August 11, 2015
August 12th Holy Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
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August 11, 2015 - St. Claire
Today's Readings
Deuteronomy 31: 1-8
Moses went and spoke to all Israel as follows, ‘Today, I am one hundred and twenty years old, and can no longer act as leader. Yahweh has told me, “You shall not cross this Jordan.” Yahweh your God himself will lead you across, he himself will destroy and dispossess these nations confronting you; Joshua too will lead you across, as Yahweh has said. Yahweh will treat them as he has treated Sihon and Og the Amorite kings and their country—he destroyed them. Yahweh will put them at your mercy, and you will deal with them exactly as prescribed by the commandments which I have laid down for you. Be strong, stand firm, have no fear, do not be afraid of them, for Yahweh your God is going with you; he will not fail you or desert you.’ Moses then summoned Joshua and, in the presence of all Israel, said to him, ‘Be strong, stand firm; you will be the one to go with this people into the country which Yahweh has sworn to their ancestors that he would give them; you are to be the one who puts them into possession of it. Yahweh himself will lead you; he will be with you; he will not fail you or desert you. Have no fear, do not be alarmed.’
Deuteronomy 32: 3-4ab, 7, 8, 9, 12
For I shall proclaim the name of Yahweh.
Oh, tell the greatness of our God!He is the Rock, his work is perfect,
for all his ways are equitable.
A trustworthy God who does no wrong,
he is the Honest, the Upright One!Think back on the days of old,
think over the years, down the ages.
Question your father,
let him explain to you,
your elders, and let them tell you!
When the Most High gave the nations
each their heritage,
when he partitioned out the human race,
he assigned the boundaries of nations
according to the number
of the children of God,
but Yahweh’s portion was his people,
Jacob was to be the measure
of his inheritance.Yahweh alone is his guide;
no alien god for him!
Matthew 18: 1-5, 10, 12-14
At this time the disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?’ So he called a little child to him whom he set among them. Then he said, ‘In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.
‘Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name welcomes me.
‘See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my
Father in heaven.‘Tell me. Suppose a man has a hundred sheep and one of them strays; will he not leave the ninety–nine on the hillside and go in
search of the stray?In truth I tell you, if he finds it, it gives him more joy than do the ninety–nine that did not stray at all.
Similarly, it is never the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.
R. Moses gave us the 10 Commandments –
Moses led the people
The people rebelled often –
They complained against God and Moses
Moses had shown distrust of bringing
forth water
God told both Moses and Aaron they would
not enter the Promised Land
The Angel of Peace told the Fatima children to
say this prayer – 1916
Excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima
by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.
(3)"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You."
Then, rising he said: "Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications."
Louis Kondar, SVD, editor, Fatima in Lucia's
Own Words (Fatima: Postulation Center,
1976), p.62. Distributed in the U.S.A. by the
Ravengate Press, Cambridge, MA.
R. Moses died at the age of 120 on Mount Nebo –
he could see the Promised Land –
The Israelites under Joshua
were led to the Promised Land –
Joshua died at 110
After Joshua died the Israelites, again,
fell into idolatry
When we disobey God we don't move
ahead as He wants us to do.
The Israelites fell into idolatry
and then came out, they were
disobedient over and over again –
they grumbled against God –
They forgot the slavery of the past and
the miracles God did for them.
The Israelites had to fight Amorites
and Philistines –
Samson slayed 1,000 Philistines.
Samson was betrayed by Delilah.
The Philistines capture the Ark of
the Covenant.
The Israelites were corrupted.
Samuel was a judge of Israel - the last judge.
The Philistines were defeated by Samuel.
Samuel anointed Saul King
Saul defeated the Philistines –
Saul was appointed King by Samuel
and Saul became evil and was
David was born, David was the
son of Jesse –
David's great-grandmother was Ruth –
Jesus came from the House of David.
Saul did not obey when dealing with
the Amalakites.
Saul went to a witch.
Saul the next day was defeated by the
David was anointed King of Israel.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
2 Samuel 7: 1-5, 8-12, 14, 16
Once the king had settled into his palace and Yahweh had granted him rest from all the enemies surrounding him, the king said to the prophet Nathan, 'Look, I am living in a cedar' wood palace, while the ark of God is under awnings." Nathan said to the king, 'Go and do whatever you have in mind, for Yahweh is with you.' But that very night, the word of Yahweh came to Nathan: 'Go and tell my servant David, "Yahweh says this: Are you to build me a temple for me to live in?
"Yahweh Sabaoth says this: I took you from the pasture, from following the sheep, to be leader of my people Israel; I have been with you wherever you went; I have got rid of all your enemies for you. I am going to make your fame as great as the fame of the greatest on earth. I am going to provide a place for my people Israel; I shall plant them there, and there they will live and never be disturbed again; nor will they be oppressed by the wicked any more, as they were in former times ever since the time when I instituted judges to govern my people Israel; and I shall grant you rest from all your enemies. Yahweh furthermore tells you that he will make you a dynasty. And when your days are over and you fall asleep with your ancestors, I shall appoint your heir, your own son to succeed you (and I shall make his sovereignty secure.
I shall be a father to him and he a son to me; if he does wrong, I shall punish him with a rod such as men use, with blows such as mankind gives.
Your dynasty and your sovereignty will ever stand firm before me and your throne be for ever secure." '
Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 18, 2005
INTRODUCTION: (2 Samuel 7,1-5, 8b-12, 14a,16; Luke 1,26-38) Our first reading goes back 1000 years before Christ to the time of king David in Jerusalem. You need to recall that when Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt, almost 300 years before King David, God gave the people a special sign of his presence among them. That sign was the Arc of the Covenant. It looked something like this: a box in which were placed the 10 Commandments, a lid of gold and on the lid were two angels. The box was carried by two long poles because no one could touch the Arc. The two angels provided a throne for their invisible God, Yahweh. As Moses and the people moved through the desert and eventually into the promised land, the Arc was kept in a tent. Only designated people, and eventually only the high priest, could enter the tent and offer sacrifice to God. The Arc was still kept in a tent during the reign of King David. David had built himself a nice comfortable palace and he decided it was not right that the Arc, the special sign of God’s presence with his people, was still kept in a tent. So he told his prophet, Nathan, that he would build a temple, a house for God. Nathan said “good idea,” but God said “no.” God said David had shed too much blood in his role as king, so he would have David’s son, Solomon, build the temple after David died. But God was pleased with David’s idea and blessed him. One of the special blessings David received was that David’s line would never die out. One of his descendants would always be king over God’s people. That’s what is meant by the statement that God would “establish a house” for David. For about 400 years this proved to be true. Always the king of Judea was of the royal house of David. When the Babylonians conquered the Jews, that was the end of the kingship. But the Jews never forgot the promise God made to David and always waited for one who would come from David’s family who would rescue God's people from their enemies and restore the kingdom to Israel. Since kings were anointed when they assumed power, the king they looked for was called the anointed one – the Hebrew word for “anointed one” is Messiah, in Greek the word is Christos. In the gospel of the annunciation, the angel Gabriel informs Mary that her son would be the fulfillment of these hopes. “The Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 20:7-9
You have seduced me, Yahweh,
and I have let myself be seduced;
you have overpowered me:
you were the stronger.
I am a laughing-stock all day long,
they all make fun of me.
For whenever I speak, I have to howl
and proclaim, ‘Violence and ruin!’
For me , Yahweh’s word has been the cause
of insult and derision all day long.
I would say to myself,
‘I will not think about him,
I will not speak in his name any more,’
but then there seemed to be a fire
burning in my heart,
imprisoned in my bones.
The effort to restrain it wearied me,
I could not do it.
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 31, 2008
INTRODUCTION – (Jeremiah 20, 7-9) Our first reading from the prophet Jeremiah goes back to 600 B.C. It sounds as if Jeremiah expected people would be grateful to him for speaking God’s word to them. But they only hated him for it. The people ridiculed him, threw him in jail and even tried to kill him by throwing him in a well. We hear him complaining to God, “You duped me! You tricked me, God!”
Jesus’ faithfulness to his mission would bring him suffering too, but Jesus did not feel tricked. He was well aware of what was going to happen. In today’s gospel, we hear him warning his disciples ahead of time.
– (Matthew 16, 21-27) You can’t turn on the TV these days without hearing about politics. Will Rogers told a story you might enjoy that was about two politicians. One said to the other: “I’ll stop telling lies about you, if you’ll stop telling the truth about me.”Jesus would have made a lousy politician. Politicians are busy telling us how they are going to solve all our problems if we vote for them. Jesus is telling us if we follow him it’s going to bring us problems. “Whoever wishes to come after me must take up his cross and follow me.” Let us not assume from this statement that if we decide not to follow him, we’ll be without any problems. Having problems comes with being human. Problems and crosses are part of everyone’s life, whether they believe in Christ or not. Following Christ helps us deal with them more easily; the cross that we take up if we follow Christ will not defeat us but will bring us to resurrection.
Religion and philosophy have always tried to understand the mystery of suffering, especially the difficult problem of why good people suffer. So many ways to explain suffering are out there. None of them can take away all the mystery from suffering. For me, the best answer is found in the gospel. Jesus, through his cross and resurrection, has given us hope in our pain and hopelessness and has assured us that if we follow him in faith, that can only lead to eternal glory.
Peter had faith in Jesus as we heard in last week’s gospel. He had just finished professing that Jesus was “the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” The words were hardly out of his mouth when Jesus said that being faithful to his mission, that being the Messiah, would cost him his life, but he would rise again. That didn’t Messiah would rally the Jewish people, he would defeat the Romans who occupied their land, he would bring back the days when Israel had their own king. That the Messiah would have to suffer was just not in the plan according to Peter. He was pretty bold telling Jesus “that’s not going to happen to you. You’re our savior. How can you save us by suffering? Ridiculous!” Jesus scolded Peter whom he had just praised for his faith and called him Satan. He was not saying Peter was evil. He was telling Peter he was doing Satan’s job of being a tempter, trying to convince Jesus that being faithful to his mission would be a piece of cake. Jesus knew history better than Peter. He knew what the prophets before him went through – people like Jeremiah or Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist, who was put to death by Herod. He could see things more clearly than Peter. Jesus told him “you have a lot to learn. You are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do.”
We might wonder how Peter was expected to think like anything other than a human being. After all that’s what he was. Peter wasn’t the Son of God. But there was a way, and there is a way for us to think like God does; that is, to learn from God, to listen to him, to believe what he tells us. It’s the way of prayer and faith. Basically that’s no different than learning from any great teacher. When we learn from a great teacher, we absorb their thoughts, their insights, their perspective, their truth. We begin to think like them. When God tells us something and we listen and we believe it, we’re seeing and knowing as God sees and knows, even if we can’t fully understand everything at the time. We’re beginning to think like God does. Peter’s problem was he stopped listening to Jesus when Jesus started talking about suffering and he started to dictate to Jesus the way things were going to be. That’s when he got into trouble.
