Shepherds of Christ  
       Daily Writing        

August 28, 2010

August 29th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 1 Period II.

The Novena Rosary Mysteries  
for August 29th are Glorious.


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Fr. Joe's Homily Book







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                            August 28, 2010

                            From August 27, 2010

                                We pray for the priests, the Church and
                            the world  —

                                They cannot be selfish or a parish
                            priest would hurt his parish  —

                                He is ready to listen, some complain
                            and he runs all kinds of things  —
                            runs to hospitals, nursing homes,
                            helps families.

                                Mary said families, schools, Churches
                            need to consecrate their homes, churches,
                            schools and families to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and
                            display images of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and
                            to consecrate themselves  —
                            She said this and praying the rosary,
                                conversion will bring peace  —

                            Parents make decisions for innocent
                            children who have to live by
                            their decisions  —

                            Don't we think we should
                            listen to the messages
                            Jesus and Mary gave Fr. Carter
                            Mary gave at Fatima
                            Jesus said in the Blue Books so
                                people will obey commandments  —
                                to put God first
                                to love God above all things
                                to love our neighbor as ourselves  —

                            Priests serving the people are not

                            Parents really giving to their family
                                are not selfish.

                            God calls us to serve.
                            God calls us to give.
                            God calls us to love.
                            God calls us to build His Kingdom.

                            He has called us in the Shepherds of Christ to
                                follow this Plan to help bring to
                                completion the message Mary
                                gave at Fatima for peace  —

                            Consecrate to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart
                                your Churches and families
                                and schools.

                            Consecrate yourselves  —

                            Be truthful about your sins  —
                            so all can grow in peace and

                            Oh God help us  —
                                  spread Fr. Joe's book to all the
                                  priests in the US
                                  and start prayer chapters praying
                                  for the priests, the Church
                                  and the world  — all over the
                                  world as Jesus asked  —

                            Help me do what Mary and Jesus
                                asked for  —

                            For Peace

                            For Love

                            For our children

                            Don't give into satan  —

                            Obey the commandments  —



                            August 28, 2010

                                Another person cannot control
                            another's free will  — nor does God
                            take away the free will —

                                He may allow someone to suffer
                            to get their attention, but as they
                            sin more and more their vision
                            becomes more and more distorted and
                            the devil presses in so they make
                            worse and worse decisions  — not
                            based on right reasoning, but on
                            their distorted vision  —

                                The devil tempts the person to
                            sin, then they can give in over and
                            over again, when they sin,
                            and can  lie to themselves about the
                            truth about their own sin  — defend
                            themselves and will not admit the
                            real error of their ways  —

                              The devil is a liar  — he presses on
                            the person to see things in the light
                            of the world, not according to God's
                            rules, the commandments, right
                            reasoning, the Word, the Church  —

                                Oh that they were practicing virtue
                            not giving into vices  —

                                Sin is sin, when we offend God
                            in unloving ways we go against the
                            greatest commandment  —

                                Today's reading  —

                                In Corinthians we see the struggle
                            of St. Paul with the problems of Corinth
                            and we see how he speaks in purity
                            of love  —

1 Corinthians 1: 26-31

Consider, brothers, how you were called; not many of you are wise by human standards, not many influential, not many from noble families. No, God chose those who by human standards are fools to shame the wise; he chose those who by human standards are weak to shame the strong, those who by human standards are common and contemptible—indeed those who count for nothing—to reduce to nothing all those that do count for something, so that no human being might feel boastful before God. It is by him that you exist in Christ Jesus, who for us was made wisdom from God, and saving justice and holiness and redemption. As scripture says: If anyone wants to boast, let him boast of the Lord.


