Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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August 11, 2005
August 12th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary Mysteries |
The retreat will start on
the 10th
in China, Indiana
and go through to the 13th.
Mass on the 13th at 11:00 China time
August 11, 2005
Messenger: We were on
August 10 and 11
after we came out
at 10:30 p.m. -
praying all day
the moon was
orange -
code orange
August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
"...the light began to steal across the
darkened sky
and the moon was covered with blood."
August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
August 6, 2005 Messenger: When the moon turns to blood --
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2 days after Mary appeared
December 19, 1996
Received in a few minutes after Communion
St. Gertrude ChurchJesus speaks: My Beloved Ones,
You will know a great time of trial and darkness. I have written to you of the great sufferings to come. The sinfulness of this world greatly displeases Me. I beg you to pray for forgiveness and turn your hearts to love.
And darkness covered the earth and the light was cast in little corners of the earth. Those who were willful remained in intense darkness, those who were rooted in God, and giving themselves to consecration, were the children of the light.
And the light shown in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not, but to as many as responded, they became the children of the light and from them His life flowed into the hearts that were cold and dark and slowly, very slowly, the light began to steal across the darkened sky and the moon was covered with blood. The blood was the blood of the Lamb. The blood represented the blood He shed to give us life. But the blind just saw ordinary blood and were scared to death. They responded with the greatest fright and lacked peace, but those rooted in God, those whose hearts were consecrated to Mary and Jesus, knew the sign was from God--that the time of reckoning was at hand. Many were punished and suffered a great chastisement. Many were left to death, but the children of light prayed the rosary and trusted in God.
And the night was no more for the light of day came stealing across the sky and myriads of angels filled the sky and the heavens. Sing Alleluia, Praise the Lord, you saints and angels, show yourselves to the survivors for they walked in darkness and could not see, but the light was alive in their hearts and they dwelt within the furnace of His Heart.
Have no fear now, My people, for you are the children of the light and My hand is forever upon you. You may suffer now a little, but it is nothing compared to the splendor to come.
Messenger: Oh, reign of peace, reign of the Sacred Heart, triumph of her Immaculate Heart, we wait for you anxiously for the nights have been cold and dark and we cried a bitter cry in the darkness but we knew of the glories to come for we forever trusted in You and Your mighty hand.
Your hand is struck with power. The Virgin Mary warned the poor children that died an eternal death to mind their ways and they cried out, "Not me, oh, no, God -- your ways are stiff necked and cruel. I want for foolish pleasure now and tomorrow will care for itself."
And the Lord called and called and they marched into the darkness with cold hearts, telling the Almighty God, 'no'.
Mary speaks: Oh, my children, my little children of light, the time is nigh and many will be lost forever. I appeared and warned and told all to mind their ways and come to the Heart of my Son and they said "No, my Lady, not for you or any mother. We are children of darkness and that we remain, for we seek our pleasure by day and feast on sin all night and when you called, mother, we laughed at your Son and ignored Him and His ways." And He called and His call fell on deaf ears.
Please, my children of light, come to my heart now for although you walked next to the children of darkness. I smite the dragon that whirled around you and protected you in my heart and you will now feast on the glories of His Kingdom, my little children of light.
5 days after Mary appeared
December 22, 1996
Jesus speaks: Brace yourselves in the Shepherds of Christ. You want to be Christ-like. Is this the true desire in your heart or is it just words like the other words you give to Me?
Brace yourselves. I will lead the way with My rod and My staff, but you must be strong to follow for the way is rocky and the rocks are sharp. They cut through to the soul. They cut through to your heart.
You will be brought to your knees, you will beg for Me, you will be molded and helped with in the abundant grace flowing from My Heart. My little shepherd, so willful and so stupid in your ways, but I love you just the same to My death, child. I love you and you do not see that all I give to you is for your good.
I am not angry with you, My messenger. You must suffer now to write My messages for the world. How could you write had you not experienced My pain in your soul? You are My hand, that I am using to write the messages of My Heart for the world. My Heart was crowned with thorns. So, too, will your heart be pierced and wanting to bleed. Bleed, little heart, My Heart bled for you.
And the moon will be covered with blood. It was the blood of the Lamb and it poured forth on a sinful world to cleanse them of their sin, and I give you My Body and Blood in the Mass and I am ignored.
He slapped their hands and He smite their cheeks and they laughed in their pain and continued their willful ways. But the day of reckoning is at hand and I will separate the sheep from the goats and the sheep I will take home with Me. The goats will know a day as they never knew before for My justice will prevail.
When I warned they would not turn from their evil ways and I could not reach them. They walked as blind men down the path of destruction and who would have thought that the end of the road was so near. And at the end of the road they continued to walk for in the darkness they could not see and they fell into an everlasting pit of doom and suffering.
Justice will prevail. I am a good God. Justice and truth will kiss. When I gave to them My warning they said, "Oh no, Lord," and continued their sinful ways.
The time is at hand. My efforts and yours were in vain. I will wipe their sick smiles from their evil mouths and they will suffer forever the death of the soul.
I will not have mercy on these hard-necked cowards who thought, in their pride, they could smite Me. I will throw the book at them and they will suffer for their sinful ways.
Woe to them who led My children astray. Woe to them. They will burn the eternal death of intense suffering for the murder of My young. And who will help them then? They will know a death beyond all deaths and suffering beyond all suffering. For a few moments of pleasure, they lost their souls forever.
I am a just and merciful God. I give water to quench your thirst, I bathe you in My divine love, but to the evil doers, I will curse their name and wipe them from the face of the earth. I have spoken. Justice will prevail. My hand is struck with power. The senseless ones will know My might.
Who will you call? You said 'no' to God and He struck you for your sinful ways.
All honor and glory be to God for He has visited His people and they cast Him aside. I will light the earth with My love and the dark hearts will curse the night for they will be no more.
And justice will flourish in His time and fullness of peace forever.
I have spoken. The deaf will not hear. My hand is the hand of God and it is struck with power.
I say to the grass to grow and it grows, to the sun to shine and it shines and to you I say, "Be ready for you know not the day nor the hour. I come as a thief in the night to take your soul home to Me. Will you be ready or will you be caught unprepared?"
Prepare ye a way to the Lord. Make ready His steps, My shepherds. I guard you but you will suffer. You must be strong and not caught off guard.
Purify your souls for I am coming and the earth will know My light this Christmas for I will shine in the hearts of the just. I will shine on My shepherds this Christmas. My light will shine in the hearts of those consecrated to My Heart and the heart of My Mother.
Alleluia, a King is born this day. Put aside your silly ways, your bows and tinsel, and praise God. He is in your midst. He reigns this day. You are ignoring the King of Glory. Oh, sinful world, you are in for a weird awakening.
And the light stole across the sky and the light of day shown brighter than seven suns, not to the eye but in the hearts of His faithful ones, the hearts consecrated to God.
