Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages |
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August 23rd Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries for August 23rd are the Sorrowful.
Special Prayer Service August 22,
The Queenship of Mary
6:20 p.m.
We take credit cards.
Queenship of Mary
August 22, 2005
after the prayer service in Florida, close to Jesus' face, the moon was bright
August 22, 2005
August 22, 2005
August 22, 2005 - Queenship of Mary
Jesus speaks:
I give you My Mother
as your Mother your
spiritual Mother.
I am Jesus, the Son
of God.
Mary is the pure vessel
Mary is the spotless virgin
I give you a sunlit day, warmth to
caress your gentle skin. Now every moment
of your life will be accounted how you lived
to love and serve the Lord, for you are in
a place now determined by what you felt
you should do, the connections made, the people
seen are all in My care, but many do their
own wills, based on erotic thinking.
Oh that you would fly like the eagle
in the sky without a care of falling,
with such precision and none dare ask him
what do you think you should do today?
Everyday the light steals across the sky
and you are given the gift of the morning,
the light to see, the promise of a new day,
one more day in the life I have given to you.
To some they bury their head in the sand,
as the blind man of the yesterdays, they never
learned yet.
And they wake up every morning, taking
the light for granted, as if it will just be
there - knowing light follows darkness, light
follows darkness, as they take for granted the
water of the ocean, the moon in the dark sky,
the stars that twinkle above them and give
little light.
So you say to me "God, why do the stars
give such little light?" And I say to you
it is beauty for you to behold, but to
teach you of the luminaries, light follows
darkness or darkness follows light, however
you perceive the picture, the sequence is
the same.
I give you a star studded sky, I gave you
freckles on some of your faces, but the world
is so focused on so many things, they do not
ponder the ways of the Creator as they should.
If the stars give such little light,
and the sun such immense light, is it not
complicated to understand that some souls
are so saturated with My grace, they shine
as beacon lights in the dark world
and some with less fervor and dedication,
although beautiful, would shine less brightly.
And what of you who travel to heaven
far above, the saints, should they not
experience more deeply the glories of the Resurrection,
that some would come as little stars to their
heavenly reward and others encompass the
beauty of a glorious sun.
Oh you who think you are wise, the
wisdom is found in Me. Your books are like
flags you wag --
the insights of true wisdom
found in the gifts of the Spirit.
And you come to Me in the Eucharist
and I light your soul with fire.
I impart to you the treasures of My Heart,
marked indelibly on your soul,
written by the hand of an angel.
Reach not for what the men say,
but for the documentaries of My Church
and the wisdom of the saints. My Word
I give to you as the Bread of Life.
John 6: 35-59
Jesus answered them:
I am the bread of life.
No one who comes to me will ever hunger;
no one who believes in me will ever thirst.
But, as I have told you,
you can see me and still you do not believe.
Everyone whom the Father gives me
will come to me;
I will certainly not reject
anyone who comes to me,
because I have come from heaven,
not to do my own will,
but to do the will of him who sent me.
Now the will of him who sent me
is that I should lose nothing
of all that he has given to me,
but that I should raise it up
on the last day.
It is my Father's will
that whoever sees the Son
and believes in him
should have eternal life,
and that I should raise that person up
on the last day.Meanwhile the Jews were complaining to each other about him, because he had said, 'I am the bread that has come down from heaven.' They were saying, 'Surely this is Jesus son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know. How can he now say, "I have come down from heaven?" ' Jesus said in reply to them, 'Stop complaining to each other.
'No one can come to me
unless drawn by the Father who sent me,
and I will raise that person up
on the last day.
It is written in the prophets:
They will all be taught by God;
everyone who has listened to the Father,
and learnt from him,
comes to me.
Not that anybody has seen the Father,
except him who has his being from God:
he has seen the Father.
In all truth I tell you,
everyone who believes has eternal life.
I am the bread of life.
Your fathers ate manna in the desert
and they are dead;
but this is the bread
which comes down from heaven,
so that a person may eat it and not die.
I am the living bread
which has come down from heaven.
Anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever;
and the bread that I shall give
is my flesh, for the life of the world.'Then the Jews started arguing among themselves, 'How can this man give us his flesh to eat?' Jesus replied to them:
In all truth I tell you,
if you do not eat
the flesh of the Son of man
and drink his blood,
you have no life in you.
Anyone who does eat my flesh
and drink my blood
has eternal life,
and I shall raise that person up
on the last day.
For my flesh is real food
and my blood is real drink.
Whoever eats my flesh
and drinks my blood
lives in me
and I live in that person.
As the living Father sent me
and I draw life from the Father,
so whoever eats me
will also draw life from me.
This is the bread
which has come down from heaven;
it is not like the bread our ancestors ate:
they are dead,
but anyone who eats this bread
will live for ever.This is what he taught at Capernaum in the synagogue.
John Chapter 17
After saying this, Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said:
Father, the hour has come:
glorify your Son
so that your Son may glorify you;
so that, just as you have given him
power over all humanity,
he may give eternal life
to all those you have entrusted to him.
And eternal life is this:
to know you,
the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
I have glorified you on earth
by finishing the work
that you gave me to do.
Now, Father, glorify me
with that glory I had with you
before ever the world existed.
I have revealed your name
to those whom you took from the world
to give me.
They were yours
and you gave them to me,
and they have kept your word.
Now at last they have recognised
that all you have given me
comes from you
for I have given them
the teaching you gave to me,
and they have indeed accepted it
and know for certain
that I came from you,
and have believed
that it was you who sent me.
It is for them that I pray.
I am not praying for the world
but for those you have given me,
because they belong to you.
All I have is yours
and all you have is mine,
and in them I am glorified.
I am no longer in the world,
but they are in the world,
and I am coming to you.
Holy Father,
keep those you have given me
true to your name,
so that they may be one like us.
While I was with them,
I kept those you had given me
true to your name.
I have watched over them
and not one is lost
except one who was destined to be lost,
and this was to fulfil the scriptures.
But now I am coming to you
and I say these things in the world
to share my joy with them to the full.
I passed your word on to them,
and the world hated them,
because they belong to the world
no more than I belong to the world.
I am not asking you
to remove them from the world,
but to protect them from the Evil One.
They do not belong to the world
any more than I belong to the world.
Consecrate them in the truth;
your word is truth.
As you sent me into the world,
I have sent them into the world,
and for their sake I consecrate myself
so that they too
may be consecrated in truth.
I pray not only for these
but also for those
who through their teaching
will come to believe in me.
May they all be one,
just as, Father, you are in me
and I am in you,
so that they also may be in us,
so that the world may believe
it was you who sent me.
I have given them the glory
you gave to me,
that they may be one as we are one.
With me in them and you in me,
may they be so perfected in unity
that the world will recognise
that it was you who sent me
and that you have loved them
as you have loved me.
I want those you have given me
to be with me where I am,
so that they may always see my glory
which you have given me
because you loved me
before the foundation of the world.
Father, Upright One,
the world has not known you,
but I have known you,
and these have known
that you have sent me.
I have made your name known to them
and will continue to make it known,
so that the love with which you loved me
may be in them,
and so that I may be in them.
August 22, 2005 message continues
Jesus speaks:
No man has so beautifully written as
in My Word. Read the Gospel of John, let
it seep in your soul, in the Epistles of
John in the Bible, read the richness of
My Word and let it penetrate your heart
as a two-edged sword, My Word alive
within you. Read Revelation. And as the Word lives in
you, so too will that life be in this
I am the Divine God, I feed you
with My Word and the Eucharist.
The Bread of Life.
Mary is Mother of the Church.
The Church is My Bride.
The Church is My Body.
The Church is an institution instituted
by Me to give grace.
Your Mother is your spiritual Mother.
Within My Heart is found the
treasures and wisdom you seek to know and understand
Me. In giving your heart to the Virgin
Mary, the Holy Spirit forms you more and
more in My Image and likeness-
she places you in the depth of My Heart
where in is found the fountain of
life. My Heart was pierced on Calvary
and Blood and water poured out-
Blood for the Eucharist, water a
symbol of Baptism. From My pierced
Heart the Church was born. The
Church is the fountain of My life
outpoured to you - My grace given
through My Sacraments.