Matthew 25: 14-30

‘It is like a man about to go abroad who summoned his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one, each in proportion to his ability. Then he set out on his journey. The man who had received the five talents promptly went and traded with them and made five more. The man who had received two made two more in the same way. But the man who had received one went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. Now a long time afterwards, the master of those servants came back and went through his accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents came forward bringing five more. "Sir," he said, "you entrusted me with five talents; here are five more that I have made." His master said to him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant; you have shown you are trustworthy in small things; I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness." Next the man with the two talents came forward. "Sir," he said, "you entrusted me with two talents; here are two more that I have made." His master said to him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant; you have shown you are trustworthy in small things; I will trust you with greater; come and join in your master’s happiness." Last came forward the man who had the single talent. "Sir," said he, "I had heard you were a hard man, reaping where you had not sown and gathering where you had not scattered; so I was afraid, and I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here it is; it was yours, you have it back." But his master answered him, "You wicked and lazy servant! So you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered? Well then, you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have got my money back with interest. So now, take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough; but anyone who has not, will be deprived even of what he has. As for this good–for–nothing servant, throw him into the darkness outside, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth."


                                The talents Gospel shows us we were
                            given talents to serve God and build
                            the kingdom  — as satan presses in
                            more and more and we focus on the ways
                            of the world  — we can become more and
                            more distorted in our vision  —

                                Not realize our very life is to serve
                            God and our talents were given so
                            we can uniquely give to Him through
                            our service what is His due  —


Excerpt from Response to God's Love


                                                         The Christian's Personal


                                                  Obviously, we all assimilate the mystery of Christ in basically the same way. There are, however, significant differences in how each person puts on Christ that result from the uniqueness of each individual. Each person is a unique expression of God's creative love. Each person can truthfully say that there has never before been anyone like himself or herself, there is now no one like him or her, and there never will be.

       The personal uniqueness of each human being increases in proportion to one's assimilation to Jesus. That is to say, the more I put on Christ, the more I lose myself in Christ, the more I become myself. This is true because grace perfects nature, and, consequently, the more I grow in grace, the more perfect all dimensions of my person become—and this includes uniqueness. We see, then, how fallacious is the reasoning of those who think that the more they give themselves to the practice of religion, the more their personalities will be subdued. Actually, the opposite is true—the more one grows in Christ, the more his or her unique personality emerges in all its attractiveness.

       As I grow in the realization of my own uniqueness, I should also grow in developing a sense of self-identity and self-acceptance. If God in his tremendous love for me has created the uniqueness that I am, should I not rejoice in who I am and avoid morbidly comparing myself to others? Should I not have a healthy self-image? Of course, self-acceptance does not mean self-complacency. Honest self-reflection will always reveal to me that there are weaknesses that must be further curbed and strengths that must be further developed.

       As God gives each person his or her uniqueness, he attaches to it a unique mission or role that is to be accomplished. Cardinal Newman tells us: "Everyone who breathes, high and low, educated and ignorant, young and old, man and woman, has a mission, has a work. We are not sent into this world for nothing; we are not born at random. . . . God sees every one of us; He creates every soul, He lodges it in a body, one by one, for a purpose. He needs, He deigns to need, every one of us" (Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations, pp. 111-112).

       Because of the uniqueness of each Christian's existence, he or she presents Christ with a unique opportunity. Each Christian has the vocation to offer Christ his or her humanity so that Jesus can re-incarnate himself in a new way. Jesus wants to continue his redemptive work through the not-to-be-repeated newness that is each Christian's uniqueness. To the extent that an individual Christian offers his or her humanity to Jesus, he or she has a unique opportunity to continue the redemption—an opportunity that no one else can offer him or her. Likewise, to the extent that an individual Christian fails to offer his or her humanity to Christ, Jesus loses the opportunity that is this Christian's uniqueness.