We’ve been called to a life of prayer and faith. For us today, with freedom of religion, it is not as challenging for us to live that life as it was for those who followed Christ in the earliest days of the Church. People really did lose their lives and their fortunes for being Christians. We are blessed that we do not have to make the kind of life or death choice Christians did way back then. If we feel fortunate about it, shouldn’t we be willing to share our faith with others? One good way to do that would be to invite them to come to church with you or to come to our RCIA program which begins this Wednesday.
Coming to Mass, as we are doing now, teaches us to think as God does. We listen to what God speaks to us in the Scriptures. We profess our faith in his word. As we struggle with our own crosses and difficulties, we celebrate how Jesus overcame his sufferings and his cross through the resurrection. In that event we are given a vision of God’s plan of victory for all who live in his grace. Amen.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jeremiah 20: 10-13
I heard so many disparaging me,
'Terror on every side!
Denounce him! Let us denounce him!'
All those who were on good terms with me
watched for my downfall,
'Perhaps he will be seduced into error.
Then we shall get the better of him
and take our revenge!'
But Yahweh is at my side
like a mighty hero;
my opponents will stumble, vanquished,
confounded by their failure;
everlasting, unforgettable disgrace
will be theirs.
Yahweh Sabaoth,
you who test the upright,
observer of motives and thoughts,
I shall see your vengeance on them,
for I have revealed my cause to you.
Sing to Yahweh,
praise Yahweh,
for he has delivered the soul of one in need
from the clutches of evil doers.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 22, 2008
INTRODUCTION: The prophet, Jeremiah lived in Israel about 600 years before Christ. The Babylonian destruction of Israel was immanent. The Babylonians came from modern day Iraq. Their capital, Babylon, was located just 100 miles south of Baghdad. Jeremiah was warning God’s people that they could avoid the destruction that was on its way if they started living according to God’s laws (most of which were being flagrantly ignored or violated. The people didn’t like the message, so they decided to kill Jeremiah. His words in today’s first reading reflect the pain and misery he experienced for being faithful to his mission. We should not be shocked when we hear him pray that God take vengeance on his persecutors. After all, he was human and not as perfect as Jesus who was able to pray for those who crucified him.
Our first reading leads into the gospel. As we heard last Sunday, Jesus had just chosen his twelve apostles. In today’s gospel he prepares to send them out as missionaries. He is warning them their message will not always be well received, they may even suffer and die for it, but they must preach with courage and not be afraid of what might happen to them if they meet rejection
– Pope John Paul II had as his motto: “Be not afraid.” Of course, he was quoting our Lord whom we just heard give the same mandate to his apostles in today’s gospel, “Do not be afraid.” Since God knows how many hairs are on our head and is aware when even a little sparrow dies, then he’s aware of every detail of our own lives. Although he is aware, and cares, he does not guarantee us that bad things will not happen to us. Ups and downs are part of our existence and they even happened to God’s holy prophets and to Jesus himself. Because God is aware and he cares he tells us not to fear, for he is in control and will make everything turn out right for those who are faithful to him.HOMILY
“Be not afraid.” Sometimes that’s easier said than done. Fear is built into us and we feel it when we feel threatened. If fear were not a part of our nature, we wouldn’t even exist today, because long ago our ancestors would not have had sense to get out of the way of charging wild animals, saber tooth tigers or poisonous snakes. Nor would we be moved to get out of the way of cars and trucks coming at us 50 miles an hour. Fear enables us to survive, to know when to fight, to know when to run. But sometimes it gets out of control and takes over our life, whether that fear comes from a real threat or an imagined one. Faith is a big help to deal with fear, and sharing our fears with a trusted friend can be helpful, but sometimes fear is so controlling that counseling or medication is required.
I think when Jesus tells us not to fear, he’s not talking about the spontaneous reaction we feel when we are threatened, he’s telling us not to worry and to put our trust in him that things will come out alright in the end. The words of St. Paul, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God” (Rom 8,28), have been a constant help to me to stay together during very trying times. One thing Jesus does tell us to fear is God! “Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.” In Old Testament times Gehenna was a place of human sacrifice to pagan idols. At the time of Jesus it was a garbage dump, which was constantly burning. Thus Gehenna became the symbol of evil and hell. Jesus’ words confuse some people! Aren’t we supposed to love God, but if we fear him, how can we love him? Doesn’t St. John tell us “perfect love casts out fear?” All of that is true. For those who have a “reward and punishment” view of life, a little fear might help them stay on the straight and narrow. For those who have moved beyond the “reward and punishment” stage, this fear that Jesus talks about is the fear of being unfaithful to God or having a sense of awe, respect and reverence when we approach God. Those who fear God in this way will approach him with awe, respect and reverence frequently. In either case, a little healthy fear of God will greatly reduce our fear of other things in life, including death itself.
I know from many years of dealing with people that if we are at peace with God and know the Lord is with us, there will be fewer things in life that can upset us or frighten us. Amen.
From Blue Book 16
August 24, 1997
Talk About Fatima, May 13, 1997 Rosary
and August 19, 1997 Rosary
From Blue Book 15
Excerpts from May 13, 1997 Rosary
Morrow, Ohio
Mary appeared at Fatima 6 times, in May, June, July, August, September and October, but in August, she came on the 19th of the month because the children had been locked in jail. But, listen to the words in the rosary that I spoke on May 13th. First, I talked about Conyers and the wind blowing and what happened, and then these two statues blew over and everything we had blew over, all the chairs and the first thing I thought of on May 13th was us going to let everything blow.I mean I was going to take cover. That’s how bad it was. I didn’t care about my music or nothing, I was running for the house. That’s how bad it was. I mean, it was like your instinct is inside you - RUN because you need to take cover. But, that’s how bad it was. Here’s what it said in the May 13th rosary. So, this is prophecy one about the wind in Conyers and then the statues blew over. Because the way that these messages have been blocked has majorly affected the completion of the Fatima message and the love of the Eucharist. So, here it is. This is like Prophecy 2. And this is in the rosary on May the 13th. I’m speaking and I say, “On August the 13th consequently, Our Lady did not appear to the children on the 13th. The authorities fearing reaction on the part of the people quickly released the children, for they were locked in jail. Mary appeared on August 19th. She told them she was greatly displeased by the actions of the mayor and; as a result, the miracle promised for October would not be as impressive as
originally planned.” I quoted that out of Fr. Carter’s The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje book. And then, in the next sentence, I say “If the Fatima message had been held back, if it has been blocked as it has been for 80 years, if the children of Fatima were locked in jail; what makes us think that we would not suffer as we are suffering today? But God has allowed this. And so, we must realize that in His permissive will, that this is the will of the Father.” So, here it is on May the 13th where I’m talking about August 13th and August 19th. So, you’ll hear that in the rosary. I think it’s in the third mystery. Also, just to say what’s in this rosary so that you look for this when you hear the rosary. Because our purpose here is to lead the world into one flock with one Shepherd.
Majorly, we will help contribute to that in this Movement. That’s our function. All the people that are left are people that are firmly rooted in the truth. So, we are very strong people that are left. So, through this, what ended up happening is He did separate the sheep from the goats, which is what He says He’s going to do here in the front of the rosary. He’s telling us what we have to do. And He’s telling us these five things are really coming from the Father, but they came from Jesus first. We
have to start prayer chapters because the Father said, it’s real strong in this rosary. If you start prayer chapters, we can avert the chastisements to come. I mean, it’s real clear, we got to get that message out. So that’s why those cards are so important. Because if the people are praying the prayers, the chastisements He says will be, and/or averted. I don’t know how He says it, it’s in the rosary exactly - lessened and/or averted. So here’s the things that He’s telling us we’ve got to do.
This is May 13th, and it was in the Father’s message in January. We’ve got to start prayer chapters. We’ve got to spread the newsletter to the priests. He wants the
Mass Book, the Children’s Rosary Book out. And, the other thing that we kept getting told was about the Apostles’ Manual and to spread these cards that are telling people to start prayer chapters. Because if we do the prayer chapters, it will immensely help with stopping the chastisements. That’s what He wants. He wants people to honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary especially which is in all the prayers. So those are the five things that He’s really talking about, and you’ll hear this all through the rosary. This is the other thing I have to tell you. Early on, when I started getting the messages that would be published, I was in the front of St. Gertrude’s Church, and the crucifix was up there, and I heard the Father speak. Now, the Father until January of this year had never really given me a big message. I only heard from Him a couple of times and He said like a sentence except one other time He said a small paragraph. But after Mary appearing every day for 14 months, and Jesus giving all these messages and them not being followed, then the Father started speaking. So inside of this, you’ll hear how many times in the rosary I referred to the Father, the Father, the Father, the Father. Well, the reason I’m bringing this up is because I had this following experience.Before the messages were really going out public a lot, I was in the front of St. Gertrude’s Church and I went up there, and I looked at the crucifix and the Father spoke. And the Father said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Then every time I go up there, I would hear that voice speak that to me. So this is what He says. That’s all He said. He said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus gave all these messages and was giving them. Mary appeared every day for fourteen months. Mary continued to appear on the fifth of the month for two and a half years. And we got blocked so bad at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center and the Falmouth Farm and then on December 5th, Jesus appeared on the cross to me at Holy Cross-Immaculata. Jesus appeared at the point of death. When Jesus appeared at Immaculata at the point of death, He looked like He was almost dead on the cross; full-bodied and it was awful. That’s all I can say, it was awful. I have that picture glued inside me. But to say it in words is nothing like what it is inside me. And His mouth was moving. And He was doing this because – and I didn’t get a message until that night in the rosary – “but people are not listening”. So this is December 5th. His mouth was moving because people aren’t listening. Then on August 20th, I tried to go to these different Churches to go to the tabernacle. And the only way that I could go to the Church was to go to St. Gertrude’s. I got to St. Gertrude’s Church, and I was just filled up with the love of God. I just was crying. I was so filled up with this love of God, I just could hardly stand it. And, the crucifix was transfigured before my face. And, Jesus was just adorned in the greatest light that you just cannot imagine. So this is the second time that Jesus has appeared on the cross. And, I was just overwhelmed with wanting to spread this devotion to the Eucharist. I was just crying so hard and saying “Please help us spread this, please help us to get people to love You, Jesus, in the Eucharist; and help us to have these Centers where we can have Eucharist adoration”. And I was just crying, I was just so overwhelmed with doing this. And then His head turned because His head is like to His shoulder and then His head turned and He looked down. And I saw His face clearly. And at this point His body is still adorned in this immense light and then I heard the voice of the Father speak and the Father spoke and He said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.”
