Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
17th Meeting - July 13, 1994
Birth of Our Lord
Jesus speaks: I was born in a stable.
There was not a bed for My Mother and Joseph.
They had not a pillow to lay their head.
They did not have a bed and she just had a baby.
This is the surrender I call you to.
I was born in such poverty.
I came silent in the night.
Do not be attached to your bed, your sleep, your life. Come and be attached to Me, little one.
Look how I was born with nothing.
Look how I died, in total surrender.
Not a place to lay My head, a manger for My head at birth, nowhere to lay My head on the cross.
You cry for your discomfort.
Did I show you the way? I lay in a manger at birth, I died on a cross, BOTH BARE WOOD.
Total submission to the will of the Father.
I am God, I was born in silence, I was crucified as a criminal.
I am the King. I was crucified with a crown of thorns, I was born on a bed of hay.
I was crowned King of the Jews--
What do you want? If you follow Me do you expect more?
My Kingdom is not of this world. Your crown is not the crown of glory, My child, it is the crown I wore and I share this with My precious ones.
Share My life, follow My way. I am God. What no eye has seen and no ear has heard, what the mind of man cannot visualise; all that God has prepared for those who love him; (1 Cor 2:9)
17th Meeting - July 15, 1994 - 2nd message
Jesus speaks: Live My life with Me, be united with Me in My suffering and death on the cross. Live Our lives in the rosary. Make the rosary a prayer that is so alive in your hearts that you grow in such love of Mary and Jesus from praying it.
Re-enact Our lives in the rosary, feel Our sorrow and Our joy. Be united to Our lives in the rosary.
The rosary is not just a prayer to say, it is a prayer to live. Live your life as We lived Ours.
There are so many distractions in this world. Be totally lost in the life of Jesus and Mary when you pray the rosary.
17th Meeting - July 16, 1994 - 3rd message
Jesus speaks: Do you have trouble with your brothers? Do you know they are as they are? Love all of Gods creatures as persons created by God. Genuinely love all persons. I would die for them this very day. Can you offer less to your loving brothers?
Pray to love, children, as I have loved you. Pray to know how to love. Be humble, see your faults, admit your failings. This will lead you to correction of these faults. If you hide your faults, you will never correct them.
Pray to the Spirit to see what needs correcting. Pray to the Spirit to open yourself to the faults that are blocking your relationship with God. Pray to be open to the faults that constantly trip you up and allow you to be caught in Satans snare. Know your faults child. Know your weaknesses and pray for help to overcome them.
I am Jesus, I love you so. In your pride you overlook your weaknesses, in humility you accept them and try to correct them.
Pray for vision, little one.
17th Meeting - July 16, 1994 - 4th message
Messenger: The soul thirsts after love. I have a loving Father Who created me. I am hungry for the love of God.
Jesus speaks: Do you stalk this barren world in search of love and find none? The Father is ever vigilant in His love for you. He created you and loves you as the most loving Father.
Come, My children, come and sit and pray. Pray in silence, pray to your Father. "Our Father, Who art in heaven..." Sit and focus on His love for you. He loves what He has created. You are so precious to Him. Come and be with your Father
Messenger: Where are you going? Did you see the accident, the woman on the stretcher? She was very pretty and young. How is her soul? Is she still alive? Did she think only of her hair, her shape, her clothes or did she have a relationship with God? Where is she going?
Jesus speaks: I am the Way, I am Truth and Life. (Jn 14:6). It is only through Me that you will gain eternal salvation.
Are you busy for your earthly lives? Where do you go when you are called so suddenly? I come, you know not the hour nor the day. A continuation of life is promised to no man here. You will be called, you will have no choice. All that goes with you is how you were in your heart.
Did you put God first and love Him with all your heart, did you love your brother as yourself?
Where are you going, if you are called this day?
17th Meeting - July 17, 1994 - 5th message
Study after Mass
Jesus speaks: You were born to new life in Me.
Messenger: How do you see me? Do you see the Christ that is alive in me? Do you know I am a Christian, Christ-like, by how I act? Do you know I am a Christian by how I love?
Do I love you? Do I complain and not even know it? Do I see myself for the way I am or am I blind and never see at all?
Spirit, open me to the love of God within me. Give me vision into the God that dwells within me. Let me see how I can be more like Christ.
Jesus speaks: The more you realize the indwelling of God within you, the more you will be rooted in My peace. Peace comes from knowing God and His love. No matter what occurs around you, remain at peace. This only comes from God.
Messenger: I see constantly how far I am from Him. My son wanted my keys and wanted them now. I must remain in peace.
His will is for me to be with my son at church and to write this letter. I must constantly act as He would have me act.
I see now how He outpours His love to me in others and how I in my willfulness wanted the love given as I wanted it.
How am I when I am in your presence? Am I loving you, my brother, do I receive so much love and dont even notice because I want it my way?
God in His goodness is sending me such love constantly. It is outpoured to me, and I am so blind I do not see.
Jesus speaks: Pray children, you are children who need to be taught. You are human, to think you are perfect is to be blind. Work against your faults and grow in union with Me. Pray for vision, pray to the Spirit. Open yourself to the new live that I give you as you grow in love with God.
Your life in God is ever evolving. It does not remain the same. You are to grow in your likeness to Me. Pray for vision, pray to see. You may wander the same valley for so many years and never find your way. You need the vision of God to see your way. Pray for His light to shine in your hearts. Pray to see, where you were blind, you now see.
When the Spirit dwells within you, you grow in vibrancy. With the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles were fearless - they were on fire.
Messenger: When Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit, she spoke in a loud voice, the Magnificat.
When the Spirit is enkindled in our hearts, we will shout out with a loud cry the Good News, that Jesus is Lord, He loves us, He is in our midst this very day and we are His chosen ones.
We are called to spread the Good News.
The Lady is calling. She is calling you now.
May we be on fire with His love.
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May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: July 7, 1999
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