       Each of us, consequently, no matter what his or her occupation or status in life might be, has both the great privilege and the great responsibility to properly utilize his or her life according to God's Christic design. No one else can fulfill your unique mission, and, in turn, you cannot accomplish the unique mission of another. At times we can become somewhat fearful or anxious about the task that God has entrusted to us as we more deeply realize what it demands. We can feel the same reluctance that Jeremiah the prophet voiced when Yahweh called him:

       The word of the LORD came to me thus:
       "Before I formed you in the womb I
               knew you,
               before you were born I dedicated
               a prophet to the nations I appointed
       "Ah, LORD GOD!" I said,
               "I know not how to speak; I am too
       But the LORD answered me,
       "Say not, 'I am too young.'
               To whomever I send you, you shall
               Whatever I command you, you shall
       Have no fear before them,
               because I am with you to deliver
               you, says the LORD."
Jer 1:4-8

       Jeremiah initially shrank back from the mission that God was giving him. He complained that he was not capable of accomplishing it. God answered him, however, and told Jeremiah that he was perfectly capable of fulfilling his appointed role, for he, Yahweh, would be with Jeremiah. God would work through Jeremiah, and Jeremiah, for his part, was to be open to God, allowing Yahweh to work through him according to the divine will.

       We, too, can be guilty of reacting to God's call in the same way that Jeremiah had originally reacted. This can happen as God calls one to a basic state of life. Once a person is within a fundamental vocation, one can be tempted to resist God's call to higher things, to a more complete accomplishment of his or her mission, and to a greater Christian maturity. When so tempted, a person must control his or her fears and trustingly give himself or herself to God's will. Only then will the person become convinced that God never requests anything without granting abundant grace to accomplish his design, and that, moreover, to answer God's call as consistently as possible is the only true path to peace, happiness, and fulfillment, despite the pain that is necessarily involved.

       We are aided in remaining faithful to the unique role in life that God has given us if we strive to remain aware of the great value that one life has to Christ, to the Church, and to the world. History tells us of the great difference that just one life can have regarding Christ's work; there are outstanding examples from all walks of life. Surely the Church has been enriched, and countless lay people have been inspired because of the life of a man named Thomas More. He was a layman who realized the deepest meaning of life—and he did not fail to confront the true purpose of human existence, even when that confrontation meant sacrificing his life for what he believed. Surely this life—the one life of St. Thomas More—has made a difference. In our own times, we have been enriched and inspired by an outstanding lay witness—the beloved Dorothy Day. What an inspiration she has been! Surely her life, though it was only one life, made a difference—and such a great difference. There are, too, the examples of men and women who have established religious orders and congregations. Surely the life of each of them has made an overwhelming contribution toward a better Church and a better world. Consider also the life of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, a person from a peasant background who eventually came to be called Pope John XXIII. Surely the world is so much better for Pope John's having given it his love, kindness, joy, and constant concern. Of course one life does make a difference.


                            We see in the talents scripture Jesus
                            talks about the servant's master
                            coming unexpectantly  —

                                Again Jesus speaks to be prepared  —
                            for the bad servant will get punished
                            severely  — "and assign him to a place
                            with  hypocrites, where there will
                            be the wailing and grinding of teeth".  —

                                We see the Parable of the ten virgins  —
                            that preceded this  —

                            We are going to our judgment place alone  —
                            Fr. Joe says we can't go on the shirt
                            tail of anyone else  — or because we
                            had a holy grandma, etc.  —
                            we go on our own — we are accountable
                            for our lives to God, our Master


Matthew 25: 31-46

The Last Judgement

‘When the Son of man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory. All nations will be assembled before him and he will separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats. He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, "Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." Then the upright will say to him in reply, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Then he will say to those on his left hand, "Go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you never gave me food, I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink, I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, lacking clothes and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me." Then it will be their turn to ask, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or lacking clothes, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?" Then he will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me." And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the upright to eternal life.’


                            Then in Matthew after this Chapter 26 we see the
                                conspiracy against Jesus, we
                                see "the woman who anointed Jesus
                                with perfumed oil" and how
                                they judged her and Jesus was
                                pleased at her love for Him  —

                            We see then in Matthew  — the betrayal
                                of Judas  —

                            Jesus told them to prepare for the Passover  —
                            And the 12 set at table and amongst
                            them was the betrayer Judas  — Then the
                            the last supper


Matthew 26: 26-30

Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had said the blessing he broke it and gave it to the disciples. ‘Take it and eat,’ he said, ‘this is my body.’ Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he handed it to them saying, ‘Drink from this, all of you, for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. From now on, I tell you, I shall never again drink wine until the day I drink the new wine with you in the kingdom of my Father.’

