be in any other way inside of my soul but to know that every second and every moment is united to the sacrifice of Jesus and to know the abundance of His grace outpoured as I live my little feeble life trying to offer a more holy sacrifice — such a feeble little offering it is indeed with all my imperfections — but the desire of my soul, the knowledge that He has imprinted within me — (can you turn that up)
So I go to the Mass and the Mass is more full at every moment. I live the Mass in my life that the earth will be the way that the Father wants it to be more and more and more, a precious gift. We want the sacrifice of ourselves to be very united to Jesus' sacrifice. We want the sacrifice of ourselves selflessly giving — we want this sacrifice to be most pleasing to the Father. The Mass is so awesome because it is the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present. And for me I am with Him on the cross and in the resurrection at every moment that I live — every act offered, every breath taken — do any moments of our lives mean more to us than living out the Pascal Mystery as God intends in our lives.
The Eucharist is such a gift and we sing in the Mass - The Holy, Holy — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord — make our sacrifice and our lives most holy, make every breath that we take for Your honor and glory.
Look not upon the sins of this earth nor the ignorance and blindness of Your children but grant Your mercy and Your love. Oh precious Savior of us all, how dear indeed is the gift of Yourself that I sing —
Sing: I come to you
R. For You my precious Jesus I sing —
Song: A Song from Jesus
Jesus: I am the I AM. I am He you gave you your life to serve and to love Me. Not for the selfish, pompous reasons that many may think but to see the grandeur of the mountains and the skies and the lakes, and to know My power and My glory. For I have lifted the shade for you and I have shown you the light. And I have shown you with the light of 7 suns the magnificence of the love of My Heart. Oh precious little one do not scamper after the senseless things of this world, for when I came, I came riding on an ass and they hung Me on a tree, but on the third day I rose victorious. And for you I call you to live your life in this Pascal Mystery for your brothers that walk in blindness. Do not ever think that your prayers are unanswered for not a moment will I leave you abandoned.
And He stretched out His arms and from His pierced hands came grace, abundant grace to the thirsty earth that sought with senseless pleasures so many foul things when before their eyes was the mountain high, the basking sun above it stretching its rays far and wide but they did not comprehend. But to you your prayers reached like incense to the heavens. And with great favor for you, oh tender heart, I outpour My richest love to those who have lost their way. Seek not the perishable things of this earth but search only after the mystery of My Heart of love.
Song: A Song from Jesus - refrain
Jesus: Oh precious one how indeed you are gifted with the gift of Myself and My true presence in the Eucharist.
R. And their prayers rose as incense to the high heavens far beyond the mountain tops and even the sun. And He stretched His arms and upon the earth He outpoured His abundant grace and the richest love from His Heart flowed like the waterfalls with force, they kept coming.
Song: A Song from Jesus - verse 1
Jesus: This is the message of My Heart.
Song: A Song from Jesus - refrain
R. And they were in the desert for how many years and they wandered sheepishly upon the ground and they thirsted and they longed and they cried out "oh so long my God so long" and the Savior came and He died on the cross and He rose on the 3rd day and He still remains with us truly present in the Eucharist, and the sheepish race wander far and wide crying with the same voice "Ohhhh, help us for we want and are not filled, and yet before their very eyes is the presence of the Divine God for they are blinded, weak, they give into the things of the body in the world and God calls out to them -
Jesus: Little sheep, little sheep hear My voice for what you thirst after will not be found in the direction that you were running. Little sheep. And your prayers go as incense to the high heavens and My mercy is outpoured and the abundance of My grace so very rich — for you must hold tight for the years here are so few and the gifts of heaven last for how long — forever — that's right — forever — for a few years of discomfort, pain and wanting. And they searched the barren land, but they could not find what they wanted. And to you, I have richly blessed you, to spread the message of My Heart through the priest and the Church to the world. And their prayers raise as incense to the high heavens.
R. And the rain goes pitter pat and it falls to the earth below, gently does it fall for the love of the Father is so very gentle, but to those with an open heart they know His love.