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
Blood red moon
November 5, 2003
Red glow around Rita's head
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
red ball to the right
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
red ball to the right
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
red moon to the right
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
December 5, 2003
87 days before Mary's head was knocked off
December 5, 2003 4:38pm
87 days before Mary's head was knocked off
We did the prayer service inside,
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
November 5, 2003
117 days before Mary's head was knocked off
See Rita's hands lit up
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
March 5, 2004
4 days after Mary's head was knocked off
See Rita see-through
March 5, 2004
Blood Moon
March 5, 2004
March 5, 2004
4 days after the head was knocked off
March 5, 2004
4 days after the head was knocked off
March 5, 2004
4 days after the head was knocked off
March 5, 2004
4 days after the head was knocked off
Excerpt from August 1, 2005
God the Father speaks:
this is the ultimate blasphemy
defacing the image I
sent you to spread My
Son's Movement and
the letters of His love in
God's Blue Book
You have tested your God
end of excerpt
Isaiah 40:1-8:
'Console my people, console them,'
says your God.
'Speak to the heart of Jerusalem
and cry to her
that her period of service is ended,
that her guilt has been atoned for,
that, from the hand of Yahweh, she has received
double punishment for all her sins.'
Excerpt from October 8, 1997
Ignore Me no longer senseless ones. My hand is upon you. It will come down and wipe out the senseless virgins, the ones singing to the molten calf.
Excerpt from Mary's Message
August 27, 1996I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer.
Excerpt from August 1, 2005
Jesus speaks:
I will not hold My hand from
you any longer --
Isaiah 30:
On every lofty mountain, on every high hill
there will be streams and water-courses, on the day of the great slaughter
when the strongholds fall.
Excerpt from October 8, 1997
Jesus speaks: Seedless, barren, not bringing forth fruit on the vine. I come to be heard and who pays Me heed. To a people of stiffs I address this issue, what think you when the water is gone from the trough?
August 6, 2005 message continues
We need $4,500 to get
Jesus water running
around garden in
Clearwater as Jesus
please help us with your
This Jesus garden
August 6, 2005 message continues
First there was a desert
after Mary's head
was knocked off
It looked like a war
zone --
August 6, 2005 message continues
Messenger: grave lots
Then water was
discovered --
No Jesus water -- damaged
well ----
Then Jesus water
Then Mary water
Revelation Chapter 12
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth. Then a second sign appeared in the sky: there was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and each of the seven heads crowned with a coronet. Its tail swept a third of the stars from the sky and hurled them to the ground, and the dragon stopped in front of the woman as she was at the point of giving birth, so that it could eat the child as soon as it was born. The woman was delivered of a boy, the son who was to rule all the nations with an iron scepter, and the child was taken straight up to God and to his throne, while the woman escaped into the desert, where God had prepared a place for her to be looked after for twelve hundred and sixty days.
And now war broke out in heaven, when Michael with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven. The great dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had led all the world astray, was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him. Then I heard a voice shout from heaven, 'Salvation and power and empire for ever have been won by our God, and all authority for his Christ, now that the accuser, who accused our brothers day and night before our God, has been brought down. They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word to which they bore witness, because even in the face of death they did not cling to life. So let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; but for you, earth and sea, disaster is coming-- because the devil has gone down to you in a rage, knowing that he has little time left.'
As soon as the dragon found himself hurled down to the earth, he sprang in pursuit of the woman, the mother of the male child, but she was given a pair of the great eagle's wings to fly away from the serpent into the desert, to the place where she was to be looked after for a time, two times and half a time. So the serpent vomited water from his mouth, like a river, after the woman, to sweep her away in the current, but the earth came to her rescue; it opened its mouth and swallowed the river spewed from the dragon's mouth. Then the dragon was enraged with the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her children, who obey God's commandments and have in themselves the witness of Jesus.
August 6, 2005 message continues
Mary appeared Lady
clothed as sun
Mary cried aloud in
pain bringing forth
her children
Mary's message
played under the
image 7 years
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Mary's Message
The woman was delivered a boy
February 5, 2001
The woman went to the desert
grave looking holes on both sides of the image window
The well was damaged - there was no more water
The devil has gone out in a rage after the offspring
Excerpt from December 19, 1996
Received in a few minutes after Communion
St. Gertrude Church
Jesus speaks: And the light shown in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not, but to as many as responded, they became the children of the light and from them His life flowed into the hearts that were cold and dark and slowly, very slowly, the light began to steal across the darkened sky and the moon was covered with blood. The blood was the blood of the Lamb. The blood represented the blood He shed to give us life. But the blind just saw ordinary blood and were scared to death. They responded with the greatest fright and lacked peace, but those rooted in God, those whose hearts were consecrated to Mary and Jesus, knew the sign was from God--that the time of reckoning was at hand. Many were punished and suffered a great chastisement. Many were left to death, but the children of light prayed the rosary and trusted in God.
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Mary's Message
Matthew 13: 35-43
This was to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet:
I will speak to you in parables,
unfold what has been hidden
since the foundation of the world.Then, leaving the crowds, he went to the house; and his disciples came to him and said, 'Explain to us the parable about the darnel in the field.' He said in reply, ' The sower of the good seed is the Son of man. The field is the world; the good seed is the subjects of the kingdom; the darnel, the subjects of the Evil One; the enemy who sowed it, the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; the reapers are the angels. Well then, just as the darnel is gathered up and burnt in the fire, so it will be at the end of time. The Son of man will send his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of falling and all who do evil, and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. The the upright will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Anyone who has ears should listen!
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
Isaiah 65: 17-25
For look, I am going to create
new heavens and a new earth,
and the past will not be remembered
and will come no more to mind.
Rather be joyful, be glad for ever
at what I am creating,
for look, I am creating Jerusalem
to be 'Joy'
and my people to be 'Gladness'.
I shall be joyful in Jerusalem
and I shall rejoice in my people.
No more will the sound of weeping
be heard there,
nor the sound of a shriek;
never again will there be an infant there
who lives only a few days,
nor an old man who does not run
his full course;
for the youngest will die at a hundred,
and at a hundred
the sinner will be accursed.
They will build houses and live in them,
they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
They will not build for others to live in,
or plant for others to eat;
for the days of my people
will be like the days of a tree,
and my chosen ones will themselves use
what they have made.
They will not toil in vain,
nor bear children destined for disaster,
for they are the race
of Yahweh's blessed ones
and so are their offspring.
Thus, before they call I shall answer,
before they stop speaking
I shall have heard.
The wolf and the young lamb
will feed together,
the lion will eat hay like the ox,
and dust be the serpent's food.
No hurt, no harm will be done
on all my holy mountain,
Yahweh says.
August 6, 2005 message continues
The wolf and the young lamb
will feed together,
the lion will eat hay like the ox
and dust be serpent food
no hurt, no harm ...
Yahweh says
August 6, 2005
Mary speaks:
I saw Him my children
covered with Blood
I appeared --
almost 3000 days later
you knocked off the
head of the Lady of Fatima in the Americas
I told you then I was Our Lady of
Fatima in the Americas and you
did not listen
Excerpt from October 8, 1997
I am angered beyond all anger for the way My Mother has been treated in Florida by the thankless race. They have worshipped the molten calf and ignored the Lady of Light, the Lady Clothed as the Sun, the Lady of Fatima in the Americas, Our Lady of Guadalupe, bringing forth her children.
August 6, 2005 message continues
Messenger: See the moon turn to Blood --
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
Revelation 12: 1-2
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth.
