Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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August 8, 2007
August 9th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
We need funds for the Church newsletter.
Also funds for the Building Payment.
Retreat in FloridaAugust 19th - 22nd
August 19th is the 90th anniversary
of Mary's apparition at Fatima
after the children were jailed.
August 22nd is the Queenship of Mary.
Rita will be here to sign books.
Come to the China Retreat!August 10th - 13thAugust 10 - Mass 12 noonAugust 11 - Mass 12 noonAugust 12 - Mass 12 noonAugust 13 - Mass 12 noon
August 8, 2007
January 2, 1997"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."
"The grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
God pours out His grace in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is the greatest gift when God gives Himself to us.
We share with God His life, given to us abundantly in the Mass.
He gives Himself to us, and we give ourselves to Him. The great love affair between God and man: His Holy Mass.
The priest is another Christ to us. It is Christ present, through the priest, celebrating the Mass. We must see Christ in the priest, see Him celebrate the Mass, see His beautiful brown hair, His gentle face, see Him, Our Savior. This Jesus Christ that came was born an infant and gave Himself to His death on the cross that we would share His life. See Him now in the Mass, giving Himself in the greatest gift of all. He gives us His divine love and His divine life.
Oh, we thank You for Your life. We know He died and rose and gave us a sharing in His holy life. His life is now abundantly poured, as a fountain to us, especially in the Mass.
Then we hear His Word. Let the Word of God penetrate our being. Let us feel this Living Word of God. As a two-edged sword, it comes forth with such conviction and love and it penetrates the souls of the faithful with such love. It is food indeed, food for our soul.
He is the Good Shepherd. He speaks to us. He gives us all we want. "There is nothing I shall want." (The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. Ps. 23:1).
He gives us green pastures, and His water pours out and refreshes us. He outpours His grace as a fountain to feed us with His life.
He is a just God, good and kind, all loving, for He is love. We want for nothing for He outpours His love and His life to us in the Mass. We feast on His Body and Blood and are fed with His Word. We become one in Him and He shares Himself with us.
It is through the Mass celebrated by the hands of a holy pries that we will experience the Mass the way Christ intends. These writings are insights which hopefully will help lead you to the spring of life-giving water, the fountain of love and life He outpours in the Mass.
There will be a new earth when men will see with the light of seven suns. They will know God. A people walking in darkness will see a great light. They will no longer be blind, they will be enlightened, they will love God with the greatest love in the Mass. They will feast on His Body and Blood and will be united as one body in His holy Church through His life given to us in the Eucharist.
We will drink copiously from the fountain of grace which He pours out in the Mass. We will be filled with His love, absorbed with the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and feasting on His divine life.
We see with the vision of God. We partake in such a union with God. We see with the light the Spirit gives to us. The priest celebrates the Mass and we know God with such an intense knowing in this union. We are saturated with His life flowing from the hands of His consecrated priest.
And I look at Him, the priest, and I see Jesus there. I see Him giving Himself to me. I see the new and Holy City. I see with such clarity the great gift that God gives to us in the Mass!
We learn how to love in the Mass, for we unite to God. He gives us such an intimate sharing in His divine love that we carry His love out to the world. In this union we know His loving to an intense degree and we carry this love out to others. We share in an intense way in His divine act of loving. He, Who is Love, gives Himself to us and we are absorbed in His love and we know intensely how God loves. We are filled with love for God and for each other, for, in the oneness He is loving through us. He gives us lights into His loving capacity and we know His loving power in an intensity we did not know before.
We then pray. We offer up our intentions for this Mass. It is now we who intercede to Him to outpour His grace on us and help us with these intentions.
We pray for this reign of peace when the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and men will fervently love and adore God with burning love. We pray for all souls and the Church and we beg for His help, His love, His grace.
We offer ourselves as a sacrifice. We offer the bread that will become the Bread of Life.
The priest mixes the water and the wine and we realize how His Divinity mixes with our humanity.
We offer the wine that will become our spiritual drink--His Blood.
I give myself to Him and I beg to be cleansed of my sins with the washing of the hands.
"May the Lord accept the sacrifice of your hands for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His Church."
We ask Him to accept the gifts we want to give Him, we give Him thanks, we lift up our hearts in thanks and praise and we sing out:
"Holy, Holy God, of power and might..." we sing Him praise and thank Him, "Oh, God we love thee so much."
