Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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July 26, 2008
July 27th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for July 27th are Sorrowful.
July 26, 2008
What do I want?
You my Lord.
I love the Eucharist!!
I love to go to Mass!!
How great was the act of love, God gave to this world, when He gave Himself and died on the cross. He gives Himself to us this day in the Holy Eucharist.
The greatest commandment is that we must love God with our whole heart, our whole soul, and our whole being. This is a commandment. If we are to enter heaven, we must follow the commandments. They are commands given by God for us to follow.
The greatest act we can do on this earth is an act of loving God. The reason for our existence is to love God. In the sacrament of His greatest love, He gives Himself to us. This is an act of love on His part. We are called to respond by giving ourselves in love to Him.
This is the purpose of the Holy Eucharist: to unite in such oneness with our Holy, Loving God. Our all consuming passion should be that of loving God. How many go to the Eucharist with the sole purpose of giving great love to God? He wants us to love Him. He wants souls to tell Him how much they truly love Him. This is the most intimate act of love when Jesus gives Himself-Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity to man. If it is such an act of love, how are we receiving Him in Communion? We should beg God, in this most intimate union with Him, to help us to love Him with greatest love.
Jesus is a Person. He wants our love. The Holy Spirit wants such intimacy with us. Our Father wants us to love Him. In the Eucharist, we unite with God. In this intimate act of uniting with our beloved God, with Divinity, we must pour out our love to God. We must pour out our heart to the most adorable Heart of Jesus. Jesus is so unjustly treated by many of His beloved souls He loves so much. Let us help make reparation to the Almighty God by loving God with our whole heart, our whole soul, and our whole being in the sacrament of His greatest love. This is the Gift of Himself.
Think of how it is to love someone and give your all for that person, to pour out your heart to him or her and then be treated with coldness and neglect. It hurts our heart so much more when we deeply love someone to be rejected by that person. Jesus loves us with the deepest love. We cannot fully comprehend this love. Let us love Him with the deepest love. Let us love Mary and her Immaculate Heart. Let us love her as the Mother of God. Let us love her as the virgin who bore the Son of God. May we, in the reception of the Eucharist pour out our love to Him, to this adorable Heart. May we pour out our love to His Holy Mother.
Mary said at Fatima that Jesus wants His Heart venerated next to the heart of His Mother. Let us love these two Hearts as we receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Then we are so deeply united with God. We see Their two Hearts surrounded with thorns for the injustices against Their Hearts. Let us help make reparation daily as we receive Him in the Eucharist. This is a special time to help make reparation to Their wounded Hearts.
Let us remember how He poured His love out to us on the cross and how He pours out His love to us now when He gives us Himself in the Eucharist, the Eucharist which contains His Heart of burning love. His Heart was pierced with a lance. Her heart was invisibly pierced with a sword. As the wounds in Their Hearts are deep, so too is Their love so deep.
He does not want "surface love". He wants hearts filled with deep burning love.
A Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Let me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.
December 27, 1995
Oración para antes del Santo Sacrificio de la Misa
Permíteme, Señor, ser un sacrificio santo y unirme con Dios en el sacramento de su mayor amor.
Quiero hacerme uno con él, en este acto de amor, en el cual él se entrega a mí y yo me entrego a él como un sacrificio. Permíteme ser un sacrificio santo conforme me uno con él en este mi acto del más grande amor hacia él.
Permíteme unirme más con él, para que pueda amarlo más profundamente. Que pueda yo ayudar a hacer reparación a su adorable Corazón y al Corazón de su Madre, María. Con el mayor amor, me ofrezco a ti y suplico que aceptes mi sacrificio de amor sincero. Me entrego a ti, y me uno en tu regalo de tu entrega a mí. Ven y toma posesión de mi alma.
Purifícame, fortaléceme, sáname. Amado Espíritu Santo actúa en el corazón de María para hacerme cada vez más como Jesús.
Padre, te ofrezco este mi sacrificio, unido a ti con Jesús en el Espíritu Santo. Ayúdame a amar a Dios más profundamente en este acto de mi mayor amor.
Dame la gracia de crecer en sabiduría, amor, y servicio a ti, y que ésto sea mi mayor participación en la Misa. Dame las mayores gracias para amarte profundamente en esta Misa, tú que eres tan merecedor de mi amor.end of December 27, 1995
Recently we received the Imprimatur on the Italian
prayers — now we have the prayers in 7
languages — These Italian prayers will be shown
at the end of the message.
I want to write how precious it is to be able to go
to Mass with the frequency we do —
How blessed we are that the Divine Almighty God
comes to us —
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity —
We are filled with His life
We are filled with His grace
We worry about little simple details —
things we wish, maybe weren't difficult, but
I know in my life — I move ahead trying to do
God's will —
When I look back and think of all the gifts God the Father
sent me — I want to get on my knees and thank
Him — I want to give to God the glory that is
His due.