After the psalms had been sung they left for the Mount of Olives. 


                                We then see Jesus tells them that
                            the sheep will be dispersed  —
                            and they will have their faith shaken  —
                            And Jesus foretold Peter's denial  —

                            So we see Judas the betrayer  — deep in
                                darkness who would despair and
                                hang himself.

                            So we see Peter who denied Jesus,
                                but Jesus made head of the Church  —

                            How is the heart  —

                            When one continues to sin  — his
                                darkness becomes darker
                                and his heart further and further
                                from God because of pride  —

                            But Peter, too denied Christ, but
                                his love for God  — his heart
                                was a heart of virtue  — Faith,
                                hope and love  — He was not far
                                from God  — He sinned, but he knew
                                the truth  —

                                Judas has the sin steeped deep
                            in darkness, greed, pride to betray
                            his Master and he paid a far
                            costlier price than 30 pieces of silver
                            for the willingness to be secret and
                            sin deeply against God  —

                                Peter's heart was soft and supple
                            not like a stone, he slept in the
                            garden despite the fact Christ
                            came and told him to stay awake  —

                                Jesus sweat blood  —

                                Peter slept  —

                                Showing us our weakness when
                                    we sin  — but it is
                                    the condition of the heart  —

                            Is our vision distorted  — deep in
                                vices  — like Judas.

                            Are we a sinner, but not deep
                                seated in pride, but "stupid"
                                unseeing  — like Peter  — who
                                knew his sin immediately
                                after because his heart was
                                loving  —

                            Judas brought the men with swords
                                and clubs  — it shows how
                                Judas did all this behind
                                Christ's back in secret  —
                                then Judas betrayed Jesus  —
                                to hand Him over with a kiss  —

                            Oh how the heart of Jesus must
                                have ached for He loved Judas
                                so much  — He made him one
                                of His apostles  —

                                At the hands of Judas  — they
                                arrested Jesus  —

                            How have we made Christ suffer
                                for our sins by being whipped
                                at the pillar, crowned with
                                thorns, and then we can deny
                                our sins over and over again
                                because of pride, greed  —
                                wanting control, superiority
                                over others against God's will  —

                            Peter drew his sword and cut off the
                                ear of the high priest's servant  —

                            In that moment again Jesus shows
                                His way is love  — not the

                            Jesus shows His way is healing  —

                            He healed the ear  —


Matthew 26: 54-56

But then, how would the scriptures be fulfilled that say this is the way it must be? It was at this time that Jesus said to the crowds, ‘Am I a bandit, that you had to set out to capture me with swords and clubs? I sat teaching in the Temple day after day and you never laid a hand on me. Now all this happened to fulfil the prophecies in scripture. Then all the disciples deserted him and ran away.


Matthew 26: 63-68

But Jesus was silent. And the high priest said to him, 'I put you on oath by the living god to tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.' Jesus answered him, 'It is you who say it. But, I tell you that from this time onward you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.' Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, 'He has blasphemed. What need of witnesses have we now? There! You have just heard the blasphemy. What is your opinion? They answered, 'He deserves to die."

Then they spat in his face and hit him with their fists; others said as they struck him, 'Prophesy to us, Christ! Who hit you then?'


                                Now Peter afraid  — denied Jesus  —
                                    He said "I do not know the

                                3 times Peter denied Jesus and
                                Jesus made him head of the Church  —
                            showing we are all sinners and God
                            forgives our sins when we
                            admit them and say we are sorry and
                            have a firm purpose of amendment  —
                            a contrite heart.

                            But hearts are different  —
                                one can be so deep in darkness  —
                                like stone  —
                                from lies about one's sin
                                hatred deep seated and prideful
                                lying to oneself continually about
                                the truth  —
                                that what is inside is darkness  —
                                    deep darkness  —

                            Peter's sin was grave denying Jesus,
                                but his heart was soft and supple
                                and full of love  — (the virtues of faith, hope and love)
                                he repented quickly
                                Peter admitted the truth of
                                    his error  —
                                Peter was sorry  —

                            Judas steeped in pride
                                full of despair because
                                    of his vices  — secrets  —
                                full of a hard heart and not
                                    love for Jesus despaired  —
                                    He saw darkness  —

                            How is our hearts?

