Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing        

August 17, 2015

August 18th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is 
Day 7 Period I.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries 
for August 18th


Pray for special intentions.

Pray for Dan & Melanie, Jimmy,
Fr. Joe, Sonny & family, Blue Book 15.

Please pray for funds & grace.



Blue Book 15 Available
Introductory Price $5.00 plus postage



                Given August 16, 2015

                Jesus: My Movement was begun to
                renew the Church and the world.
                My purpose is to teach about
                    relationships of love with
                    God, with others and with

                The individual, the Church and
                    the world is in the state
                    of becoming more and more
                    in My image and likeness.

                 I called Fr. Carter and Rita
                    to deliver these messages
                    teachings from My Heart about
                    love of God, burning on fire
                    love in relationship with God,
                    unity as members of the body
                    of Christ – with Christ the
                    head in spreading My holy
                    love to the world.

                    Love is a theological virtue –
                to love on this elevated level
                one must have the grace from
                God. God is the source,
                God is the teacher.

                    Mary appeared at Fatima.

                The Angel of Peace came 99 years
                    ago with this message.

Excerpt from The Spirituality of Fatima

by Fr. Edward Carter, S.J.

"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You."

Then, rising he said: "Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications."  (3)

                                        3. Louis Kondar, SVD, editor, Fatima in Lucia's Own Words (Fatima: Postulation Center, 1976), p.62. Distributed in the U.S.A. by the Ravengate Press, Cambridge, MA.


                Jesus: You must listen – Men teaching
                    their imperfect ways of love
                    will not teach you about
                    My Divine Love.

                See all the divorce in the world,
                    see all the division in
                    the world –
                    Man is to go to God who
                    is love, to know about
                    love –

                    Eve in her pride thought she could
                disobey God and be equal to God.
                The human race all suffered
                from the sin of Adam and Eve.
                You have a wounded human
                nature, even after baptism.

                    I give My Movement to teach
                the world about My love
                for them. To teach the world
                about obedience under God.
                To help prepare men to live
                in Me where they live for
                the honor and glory of God.

                I am God, you shall have no
                    gods before Me –

                I am love!

                This is My Movement!


                August 17, 1997

                R. The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.

                Jesus called the Apostles – they were imperfect
                    Peter was a fisherman, he had much to learn –
                        he was to learn for he needed it!

                    Jesus invited Matthew to supper – he
                        was a tax collector –
                        he was focused on money – he had
                        a lot to learn

                Jesus taught them, He trained them –
                    He healed sins and He healed
                    the sick.

                Jesus, the Son of God –
                    teacher and healer

                He worked miracles

                    The paralytic rose and walked –

                Did you read Hebrews 11 a couple of days ago?

                We saw the faith of the prophets – it was
                    because of faith they did what they
                    did –

                We need intimacy with Jesus, love from
                    our hearts –

                Jesus called the Apostles and they left many
                    things to follow Jesus –
                    God calls people today to faith, hope and
                        love –
                    God calls us to worship God and put
                        aside false gods,

                Jesus loved all –
                Jesus came for sinners –
                Jesus said sinners may enter heaven
                    before the ones thinking they were holy.
                    God reads the hearts. Jesus wants conversion.

                Jesus ate with sinners –

                We cannot be self-righteous –

                Jesus called Matthew and James –

                The Apostles had to change their tempers,
                    they had to believe Jesus –
                    they heard the parables Jesus taught them.

                Jesus showed many things in the parables –

                We see the message of conversion –

                Mary came at Fatima telling us we needed
                    to convert, we need to make reparation –

                The message of the scriptures is clear –

                Jesus is the Word –

                We can ignore what it says and call ourselves
                    holy – we can be hypocrites –

                The Word and the Eucharist is the Bread of Life.

                Sing: I Am the Bread of Life

                Jesus paid a precious price for us to be
                    able to have the Eucharist –
                    Think of how they endlessly beat Jesus'
                    flesh – wound on top of wound –
                    think of how they hit Jesus – all over
                    with terrible whips

                Jesus taught them to open up to each other.

                We are brothers in Christ –

                He told them the prodigal son parable
                    because the son home all the time
                    could have turned away the brother
                    who left –

                God the Father loves us, Jesus said He came
                    for sinners.

                    The devil works in anger. We are to forgive –
                really forgive – not be frozen in our hearts
                and store up years and years of unforgiveness
                and anger and nurse it and feel sorry
                for ourselves and blame innocent others.
                A person can project their anger on the past
                on a victim as long as they can find one
                to take it.

                    Only God can give the grace to help us
                heal and get rid of old unforgiveness
                and anger, but we are to pray for grace
                whenever we get angry Fr. Joe says –
                not nurture it, hold onto it, hold out
                what God wants for the building of His Kingdom
                because we have anger that we nurse,
                anger that takes down the house,
                anger we have to hurt people. This
                is wrong. The devil helps to work a person
                who gives into anger. He tells them why
                they should be angry and works them up.

                Were the apostles men on a pity-pot to
                    do what they did – Many were martyrs –

                Jesus says to us

                    Come Follow Me

                Fr. Carter's two books

                    Response to God's Love
                    Response in Christ

                Call – Response!

                God first loved us –

John 3: 16

For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him 
    may not perish
but may have eternal life.