And then I kept hearing that “Listen to Him.” “Listen to Him.” “Listen to Him.” These are the words that were in the message on August 4th. It is in obedience to these messages that we will get the funds. There’s no way that we’re going to spread this Movement to the far ends of the earth. It is only in doing what He’s telling us to do. I mean it’s like, we can’t do this, the small amount that we are. It’s only by God’s grace. So the things that I want you to note in this rosary are this - I did not tell anybody to transcribe this rosary and I didn’t tell Carol to transcribe part of the rosary on Tuesday. These are the only two rosaries out of all of them that we’ve done that’s been transcribed. So Debby decided to do this rosary. Maybe we would get it out. But, anyway, so Debby decides to transcribe it. And in it, you’ll see where, and I never refer to this either, the white flag of victory, that there will be a white flag of victory across the earth. This is what it’s saying in here. Several times it talks about this white flag of victory. So, you know, we do at least two rosaries a week, so this one is like the only one that got discerned and so is the other one. And these people stuffed them in my face. And, anyway, so I want you to note how He’s talking about, we will carry this white flag of victory across the earth. We will in the future. And, then He talks about being transfigured in the front of Immaculata. I referred to that. Well, then, this is like the victorious Jesus appeared on the cross on August 20th. And we will be victorious in this Movement if we do what? Listen to Him.
This is the message of the Father, that we must listen to Him.We must try to spread the prayer chapters, that’s immensely important to the completion of the Fatima message. We must spread the Priestly Newsletter. We can’t get caught up in the money. We have to do what He said. What did He say to do? He said to pray hourly. He kept saying all along. “Fr. Carter is your spiritual director. Now this is what you have to do. You all have to pray every hour.” And He really trained us to learn how to pray, didn’t He? We’re different people than August 5th. I know that on my prayer list, that the prayers are answered. We pray and they’re answered by praying that Infant of Prague Novena. We pray and we know that our prayers, He really has trained us into being people of prayer, and it gets results. But, anyhow, so think about the white flag of victory that He says we will carry. Think about the fact that He appeared now the second time December 5th, 1996, He was at the point of death on the cross. He looked awful. It was awful. What I saw was horrible. Jesus appeared on August 20th, 1997 adorned in the greatest light as to be transfigured. And this is the rosary, some of the excerpts from the rosary that I got that night, Carol says, “Ah, Rita, you got to transcribe that, that has these messages in it about victory, victory.” So, anyway, this is what Jesus said in that rosary, on Tuesday night.
“Your movement will spread forth to the far ends of the earth, but it is faith that I am calling you to My beloved ones, you must have faith in your hearts, for this is a sign that I give to you this day. If you do not believe, you will not be able to continue ahead, for you must move ahead in faith. It is the only way that you must operate. You cannot operate trying to logically think your way across this world. It is only in believing and obeying the messages that the job will get done.It is My Might that will lead this Movement to the far corners of the earth. Open your pockets and let us see your money. Do you have the money to do the things that I have asked you to do? It is in prayer, hourly prayer and begging for the funds, realizing that it is in your prayer, that it is in your endurance, that it is in your faith and your sacrifices that your prayers will be answered. You must pray hourly the Novena to the Infant of Prague and I will answer your prayers, and you My beloved ones will know the results when you pray.”
excerpt from August 19th, 1997 RosaryR.
Jesus speaks in another message given in the rosary.Jesus:
“I have given to you the greatest gift this day. I am Jesus, and I have come to you and I have asked you to open wide your heart and to thank Me for the gift I have given, for if the answer would have been different how would your hearts be this night, and how was it with the lepers, when I gave to them the great gift and they did not come and say thanks, but you are My holy ones that I am sending into this world and your hearts must be filled with joy. I have asked you over and over again to sing to Me with a heart that is filled with joy. I have given to you songs that I wrote Myself for you to sing of the love of My Heart. I am Jesus, the Son of God and you are the apostles of this new era. As you go out into the dark night the light will shine behind you and many will know the light of My Heart. Do not be discouraged, for the very hairs of your head are numbered and I am with you at this very moment, guarding and watching you, give Me your heart My shepherds. I have given to you a great gift this day, give Me your thanks and continue to pray. It is through prayer that you will accomplish all that the Father intends you to accomplish. I am Jesus, the Son of God. I have chosen you, I have called you and you will accomplish the work that the Father intends you to through prayer. Do not be discouraged, but encouraged for I am God and I am with you. Think of how it was before, when you did not share your love with so many others, but I have given you each other and I have bound your hearts in one heart and you come here because your hearts are filled with great joy. The more you love and the more the Movement spreads, the more will be the blessings, for as the love expounds and gets larger, the love is more full, for your love is rooted in Me and the more you love deeply the more full the love you will have. This is how it will be, one body in Me, and you will love many and you will know them deeply in your heart and your heart is full My shepherds, because I have taught you My ways of love and given you each other. You are My holy family and I love you. I have called you and so you say “why me?”, and I say to you “why this Saint, or that Saint or why the Blessed Mother, why were you called?”. You were called because I love you and I have given to you a great grace to be My shepherd in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.” excerpt from August 19th, 1997 RosaryR.
Jesus speaks in another meditation.Jesus:
“Come away with Me, My young ones. Come into the field and taste of the beauty of the air and the beauty of this day with the most beautiful flowers that I have created for you. Do you see the beauty in each petal of the flower, or are your eyes covered with mud that you do not see? I have lifted the veil for you today and I have showed you My way. My way is the way of trust and faith and I told you in the message on Sunday that you must have faith and endurance, for I took you to the darkest night to the pointiest tunnel, to the place where you thought that you would never return and at that point I opened up through a little hole the light of day and it came streaming in and you perceived and you felt My presence, which is greater than all the things of this earth. Wipe the grin off your face you silly earth, for you have ran after so many foolish things, when I stood there adorned in white before you,” excerpt from August 19th, 1997 RosaryR.
This is what leads me to believe that the victory is coming. Because now He matches what was said in the May 13th rosary.Jesus:
“When I stood there adorned in white before you...” excerpt from August 19th, 1997 RosaryR.
Then the next day, He appeared on the cross adorned in the greatest light.Jesus:
“... in the most glorious robes and you did not perceive that the Almighty God was alive and so I have called and I have told you and I have allowed you, My shepherds, to suffer, but the days ahead will be days of great victory, for I come to you clothed in white and adorned in a gold veil ...” excerpt from August 19th, 1997 RosaryR.
That’s just like He was covered with gold up there. This is wonderful. I mean this was like the next day when He appeared on the cross.Jesus:
“... for I come to you clothed in white and adorned in a gold veil and you see that God lives and you will carry the white flag across this earth. You My shepherds, have won and the victory is yours. Did you fall in the mud and did you skin your knees, did you feel your head ache as Mine ached in the garden, did you feel the thorns poke deeply into your skull, and did you feel the ripping of your flesh as the sword went into your skin? I am Jesus, I am God, I will not be undone. I am Almighty and all powerful to the ends of the earth. You will know My Might and you will not be afraid, but you will not know this if you do not trust, for I have told you the secrets in My messages, but you do not read as if you believe, you read half heartedly. You must believe with all your heart that I speak to you to be heard, for you truly are the shepherds that will go across this earth and carry the white flag,...” excerpt from August 19th, 1997 RosaryR.
And after He said that, “You must believe with all your heart that I speak to be heard”, the next day Jesus appeared on the cross and the Father says, “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.”Jesus:
“... You must believe with all your heart that I speak to you to be heard, for you truly are the shepherds that will go across this earth and carry the white flag, but you do not have this conviction within your heart, so therefore you do not do all that I have asked you to do, your belief is wishy-washy and you do not believe with a conviction of a strong heart. I am calling you My shepherds this night to renew your faith and your endurance to realize that I am God and I have spoken here to you this evening. I am alive, I am alive, I am alive and I am with you, I am your God.You wanted the light all the time and the light was not in the plan of the Father. It comes in light and it comes in darkness, it comes in death and it comes in victory, it comes in death and it comes in Resurrection, it comes in pain, and it comes in joy, but this world tells you today to look for only the joy and when you do not find it to do everything that you can to fill your selfish pleasurish whims that you have within you. I tell you that you must fall to your knees, that your knees will be scuffed and that you will suffer and your flesh will be tom and your head will be crowned with thorns, but you will come forth from the tomb with a veil of white across your face and you will say this is the victory that we have won because we have lived in Him.”
excerpt from August 19th, 1997 RosaryR.
Now, I didn’t know anything about what’s in this rosary because I can never remember when I get the meditations till somebody types it off the tape. But, the thing of it is, is He said that He appeared on the cross as the resurrected Jesus in a message that I got, like the day after He appeared on the cross. So, what’s in the message is: You’ll hear what He’s saying May 13th about carrying this flag of victory and that we will carry it. And there was one other thing that I had to talk about. Father was talking about some things being sent to the provincial. Jesus called a rosary for married couples and those couples are both members that are rooted in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. And, we had the first rosary on Thursday. And He told them that their mission was immensely important to the Shepherds of Christ Movement. And, so those couples especially need to send a letter up to the provincial and to tell them what the Shepherds of Christ Movement has done to draw you into greater oneness. But, immensely, what is happened in your life, I know, has drawn you ever closer in oneness with Jesus and each other. But that’s why I think Jesus had that rosary scheduled for that day. So that we would be ready to go. You have already been primed by that rosary and called to do it, to write the letter, to say how it’s helped. So, it’s real important that they hear the positive feedback, what this is doing for your life. Because a lot of us just don’t say anything,I mean, we don’t write letters. Because the devil really wants us stopped. And do it as soon as you can, because it’s real important that it goes there soon. Ellen wanted me to play Be Not Afraid.
Be Not AfraidR.
I just have to read this first.Matthew 5: 3, 5, 10
How blessed are the poor in spirit:
the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
Blessed are those who mourn:
they shall be comforted.
Blessed are those who are persecuted
in the cause of uprightness:
the kingdom of Heaven is theirs.R.
So, when you listen to this rosary, please realize the Father is speaking the three times when Jesus appeared on the cross. And before I ever got this message from the Father in 1997 the only time He did speak that I can remember, He might have spoke a little bit on some message somewhere in a Blue Book, I can’t remember, but these are the main ones that I can remember. He spoke once and He said, “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”; when Jesus was hanging onthe cross. And then in January 5th of 1995 He spoke and I was really frustrated in the front of the Holy Spirit Center and He said, ‘My plan will unfold despite all the willfulness’. And then on December 5th of 1995, He gave me this little tiny message that talked about the willfulness. And then the next major time that I heard from the Father was in January of 1997. And that’s what this refers to. And He says, “This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him.” And listen to how much the Father is talked about on this tape. I mean it’s like this is coming out of my mouth. But all through this tape, I had referred to the Father on the 13th of May. So, this is it. The tape was destroyed. This is how it was on August 13th when those angels appeared. The tape was really messed up. We didn’t have the things. On this tape, all we heard was wind. We had to take it off of Harold’s video and then Harold’s video went out in the fourth mystery when I talked about Conyers. So, that’s not on this tape. We’ll have to read those meditations. But, the devil obviously did not want this tape to go out. What else is interesting is on October 13th, we had that siren go off for ten minutes or something, remember that? Right at this real intimate time of the rosary with Jesus and this siren, for ten minutes.
