July 27, 2017
July 28th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Please pray for Dan.
Please pray for Monsignor.
Please pray for Dennis serving our country.
Please pray Fr. Joe's book & cover & all involved.
Please pray for Regina's sister-in-law who
died and their whole family
Prayer for Grace for our Country
Dear Father united to Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present, celebrated around the world, in the Holy Spirit. We offer up all we do united to the Mass. We unite in one mind and one heart as members of the mystical body of Christ, with Christ our head in the pure and holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, through the powerful intercession of Mary with all the angels and saints and souls in purgatory, and we beg for the saving grace, for our country, the United States. Please help us. We further pray for unity to always do the will of God in love. We spread the Blood of Jesus on the leaders and people of the United States and cast the devil into hell. We consecrate our country to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and all our dioceses, and beg for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God help us. We pray for our families, the priests, the Church and the world. In the Name of Jesus please hear us, we pray. We pray for our new president as he takes office. We pray that we are united as one nation under God to work together in love as God wants.
July 27, 2017
Thursday of the 16th Week
Exodus 19: 1-2, 9-11, 16-20
Three months to the day after leaving Egypt, the Israelites reached the desert of Sinai. Setting out from Rephidim, they reached the desert of Sinai and pitched camp in the desert; there, facing the mountain, Israel pitched camp.
Yahweh then said to Moses, 'Look, I shall come to you in a dense cloud so that the people will hear when I speak to you and believe you ever after.' Moses then told Yahweh what the people had said.
Yahweh then said to Moses, 'Go to the people and tell them to sanctify themselves today and tomorrow. They must wash their clothes and be ready for the day after tomorrow; for the day after tomorrow, in the sight of all the people, Yahweh will descend on Mount Sinai.
Now at daybreak two days later, there were peals of thunder and flashes of lightning, dense cloud on the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast; and, in the camp, all the people trembled. Then Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God; and they took their stand at the bottom of the mountain. Mount Sinai was entirely wrapped in smoke, because Yahweh had descended on it in the form of fire. The smoke rose like smoke from a furnace and the whole mountain shook violently. Louder and louder grew the trumpeting. Moses spoke, and God answered him in the thunder. Yahweh descended on Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain, and Yahweh called Moses to the top of the mountain; and Moses went up.
Daniel 3: 52-56
May you be blessed,
Lord, God of our ancestors,
be praised and extolled for ever.
Blessed be your glorious and holy name,
praised and extolled for ever.
May you be blessed in the Temple
of your sacred glory,
exalted and glorified above all for ever:
blessed on the throne of your kingdom,
exalted above all, glorified for ever:
blessed are you who fathom the abyss,
enthroned on the winged creatures,
praised and exalted above all for ever:
blessed in the expanse of the heavens,
exalted and glorified for ever.
Matthew 13: 10-17
Then the disciples went up to him and asked, 'Why do you talk to them in parables?'
In answer, he said, ‘Because to you is granted to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not granted. Anyone who has will be given more and will have more than enough; but anyone who has not will be deprived even of what he has. The reason I talk to them in parables is that they look without seeing and listen without hearing or understanding. So in their case what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah is being fulfilled:
Listen and listen, but never understand!
Look and look, but never perceive!
This people’s heart has grown coarse,
their ears dulled,
they have shut their eyes tight
to avoid using their eyes to see,
their ears to hear,
their heart to understand,
changing their ways
and being healed by me.‘But blessed are your eyes because they see, your ears because they hear! In truth I tell you, many prophets and upright people longed to see what you see, and never saw it; to hear what you hear, and never heard it.
R. Let your hearts be filled with joy –
there is no room for sadness where a
person turns to darkness and wants
others to be drawn down to their darkness.
What is the state of your disposition,
your heart? You are to keep your focus
on the Lord and see yourself as His
servant and accept the suffering in
your life as a cross that leads you to glory.
3rd Sunday of Advent
December 11, 2005
– (Isaiah 61, 1–2a. 10–11; I Thessalonians 5, 16–24; John 1, 6–8. 19–28) As the celebration of Christ’s birth draws near, joy is in the air. It’s also reflected in today’s liturgy. The prophet speaking to us in our first reading tells us he was sent to ring glad tidings to the poor, that he rejoices in the Lord, and in God is the joy of his soul. The response, which is almost always from the Book of Psalms, is today taken from St. Luke’s gospel. It is Mary’s hymn of joy which she enthusiastically proclaimed when she visited her cousin Elizabeth after the annunciation. St. Paul in the second reading tells us to rejoice always. His instruction “rejoice” implies that rejoicing is more of a choice in attitude rather than a feeling that spontaneously comes over us. John the Baptist, whom we meet in the gospel, was an austere person, but his message was a joyful one, joyful because the Lord was coming. John was honored to have been chosen by God to point him out and to prepare the people for that coming.INTRODUCTION
– John the Baptist announced the coming of the Lord. And I announce to you the coming of Sister Ann who will make an appeal for the Retirement for Religious at the end of Mass. So I will try to keep my remarks brief.Recently I read a book about Mother Theresa and in the spirit of today’s liturgy, a spirit of joy, I would like to make a couple of comments about her. She was once asked if she ever got discouraged. She answered that she is always happy. “Discouragement comes from pride,” she always said. “We must be people of hope. It’s not success that matters to God but faithfulness. Never stop trying.”
You can imagine she had a lot of problems and cares in her ministry, yet she did not worry about yesterday or tomorrow. She often said, “Do what you can, do it now and do it well.” People of all walks of life, of every social standing and position went to her. She always gave them what she referred to as her business card. It was one of the most profound, yet simple, statements of the spiritual life I have ever come across. It said: “The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is love. The fruit of love is service. And the fruit of service is peace.” Have you got my business card she would ask. First of all she gave God her time, then she gave people her time, her faith and her tender charity and all went away from her with hope.
In a letter she wrote to a member of her community, we hear echoes of St. Paul who told us in today’s second reading, “Rejoice always.” She wrote, “Do not be afraid, Jesus said. Put your hand in his hand and walk with him all the way. Keep the joy of loving Jesus in your heart, and share this joy with all you meet.” Amen.