                R. Jesus is teaching us His truths and many
                    today do not live by God's truths.


    first and last


                R. Jesus healed the sick

                    He told them to have faith –
                    Jesus told us we needed faith
                    Jarius' daughter died and Jesus
                        rose her from the dead –

                R. Heal our hearts God of unwanted tendencies
                    that the devil uses and we give in –

                Dear God increase in us the virtues
                    of faith, hope and love.

                Jesus gives us life –

                Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

                Jesus told Thomas he needed to believe.

believe w/o seeing


                R. Jesus asked the Apostles to follow Him and
                    they had to leave many things to
                    follow Him –

                Jesus had to deal with 12 men, who had to
                    learn and get along and be able to
                    carry on the Church after Jesus
                    ascended in heaven.

                God has a plan for us

From the Priestly Newsletter

Cardinal Newman said

                    "... everyone who breathes, high and low,
                    educated and ignorant, young and old, man and woman,
                    has a mission, has a work. We are not sent
                    into this world for nothing; we are not born at
                    random. . . God sees every one of us;
                    He creates every soul, He lodges it in
                    a body, one by one, for a purpose. He needs,
                    He deigns to need, every one of us.
                    He has an end for each of us... we are
                    placed in our different ranks and stations, not to
                    get what we can out of them for ourselves, but to
                    labor in them for Him, as He rejoiced to do His work,
                    we must rejoice in ours also.
(Discourses addressed to mixed congregations)


                R. John the Baptist prepared a way for Jesus
                    and he lost his head!

                John the Baptist was on fire for God's law.

                Jesus: Men don't change many times because
                    they do not want to. They do not want
                    to give up power, attention, they
                    want to rule, they want affections
                    and lording others how they are better
                    than everyone else – They can tell
                    themselves they don't need relationship –
                    everyone is under them and
                    they see themselves as better than
                    everybody else –


                August 17, 1997

                R. Jesus hung on the cross for
                3 hours. Was He comfortable?
                We seek to find that comfort so
                we don't have to change, so we
                can have our space, so we can
                rule and not realize there is so
                much grace given in living in
                His will – in joy and in suffering,
                accepting suffering when we are to
                endure it and identifying it with

                    Jesus showed us His whole life
                was to build the Kingdom of God among
                men, to teach them to bring
                that Christic image to the Church,
                the world and for men to grow
                more and more in the image of God.
                The burning desire of the Heart of Jesus
                is to teach us about God, joys
                and suffering, having greater
                knowledge of Him, desiring
                with our whole heart to live
                His Plan.

                    The world is busy trying to
                write their own plan, eliminate
                suffering and discomfort. Was Jesus
                comfortable on the cross? He
                taught us about grace when
                He endured the suffering. His
                whole desire was in bringing
                us in greater love to Him –
                to know the Father as a Person
                and to love, love His will –

                    Did you hear the song
                    "Slow down you move too
                fast, you must make the
                morning last"

                    Jesus came and showed us
                His life was lived to serve the
                Father, to do His will, to communicate
                in deep union with Him, being
                alone with Him, giving love


                R. In between these two apparitions of
                    Jesus on the cross were 8 and 1/2 months.

                In between Mary appeared in Clearwater
                    December 17, 1996

                    See Blue Book 13 – December 1996
                    See All Night Message December 29, 1996

                In between Blue Book 14
                    Father's messages January 11, 1997
                        7 days later    January 18, 1997

                    Flooding of Falmouth March 3, 1997

                In between Blue Book 15

                    April 13, 1997 God the Father's message of Falmouth
                    May 13, 1997 Statues went over
                                            Big wind

                On August 20, 1997 – Blue Book 16
                    Jesus appeared to me on the cross
                        and God the Father spoke –
                        The cross was in golden light,
                            Jesus moved His Head
                        "This is My Beloved Son,
                            Listen to Him"

                Jesus' all consuming desire on the
                    cross was in the building
                    of the Kingdom of God, the love for
                    souls to die for them, to teach us
                    suffering is redemptive –
                    Mary stood beneath the cross –

Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996

Mary:  I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.

end of Mary's Message



                R. The Father's thumbprint


                R. Jesus appeared once in China –
                    the one side of this mural kept
                    getting darker and darker –
                the other side – lighter and lighter

                And the message was how dark can
                    the black get, for black got
                    darker and darker

                God is speaking to us
                    We need to listen to Jesus –
                    We need to listen to God the Father –

                We have the Mighty Medicine


The Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary
sacramentally made present –

                Jesus: I cry out to you to listen to Me.
                    Pray for greater faith, hope and love.
                    Pray to be healed of your evil ways,
                        unwanted tendencies, bad
                        behavior patterns.

                Sing: Let Us Build the Kingdom of God

                In January 1996, I saw Jesus transfigured several
                    times before me at Holy Cross-Immaculata
                    Church – Blue Book 10

                I have heard God the Father speak
                    "This is My Beloved Son, in whom
                        I am well pleased"

                Transfigured – Jesus showed them Himself
                    transfigured and God the Father spoke
                    "This is My beloved Son in whom I am
                        well pleased, Listen to Him"

                Listen to Him – Listen to Him –
                    The Kingdom of God is at hand

                No matter how the world is doing, we
                    can listen to Jesus and keep
                    doing what He is saying.

                We can have faith.