                            Do we sin quickly and recognize our
                                sin  —

                            Is our sins premeditated in envy
                                to do evil to others  —
                                full of hatred  —
                                punishing  —
                                prideful  —
                                angry  —
                                deep seated in unforgiveness,
                                    lust, greed, envy,
                                    jealousy  —

                            Jesus wants a contrite sinner  —
                            Mary spoke of conversion at
                                Fatima, reparation  —
                            We restore our relationship
                            with God and others  —

                            We don't have a history of
                                one sided interaction  —
                                living lives to provoke and wish
                                    others harm  —
                                lies  — secrets
                                This is dark and filled with
                                    hatred for self and others  —

                            Peter loved Jesus  —
                            Jesus asked him 3 times
                                "Do you love Me?"

                            Peter's heart was loving  — he
                                loved himself as the
                                friend of Jesus, but
                                Peter still sinned  —

                            David sinned and God forgave him,
                                but he brought punishment on
                                himself for his sin, but he
                                repented  —


Matthew 27: 1-2

When morning came, all the chief priests and the elders of the people met in council to bring about the death of Jesus. They had him bound and led him away to hand him over to Pilate, the governor.


Matthew 27: 3-10

When he found that Jesus had been condemned, then Judas, his betrayer, was filled with remorse and took the thirty silver pieces back to the chief priests and elders saying, ‘I have sinned. I have betrayed innocent blood.’ They replied, ‘What is that to us? That is your concern.’ And flinging down the silver pieces in the sanctuary he made off, and went and hanged himself. The chief priests picked up the silver pieces and said, ‘It is against the Law to put this into the treasury; it is blood–money.’ So they discussed the matter and with it bought the potter’s field as a graveyard for foreigners, and this is why the field is still called the Field of Blood. The word spoken through the prophet Jeremiah was then fulfilled: And they took the thirty silver pieces, the sum at which the precious One was priced by the children of Israel, and they gave them for the potter’s field, just as the Lord directed me.

                            We see Judas death and what it
                                    meant  — senseless  —

                            In contrast to Christ's death  —
                                    Christ the new Adam  —
                                    giving, loving, dying
                                    for all
                                    Christ spread His arms  —
                                    Christ gave His all on the
                                        cross for 3 hours  —

                            Then in Matthew's Gospel  —
                                The people took Barabbas
                                    over Jesus  —

                            The way of the world  —

                                To give into satan
                                To blaspheme and reject Jesus  —


Matthew 27:  22-23

Pilate said to them, ‘But in that case, what am I to do with Jesus who is called Christ?’ They all said, ‘Let him be crucified!’ He asked, ‘But what harm has he done?’ But they shouted all the louder, ‘Let him be crucified!’


Matthew 27: 26

Then he released Barabbas for them. After having Jesus scourged he handed him over to be crucified.

Matthew 27: 27-29

Then the governor’s soldiers took Jesus with them into the Praetorium and collected the whole cohort round him. And they stripped him and put a scarlet cloak round him, and having twisted some thorns into a crown they put this on his head and placed a reed in his right hand. To make fun of him they knelt to him saying, ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’


                            They gave Jesus wine mixed with gall  —

                            Jesus made the grapes
                            Jesus made everything from nothing and
                            They did this to Jesus  —

Matthew 27: 41-44

The chief priests with the scribes and elders mocked him in the same way, with the words, ‘He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the king of Israel; let him come down from the cross now, and we will believe in him. He has put his trust in God; now let God rescue him if he wants him. For he did say, “I am God’s son.”  Even the bandits who were crucified with him taunted him in the same way.