Mary speaks: My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son....I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls....Help the little children....I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus....I ask you to help my children.
end of Mary's Message, August 27, 1996
January 11, 1997
God the Father: My plan will unfold despite the willfulness of any of My children. I am the Father. I have guided you in all of your activities.
I am telling you that the members of the Shepherds of Christ must be made aware of the importance of living the Blue Book messages.
Planning is up to Me. This is My plan and it will unfold. Men plan for the future. I AM.
I am directing the Shepherds of Christ Movement through these messages.
I am angered at the lack of response on the part of some to back these messages. You must support these messages so they are lived by man.
These messages are given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of My beloved Mary's Immaculate Heart.
You are given all you need. You must adhere to My plan.
I am the Father. I AM WHO AM. I was in the beginning, I am now and I will be forever.
I am telling you to obey the directions given by Jesus in these messages.
My plan will unfold. The completion of the Fatima message will greatly come through the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
You must circulate the tape, Mary's Message. You must circulate the messages given to you in God's Blue Books and Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The renewal in the Church will greatly come through the newsletter and the books published with the imprimatur. You must publish all books on the Mass with the imprimatur. Prayer chapters must be started in the churches.
The instructions for the priests will come from doing as I have requested. I beg you to circulate the Priestly Newsletter Book to the priests as soon as possible. The priests must be made aware of the Mass Books.
The Children's Rosary Book must be published immediately. Your work, Fr. Carter and Rita, is to publish this material.
Heaven has contacted the earth primarily in these messages to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
The plan will unfold. It is My plan. You must be obedient to the directions I give to you here. The Movement is a great star of light to this world. From the Movement the earth will be covered with stars of light and the earth will be lighted through your efforts, Fr. Carter.
I will give you all you need. The plan will unfold. It is My plan to turn sinful men into obedient, loving children.
I have delivered this message that you will know My plan is unfolding. Many will be lost because of their willfulness. I demand obedience to My requests. The plan will unfold. It pleases Me greatly that you obey My messenger. She is delivering these messages to you from the Son, My beloved Son, God-made-Man.
The messages of the love of God will be written on the hearts of men through the writings of Fr. Carter and Rita to bring about the reign of His Most Sacred Heart.
I am displeased with those who have blocked these messages. Anyone continuing to block My messages given through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary will receive a shock that will envelope them.
The time is very urgent. The time has run out for sinful man. I am angered at the way the world has treated their Mother. Willful children must be punished. I demand obedience. Mary gave to her children her peace plan and she was ignored by the Church and her children. Mary is Mother of the Church and Mother of her children. Willful children must be admonished. Children must obey their Mother.
Mary appeared on the building in Florida as Mother of all. You have made money your god. You have ignored God and made this world your end.
I am God. I AM WHO AM, without a beginning, without an end. I am today, tomorrow and always. You do not comprehend My ways with your feeble minds. You must obey the messages given by My Son and His Mother. These messages I give to you as a gift and a great revelation from heaven. You must be thankful and cherish this gift given. I will not remove My gift to you for I know you will obey Me. I will admonish you when you do not respond as you should.
I have called you and anointed you, My holy priest (Fr. Carter), to lead this world to the light. The Light of the world is My Son, Jesus. His Heart will reign and the heart of your Mother will triumph. I beg you to surrender and obey and watch My plan unfold. There will be a great era of peace very soon, My little children. All you do today will help to save many souls. Many souls will know the love of God through the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Many souls will love God with burning love.
I give you this gift. Your writings, Fr. Carter, and the writings of My messenger, Rita, will help greatly to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart.
I am the Father. I am the Almighty God. You must believe I have chosen you. I have called each member here this day to hear this message. I have called you to be the apostles of the new era of peace. I have called you by name. You will lead men to the Heart of My Son. You must listen and focus all of your attention to this mission I have given to you.
I am the Father. From the day you were conceived, I formed you in your mother's womb, knowing the great mission I would call you to today. My children, My children, do not be distracted by the evil one to lead you astray. I am counting on you, My beloved shepherds. You must not be led astray by doing other good works. I have called you, this is My plan, it is unfolding. You are a major part of the success of this plan for the renewal of the Church and the world.
Your work in the Shepherds of Christ Movement greatly pleases Me.
I AM, WHO AM. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Almighty God. You must be obedient children. It is through your obedience that the consecration will spread to many souls on the earth.
It is through your obedience to help spread the priestly newsletter and start prayer chapters in churches that many priests will love God with the greatest love in the Mass. I am asking you to spread the Mass Book to priests and sisters. Please pray for the priestly newsletter, the quick spread of the material given in the newsletter and for the priests reading the newsletter.
Heaven has contacted the earth. The light will shine in the dark corners of the world. Men will respond to the Shepherds of Christ Movement. You must not be afraid. You must do as I have asked you.
I have called you by name, My chosen ones, from the beginning I formed you and I gave to you the talents needed to accomplish this mission on the earth.
Your talents are gifts from Me to be used for this purpose. You are the Shepherds of Christ. You are the apostles of the new era.
There will be a new earth, there will be love on this earth as I intend it to be. My children will love one another, you will walk hand in hand, loving God and one another in harmony and peace.
R. ...Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven...
Jn 1:1-18 (From The New Jerusalem Bible):
In the beginning was the Word:
the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through Him all things came into being,
not one thing came into being except through Him.
What has come into being in Him was life,
life that was the light of men;
and light shines in darkness,
and darkness could not overpower it.A man came, sent by God.
His name was John.
He came as a witness,
to bear witness to the light,
so that everyone might believe through him.
He was not the light,
he was to bear witness to the light.
The Word was the real light
that gives light to everyone;
he was coming into the world.
He was in the world
that had come into being through him,
and the world did not recognize him.He came to his own
and his own people did not accept Him.
But to those who did accept Him
he gave power to become children of God,
to those who believe in his name
who were born not from human stalk
or human desire
or human will
but from God himself.
The Word became flesh,
He lived among us,
and we saw His glory,
the glory that he has from the Father as only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth.John witness to him. He proclaims:
'This is the one of whom I said:
He who comes after me
has passed ahead of me
because he existed before me.'Indeed, from his fullness we have, all of us, received--
one gift replacing another,
for the Law was given through Moses,
grace and truth have come through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God;
it is the only Son, who is close to the Father's heart,
who has made him known.R. We do not even see Our Father as so important to us.
A little child is always aware of their father. A little child knows how dependent he is on his father, always wanting to please his father.
A little child is always aware of his mother and obeying her. A little child loves his mother. Look at how unloving we are to Mary.
We are children of God, with God the Father as Our Father and Mary as our heavenly Mother.
end of January 11, 1997 message
January 18, 1997
God the Father: My Dear Children,
I am the Father. My plan is unfolding through you, My beloved priest, Fr. Carter, and Rita and the core group in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I tell you all to read the accounts concerning Noah. Nowhere in history has God been offended as He is this day by this sinful world. You will suffer a fate for the offenses against God.
Mary appeared at Fatima to warn you, the sinful children, how they were offending God, but you did not listen. The war did not change the hearts of many evil men.