My heart is so filled with such awe. I cry because I love Him so much.
Every word in the Mass, I love. The priest consecrates the Host and changes it into the Body and Blood of Christ. Hear Christ say to us: "This is My Body", "This is My Blood".
Oh, it makes me cry for I am so struck with awe at what happens at the Consecration. I unite in the oneness with the priest, with Christ and with all present, with heaven and earth. I am one in that moment, united in the sacrifice of Christ giving Himself to the Father.
This is the moment when I unite in such oneness with Christ in the purity of Mary's heart. I give myself as a sacrifice. I offer myself to the Father.
The Father looks down and He sees us united to His Son's Sacrifice. It is in this oneness that His grace is outpoured on us, that we die to that which is not like Him and that the Holy Spirit works in the heart of Mary and fills us with His life.
I am in ecstasy as I realize more and more the great gift of love that God gives us in His holy Mass. I am taken to such heights, being wrapped in the presence of God. It is rapture, this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
It is a great gift, experiencing this intense presence of the Almighty God: Through Him, With Him, and In Him.
We pray to the Father the prayer as Jesus taught us and beg, "Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
We pray: "For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours, now and forever."
We beg for peace in our hearts. We share this peace with one another. Then we beg of the Lamb of God. I want to get down to the ground and beg for His grace, mercy, and forgiveness for our sins.
Please, God, I see us as a sinful people. I want the grace and mercy to flow abundantly.
He raises the Host and says: "This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, happy are those who are called to His supper."
We respond: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word and I shall be healed."
I receive the Almighty God in Communion. All I want is Him. Oh, God, I want You, I adore You, I worship You, I love You.
Oh, for this moment when God gives Himself to me. Oh, God, words do not express this time--this intense presence of You within my being. Oh, sweet Savior, I love You!
You share Yourself so intimately with me. You imprint on my soul a knowing of Your Divine Being that is so intimate in this Communion when You give Yourself to me.
Oh, let our hearts be open to His grace that we may know this great gift more, that we will partake more fully in this greatest act of love with Divinity.
He shares Himself with us, the Almighty God, in such oneness. This is the greatest way to bind us with each other, to unite with each other in the Mass and Communion.
And so I sing the love of God, the love of His Mass. I beg you to pray for the grace that He can teach you in these writings about His most intimate love affair with man, the gift of Himself--the gift He gives us in the Mass.
The Holy Sacrifice, the sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally-made-present in the Mass when He gives Himself to us with the greatest love!
And what does He ask in return? He asks that we love one another, that we give Him the glory, the thanksgiving, the adoration that is His due as the Almighty God.
He sends us forth with His blessing to share His most intimate love with all. We go forth as other Christs in the world. For He is alive this day and He lives in us and He gives His love to others through us. We act as channels of His life to one another.
The Mass is the richest source of His life. His life flows through the body, the Church, especially through the sacraments and the Mass.
Oh Jesus, from the fountain of life that pours forth from your pierced Heart, give us holy priests whose hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to celebrate the Mass--that there is such oneness between the priest and Christ that His grace will flow copiously.
We thirst for the fountain of life pouring forth from the pierced Heart of Christ. It is His life we seek and find in the Church. It is His love we want and we experience the greatest love affair with God in the Mass.
These books on the Mass are accounts of my intimate love affair with our Almighty God. Many experiences were enlightenments I received in the Mass.
I strongly advise all to pray, to say the Holy Spirit Prayer, the consecration prayers, and the Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, before Mass.
This book is the journey into the red room, the inner chamber of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the gateway, the pure and Immaculate Heart of His Mother.