Matthew 27: 45-56

From the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eli, eli, lama sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' When some of those who stood there heard this, they said, 'The man is calling on Elijah,' and one of them quickly ran to get a sponge which he filled with vinegar and, putting it on a reed, gave it him to drink. But the rest of them said, 'Wait! And see if Elijah will come to save him.' But Jesus, again crying out in a loud voice, yielded up his spirit. And suddenly, the veil of the Sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth quaked, the rocks were split, the tombs opened and the bodies of many holy people rose from the dead, and these, after his resurrection, came out of the tombs, entered the holy city and appeared to a number of people. The centurion, together with the others guarding Jesus, had seen the earthquake and all that was taking place, and they were terrified and said, 'In truth this man was son of God.' And many women were there, watching from a distance, the same women who had followed Jesus from Galilee and looked after him. Among them were Mary of Magdala, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee's sons.


                            Things are not good or evil
                                of themselves  —

                                the mind of man thinks them
                                    such  —

                            Sex is good of itself  — it was
                                created by God for marriage  —

                            Man can sin horribly against
                                what God intended for
                                sex in a marriage to
                                procreate children and show
                                love of husband and wife  —

                            Money is not evil or good  —

                            It is what the man does
                                with it in a greedy
                                heart or a heart ready
                                to serve God and build God's Kingdom  —

                            Likewise talents  —
                                talents used for vain glory  —
                                    to punish others not
                                    doing good but harm against God —
                                    offends God.
                                Talents were given to give
                                    honor and glory to God
                                    and build God's
                                        Kingdom  —

                            A bird can fly  —
                                His wings are good  —

                            A man has a heart to love  —
                                to lead him to God  —
                                to love his fellow men and help build
                                God's Kingdom

Matthew 23: 27-32

    Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs that look handsome on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and every kind of corruption. In just the same way, from the outside you look upright, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

    Alas for you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You build the sepulchres of the prophets and decorate the tombs of the upright, saying, “We would never have joined in shedding the blood of the prophets, had we lived in our ancestors’ day. So! Your own evidence tells against you! You are the children of those who murdered the prophets! Very well then, finish off the work that your ancestors began


                            The action man does should be
                                with God's laws behind it  —
                                for His honor and glory  —

                            Never using things to harm another
                                out of anger  —
                                darkness in us  —

                            Anger comes from the heart of
                                man  —
                                and it has an energy  —
                                like love has an energy  —

                            The angry man in deep darkness
                                sends that energy out to hurt
                                others  — when he gives into
                                hurting others for the misery
                                he has inside  — in darkness  —
                                because of his own choices  —
                                and his lying to himself about
                                his sin  —

                            Anger comes from distancing
                                oneself from God  —

                            For our happiness depends on
                                intimacy with God  —

                            When we give into vices and hatred
                                we distance ourselves
                                from God and this is what
                                makes us angry  —
                                we are like a fish out of water  —


                                God created us to love Him and
                                    love others as ourselves  —

                            When we rebel against God's will and
                                    act hatefully  — we are
                                    miserable  —
                                    nothing in the world can
                                        make this dark hole go
                                        away — unless we tell the
                                        truth and ask to be forgiven and
                                        turn to God  — our "higher power".

                            We can be consumed with lies  —

                            The devil wants us to deny our

                            Only in the truth  —
                            Only in recognizing a "higher power"
                            and putting Him first in our lives
                            and loving others as ourselves
                            will we fill that darkness  —
                            with light and love  —

                            God is unchangeable
                            God is All Perfect
                            God is omnipotent

                            The hate and anger behind an
                                act makes it worse

                            Killing is a sin.

                            Killing a priest because a
                                man hates the Church
                                is even greater  —

                            How black is the sin?

                            How contaminated is the heart?

                            How punishing  —
                                        wishing vengeance on another  —
                                        closed in  —
                                        carried out over days  —
                                            living in revenge
                                            to punish  —

                            this is worse than a man who
                                commits a sin spontaneously.

                            How bitter and deep seated in
                                the anger, secrets,
                                hatred  — of the heart  —

                            Distorted vision

                            A man was blind and had a
                                seeing-eye dog to help him  —

                            what of the man who is blind
                                and had a blind dog as
                                his guide.