Just for the new people, this rosary, how it’s delivered is, John or Fr. Carter lead all the rosaries and then Jesus just tells me what to say. So, I just sit there and They tell me. Whatever comes out of my mouth just comes out of my mouth while I’m sitting there. Usually I have my eyes closed and They just talk to me and I speak whatever They’re telling me. It comes out of my mouth. So then it’s transcribed off the tape and the tapes are circulated and it’s written up. So that’s how this rosary is received.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Apostles Creed
Glorious Mysteries
The Resurrection
R. “...and the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. We have been given so many messages that will help renew the Church and the world. We have been given prayers in the prayer manual, that will help to turn the priests hearts to holy priests. And this is our mission, our mission is to help renew the Church and the world and bring about the completion of the Fatima message. The Fatima mission has been oppressed for 80 years. It has been blocked over and over again in the Church and in the world. Do we think that Mary will go away? Do we think that the Father will change His plan because of willful men? Is this not the reason why we are in this state to begin with? For it is that Eve ate of the fruit and Adam and Eve sinned, an act of the will in which they did their will over God’s. And it is that the Father is well pleased when we obey His will. How is our world today? Is our world aligned with the will of the Father or are we a willful race? I would like to read to you the message of the Father given on January the 18th. It is most important that you also read this message and the message of the Father from January 11th and study these messages. We must see things as from the Father’s perspective as from the I Am. We must see them in their whole view. We are creatures that are walking the earth but we must see that sinful man has disobeyed the Father and that we must make reparation to Him for our sins. Adam and Eve sinned. God came into this world to save us from our sins. Mary appears at Fatima and she tells us, “You must, my beloved children, come through my Immaculate Heart. You must make reparation. You must tell God that you are sorry for your sins,” and we ignore her. But she promises to us that there will be a great reign in which the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign, in which men will know God in this great light similar to before when Adam and Eve had the light, that there will be this great era of intimacy with God, and man will know God. But why, why, should God lead us in to the great era of peace and love? Have we shown God that we recognize the fact that we are sinners, that we are sorry for our sins, that we come to Him as little dependent children, that we love God with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole being, and that we want to make reparation for our sins? Or do we come with haughty hearts, with willfulness and we do not listen to the Father? Why should we go into this new era? The new era will come about. It will come about peaceably if we do what they have told us to do. The Father is telling us now very strongly exactly what we must do. We must begin these prayer chapters to help to lead the priests to holiness, to help renew the Church and the world, to help to bring about consecration in the hearts of the priests, of the sisters, of the people. The Father is telling us what to do. He gave great gifts at Falmouth. This is what He said, “I gave great gifts to you allowing Mary to appear and because of willful men they did not cherish these gifts and so I used Falmouth as an example of the chastisements to come if you do not obey. And what am I telling you to do, My children? I am telling you to begin these prayer chapters. I am telling you to pray as my Son Jesus has instructed you to pray. I am telling you to spread this priestly newsletter that it will greatly renew the Church and the world.” The devil will try to do everything he can to stop us. But the Father has told us over and over again that we must begin these prayer chapters, that we must pray these prayers fervently ourselves, that there will be this era of great peace and love. In December, if you study the all night message, (December 29, 1996) if you study the messages of Jesus and Mary, you see the intensity as it builds. Mary says, “I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any more.” October the 5th, “His hand is struck with power.” Jesus appears on the cross on December the 5th after Mary appeared for two years and four months and His mouth is moving and He says, later, that no one is listening to Him. Then I received strong messages December the 19th, December the 22nd. December the 19th Mary says that she appears on a building in Florida because we have made money our God. She also says that “the time is nigh.” And Jesus gives to me a strong message for the first time and He said, “There will be chastisements and the moon will turn to blood and I am telling you what you must do. You must go to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The grace is outpoured in the Mass.” On December the 22nd, He gives another message where He speaks about chastisements. All of these messages in the sequence is very important to the Father’s plan. They are in the Apostles Manual. The Father begins to speak in January and He says, “You have ignored my Son and now you will ignore Me?” And so I received the strongest messages all through December and February to where I had knots in my stomach and He kept talking about Falmouth and He kept saying how we did not cherish the gifts that He had given. And then there was the flood. And after this the Father said that this was only a little example of what is to come if we do not do as He has asked us to do. It is so simple. We are children that are willful. We are children that must obey our Father. We must pray. We must tell Him that we are sorry for our sins. The prayers in the prayer manual are the prayers that Jesus gave to us to help to turn the priests to holy priests, to help to renew the Church and the world, and to help to bring about the completion of the Fatima message. The priestly newsletter is written by Father Carter but Jesus is writing the newsletter through him to teach His priests about His burning love, to teach them all that they need to know to be holy priests celebrating the Mass and ministering to all of the people. This is a great gift from God and in all great gifts that are given we experience much suffering as we see in the life of Jesus, for He died but He rose on the third day.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary2.
R. “The message of the angel from Fatima says this: “The angel came… bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood were falling from the Host into the chalice. Presently, the angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground saying, this beautiful Prayer: ‘Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.’”(The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 9) Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary3.
R. “And so He came and He rose on the third day to give us life and we share in His Divine life. And He gives to us Himself in the Holy Eucharist. In the Mass, the sacrifice of Calvary is sacramentally made present. It is at this time that we must tell God that we are sorry for our sins, that we want to make reparation for our sins, that we give our hearts to God. For as we unite in this sacrifice with Jesus on the cross to the Father, we make this great act of reparation for our sins. We are a sinful race. We will be blessed and given great gifts when we act as the Father intends us to act. We are sinful. We have as the Father said “run amok”. We are doing our own wills. And so the Father speaks on January the 18th and He says, “I am the Father. My plan is unfolding through you, My beloved priest and Rita and the core group in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. I tell you all to read the accounts of Noah. Nowhere in history has God been offended as He is this day by this sinful world. You will suffer a fate for your offenses against God. Mary appeared at Fatima to warn you, the sinful children, how they are offending God, but you did not listen. The war did not change the hearts of many evil men.” Eighty years ago Mary appeared at Fatima and she told us what we should do and we did not pay attention. And Mary said, “If you do not do what I tell you to do, there will be a great war.” And the whole world suffered from World War II because they did not listen to their heavenly Mother. “I warn you through My beloved daughter, Mary. You did not heed her warnings. Disobedience against the Mother I gave you displeases Me greatly. Mary is the Mother of all children. Mary is a gift from Me, but you are willful and abuse the gift I sent you.You do not make reparation to her Immaculate Heart; you continue to offend her. I will not tolerate the deeds of evil men any longer. My plan will unfold.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary4.
R. “Jesus came to this earth and He gave Himself as a sacrifice for love of men. I saw Him on the cross with His withered body. I saw Him at the point of death and I saw His mouth move and He said later that no one is listening. Do we not hear the words of our beloved Savior as He speaks to us over and over again in the Mass? How are our minds when we go to the Mass? Are we focused and trying to be in one heart with our beloved Savior in offering the Holy Sacrifice in order to make reparation to the Father? Is this our consuming desire: to give love to the Almighty God? For this is the greatest act of love that God gives Himself to us in the Mass. We are a blind race. We are willful. We are haughty. Jesus has given to us these messages in order that we will turn our hearts to hearts of love, that we will turn our hearts to hearts that praise God, that love God and love one another, that we tell God that we are sorry for the offenses that we have committed against Him, and that we will – obey Him and love Him and live according to the Father’s will.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary5.
R. And so the Father speaks, “I am the Father, the Almighty God, the Alpha and Omega; you are a sinful people, a chosen race sinning against a loving God. I am angered at your ways for they are not My ways. You have run amok. You have offended your God and You have disobeyed your Mother and My beloved Son Who died for you.” The Father warned and He has warned again and He has told us what we must do. The resurrected Lord is here with us this day. He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist and He is treated with such indifference and such disrespect. And this is what the angel speaks of in the Fatima message, “I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 9) Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary6.
R. The angel continues and says, “Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 10) Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary7.
R. And so the Father speaks, “I will act on all who continue in such sin. The sheep will be separated from the goats; the goats will receive punishment for their deeds. Heaven and earth will kiss and there will be love in all hearts. Justice will prevail and My children will be children of light, children that obey as I intended from the beginning.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary8.
R. “Let us turn our hearts to our beautiful Savior Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself to His death on the cross and Who rose on the third day. Let us be the soldiers that He has called us to be in the bitter pain and the suffering that we suffer to go forth and to spread the word of God. Let us ask for the grace to suffer this persecution, but realize that as Mary promised at Fatima that there will be this great reign of peace in which the Sacred Heart of Jesus will Reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph, that we have majorly been called by God here this day to hear this message.Jesus:
I give to you, My children, I give to you My Sacred Heart. I am asking you to march into the darkness and to carry the light, the light that comes forth from My burning Heart of love. You will be pressed on. You will be stamped on. You will suffer and be persecuted, for the devil wants you stopped. You must be strong. You must know that I am strengthening you for the task at hand. You will be strong soldiers. You wear the marks of battle. You are marching into a world in which many are godless to carry My light.R.
I see our beloved Jesus before me as I saw Him once at Immaculata adorned in the brightest light and transfigured before my face. This will be the banner of light that we will carry into this darkened earth. But we must stay rooted firmly in Him. We must give our hearts to Jesus and to Mary, that we will be pure, that we will be able to withstand the torture that we will suffer as we go into battle as soldiers carrying the white flag which will lead to victory.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary9.
R. “Does not Jesus wear the marks of battle? I see Him now. When I go to the Eucharist, I see Him as the Jesus on the front of the Apostles’ Manual with His hands outstretched and the blood in His hands. Look at His wounds; they are glorified wounds. He wore the marks of battle and He came forth victorious in the end. We too will come forth victorious, for we will wear a white flag and we will carry the message of our beloved Savior into this world. Many will know about Him, will know about His love and His Divine Life because we will tell them what He has shared with us.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 RosarySong:
A Song from Jesus
Jesus: “Are you afraid? Are you afraid, My beloved ones, to march into battle? How are your hearts, are they rooted in Me or are they fearful? I am the Almighty God. It is with My might that you will go forth into this world and there will be victory, for I have won and many hearts will turn to hearts of love as you march forth into the darkness and carry My flag of light ...” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 RosaryR.