Third Sunday of Advent
December 12, 2010
INTRODUCTION: (Isaiah 35,1-6a.10; James 5,7-10; Matthew 11,2-11) If you or I could change our world to make it better, what would we do to change it? Today Isaiah describes to God's people (most probably those who were still in exile) what God's plans were to make things better. God would start with the land, turning their desert, arid lands into gardens bursting with vegetation and beauty, comparable to the costal areas where the land was fertile and there was adequate rainfall, such as Lebanon, Carmel (which is today Haifa) and Sharon. Transforming the land was just a beginning. Those who were weak, sick, blind and lame would be freed of their affliction. It would be a return to the Garden of Eden where God's people would be crowned with everlasting joy. What a beautiful picture of salvation Isaiah presents. As Matthew tells us in today's gospel, God's work of creating a new world begins with Jesus. St. James tells us in the second reading that as we hope for a new world, we must be patient and steadfast in our faith.
HOMILY: A lady who was working as a phone-order representative for a textbook publisher tells this story. One very busy day many customers had been put on hold. When she took one of her waiting calls, she heard an annoyed lady on the line muttering to herself: "Darn, damn, damn, darn, darn!" She smiled and asked: "What may I help you with today?" After a brief silence the caller said: "I'm sorry I got carried away talking to myself here; I guess I was in too much of a hurry. I would like to place an order for some books." The lady taking the order said, "That's hardly the worst thing I heard today. Now, first I need your name." "Oh dear," the caller said, "how embarrassing. My name is Sister Patience." (from Laughter, the Best Medicine, Reader's Digest, pg 293).
This little story might help us remember what St. James tells us in today's second reading: "Be patient, brothers and sisters, until the coming of the Lord." In our gospel, John the Baptist is now in prison. Was he becoming impatient because our Lord hadn't rescued him? Didn't Jesus claim, quoting Isaiah, that he had been sent "to proclaim liberty to captives?" (Lk 4,18) One gets the impression from John's preaching that he expected the Kingdom of God to come in a very short time. On the other hand, there's always the possibility he was sending his disciples to Jesus so they would learn about Jesus and the marvelous things he was doing. I'm sure no one could know the motivation John the Baptist had for sending his disciples to Jesus to ask whether he was the one who is to come. Prophets can see things much more clearly than the rest of us can. The main point St. Matthew is making for his readers is that the work of Jesus shows that God's kingdom has begun. The answer of Jesus to John's disciples as to whether he is the expected Messiah sounds as if it comes right out of our first reading from Isaiah: "the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, etc."
How often have we asked this same question of Jesus as John did: "Are you he who is to come; are you the one who is supposed to save the world? Then, why aren't you doing it? Look at what a mess the world is in, or look at how I am suffering, or how a friend is suffering. Why did that young person have to die so young?" A lot of people have offered an answer as to why there is suffering. Answers range from the atheist who says there is no God to the person who concludes God just doesn't care, to the philosopher who says just get as much pleasure out of this life as you can and be happy with what you get. There are many answers to suffering among great thinkers. The best answer is that Jesus is the savior. Once, when people thought Jesus was talking crazy (like eat my flesh and drink my blood), and they started walking away, Jesus turned to the apostles and asked: "Are you going to leave me too?" Peter answered: "Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God." After I've explored all other options to explain suffering, Jesus is the only answer that makes sense to me. It takes a lot of faith sometimes to keep trusting that God is in the process of bringing about his kingdom of love and justice and peace.
St. James tells us today, "You must be patient. Make your hearts firm, because the coming of the Lord is at hand." A firm faith gives us hope, and hope keeps us from despair; even more it is a source of joy helping us to trust in the life that is to come, a life "crowned with everlasting joy" as Isaiah says.
3rd Sunday of Advent
December 14, 2008
– (Isaiah 61:1-2a. 10-11; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28) As the celebration of Christ’s birth draws near, joy is in the air. It’s also reflected in today’s liturgy - not just in the rose colored vestments but especially in our readings. The prophet in today’s first reading is speaking to the people of his own day, a people who had been exiles and slaves in Babylon for 50 years. Their exile was over. They had been set free by the king of Persia who had conquered Babylon. They could go home, rebuild their cities and farms and their Temple. The prophet was rejoicing in what God was doing for his people. This passage encourages us to rejoice in what God is doing for us. Incidentally, in St. Luke’s gospel, often called the gospel of joy, this is part of the section from the prophet Isaiah that Jesus chose to read in the synagogue to the people of Nazareth to indicate what his ministry would be about. The response, which is almost always from the Book of Psalms, is today taken from the gospel of Luke. It is Mary’s hymn of joy, called the Magnificat, which she enthusiastically proclaimed when she visited her cousin Elizabeth after the annunciation.HOMILY
– We heard God’s prophet proclaim great joy to the Jews that their exile was over. In the response we heard Mary’s expression of joy when she visited her cousin Elizabeth. We heard St. Paul in the second reading tell us to rejoice always. I would like to describe each of these with a little more detail, then I have a brief commercial followed by some concluding remarks.The prophet in today’s first reading announced the Babylonian exile was over. Great news! The people, for the most part, were somewhat glad to be set free, but it wasn’t an easy time for them. After 50 years they were pretty well settled in Babylon. They had jobs and homes there. Their homes in Israel had been leveled 50 years earlier and there wasn’t much to return to. Nothing remained of their beloved Temple, which the Babylonians had destroyed, except a hill covered with rocks and weeds. The prophet had a real challenge encouraging God’s people to rejoice in their return home. It was only by having faith in what God was doing for them that they could have joy.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, had every reason to be anxious and depressed. Here she was suddenly going to be a mother. Her husband to be, Joseph, was about to break off the engagement. In just a few months, she would suffer disgrace among her family and friends when it became obvious she was going to have a child without being married. In that society she would have no way to support herself financially without a husband. Yet we hear, as she visits her cousin Elizabeth after the annunciation, how she rejoices, not in her misery, but in what God was about to do.