I warn you through My beloved daughter, Mary. You did not heed her warnings. Disobedience against the Mother I gave you displeases Me greatly. Mary is the Mother of all children. Mary is a gift from Me, but you are willful and abuse the gift I send you.
You do not make reparation to her Immaculate Heart; you continue to offend her. I will not tolerate the deeds of evil men any longer.
My plan will unfold. Any disobedience to these messages given by Me, My Son, or your Mother Mary will cause Me great displeasure.
I am the Father, the Almighty God, the Alpha, the Omega; you are a sinful people, a chosen race sinning against a loving God.
I am angered at your ways for they are not My ways, you have run amuck, you have offended your God, you have disobeyed your Mother and My beloved Son who died to save you.
I will act on all who continue in such sin. The sheep will be separated from the goats; the goats will receive punishment for their deed. Heaven and earth will kiss, there will be love in all hearts, justice will prevail and My children will be children of light, children that obey as I intended from the beginning.
Oh indeed My sweet messenger, I look to the earth and see the darkness, I see the disobedience of men against their Mother. I know the deeds committed and the evil in the hearts of so many. Justice will prevail and I will wipe out the earth. Only the children of light will remain, those who have given their hearts to their Mother Mary.
Do you think I send your Mother Mary as a messenger to be disobeyed by willful children? What do you think about at night, the cat, the dog, the fish? You don't know love. You don't love God or one another. This is My command to you, to love. You are a sinful, willful race, and the devil will vanish from the hearts of the children of light for they will be under the protection of her Immaculate Heart, the other children will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Disobey My messenger, ignore your Mother, ignore the Son in these messages. Ignore My Son who died for you.
Oh you sinful people filled with pride and disobedience, I give you the directions here to turn your hearts to love.
My Son has revealed Himself as never before in history into His tremendous love for men and you treat Our gift with such indifference.
I am angered at the lack of support to spread the messages of My Son's love for all.
You worry for funds, worry more, I am God the Father, the Almighty God. You disobeyed Mary, you disobeyed Jesus, now you will disobey Me?
You must obey My directions, the directions given through My Son, Jesus for the unfolding of the Father's plan.
No longer will I wait while willful men check and deliberate and disobey.
My plan will unfold through the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
I am talking through these messages given by My Son and Mary to tell you how to accomplish this task of carrying out My plan.
You must obey. The directions are given in these messages to spread the fire of God's love across this earth, to renew the Church and the world.
Because of willful men these messages have been held in check.
I am God, the maker of all things. You have made money your god. I want obedience, the funds will come when you obey all of the directions I have given to you.
Anyone who interferes with these messages will be removed.
These are the messages I give to the world. Fr. Carter's newsletter will teach the priests, all they need to know to be holy, loving priests.
Many priests are not loving, they are cold in their hearts. I will instruct the clergy through the newsletter.
My Son is the Chief Priest and Teacher. He has taught the world the secrets of His Heart through the writings of Fr. Carter and Rita, to go to men to check the value of these writings displeases Me.
You must have faith, you must study the entire revelations given here. You are not valuing My great gift to you.
I am the power, I am God, to the ends of the earth, I will be with you. My plan will unfold. You must think big, not on a human level. You must come to Me.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I am telling you to circulate the tape of January 13 (1997) as soon as possible. This tape must be released to the world. It is the message to go with the apparition on the building in Florida.
You must make every connection with Mary's message given December 12 (1996) and the messages given by Mary with the apparition of her on the building in Florida.
Time is very short and My patience is very thin. I will strike the earth and the evil men will scatter and there will be a reign of peace where men will love God as I intended. The evil men will be chastised for I sent your Mother to warn you and you disobeyed. I gave My Son as a sacrifice and you treated Him with indifference. I am angry at the creatures on this earth. I will lessen the chastisement if you make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Oh willful children, you disobey your Mother, you are unloving and willful and your ways are evil. You are a sinful race.
I am sending water, rain to quench your thirst, My beloved children of light; I am sending fire to burn the fields for the sinful children, they will suffer drought and will fall to the ground dead, they will know fire, they will know the wrath of God. For I speak and I am ignored.
I am using the Shepherds of Christ Movement to majorly carry out the plan begun at Fatima. Every day lost is a lost day. I give to you Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as your directions to help the plan unfold. Circulate these rosaries to all chapters and stress their importance.
The tape of January 13 (1997) is important to the world. The tape must be circulated with the apparition in Florida and the messages typed and put on the Internet with the rest of the messages I have given. The connection must be made between the apparition and the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
Satan will attack you strongly, he will create division and give messages through other visionaries to get you off coarse. You must obey My directions given in these messages to help bring about the completion of the Fatima message.
I will weed out anyone interfering with My plan.
I will tell you when you have deviated from My plan, do not taunt My messenger, this displeases Me. Read the messages for direction and obey them.
The directions given are strong to correct a sick world. You must quit focusing on the messenger and obey Me.
I am the Father, these are My messages to bring about the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
You think of money and miss the gift given. You are men bolted to the earth. You must obey Me. I have all the power.
end of January 18, 1997
Given to Father Carter
on the Feast of St. Ignatius
July 31, 1994
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter
11 years later
July 30, 2005
August 1, 1994
Pray For The Success Of The Priestly Newsletter - Shepherds of Christ
Messenger: The following is the first official message I received before the statue of Mary at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. It is a personal message for Father Carter.
Mary speaks: (in front of the glowing statue of Our Lady of Sorrows) I am the Immaculate Heart. My Heart is glowing for love of all my beloved children. I am your most loving Mother. I am with you this day. Pray for the success of the priestly newsletter Shepherds of Christ. I am guarding your way. You will receive such graces to accomplish this task! Grace from God is so abundantly bestowed on you and will lead to the success of this endeavor! Pray for this cause at the Center. The priests will lead the people to the love of My beloved Son. This is no little task. It will take many prayers and graces. Pray hard, little one. Your prayers will change many hearts.
I am Mary, your Immaculate Mother. I bring this message to My beloved priest-son.
end of August 1, 1994 message
11 years later
Excerpt from August 1, 2005
Jesus speaks:
I will not hold My hand from
you any longer --
Genesis 9: 13-15
I now set my bow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I gather the clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds, I shall recall the covenant between myself and you and every living creature, in a word all living things, and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all living things.
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
August 6, 2005 message continues
I was there February 5, 2004, 25 days before Mary's head was
knocked off
Father Carter's funeral was
December 22, 2000
Father Carter's funeral was -
9 Days before end of century
3 Days before Christmas
5 Days after Mary's 4th
anniversary as Our Lady
of Fatima in the Americas
December 19, 1998
The Sorrowful Mysteries
according to Mary
Mary speaks: My dear children, please pray the rosary. Pray for grace to feel the emotion, the love of Our two Hearts.
The Agony in the Garden
Prayer: I ask for grace to experience emotion and to know the love of Their two Hearts.
- My children, my Son sweat Blood for you in the garden.
- My children, the Apostles slept, when He woke them they did not hear Him.
- My children, can you not spend time with my Son today in this special time before Christmas?
- My children, Christmas is His birthday.
- My children, do you have a gift for your God and your King?
- My children, He knelt there in the garden, knowing all the precious souls that would be lost forever and He sweat Blood.