And Jesus speaks: You are my precious little one I love you oh so dearly come close to me my little one I loved you to my death, I come to you with greatest love I am your loving Savior I am your God (R. the I AM) I died for you I come to you this day. - A Song from Jesus
Reach out you little blind ones — seek the plan of the Father.
Sing: Reach out to me and do not fear I want to be so close to you You are my child my precious one I love you tenderly - A Song from Jesus
R. And we can sing the Holy, Holy all day at Mass - Holy Holy Holy God, God of Power and Might
Sing: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord
R. Above the highest mountain is where the stars and the sun are - high about the clouds and they cast light in the darkness below and sometimes so blinding that you can not even see to drive and people put glasses on so they can see into the bright light.
A most pleasing sacrifice we offer through the hands of the priest. We receive Jesus our Divine Bridegroom.
Song: I Love You Jesus
R. Yes I see the host.
Song: I Love You Jesus
R. Can you not do it for the souls that are out there wandering - how many generations of wandering and wandering and wandering and how many years alone since Fatima when the angel appeared and spoke. Do we not know that Jesus is truly there in His Divinity and humanity. For if a new book came out last night we would crawl to our knees. What about the Divine God? Should we not give Him that reverence?
Song: I Love You Jesus
R. What about the years to come, people? What about years as the priests grow more and more scarce and there are fewer and fewer Masses. Do you hope for a priest for one little Mass on Sunday if you are lucky? You say well how did we ever get like this God? Why did you just let us have the scarcity of the priests? And He says
Jesus: I gave you a message in 1994 to pray for the priests, the Church and the world. And some would take the little books and throw them in the garbage — with the litany to the Virgin and to My Sacred Heart, but My precious one it is not too late for My power is all powerful and your prayers reach as incense above the high mountain. If you believe, if you believe — how they wandered in the desert and God answered their prayers. Today I am with you truly present in My Divinity and humanity. Tell the world with the messages in My Blue Books that I gave to you to tell the world. Are you without fault with your boxes of books that you hoard? Put them out there baby.
Sing: For love of each this day. I want to give you all my love surrender totally - I Love You Jesus
R. And on the face of the earth are the wanderers. Do you remember the wandering in the desert, before Jesus came, you remember? What about the wanderers on the surface of this earth today — and He gives us the sun and the high mountains and the falls and He gives us all the beauties of the earth and you go to the hills and you say ah "oh for a priest and one Mass" in this great land of grandeur where God has shown us so magnificently His beauty.
Jesus: And I tell you to pray for the priests, the Church and the world and Our Lady appeared at Fatima and I gave to you the image of the Virgin Mary in Clearwater and told you to spread the Blue Books and the Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and you read them yourselves, well that's fine, but what about the rest of the people. You are My apostles of My Sacred Heart — where are you? You're whining and your crying - should the fact that you are - shy you say — is there shyness in hell? Reach to the gates of heaven see them open wide to the streets of gold and watch them parade in to be embraced by the love of the Trinity and to know love more than you could ever, ever even fathom on this earth.
To you I have opened up the door to My Heart and I have asked you to spread My letters of love to the thirsty souls of this earth. Are you saying yes, yes to let them know how powerful it is to pray the prayers in the Prayer Manual, the gift that is given in the glass pieces to a family that prays the prayers together. Oh from My Heart of love I will outpour My richest grace to you. Hold not back, for why you are holding back, there are the wanderers on this earth today. The newsletter that sits in the building and the bishops could give the prayer manual to their priests as they have requested. Is this up to the church in China and the 100 people I have called? When the image of the Virgin Mary appeared for 7 1/2 years was it up to John Weickert to try to keep the building for prayer.
The preciousness of the gift of praying those prayers is far beyond any of your imaging as you honor Mary in her titles of Motherhood and Virginity, Queenship and love, as you honor My Sacred Heart with the precious love that I deserve. I am God Lord and Master, bow and bend your knees to God who loves you. I came to this earth, born in the poverty of the stable and I hung to my death for my precious souls and they pulled My beard, pounded on My head. Yes I cried little girl, I cry for My precious souls I love so dearly I gave My life for. Spread the Blue Books and tell them "I died for you". What more do you want? I died for you.