Here He talks about the flag again.Jesus:
“...and the hearts will be lighted with the fire of My love. Their hearts will be alive with My burning love. Look at your world this day. Look at the children, how many hearts are alive with God’s love? How many children are being told about My love? How many people this day are focused on so many things, but do not even give Me a thought? You are the soldiers I am sending. Will you say “no” when it gets tough? I will weed out the strong ones from those that are not truly committed. And it will be with this small in number that the soldiers will march forth into this world, and they will carry ...” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 RosaryR.
and He says it again. Jesus: “... the flag of victory.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary
The Ascension
R. “It is His Might that will accomplish this task, not mine, not yours, but His Might, as we identify more and more with Him. And so what does He give to us in order that we can unite more with Him? He gives us Himself in the Holy Eucharist. We share in such intimacy with the divine God. We walk down the aisle and we receive God within our breast. Why do we fear when the Almighty God loves us so much that He gave Himself as a sacrifice on the cross, and He remains with us this day and He gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist?”Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary
2. Song:
I Am The Bread of Life3.
Jesus: “I love you. I love you. I love you. I am with you at this very moment. No matter how you feel in your heart give all your cares to Me and I will bathe you in My precious love. I am the Almighty God. I give to you a sharing in My Divine life and My Divine love.”R.
“I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended. Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 9-10)Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary
R. “And so He gives to us an abundant sharing in His divine life when we go to the Eucharist. And how is He treated? Horribly outraged. Are we honoring God? Are we praising God? Are we giving thanks to God? Are we loving God? Jesus has given to us the Mass Book. He has given to us the writings of Father Carter in the priestly newsletter in order to instruct the priests more so that they will turn their hearts to hearts of burning love, love for their Savior, that they will consecrate their hearts and give their hearts to Jesus and Mary. And what about reparation? Do we even hear about this? Look at this, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally made present. I know that I am a sinner. But I know this, I know that if I go to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that I can unite in deep union with Christ. And in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, I unite in deep union with Christ and offer myself to the Father and tell God, “I am sorry for my sins, and for the sins of all men.” We are a nation. We are a race. We must make reparation to God for the creatures of this earth. We must cry out at the Lamb of God, “Lamb of God, have mercy on us, have mercy on us.” The Father is displeased with the creatures of this earth. They are our brothers. This is what is being said in the Fatima message: we must make reparation to God for we are creatures that have offended our God and we must give Him our love and tell Him that we are sorry.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary5.
R. “We unite in this deep union with Jesus when we give our heart to the heart of Mary. How many times I am at the Mass and I see my sins before me. And I just say, “Oh, Jesus I love You so much and I want to be one with You so much, Jesus.” I say, “Mary, I give you my heart that I can be pure in your heart and unite deeply to the Heart of Christ.” As I unite with Jesus in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as my sacrifice becomes one with His sacrifice and I offer it to the Father and tell Him that I am sorry for my sins and the sins of all men, this is most pleasing. We must make reparation to God, for we are a sinful race. We are offending God. This is what Mary tells us, she tells us that we must make reparation. Why should God give us the light? Why should He take us into the new era? Men march around this earth with haughty hearts. They ignore God. They do not even tell Him that they are sorry for their sins. They do not even recognize that they have been tainted by the sin of Adam. They are haughty in their hearts. And Mary appears and she says, “You are offending God. You are a sinful race. You must give your heart to me and when you give your heart to me, you will unite in such depth with my Son Jesus. Offer a sacrifice to the Father. Offer a sacrifice united to the sacrifice of Jesus. Make reparation for your sin, men. I am your Mother. I am telling you what to do.” And so what do we do? We curse our Mother. We ignore our Mother. We do not do what our Mother tells us. Eve decided that she would do what she wanted. What is wrong with us that we do not see that we must obey, obey the will of God.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary6. Song:
We Have Been Told7.
R. “And I heard Him call out on Ascension Thursday several years ago, “I am alive. I am alive. I am alive.” How is God treated this day? He said that He is treated as a dead object and how it offends Him so greatly when people go to the Eucharist, especially, and they do not even talk to Him or give thought to Him. This morning at Mass the whole front of the Church was covered in a celestial light and I saw the altar of sacrifice. And then Jesus was exposed after the Mass and I had such a realization of how we make great reparation to God when we unite to the sacrifice of Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and we offer ourselves as a sacrifice to the Father and we tell Him that we are sorry for our sinfulness. We must do what God is telling us to do. We must spread these messages. We must spread the Mass Book and Father Carter’s Newsletter Book. Priests need to have hearts that are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. They must give their heart to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that they can be so one in their relationship with Jesus. The world is in need of renewal. There is much poison in the Church and the world. And so we come and we shake our books of prayers and we say, “Pray for the priests. Pray for the priests.” We do not have to say. “Jesus said that you should pray for the priests.” All we have to do is take the book with the Imprimatur and say to the people in the churches, ‘This will help renew the Church and the world. It will help priests to be holy priests. It is all in prayer.’ We must do what Mary said at Fatima and consecrate our hearts. When we pray these prayers, we are doing what Mary told us to do and it will help to bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He is alive and He is treated as a dead object in many cases. We are the soldiers, the soldiers of light, to carry the light into the darkness. And as men consecrate their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as they are born and brought forth in the womb of the Lady clothed as the sun, brought forth in her Immaculate womb, they will be brought forth children of light and will know God with the greatest love, for to know Him is to love Him. How I long for this great Reign when men’s hearts will be burning and on fire for the love of God.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary8. Song:
I Love You Jesus
R. “And He speaks and He says, “I love you. I love you. I love you. I give Myself to you.” And the angel said at Fatima how horribly outraged is the Almighty God. It is up to us to spread these prayer chapters, to do what He wants us to do, to spread the second Blue Book that people will go to the tabernacle and realize the great gift that they are given in the Mass, to spread the Mass Book which is a great gift for it tells us from Jesus’ point of view what is going on in the Mass, but it will have the Imprimatur so it can be used by the priests and in the Church, and we will not suffer any persecution and men will know the great gift that God gives to us in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is Himself.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary10. Hail Mary
Song between decades:
Come Holy Spirit
The Descent of the Holy Spirit Upon the Apostles
R. Eighty years ago today, May the 13th, 1917, the words of Our Lady, “Do not be afraid. I will do you no harm…. I am from Heaven. I have come here to ask you to come here six months in succession on the 13th day, at the same hour. Later on, I will tell you who I am and what I want. Are you willing to offer yourselves to God and bear all the sufferings He wills to send you, as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, in supplication for the conversion of sinners? Pray the Rosary everyday in order to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorie, p. 12-13) Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary2.
R. On June the 13th, Mary spoke. “There were about 70 people present, and the children were the only ones that could see the apparition. She told the youngsters that many souls go to Hell because they have no one to pray and to make sacrifices for them. She said that Francisco and Jacinta would soon leave the world for Heaven. Holding out her heart, surrounded by thorns which pierced it from all sides, Our Lady told Lucia, ‘God wishes for you to remain in the world for some time because He wants to use you to establish in the world devotion to My Immaculate Heart. I promise salvation to those who embrace it.’” What a promise! “And their are souls will be loved by God as flowers placed by myself to adorn His throne.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorie, p. 13) Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary3.
R. In July, she spoke, and she said, “You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war (World War I, then raging) is going to end. But if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you see a night illuminated by an unknown light [January 2, 1938], know that this is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its many crimes by means of war, hunger and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorie, p. 14)“And so Jesus spoke in December twice and He told me about chastisements and then the Father began to speak. And the Father said, “You have disobeyed Mary. You have disobeyed Jesus. Now you will disobey Me? You will suffer a fate.” And then He spoke of Noah and from that point on until the day of the flood, my stomach was in knots. And then the day of the flood He spoke that the world has so much poison. And at the peak of the poison, He will pour down the antidote in these revelations and they will turn from their sinful ways; but many souls will be lost. And the Father spoke later and He said, “I gave you gifts at Falmouth and you did not respond. I gave to you a chastisement. This is an example of what will happen to the earth if you do not respond. I am telling you to spread the prayer chapters, to pray the prayers and to spread the priestly newsletter, the
Mass Book, and the Priestly Newsletter Book and the Children’s Rosary Book. All of these things have the Imprimatur.” If we do what the Father says, if we make reparation to her Immaculate Heart, He said that He would lessen and/or not give us the chastisements. But if we do not, He said in several messages that He would wipe off the face of the earth. (Father Carter discerned all of these messages, the following messages are in the Apostle’s Manual - January 18, 1997: “Oh indeed My sweet messenger, I look to the earth and see the darkness, I see the disobedience of men against their Mother. I know the deeds committed and the evil in the hearts of so many. Justice will prevail and I will wipe out the earth. Only the children of light will remain, those who have given their hearts to their Mother Mary...”) (Also from January 18, 1997: “You are a sinful, willful race, and the devil will vanish from the hearts of the children of light for they will be under the protection of her Immaculate Heart, the other children will be wiped off the face of the earth.”) (Jesus said December 22, 1996: “I give water to quench your thirst, I bathe you in My divine love, but to the evil doers, I will curse their name and wipe them from the face of the earth.”) (Jesus said March 26, 1996: “Filled with My love, you will conquer this earth, not with weapons and powder or force, but with fires of My love. The fire will wipe out the hatred in the cold hearts and the earth will be covered with My celestial light.” All of these messages where discerned by Father Carter.) The messages are very strong. I beg you to read the messages in this Apostles Manual. It is so simple to just do what they are telling us to do. Do we think that if Mary told us this 80 years ago and we did not obey that the Father will just change His plan because of willful men? This is the whole course of things. It is because of the willfulness of Adam and Eve that the Father is displeased. He is displeased with our sins. He wants us to make reparation, to pray, to honor the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and to go to the Heart of Jesus. How can we say “no” 80 years later when He has called us the soldiers of light, the shepherds, that will go out and will help lead the flock into one fold under His guidance? He has majorly guided us through Father Carter. We have been very graced that God gave us a holy priest and that He did discern all of these messages, that he was here rosary after rosary after rosary and supported us and told us what we must do, that he is God’s chosen instrument to write the priestly newsletter to renew the Church and the world. And so, we speak of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. Let us cry out from the bottom of our hearts, “Dear Holy Spirit, descend upon us and turn our hearts from fearful hearts to fearless hearts that we will be the apostles, as the Father intends us to be, to help to usher in this great era. And we will walk, and as we walk, we will be pressed on and persecuted for the mission that He entrusts to us will help with the salvation of millions of souls, and the devil wants us stopped. Our beloved Father Carter is here in his heart with us. We are all joined in this Movement in one mind and one heart to help to renew the Church and the world, especially through these prayer chapters, through the prayers that Jesus has given us, through the priestly newsletter to pray for the priests, and to consecrate our own hearts and to grow in the deepest oneness with our beloved, adorable Savior.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary4.