Why are we so focused so many times on so many
negative things when God has blessed us in this
Movement especially, in Mary's image appearing
on the building in Clearwater —
Oh God, I long and thirst for the Eucharist
I am so thankful for Your love given to Me —
I want the world to know the gifts given to us
in the Catholic Church —
I want to show you a beautiful book —
We are indeedly proud to offer —
Here is the forward I wrote from the book —
Foreward God created us
in His image and likeness and God is love. We were created for
Him. Fr. Carter in writing the Priestly Newsletter 2000 Issue 3
was editing his masterpiece on the Spiritual life. The Father,
Son and Holy Spirit dwell in the graced baptized soul. In
learning to live more deeply in God, recognizing how God created
us to be more and more in that image and likeness of Him and
recognizing how vital consecration to the Pure and Holy Hearts
of Jesus and Mary are – I state clearly what the mission in
these Priestly Newsletters hope to accomplish – Greater
intimacy with God – Greater life
Living out the Pascal mystery we go to the fountain of His life
outpoured to us in the Church.
We love our priests so very much and thank God for calling them and their “yes” to this awesome vocation God gives to these men. We give our lives praying for the priests, the Church and the world in this network of prayer chapters and circulating the Priestly Newsletter begun by Fr. Carter May 31, 1994. Our lives are a mystery unfolding more and more IN HIM.
God is preparing us through our cooperation to be living forever in the beatific vision. The Church and the sacraments is the primary way God helps us.
We go to the Eucharist to be saturated more and more with His grace and we sing, read, and ponder the Word of God as it lives more and more in us.
So we can say
with St. Paul
...I have been crucified with Christ
and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in
Galatians 2: 19-20
As we go to the Pure and Holy Heart of Mary – the Holy Spirit works more and more performing His marvelous wonder – bringing us forth more and more in the image of God – The incarnation goes on in us in the spiritual womb of Mary her Immaculate Heart.
Mary takes us to the Heart of Jesus and there we dwell in the vat of love of Jesus’ most burning Heart and experience the greatest treasures of knowing and loving God and others more deeply through His Pure and Tender Heart of love.
We live out our baptismal commitment dwelling in deep love in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The cover of this book pictures Christ’s image in stone – Our stony hearts are molded more and more in His image as we grow in the spiritual life.
Mary takes us to the Heart of Jesus who takes us to the bosom of the Father –
Oneness in God – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit the perfect community – our model for oneness – a glimpse of life forever in the embrace of the Almighty God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
communion filled so deeply with His presence – I touched you God
and in that embrace I knew You in great oneness – I tasted
greater insight into Your Divine Mysteries and I knew that all
we do here in dwelling in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and
leading souls to deeper intimacy with God – deeper love of the
Eucharist – living deeper life in God would help lead men to
oneness as members of the body of Christ, deeper intercessors
and deeper love in God.
Rita Ring, Co-founder
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
This indeed is Farther Carter's Masterpiece —
The first Newsletter opposite the end of the
forward —
shows the great gifts God gives to us
Fr. Carter writes in that first Newsletter 2000 #1 This brief passage contains one of the
greatest lessons of the spiritual life. As we progress along our
spiritual journey, we become increasingly aware of how weak we
are in ourselves, but how strong we are in Christ. To experience our weakness involves
suffering. The degree and kind of suffering can vary. The
suffering can include the experience of the classical dark night
of the spirit as described by St. John of the Cross. One of the main purposes of the dark night is
to make a person keenly aware of his or her helplessness without
God. This is a most necessary point that mystics must pass
through if the spiritual marriage, or transforming union with
God in Christ, is to occur. In this transforming union, there is
a profound exchange between God and the mystic. God’s
self-communication to the mystic is most profound, and the
mystic makes a profound gift of self to God. In this state the
mystic is supremely aware of living by the life of God, and
without experiencing one’s helplessness without God, this lived
awareness does not occur. If not all on the spiritual journey
experience the classic dark night, all must undergo a
proportionate purification which includes increased awareness of
personal weakness. In this process one more and more abandons
the self to Christ and increasingly lives by His life, by His
strength. Again St. Paul speaks to us: I have been crucified
with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but
Christ living in me. The life that I am now living, subject to
the limitation of human nature, I am living in faith, faith in
the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. (Gal
2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
but he has answered me, ‘My grace is enough for you: for power is at full stretch in weakness.’ It is, then, about my weaknesses that I am happiest of all to boast, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me; and that is why I am glad of weaknesses, insults, constraints, persecutions and distress for Christ’s sake. For it is when I am weak that I am strong.
John 10: 11-15 I am the good shepherd:
the good shepherd lays down his life
for his sheep.
The hired man,
since he is not the shepherd
and the sheep do not belong to him,
abandons the sheep
as soon as he sees a wolf coming,
and runs away,
and then the wolf attacks
and scatters the sheep;
he runs away
because he is only a hired man
and has no concern for the sheep.