And how will you come to My Kingdom,
likened to a little star or bright as the
sunlit morning?
And how will you answer My plea -
holding on to the things of the world, -
letting go and living according to My
The days are long and night may
seem longer, but your life ticks on
in petty pace, one month following
another. Oh that you pondered the
sign of the rainbow.
A star can give off light and
a sun much more and the light
of both are brilliantly beautiful - made
as fire and light in the hand of the Creator.
Beneath the ocean is another world
and many never see it or even think about
it, but it is there - life below the
surface of the earth - a diver sees such
beauty in the things below, the colors,
life below the surface of the earth,
but to many they never know of its'
brilliance or even ponder its' existence.
Why do you not see how blind you
are about the things of God and why do
you in your pride - close off the
opportunity for greater growth in the
spiritual life.
Lets take you on a submarine and show
you the sights - then maybe in the airplanes
instead of reading porno magazines - you
will take time to ponder the heights
of heaven - the sun-lit day - the
littleness for the earth below - the
magnificence of God and ponder deeply -
the Divine Mysteries.
Oh blind men -
Blind men -
filled with pompous and
anger and greed
lust, jealousy, envy and
pride -
These are the concupiscence of the
flesh -
Reach in your hearts for the ways of
the Spirit -
Open a door to God - look beyond
your own mind and beg for wisdom
only I can give - read the Scriptures
Go to the Eucharist -
the Scriptures are My Word.
My mother is the singular vessel
My mother is the spotless virgin.
My mother is conceived without sin
My mother is your mother
Mother of the Church
Sing: Our Lady of Fatima
Mary speaks: On this
August 22, 2005, the day of
my Queenship, the Father likes you to
venerate me as Queen of Heaven and
Earth. In praying my litany as
my Son has asked, in the Shepherds of
Christ prayers, you honor me in my
virginity, in my Motherhood, in my Queenship,
in many titles.
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.Holy Mary, pray for us (repeat after each invocation).
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of the Church,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Savior,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the Covenant,
Gate of heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of angels,
Queen of patriarchs,
Queen of prophets,
Queen of apostles,
Queen of martyrs,
Queen of confessors,
Queen of virgins,
Queen of all saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into heaven,
Queen of the most holy rosary,
Queen of families,
Queen of peace,Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.Let us pray: Grant, we beseech You, O Lord God, that we Your servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body and, by the glorious intercession of the blessed Mary, ever virgin, be delivered from present sorrow, and obtain eternal joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We fly to your patronage, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
August 22, 2005 message continues
Mary speaks:
I am the singular vessel, I am the
Immaculate Conception, I was conceived
without sin. I am the gate of Heaven. I
am a fortress for all my children. I
protect you under my mantle.
My Son is the Head of the
From the Church is brought forth the
children bred and fed on the Body and
Blood of Jesus.
A hill was seen in the
I appeared to children. I came in rolling
hills of green. I appeared on the trees.
I am the Lady of Snow. I am the pure
vessel. I come to cover the earth with my
mantle of frost. Pureness is demanded of
my little ones. But the ancient serpent the
devil has tried to melt my mantle away.
Oh rise up oh children of
America as the
children I have come to talk to, to deliver
my message to the other children of the
world. I come our Lady of Fatima in
the Americas and who pays me heed?
I come a Lady clothed as the sun, I
come standing under the moon's brilliant
rays. I appear in gold against the dark
night, showing you that the brilliant
beauty of your Mother can help you in
the perils of darkest night and web of the
devil, satan.
July 5, 2000
August 22, 2005 message continues
Mary speaks:
I crush his head, I am Mary,
full of grace. I lead you to the Heart
of my Son.
Children of America cry no
listen to your Mother, don't put me
off any longer.
Be my little army, the Father
you to be, telling the world of my visit
in Clearwater.