R. Mary speaks at Fatima and she says:R.
“If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will scatter her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed…. But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, Russia will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorie, p. 15) Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary5.
R. “On August the 13th, “Consequently Our Lady did not appear to the children on this particular 13th. The authorities fearing reaction on the part of the people, quickly released the children” for they were locked in jail. “Mary appeared to them on August 19th near Valinhos. She told them that she was greatly displeased by the action of the mayor. As a result, the miracle promised for October would not be as impressive as originally planned.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 16) Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary6.
R. “If the Fatima message has been held back, if it has been blocked as it has for 80 years, if the children of Fatima were locked in jail, what makes us think that we would not suffer as we are suffering here today? For it is very hard in my heart that Father Carter is not here. Our president John has helped us in so many ways, and each one of us are the apostles. As we read the Acts of the Apostles and we hear the scriptures every day, we know that our lives are very similar to those of the apostles, and we truly live the gospel message.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary7.
R. “On October 13, 1917, there were more than 70,000 people gathered in the Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal… Shortly afternoon, Our Lady appeared to the three visionaries..., what occurred was the miracle of the sun… Then a gasp of terror rose from the crowd, for the sun seemed to tear itself from the heavens and come crashing down upon the horrified multitude.... Just when it seemed that the ball of fire would fall upon and destroy them, the miracle ceased, and the sun resumed its normal place in the sky, shining forth as peacefully as ever.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorie, p. 4)A great sign was given, but they still did not respond to the great sign of Our Lady. And Our Lady spoke and she said,
“I am Our Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord anymore, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the Rosary.” Our Lady told us we must say the rosary. “Let them continue saying it every day.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 16)“Mary has told us what we must do, but we are not obeying our beloved Mother. Jesus has given to us signs and told us that we must turn from our ways. The Father has spoken and He has given to us a great sign in Falmouth, Kentucky. He is imploring all of us here to be the apostles to help usher in this great era. And so the apostles went forth and there were thousands converted, for they were filled with the Holy Spirit. They were not afraid. And they spoke in foreign tongues and all understood. It is not with our might that we go forth. It is with the Might of the Almighty God. For as we give ourselves to Mary and give ourselves to Him, we unite in deep union with Him and as we become more and more one in Him, He operates through us. He is showing us in these sufferings that He has given to us. I have never learned to pray as I have. I know fervently that I can pray and that God truly is hearing our prayers. But it is not me, it is His Might that is operating here, that we must surrender ourselves totally and let Him operate through us, that we must try to be more one with Him, that we must intercede to all the saints and angels and the Blessed Mother and beg the Father, in union with Jesus, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that this great era of peace will come soon and that men will turn their hearts to hearts of love.”
Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary8.
Acts 2: 1-4When Pentecost day came round, they had all met together, when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and there appeared to them tongues as of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves.
Come Holy Spirit fill our heartsR.
“Jesus has asked us to pray the Infant novena every hour for Father Carter. But in so doing, it is uniting us at every hour on the hour. It is as we unite in one body, as we unite in the Morning Offering, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with one another, as we say this prayer hourly for Father Carter, and we ask, and we seek and we knock that our prayers will be answered that we ask the Father in the name of Jesus, through the powerful intercession of Our Lady that our prayers will be answered, for He is the Almighty God. Look at this. See the Father, the Father above, and He looks down at the earth. He is the I Am. He is not as we are. But He looks down at the earth. He sees the sins of men. He sees us as creatures, as a chosen race that is not obeying God. He sends Mary as a messenger to tell us that we must make reparation for our sins. We disobey. He sends her over and over and over again. Jesus gives to us these messages deep from within His Heart to bring about the reign of His Heart and they are blocked and ignored and treated, not with love, but with much anger, and they are analyzed and people are not treasuring the gift that He gives. Finally the Father speaks. He said, “I am the Father. You have disobeyed Mary. You have disobeyed Jesus. Now you think you will disobey Me? I will chastise the earth.” So He sends to us the gifts, and He gives to us an example in Falmouth, and then He tells us what we must do. Will you be His shepherd? Will you go into the world? Will you help? Will you be the one that fervently prays, this day? He is very disappointed by the prayer life of many of His religious, of many of His faithful. He has called us to pray fervently. We are praying fervently for the religious, for the renewal of the Church and the world. He is calling us to be His apostles. We will see miracles happen, for it is His Might behind us.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary9.
R. “He ascended into heaven, but He left behind the apostles to carry out His work. And He gives to us Himself in the Holy Eucharist, for He is alive and He is truly present in the tabernacle in His Divinity and His humanity. And so we sing the song that He asks us to sing to remind ourselves.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 RosarySong:
I will be with you, that is My promise10.
R. “And He will weed out the army so that what is left is a strong army in order to march into this world, where there is much willfulness and hatred and darkness and He is covering us with His most Precious Blood. I received a message on Friday. He called it Bloody Friday and this is what He said. He was asking us to stop at the hours of 9, 12, 3 and 6 o’clock and to just say a short prayer for the Shepherds of Christ Movement, to cast the devil into hell and He said at these hours when we pray that He will dress us in His Precious Blood. We are being dressed in His Precious Blood, ready to go into battle. Our arms are the weapons that He has given to us. They are His love. Why are we afraid? We go into battle and we carry our rosary. This is a great weapon that Our Lady has given to us to help to fight off satan and she told us at Fatima that we must pray the rosary.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary
The Assumption
R. I told Jesus that I was afraid and Jesus spoke and He said:Jesus:
“Are you afraid? Are you afraid now? I am telling you that you must pray to the Holy Spirit every day. Make a novena to the Holy Spirit continually. The Holy Spirit will transform your hearts from hearts of fear to hearts that are fearless. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior. Your might is in Me. My sweet wonderful loved ones, I give you My Heart on fire and burning for love of you. Will you carry this love into the world? Will you tell those that are hurting, that are suffering, that are in pain that Jesus loves you, that Jesus has given Himself for love of you?R.
He is the light of the world. He shows us that the Almighty God came in the womb of a human creature and He was brought forth. We too must go to our Mother. We must be brought forth as children of light through the action of the Holy Spirit and as we go to the womb of the woman, to her Immaculate Heart, we are brought forth into the light and we know God in a different way. We know God in a way that we can not help but love Him for He opens up the shade and we see. And what we see makes our heart burn for to know Him is to love Him. Now we are a people walking as in a fog for we do not see. We do not know or we would not be offending God.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary2.
R. “On October the 13th, 1917, there were more than 70,000 people gathered in Portugal. They had come to observe the miracle. Lucia and her two cousins, shortly after noon, Our Lady appeared to them and this is what they said. “As the Lady was about to leave, she pointed to the sun. Lucia excitedly repeated the gesture, and the people looked into the sky. The rain had ceased, the clouds had parted, the sun shone forth but not in its usual brilliance. Instead, it appeared like a silver disc, pale as the moon, at which all could gaze without straining their eyes. Suddenly, impelled by some mysterious force, the disc began to whirl in the sky, casting off great shafts of multicolors. Red, green, blue, yellow, violet - the enormous rays shot across the sky at all angles, lighting up the entire countryside for many miles around, but particularly the upturned faces of those 70,000 spellbound people. After a few moments the wonder stopped , but resumed a second and third time - three times in all - within about 12 minutes. It seemed that the whole world was on fire, with the sun spinning at a greater speed each time. Then a gasp of terror from the crowd, for the sun seemed to tear itself from the heavens and come crashing down upon the horrified multitude…. Just when it seemed that the ball of fire would fall upon and destroy them, the miracle ceased and the sun returned to its normal place in the sky, shining forth as peaceably as before.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 3-4)R.
“When the people arose from the ground, cries of astonishment were heard on all sides. Their clothes, which had been soaking wet and muddy, now were all clean and dry. Many of the sick and crippled had been healed of their afflictions.” (The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, p. 4)“On May the 13th of 1993, we had gone to Conyers and the same thing happened to us. We were covered with water. It was so awful I couldn’t believe it. The umbrella turned inside out and all of our possessions were sopping wet. It was so terrible - the rain. I couldn’t believe how awful it was and I started to cry when I got to the car because I had lost my children. And my feet were wet like they were never wet. Everything that I had - the cameras were sopping wet. I put them in the car and it was like instantly, they all dried up and this peace came over me. And from that time I have felt a difference in my heart for I know what is important are the things that Our Lady is telling us. Before I was worried about the plaques in the back of the car, and the cameras, and myself and being wet. But at that point she gave me a greater gift for at that point I knew that what was important was what she was telling us. She had said that darkness had covered the earth and that we were offending God similar to what Mary said at Fatima. But no one was listening. Will you listen to this message that Jesus speaks today? For Mary called, called, called to so many visionaries and she relayed the message. This is Jesus’ plan for the completion of the Fatima message. It began October the 13th of 1996. Mary started in May and ended October the 13th. Jesus started with me on October the 13th and has given us the messages in the tapes to circulate, to listen to as candle rosaries and He has promised great gifts because He is telling us what to do to help bring about the completion of the Fatima message for the renewal of the Church and the world. These tapes are so important to Jesus and He said that when we do the candle rosary that He will give the greatest grace to those people present, the same as when the rosary was given on the 13th of the month. He wants us to know the messages He has given. Will you listen to the messages that Jesus gives today or will the Father have to take action more and more because we are not doing what He is telling us to do, for Mary promised at Fatima that there will be a reign of peace. How are we going to go from where we are today to this reign of peace? What sign do you think God should give us to get our attention? For we are stubborn and willful in our ways. We have not learned our lesson. We are still willful. Many are not doing what God is telling us to do and obeying His will. Many do not obey the commandments. We do not love God, many of us as we should. Many do not go to Church and do not want to help make reparation to God for the offenses against Him. We are a sinful race. We, His people, must make reparation for ourselves and for our brothers. God sees us as a nation, as a family. He sees us offending Him.”
Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary3. Hail Mary
R. “Miracles are signs given to men in order that they take notice so that they will be obedient to the commandments – so that they will love God and love one another.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary5.
R. “And so we pray the rosary. We meditate on the lives of Jesus and Mary. We see their lives more and more and we see that the angel appeared to Mary, asked her to be the Mother of God. And Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” We see that Mary always complied to the will of the Father. We see that Jesus, who is God, always did the will of the Father. This is most important that we live according to the Father’s will.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary
R. “And Mary was assumed into heaven. She lived her life according to the Father’s will. Jesus lived His life according to the Father’s will and He ascended into heaven. Jesus and Mary are our models. Jesus and Mary teach us how to live. If we want to go to heaven, we must follow Them. In the world today there are many, many plans, that are not the plan of the Father. The more we give our hearts to Jesus and Mary, the more we dwell in their Hearts, the more we live our consecration to Jesus and Mary, the more we will be joined in one mind and one heart and the more likely we are to be operating according to the Father’s will. In schools, as the school children pray the consecration, they are united in one mind and one heart. There is usually not discord and there is greater peace and harmony as Mary has promised. As we give our hearts to Mary and Jesus and our Father, there is peace. Mary appeared at Fatima to tell us that we should give our hearts to her and Jesus and then we will have peace for we will be united in one mind and in one heart with one plan, the plan of the Father.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary,R.
