Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages
rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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I Have Watched You Run After So Many Senseless Things
Mary speaks: My children, my children,
I have watched you run after so many senseless things. I have tried to speak to you as your Mother and you ignore me and will not listen. Every detail of your life is observed by your God. You do not understand that you cannot forget Him. As the most tender mother would watch their child, He guards you by day and night. His thoughts are always on you my child. He ponders your ways in His Heart. You are His own. And my children you smite your God.
I am so torn in my Heart children, I love you with my dearest motherly love. I love you my children. When a mother loves a child, she guards and watches them night and day, her heart is ever attentive to their needs.
Your children are being educated by the devil on the televisions, movie screens and computer screens in the world. I do not speak of these as evil in themselves, it is how the devil has turned your television programming to beasts devouring your young, and I pray for such little children who do not even know the Ten Commandments.
My Heart was pierced with a sword under the cross for I knew despite His death, the death of my Son Jesus, many would plug up their ears to me as their Mother and would follow the way of the world.
I write to you my little ones for I am your Mother and I am ignored by my children.
Children who do their own wills and disobey their Mother suffer. She warns them of trouble ahead, she guides them on their way, she is a guardian with authority given by God to protect them.
The devil has used the television, the computers, the video games to teach selfishness, not selflessness. The devil has raped the young minds of that which will lead them on a healthy spiritual path to God.
The Commandments are etched in stone. It is a covenant God has made with man. They are gifts of love, guides to live your life as your Father wills.
The garden of Eden was so beautiful, they were given so many good things, they were given great gifts of light and knowing God, they were blessed, they were endowed and the serpent came to test them and they wanted to be equal to God, they wanted their will, they wanted their will and not God's will.
I am the new Eve. This is my garden, from here I wish to teach my children my way of love, the way of purity and chastity and obedience, I wish my children to be likened to God, more and more each day.
I ask is God your God or have you made yourselves gods and worshipped the molten calves?
Anything that you use that has become separate from God in your heart, anything that you will not give up or use appropriately to further His Kingdom, has become a god in your life.
I fear for my children. I see them and they have cut themselves off from God, the television plays day after day in the summer months and they do not even know how to pray.
I come to teach my children to be children of the Father. I come to teach them to pray. I come my children as your Mother, the Lady Clothed with the Sun to lead you to the Light, my Son Jesus, He is the Light of the World.
I am Mary your Mother, I love you.
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The Basic Question Becomes: How Do I Love God and Love Each Other More?
Mary speaks: I am Mary, I am your Mother, I am a most loving Mother, I teach you like little children for you are little children of the Father. You cannot bicker and fight with one another about God. God is love. The basic question becomes how do I love God and love each other more. Do you see yourselves as one holy happy family of the Father? Do you see yourselves as children of the Father and of your Mother? Do you see yourselves as dependent on God? Do you see yourselves as loving and always living in God's truth? You must be loving, and firmly rooted in the truth. Parents are obliged by God to teach their children about God. The authority comes from God to the parent to act in God's name. Children must be obedient to their parents unless a parent is telling a child to do evil. The parents, act in God's name. At a certain age children become adults. You must pray for such children for they are their own responsibility at a certain age. Little children must be taught that to obey their earthly parents they are pleasing God. Parents must act in God's name, they must always strive to be likened more and more to Jesus.
I am your Mother, I want to teach you. Parents have authority but they act in love.
Any person in authority acts in God's name and must operate in the truth set down by the Ten Commandments and His word.
Any person in authority should act like Jesus, they must act in love.
I am the Mother of Love, I come to teach you my Spanish children, English children and all my children from the earth. I teach you from my site in Florida, my way of motherly love.
I love you, so much, I am Mary, your Mother.
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Will You Help Me Spread My Rosary Book and Messages?
John 17:20-23
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Mary speaks: I am Mary your Mother, I ask you to help me to spread the Blue Book messages of God's tender love for man.
I ask you to help in the republication of all rosaries given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
These books have been made available on a donation basis for all the people of the world, the priestly newsletter is circulated at my Son's request free of charge to over 70,000 priests in the world.
I ask you as your heavenly Mother to join as one body together in this effort to circulate these messages from Our Hearts to the world and to help in the circulation of the priestly newsletter to churches.
I am asking that you please pray for the success of this mission before the tabernacle and at Mass and after Communion.
I ask you to pray for the souls that will be lost and the Reign of my Son's Sacred Heart and the Triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
We give to you this mission to help to bring about the mission I gave to you at Fatima.
Help me lead the souls deeply into the Heart of my Son.