Mothers tell your children to
the word how I appeared. Circulate my
image wallets on the whole face of the
earth, let the world know I appeared
in Clearwater, Mother of America, Mother
of the world, Queen of Peace, Our Lady of
Fatima in the Americas, Queen of all my
children, Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Don't be afraid, my babies.
don't be afraid. Do not speak of war. Listen
to the Queen of Peace and join my army
of love. You are at battle with the devil.
I will crush his head and he will be
no more.
Jesus speaks: A man went into battle, but he
failed to see the enemy, he was blind
and the enemy consistently attacked
the troops called the "Blind Army".
Soon they were wiped out.
July 5, 2000
Genesis 9: 13-15
I now set my bow in the clouds and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. When I gather the clouds over the earth and the bow appears in the clouds, I shall recall the covenant between myself and you and every living creature, in a word all living things, and never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all living things.
Jesus speaks: Your problem is
your blindness.
You lie as a city sleeping. The thief
comes in the night, taking the babies
from their beds and you do not see it.
You weaken your once strong ways
becoming tainted yourselves, learning to
live more the ways of the world.
On this day, the Queenship of
Listen to the Queen of
Peace, before it
is too late, for I have entrusted the
peace of the world to her, she crushes
the head of the devil. When the
Queen called, the people listened.
When God the Father allowed Mary
to appear in Clearwater, you ignored
the Queen of Peace. You look at
the devastation of September 11, 2001
coming from evil in the hearts, you
need your priests. You need
My true presence in the Eucharist -
Mary appears the Queen of Peace to lead
you to My Movement, Shepherds of Christ.
She comes, a Mother of Hope
in a sickened, war-tattered world,
a Lady clothed with the sun, bringing
her rainbow robe, reminding the people
of the earth of the sign given to you
by God after Noah's flood.
My Blue Book meetings began
February 17th, 1994 with this message -
Seek True Treasures
February 17, 1994 5:30 a.m.
Jesus: My little ones, how are you doing? Are you getting bogged down in this weather? Do you know yet that you do not control the elements? You live every day and you think you have much to do to control your actions but you do not see the eyes of Him Who watches over you with loving care.
I give to you this earth and all you need to sustain your life here. Man worries about the earth and if this or that will happen. Man has become so independent that he thinks he controls all things and he needs to worry about his present and future.
You, My favored, chosen ones, know that life here lasts but a moment and like smoke it is gone without a trace. Look at your ancestors. So few people ever remember their ancestors, yet your ancestors thought that at every moment their actions were so crucial. Little ones, you hold on to life. You hold on to these little happenings here and you worry in vain! Look at the big picture, My little ones. Here today, gone tomorrow, and where are you going?
The days go by with such speed. "Oh," you say, "Where have the years gone?" You think every second is so important. You worry, you fret, you wander empty roads and I watch you. I see you with your emphasis on the moment. You are being deceived, My little ones. It is in seeing the moment as part of eternity that you really know what is going on. Each moment you live, you are the teacher about the God Who dwells in your breast. Each moment you live, you are My messenger to this cold, scared world. Nothing you do means anything except as you are serving Me.
Take off your glasses. Behold the life above. See every moment as a drop of the life to come. See every moment as part of eternity. All these drops together make up your pass into My kingdom.
You worry, you wonder, you fret, you hold on. I give you a toothache, I take it away. One second and a toothache is gone. Is that not how it is with life--one second and it is gone? Oh, how those little precious moments seem to die away and you scarce can remember what happened! Yet during people's lives those moments seem earth-shattering. Those moments are yesterday's forgotten memories. You hold on, you fret, you fume and I watch you let go of each moment, only to become forgotten by today.
Store up your moments as part of eternity. Every moment here is part of your pass to My kingdom. How are you living this moment? Is it used to give service to Me and preach My gospel? Are you making all your moments count towards your eternity? Each moment is but a breath and it is gone. Did you use the moment I gave you to do My work? This time is not yours. I can snatch your moments away in one breath. It matters, My children, only as you choose to serve Me and spread My love!