- My children, Jesus gave Himself for love of you, for love of your souls.
- My children, do you love your own souls? You are here, on a journey, this place is not your end.
- My children, My mothers and fathers, it is your responsibility to teach your children about God.
- My children, He came to bring peace. My children, peace is found in giving your hearts in consecration to Our two Hearts. My children, recite often to one another "I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love."
Scourging at the Pillar
- My children, my Son was tied to the pillar.
- My children, He was held bound.
- My children, He is the Light of the World.
- My children, He was beaten.
- My children, they beat the Son of God.
- My children, He could have stopped them.
- My children, He endured it for you.
- My children, He loves each precious soul, He allowed Himself to be beaten.
- My children, His Blood ran to the floor, His body was marred, His Heart torn with anguish for the souls that would reject Him, including ones that will be lost to the fires of hell today.
- My children, will you not pray with me this special novena for your world, for peace, for the Church, will you not pray as I ask you?
The Crowning with Thorns
- My children, I love you and my Son loves you so much.
- My children, they mocked my Son, they spit on Him.
- My children, they clothed Him in a dirty garment of purple.
- My children, they watched Him with eyes of hatred and envy, they spit on Him and mocked Him.
- My children, They tore my Heart, the men that abused Him. They abused the precious skin of my beloved Son. My Son, my Baby, my Child. They abused the Son of God. My children, they abuse Him today. He is with you in the Eucharist, you abuse the King, the Son of God.
- My children, think of the Heart of perfect divine love.
- My children, consumed with love for you, He withstood the torture.
- My children, I am Mary your Mother. It is not too late. I plead with you, turn your hearts to God. My children, He loves you.
- My children, I stood beneath the cross of my Son and I cried.
- My children, I cried tears of sorrow and of joy for the ones that would be lost and the ones that would be saved. Luke 2:34-35 "Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, 'Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed--and a sword will pierce your soul too--so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.' "
The Carrying of the Cross
- My children, He carried the heavy cross, laden with the sins of the world.
- My children, my Son bore your sins on His back.
- My children, I looked into His eyes and they spoke to me. They were eyes of love. He seemed to say "I would do anything for My precious souls."
- My children, each of you is that special soul He carried His cross for.
- My children, He knew you each by name.
- My children, His thoughts were for you. His sacrifice was for you. My children, will you not take the Child Jesus into your heart this Christmas? I am your Mother, you must turn your lives to Him. There is not another way. No other way will lead you to joy, to happiness, to peace.
- My children, I walked beside Him, He could barely manage the heavy cross. I ask you to see the cross in Florida and envision a man carrying this heavy cross on His back. The cross was so heavy, laden with the sins of the world.
- My children, see my Son hanging on the cross in Florida. I appear to lead you to my beloved Son, that you will know His love.
- My children, stand beneath the cross with me and shed tears of sorrow and joy. Come to my pure Heart. I will place you deeply in His Heart.
- My children, He is Jesus, my children, the Light of the World.
The Crucifixion
- My children, God the Father gives you the Mass today as the Sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally made present.
- My children, come to my pure Heart and the Heart of my Son. Unite at every moment to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass around the world. Plead through my Immaculate Heart for grace and mercy for your world.
- My children, I wish you to look at the pictures.
Cross in China, Indiana
Painting of Lucia's Vision
- My children, Florida is my garden to help bring forth great fruit on the earth. Jesus my Son hangs there in the garden, the New Adam. I appear, the New Eve, the Lady Clothed with the Sun.
- My children, I appear to lead you to the love of my Son.
- My children, I wish you to listen to the Mary Message tape made on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996.
Mary speaks: I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him
My children, please read the message slowly beneath the crucifix.die. My heart, my children, my heart to watch my Son, but my heart, my heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.
- My children, please feel my emotion in your heart. Pray for grace to feel the emotion and love of Our two Hearts when you read the message.
- My children, I wish you to read John 19:25-27. "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, 'Woman, this is your son.' Then to the disciple he said, 'This is your mother.' And from that hour the disciple took her into his home."
- My children, I wish you to pray for grace that the priestly newsletter, Mother at My Side, issue 5, 1998, will reach the priests of this earth.
Pray: Oh my God, please grant the grace that the priestly newsletter 5, will reach the priests of the earth and they will respond to it. I pray further that the tape or disk will be used by my priests and people in private and public gatherings.- My children, pray likewise for newsletter, issue 4, 1998. My children, pray that the people of the earth and the churches pray the prayers my Son gives them and the rosary. (Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual)
Say: I pray that priests and people use the newsletter 4, that they use the tape and disk and that grace is granted to draw them ever closer to the Heart of Jesus. Please, Lord, help us to spread this newsletter to the ends of the earth. My God, please help the people of the earth to pray the prayers of the Good Shepherd and the rosary.
end of December 19, 1998 rosary
Pictures from December 22, 2002
December 22, 2000 - Fr. Carter's Funeral
December 22, 1996
Jesus speaks: Brace yourselves in the Shepherds of Christ. You want to be Christ-like. Is this the true desire in your heart or is it just words like the other words you give to Me?
Brace yourselves. I will lead the way with My rod and My staff, but you must be strong to follow for the way is rocky and the rocks are sharp. They cut through to the soul. They cut through to your heart.
You will be brought to your knees, you will beg for Me, you will be molded and helped with in the abundant grace flowing from My Heart. My little shepherd, so willful and so stupid in your ways, but I love you just the same to My death, child. I love you and you do not see that all I give to you is for your good.
I am not angry with you, My messenger. You must suffer now to write My messages for the world. How could you write had you not experienced My pain in your soul? You are My hand, that I am using to write the messages of My Heart for the world. My Heart was crowned with thorns. So, too, will your heart be pierced and wanting to bleed. Bleed, little heart, My Heart bled for you.
And the moon will be covered with blood. It was the blood of the Lamb and it poured forth on a sinful world to cleanse them of their sin, and I give you My Body and Blood in the Mass and I am ignored.
He slapped their hands and He smite their cheeks and they laughed in their pain and continued their willful ways. But the day of reckoning is at hand and I will separate the sheep from the goats and the sheep I will take home with Me. The goats will know a day as they never knew before for My justice will prevail.
When I warned they would not turn from their evil ways and I could not reach them. They walked as blind men down the path of destruction and who would have thought that the end of the road was so near. And at the end of the road they continued to walk for in the darkness they could not see and they fell into an everlasting pit of doom and suffering.
Justice will prevail. I am a good God. Justice and truth will kiss. When I gave to them My warning they said, "Oh no, Lord," and continued their sinful ways.
The time is at hand. My efforts and yours were in vain. I will wipe their sick smiles from their evil mouths and they will suffer forever the death of the soul.
I will not have mercy on these hard-necked cowards who thought, in their pride, they could smite Me. I will throw the book at them and they will suffer for their sinful ways.
Woe to them who led My children astray. Woe to them. They will burn the eternal death of intense suffering for the murder of My young. And who will help them then? They will know a death beyond all deaths and suffering beyond all suffering. For a few moments of pleasure, they lost their souls forever.