As we know from Paul’s writings, his job as a missionary was not an easy one. He tells us in his second letter to the Corinthians that he was beaten numerous times, put in jail, faced angry mobs, had gone without eating or sleeping, faced death, been shipwrecked three times, suffered from cold and pain, and faced dangers from robbers, his own people, even supposed Christians. Yet he writes to the Thessalonians: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks!” Why? “Because this is the will of God for you.” If it is God’s will for us that we be joyful, God will certainly help us if we choose to be. Paul is saying we can choose to sit around and feel sorry for ourselves or we can choose to be joyful even in difficult circumstances. We can let self-pity control our lives, or we can choose through faith and with God’s help to rejoice. If we can believe in the great things God has done and is about to do for us, we have reason to rejoice.
Let me make a little commercial here. One of the things Paul says is: “give thanks.” We certainly do that every time we come to Mass. The very word for the Mass, the Eucharist, means “thanksgiving.” There is another way to give thanks today also, through the appeal for the retirement for religious. Most of us were educated by dedicated priests, brothers and sisters who, if they have not died, are now too old to go out and work for a living. There aren’t enough younger religious to support them. So they need our help. You can give thanks for what you received years ago by helping them out today. End of commercial.
Even though life is sometimes burdensome and the economy is bad and there are threats all over the world; even though there are a lot of things we can complain about and a lot of things that could be better, we have more reasons to rejoice than any people who ever lived on this planet. We enjoy wonderful physical blessings and our freedom; we have the benefits of modern medicine and conveniences. Yet true joy in our hearts must still go deeper than all the things we have around us for we must rejoice in what God is doing in our life. St. John the Baptist tells us in today’s gospel, “there is one among you whom you do not recognize.” This is true. By faith we know he is among us, but if we could really recognize him, we would be so full of joy we would be as if we were in heaven. God’s plans for us are grandiose, his light and love so wonderful. If we could experience it all we would be mystics, which wouldn’t be all bad. But most of us have to live in faith and hope until God’s kingdom is realized in us. So like the people we heard about in today’s readings, we rejoice like they did - in faith. Amen.
3rd Sunday of Advent
December 17, 2006
INTRODUCTION: Our theme for today, as it often is, is summed up in the Psalm Refrain: “Cry out with joy and gladness, for among you is the great and holy one of Israel.” Our first reading from the prophet Zephaniah goes back about 700 years before Christ. The Assyrians were the dominant force in the Middle East and were an unusually warlike, brutal people. Their capital city was in northern Iraq near modern day Mosul. Our first reading comes from a time shortly after the Assyrians wiped out the northern part of Israel. They brought severe suffering upon the southern part of Israel too, the area around Jerusalem, but they did not conquer it. Jerusalem would still stand for another 130 years until the Babylonians conquered it. The Babylonian empire, as you might remember, was centered around Baghdad and it was after they destroyed the Assyrian empire that they moved on to conquer many other nations in the Middle East which included Judah and Jerusalem. (It sounds very much like what’s going on over there today, doesn’t it?) Meanwhile back to Zephaniah 700 years before Christ after the northern part of Israel had been devastated. Jerusalem was struggling to recover from the near destruction they had suffered, but they didn’t learn their lesson. Idolatry and immorality were rampant among the Jews. The king of Judah himself offered his own son as a human sacrifice to the pagan gods. Most of Zephaniah’s book records his efforts to correct abuses among God’s people. His book ends on a note of hope, however, as he addresses those who are faithful to God. He tells them to rejoice and assures them God will rejoice and sing too because of his love for them and for all the blessings that will be theirs. Can any of us begin to imagine what it would sound like to hear God singing?
There is something we should be aware of when we hear the second reading too. St. Paul is sitting in prison somewhere when he wrote this, and prisons in those days were really bad. Today’s prisons would look like a luxury hotel by comparison. Yet Paul can be joyful and he is able to encourage the Philippians to have no anxiety and to rejoice always.
– In the days when we had Mass in Latin, today was known as Gaudete Sunday. That means “Be Joyful.” The liturgy continues to communicate that theme of joy with rose colored vestments and readings telling us to rejoice.So on this Gaudete Sunday I thought you would enjoy a couple of laughs.
First a riddle for you: Why is Christmas just like a day at the office? Answer: You do all the work, and the guy that wears that big fancy suit gets all the credit.
A couple were always fascinated by old churches and wherever they traveled if they came near an old church they had to stop and look inside. Once in a small town church they saw an oddly shaped bell and asked the person cleaning the church what the strange bell was used for. They were told “That bell is reserved for calamities, like fires, floods, or a visit from the archbishop.”
Lastly, if laughter really were the best medicine, hospitals would have found a way to charge us for it long ago.
Laughter fades away, but there is something that lasts and sustains us all the more: joy. Joy goes deeper than just being funny. We heard the prophet in today’s first reading telling God’s people, during an especially difficult time in their history, to “sing for joy.” They should sing for joy not because things were wonderful, but because God was in their midst. And we heard Paul, in prison, tell the Philippians to rejoice always. The scriptures give us different ideas about joy than our culture does. Our society seems to tell us joy stems from what we have. The scriptures tell us our joy comes from
what we have (for the Lord is in your midst as Zephaniah tells us) but it also comes from what we will have in some future time, something we can trust in because God is faithful to his promises.In the few minutes I have, let me name some of the things that keep us from having joy: * Feeling sorry for oneself. * Constantly putting other people down to make ourselves look smarter or better. * Putting ourselves down all the time. Because we’re human we all make mistakes or do wrong and there are healthy ways of dealing with guilty or shame, but constantly beating ourselves up is not one of them. * Holding on to anger and resentment. It only eats us up inside and does not produce joy. We have to forgive. * Thinking that having more things is going to make us happy. It satisfies us only momentarily. * And then there’s fear and worry. Paul says have no anxiety at all. That might sound impossible but there are so many things that cause us anxiety, which we can do nothing about and we have to leave in God’s hands.
If self pity, guilt, unforgiveness, anger, resentment, fear, and worry work against our having joy, then what will lead to joy? We must decide to be joyful. Paul tells the Philippians “rejoice” as if it is something for them to choose to do rather than it being something that just happens to them. I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Dr. Hans Selye, the scientist who developed and researched the concept of stress, would agree. He said: it’s generally not the things outside of us that create stress for us, but it’s the way we respond to these things. Next we need to be good and to do good. Otherwise we won’t feel good about ourselves. The people in today’s gospel ask the Baptist, “what should we do?” John gave them a few specific ideas. All we have to do is read the gospels or the 10 Commandments and we’ll get the idea that there’s more to a good life than just to say, “I believe!” Lastly, I think gratitude is the final key to unlock the way to joy. And again, being grateful is an intentional thing, it is an attitude we must develop. St. Paul said: “in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.” A heart that is ungrateful is not happy. This is not all that could be said about joy, but it’s probably enough for us to think about today.