Your world has made things their gods that have no place being gods that are contaminating the minds of children that are hurting the spirit in a person's soul. Do you hear me? And your prayers reach as incense high above the mountain, above the stars and the sun as far and wide as the seas, the oceans, to the depth of the bottom where life is beautiful. You think with a thimble brain and the vastness that I offer you in behind your blinded eyes. They wandered the desert for so many years. And there are those wandering this earth with secularism, especially since the Fatima apparition and I came at the end of the Century to help to bring to completion that mission that Mary began.
You are My hands and My feet and My Heart and My Apostles of My Sacred Heart that I told you long ago in the rosaries of 1995, you are My Apostles of My Sacred Heart. And their prayers reached as incense above the high hills for what is it for you to live but one instant or to take your next breath and not to be united in that sacrifice in the mystery of death and resurrection as you unite your sacrifice to My sacrifice giving your lives cause you know the mystery of suffering and you know that it helps bring down lots of grace.
You know the Pascal Mystery more and more of death/resurrection — rather than the world that seeks out always to find comfort and sees little use in suffering — but they waited and they waited and they waited for this is My way for I trained you in My school My mighty lessons to prepare you to be soldiers in My army. And I give to you My letters of love found in the Blue Books and I don't want them hoarded in boxes any longer. Out, out, out into the hands of the thirsty people of the earth. Let them know the mystery of My love. Let them know that I am truly present and with them in the Blessed Sacrament. Let them hear My words "I am waiting for you to come for I love you, My precious soul, I love you, I love you, I love you."
To you that I speak - do you have ears to listen or do you turn around and look over your shoulder to the next guy, but he is not a Shepherd of Christ. You are the one I have called. Haven't you looked over your shoulder enough. And I'm not asking you for a new message or a new mission, I am asking you to be obedient to do as I have asked you to do - to spread the newsletter and the prayer chapters and the Blue Books because anybody can get in there and say "Well now it's my turn to promote myself instead of Jesus' books and prayers." There's a lot of those people out there. You I have called to be a handmaid and a servant, an apostle to the Lord — Shepherds of Christ — the plan I have given — it is up to you to quit looking over your shoulder now.
Sing: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
Jesus: And the thirsty ones are out there longing to be fed, thirsting — give them the holy card with the Eucharist and the chalice and the beautiful prayers from the Eucharist book.
Song: Your Presence Pervades My Soul
R. And the churches were locked and they were empty. Why - the Divine Almighty God was there. Did you spread the Blue Books? Did you tell them of the letters of love that He has written to them that He is waiting. And the sports stadium were so packed and they were all talking and talking and talking and talking about their favorites and how each stroke was so very important. What about the strokes that they gave to Jesus as He carried our sins on the cross? What about the strokes that they pounded into His hands and feet. What about the crucifix that Felix has given to us to look at? What about death and resurrection? Not puffy little pudding — let's all eat pudding all day, if we do eat pudding all day what ends up happening?
And they feasted on the pleasures of the earth, but they were not filled — they walked away thirsty and hungry and crying more in pain then when they had started. For you should know that the mystery is the mystery of death and resurrection, suffering and new life. It doesn't come the way that the world thinks it should come, in its pill bottles and relieves. It comes as we gaze upon Christ hanging on the cross which we can see and the little crucifix there that Felix carved. When it comes in the resurrection, it comes this way because this is how it is. I didn't make it up. It's the way God made it.
Song: Your Presence Pervades my Soul
Look at how long they were
in the desert.God allows us to be tested
God lets us wait so we can
greater lessons in
We thank You God for Your
gifts —
We love You God so very
much —
We want You and this great
gift of the
Mass —
We offer our lives praying for
the priests,
the Church and
the world.
Remember the message of Fr. Carter?
Does anybody have a Blue Book IV?
And the message of Mary August 1, 1994
God help us
Song: Your Presence Pervades my Soul
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
August 1, 1994
Pray For The Success Of The Priestly Newsletter - Shepherds of Christ
Messenger: The following is the first official message I received before the statue of Mary at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. It is a personal message for Father Carter.