I am a just and merciful God. I give water to quench your thirst, I bathe you in My divine love, but to the evil doers, I will curse their name and wipe them from the face of the earth. I have spoken. Justice will prevail. My hand is struck with power. The senseless ones will know My might.
Who will you call? You said 'no' to God and He struck you for your sinful ways.
All honor and glory be to God for He has visited His people and they cast Him aside. I will light the earth with My love and the dark hearts will curse the night for they will be no more.
And justice will flourish in His time and fullness of peace forever.
I have spoken. The deaf will not hear. My hand is the hand of God and it is struck with power.
I say to the grass to grow and it grows, to the sun to shine and it shines and to you I say, "Be ready for you know not the day nor the hour. I come as a thief in the night to take your soul home to Me. Will you be ready or will you be caught unprepared?"
Prepare ye a way to the Lord. Make ready His steps, My shepherds. I guard you but you will suffer. You must be strong and not caught off guard.
Purify your souls for I am coming and the earth will know My light this Christmas for I will shine in the hearts of the just. I will shine on My shepherds this Christmas. My light will shine in the hearts of those consecrated to My Heart and the heart of My Mother.
Alleluia, a King is born this day. Put aside your silly ways, your bows and tinsel, and praise God. He is in your midst. He reigns this day. You are ignoring the King of Glory. Oh, sinful world, you are in for a weird awakening.
And the light stole across the sky and the light of day shown brighter than seven suns, not to the eye but in the hearts of His faithful ones, the hearts consecrated to God.
August 6, 2005 message continues
Messenger: about 3000 days later
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
August 6, 2005 message continues
January 5, 2004 85 days before
Mary's head was
knocked off
We never could get pictures of
the moon with the image
until these months --
right before her head was
to get knocked off
A cloud of Blood in the
sky above the
crucifix and image
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
January 5, 2004
56 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
February 5, 2004
25 days before Mary's head was knocked off
December 5, 2003 to February 5, 2004
"This was the only time this
happened in the history of
her apparitions in Clearwater."
Excerpt from September 24, 1998
Come out of your tombs, I am alive, I am treated as a dead object.
Sing a new song, the dead shall be raised.
They conquered the devil with the Blood of the Lamb.
Pray to the Holy Spirit to come mightily on you.
End of excerpt from September 24, 1998
December 18, 2000
Father Carter died December 18, 2000, 7:10 p.m.
Message from Jesus, received before 2 p.m. Mass at the hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio
Jesus speaks: I have taught you to pray as a body, to pray that the cancer be cast into the sea.
Pray for your world, that the cancer in the world may be cast into the sea.
Now you know how to pray deeper than ever before for the priests, the Church, and the world.
"May the cancer be uprooted and cast into the sea."
Would you wish to deprive Me of giving a holy soul their reward?
That is what they lived for, that some day they would be with Me in heaven.
Messenger: From the image site during the rosary December 17, 2000, Mary gave the following message after the 4th mystery some time before midnight.
Mary speaks: Pray for your founder, my children, in this last hour.
Messenger: The rest of the message from the rosary will follow.
Jesus and Mary told us to quit praying the healing rosary and just pray for Father Carter. Mary said to pray the Divine Mercy for Father Carter.
3:00 a.m. Jesus said: Would you wish to deprive Me of giving a holy soul their reward?
That is what they lived for, that some day they would be with Me in heaven.
December 18, 2000 - Second Message
A Note from Colombiere
Messenger: Last night at 3:00 a.m., I prayed so hard for Father's healing and
He said to me: "Would you wish to deprive Me of giving a holy soul their reward?That is what they lived for, that some day they would be with Me in heaven."
I knew then I had to get from Florida to Michigan, I wanted to be with
Father at his death and pray the Divine Mercy and hold his hand as he
slipped into heaven.We flew to Cincinnati, Ohio, John and I, and the plane timing was perfect. We wanted to
go to Mass, for I never miss Mass and the holy hour. I felt our Lord wanted
us to go directly to Colombiere.I went to the chapel and got the following message. Our Lord then
told me to take the Eucharist as I normally do to my mom and to go to
Colombiere with John.In the plane, my heart was in such anguish for I knew our Lord
wanted me here as soon as possible.John and I now sit in Father's room in Colombiere, where he died. We just missed
his body, which had been taken away.We loved to see his room and were heart broken we missed our
beloved priest who passed away at 7:10 p.m.Emily called, and John and I and Emily, on the phone, prayed the
Chaplet of Mercy. John and I were at his bed, John knelt by
the bed and I sat on the bed and we prayed. I felt his very strong
presence with us. It was sometime shortly after 9:00 p.m. when we
finished.John looked at the clock in Father's room and it said 7:09, one
minute before he died.
At one point when I was in the room when we first
got there, I heard all this noise in the clock
and I said to myself "What is wrong with that clock?"
I did not look at it. Then we prayed the Divine Mercy
a second time which ended shortly after nine. The second time
we prayed, Emily prayed with us on the
phone. That is when John looked at the clock and it
said 7:09. But actually it was a little after 9 p.m.
The clock continued to operate normally with the earlier time.I see his little Pooh bear here we gave him. He said
he always "goes with the flow like Winnie the Pooh." I see
his scapular and his apostle pendant he wore around
his neck that turned from gold to silver and his apostle rosary,
that he always prayed on.There are beautiful roses we sent him and a big card
Melanie made with lots of signatures. Father Carter loved
so many, so deeply.I call to mind a line from the Sound of Music, it goes
something like "How do you hold a moon-beam in your
hand?" He died at 7:10 p.m. about the time a lot of people are
ending or still praying the 6:20 prayers. I know our Lord wanted
him to die then.Jesus died on the cross and many of his apostles were not with
him. Everyone had every reason why I should not go here to Colombiere and I knew
Jesus wanted us here. John and I are still in his room. I feel him
with us in a special way.Last night at 3:00 a.m,. when our Lord gave me the message, I could see
the glories of heaven and how hard it is here and I thought "why
would I want Father to stay if God wants to give him his reward."He told John in the hospital in September that several months
earlier our Lord had told him "That his earthly role was diminishing."
Amongst the very few things he had a Christmas card from a very dear
soul, one he loved. Father Carter loved so deeply. He taught us about love.
He taught us how to love. He gave himself so
much to the Ministry. He hardly ever missed his 6:20 prayers, even
when he was so sick he prayed them. He could hardly talk and he said
he was praying his 6:20 prayers.He loved the Mass and another priest almost said it daily
at the Faber House and he went no matter how sick he was,
he loved it so much.He told me when I talked to him, he was so close to Jesus.
Last night under Mary's image we prayed from 6:20 - 12:00 midnight
ending with a procession around the building, singing songs.
We prayed a healing rosary singing the Hail Mary's praying with all our
hearts for the priests, the Church and the world, and telling God how
sorry we were we had sinned and telling him we were sorry for
the sins of the world. We sang songs to honor Mary. We sang songs
to praise and honor God. We sang with all our hearts.I was told at the beginning of the 4th mystery to ask
Joe L. to sing Our Lady of Clearwater. I was told to take pictures of
Mary, she was so gold. John took pictures of Mary and Mary gave
us the following message.