                The devil is there and Eve had so many
                    gifts and she disobeyed God.

                The devil wants us stopped.

                We are to model our life after
                    Jesus, the Son of God – to
                    be holy sons of God.

                We must repent for our sins to
                    be healed.

                God we are sorry, forgive our
                    sins, heal us, outpour
                    Your grace.

                Oh God, I want to be healed and
                    know and love in this elevated human
                    nature. Sharing in Your loving
                    activity –

                Bringing unity – I know so deep from
                    visions of the Holy Trinity
                    December 15, 1995 (Blue Book 5)
                    January 20, 21, 1996 (Blue Book 10)

                Jesus: Life: The Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary
                    sacramentally made present –
                    Pray for your priests –

Novena al Espiritu Santo  English

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Español

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Français

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Português

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Italiano

Novena al Espiritu Santo  Polska

                Jesus: Spread Fr. Joe's homilies now.


                Jesus: Listen to Me


                God the Father:

                    I am God the Father –
                    Listen to Me –
                    Listen to Jesus –

                The devil is tempting some who
                    tear things apart –
                    Ask to be forgiven
                    Live a holy life –

                R. Heal me God
                Heal us all
                Heal the Church, religious
                Heal the world

                Outpour Your grace upon us



                Jesus: Fight the contamination with a
                    pure and holy heart rooted
                    in Me.


Galatians 2: 19-20

            ...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.


                Jesus: Did you ever try to break ice –
                    It is hard to break ice

                How hard is your iceberg heart?

                My Heart is soft and supple –

                I died doing the will of My Father –


                Jesus: I give you Myself in the Eucharist!

                I come to you, Body, Blood, Soul
                    and Divinity in the Eucharist!

                At the last supper, Judas was
                    ready to betray Me – turn
                    Me over. Judas was selfish,
                    sneaky – He betrayed Me with
                    a kiss! How awful to use
                    My gifts for evil –
                    I loved Judas!

                I profess My love as never before
                    in My Blue Books –

                You have been given gifts not
                    given to the greatest saints – 

Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996

Mary:  I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.

end of Mary's Message


                R. Jesus knew in His Divine knowing
                all He would suffer and He knew
                the world today in it's sin and all
                who would be lost despite His
                suffering and it was such agony
                to His Heart because He loved
                them and He sweat blood –
                And they slept – He told them to pray –

                    Those waiting to abduct Jesus
                were preparing for taking Jesus.
                Jesus loved these men – Jesus
                was here for love – Jesus could
                have stopped it all – He endured
                the sufferings in the Garden for
                love of us – knowing what was
                coming to His crucifixion –
                He prayed to His Father – He
                sweat blood –

                    Jesus shows us suffering,
                the devil tempts us to skip
                suffering and do something else –
                The devil lies - lies and lies - says –
                You can't do what God asks,
                you need relief, give into the
                sin and abandon your God –
                When the devil knows your weakness,
                pride, unhealed hurts – he doesn't
                give up! He keeps it up to
                work a person up if he can
                get them to quit working for
                Jesus and serve him – the devil
                presses down and presses down –
                and talks in people's heads and

                    Jesus knew they would come
                in the dark night to start the
                horrid torture He endured for
                love of us – He said yes because
                He loves us - so much –

                Love endures, love is not on a
                pity-pot made by satan, love
                isn't holding out in old angry
                wounds, nursing anger, rejection,
                playing old ugly tapes –

                    Love is seeking God's will even
                in pain and suffering and still loving
                because it is being like Jesus –
                love is giving, love is sacrifice –
                God is love

                    Jesus gave His all and He gives His
                all to us now in the Holy Eucharist –
                how can we go to communion and
                pray and nurse anger and being
                right – how can we go to the Eucharist
                and think God is pleased when we
                are out of order!

                    Jesus endured all the suffering
                doing the Father's will and Mary
                knew, Mary was so close to her
                Son, Mary knew suffering –
                Mary loved, Mary gave –

                    Jesus was beaten, punched,
                hits so hard, chained – in love
                Jesus endured doing the Father's
                will – Jesus was punched, slugged,

                    How can we approach Jesus,
                receive Him in the Eucharist
                and be angry and hateful toward
                those He told us to respect and
                love. How can we use this
                gift to fuel our pity-pot.
                Who can stop us if nobody can
                ever correct us because we
                are right, we think, in sin.
                That is satan telling someone
                what's right is wrong and what's
                wrong is right.

                    The guy serving satan and
                liking it has 2 roads, to keep
                serving satan or show God
                He comes first and you love Him –

                    Jesus knew pain, Jesus knew
                betrayal –

                    Mary and Jesus were close – she
                raised Jesus from a little boy –
                the love so united, the love so
                pure – the love of a Son for His
                Mother – Holy love – deep in
                Their Hearts –

                    Love is kind, love is giving,
                love is union in the heart –
                Mary knew her Son would suffer
                from the prophesy of Simeon -

                Sing: Little Baby Hands and Feet

                R. We were created in the image
                and likeness of Jesus –

                Sing: Give me Your Heart Oh Jesus

                R. Jesus was mocked as a King
                    and Jesus, the Son of God –
                    Jesus endured it for us –

                The high priests were arrogant –
                    they smacked Jesus, mocked
                    Jesus, twisted words –
                    They were full of pride –
                    They blasphemed Jesus –
                    Accused Him of crimes –

                Jesus, the Bread of life –
                Jesus, the way, the truth and
                    the life.