My closing words for today are don’t make yourselves so anxious this season that you lose the joy that can be found only in knowing Jesus’ love. “The Lord, your God, is in your midst.”
R. God tells us to let our "yes" be "yes" and
our "no" be "no".
A person was asked a question because
they were the head, the expertise –
The focus is what is the "matter"
The focus is what is going on –
Instead because of bad habits a person
can focus on themselves and never
live in the moment – and be free
to be the representative and authority
God calls them to be –
It is really quite simple
"What is God's will for us"?
Come to me Lord and possess my soul –
Living in the Moment –
A person can be so caught up in so
much baggage they are self-conscious,
shut down and closed up in
focusing on themselves –
Praying the Holy Spirit come into our hearts
and direct us in love to be what God wants
us to be can set us free of unwanted
baggage of being shut down, self-conscious
God created us in His image and likeness
for a purpose – no matter what has
been done in abuse and mistreatment
to us by others –
The fact is that God created us beautiful
and even though others may have hurt
us – we must admit the things we are
doing that are survival responses from
the past that are inappropriate and live
in the moment –
focus on the moment –
Song: Live This Day
R. The more we are focused on God –
accountable for our actions – taking responsibility
as God wants us to – admitting our faults,
confessing our sins, asking for forgiveness
and mercy – the more we are set free.
I hurt my toe – 2 weeks ago – it is
still healing – It takes a long time
sometimes to heal and I have to be
patient because I want my toe to heal.
What about wounds from 40 years
ago – if I cover them up and don't
get any help – or ask God for healing and
then tell the truth about the bad
survival behavior, dysfunctional
ways, ways of pride and anger we
use to cover up a 40 year old wound that
is blocking our living and keeping
us living in darkness – with delayed
reactions, self-consciousness,
anger, pride – covering up our
wounded hearts that need healing.
Avoid tension – when a person operates
opposed to God's will there are consequences.
When a person ties a rag around their
eyes – they can't see. Cataracts
develop on eyes and people can't
see – they need to have them removed.
The devil wants a person in pride
to hide what they need to bring
out and get freed of – get healed.
God wants us to grow in His image
and likeness – every day – all day
and to know, love and serve Him
in our lives – not live in a locked
cage covering up wounds and
giving into dysfunctional behavior
because of secrets that hurt us
held inside from the past – that
need to be healed.
Avoid tension – a person creating chaos
to live in darkness and bring others
below them in darkness needs healing –
spiritual healing –
God is light in Him there is
no darkness. We don't live to
stubbornly have our own will
to act out dysfunctional patterned
behavior – We live to know, love and
serve God and prepare ourselves for
In heaven there is love – We need
to be in love in our hearts –
Our very being is loving –
We give because Jesus operates in
We are His instruments in the world.
Instruments and we do the work He
wants through us.
People can let satan manipulate
them in their lives. Satan works
in people who give into him.
Satan uses the deadly sins to operate
in others in pride, anger, jealousy,
envy, slothfulness and the person
gives into satan and does what
satan wants –
Let your "yes" be "yes"
Let your "no" be "no"
Doing what God wants –
A person must be self-disciplined –
A child is to obey their parents –
When an adult grows up they can't
isolate – run a business
and make everyone get down
on their knees begging while
they pull dysfunctional
passive-aggressive behavior for control
and power and DARKNESS!!
Which is it – Do we live in the light –
in harmony, serving and loving
God according to His will –
Or do we listen to satan that wants
us to demand our way and
grip darkness and bring
everyone we should work with
and listen to, down –
or at least try to bring them down
For what – ??
Beauty or the Beast!!
God must be in control of our
hearts – we surrender – to
do His will – we serve God –
we live to work for God –
WE live in the Light
We live in love –
We prepare for our heavenly reward
in heaven.
... Thy will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven!
The devil comes and tempts people
with pleasure they give
into –
A person wanting to manipulate
others for power may love the power
and control they seek over
others –
Some sadistics enjoy the pleasure
so much to be over and watch
others squirm under their power –
this is advanced evil – to use
another person for your
pleasure and lust for power –
How about a person that lusts
after power because of a loss
of power in childhood sexual
or physical abuse –
they need to stop their evil
dark behavior and instead
beg God for forgiveness and
mercy –
God is all Good
God wants the man of evil actions to
come and beg for forgiveness
and with a firm purpose of
amendment tell God he
does not want to sin again
and make reparation for
his sins –
God wants obedience to those in
just authority over us – right
away –
Religious are to obey their superiors –
Children obey their parents –
A person giving into manipulation –
forcing dialogue endlessly –
refusing to move to a place
of resolve, to hold things in
a place of frustration for
power for their evil is offending
God with all this chaos –
disobedience, darkness, disharmony,
and disrespect for authority –
Causing tension to bring down
division and darkness, chaos
and indecision is wrong.
Our decisions should be motivated
by our love for God and our
desire to serve Him – to accomplish
what He wants accomplished in the
time and way He wants it done –
Jesus: Some employ drama to hold
out – and they let themselves be
used by satan do do the evil he
wants done – to bring down darkness –
to bring chaos, division, unfinished
business – pride, anger into
the mix of a simple, easy
project. They offend Me, My Father
and hurt those they manipulate and
try as they operate for satan –
Excerpt of The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, by Louis J. Puhl, S.J. pp.60-61
The one of Christ, our supreme leader and lord,
the other of Lucifer, the deadly enemy of our
human naturePRAYER. The usual preparatory prayer.
window at a former Jesuit Seminary
137. FIRST PRELUDE. This is the history. Here it will be that Christ calls and wants all beneath His standard, and Lucifer, on the other hand, wants all under his.
138. SECOND PRELUDE. This is a mental representation of the place. It will be here to see a great plain, comprising the whole region about Jerusalem, where the sovereign Commander-in-Chief of all the good is Christ our Lord; and another plain about the region of Babylon, where the chief of the enemy is Lucifer.