If everyone had God as their primary goal, what love you would possess. What power you would know, because God is the mightiest force. I have all the power. Other power is false power!
Do you get it yet? Do you think anything you hold on to is so precious here? Here today, gone tomorrow, and I snatch you from your seats and you never return to finish what you deemed so important.
Are you comprehending My words here? The body is but an instrument to get you around. Reach with the spirit within. Live from the soul. Communicate with Me in your soul. Look for the unseen world that surrounds you constantly. Die to yourself.
You have a soul at this very moment that is a vibrant spiritual force alive within you. Live from your soul, My little ones. Focus on your soul. Live from your heart. Do not fret and fume for the things of this world. Here today, gone tomorrow, and then forgotten. Today's moments, yesterday's forgotten treasures. Do they mean so much or do you forget what seemed so important?
Reach with the soul. Live for God. Each moment is your chance to store up treasures for eternity. They will never be forgotten. What you do to help others to know Me will never be forgotten. How you loved will never be forgotten. How you gave lives on in those you touched. Your love is like a bubbling brook. It bubbles and keeps on bubbling. Your selfishness dies the moment after you live it.
Love is the force. Love is the power that reflects the God above. Love is not selfish. Love does not demand its own way. Love gives and doesn't stop giving. On the day of judgment it will be found in the hearts of those you touched. Think of only yourself and watch your moments become yesterday's forgotten moments. Love your brothers and watch the world reflect the love you gave, from now to the end.
Love or selfishness? I call you to love. I call you to plant a seed that grows into a mighty oak. Plant My seeds of love. Ask not how you can attain your goal but how you can fulfill the goal of God. Love God, love one another. Too simple, too hard for many.
Love, children. Reflect the God Who dwells within your soul. Store up your moments forever lest they become yesterday's forgotten treasure.
Like ripples on a pond, your love never dies. It reaches on and on and goes into the moments of eternity. Love is lasting. Love never dies. Love God, love one another. Die to yourself and live.
end of February 13, 1994
August 22, 2005 message continues
Jesus speaks:
The earth was flooded in the 2nd
month, the 17th day.
Genesis 7: 11-12
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, and on the seventeenth day of the month, that very day all the springs of the great deep burst through, and the sluices of heaven opened. And heavy rain fell on earth for forty days and forty nights.
August 22, 2005 message continues
Messenger: One thousand and thirty four days
later, Mary appeared in Clearwater December
17, 1996 after over 2½
years of
17th meetings.
Jesus speak: Oh stars of Israel, you look for
to questions of earthy things and do not
question as you should the questions of
heavenly matter.
When a wise man comes -
Those who are seeking answers,
must stop for they desire help,
and he answers them.
When I came to the poor banished
children of Eve, they rejected Me, beat Me,
and hung Me on the tree. They were
created with the desire to be filled with
the love of God, to know God so deeply
and yet the weakness of the children of
Eve reach in to the bag of marbles and
look for the black cold ones even
when the flower and foliage and
beauty of the earth can give them
A glass eye can be a delight to
who is eyeless, but to you who feel
the empty hole in your hearts, you
still reach to fill it with rubbish.
Oh that you would reach to fill
your hearts with the joy of the Savior.
That your hearts would seek after
My love and knowledge only I can
give. When the grapes grow on the
well-cared-for vine, they produce
wine, fruit for the harvest. The wine
can be used at the Mass, and through
the hands of consecrated priests, it can
become My very Blood, a gift I give
you, the thirsty, war-torn souls.
Today is a special day to honor
My Mother, the Queen of Heaven and
Earth, listen to the Queen of My
Kingdom, listen to the Queen of Peace.
Ignore Me no longer, hard-heads
and stone-hearts and you reach for
the rubbish, satan comes in the
night and steals the babies from
their beds while you focus on the beauty
of the sheets and the schools you want
to send them to.
Mary speaks: My children this
is Mary, your Heavenly Mother. I
beg you, adults and all others,
my little children circulate my
image wallets. Ignore me no longer.
July 4, 1996
This message was received before a live statue of the Sorrowful Mother after Communion.