We were told to spread the consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to the schools and spread the rosary and the Parents and Children’s Rosary Book.
R. And I see more and more I give my heart to Mary. I feel the workings of the Holy Spirit especially when I go to the Eucharist.Song:
Immaculate Mary.8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
The Coronation
Isaiah 30:19-22Yes, people of Zion living in Jerusalem,
you will weep no more.
He will be gracious to you
when your cry for help rings out;
as soon as he hears it,
he will answer you.
When the Lord has given you
the bread of suffering
and the water of distress,
he who is your teacher will hide no longer,
and you will see your teacher
with you own eyes.
Your ears will hear these words
behind you,
‘This is the way, keep to it,’
whether you turn to right or left.
You will hold unclean
the silverplating of your idols
and the goldplating of your images...R.
This is like I was thinking I wasn’t attached to my plaques any more. They didn’t matter.Isaiah 30: 22-23
...You will throw them away
like the polluted things they are,
shouting after them, ‘Good riddance!’
He will send rain
for the seed you sow in the ground,
and the bread that the ground provides
will be rich and nourishing...2.
R. “And they will see with the light of seven suns, for we will be brought forth from the woman clothed as a sun as children of light and we will know God in a way that we never knew God before. We will have such intimacy with the Almighty God and such love for Him. Now we are as a people walking in blindness.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary3.
R. “She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth. She was chosen by the Father as the Mother of all and the Mother of Christ.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary4.
Jesus: “And so this is My message to you, My beloved ones, I ask you to carry out this message to the world. I ask you to begin the prayer chapters in churches, if possible. If not, to start all prayer chapters that are possible in your homes and other places. I have given to you these prayers that will help bring about the renewal of the Church and the world. You must pray these prayers fervently. You are My apostles. I am asking you to help. I am not asking you to be anxious and to worry. If you are unable to do some of the prayers, I am asking you to spend an hour with Me each day. (R. If you are unable to do some of the prayers then He doesn’t want us to be anxious about it.) In that hour, I will instruct you on the ways of My Heart. I will reveal to you the will of My Father for you. I am Jesus. I have called you here this day. This will help bring about the completion of the Fatima message which began 80 years before.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary5.
R. “And the earth was covered with much darkness but the sun came out and the sun was bright as the light of seven suns and their hearts were filled with great joy for they knew the presence of God within them.” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary6.
Jesus: “How can you refuse the Mother that I gave to you? She is filled with grace. My little ones, you must give yourself to the heart of My Mother. She will take you to the depth of My Heart and you will know My burning love. You must be strong, for you will suffer. You will suffer very many trials – but…” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 RosaryR.
And then He sings I Will Be with you, that is my promise.7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail MaryR.
This is the last message.Jesus:
“I am Jesus. I have called you here this day to hear this message. I am asking you to write a letter of intimacy to Me every day. I am asking you to live by the Blue Book messages for it will become hard and you will suffer much. You must go to the Blue Book for I will give you My answer to your trials. I have written these love letters to you. You must use the Blue Books. You will go through tremendous suffering and persecution. Do not lose heart. I am strengthening you. You will be strong soldiers. Many will be left behind. You must pray fervently for your leader Father Carter. He is a great gift to this world. He is writing the priestly newsletter in order to help renew the Church and the world. You must pray for Him and for His provincial and for all of the priests that are involved. I am Jesus. Pray the novena hourly and unite as close to the hour as possible in one mind, in one heart. Come, My little ones, I will take you into My Heart. You must go weekly to your chapter meeting for as you go deeper into My Heart, you will suffer, for many will not understand. You will be strengthened by those that have consecrated their heart to Me. They will be your family. You will be My beating Heart in this world. This is the core chapter I have called here. You are the strong ones. You must pray and do as I have told you. You must live the messages and study the messages. It will become difficult unless you go to the weekly meeting and unless you live the messages. You will not be able to survive this calling for it will become more and more difficult as you assume your role as a leader. I am Jesus. Will you answer My call? Will you be a leader? Will you live by the messages that I give to you? Will you pray fervently an hour every day and go to Mass and Communion whenever possible, preferably daily? You must consecrate your hearts. If you at this time can not do all of these things, I am asking you to do as many as you feel comfortable with, but to stay close to your chapter. I do not want you to be anxious and filled with fear. I want you to come to Me and I will comfort you. You must do only as you can. I am not demanding that you do all of these things. I am asking you to study the messages and try more and more to live the messages and to come closer to My Heart. I am giving to each of you a special grace to be My apostle. If you want to answer this call, I will give this grace to you now. I am Jesus. This is May the 13th, 1997. What you do here today will majorly help to renew the Church and the world and to help bring about the completion of the Fatima message. Will you help? Will you answer the call of My Mother and yours? Will you answer My call? Will you answer the call of your Father? If you say “no”, who will I call?” Excerpt from May 13, 1997 RosarySong:
I will be with you that is My promiseMessage before the Glory Be
“There was a special prayer intention for someone now that is very dear that’s dying and for those helping him so I would like to include that in the prayers (It was Father Don Renford.) and any of the prayers that are in your heart, for there are prayers that you hold in your heart that you wish special attention from Our Lord, Our Lady and the Father. We give these prayer intentions to you at this time on this special day and we ask for the grace to help carry out the mission you have entrusted to us, to be strong and to not be afraid.”Excerpt from May 13, 1997 Rosary
Glory Be
I Love You JesusSong:
City of God
September 14, 1997
This rosary was received on Sunday, September the 14th, 1997 at an International Shepherds of Christ Associates Meeting at Morrow, Ohio. These meditations and messages were given to Rita Ring during the rosary. This rosary was received live and transcribed from the recording.
Feast of Exultation of the Cross
Sorrowful Mysteries
A Song from Jesus
The Agony in the Garden
R. The victory is not experienced because we are being persecuted and pressed on. We must live united to God even in suffering. We are to be united deeply as members of the Body of Christ with Jesus our head. The priest is another Christ. We want a mystical marriage with Jesus. They will be torn apart on the surface, but deep in their hearts the cries of victory will be sent forth for they will be one in Him. You will wear a white robe of glory on the last day for the faithful will be united in heaven and with the Almighty God for all eternity. A banquet is prepared. You have contacted the guests to the feast, clad in the richest garments of glistening white. It is a cry of victory for the faithful are dressed in the finest robes for the feast.Jesus:
Pray little ones. What you do will help bring about the renewal of the Church and the world. Your efforts will help to reach the faithful. It will teach them how to dress their souls. It is in purity and sacrifice that you come to the table to offer sacrifice for this feast.2.
Jesus: Oh, you, faithful ones, you see Me in the garden with the Blood on My brow and you see the stiff-necked faithful in your Churches. It is in giving yourself completely to Me in selflessness that you will be one in Me. I am telling you now that you must give yourself completely to Me for the road ahead will be most difficult as long as you hold on to the desires of the self. Give yourself to Me. I knelt in the garden and the blood that beaded on My head fell to the earth. This is the love I have for you. Look at your Churches. Are their hearts filled with love or are they filled with self? Thinking always of the self. And how is it at the end of the Mass when so many stand around and they clamor and they speak and they laugh and they talk and I am the Almighty God, Son of God. I remain on the throne and I am treated with indifference and disrespect.3.
R. Doing the will of God is doing God’s will and many times it is very difficult to do what we know He is asking us to do. It is that, that will make the difference. It is that, that will help bring about the Kingdom of God for in our hearts all of them are living for this, that the Sacred Heart of Jesus will Reign in all hearts and it will become hard, harder than it is. You say, “Oh, how could this be?” But 6 months ago it was hard and we thought it would never become more difficult yet it has. But inside of our hearts we have this oneness, deeper and deeper to Him, for there truly is a joy within us for in an instant we can become one, more and more, in Him, if we are pressed on or stepped on or whatever is going on in our life, there is that place in our heart that is forever lighted as the most golden lamp and our hearts dwells in the Heart of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And no matter how we are pressed on and how we may feel that we are isolated from others, there is that immense warmth in being within His Heart and knowing that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit truly, truly, truly dwells within us within my heart.4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades:
Sing: ASong from Song
The Scourging at the Pillar
From Tell My People by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.Call of the Sacred Heart
“Tell My People that I wish them to come to My Sacred Heart. I show My Heart as symbol of My great love for My people. So many, however, are cold and indifferent concerning My love for them. Consider all I have done for My people! I suffered a brutal passion and death for them. My Body was unmercifully scourged, My head cruelly crowned with thorns, My hands and feet mercilessly pierced with nails. Oh, how much I suffered in all this— out of love for My Father and the whole human race! Finally, My Heart was pierced with the soldier’s lance. From My pierced Heart flowed forth blood and water, symbols of the Eucharist and Baptism. How much My pierced Heart still loves My people! How I long for each to come to My Heart in a return of love! All who do will experience My love in a special way. All who take up their refuge within My Heart will experience love, security, peace, joy. The world cannot give My people these gifts. I, Who am Lord and Master, am the One Who gives these gifts.”Reflection:
Jesus tells us how much He loves us and to what lengths He went in His passion and death to show us this great love, this love symbolized by His Heart.To meditate often upon the passion and death of Christ is to allow His love to more and more take hold of us. The more we allow Jesus to embrace us with His tremendous love for us, the more He draws us within His pierced Heart. Within this Heart is our refuge. Here is our source of enlightenment, of strength, of peace, joy, and happiness.
Jesus, never allow me to forget how much You suffered out of love for me. Never allow me to forget that You now love me with that same love which carried You to a brutal death, that love which led to Your Heart being pierced with a soldier’s lance. end of excerpt2. Hail Mary
3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Song between decades:
Sing: A Song from Song
The Crowning with Thorns
From Tell My People by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.
Mary, Model and Teacher of Love
“My beloved priest-son, I have led you to greatly increase your prayers and sacrifices for others. I have often reminded you of my teaching at Fatima— that many souls go to Hell because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for them. My Immaculate Heart longs that all my little ones be saved. Tell my little ones that they must love their neighbor through prayer, sacrifices, and other ways, too. All should learn from me. My Heart is symbol, not only of my great love for God, but also of my tender love for all my little ones. Imitate my love for God and all my children. If you love Jesus and me, this means you also love all of God’s children. Jesus died for all. You cannot exclude anyone from your love.“My Heart is the perfect imitator of the Heart of my Son. I will teach you how to love the Father and all mankind after the example of Jesus. All my little ones, I long for you to come to my Heart so I can teach you the ways of love! I love you so much! Come to my Immaculate Heart. Pressed against my Heart, I will hold you in my arms. I will clothe you with my motherly and protective mantle. As I hold you close to my Heart, I will teach you the ways of love!”