                            Satan is a blind dog to a
                                man who can already
                                be blinded by his
                                sins  —

                            How dark is the heart?

                            How bitter the sin?

                            And does the man know as
                                he goes deeper and deeper
                                into sin  —
                                who could turn him around  —

                            Satan attacks more aggressively
                                with indignance and
                                more lies  —

                            He wants the man to be
                                giving in to him  —
                                more and more




Prayer for Union With Jesus

Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.

I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling in me.

I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of The Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.

When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.

end of January 17, 1994

                            We need to put ourselves
                                                   our family
                                                   in the pure and holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary

                            Work the program  —

                            Live by the Blue Books

                            Spread the devotion to the 2 Hearts
                            Spread the prayers to the world  —
                            Spread Fr. Joe's book to the priests


                            From August 27, 2010

                                We pray for the priests, the Church and
                            the world  —

                                They cannot be selfish or a parish
                            priest would hurt his parish  —

                                He is ready to listen, some complain
                            and he runs all kinds of things  —
                            runs to hospitals, nursing homes,
                            helps families.

                                Mary said families, schools, Churches
                            need to consecrate their homes, churches,
                            schools and families to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and
                            display images of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart and
                            to consecrate themselves  —
                            She said this and praying the rosary,
                                conversion will bring peace  —

                            Parents make decisions for innocent
                            children who have to live by
                            their decisions  —

                            Don't we think we should
                            listen to the messages
                            Jesus and Mary gave Fr. Carter
                            Mary gave at Fatima
                            Jesus said in the Blue Books so
                                people will obey commandments  —
                                to put God first
                                to love God above all things
                                to love our neighbor as ourselves  —

                            Priests serving the people are not

                            Parents really giving to their family
                                are not selfish.

                            God calls us to serve.
                            God calls us to give.
                            God calls us to love.
                            God calls us to build His Kingdom.

                            He has called us in the Shepherds of Christ to
                                follow this Plan to help bring to
                                completion the message Mary
                                gave at Fatima for peace  —

                            Consecrate to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart
                                your Churches and families
                                and schools.

                            Consecrate yourselves  —

                            Be truthful about your sins  —
                            so all can grow in peace and

                            Oh God help us  —
                                  spread Fr. Joe's book to all the
                                  priests in the US
                                  and start prayer chapters praying
                                  for the priests, the Church
                                  and the world  — all over the
                                  world as Jesus asked  —

                            Help me do what Mary and Jesus
                                asked for  —

                            For Peace

                            For Love

                            For our children

                            Don't give into satan  —

                            Obey the commandments  —



Give a gift that lasts.



$10.00 each plus shipping

 Call 1-888-211-3041

Shepherds of Christ



We can send Fr. Joe's

homily book to a priest for 75¢.

Can you please help us get

these homilies to the priests?

Please help us with your donation.

Call Shepherds of Christ







Prayer Cards available

Holy Spirit Prayer Act of Consecration to
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Act of Consecration to
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayer for Priests


Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Prayer for Union with Jesus

Available for .25¢ each plus postage

Call Shepherds of Christ





Prayer Card  4" x 6"