139. THIRD PRELUDE. This is to ask for what I desire. Here it will be to ask for a knowledge of the deceits of the rebel chief and help to guard myself against them; and also to ask for a knowledge of the true life exemplified in the sovereign and true Commander, and the grace to imitate Him.
140. FIRST POINT. Imagine you see the chief of all the enemy in the vast plain about Babylon, seated on a great throne of fire and smoke, his appearance inspiring horror and terror.
141. SECOND POINT. Consider how he summons innumerable demons, and scatters them, some to one city and some to another, throughout the whole world, so that no province, no place, no state of life, no individual is overlooked.
142. THIRD POINT. Consider the address he makes to them, how he goads them on to lay snares for men and bind them with chains. First they are to tempt them to covet riches (as Satan himself is accustomed to do in most cases) that they may the more easily attain the empty honors of this world, and then come to overweening pride.
The first step, then, will be riches, the second honor, the third pride. From these three steps the evil one leads to all other vices.
143. In a similar way, we are to picture to ourselves the sovereign and true Commander, Christ our Lord.
144. FIRST POINT. Consider Christ our Lord, standing in a lowly place in a great plain about the region of Jerusalem, His appearance beautiful and attractive.
145. SECOND POINT. Consider how the Lord of all the world chooses so many persons, apostles, disciples, etc., and sends them throughout the whole world to spread His sacred doctrine among all men, no matter what their state or condition.
146. THIRD POINT. . . .
end of excerpt
December 5, 2004
Jesus speaks: Awake
oh sleeper arise from the dead for
your Savior is come —
He has rained down His mercy and
quieted an ailing earth —
Let your prayer on this 5th raise to
the heavens —
Let light be seen in all the dark corners —
Let the feasting at the table be abundant
as you gather at the table of the Lord —
A light shines in the darkness and you
cry out to your God
Awake, oh sleeper, arise from the
dead for your Savior has come —
And vindication has come to the earth —
You can hear the sound of the lyre
and the sound of the flute —
play tunes to praise God and give
glory to God —
A Savior was born in Bethlehem
on a cold winter night and the
angels sang - on high
Glory to God in the highest and peace
to His people on earth —
A night rises to a new day and the sun
shines above the waters — to those
who look for only darkness —
For those fixed on My ways —
they see light --
they see a new tomorrow —
they hear the whippoorwill sing —
the birds of the earth tweet joyously
Amid a cold night the Savior came in
a stable — laid on bare wood —
amongst the beasts of the earth —
2000 years later - you were given a rope —
you ran and almost strangled yourselves —
I gave you the Eucharist, the priest —
My Church, My bride —
Oh blind ones let me tell you stories
now of the earth —
A man was crawling on a parched
desert and after the heat had
beat him, literally beat him
flat to the ground and he felt
little hope a bubbling
spring, sprang up before him —
He saw the water, clearly, he thought,
but it was coming from a mirage
he was having — He was literally
dying of thirst —
Now I put before you springs of
living water and you do not see —
you are the thirsty souls of the
earth — longing for refreshment
and yet your eyes are blinded —
blind folded and wrapped with
such a dense cloth — you see
not the real spring before you —
You reach for liquors and
fine wines —
cokes of all sorts —
all leave your mouth
quenched —
there are billions of flavors
of coffee now — all
types, sizes, consistencies
and shapes —
A man had a dry mouth —
My mouth was dry on the cross
they gave Me vinegar
dipped in Myrrh
Oh you have mixed up your own
mouth drying potions
you fail to go to the springs of new
life —
Oh you old in your fluid —
reach for the real refreshment
to quench your thirst —
Tell all of My Blue Books
December 4, 1994
Jesus: Do you know what it is to love someone and be treated coldly? Think of your most agonizing pain to your heart, think of Me loving so much those who totally neglected Me and hated Me to the point of death.
It is in understanding the agonies of My Heart that you understand My immense love. Love gives unconditionally, love gives, love does not exist to receive only. It is in giving that you receive, but love gives.
Unconditional Love:
Do you give this way? The heart is a symbol of love!
My love burned for those who persecuted Me. You, My child, see My Heart open without the cross and crown of thorns -- My Heart is open to the point it is overflowing with fire. It is the hour of My greatest mercy and My greatest love. I pour the open furnace of My divine love upon you. You are saturated by My love --divine love, I give to you!
I wait, I watch, I want the love of My beloved souls!
You hold personal love letters from Me to My beloved ones concerning this tremendous love. If the whole world does not believe, I want you to believe, how I, Jesus, love you this day. It is in your believing you will be drawn ever closer into the abyss of My love for you. You were tired, you are being tested as My soldier of love. Love is unconditional, love gives, love has itself rooted in God's love. He is the source. All other roads to love are second to His divine love. Oh, divine love, burning love, coming from My open Heart and you cry and run to this world.
Rita, Rita, I write to be heard. I want these messages to circulate now. The delays will hold up the hearts that are dying for My love.
Hearts are cold and hard and need to know My divine love. I beg you to take Me seriously. You are the apostles to spread the devotion to My Heart. I beg you to circulate these letters of My love. Every day the Eucharist is attacked more and more --- I am referred to as a "symbol".
My true presence is attacked. People do not believe. Children are being taught the Eucharist is only a symbol.
Every book is different. They need to circulate for the priests and sisters, they need to circulate for My faithful loved ones, they need to be published.
I write to be heard. These messages are important to spread the devotion to My Heart. I beg you. They are important to understanding My relationship with My Mother. To hold up these books is to hold up the messages on the two Hearts. I beg you to circulate all the books. The fourth book is on the two Hearts and deep union, but the fifth book is a book of such deep love and understanding into My Sacred Heart.
I beg you to spread these messages -- all the messages. I will provide all money to publish books, three, four and five. The money is given so the proceeds from the books and songs can go to Shepherds of Christ. These books are needed for this ministry. People in the chapters need to read these books. I am asking you to take Me seriously. I write these messages for My beloved souls. I write these messages to spread devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart. The books are on disks and the money is provided. If you want your people to grow close to My Heart, you will publish these books of My deepest love. I beg, I ask, I plead, I am ignored. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior. I am thirsting for the love of souls. The Eucharist is being attacked. I remain with you in My deepest love. To hold up these messages is to hold up hearts that would know My love. I yearn, I thirst, I long for the souls to come to Me.