I am the good shepherd;
I know my own
and my own know me,
just as the Father knows me
and I know the Father;
and I lay down my life for my sheep.
This Newsletter
Christ is Our Strength
In the second Newsletter
Suffering: A Source of Life
Isaiah 53: 4-7
Yet ours were the sufferings
he was bearing,
ours the sorrows he was carrying,
while we thought of him
as someone being punished
and struck with affliction by God;
whereas he was being wounded
for our rebellions,
crushed because of our guilt;
the punishment reconciling us fell on him,
and we have been healed by his bruises.
We had all gone astray like sheep,
each taking his own way,
and Yahweh brought the acts of rebellion
of all of us to bear on him.
Ill–treated and afflicted,
he never opened his mouth,
like a lamb led to the slaughter–house,
like a sheep dumb before its shearers
he never opened his mouth.
Fr. Carter knew suffering that year — he died December 18, 2000 of cancer
Both the Newsletter 1, 2000 and Newsletter 2, 2000 — Fr. Carter
reads on a disc.
His heart is so full of love for God —
When Fr. Carter read this Priestly Newsletter
for taping
He was before the exposed Eucharist
His voice is so powerful as he read each
Newsletter from his heart and soul —
The book Priestly Newsletter Book III and the
disc with Fr. Carter reading them are
available for purchase —
They are so very beautiful
$10.00 each plus shipping
Call Kathleen and give them as gifts
to your favorite priests, deacons and those interested deeply
in the spiritual life —
From the Priestly Newsletter Book III
Newsletter by Fr. Carter 2000 #2 on Suffering: A source of Life
He hung upon a cross on a hill called Calvary. Death was near. How much Jesus had already suffered! He had been derisively crowned
with thorns. In a terribly weakened condition, He carried the heavy cross to the hill of Golgotha. There He was stripped of His garments
and mercilessly nailed to the cross. After all this brutal and agonizing suffering, Jesus finally died.
Truly the Good Shepherd had laid down His life for His sheep. That magnificent Heart, overflowing with love for His Father and all of us, had beat its last.
On the third day, Jesus rose: ‘Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’ The Jews replied, ‘It has taken forty-six years to build this Temple: are you going to raise it up again in three days?’ But he was speaking of the Temple that was his body, and when Jesus rose from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the scripture and what he had said. (Jn 2:19-22)
Yes, the Good Shepherd died and rose for our salvation. Behold, the paschal mystery of Jesus!
When we are baptized we are incorporated into Christ's paschal mystery of death and resurrection. St. Paul speaks of this marvelous union with Jesus: You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptised into Christ Jesus, were baptised into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father’s glorious power, we too should begin living a new life. (Rm 6:3-4)
Christ has structured the Christian life by the way He lived, died, and rose from the dead. It is obvious, then, as Paul tells us above that the pattern of death-resurrection must be at the heart of the Church’s life. Individually and collectively, we continually die in Christ so that we may continually rise in Him. Thus we pass over in a process of ongoing religious transition to a greater participation in Christ’s resurrection. It is true that our participation in Christ’s resurrection will reach its completion only in eternal life. Nevertheless, we begin the life of resurrection here upon earth, in the here and now of human life, in the midst of joy and pain, in the experience of success and failure, in the sweat of our brow, in the enjoyment of God’s gifts. As Christians, we should have a sense of dynamic growth concerning our here and now life of resurrection.
We cannot maintain the life of resurrection or grow in it without a willingness to suffer. This does not mean that we need to feel overwhelmed and heavily burdened in our lives. The greater portion of suffering for most Christians seems to be an accumulation of ordinary hardships, difficulties, and pains. At times, however, deep suffering, even suffering of agonizing proportions can enter into one’s life. Whether the sufferings one encounters are of the more ordinary variety or of the more rare and extreme type, Christians must convince themselves that to relate properly to the cross is to grow in resurrection, and growth in resurrection means we will also have an increased capacity to help give resurrection to others.
Pope John Paul II speaks of the role
suffering plays in the Christian life: "Every man has his own
share in the redemption. Each one is
also called to share in that suffering through which the
redemption was accomplished. He is called to share in that
suffering through
which all human suffering has also been redeemed. In bringing
about the redemption through suffering, Christ has also raised
suffering to the level of the redemption. Thus each man in his
suffering can also become a sharer in the redemptive suffering
of Christ…
2"Those who share in Christ’s sufferings have before their eyes the paschal mystery of the cross and resurrection, in which Christ descends, in a first phace, to the ultimate limits of human weakness and impotence: Indeed, he dies nailed to the cross. But if at the same time in this weakness there is accomplished his lifting up, confirmed by the power of the resurrection, then this means that the weaknesses of all human sufferings are capable of being infused with the same power of God manifested in Christ’s cross. In such a concept, to suffer means to become particularly susceptible, particularly open, to the working of the salvific powers of God offered to humanity in Christ. In him God has confirmed his desire to act especially through suffering, which is man’s weakness and emptiness of self."