It is in the Mass we give ourselves in such love to our Holy God. He gives Himself to us and we give ourselves to Him.
end January 2, 1997
Fr. Pasquini did this at
St. Joseph's Assisted Living
in Jupiter, Florida
Transcribed from Fr. Pasquini's homily on the DVD
From the Nursing Home Tape
Fr. Pasquini says there are two realities we face everyday of our life, we all have a hunger and desire for happiness — some people say I want peace above everything, I want love above everything, I want heaven above everything, I want salvation but ultimately they want happiness, love is happiness, peace is happiness, and that is why the scriptures would say another word for God is happiness, for only in God do we find our happinessSing song: God's Love
And yet even though we recognize that hunger for happiness we realize that life comes with suffering unavoidable suffering, and what do we do with that unavoidable suffering, well we can walk through life with that suffering with God or without God, when we bring God into those times of unavoidable suffering we are able to reconcile these 2 desires, these 2 mysteries, we are able to reconcile the reality that we desire happiness in God and we able to recognize that our suffering can be made easier to deal with could be transformed and even can become a gift a sharing in Christ redemption for the world, a sharing in His suffering for ourselves and for the world, for others and the souls in purgatory.Jesus is the great reconciler, He reconciles that desire for happiness with the reality of suffering, even transformed suffering, that unavoidable suffering into a gift, into a special gift, now how do we bring this about in our daily life, well the first thing we need to do — we need to be people of prayer. We have to enter into the life of Christ for if we live with Christ and die with Christ we will be resurrected with Christ and so we enter into that mystery of Christ who had happiness even amidst the pains and difficulties, the trials and tribulations of every day life.We are called to imitate our Savior and we imitate our Savior by learning from Him. And so we are called to a life of prayer and I encourage each and every one of you to make sure that every time you wake up you begin your day in prayer and every day that is finished you end your day in prayer. Some times it might be just saying Good Morning God be with me today in the joys and in the sadness, give me the strength, be with me. And it may just be at night Lord God I am tired but I love you and I worship you and I want to always be with you.But no matter how long your prayers or how short, begin the day in prayer and end it in prayer. And if you have a little time at night to examine the day to look at the day to see how God was active in your life and say Lord Jesus thank you for these blessing thank you for being active in my life, and to look at the day and say hum I had so many opportunities to respond in a loving Christ-like way and I failed. Lord Jesus forgive me grant me the strengthen to be better tomorrow.And then of course to pray the beautiful rosary — as we pray it throughout the week we meditate on the entire life of Jesus and that entire life of Jesus becomes a part of us so that when we walk through life we walk it in imitation of Him who had happiness even amidst the difficulties of life.And then of course the sacraments, do come and be anointed, to call your priest to come and anointed you, that beautiful sacrament that strengthens us spiritually in our times, the difficulty and in our time of age as we get old. Be anointed with that special sacrament that boosts us spiritually and physically.To make use of the sacrament of reconciliation. Make sure you call your priest so that you may cleanse your soul as we all need our souls cleansed on a regular basis because the more our soul is cleansed the more we can see as Christ sees, hear as Christ hears, experience life as Christ experienced it for He was like us in all things but sin. And so when we cleanse ourselves of sin we become more like the Savior and therefore we are able to deal with life much more beautifully. For Christ makes our joys more joyous and He makes our times of difficulty easier to deal with.And then of course to receive the Eucharist — to come to the table of the Lord and be nourish with the Medicine of Immortality, the antidote against death, the promise that we will live forever, to receive His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Now some of you will not be able to make it to Mass. I would encourage you to call your local parish and to have them bring communion to you so that you may receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. And if they are unable, make a Spiritual Communion, say Lord Jesus I wish I could be here at your Mass and so I wish and I hope for the gifts that come with the Eucharist. Please bless me and He will. He will.And so we are called to be nourished by Our Lord, by prayer and the great equated prayer the rosary - that beautiful meditative prayer, by the sacraments. And then we are called to say Lord Jesus I surrender and trust in you. I surrender and trust in you.There is a beautiful prayer from the great saint St. Francis de Sales. And St. Francis de Sales beautifully summarizes how we should take life, because it is easy to say you're called to surrender and to trust but that's a life long journey. We all know that. But we need to pray every day for the more we surrender and trust to God the more He will take care of us.And St. Francis de Sales beautifully explains that when he says "Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow, the same Eternal Father takes care of you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day of your life. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all useless thoughts, all vain dreads and all anxious imaginations."I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love. Amen.
The Gold DVD
It is so absolutely beautiful.
It lasts about 30 minutes.
It can be watched every day for
those who cannot make it to Mass.
We are putting out the Church Newsletter
and Eucharist Book
and we need funds.
Here are some comments from
the newsletter and his other books.
My dear friends,
Here are a few quotes we have received from around the world -- concerning -- the newsletters edited by Fr. John J. Pasquini 2006.