I am Jesus. I beg you to spread these messages which lead to My Sacred Heart, from My Sacred Heart, for My Sacred Heart, through My Mother's Heart. My Heart will triumph with the greatest love, it is through Mary's Heart many will turn to Me. These messages are written from Me and My Mother to spread devotion to Our Hearts. It is in the rosary many will turn their hearts to such love. These messages are written from the Heart of My tender Mother and Myself. I beg you to spread these letters.
December 2, 1994 - On First Friday
R. He told me to go to the tabernacle and pray for three hours between 12:00 and 3:00.
Everyone was so excited about Christmas and Jesus was giving me intense experiences into His Passion.
I had heard Him scourged at the pillar and experienced this as if I was present while they scourged Him and heard the sounds during the night as He was in the garden. Again it was as if I were present. After Communion on December 2, I felt as if I could feel blood run down my face and I was so connected to His crowned head.
On December 2, when I received this message I heard the wind blow and saw the cross against the darkened sky. I saw Him hanging, literally hanging from the cross. He was not hanging straight as on the pictures but humped over, sliding down the cross. I do not know how to express this. I only know He was not hanging straight as I see Him on most crucifixes. He looks so in tact on the crucifixes on our walls. He did not look like that.
I cry out to you and My words fall on deaf ears. If you have ears, hear, for I truly speak here and no one pays Me heed. You lack faith, you lack trust, you do not know what I impart to you. You, in your busy lives here, no time to hear My words.December 3, 1994 - First Saturday
Before the Tabernacle
I want My letters to circulate to My beloved children. I ask, I beg, I am not taken seriously. I am the Almighty God, heed My words here.
I called out and My words fell on deaf ears. My Heart cried out from its depth and I was rebuked, for the blind do not see and the deaf do not hear. I call out by day. I plead by night. I write My letters of such love to all souls and I am ignored. I am the Almighty God. I write these letters for all. I ask and I plead - I want My messages read. I want them to circulate.
You do things your own way. You are willful. You want proof, you lack faith. I come in the night. As the night remains, you remain in darkness. You see not. You do not even read these for the light. You do not want to be here. You do not want to pray, you do not want to turn from your ways.
You are blind men in darkness. I call, I write, I plead for months. I beg for a year. I want messages published. I am calling out an urgent request to publish these messages, to read them yourselves. You will be sorry, for souls will be lost because of the hold-up. These messages are needed now. The Eucharist is under attack. You hold these letters of My love and True Presence. I beg you one more time to listen to Me!
Excerpt from December 3, 2004 message
Today the Feast of St. Xavier,
First Friday, Jesus appeared to me
as the King on His Throne at the
Cathedral where He told me to go
to Church.He was smiling and His
mouth moved and moved and moved.
He looked happy and the vision was
all aglow. He gave me a message to sit
in the first pew and He appeared
and talked about 20 minutes, He
was smiling.End of excerpt from December 3, 2004
Excerpts from December 4, 2004 message
Messenger: Dear
Jesus you are the King of our hearts —
Again Jesus told me to go to the Cathedral
and light flashed from the left side of Jesus
over and over again and Jesus' mouth
moved as He appeared as Christ
the King.
He has been making me so aware of
His presence in the priest at
Mass and today He did not smile,
but His mouth moved as the
priest said the words at
the principle part of the Mass —
the Light flashed over to the side
of His left hand where He
held the keys and Peter knelt.
It flashed across the front of Jesus
from left to right to His raised
hand, but to the side of where Peter
was it was all lit up then
proceeded across Jesus to the
right side.
I see the King, Jesus, appear
on His throne on First Friday and
First Saturday and First Saturday with flashes
of light from the keys in His hand
above Peter's head to His right
It is odd I received the message
of the missing keys two days ago —
Messenger: Christ
has been giving me a
very special realization how He
is the chief-priest and celebrant
at the Mass and I see Christ —
yesterday I went to a second Mass
and it made me cry to see Christ
so present at the Mass in my
brother who said the Mass —
Yesterday when Jesus appeared as
King at the Cathedral at the
5:00 Mass I knew He was
celebrating the Mass in the
priest —
The King, Our God - celebrates the
Mass in the priest and gives us
Himself in the Eucharist —
Jesus is the Lamb of God —
I saw His mouth move all
through the consecration
today and the gold-white light
flashed across Him as He
sat on His throne with
the keys in His left hand
above Peter's head as he
knelt and it flashed to the
right hand raised.
End of excerpts from December 4, 2004
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
October 13, 1994
The Birth of the Full Ministries
of the Shepherds of Christ
"I wish to share with you part of a message which Jesus gave us on October 13, 1994. The message tells us about the expansion of the Shepherds of Christ movement:
'My beloved priest-companion, today I come to you with another mission. I am asking you to establish Shepherds of Christ Ministries. At My request you have already begun the priestly newsletter, "Shepherds of Christ", and the prayer chapters, Shepherds of Christ Associates...
'I am giving you this message on this day, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, because of the close connection between the Shepherds of Christ movement and the Fatima message. The Fatima message is centered in devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart, especially in consecration to Our Hearts. Shepherds of Christ Ministries is also centered in devotion to Our Hearts. I will use Shepherds of Christ Ministries as a great instrument in helping to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. When this occurs, My Church and the world will be experiencing the great era of peace promised by My Mother at Fatima.
'Today, then, October 13, 1994, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, marks the birth of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I pour forth the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.'
"Jesus has told us that Shepherds of Christ Ministries includes: the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, Shepherds of Christ Associates prayer chapters, various publications, including books, whatever else Our Lord directs us to undertake.
"As members of Shepherds of Christ Associates, you are an extremely important part of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. You have given great joy to the Heart of Jesus by responding to His invitation to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. As He draws you closer to His Heart and to His Mother's Heart as Associates members, He will fill you with an ever-increasing experience of His love, peace, and joy."
- From In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Newsletter of Shepherds of Christ Associates
by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., Volume 1, No. 1, 1995. p. 2.
April 5, 2004
October 29, 2016
Please spread blessed holy water
(You can also mix Jesus and Mary water
with your blessed Holy Water if you have it.)
in your yard, around your house,
in the state you live in.