It is in Our Hearts you will find the greatest riches. It is in Our Hearts you will find peace. It is in Our Hearts you will be made holy. I call you to consecration. Once again I ask you to greet one another with the line, "I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love."
This will bind you in one heart in Our Hearts in love.
This will help enormously to bring peace and harmony, oneness to the hearts of many.
Have this statement printed on cards and shirts, that people will be reminded to greet one another this way in love.
I come as a Mother to teach my children to love and to obey God.
I give to you the tender messages of my Son found in these writings, they are letters He gives to you that you will know His love. Will you help the world to know how much my Son loves them?
I ask again that rosary tapes of the rosaries be made available from this site and all centers that men will know about the great love my Son has for them.
I ask for these tapes to be made available that I as their Mother may lead them to heartfelt prayer. I want to teach my little children to pray.
Will you come, daily, if possible and pray with us for renewal of the Church and the world?
I say again my children, pray, pray, pray.
God wishes the children of this earth to pray. I appear to teach you my children. I am your Mother. This is the garden to bring forth great fruit on the vine. You are the mothers wailing aloud trying to help me bring forth this fruit for the kingdom. I am Mary your Mother, I appear clothed with the sun wailing aloud as I give birth to a nation that has chosen to ignore their heavenly Mother. I wail aloud in childbirth for this thankless race. You wail with me as you try to lead many home to the Heart of my Son.
Help me my children, please pray the prayers we give you and begin prayer chapters praying the Prayer Manual prayers in churches before the tabernacle.
You should never go against the authority of the Church.
You are permitted by the Church to use all imprimatur material in churches.
The Prayer Manual prayers can be said in churches for they have the imprimatur. The Rosary Aves can be used in churches and schools because they have the imprimatur.
Other messages we give you must at the present time be circulated in public or private setting, not in churches without permission of the priest.
I love you, I am Mary your Mother. Will you help me spread my Rosary Book and messages? A book on the Mass and Children's Rosaries are available for my children.
Please help the Shepherds of Christ Movement. I call you to help me my little children.
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August 1, 1998 - First Saturday
Mary speaks: This is my message for you my holy child,
My children have blasphemed my name. That is why it is so pleasing to me when you recite the Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
My children have dishonored me. Do you know dishonor by your children? You understand my pain under the cross for my children that dishonor me.
Do your children reject and forget you, my children? So many reject me and forget me and they make my Son bleed. I see Him as I stand beneath the cross. They are hard-hearted and cold.
My children of the earth disrespect and talk about me without honor. They deny me, some laugh about me.
They are the real losers, my little rough children. They do not act like children at all, they act as the beast teaches them on their T.V. screens. They lack sensitivity and love. I am Mary your Mother, I wish to be honored as your Mother. To dishonor me displeases your heavenly Father.
Messenger: God wants us to honor our Mother. He tells us in the 4th Commandment.
Mary said we must make reparation to Their Hearts. I see now why the Virgin Mary likes us to say the Litany to her and why our Lord said it is so powerful. It is so honoring to Our Lady.
To say the Litany to the Sacred Heart pleases the Sacred Heart so much. It gives Him great honor.
I can see why the Good Shepherd includes them in the prayers of the Good Shepherd for they are so honoring to Them.
I love you Jesus, help me to do Thy holy will.
Mary speaks: My dear little children,
I speak to you as your loving Mother. God is just, you do not think that He will punish you for your evil deeds.
God asks you to love God and love one another and so it goes you think, I can do anything, God forgives me, I must be happy.
You cannot do " your own thing." God gives to you the Ten Commandments. God gives to you His word to live by. If you change the Commandments because you feel it does not apply to you, you know that you are not living in the truth.
I speak clearly: what is right is right. What is wrong is wrong. Abortion is against God's will. Homosexual behavior is not acceptable to God.
The Church must teach their children God's way. It is not right for a parent to allow a child to disobey, they must be taught obedience.
God is all merciful, God is all loving, God wishes you to live as the Father wills. Jesus my Son gave His life doing the will of the Father.
In His justice, God has allowed men to suffer. Hell is a reality.
I ask you my children to give to your God the honor that is due Him. I ask you to obey your God.
I ask you to pray the litanies as given by my Son, Jesus (in the Prayer Manual). They are given to honor me as your Mother and honor Jesus as your beloved Sacred Heart.
I am Mary your Mother, I ask you to obey your God.
Please read the 10 Commandments.
I love you, I am your Mother. I appear to teach you my little children.