2. Pope John Paul II, On The Christian Meaning of Human Suffering, United States Catholic Conference, Nos. 19 and 23.
Fr. Carter was determined to write the 2000 #3 Priestly Newsletter —
He was so enthusiastic and he said — Jesus told him
to write this synopsis on the spiritual life
He was enthusiastic about the other 2 synopsis
on the spiritual life he had written —
Spirituality Handbook
Again he said Jesus told him to write it
and it is available with him
reading it on disc.
The other source was his only book of small messages and
reflections —
He was excited and he said to me
Rita, Jesus and Mary gave me these messages
and the whole concept of the spiritual life
is in them
Also Fr. Carter taped these messages and they
are available on disc.
In the third Priestly Newsletter from the book
Fr. Carter explained to me as he read it to check
it for publication —
At the end of May he had finished the Priestly Newsletter
and he began to cough —
non-stop —
in May he went like a "gang-buster"
I wondered at his age how he did it —
He was so motivated to please Jesus and compile the
Priestly Newsletter 2000 #3
He read it in June in my living room — he just
was sick after he wrote it at the end of May —
he didn't have strength to go to China, Indiana our
church and Eucharistic Center and read it before
the Blessed Sacrament
He sat in the living room and my cleaning lady
was by and could not believe how he
had declined
But he in the middle of the reading turned to me —
he was sitting next to a grand piano because the
mike was set up there and he looked crowded and
out of place, but he was reading his
masterpiece Jesus told him to put together
Rita, he said, and I turned off the tape —
I wish I had left it on —
He went to the table of contents and he showed how
it centered in Christ and he explained to me what
was in his soul about the spiritual life — through
the topics in the table of contents.
I tried to write about it in a daily message after
he died — sometime in 2000 at the end —
He discerned all those messages until almost the day he died —
He would discern the daily message 4 times and
he wouldn't go to bed until he did —
He lived to put this Movement into motion for Jesus —
He loved Jesus and Mary so much and he knew They
loved him —
he said Jesus told him this
Here is a picture of Fr. Carter and a quote of Cardinal Bernardin Fr. Carter
used in a newsletter.
Excerpt from Priestly Newsletter 1998 - ISSUE FOUR
Shortly before he was to die from cancer, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin left us these inspiring words about peace: "It is the first day of November, and fall is giving way to winter. Soon the trees will lose the vibrant colors of their leaves and snow will cover the ground. The earth will shut down, and people will race to and from their destinations bundled up for warmth. Chicago winters are harsh. It is a time of dying.
"But we know that spring will soon come with all its new life and wonder.
"It is quite clear that I will not be alive in the spring. But I will soon experience new life in a different way...
"What I would like to leave behind is a simple prayer that each of you may find what I have found—God's special gift to us all: the gift of peace. When we are at peace, we find the freedom to be most fully who we are, even in the worst of times. We let go of what is non-essential and embrace what is essential. We empty ourselves so that God may more fully work within us. And we become instruments in the hands of the Lord."3
3. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, The Gift of Peace, Loyola University Press, pp. 151-153.
I am proud God called us to this Ministry
to spread His unfathomable love to the hungry souls —
to help renew the Church and the world and spread
the Consecration to help lead to this Age of the 2 Hearts —
the Age of great love
Here is a message from the back of Tell My People
by Fr. Edward Carter
14 Years Ago
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, I have allowed you to experience in extraordinary fashion the riches contained in My Heart and My Mother's Heart. I desire that you tell all My people about these riches. I desire that My people consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart and to Mary's Immaculate Heart. My people are living in the beginnings of the age of the Two Hearts.
"After the time of the purification is completed, this new era of the Church and the world will become firmly established. This era will be characterized by the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. All those who consecrate themselves to My Heart and to My Mother's Heart will help to establish this glorious new age. I am Lord and Master. Please listen to My urgent request. Within Our Hearts you will experience the love and security, the peace and the joy, which you all desire. I love My people with a tremendous love, and in My love I give them this message!"
Reflection: This is the Age of the Two Hearts! The surest road to sanctity in these our times is through consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In making this consecration, and striving with God's grace to live it as best we can each day, we are contributing to the establishment of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and to the arrival of the reign of the Sacred Heart.
end of excerpt
Here is a message of Fr. Carter July 31, 1994 after the message
May 31, 1994 to write the Newsletter
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
Here is a message of Fr. Carter October 13, 1994 — when we
celebrated the 77th anniversary of Mary's
last apparition at Fatima
October 13, 1994
The Birth of the Full Ministries
of the Shepherds of Christ
"I wish to share with you part of a message which Jesus gave us on October 13, 1994. The message tells us about the expansion of the Shepherds of Christ movement:
'My beloved priest-companion, today I come to you with another mission. I am asking you to establish Shepherds of Christ Ministries. At My request you have already begun the priestly newsletter, "Shepherds of Christ", and the prayer chapters, Shepherds of Christ Associates...