Message from Jesus: "Peace will abound when nations, churches, families and individuals are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"Fr. Carter is a pillar of light to the dark world. This is the explanation of the photo. It is through him, I will turn darkness to light. Circulate this message with the picture. Encourage all to consecrate their hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to join the Shepherds of Christ Chapters, and the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Movement to pray for your Church and your world. This is My Movement for renewal of the Church and the world, based in consecration, joining your every act to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying the rosary, and making reparation to Our Hearts, especially on First Fridays and First Saturdays. It is through your prayers and sacrifices many souls will be helped to be saved. Grace will flow from those whose hearts are consecrated to Our Hearts and the fire of My Love will light up this darkened world."
As you look at the picture, you see Fr. Carter's arm and hand on your left. This picture of Fr. Carter was taken July 2, 1996 at the Tuesday Shepherds of Christ Meeting at Tom Arlinghaus' Farm.end of July 4, 1996 message
August 22, 2005 message continues
Mary speaks: I am Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas
Sing: Come Unto Me All who are Weary
He reached into the sky and
He picked the stars, Jesus the Light
of the World. And He poked each star
so gently and He said to each one,
"Give light little one, shine in the
darkness. Let your light be as a
beacon light. Where there is hatred,
sow love, where there is anger, spread
peace, where there is disharmony,
promote unity, where you see a frown,
give a smile. Let your sweet laughter
echo like the echo of the joyful
hills and let your warm hearts
radiate My love in the cold night."
Jesus speaks: Blue skies are
blue for they are
a gift to remind you of the mantle
of your Mother, blue waters in varying
shades of her pure ways and gentle
touch. When you see the blue skies
and the blue waters, see your
Mother with her mantle of blue,
and hear her speak in the gentleness
and softness of her tone as only
she can do.
Mary speaks: I am Mary,
Mother of the
Universe, Queen of Peace and
love. I have appeared with my
robes of splendor covered by the
sunlit day shining as a Mother of
Hope for the "war-torn" world.
Where there is hatred, sow my love
and tell all of my mantle of peace,
I appeared in Clearwater in rainbow
color to remind you of the covenant
God made with His people after the
flood of Noah.
Mary speaks: Hurricanes ravaged the state of
Florida after you broke the head of my
image. On this feast of my Queenship
I appeal to you to ignore me no longer.
Our Lady of Clearwater Florida
We chose to put more than just one of each of these 5ths because of they're importance. |
![]() November 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() November 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 Jesus instructed the prayer service be done inside |
![]() December 5, 2003 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() January 5, 2004 |
![]() February 5, 2004 |
![]() February 5, 2004 |
![]() February 5, 2004 |
![]() March 5, 2004 |
![]() March 5, 2004 |
![]() June 5, 2004 |
![]() July 5, 2004 |
August 22, 2005 message continues
Mary speaks: What sign would move you?
How does the Heavenly Father reach the
children torn by war and sin?
Jesus speaks: Mary is the Queen of Peace -
to her has been entrusted the
peace of the world. America,
you are blind - satan is stealing
your churches from beneath your eyes,
taking your babies from their beds -
you have ignored Me and My
Movement and the sign your Father
sent in Our Lady of Clearwater -
Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas.
Jesus speaks: I am the Good
Shepherd, Chief
Shepherd of the Flock, listen to
Me, ignore Me no longer.
February 5, 2001
Jesus speaks: Help Me with
the Blue Book 4,
the Tiny Tots and the Newsletter
and to maintain the site in Florida -
Answer your
Mother's request to circulate
the image pictures, videos, discs,
daily messages, all over the world.
Daily Messages from Heaven - volumes 1 & 2
a big book
call Morrow
September 2, 1998 to October 31, 1998
discerned by Fr. Carter
All writings from Fr. Carter and Rita Ring
and discerned by Fr. Carter
8½ x 11 book - $20 plus shipping
Shepherds of Christ
We take credit cards.
We have tremendous statues in
Clearwater, Florida
China, Indiana
and Ohio
Please call for more information.