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In Uniting to Our Pure Hearts, You Offer a Most Pure Sacrifice
Mary speaks: My dear little children,
I wish to speak to you as your loving Mother. You die to self and your ways that are not of God and you live more and more in Our Hearts. At the Consecration of the Mass you ask to be one in the Holy Sacrifice offered for the salvation of souls.
You my children offer a most holy sacrifice when you give yourself to my pure and Immaculate Heart. I take you to the depth of the Heart of my Son. The connection to pureness is in Our Hearts.
Do you wish to offer a tainted sacrifice or one that is most pure? The more you unite to my sinless, Immaculate Heart, the more pure are your actions. I am the Virgin Mary, Mother most pure. I come to lead my children home to the Heart of my Son.
In uniting to our pure Hearts you offer a most pure sacrifice. You ask to die to your selfish, sinful ways in the sacrifice and you unite in deep union to the resurrected Christ. You come in my pure heart to offer the sacrifice.
I stand the Lady victorious under the cross as you unite in great oneness in my Heart and the Heart of my Son, Jesus.
I stood beneath the cross, sorrowful and joyous, sad for my little children that would lose their souls, joyous for those to be saved.
You pray fervently at every Mass. You unite in the heart of the New Eve and the Heart of the New Adam. Grace is poured forth on the earth and the garden is watered with His life. He sweat the life saving blood in the garden of Gethsemane. Now He gives you this life of grace poured out on the thirsty earth in the Mass.
A garden in Eden, a tree and a serpent, the parents that sinned and did their own will.
A garden I give to you now in Florida, my Son hangs from the cross, the New Adam. I stand beneath the cross of my Son, Jesus, the handmaid of the Lord, the New Eve. All authority is under His feet. Eve wanted to make herself like a god. I am the New Eve. All authority is under the King. He is the God. I ask you this question, my children, have you made yourselves gods? Or have you given your heart to my Son that He is your God?
This is my garden to bring forth great fruit for the kingdom. A tree and a serpent; a tree and a dying Man, a God-made-Man, come to save a sinful race; an altar, a sacrifice, the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present, and to you my children, the life-saving grace will flow more copiously on the earth when priests hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as they celebrate the Mass. I ask you to pray for my priest-sons here, to carry out the prayer chapters to pray for priests and the renewal of the Church and the world. There will be a new earth in which men will love their God with their whole heart, their whole soul and their whole being. Will you help lead the priests to consecration? Will you help me with this mission I began at Fatima, do you want grace poured out on the earth that men will see with the light of seven suns? I give you a garden here to bring forth great fruit. I am the Lady Clothed with the Sun. Your world is on a fine line and my Son's hand is raised. Will you help me bring about the completion of what I began at Fatima to lead the world into one fold? My Heart will triumph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign. The strength is needed here my children. Will you pray from my garden in Florida for your priests and the Church and the world? Help me to spread my Son's priestly newsletter in all languages to the priests that they will consecrate their hearts and love my Son Jesus in the Eucharist. Help me to teach my priest-sons and all on the earth about the love of God.
I give you a garden to bring forth great fruit. I stood beneath the cross and I cried for the little ones that would go forever to the fires of hell, I stood beneath the cross and I cried tears of joy for those that would be saved. Will you help me to reach the world with the consecration? Will you help me spread the Shepherds of Christ Movement to the far corners of the earth that all will pray the prayers my Son Jesus gives to the earth? Read the message of January 22, 1998 from Jesus, "A Message to the Earth." Read the 10 Commandments. I am Mary your Mother. Will you help me? I appear as Our Lady Clothed with the Sun to lead the children to the Light. I love you my little children, pray, pray, pray, from the heart.
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On the 5th of Every Month, I Will Ask My Messenger to Go to Florida;
In Reciting the Litanites You Give Us Great Honor
Mary speaks: My dear children,
I come to Florida and I appear to you. It is a great gift from God. It is the desire of heaven that my messenger, Rita Ring, go to Florida on the 5th of the month to deliver rosary messages from Our Hearts.
This has been blocked through various measures since July 5, 1994, but these rosaries have been held now for over four years.
My Son Jesus requests that you do all possible to circulate this special gift heaven gives to men. To block this in any way is to block the voice of heaven. This is not a popularity contest, it is a gift that God gives to the earth. Your world is on a fine line.
I have requested this rosary be made public April 5, 1995. Such a small crowd you say. This is the workings of Satan to block the desire of heaven to give live messages. On the 5th of every month I will ask my messenger to go to Florida for a special rosary at 6:30 p.m. in which heaven will majorly communicate to the earth. Great grace will be given. I ask that candles be made available to light my way and the way of my Son.