Mary: (in front of the glowing statue of Our Lady of Sorrows) I am the Immaculate Heart. My Heart is glowing for love of all my beloved children. I am your most loving Mother. I am with you this day. Pray for the success of the priestly newsletter Shepherds of Christ. I am guarding your way. You will receive such graces to accomplish this task!
(R. And 13 years later we sent a half million newsletters out this year and we got 90 letters back from the Vatican.)
You will receive such graces to accomplish this task! (R. This is what Mary said.)
Grace from God is so abundantly bestowed on you and will lead to the success of this endeavor!
(R. We always believe in the authority of the Church regarding any of these messages.)
Pray for this cause at the Center. The priests will lead the people to the love of My beloved Son. This is no little task. It will take many prayers and graces. Pray hard, little one. Your prayers will change many hearts.
I am Mary, your Immaculate Mother. I bring this message to My beloved priest-son. I am aglow for love of you.
end of August 1, 1994 message
Song: Your Presence Pervades my Soul
R. And so we remember the image of Our Lady of Clearwater. The image appeared there for 7 1/2 years and this is a song that Joe wrote and I would like him to play.
Song: Our Lady of Clearwater
R. And so we all know that we started the Perpetual Adoration on August 13, 2004 and that day was like one of the first really strong hurricanes that happened in Florida and we were praying here and that was the day we started the 24 hour adoration. And earlier that year in March the image head had been destroyed and that's where we have the glass from the Fatima statues today so it's like what goes around comes around because that was the beautiful glass that was the image face. That was suffering for us then but there we go again with our death/resurrection. We see how these little fragmented pieces of glass that we can put them in the Fatima statue, and we can pray the Shepherds of Christ in front of that statue and have that in our homes with our prayer chapters. And we've been reported lots of spiritual healings and physical healings because of people praying before the Fatima statue with a little piece of the glass from that image face.
So then it struck me that this was allowed by God, that He allowed the image to appear here and acid was thrown on it but that got fixed. But He allowed this image face to be destroyed and it kind of reminds me a little bit of John the Baptist — that they cut His head off and the scripture that says that "I must decrease and He must increase".
And that's how Mary is. Mary appeared at Fatima and her image appeared in Clearwater and the purpose of that was to lead men into this deep intimacy with God. Now we circulate this newsletter and I mean I'll just start to cry — but you think of 80,000 newsletters every other month that's going out there and spreading this devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart to all the hierarchy in the Church. And how could we even do it and so Joe can play the piano and then he can also work on sending the newsletter out to 80,000 priests. I guess with God's might we can do a lot of things.
But what is so cool with the death/resurrection thing too is, as Mary's image head was destroyed, Joe sat under the image for almost a year till we could get the bottom part which looks like the face of Jesus protected by the glass and I think we all prayed for the money for that glass too cause it was not a little thing to do it right so a hurricane wouldn't come and pick it up. While we were there then we had the repairing of the sinkhole that looked like graves under the image, so it looked like the image site went through a war, like it was in a war zone. But he sat there — and really so out of the building came him keeping on working on this list that we've had for 13 years. So the list really came out of the building.
One miracle after another. While you sit there and look at the face, I use to sit there and look under the face sometimes at night, I felt like I could almost feel heat and light coming off of it. And it was the face of Jesus and it was really powerful wasn't it? Joe knows how it was because he sat there and worked on that list. And we never knew that the time was going to come and it was last August 15, 2006 we started with the first newsletter that Fr. John did and then to that we got 7 inches of responses in a binder from cardinals and archbishops and bishops thanking us.
But the main purpose of the Shepherds of Christ is the newsletter and that's what it's has been for 13 years. So we're ready - like wanders in the desert we were ready to get to work on this newsletter and send this newsletter out every other month, but we all know that the 100 people or so that are really strong members can not support a newsletter — like the last one cost $82,000 to have 80,000 prayer manuals and 80,000 newsletters packaged and really to go with the postage. And in the past the half a million newsletters that we sent out in the past year we have been able because of God's grace ...
Fatima/Clearwater Glass Statues available.Call Glaci or go to China or Clearwater.
Crucifix — hand carved by Felix
who carved the crucifix 22'
at the Virgin Mary building.
Available for $750.00