'I am giving you this message on this day, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, because of the close connection between the Shepherds of Christ movement and the Fatima message. The Fatima message is centered in devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart, especially in consecration to Our Hearts. Shepherds of Christ Ministries is also centered in devotion to Our Hearts. I will use Shepherds of Christ Ministries as a great instrument in helping to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. When this occurs, My Church and the world will be experiencing the great era of peace promised by My Mother at Fatima.
'Today, then, October 13, 1994, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, marks the birth of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I pour forth the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.'
"Jesus has told us that Shepherds of Christ Ministries includes: the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, Shepherds of Christ Associates prayer chapters, various publications, including books, whatever else Our Lord directs us to undertake.
"As members of Shepherds of Christ Associates, you are an extremely important part of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. You have given great joy to the Heart of Jesus by responding to His invitation to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. As He draws you closer to His Heart and to His Mother's Heart as Associates members, He will fill you with an ever-increasing experience of His love, peace, and joy."
- From In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Newsletter of Shepherds of Christ Associates
by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., Volume 1, No. 1, 1995. p. 2.
Here is a message to start the Apostles of the Eucharistic
Heart of Jesus —
Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
My dear fellow Associate Members,
Jesus is calling special apostles to join a new division of the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Here is a message from Jesus given to Father Carter:
My beloved priest-companion, I am requesting that a new prayer movement be started under the direction of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I am asking for volunteers who are willing to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour, twice-weekly. Members of the Shepherds of Christ prayer chapters, as well as others, are to be invited to join this movement.
These apostles are to pray for the intentions I am giving you. For part of the hour they are to use the prayers of the Shepherds of Christ Associates Handbook. They may spend the rest of the hour as they so choose.
I will use this new prayer movement within My Shepherds of Christ Ministries in a powerful way to help in the renewal of My Church and the world. I will give great graces to those who join this movement. The name, Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, is to be given to this movement.
I am inviting My beloved Rita Ring to be coordinator for this activity.
I pour out the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.
This is indeed a special calling for us to unite in one heart with His Eucharistic Heart and pray for the following intentions:
For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
For the Pope.
For all bishops of the world.
For all priests.
For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
For all members of the Catholic Church.
For all members of the human family.
For all souls in purgatory.
end of Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart
Now we have people all over the world spending
2 hours before the Blessed Sacrament weekly and
praying the prayers in the Prayer Manual
Fr. Carter entered the Jesuits
August 8, 1951 — my birthday
Here is a picture of him when I was so worried about
August 8, 2000 in my birthday
He was a Jesuit the whole half of the second
millennium 49 years —
Fr. Carter was born in the year of Lucia's vision
Fr. Carter was ordained a Jesuit in 1962
received his doctorate from Catholic University in 1966
Wrote his first book Response in Christ
1966-67 and it was translated in
4 languages
He authored some 19 books on the spiritual life and he
wrote the Shepherds of Christ Priestly Newsletters
sent to almost 4,000,000 priests
We since have circulated his Priestly Newsletter again.
$10.00 |
$12.00 |
$10.00 |
$10.00 |
plus shipping
Call Kathleen
Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual in Italian
Il formato di preghiere, come al di sotto, dovrebbe essere seguito nelle riunioni dei capitoli dei Soci dei Pastori di Cristo. Tutte le preghiere, non solamente quelle dette appositamente per i sacerdoti , dovrebbero includere l’intenzione di pregare per tutte le necessitá dei sacerdoti del mondo intero.
INNI. Gli inni si possono cantare in qualsiasi momento della riunione assegnato alla preghiera
PREGHIERA ALLO SPIRITO SANTO. Vieni, Spirito Santo, Santificatore Onnipotente, Dio dell’amore, Tu hai riempito di grazia la Vergine Maria, hai cambiato d’un modo meraviglioso i cuori degli apostoli, hai dotato tutti I Tuoi martiri con un coraggio miracoloso, vieni e santificaci. Illumina le nostre menti, rinforza le nostre volontá, purifica le nostre coscienze, rettifica il nostro giudizio, infiamma i nostri cuori, e preservaci dalla disgrazia di resistere alle Tue ispirazioni. Amen.
LA SALVE. “Salve, Regina, Madre di Misericordia, vita, dolcezza e speranza nostra, Salve. A te ricorriamo ésuli figli di Eva; a te sospiriamo gementi e piangenti in questa valle di lacrime. Orsú dunque, avvocata nostra, rivolgi a noi gli occhi tuoi misericordiosi. E mostraci, dopo questo esilio, Gesú, frutto benedetto del tuo seno. O clemente, o pia, o dolce Vergine María. Prega per noi, Santa Madre di Dio, e saremo degni delle promesse di Cristo. Amen.”