And ask God to bless your state
Ask God to bless the United States
Pray all prayers through the intercession of
Our Lady of CLEAR – WATER.
Ask the Lady of CLEAR - WATER
to help with the blessed water.
Mary has appeared to me for 22 years,
in Ohio and Florida.
the gift that Counts
this Christmas!
18 Blue Books
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7, 8
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
for $60 plus postage
Special Offer
Rita Ring | ||||
Mass Book,
by Rita Ring: Many of the entries in the Priestly Newsletter
Volume II from a spiritual journal came from this book.
These entries |
Rosary Meditations
for Parents and Children,
by Rita Ring, Short Meditations for both
parents and children to be used when
praying the |
God's Blue Book I by Rita Ring. Open Anywhere This book will change your life. These are beautiful love letters to us from Jesus. A million books have been printed and circulated. Jesus loves us so much He wants a personal relationship with us He wants us to go to the Eucharist and be with Him before the tabernacle. $10 |
God's Blue Book II by Rita Ring. Letters from Jesus about His on fire love Jesus wants this great intimacy with us On fire love Personal love letters from Jesus about the love of His Heart A book on surrender Fr. Carter said! $10 |
God's Blue Book III by Rita Ring. Fr. Carter's favorite book It is about loving and forgiving each other Being pure in heart A book for unity in family, community, in life!! $10 |
God's Blue Book IV by Rita Ring. This book is about the love Jesus has for Mary and Mary has for Jesus and Jesus and Mary have for us It is truly the Love of the Two Hearts. Mary appeared every day at the Holy Spirit Center Fr. Carter was there. Mary's first apparition July 5, 1994. $5 |
God's Blue Book V by Rita Ring. Jesus wants to be the bridegroom of our soul He is our beloved Jesus tells us about pure love how we are to be pure of heart and love God and love others. It is a must, to hear about love from Jesus Jesus is love $5 |
God's Blue Book 6A by Rita Ring. Rosaries from Their Hearts during apparitions. Jesus and Mary appeared every day and I received rosaries from Them and They were transcribed from a tape. Also messages of love from Jesus on days of January, 1995 About Baptism writings from Fr. Carter and the Scriptures. $10 |
God's Blue Book 6B by Rita Ring. Jesus and Mary appeared every day in February, 1995 So beautiful transcribed from a tape the Stations, 7 Sorrows, prayers in the Prayer Manual, the Holy Spirit Novena Book and the Song Book. Pure love loving and forgiving a book about Jesus' love, baptism, grace and Fr. Carter's Newsletter. $10 |
Apostles Manual. About the Movement — the structure of the Movement All Ministries — from the time 3 months before Mary appeared in Clearwater and 3 months after. Rosaries of the 13ths, Fr. Carter's Newsletters. Messages from God the Father Reaching the priests, the Church, the schools and the world. $20 |
Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 1. Mary appeared in Clearwater December 17, 1996 in rainbow color and these rosaries left the printer the same day from Apparitions of Jesus and Mary transcribed from a tape. $10 |
Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 2. This is a book of so many rosaries — transcribed from a tape. So many beautiful rosaries. pages $12 |
Messages for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This is a big book of loving messages for nursing home people and homebound from Jesus and Mary Their lives are so important united to the Mass offering up their suffering, their lives for the souls of this earth. $10 |
Short Rosary Meditations for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This book is so important with pictures they can open it and lay it on their laps and pray the rosary. $10 |
Songs from Jesus Songbook. These loving songs were given from Jesus. So beautiful Love Songs from Jesus of His love — helping us have pure and loving hearts. $3 |
Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 1 through 7. Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and others on the mysteries of the rosary — really good. $5 each. |
Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 6 through 7. Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and others on the mysteries of the rosary — really good. $5 each. |
Fr. Joe Robinson |
Guiding Light homily series — Reflect on the Word — Cycle B The Word leaves an impression on our souls. In my thoughts and reflections are born a more tangible understanding of these eternal concepts presented in the Gospels and the readings. Anyone can read a sentence, but not anyone can absorb it's true meaning. Truth, in this day and age, is almost a matter of opinion or individual entitlement. We believe that Christ's truth is our Roman Catholic Church. We, as priests, champion it's teachings; we are ambassadors for the Pope and Christ to those faces looking at us. We are the light by which our congregation reads to reflect upon real truth and we do it hand in hand. $15 |
Guiding Light homily series — Steadfast to the Son — Cycle A The sunflower is a great example of how we should be steadfastly guided by light. What a powerful thought that this exceptional plant is not stuck in one pose day in and day out, yet adaptable and magnetized to the sun. We feel the same about our Son. Our heads turns to face Christ as each day presents its challenges to find light. We join together like plants in a field and soak up the Son through the pulpit. We are a warm circle of strength using the wind of our breath to carry our priests' words, Christ's words, to new rich soil. $15 |
Guiding Light — Focusing on the Word — Cycle B At times we may feel that our path to Christ is a bit "out of focus". Like the disciples in the Book of Mark, this ordinary life clouds our vision of Christ's Divinity. We may doubt the practicality or possibility of applying His teachings and example to our modern life. Cycle B's homilies are a "guiding light" to help us realize Jesus' Messianic greatness and His promise of better things to come. $15 |
Guiding Light — Feed My Soul — Cycle C In a world rapidly advancing and encouraging personal gain, we are faced with modern problems. There is a challenge to find time in our busy schedules for Sunday Mass or a family meal. We are able to research, shop, bank and even work without hearing one human voice. It is no wonder that we may often feel disconnected and famished at our week's end. In Fr. Joe's third book of homilies from Cycle C, we are reminded of the charity that Christ intended us to show each other. We have a calling to turn the other cheek and be the Good Samaritan to others. We are rewarded with the Father's kingdom and love when we are not worthy. We are not left alone or hungry. $15 |
Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. |
Here are all the products in this category:
Books written by the founder of Shepherds of Christ Ministries
Response to God’s Love by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. In this book Fr. Carter speaks of God as the ultimate mystery. We can meditate on the interior life of the Trinity. Fr. Carter tells us about our uniqueness in the Father's Plan for us, how the individual Christian, the Church and the world are in the state of becoming. Imprimatur. $10 |
Shepherds of Christ — Selected Writings on Spirituality for all People as Published in Shepherds of Christ Newsletter for Priests. Contains 12 issues of the newsletter from July/August 1994 to May/June 1996. $15 |