                Jesus was punched in the face –
                    His Blood ran inside His
                    Head, teeth in His tongue,
                    His eye matted shut –
                    His hair full of blood
                        for punches to His Head –

                But His Heart – Jesus, the Son of God –
                    All Powerful – And they
                    mocked His torn face – smacking

                Hitting the face of the Son of God,
                    punching His face –
                    pounding His Head –
                    His hands bound –
                    Men, lots of men in rage
                    hitting God –

                One man with an evil heart –
                    leads the others to whip
                    Jesus, whip and punch His
                    Head –

                They laughed, they said they were
                    right – they didn't want
                    to admit their sins of
                    punching Jesus out and
                    blooding Jesus –

                Oh Lord,
                    I am not worthy that you
                    should come to me –
                    Say only, but the word
                    and I will be healed –

                    Judas hung himself –
                    The fires of hell burn
                    Jesus gave Himself and His Heart
                    was consumed with love for souls –
                    He was driven because of love –
                    to GIVE –

                Jesus gives Himself to us in
                    the Eucharist –

                How could we go with
                    a mean heart –

                Jesus was bound –
                    waiting to be scourged –

                Fr. Joe says, the man who is angry
                    is tempted by satan to stay
                    angry – he knows just how
                    to work him up – he presses
                    on a man to be evil in
                    his heart and in pride he can give in

                They condemned Jesus to death,
                    They would not listen to Jesus,
                        they were driven by their
                        pride and hateful hearts

                Jesus stood the trial –
                    bound, bloodied, Jesus
                    was selfless


Prayer for Union with Jesus

Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

    I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.F

    I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.

    When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.

-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994


                Jesus: How hard is your hearts
                    that you do not even
                    see except raising
                    yourself up and proving you are right –

                Are you a witness in the world
                    of sacrifice?
                    Mary suffered so much for
                        love of you –

                I was a beaten bloodied,
                    weakened mess –

                The men enjoyed the trial –
                    they were powerful – they
                        thought –
                    I was weak –

                R. They did this to the Son of God –
                    They wanted power!

                They told Jesus they had power
                    over Him –

                Jesus: Men seeking power –
                    I know your hearts –
                    Satan wants you to seek power of those
                        over you – he tricks - you!

                R. The saving Blood – they made a sport
                of their beating Jesus, crowning Him
                with thorns and they laughed and they

                    The devil laughs when he splits
                up marriages and make division –
                he sees the sinner as a fool –
                while he orchestrated a plan
                they gave into that offends God –

                The whole message is about how
                Jesus endured the worst pain
                for love of us. We can't even
                imagine what was done to Him –
                They made a spectacle of
                Him before others to continue
                the sport.

John 19: 10-11

Pilate then said to him, ‘Are you refusing to speak to me? Surely you know I have power to release you and I have power to crucify you?’ Jesus replied, ‘You would have no power over me at all if it had not been given you from above; that is why the man who handed me over to you has the greater guilt.’


                R. The Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary
                    sacramentally made present

                Jesus endured so much for us –

                Jesus: We give you Our peace plan –
                    You ignore Me –
                    You don't listen!

Excerpt from Response in Christ by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.

The Sacraments and the Mass

In Christ we equated the immolation of His sacrifice with His passion-death, and the acceptance element with His Resurrection. Uniting these two mysteries of death-resurrection, we spoke of Christ’s paschal mystery. We have seen that this mystery had been prefigured by the Jewish pasch and exodus, component parts of the Jewish people’s transition to a new and more perfect life. In the case of Christ, we considered His pasch – His passover – to be a transition from the limitations of His mortal life to the state of resurrected glory. We speak of Christ’s mortal humanity as having exercised limitations upon Him in this sense, that, although He Himself was completely free from sin, He had exposed Himself to the conditions of a sin-laden world through His human nature. In His death-resurrection He changed all this as He conquered sin, as He redeemed us, as He passed to the state of glory with His Father.

What happened in Christ also occurs in His Mystical Body, the Church. The Church and Her members experience their own transition from death to resurrection. The entire Church and the individual Christian express, through the Mass, a willingness to grow in the participation in Christ’s death. The Father accepts this willingness and gives an increase in the grace-life, a greater share in Christ’s Resurrection. This process happened within a short span of time in Christ’s life. In the life of the Church it continually takes place until Christ’s second coming. The Church, with her grace-life of holiness, has already partially achieved her resurrection, but not completely, even though she continues to grow in grace. St. Paul bears witness to this: “. . . but all of us who possess the first-fruits of the Spirit, we too groan inwardly as we wait for our bodies to be set free.” (Rm 8:23).    end of excerpt



                R. Mary could do nothing, but
                    endure the pain of watching
                    her Son –

                    From the Red Rosary Book - Stations of the Cross

4. Jesus and Mary Meet

Jesus: I saw the face of My beautiful Mother. She was weak, her face reddened and full of tears. I saw her tender heart, her love, her anguish, her pain. I saw My dear Mother Mary. My Heart was comforted by the sight of her, but torn by her suffering.