I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love.
1) "May the Lord abundantly bless you in your important ministry of the renewal of the spiritual life and prayer for priests, the church and the world." (This came from the Vatican. letter dated 8-24-06.)
2) "I am grateful for your work of promoting prayer chapters for the perseverance and sanctification of priests. This is certainly close to the heart of the church."
"I will lift you up to the Lord when I lift the host and chalice in my Masses at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph." ( Bishop - Philippines., dated 8-25-06)
3) "Please be assured of my continued prayers for you and the work of Shepherds of Christ Ministries in spreading devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary." (Archbishop - New Jersey 8-22-06)
4) "I sincerely appreciate your efforts to deepen the spirituality of priests." (Monsignor of Illinois 8-23-06)
5) "God's blessings on your endeavors to support the priests of the United States." (Bishop - Minnesota 8-22-06)
6) "Please keep up the good work of spreading the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart and prayer for priests." (Auxiliary Bishop - California 9-1-06)
7) "Giving my best wishes for your work, so important because prayer is the heart of the church, I invoke upon you God's blessings of joy and peace." (This is from Rome. 8-25-06)
8) "I look forward to an in depth reading of the same. All too often our faithful, and priests for that matter, tend to "get into a rut" and need that renewal of the spiritual lives." (Msgr from Ukraine 8-31-06)
9) "I commend you for the work you do for the clergy, the Church and the world. Much is gained in prayer, and much is accomplished through prayer. More especially if prayer is directed to God in behalf of the church." (Archbishop - Philippines 8-25-06.)
10) "Please convey my heart felt gratitude to the Author and continue praying for the priests around the world who are in great needs of your helps now." (Cardinal - Japan 8-30-06)
11) "I thank you for the devotion which you are working for the Shepherds of Christ ." (Bishop - India - 8-31-06)
12) "I thank God for inspiring you and your team for the fantastic job you are doing for us priests, it is a pity that I cannot do more than pray for your much needed apostolate today. May he who has begun this great work in you bring it to completion."
(Bishop - South Africa 8-30-06)12) "Thanking you for this kind favour and assuring you and all your associates in Shepherds of Christ Ministries our humble prayers." (Bishop - India 8-30-06)
13) "I am grateful for your continuing support of our priests who faithfully serve our church." (Archbishop - Wisconsin 9-7-06)
14) "I appreciate the noble purpose of circulating this newsletter to all the bishops and priests in order to have a network of prayer and to have devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary." (Bishop - India 9-1-06)
15) "I take this opportunity to wish you all the best and pray that the good Lord may Bless in your apostolate. God bless you all." (Archbishop - India 8-30-06)
16) "The network of prayer chapters in the world because of Father Carter's work is a tremendous gift, and I am pleased to see this work continuing."
"With assurance of my prayers for you and I appreciate your prayers for me as well, I am." (Bishop - South Carolina 8-29-06)
17) "Wishing you permanent God's assistance while you carry on the great mission of the renewal of the spiritual life in our world, I warmly greet you and assure you of my prayers." (Bishop - Vatican City 9-7-06)
8) "Be assured that on my part I will do my best to share these spiritual riches with my 16 diocesan priests in the diocese of Embidir." "We count much on your prayers." (Bishop - Ethiopia 9-16-06)
19) "Thank you for your thoughtful kindness. I am sincerely grateful. May the Lord and His Mother bless and be with you and your loved ones." (Bishop - Massachusetts)
20) "I commend you for your efforts in promoting prayer and solidarity with priests and Bishops worldwide. May Almighty God continually bless your ministry as you continue to serve His Church here on earth." (Bishop - Texas 9-12-06)
21) "With every good wish and prayer that the Good Shepherd continue to bless you and your staff with every good and perfect gift, I remain in Jesus and Mary." (Archbishop - Philippines 8-31-06)
22) "It was very thoughtful of you to spread this precious literature and to help numerous Bishops and priests all over the world. It is a great service that you are rendering though this apostolate. If the Shepherds of Christ are renewed in their spiritual life, the service that they can render is beyond all expression. May God bless all those who are involved in this useful and noble ministry." (Bishop - India 9-5-06)