Message from Mary given live during the December 17, 2000, rosary under the image and transcribed from a tape
Mary speaks: Let all the memories go through your mind of all the good times that you shared with one another, my children, as shepherds of Christ, and see the gifts that your God has given to you to draw you into such a family as you have here. And this has pleased your Father that you have come to sing and give yourselves to His Son, Jesus. Let all the memories go through your minds from the first time you came to the Shepherds of Christ Movement, the joys and the sorrows, all the moves, and all the different places. Where would you go next for a rosary from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary? And they sent you from one place to another, to another, to another. And God will not be outdone, for He gave to you, my shepherds, this building to sing your songs and to praise your God. And that is what God wants from you this night: praise and honor and love from hearts that are filled with joy, but praying for the Church and the world and asking God to forgive men for the sins. Pray for your founder, my children, in this last hour.
Messenger: God has wanted us to pray here as we have, and we plead and we beg for forgiveness for our sins and the sins of the earth. And we want to help make reparation for our sins, for we have committed many throughout our lives in offending people, and we are sorry for those things.
We ask You, God, to help us to be sincere and loving, to see with eyes to see how we can be kind in all of our ways. Help us to cherish the moment with each other, for we never know tomorrow if we will be here or if we will be gone, and what lives on are the seeds that we planted. We are so sorry for the whole earth and all the sins of the whole earth. And we unite to the Mass and we pray through the intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater that great grace will be released from this place tonight to change the hearts of men, that we will be able to reach so many to pray the prayers and reach them with the Morning Offering, reach the nursing homes and the people that are hungry in the prisons and try to get them just to pray the prayers, if nothing else.
Oh Father, we need Your help, we need Your help for the funds. We need Your help for all that we do and the purchase of the building, and we ask You, please, to help our founder, Father Carter.
And she wants us, after the rosary, to pray a Divine Mercy. As far as I can see, it does not mean that he has died. I do not understand what she said. That is all she said: to pray in the final hour. But I was told not to finish the healing rosary, but to just finish the rosary. Amen.
(End of excerpt from December 17, 2000 live rosary)
Messenger: I was told not to continue the healing rosary to just pray for
Father Carter.I was told that after the rosary we should pray the Divine
Mercy for Father Carter and we all prayed it after the
rosary under the image. Mary was so gold.The first message I received from Jesus in the
hospital before Mass was very important.We have all learned to pray as a body, united so deep in our
hearts to the Mass through the intercession of Our Lady
of Clearwater for the healing of Father Carter's cancer,
NOW we must pray for the healing of the cancer in
the world with the same fervor.What do we pray for now?
We pray for the world, for the Church, for our priests,
for our children with the same fervor that we prayed
for Father Carter's healing.Now we pray united as a body, so deeply united praying
with all our hearts for the Movement, the Church, the priests
and the world, for Mary's children.We pray the cancer is uprooted in the world and cast into
the sea.We pray for healing for the souls of the earth.
There are many sick children.
Mary and Jesus want us to pray now united as
a body for the sick children of the earth.I love you so much,
the messenger
December 18, 2000 - Third Message
Written on a plane on the way home from Florida
Messenger: Father Carter modeled for an artist friend so his friend could make a picture of Jesus on the cross.
There are people in the picture and St. Ignatius.
Messenger: This picture was taken December 14, 2000.
December 14, 1996, Father Carter said the first Mass
for the Shepherds of Christ.I put this picture on the Internet at the
request of our Lord.
Above Father Carter's head is a lighted cross.
Above my head is St. Ignatius.
To the right of me is the Pope. We did not plan this.When Father was leaving for Michigan he asked a
few of us to come to the Faber House his
Jesuit community.In those last few moments when I didn't know if
I would see Father again, John, our
president took this picture. (He took
the beautiful pictures of July 5, 2000, of
Mary's image and he took the picture of Mary's
image on the back of the Daily Message Book.)We did not plan it. St. Ignatius just happened to
be over my head and the Pope to the right of us
both. The cross of light showed over Father's head.We followed where the cross is to the elevator
that took us downstairs to where Father left.
I see the picture of Father at the Mass December 14, 1996, at
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center and I see Father
in the picture about to leave December 14, 2000, both
were about the same time of the morning. This is
the front and back cover of that chapter of the ministry.
December 14, 1996
December 14, 2000
Messenger: Within are the pages of a book of Masses
in which he taught the Movement
about Jesus in the Mass.I see him offering Masses. He is so holy and so
one with Jesus in the Mass.
Messenger: Tomorrow is December 19, 2000.
Here are messages I received December 19, 1996, two days after Mary appeared.
Excerpt from the Apostles' Manual
December 19, 1996
Message from MaryMary speaks: My dear children, I give to you, my Son, Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas morn. He is the Almighty God, the Light of the World.
I appear to you, my children, on a (former) bank in Florida. You have made money your god! Do you know how cold are your hearts? You turn away from my Son, Jesus, for your money. Your money is your god.
I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.
Excerpt from Apostles' Manual
December 19, 1996
Received in a few minutes after Communion
St. Gertrude ChurchJesus speaks: My Beloved Ones,
You will know a great time of trial and darkness. I have written to you of the great sufferings to come. The sinfulness of this world greatly displeases Me. I beg you to pray for forgiveness and turn your hearts to love.
And darkness covered the earth and the light was cast in little corners of the earth. Those who were willful remained in intense darkness, those who were rooted in God, and giving themselves to consecration, were the children of the light.
And the light shown in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not, but to as many as responded, they became the children of the light and from them His life flowed into the hearts that were cold and dark and slowly, very slowly, the light began to steal across the darkened sky and the moon was covered with blood. The blood was the blood of the Lamb. The blood represented the blood He shed to give us life. But the blind just saw ordinary blood and were scared to death. They responded with the greatest fright and lacked peace, but those rooted in God, those whose hearts were consecrated to Mary and Jesus, knew the sign was from God--that the time of reckoning was at hand. Many were punished and suffered a great chastisement. Many were left to death, but the children of light prayed the rosary and trusted in God.
And the night was no more for the light of day came stealing across the sky and myriads of angels filled the sky and the heavens. Sing Alleluia, Praise the Lord, you saints and angels, show yourselves to the survivors for they walked in darkness and could not see, but the light was alive in their hearts and they dwelt within the furnace of His Heart.
Have no fear now, My people, for you are the children of the light and My hand is forever upon you. You may suffer now a little, but it is nothing compared to the splendor to come.
Messenger: Oh, reign of peace, reign of the Sacred Heart, triumph of her Immaculate Heart, we wait for you anxiously for the nights have been cold and dark and we cried a bitter cry in the darkness but we knew of the glories to come for we forever trusted in You and Your mighty hand.
Your hand is struck with power. The Virgin Mary warned the poor children that died an eternal death to mind their ways and they cried out, "Not me, oh, no, God -- your ways are stiff necked and cruel. I want for foolish pleasure now and tomorrow will care for itself."
And the Lord called and called and they marched into the darkness with cold hearts, telling the Almighty God, 'no'.
Mary speaks: Oh, my children, my little children of light, the time is nigh and many will be lost forever. I appeared and warned and told all to mind their ways and come to the Heart of my Son and they said "No, my Lady, not for you or any mother. We are children of darkness and that we remain, for we seek our pleasure by day and feast on sin all night and when you called, mother, we laughed at your Son and ignored Him and His ways." And He called and His call fell on deaf ears.