Mary: As I looked into the eyes of my beloved Son, I saw His love. His head, bleeding and wounded. His body weak. His clothes covered with blood. I looked into His eyes and I saw His love for you. I call out to you today. I appear today with a face full of anguish and tears. I appear to call you back to the love of my Son. See through my eyes, as I peer into His eyes, the love He has for you this day to give of Himself for you. Oh, He loves you so much, my little children. See through my eyes the love of my Son. Oh, how He loves you!


                        From Blue Book 4

August 10, 1994

And Their Eyes Peered into One Another's Eyes

After Mass, Fr. Smith's Chapel

R. See Mary as she beholds the baby in her arms. She looks at Him so tenderly. His sweet baby eyes look up at the eyes of His loving Mother. Such tenderness between Mother and Son, such oneness to hold her infant Son so lovingly in her arms. Oh, do we ever know the tenderness between a baby and his loving mother?

    A life of close union between this mother and this Son, a life of her looking into His loving eyes. Such silent, but strong and loving communication! Such a strong bond-their eyes meeting-from one soul to the other soul.

Song: See the eyes that look at Mary (Verse l)…

    Deep, deep communication, a deep bond, indescribable in words, a touching of the souls! And the peering look between Son and mother on the road to the crucifixion. What a peering look, what communication between this Son and Mother. Seeing the other suffer was as agonizing as each's very own suffering-suffering and oneness between a Son and His mother. A peering look, deep into the very souls. Such an intimacy between Them!

    How can one describe in words this oneness, this union between the Son and His Mother? The perfect love between Him and her. Total giving of each person in such love to the other. To see the suffering of the other was as agonizing as-if not more than-each's own suffering.

    How His passion and crucifixion were intensified by the sufferings of His dear Mother! How her sufferings were such a sharing in our redemption, the swords that pierced her Heart! The eyes of Mary that invisibly bled as she watched such brutality to the beloved baby she once carried in her womb and held in her arms!

Song: Little baby hands and feet…

    Mary held the Child Jesus when he was a baby; she watched Him and cared for Him as a little boy; she was so attentive to the needs of her little Son. Will we ever know this connectedness between Their loving hearts? Do we know this oneness? The peering eyes on the way to Calvary tell the story. They tell the story of this oneness. They tell the story of her watching this horrid event of her beautiful baby Son and His horrible passion and death.

    Her eyes! Oh, Mary, help me to see the love of Jesus through your eyes! You watched Him as a baby, you watched Him as a child. You watched Him grow into the beautiful man He became and you, Mary, watched Him all through this bitter passion and death. Your eyes saw the love that He gave for us. Now you come, Mary. You appear to tell us to go to this Son. You knew more than anyone His love to suffer so for us. You come and appear with blood in your eyes and tears running down your cheeks. You show me your sorrowful face, your young face, your old face, your joyful face. This was the face Jesus peered at as He walked His walk to Calvary. This was the face that appears now to tell us the story of His love this very day. I see your parade of faces, Mary, old and young, sorrowful and joyful. I see these faces that Jesus beheld. Your face tells the story of His love for us.

Mary:  This is my beloved Son. This is my baby. This is the child I bore in my womb. He came to give you love. He came to be God-made-Man among you this very day. He is, my children, no less present in the Eucharist than He was at Calvary and you go after such incidental things. My Son loves you. I show you my face so you can tell the world of our love. Live our lives in the rosary. Let our lives live in your day. The way to eternal happiness is to be likened to my beautiful Son.

    I watched my Son. I lead you to the ardent love of my Son, Jesus. His Heart burns for love of you. Come to Him this day. Give Him your love. Spend time with Him. He is alive and in your midst in the Eucharist.

Note: I smelled roses very strongly throughout this message.

Song: See the eyes that look at Mary (Verse 2)…

R. This is the Son of the Father, the Son of God, born of Mary through the Holy Spirit, and He lives this day in your hearts. Share His love for you. Go to Him through Mary's Heart. She who is so closely united to Jesus! Their hearts are so close to one another! As their eyes were joined in such oneness, their hearts are joined in such intimacy. Go to Jesus' Heart through His beloved Mother, through her who bore Him in her womb, her who watched Him give Himself for love of you.    end of excerpt


                R. Mary took care of Jesus when He
                    was a little boy
                    Now she had to endure
                        this with Jesus

                The unbloody Passion of Mary's
                    pierced heart –

                Veronica wiped the face of Jesus


Excerpt from Blue Book 15, p. 347

6. R. We have been given these messages from God, and from God the Father. And all of us have grown so much in our relationship with God. And He expects us to live by the messages that He has given to us. Here is something that I would like to read out of the scripture.

Reference: Luke 1:18-20

7. R. The devil worked very cunningly trying to block the message God has given. God gives us signs.  end of excerpt


                R. God calls us to help –

                Simeon was called to help carry
                    the cross –


September 4, 2004


June 26, 1995

The Pain - Naples, Florida

R. He spread His arms, He gave His all, Jesus, the Son of God, the greatest sacrifice, He gave Himself entirely for the good of all men. He opened His arms, He died on the cross.

His arms were covered with blood, His arms so weak and filled with pain, wounded. His arms, the pain shot up His arms and the final blow to each arm a nail through each precious hand.

All the agony He experienced, all the pain, and the crown, to each arm, a nail hammered into the hand.