MEMORARE. “Ricordati, piissima Vergine María, che no si é mai inteso al mondo che qualcuno abbia fatto ricorso a te per implorare il tuo aiuto, e sia stato abbandonato. Anch’io, animato d a tale confidenza, a te ricorro, Vergine Madre purissima, e vengo a mettermi davanti a te, peccatore avvilito ed affranto. Tu che sei la Madre del Verbo, non respingere la mia povera voce, ma ascoltala benevola, ed esaudiscimi. Amen.”
SETTE AVEMARIE IN ONORE DEI SETTE DOLORI DI MARIA. María ha promesso grazie molto speciali a tutti coloro che cosí la onorano diairiamente. Inclusa nelle promesse della Madonna per coloro che praticano questa devozione c’é la promessa di speciale aiuto nell’ora della morte, incluso anche di vedere la sua faccia..
I sette dolori sono:
(1) Primo dolore: La profezia di Simeone (Ave Maria).
(2) Secondo dolore: La fuga in Egitto (Ave Maria).
(3) Terzo dolore: La perdita di Gesú nel Tempio (Ave Maria).
(4) Quarto dolore: L’incontro di Gesú e Maria durante il Via Crucis (Ave Maria).
(5) Quinto dolore: La morte di Gesú in croce (Ave Maria).
(6) Sesto dolore: Gesú sceso dalla croce e posto nelle sue braccia (Ave Maria).
(7) Settimo dolore: La sepoltura di Gesú (Ave Maria).7. LITANIE DELLA BEATA VERGINE MARIA.
Signore, pietá Signore, pietá
Cristo pietá Cristo, pietá
Signore, pieta Signore, pieta
Cristo, ascoltaci Cristo, ascoltaci
Cristo, esaudiscici Cristo, esaudisciciPadre del cielo, che sei Dio Abbi pietá di noi
Figlio, redentore del mondo, che sei Dio Abbi pietá di noi
Spirito Santo, che sei Dio Abbi pietá di noi
Santa Trinitá, unico Dio Abbi pietá di noiSanta Maria, Prega per noi
Santa Madre di Dio, " "
Santa Vergine delle vergini,
Madre di Cristo,
Madre della Chiesa,
Madre della divina grazia,
Madre purissima,
Madre castissima,
Madre sempre vergine,
Madre immacolata,
Madre degna d’amore,
Madre del buon consiglio,
Madre del creatore,
Madre del Salvatore,
Madre di misericordia,
Vergine prudentissima,
Vergine degna d’onore,
Vergine degna di lode,
Vergine potente,
Vergine clemente,
Vergine fedele,
Specchio della santitá divina
Sede della Sapienza,
Causa della nostra letizia,
Tempio dello Spirito Santo,
Tabernacolo dell’eterna gloria,
Dimora tutta consacrata a Dio,
Rosa mistica,
Torre di Davide,
Torre d’avorio,
Casa d’oro,
Arca dell’alleanza,
Porta del cielo,
Stella del mattino,
Salute degli infermi,
Rifugio dei peccatori,
Consolatrice degli afflitti,
Aiuto dei cristiani,
Regina degli Angeli,
Regina dei Patriarchi,
Regina dei Profeti,
Regina degli Apostoli,
Regina dei Martiri,
Regina dei veri cristiani,
Regina delle Vergini,
Regina di tutti i Santi,
Regina concepita senza peccato originale,
Regina assunta in cielo,
Regina del santo Rosario,
Regina della pace,Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo, Perdonaci,o Signore
Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo, Ascoltaci, o Signore
Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo, Abbi pieta di noiPrega per noi, Santa Madre di Dio, E saremo degni delle promesse di Cristo
PREGHIAMO – Concedi ai tuoi fedeli, Signore Dio nostro, di godere sempre la salute del corpo e dello spirito, e per la gloriosa intercessione di Maria santissima, sempre vergine, salvaci dai mali che ora ci rattristano e guidaci alla gloria senza fine. Per Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.
SOTTO LA TUA PROTEZIONE troviamo rifugio, Santa Madre di Dio: non disprezzare le suppliche di noi che siamo nella prova, e liberaci da ogni pericolo, o Vergine gloriosa e benedetta. Amen.
PREGHIERA A SAN GIUSEPPE. – San Giuseppe, custode di Gesú e casto sposo di Maria, tu hai vissuto la tua vita adempiendo fedelmente i tuoi doveri. Hai mantenuto la Sacra Famiglia di Nazaret con il lavoro delle tue mani.. Con premura proteggi coloro che fiduciosamente si rivolgono a te. Tu conosci I loro desideri, le loro avversitá, le loro speranze; e loro si rivolgo a te perché sanno che tu li vorrai comprendere e proteggere. Anche tu hai conosciuto prove, lavoro e stanchezza. Tuttavia, anche in mezzo alle difficoltá della vita materiale, il tuo spirito godeva molta pace e cantava con vera gioia unito intimamente con il Figlio di Dio a te affidato, e con Maria, la sua dolce Madre. Amen.