Please, my children of light, come to my heart now for although you walked next to the children of darkness. I smite the dragon that whirled around you and protected you in my heart and you will now feast on the glories of His Kingdom, my little children of light.
(End of excerpt from Apostles' Manual)
Messenger: On that same day I received this writing
from Jesus and I was told to put it in the Mass Book.Here is the picture Father's friend
made of Jesus on the cross with St. Ignatius and
the people.
Messenger: And another writing given the same day as the previous writings.
Excerpt from the Mass Book
December 19, 1996
HERE IS A MAN ON THE CROSSGod wants union with us. He wants fire. Many try to love God with a cold heart. They tell Him words that they think they should say that are loving.
When one loves, they do not need to be prompted to say words. From the depth of their being they cry out their words of love. It is a cry from within, from the fire within their chest, behind the words. The words are burning in their chest and must be released because of the fire behind them.
We are as blind men. We do not see the great gifts that God gives to us. It is as if we stand by the shore of the sea and throw little words at Jesus. We must not be afraid to jump into the water and be completely immersed in His love. He was consumed with such love for us. He gave Himself to His death on the cross.
There is a man on a cross and he tells us so many things. He does not have to speak. When we study Him on the cross, He speaks to us with His pierced hands, His head covered with blood, His body withered and beaten. He speaks to us of His undying love.
Oh, beloved Savior, I am blind. I am selfish. I do not see the great reservoir of love that you give to Me. I see the man dying on the cross. How do I see Him? Do I see a figure and think, oh, is it a pretty cross, would it look good in my living room? Do I see the cross and think, oh, I guess I should have one in my house, others will think I am holy then? Holy people do have a cross in their homes.
Do I see the body of a man, a live man? Do I see His labored breath? Do I see His chest move as His Heart beats within? Do I see the real skin of a man? Do I see the real blood He shed? Do I see the light that silhouettes His withered body? Do I see the Light of the World? Do I see the tender skin of an infant laid on bare wood in the manager and then the torn, lacerated, bloodied skin of this man?
This is love! There is a man on the cross. There is a child born to us today. He is the Light of the World. His light is shining in the darkness, but people do not see. They see the wood, but they view it for the beauty it will create in their newly decorated living rooms.
The cross is not a thing of the past, the cross is with us today. We carry it on our backs as He showed us we would, but we try to take it off and throw it away.
It is in the cross there is the resurrection. It is by meditating on the crucifix, we see His undying love. We must open up our eyes and see. Pray for vision to see clearly the man Who gave Himself for love of us, Our Divine Lord.
And how do we return His love?
Love is spontaneous, love is fire in our hearts, love is alive and emitted with force. God is love.
Do we realize that His last thoughts on the cross were for us. In this agony, as He hung on the cross, He was consumed with burning love for us. When He was scourged at the pillar, He was comforted by our acts of love that we give to Him today. Our burning love for Him was sweetness to His most Sacred Heart in the moments of His bitter Passion.
Love gives and wants to give its all. A person in love does not need to be prompted and told to love. Love wants to give.
Love is given spontaneously, it is not controlled. Love is tenderness pouring forth from the heart. Love is not concerned with commitment, love by itself is committed. It pours forth from the mouth of the lover because of the fire burning deep inside.
Let us study the battered body of Christ on the cross. As I study His pierced hands and feet, His head crowned with thorns, the blood pouring forth from His Heart, as I view the lacerations covering His body, I feel His word well up in my heart. He speaks to me in the depth of my soul and I hear Him say, "I love you. I love you. I love you, to My death on the cross."
He gives, He gives, He gives to us constantly. He gives and how is He treated by us? We take and we take and we take and we don't even say thanks. Thanks for our breath, our heartbeat, the beautiful sky, the sunlit day, the moon at night, the beautiful eyes of our friends. Oh, how many things He gives to us and how ungrateful we are!
How is your day? Is your glass half-empty or half-full?
How often my glass is half empty, as I am reminded by my spiritual director, Fr. Carter. How often I do not thank Our Divine Lord for His gifts!
When I am filled with love, I see more clearly. The secret is to know God's love. We must pray for the grace to know His love more and for the grace to love Him more.
There is a man on the cross. Do we see His undying love for us? He speaks no words. He shows us the crucifix. The words are alive in our hearts.
The Father created us to love and to be loved. God is love. He wants union with us. He gives Himself to us. This is love. There is union in proportion to how I give myself to Him.
Jesus gives and gives and gives and we treat Him "nonchalantly". He gives us love, but we must give ourselves to Him to have union with Him. He wants us to be one with Him.
We must relish the great gifts He gives to us - the greatest gift being the gift of Himself. We should anticipate the great gift of receiving Him in the Holy Eucharist with such eagerness in our hearts. The words I feel in my heart are expressed in the song, "I Love You, Jesus":
Oh Burning Heart, Oh Love divine, how sweet You are to me. I see the host, I know You're here to love and care for me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. I cannot say. There are not words to say what my heart feels. I love You so, I scarce can breathe when You come into me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. Your tender Heart, Oh how it beats for love of each this day. I want to give You all my love, surrender totally. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee.
When we awake at night, we must think of Him and how we will receive Him the next day. We long to go to Communion to receive Him. We love Jesus in the Eucharist so much. A King comes to us. He enters our body and unites with our soul. He is the King of the kingdom of heaven…He is our Lover, He is the Almighty God, a Divine Person, and He comes to us. He wants us to come to Him with such longing. He wants us to think of Him all day. He wants us to long for Him.
Ps. 63:1-8:
God, you are my God, I pine for you;
my heart thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
as a land parched, dreary and waterless.
Thus I have gazed on you in the sanctuary,
seeing your power and your glory.
Better your faithful love than life itself;
my lips will praise you.
Thus I will bless you all my life,
in your name lift up my hands.
All my longings fulfilled as with fat and rich foods,
a song of joy on my lips and praise in my mouth.
On my bed when I think of you,
I muse on you in the watches of the night,
for you have always been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice;
my heart clings to you,
your right hand supports me.The priest says in the Mass at the Offertory, "By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the Divinity of Christ, Who humbled himself to share in our humanity." He gives Himself to us. He shares His Divinity with us. We are human creatures and He shares Himself with us. My heart burns when the priest puts the drop of water in the wine. This is, indeed, a great mystery that God remains with us today, truly present in His Divinity and humanity in the Holy Eucharist, that He gives Himself to us in Communion, and that He waits for us to come to the tabernacle and be with Him. He wants to outpour His divine love and His divine life to us.
We should swoon for our Lover the Almighty, Divine God, yet we go to Him with such cold hearts. He wants our burning love.
The song "I Love You, Jesus":
Oh Burning Heart, Oh Love divine, how sweet You are to me. I see the Host, I know You're here to love and care for me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. I cannot say. There are not words to say what my heart feels. I love You so, I scarce can breathe when You come into me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. Your tender Heart, Oh how it beats for love of each this day. I want to give You all my love, surrender totally. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee.
(End of excerpt from the Mass Book)
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