All the nerves cut and severed by the nail, the pain shooting up His precious arms, the final blow given to His most precious members. The legs that carried Him, that carried the heavy cross, the legs that were forced and cajoled, that continues to Calvary - the legs weakened, skinned, bleeding, beaten, burned, the legs that knew patience and perseverance, the legs connected to a sore foot that was rubbed and gashed and bleeding, the members of Jesus, filled with such pain and exhaustion, now is crowned with the final glory. The nail that was driven into the foot, the pain shot up this already weakened leg, covered with blood and wounds and pain, the final blow, the nerves severed by the hammered nail.

A blow to each hand, a blow to each foot, a blow to the head, a stamping that pressed down and continued in excruciating pain.

Jesus: They numbered all My bones. They gave Me vinegar and gall to drink. They gave Me a cloth to wipe My blood-covered flesh. What did they give to Me? Love is giving, My dear ones. How many of you are wounded when you are not given things by your brothers you love?

My members were in such pain, the pain shot up My arms. My legs were so weak I could scarce move them. I was filled with pain within them.

To all who watched, they saw a man, weakened and covered with blood and wounds. They did not see the pain inside that shot up My legs and arms, the nerves inside My body that sent signals of deep pain to My central nervous system. They did not see the nerves inside sending pain signals everywhere.

The final blow being to each hand and foot, the severing of My nerves by the blunt and rusted nails.

An arm extended. A final blow. I beheld a nail pounded into My hand and the pain shot up My arms, unbearable to a human mind.

Do you know of the pain within My body? Signals sending messages of deep pain everywhere. I knew all of these sufferings in the garden. So great were the sufferings to My mind, I sweat blood.

My flesh was covered with wounds. My arms were stretched from their sockets. My body was beaten and bleeding, every inch of My body covered with deep wounds. But, My loved ones, you miss the depth of My love. My wounds were so deep, but the final wound, the pounding of the nails in My hands and feet, a severing of the nerves, an ending of the deepest pain, to experience even deeper pain, beyond your human comprehension, it was done to the Almighty God, a Divine Person, I suffered the final blow to each member.

The pounding in the hands and feet, the crown to each member, and they numbered all My bones. My nerves a network of pain running throughout My entire body.

The pain within the body, the pain recorded in My loving head, the pain sent by a network of nerves in My body, now records the final blows, the nails in the hands and feet, the pain being recorded from every thorn that pierced My skull, every gash to My body, the pain, the pain, the pain - a network of signals and pain, running through My body and the final hour, the pains recorded on the cross, arms outstretched - a surrendering to all pain. I surrendered to a body laden with pain.

You focus on your little problems, your little aches and pains. You discuss them and show the world your pin pricks and sufferings. Do you want to know holiness and love? They gave Me vinegar mixed with gall. This was their offering. They gave Me a cross. They crowned My head with a crown of thorns.

This, My dear ones, is suffering, My beloved souls, I gave My life for and this is their return.

A severing of My nerves, the final blows to all the aches and pains recorded in My nervous system. This was one of the final blows - the rusted nails pounded into My hands.

You will feel little aches and pains in your hands and feet to remind you of this message. Your understanding of the immense pain within will deepen. What was visible to the eye on My battered body was nothing compared to the pains within. I gave My all. I gave My insides, My mind, My Heart, wounded for the love of men. All functions in the body were stopped. The final curtain, blood and water pouring out from My Heart, show that all functions of the body had ended.

R. All signals that carried messages of immense pain had ended, the final act of surrender for God to die to this human body and surrender His flesh.

Jesus: And end, a beginning, the water and blood flowed from My Heart, the beginning of My life in the Church, life flowing into your spirit.

R. Come give me life, abundant life. I thirst to be with Thee.

Jesus: My blood was spent. My human flesh and blood offered as the sacrifice, the sacrifice of Calvary is now made present at every Mass. An end, a beginning, and the grace and life flow through the sacraments in the Church. My life flows to you in the Mass. Mary, the Mediatrix of all grace, stands by the side of the altar and the grace flows from the Father, through My body offered up as a sacrifice in the Holy Spirit, given through the Mothership of Mary to you in the Church. You stand under the cross with My Mother and you receive the gift given, My Body, My Blood.

R. Man is reconciled with the Father through the Divine Person, Jesus Christ, and you receive His life poured out to you as Calvary is made present in the unbloody sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Do you feel the graces poured out to you at this sacrifice of the Son of God at every Mass? Do you feel the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Mary, all the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory? Do you feel united as one at the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present upon the altar through the priest? The priest who now puts on Christ and through Him the dispenser of this life given to man.

Jesus: Oh, My beloved ones, love so dearly your priest. Give him such reverence. He is the chosen instrument of God and you treat him with such ordinariness. You are so blind and so dumb in your ways. And they numbered all My bones. Each nerve carrying a message of My love of mankind, each member in My Church carrying a special message, all united as one working in harmony according to the Father’s will, each carrying a message of love to one another.

The body is many members, you are the messengers of My love. Christ is the head. The message does not flow as it should when some are cut off from the Head. They nailed My hands and feet and My nerves were severed by the nails, such pain, undescribable in words, the severing of My nerves from the body, the severing of many members from the body of Christ. My Body given for all on the cross, the network of nerves within carrying the messages of My love to all mankind. My body covered on the outside with blood and wounded, the pain recorded within.