Signore, pietá Signore, pietá
Cristo, pietá Cristo, pietá
Signore, pietá Signore, pietá
Cristo, ascoltaci Cristo, ascoltaci.
Cristo, esaudiscici Cristo, esaudisciciPadre celeste, Dio abbi pietá di noi
Figlio, redentore del mondo, Dio abbi pietá di noi
Spirito Santo, Dio abbi pietá di noi
Santa Trinitá, unico Dio abbi pietá di noiCuore di Gesú, Figlio dell’Eterno Padre abbi pietá di noi
Cuore di Gesú, formato dallo Spirito Santo
nel seno della Vergine Maria " "
Cuore di Gesú, sostanzialmente unito al Verbo di Dio
Cuore di Gesú, maestá infinita
Cuore di Gesú, tempio santo di Dio
Cuore di Gesú, tabernacolo dell’Altissimo
Cuore di Gesú, casa di Dio e porta del cielo
Cuore di Gesú, fornace ardente di amore
Cuore di Gesú, fonte di giustizia e di caritá
Cuore di Gesú, colmo di bontá e di amore
Cuore di Gesú, abisso di ogni virtú
Cuore di Gesú, degnissimo di ogni lode
Cuore di Gesú, re e centro di tutti i cuori
Cuore di Gesú, in cui si trovano tutti i tesori di
sapienza e di scienza
Cuore di Gesú, in cui abita tutta la pienezza della divinitá
Cuore di Gesú, in cui il Padre si compiacque
Cuore di Gesú, dalla cui pienezza noi tutti abbiamo ricevuto
Cuore di Gesú, desiderio della patria eterna
Cuore di Gesú, paziente e misericordioso
Cuore di Gesú, generoso verso tutti quelli che ti invocano
Cuore di Gesú, fonte di vita e di santitá
Cuore di Gesú, ricolmato di oltraggi
Cuore di Gesú, propiziazione per i nostri peccati
Cuore di Gesú, annientato dale nostre colpe
Cuore di Gesú, obbediente fino alla morte
Cuore di Gesú, trafitto dalla lancia
Cuore di Gesú, fonte di ogni consolazione
Cuore di Gesú, vita e risurrezione nostra
Cuore di Gesú, pace e riconciliazione nostra
Cuore di Gesú, vittima per i peccatori
Cuore di Gesú, salvezza di chi spera in Te
Cuore di Gesú, speranza di chi muore
Cuore di Gesú, gioia di tutti i santiAgnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo perdonaci, Signore
Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo esaudiscici, Signore
Agnello di Dio, che togli i peccati del mondo abbi pietá di noiCuore di Gesú, che bruci di amore per noi Infiamma il nostro cuore d’amore per te
PREGHIAMO - O Padre, che nel Cuore del tuo dilettissimo Figlio ci dai la gioia di celebrare le grandi opere del tuo Amore per noi, fa’ che da questa fonte inesauribile attingiamo l’abbondanza dei tuoi doni. Per Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.
(1) Daró loro tutte le grazie necessarie al loro stato.
(2) Porteró soccorso alle famiglie che si trovano in difficoltá e metteró la pace nelle famiglie divise.
(3) Li consoleró nelle loro afflizioni.
(4) Saró il loro rifugio in vita e specialmente in punto di morte.
(5) Spargeró abbondanti benedizioni sopra tutte le loro opera.
(6) I peccatori troveranno nel mio Cuore la fonte e l’oceano della misericordia.
(7) Riporteró le comunitá religiose e i singoli fedeli al loro primo fervore.
(8) Le anime fervorose giungeranno in breve a grande perfezione.
(9) Benediró i luoghi dove l’immagine del mio Sacro Cuore verrá esposta ed onorata.
(10) A tutti coloro – specialmente ai sacerdoti – che lavoreranno per la salvezza delle daró il dono di commuovere i cuori piú induriti.
(11) I nomi di coloro che propagheranno la devozione al mio Sacro Cuore sará scritto nel mio Cuore e non ne verrá mai cancellato.
(12) Io ti prometto, nell’eccesso della misericordia del mio Cuore, che il mio Amore Onnipotente concederá a tutti quelli che si comunicheranno al primo Venerdí del mese per nove mesi consecutivi, la grazia della penitenza finale. Essi non moriranno in mia disgrazia, né senza ricevere i Sacramenti, e il mio Cuore sará loro asilo sicuro in quell’ora estrema.