.5 each plus postage










size 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
$1.00 plus postage








Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 18

Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 12
Limpias - 8

Immaculate Heart w/glass - 18

I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 18

Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 18

Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 18

Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 18

Infant of Prague w/glass - 24


Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass - 24

Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass - 24

Sorrowful Mother w/glass - 24




I Heart - Ivory w/glass - 24

I Heart of Mary w/glass - 24

Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass - 24




Our Lady-Guadalupe w/glass - 28

Our Lady of Grace w/glass - 24

Our Lady-Mt. Carmel w/glass - 24

Fatima w/glass - 11

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 12

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 15




Fatima w/glass - 18

Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 18


Pilgrim Virgin w/glass - 27

St. Padre Pio

St. Joseph

St. Therese




St. Francis

St. Anthony

St. Claire





St. Jude

Divine Mercy




Holy Family


St. Philomena




Pieta - Marble

Pieta - Color

Holy Family




St. Anthony - 18

St. Francis - 18

St. Joseph - 18




St. Therese - 18

St. Rita - 18

St. Clare - 12

St. Rita - 12

St. Padre Pio - 12

ivine Mercy - 12

St. Michael - 11



Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN  47250


Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182


  Size Price Quantity   

 Holy Family








 St. Anthony




 St. Claire




 St. Francis




 St. Joseph




 St. Jude




 St. Padre Pio




 St. Therese



 Divine Mercy




 St. Philomena


 St. Philomena


 St. Joseph


 St. Francis


 St. Anthony


 St. Rita


 St. Therese


 Pieta - Color 15" $75  
 Pieta - Marble 15" $75  
 Holy Family


 St. Padre Pio - standing


 St. Padre Pio - sitting


 St. Michael


 St. Rita



 Divine Mercy


 St. Claire




 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass


 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass



 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass



 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass



 Infant of Prague w/glass



 Our Lady of Grace w/glass



 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass  


 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass


 Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass



 Sorrowful Mother w/glass


 Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass


 Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass


 Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass


 Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass  


 Our Lady of Grace w/glass



 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass

18" $300  
 Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass



 Fatima w/glass



 Fatima w/glass


 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass


 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15" $200  
 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18" $250  
 Pilgrim Virgin w/glass



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Shepherds of Christ  
P. O. Box 627
China, IN  47250



Fr. Joe's Homily Books  

Guiding Light - Cycle A
The Word Alive in Our Hearts


Guiding Light - Cycle B
Focusing on the Word


Guiding Light - Cycle C
Feed My Soul



Fr. Carter's Books

Priestly Newsletter Book I

12 Newsletters
July 1994 - June 1996


Priestly Newsletter Book 2

17 Newsletters
1996 - 1999


Priestly Newsletter Book 3

4 Newsletters & Prayers



Response to God's Love


Messages given
by Jesus and Mary 1994

Tell My People

The Pain and the Joy


Synopsis of the Spiritual Life

Spirituality Handbook


Priestly Newsletter on CD
2000 - Issue 1


Priestly Newsletter on CD
2000 - Issue 2





Fr. Pasquini's Books



Prayers and Meditations


In Imitation of Two Hearts

For those suffering or
in Nursing Homes

Light, Happiness and Peace

Journeying through traditional
Catholic Spirituality


Medicine of Immortality

Prayers and Meditations - will assist the reader in growth toward a deeper understanding of the mystery of the Eucharist


Ecce Fides - Pillar of Truth

Ideal for RCIA, Adult & Youth Bible Study, Homeschooling, Catholic
Identity Studies


Shepherds of Christ Newsletters
9 Newsletters
2006 - 2008



DVDs and CDs by Fr. Pasquini


Authenticity DVD
Prayers on the Ocean


Nursing Home Mass DVD


Consolation DVD


Medicine of Immortality
Read by Rita Ring

2 CDs - $17.00

In Imitation of Two Hearts DVD



Consolation CD
by Fr. John



Nursing Home Mass CD


Holy Spirit Novena DVD


Divine Mercy Chaplet DVD





God’s Blue Books

God’s Blue Book 1
Teachings to Lift You Up


God’s Blue Book 4
The Love of the Hearts of
Jesus and Mary


God’s Blue Book 2
The Fire of His Love


God’s Blue Book 5
So Deep Is the Love of His Heart


God’s Blue Book 3
Love God, Love One Another

(Fr. Carter's favorite)

God’s Blue Book 6
He Calls Us to Action




Rosary Books

Rosaries from the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary


Rosaries from the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary


Rosary Meditations for
Parents and Children's


Mysteries of Light 1


Mysteries of Light 2


Little People & Elderly Rosary Book


Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each


Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each

Coloring Book
$5.00 each






The China Church is over 140 years old

and we pray in there 24 hours a day.

It needs stucco and so does

the community building.

Can you please help us?

Call Shepherds of Christ



Likewise the priest house

is 150 years old.

Jesus told us to repair it

which we have been doing.

We need $13,000.00 for this work.



Crucifix — hand carved by Felix


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