Your Church, covered with blood on the outside, the slaughter of innocent babies, the homosexuality, the sins of the flesh, the members that have severed themselves from the source by their sins, but the pain is carried in the nerves inside. The blood of the Lamb shed for each and every soul, the real pain carried within. The life is weakened in your Church because the love of God is so weak in many members. The messages of love are not being transmitted as they should be. Your body shows the wounds, but your pain within is the root of the problems. The pain is from the messages of love that are not being transmitted.

Unless you seek to fill your priests and sisters with the fire of God’s love, fill their hearts with burning love for God, your Church will continue to show the marks of the blood shed without. I give to you these letters as a mighty medicine for this world, directed to make men’s hearts burn with love of God and love of one another. The rosaries are meditations and messages given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. These messages will make men’s hearts burn with fire for love of God. You have ignored the importance of these letters.

I send to you the mighty medicine to heal a hurting world. My priests and religious need these messages. The love of God will be transmitted to the Church from these messages when you circulate these letters.

The devil has blocked the minds of men involved in these messages because of their importance to the world and the Church.

I am speaking to you Fr. Carter to help to get these messages published and circulated as soon as possible. I give to you a mighty medicine for a sick world.

Read St. Thomas Aquinas about the medicine for the sick Church. You know what these messages have done for you. I am Jesus. I give to you the mighty medicine for a sick world, for a sick Church, rosaries and letters from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Your Church shows the wounds of bloodshed, abortion, homosexuality, sins of the flesh, murder of little children’s minds with sex education in Catholic schools and you hold back the gifts of God’s love I am giving to the Church and this world.

My arms were weak and wounded but the final blow as the nail put in My hand. It severed the nerves.

The final blow is the bloodshed in the Church, the slaughtering of children’s minds in Catholic schools. My children are pure and innocent. They are not being taught messages of God’s love, they are being taught messages of sick sex and coldness.

Men’s hearts have turned cold. They have been severed from the life of the body. The body is decaying from within. Only with the love of God enkindled in men’s hearts will this bloodshed stop.

I beg you to publish and circulate these messages in the Church. I am Jesus. I am giving you the mighty medicine for the world. Your body wears the marks of the bloodshed, only with messages of My on-fire love will it stop.

Mary leads you to Jesus. Never is she the end. The Father has a plan. Mary’s messages have led men and will lead men to Jesus. Satan has tried to stop all efforts to publish and circulate these messages. I am the Almighty God. The funds will come when you circulate and publish these messages and rosaries under the Shepherds of Christ Publishing. I am working with Fr. Carter and Rita as messenger to renew the Church and the world. Each messenger has a very vital role in the Father’s plan. The significance of these messages are being overlooked. You are not studying the messages as a whole and their content. There are five unpublished Blue Books and more than four Rosary Books which I and My Mother have given to this world in the last 14 months. I have also given 15 songs of My love. I am begging you to see to the recording and publishing of this music. I beg you to listen. This is the mighty medicine for the Church and the world to draw men to the burning love of Jesus. Please harken to My call. I will send you the money. You must study and read these messages. This is a fulfillment of Fatima - these messages were given to bring priests to the burning love of Jesus. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior.    end of excerpt


                R. God, I am sorry for my sins and
                    the sins of the world.


                 Excerpt from August 13, 2015

                A Prayer for Healing

                R. My dear God,

                    I want to unite to the Holy Sacrifice
                of the Mass, the Sacrifice of Calvary
                sacramentally made present and
                beg that grace is outpoured and
                healing for my need.

                    I pray to the Father united to
                Jesus in the Mass, in the Holy Spirit
                with all the angels and saints and
                the souls in purgatory, through
                the powerful intercession of
                Our Lady of Clearwater and the intercession
                of Fr. Carter, Alice and Betty.

                Dear Jesus, please hear my prayer.

                Please grant healing, my God,
                I likewise pray the Blood of Jesus
                is spread on me and cast the devil
                into the fires of hell, I consecrate
                my heart to Jesus and Mary and beg for
                the Holy Spirit to outpour His grace and
                grant my healing now without
                any further complications – so
                I can do Your work.

                    I pray for abundant grace for
                all priests, the Church and the

                    I love You God, I beg for Your
                help now. Please Heavenly Father
                I beg for Your healing in the
                name of Jesus through the
                intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater
                in the Holy Spirit with all the angels and
                saints through the intercession
                of Fr. Carter, I pray, my beloved God:
                Father, Son and Holy Spirit –

                    Please hear my prayer now,
                I praise You God, I worship
                You God, I love You God –
                I see the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
                now being offered somewhere
                in the world – as the Eucharist
                is raised, Heavenly Father, I
                ask You to see the most pleasing
                sacrifice of Your beloved Son,
                Jesus. I want to be united to
                Jesus now in this Holy Sacrifice
                pleading for my healing.


                R. I beg God and I love You, God. You
                are my all –

                Sing: My God and My All

                Sing: A Song from Jesus

                I pray for all in the Shepherds of Christ,
                our families and the world,
                I believe, I believe, I
                believe and I beg for this help
                my God.