10. PREGHIERA PER I SACERDOTI. “ Signore Gesú, Pastore Supremo del Gregge, Ti preghiamo che nel grande amore e misericordia del Tuo Sacro Cuore venga al soccorso delle necessitá dei Tuoi sacerdoti-pastori di tutto il mondo. Ti supplichiamo che riconduca al Tuo Cuore tutti i sacerdoti che si sono gravemente allontanati dal tuo cammino , che Tu riaccenda il desiderio di santitá nei cuori di quei sacerdoti che soffrono di tiepidezza , e che Tu continui a dare ai Tuoi sacerdoti ferventi il desiderio per una maggiore santitá. Uniti al Tuo Cuore e al Cuore di Maria, Ti preghiamo che Tu voglia presentare questa nostra supplica al Tuo Padre celeste nell’unitá dello Spirito Santo.Amen.”
“Buon Gesú, domandiamo le tue speciali benedizioni sui membri Soci dei Pastori di Cristo. Continua a illuminarli sul particolare privilegio e sulla responsabilitá Tu
hai dato loro come membri del Tuo movimento, Soci dei Pastori di Cristo. Attirali sempre piú vicini al Tuo Cuore e al Cuore di Tua Madre. Fa’ che si rendano sempre conto del grande e speciale amore dei Vostri Cuori per ciascuno di loro personalmente. Da loro la grazia di ricambiare il Tuo amore e quello di Maria con il loro amore sempre piú profondo. Giacché fan parte del Tuo Cuore e del Cuore di Maria, interessati di tutti i loro bisogni e quelli dei loro cari.. Offriamo questa preghiera con Te al Padre, nell’unitá dello Spirito Santo, accanto a Maria nostra Madre. Amen.”
“Padre, domandiamo la tua particolare benedizione sul bollettino sacerdotale, PASTORI DI CRISTO. Ti preghiamo che apra i sacerdoti-lettori alle grazie che vuoi dar loro mediante questo scelto strumento di Tuo Figlio. Ti preghiamo pure che Tu provveda alle necessitá finanziarie del bollettino e dei “Soci dei Pastori di Cristo.” Offriamo questa preghiera per Gesú, nello Spirito Santo, con accanto a Maria. Amen.”
“Padre celeste, domandiamo le tue benedizioni, su tutti i Tuoi figli del mondo intero. Assistili nei loro bisogni. Domandiamo la Tua speciale assistenza per tutte le persone marginate, e tutti quelli che sono tanto abbandonati e dimenticati.. Uniti con nostra madre Maria, Ti eleviamo questa supplica per Gesú e nello Spirito Santo. Amen.”
“San Michele arcangelo, difendici nella battaglia; contro le malvagitá e le insidie del diavolo sii nostro aiuto. Ti preghiamo supplici: che il Signore lo comandi! E tu, principe delle milizie celesti, con la potenza che viene da Dio, ricaccia nell’inferno Satana e gli altri spiriti maligni, che si aggirano per il mondo a perdizione delle anime. Amen.”
“Angelo di Dio, che sei il mio custode, illumine, custodisci, reggi e governa me, che ti fui affidato dalla pietá celeste. Amen.”
15. Pausa per preghiera personale in silenzio. Questo dovrebe durare per lo meno cinque minuti.
“Signore Gesú, Capo Supremo del Gregge, io mi consacro al Tuo Sacratissimo Cuore. Dal Tuo Cuore trafitto nacque la Chiesa; la Chiesa che mi hai chiamato a servire d’una maniera speciale come membro dei SOCI dei PASTORI di CRISTO. Tu riveli il Tuo Cuore come simbolo del Tuo amore sotto tutti gli aspetti, incluso il Tuo amore particolarissimo per me, giacché m’hai scelto come Tuo compagno in questo importantissimo lavoro. Aiutami a ricambiare sempre il Tuo amore. Aiutami a darmi interamente a Te. Aiutami a spendere sempre la mia vita amando Dio e il prossimo! Cuore di Gesú, confido in Te!
“Dolce Beata Vergine Maria, io mi consacro al tuo materno Cuore Immacolato, questo Cuore che é simbolo della tua vita d’amore. Tu mi ami con un amore molto speciale come membro dei SOCI dei PASTORI di CRISTO, un movimento creato da tuo Figlio per il rinnovo della Chiesa e del mondo. In ricambio d’amore, io mi do completamente al tuo materno amore e protezione. Tu hai seguito Gesú perfettamente. Tu sei il Suo primo e perfetto discepolo. Insegnami a imitarti .nel rivestirmi di Cristo. Sii la mia materna intercessora affinché, grazie al tuo Cuore Immacolato, io possa essere guidato a una piú stretta unione con il Cuore trafitto di Gesú, Capo Supremo del Gregge.”
17. PREGHIERE QUOTIDIANE .- Tutti i membri dovrebbero recitare ogni giorno la preghiera allo Spirito Santo e fare anche quotidianamente l’atto di consacrazione. Parimenti dovrebbero recitare il rosario ogni giorno. Sono pure incoraggiati a fare uso delle suddette preghiere in quanto ne abbiano la opportunitá.
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