In the above message, our dear mother tenderly reminds us that the following of Jesus is summed up in love of God and neighbor.Prayer:
Mary, in your great love for us, teach us the ways of love. Help us to surrender more and more to your Immaculate Heart, so that you can lead us to an ever closer union with the Heart of Jesus, the source of our being able to love. end of excerpt3. Hail Mary
4. Hail Mary
5. Hail Mary
6. Hail Mary
7. Hail Mary
R. “The time is nigh.”, Mary says in December. But now Jesus appears as this victorious Jesus and speaks of the new era and speaks about the Reign of peace. And the Father said that He would do whatever He has to do. We must pray so hard for the Reign of the Sacred Heart for what happens needs to happen to help us spread this movement so that hearts will turn to hearts consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, filled with love.9. ‘Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed — and a sword will pierce your soul too — so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.’
Luke 2:34-35R.
Look at the head of Jesus. Do you see it? Do you see the crown of thorns pressed on His head?10. Song:
Oh Sacred Head SurroundedSong between decades:
Our Lady of Fatima
The Carrying of the Cross
1. Song:
Our Lady of Fatima2.
China, St. Anthony’s is really a gift for us. So we walk the way of the cross with Jesus as He did up to the end where He mounted the cross, which is the tree of life. And that’s how it is with us. We are walking with our cross on our back many times and it is so hard and we fall to the ground because it feels so heavy, but what ends up happening in the end is the glory, the life in many hearts that are being touched with what we do in this Movement.
Do you realize, My beloved ones, My sweet ones in this room that there are so many souls, that you cannot even count how many have been touched because of the efforts you have put forth in the Shepherds of Christ Movement? And so you are walking and you are stubbing your toes and you are getting mud on your knees, but there are so many priests, there are so many lay people, there are so many children that are being affected because of the Rosary Aves and the rosaries in the schools, and the rosaries you have given out at My Mother’s site in Florida. There are so many that are being affected because of all that happened down in Florida.R.
We can not even count all of the ways that we have affected the lives of so many. And I still remember what Ellen said to me the night on Holy Saturday when Chris made His First Communion. And she said, “you don’t know how many people are making their First Communion tonight because of reading the Blue Book.” And it just made me cry. Can you imagine knowing about Jesus in the Eucharist from reading those Blue Book messages, knowing about how much Jesus loves you from those Blue Books and we don’t really see the fruits of our labor, but the fruits are really out there.3. Song:
On this Day, oh Beautiful MotherR.
See ourselves as a little child walking next to Mary as she walks by the side of Her Son as He carried His cross and Mary is crying, but we are with her and even as the tears stream down her face, the beautiful Immaculate Mary, has a comforting hand that she places around our little waist and we feel comforted and safe by her love.4.
R. How many today do not even know the love of their Mother, for satan has blocked this revelation to so many of the children of this world. Is this not why we hear the cries of Mary under the cross? But some do not even know about Mary.5.
R. I think that it is time that we truly thank God for this great gift that He has given to us and the gift of one another, for we all have been called and been given a lot of grace to be here and to stay here and to love as He has taught us to love and as He keeps us in His Heart helping us to love each other more.6. Song:
Oh Lady of Light7.
R. And in the end He mounted the cross and she stood beneath, but He died for us, always throughout the whole Passion He was at perfect peace, He is perfect love, perfect in all things to His death on the cross. Jesus is love.8.
R. And in the darkness, there was this light that shone from the cross and I saw on the cross when He appeared as the victorious Jesus, for it is a great victory that God gave Himself, gave His life for us that we would share in His life.9.
R. And her cheeks were red and her eyes were all filled with tears, but the thing of it is, she was still Our Lady of Light and she stood beneath the cross and she cried.10.
R. And she said, “All generations shall call me blessed.”Message before the Glory Be:
Let us today, on this eve before the Sorrowful Mother and on this Feast of the True Cross, vow in our hearts to love Jesus and Mary with the greatest love, to offer up all of our trials that are so hard. Pray to not give into satan as he taunts us. Satan tempts us to sin – then tells us how we sinned afterward and tries to get us to be bowed down. We must be thankful that we can do all that we do and although it is not perfect and although we do not accomplish what we wish to accomplish, many times, God is majorly pleased with all our work and many, many, many souls have been affected by this and our loving God.
The Crucifixion
1. Song:
Little Baby Hands and Feet - Refrain2. Song:
Little Baby Hands and Feet - verse one3. Song:
Little Baby Hands and Feet - Refrain4. Song:
Little Baby Hands and Feet - verse two5. Song:
Little Baby Hands and Feet - Refrain6. Song:
Little Baby Hands and Feet - verses three and four7. Song:
Glory, Glory, Glory Lord - verse one8. Song:
Glory, Glory, Glory Lord - verse two
Tell My People by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
“My beloved friend, tell My people that I desire all to consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart and to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Tell them not to just recite words in making the act of consecration, but to realize what they are saying. Consecration to Our Hearts means a total gift of self. It means handing over everything to Me and to My Mother. Consecration means a willingness to surrender completely to Me. In Baptism one is consecrated to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But how many fail to live out their consecration! I extend to all the invitation to renew this baptismal consecration through consecration to My Heart and to My Mother’s Heart.“My beloved companion, I have taught you what this consecration means. I have given you great peace, joy, and happiness because you have made this consecration. I have taught you that you are to renew this act of consecration each day, I constantly remind you that you are to pray each day for the grace to more and more live the consecration. I have taught you that your consecration to Me and My Mother means that you constantly surrender yourself to Us and to Our care. I have taught you that the more you surrender yourself to Me, the more I live in you and through you and for you. I have taught you that My great love for you longs to draw you more deeply into My Heart. I have shown you that I wish your Mother Mary to place you there within My Heart, and that the more you dwell within her heart, the more deeply she places you within My Heart. Dwelling within Our Hearts, the Holy Spirit fashions you more and more in My likeness. The Father thus looks upon you with greater favor and takes you more closely to Himself. Tell My people all these wondrous truths. I am Lord and Master, and I desire all to listen to My words!”
In the above message, Jesus describes what is involved in living our consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. What beautiful truths He puts before us! We know that the living out of our consecration is not always easy. Sometimes it is very difficult. At all times, and especially in most difficult times, we should remind ourselves how much Jesus and Mary love us, and that living out our consecration is our “thank you,” our return of love.Prayer:
Jesus and Mary, help me each day to live my consecration. Help me to concentrate on the present moment. Help me not to race ahead and try to live tomorrow and next week and next month before these times actually arrive. Help me to live the present moment of my consecration in the deepest faith, hope, and love. end of excerptR.
See Jesus hang on the cross and see His Heart, pierced with a lance and underneath see a burning fire beneath the cross, for this is the fire that He gives to us in the fire of His love, that He truly mounted the cross, spread His arms and He allowed them to put Him to death that we would share in His life.9. Song:
Glory, Glory, Glory Lord - verses three and four and refrainR.
See Jesus Christ hanging on the cross and see the priest celebrating the Mass with consecrated hearts and we unite to all the Masses going on around the world. We say the Morning Offering and immense grace is being released on this world. This is what we are doing in this movement, and when this grace is released from all hearts consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, there will be grace in abundance to help us to live as He wants us to live. But so few today are praying and this grace is not released and it is very difficult for us, for the devil is having his field day at blocking us. We are so blessed to be given all that He has given us and the more the movement spreads, the more that the world will be watered with His precious grace.
My beloved ones, the Mass Book is very, very important to this world. I am asking you to pray for that and the Priestly Newsletter Book. I am asking for you to pray for the Children’s Rosary Book and for the Apostle’s Manual. These four books are very, very important that they are released and that they are in the hands of the faithful. I beg you today to pray especially for the Children’s Rosary Book and the Mass Book.R.
I see the priest on the high mountain and there are water courses that are flowing on the earth below and the priest is not a stiff priest but he is a priest that is natural in his body movements. His body is filled up with the love of God. He is intently connected with the Almighty God, offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, holding the consecrated host ever so tenderly in his hands, as he raises the consecrated host to the faithful to see and the priests says “This is the Body of Christ”. We must pray fervently for all that we are doing. We do not even comprehend how much is being done through our efforts. It is so hard but there is so much being done for they said that this is so.10.
Jesus: Please do not stop, My beloved ones. Do this work. You will be pressed on in your homes and in your personal relationships. There is a battle that is going on in each of your lives. The devil is there and the devil is trying to stop you. You must pray for endurance and you must pray for faith. What you do will have such an affect on so many of My beloved souls. I love you and I thank you for all of your efforts that you have put forth. Rest in My Heart and I will bathe you in My precious Blood. I am the Lord Jesus, the Bridegroom of your soul.One Year Ago
Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996Mary:
I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light. end of Mary’s Message
$10.00 plus shipping
Blue Book 14
One of the following DVD
Picture of Our Lady of Clearwater 4X 6
Prayer Brochure
Give the gift that keeps giving.
6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage
Books available in limited supply for this sale.
The more you use the Blue Books and
become one with Jesus – more
intimate with Jesus –
the more your lives are a blessing and
everything you do in life can help
to bring down great grace for the world
because of your being so
one with Jesus.
Guiding Light Homily Book Series
Fr. Joe’s Books
4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95
These books can be given to:
1) All Priests
2) Good for Music Ministers
3) Good for DRE's
Good for Deacons
5) Good
for Principals of Schools
6) Good for Teachers
Good for Mom and Dads
Given March 21, 2014
R. Pray for These Things
1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
6) People going to Florida and China.
7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
9) Pray for pope helping us.
10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
11) Blue Book 15 and cover and all involved.
For our Publisher and all involved
12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
15) Donors and members and their families.
16) Healing of the Family tree.
17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
18) All who asked us to pray for them.
19) All we promised to pray for.
20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple, Rosie & all involved.
21) 2 babies and moms.
22) Funds and insurance.
23) Jerry's garage.
24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
26) Consecrate all hearts.
27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.
The Wedding Rosary
Crystal Image Rosary
$40 plus shipping
Original Image Rosary
8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box$40 plus shipping
In Spanish with the Imprimatur
Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?
Give the gift that counts.
Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.
Tell My People $5.00
Response to God's Love $8.00
Response in Christ $8.00
Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur
$2.00 plus postage
New Mass Book with Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage
Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage
Give the gift that keeps on giving!
Give to your priest.
Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627 China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182