The devil will use all means possible to block my messages. Anyone acting in the Shepherds of Christ must realize they are acting for the honor and glory of God not for any vain glory.
You act to bring about the reign of God's Kingdom.
I pray for your earth, I pray with you when you pray.
Do not in any way block this gathering.
It has been the request of heaven since April 5, 1995 that my children would respond publicly to my requests. Because of selfish men this has been held back. Now over three years later, I plead as your heavenly Mother to help to create a crowd of people filled with burning hearts on fire for God to listen to the voice of God speak through these messages.
Help me, I plead, help me. Great grace will be given.
My Son Jesus gives to you the prayers in the prayer manual.
It will appease your God when you pray the entire booklet including the litanies. It gives me great honor when you recite the Litany to the Blessed Virgin and I help you.
It gives my Son great pleasure when you address Him in the Sacred Heart Litany, when you adore His Sacred Heart.
At Fatima I wished the world to make reparation to my Heart and the Heart of my Son.
In reciting the litanies you give us great honor, you petition your God and He hears you.
The prayers given in the prayer manual are a gift from God for your world.
God gives the greatest grace for the priests, the Church and the world.
I am asking all Shepherds of Christ leaders and apostles to pray the entire prayer manual daily. This will help bring down great grace on your Movement.
I also ask Shepherds of Christ leaders to recite the Morning Offering, the Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Prayer for Union with Jesus and the Holy Spirit Novena daily.
Why do I tell you this in a daily message? I tell you so you know God wants His people to pray.
The Shepherds of Christ apostles have prayed for your Church and your world and your priests all day, every day.
Please help me and my apostles to reach the world.
God is pleased with this devout prayer.
Please my children, pray these prayers and the rosary. Come daily at 6:30 p.m. and I will teach you how to pray that great grace will be released on the world.
I am Mary your Mother. I need you to answer this call, for my Heart aches for my little ones that will go to hell.
Please, please, pray the prayers my Son gives you. Your world will be changed when people pray the prayers of the Good Shepherd.
I love you,
I am Mary your Mother
Mary speaks: My dear children,
I want to teach you to pray. Prayer is the lifting of one's mind and heart to God.
My dear little children, when you pray you tell God you love Him.
Many of my children recite words. How this offends your God that you utter words with your lips, but your hearts are far from Him.
My little children, your heart must be in the truth. You cannot harbor lies in your heart and pray from the depth of your heart at the same time.
My little children in order to pray from the depth of your heart you must be pure in your hearts. By giving me your heart the Holy Spirit acts within my Heart to sanctify you and make you holy and pure.
In the end there will be no lies. The thoughts of my children will be laid bare and all will know the truth.
My children to hide the truth from yourselves blocks your union with God.
You must my little children live by the 10 Commandments. Your God is pleased when you obey His laws. Your world has offended God by disobeying His laws.
Little children I speak to you and you must listen. I am the Mother the Father sent to teach you. Please come to my Heart, come to my site in Florida and I will teach you.
The devil is trying to block the work I am doing here.
Do not be afraid.
I am calling you in your hearts to conversion.
I am teaching you to pray with your hearts in these revelations.
I am a Mother writing and speaking to my little children.
Only little children of the Father will hear the words I speak.
The stiff, the haughty, those attached to themselves will not even hear, they will be blind and deaf to my heavenly words.
We have allowed our messenger to experience a car accident to teach a lesson.
When the time is at hand you will not be warned. God calls you and gives you warnings and gifts because He loves you. In the end He comes unannounced. All the planning and prodding and in the end, the final curtain comes on the day you least expect. It may come in an instant and your life is over. He calls young children and old men. He calls when He chooses. All the control in your life and you have forgotten that God calls unannounced.
You must live according to the Commandments and do His will. You have been warned my little children, you have been given great gifts.
When you pray, you pray to your heavenly Father with your whole heart and whole soul and whole being, you pray - Our Father, Who art in heaven...
I am Mary your Mother. When you love God it will be a joy to say the words of every prayer. What child does not love to talk to someone they love. My children, when you pray you talk to God, you talk to someone you love and trust.
Open your heart my little children and lift them up to God.
I love you,
I am your heavenly Mother, Mary.
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What Must I Use to Reach You, Improper English?
Mary speaks: My dear little children,
I must tell you today of my Son Jesus and how He loves you and wants you to share in His life.
It is not for a day or a year my little children, He wishes for all eternity to share His love with you. He envelopes your being and gives Himself completely to you in the Eucharist and you receive Him, there, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.