                Sing: Oh Lord Hear my Prayer

                Jesus is alive
                Jesus is with us
                Jesus is God –
                Jesus worked miracles –
                Jesus healed on the earth –

                Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
                I believe –

                Dear God the Father
                    help me

                Dear God the Father –

                    thank You for our
                priests –

                    thank You for the Mass

                Sing: Glory Be - 3 times

                    God, I am sorry for my
                sins, I am sorry for the sins
                of the human race, I am
                sorry for my ancestors' sins and
                sins of the extended families
                generational sins,

                    I seek forgiveness –
                    I beg for grace –

                    I want to be united so deeply
                        to You to spread these
                        messages and do these
                        retreats, to sing Your songs
                        to all in the world.


                R. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus the Light
                    of the world

                Jesus, Jesus, Jesus the Light
                    of the world –

                Oh God we worship You –
                Oh God we love You –
                Oh God we give ourselves
                    to You –

                Help us to do the work of
                    the Shepherds of Christ –
                    please heal us –
                    keep us healthy
                    full of love and energy
                    to do this

                Amen –

                Most Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my trust in Thee

                Most Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my trust in Thee

                Most Sacred Heart of Jesus I place my trust in Thee

                I believe in God's Might –
                I believe in Miracles –
                I believe in healings
                I believe in forgiveness for our sins –

                God is with us –
                God gives us the Mass –




Through Him, With Him, In Him


                R. Jesus, I love You

                Mary I love you

                I believe in You, God


                end of excerpt


                R. Energy is used in the world to tear
                men apart and hatred –

                Jesus gave His all in love for men.





$10.00 plus shipping

Blue Book 14

One of the following DVD

Picture of Our Lady of Clearwater  4X 6

Prayer Brochure




Give the gift that keeps giving.

6 different Blue Books for $30.00 including postage 

















   Books available in limited supply for this sale.


The more you use the Blue Books and
    become one with Jesus – more
    intimate with Jesus –
    the more your lives are a blessing and
    everything you do in life can help
    to bring down great grace for the world
    because of your being so
    one with Jesus.


Guiding Light Homily Book Series

Fr. Joe’s Books

Cycle A –
Steadfast to the Son

Cycle B –
Focusing on the Word

Cycle C

Feed My Soul

Cycle A
Inspired to be Genuine

4 for $20 plus postage of $5.95 


These books can be given to:

1) All Priests

       2) Good for Music Ministers
       3) Good for DRE's
       4) Good for Deacons
       5) Good for Principals of Schools
       6) Good for Teachers
       7) Good for Mom and Dads



                Given March 21, 2014

                R. Pray for These Things

                1) Pray for the Pope & hierarchy to help us start prayer chapters.
                2) Pray for Dan, Sally Jo, Richard, Carol, Margaret, Sue,
                    Jack, Jean, Amanda, Matthew, Special intentions.
3) Pray for the priests, the Church and the world!
                4) Pray for the spread of prayer chapters,
                    also for the spread of priests doing prayer chapters.
                5) Pray for the spread of Blue Books.
                6) People going to Florida and China.
                7) Vocations to all 7 categories.
                8) Pray for spread of Consecration and Rosary.
                9) Pray for pope helping us.
               10) Pray for Jeff - sales & health. Pray for Nick.
               11) Blue Book 15 and cover and all involved.
                    For our Publisher and all involved
               12) All intentions on my list, Jerry's list.
               13) Priests getting Fr. Joe's book.
               14) Pray for Fr. Joe's new book, cover & funds for printing & postage.
               15) Donors and members and their families.
               16) Healing of the Family tree.
               17) Dan & Melanie, Catherine & mom, Gary, Mary Jo,
                    Jim & statues, Fr. Ken, Monsignor, Kerry, Tom & wife.
               18) All who asked us to pray for them.
               19) All we promised to pray for.
               20) Rita, John, Doris, Sheila, Jerry, Regina, Sanja,
                    Betty, Sophie, Lisa, Eileen, Fr. Mike, Louie, Laverne,
                    2 Dons, Mary Ellen, Fr. Joe, all priests helping us,
                    Ed, Jimmy, Steve, a special couple
, Rosie & all involved.
               21) 2 babies and moms.
               22) Funds and insurance.
               23) Jerry's garage.
               24) In thanksgiving for gifts, graces, & blessings received.
               25) Spread the Blood of Jesus on all of us here.
               26) Consecrate all hearts.
               27) Cast the devil out of all of us here and all in Movement.



 The Wedding Rosary 

Crystal Image Rosary

$40 plus shipping


Original Image Rosary

8mm glass beads
in a matching gift box

$40 plus shipping



In Spanish with the Imprimatur

Also we are ready to print
5000 copies of the
Parents and Children's Rosary Book
Can you help with a donation?


Give the gift that counts.

                Give to your priests Fr. Carter's Books plus postage.

Tell My People                    $5.00
Response to God's Love    $8.00
Response in Christ              $8.00



Old Mass Books with the Imprimatur 
$2.00 plus postage

New Mass Book with Imprimatur   
$8.00 plus postage

New Parents & Children's Book with the Imprimatur
$8.00 plus postage

Fr. Joe's Cycle A – Steadfast to the Sun – Starts in Advent
$5.00 plus postage

Give the gift that keeps on giving!

Give to your priest.

Fr. Carter's Priestly Newsletters Book II
$6.00 plus postage


Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and a little
bottle of Jesus and Mary water.
The glass will be fixed behind the
back of the picture.
$200.00 plus postage


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