Shepherds of Christ — Volume 2: by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. Contains issues 13—29 of the newsletter (September/October 1996 — Issue 5, 1999) $15 |
Shepherds of Christ — Volume 3 by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. Contains Newsletter Issues 1 through 4 of 2000 including Fr. Carter’s tremendous Overview of the Spiritual Life $10 |
Tell My People. Messages from Jesus and Mary (As given to Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.) One of Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.'s Synopsis of the Spiritual Life From Jesus to Fr. Carter "On Holy Saturday, 1994, Jesus told me that on the following day, Easter, I would also begin to receive messages for others. Our Lord also told me that some of these were eventually to be published in a book and here is that book." $10 |
Spirituality Handbook. Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. did 3 synopsis of the spiritual life. The Spirituality Handbook, the Priestly Newsletter 20he Tell My People book. The way of spiritual life proposed to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates is centered in consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. All aspects of the spiritual life discussed below should be viewed as means to help members develop their lives in consecration to Christ, the Sacred Heart, and to Mary, the Immaculate Heart. $3 |
The Spirituality of Fatima by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J. The Fatima apparitions and messages received official Church approval in 1930. In giving her official approval to the Fatima event, the Church tells us that what took place at Fatima involving the three young visionaries is worthy of our belief. $5 |
Priestly Newsletter — 2000 #1 — CD. — Christ is Our Strength — Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. read it the year he died. It is so beautiful. "This brief passage contains one of the greatest lessons of the spiritual life. As we progress along our spiritual journey, we become increasingly aware of how weak we are in our—selves, but how strong we are in Christ. To experience our weakness involves suffering. The degree and kind of suffering can vary. The suffering can include the experience of the classical dark night of the spirit as described by St. John of the Cross. One of the main purposes of the dark night is to make a person keenly aware of his or her helplessness without God." quote by Fr. Carter from the newsletter $10 |
Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena Holy Spirit Novena Booklet. In four languages with the Imprimatur with 18 scripture readings for two complete novenas – this very powerful Holy Spirit Novena has prayers for prayers for Protection by the Blood of Jesus, Healing, Strength and Light, To Be One with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One with Jesus, To Dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Prayer for the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, and the Word Alive in Our Hearts. All these prayers take about 10 minutes daily recited out loud. $1
Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena CD
Shepherds of Christ Prayer
Manual Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual. The Shepherds of Christ has prayer chapters all over the world praying for the priests, the Church and the world. These prayers that Father Carter compiled in the summer of 1994 began this worldwide network of prayer. Currently the prayers are in eight languages with the Church’s Imprimatur. We have prayed daily for the priests, the Church, and the world since 1994. Associates are called to join prayer Chapters and help us circulate the newsletter centered on spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and helping to renew the Church through greater holiness. Please form a Prayer Chapter & order a Prayer Manual. |
Fr. John J. Pasquini |
This book Light, Happiness and Peace is a journey into the spiritual life an awakening of deeper life IN HIM. Here are some of the comments we received from bishops and cardinals about the book. Cardinal – Pontifical Council for Culture – Vatican City “I am sure that this book, Light, Happiness and Peace through a discussion on traditional Catholic Spirituality will contribute in bringing back prayer into the mainstream of life.” $10 |
In Imitation of Two Hearts — Prayers for Consolation, Renewal and Peace in Times of Suffering Fr. John J. Pasquini leads a suffering soul to the gentle Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In these most loving Hearts — the prayers by Fr. John Pasquini — help the person suffering to know more deeply the pascal mystery of death/resurrection. President of the Pontifical Council for Health $10 |
Authenticity, the Yellow Book of prayers by Fr. John Pasquini, can lead the soul into deeper intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, can lead to greater love of Mary which leads to the unitive life and greater holiness. The book of prayers Authenticity by Fr. John J. Pasquini is to help one grow ever deeper in the Unitive life. Apostolic Nuncio – Archbishop – Philippines “With Authenticity, much is gained in prayer, and much is accomplished through prayer. More especially if prayer is directed in behalf of the Church.” $10 |
“In Medicine of Immortality, Father John Pasquini offers his readers the richness of Catholic devotional prayer, the wisdom of the Fathers and, most of all, the fruits of his own prayer and meditation before the Blessed Sacrament. I recommend this book to all who wish to grow in their love for the Lord, who sustains the life of His Church through the precious gift of His Body and Blood.” Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago $10 |
Ecce Fides is a work dedicated to defending Catholic beliefs through reason, Scripture, and the life of the Holy Spirit. "It is important that we (as people of God) return to the source of life, our faith, which is usefully exposed in this volume, and take it out to our contemporaries, evangelizing them and their cultures and inculturating the Gospel." Cardinal – Pontifical Council for Culture – Vatican City $10 |
Shepherds of Christ, a book of Spirituality Newsletters, is a compilation of the first nine newsletters from Fr. John J. Pasquini begining in August 2006. The Newsletter has been circulated to the priests and hierarchy spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, promoting love for the Eucharist, greater love for the Church, the Priesthood, Mary and the Holy Spirit, the Mass, Prayer, and greater intimate relationship with God. $35 |
Statues/Religious Items |
Statues, Crucifixes, and Religious Artwork
These items are very special additions to your home or place of worship.
Special 12" Sacred Heart or Immaculate
Heart Statues with Glass
Special 11" Our Lady of Fatima/Clearwater
Statue with Glass
White or Ivory gown with gold trim. $ 60.00 each plus shipping |
Crystal Rosary
Clear Crystal Rosary
Give the gift that keeps giving.
Blue Book 1 & 2 – $4.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7,
6A, B, C, 3 –
$3.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 4 & 5 –$2.00 each plus postage
Blue Books 14, 15 & 16 –$5.00 each plus postage
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son
Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word
Cycle C –
Feed My Soul
Cycle A –
Inspired to be Genuine4 for $20 plus postage of $6.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
7) Good for Mom and Dads
3) Good for DRE's
4) Good for Deacons
5) Good for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 17 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
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