My little children, what more of a message could I, your Mother give you, than this message? All other messages will lead you into deeper union with Him, but today August 4, 1998 I ask you to circulate my Children's Rosary Book as soon as possible. I tell little children and parents alike about this gift. I want to teach my children about my Son, Jesus, given to you in a profound way in the Holy Eucharist.
What message could be more important to you? In Him, my little children, is life. In Him is all that you seek and your feeble hearts crave. He is God, my children, and He gives Himself to you and you run for foolish whims and you smite Him, when He is so generous in giving Himself so completely to you.
Oh my little children, you hear these words spoken from a human man here who reads my message, but my Heart is filled with the greatest emotion to reach you my little ones. That you who hear will please listen to me and pray ever harder for the children of the earth. Pray with your whole heart and soul. And do my little children question my words to pray "harder" my little children, you woke up, you heard me, you have made your minds your gods, after all these words and messages given from my motherly Heart and the Heart of my Son Jesus to get your attention, finally, the learned mind awakes to question the choice of your Mother's English. How well you have been taught the ways of your world, to speak correctly and use the proper grammar, to wash your hands and place every comma in the proper order and what must I use to reach you, improper English because you have been instructed so well.
Would that my little children would be so learned in the Commandments of your God. Oh, little ones, what do I do to teach you, go against the commandments of men, this word after that word and then you hear me.
Oh my little ones, I speak so clearly and my voice has been silenced by your news stands that carry nude women offending your God, that carry sins heaped on sins that my Son carried on His back and when I speak of love, you check my credentials and tell my messenger, how dare you carry a message from God, how dare you carry a message from the Virgin Mary.
I appear here, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun, to lead you to the Light, my Son Jesus, alive in your hearts. You know the weather and the change of the seasons, you see the blustery sky and you know of the upcoming weather patterns. If my Son rained fire on the earth, would you notice or explain it as a happening, in which man in his glorified mind conjured up to explain away the existence of the heavenly Father.
Oh little children, I have raised my voice to you in crying laments and you do not hear me. I come now, a Lady Clothed with the Sun on the building and they say it is but a water stain, a natural thing.
I ask you to pray for grace that you may see, for you have surely plugged up your eyes with mud. Like the blind man you see nothing that you need to see. You see but you do not see. You hear, but you do not hear. You walk, but you get nowhere. You have airplanes that fly around the world and men on the moon, but you do not know, my silly children, that the real King is truly present in the Holy Eucharist. A few of my children truly comprehend this great gift God gives to you. A few know what they need to really know, but you would argue at length over the use of the Mother's English or if I truly wrote you a letter, you would correct my punctuation. You are so learned in your ways. So precise in that which you have been taught from generations past.
I now come as the Lady Clothed as the Sun to lead you to the Light. It begins in your hearts children, it begins in a love affair with God, it begins in consecration. The Light that men seeks will be brought forth in their hearts as they give their heart to me. The Holy Spirit works within my Heart to give you great lights. I take you to the Heart of my Son, there He reveals Himself to you. Within the Heart of the Sacred Heart of Jesus you will find the treasures given from the King. Not earthly treasures does He give you, He gives you insight into the Divine Mysteries, He gives you His undying love. He gives you a richer fuller sharing in His life.
And so I speak my little children, what God has hidden from the learned and the clever He reveals to the merest children.
I am Mary your Mother, you are my children, come to my Heart, obey your Mother, Our Lady of Fatima, and God, too, will reveal to you the mysteries hidden from the learned and the clever, He will reveal to you, my little children, the secrets of His Sacred Heart on fire for you. And it is there my children in His Heart, especially in the Mass you will know the oneness between the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, you will know God.
How foolish to be so focused on the mud and the clutter of the earth and to miss the great Commandment God gives you.
It is to love God with your whole heart, your whole soul and your whole being and to love your neighbor as yourself.
My little children I come to teach you. To those that were wise much knowledge was imparted to them.
I am a Mother, you are my children, God gave you your heavenly Mother under the cross.
I stood beneath the cross of my Son and I cried for the little ones that would lose their souls and go to hell. They learned their A, B, C's; they learned how to wash every crevice of every corner of their house and they didn't learn the Commandments, they didn't learn about God.
Will you help me mother my children? Will you help me reach them? Will you help me spread my messages to them? I am Mary your Mother, I have been ignored, how this offends my aching heart.
And Simeon said, "...Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel...and a sword will pierce your soul too..." (Luke 2:34-35)
Please help me reach my poor little helpless ones.
I love you, I am your Mother Mary
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