23) "May the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart be spread all over the world especially between the priests." "I avail myself this opportunity to renew my sentiments of deep esteem in the Lord" (Bishop - El Salvador 9-7-06)
24) Please continue the work. I am happy that you decided to continue the good work initiated by Father Carter." (Bishop 9-5-06)
25) "It is very encouraging and a cause for gratitude to know that our daily prayers for priests are part of a much bigger wave and that, the Shepherds of Christ Ministries participates so deeply in and foster the development of this wave of prayers." (Bishop, 7.11.06)
26) "I am sending my Blessings to you. May the Shepherds of Christ bless you and give you all the necessary graces that you need in your daily work." (Bishop)
27) "Since the receipt of the letter I keep on encouraging my priests to join you in praying for the priests and the world. My Community members took this activity of prayer very seriously. It is encouraging and I am sure God will hear us as we join hands with a common aim of presenting to God our intentions." (Bishop - Kenya, 10.31.06)
28) "John, Thank you very much for all of you in the Movement who are working for the renewal of the priesthood spirituality. (Bishop - Argentina, 10.26.06)
29) "With Salutation, I would like sincerely to thank you for all you sent to me. Know that you can count on my prayers and with these I can collaborate in my possibilities." (Bishop - Chile, 10.20.06)
30) "Thank you so much. I am wishing you well in all your endeavors as you continue to spread the devotion to the Sacred heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary." (Bishop - Philippines, 10.18.06)
31) "I am praying to Our Lord, especially in the Holy Mass, for the fruits of the apostolate of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries." (Msgr - Rome, 10.28.06)
32) "I wish to assure you of my appreciation for the movement's efforts to contribute to the spiritual formation and ongoing renewal of priests, something very much required in our days." (Bishop - Benin, 10.06.06)
33) "I am pleased that a priest from our Diocese, Father John Pasquini, is performing this service as editor of the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter. I intend to inform our priests of its availability and give them your contact information if they want to be included in your mailings. If you wish to directly send the Newsletter to the priests of the Diocese of Palm Beach, their addresses can be found on our website." (Bishop - USA, 10.30.06)
34) "I want to congratulate you for your efforts and prayers on behalf of the priests, the church and the world. All of us, indeed, we need prayers." (Bishop - Jerusalem,10.02.06)
35) "May the Good Shepherd bless your movement dedicated to the renewal of the spiritual life." (Msgr - Slovenia, 10.27.06)
36 "Unity in prayer is our hope for the future. Fr. Pasquini and all of you will be in my prayers, please keep me in yours."(Bishop - USA, 10.27.06)
37) "Your proposal to us from all the people of your Ministry is a favorable echo for us." ( Bishop - Ivory Coast)
38) "I will support the association "Shepherds of Christ" with my prayers as I am confident that all its members will pray also for me. God Bless you!" (Msgr - Rome)
39) "Thank you for the "Shepherds of Christ" and the prayers. It is essential for the future of the Church and faith that we increase our prayer practice. Thank you for praying with us and for insisting on prayers." (Bishop - Belgium, 10.26.06)
40) "May you all remain healthy in mind, heart, soul and spirit, and may your work and society flourish through daily prayers and meditation." (Bishop - South Africa,10.20.06)
41) "I am most grateful for the prayers that accompany these publications. Be assured of my prayers for you and your ministry. May God's Grace enhance your efforts and enable us to become holy priests. God Bless you!" (Msgr - Guam, 10.23.06)
42) "I Thank you for these publications and for all that the Shepherds of Christ Ministries is doing for the renewal of the spiritual life and in spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary." (Bishop - Vatican City, 10.18.06)
43) "Prayer for Priests is indeed very important today, not only because they are so few but also because they are so precious in the church today." (Msgr - Malaysia, 10.23.06)
44) "Assuring you of the prayerful best wishes of this Pontifical Representation for the fruitfulness of your responsibility and religious commitment, I remain, with cordial greetings." (Msgr - Madagascar, 09.22.06)
45) "Please be assured of my prayers in your continued work of encouraging prayer for the clergy and the Church throughout the world." (Archbishop - Canada, 10.11.06)
46) "Thank you very much for including us in the good work you are doing for the spiritual benefit of priests throughout the world." (Bishop - Pakistan, 10.05.06)
47) "Let me thank and congratulate you for the concern you are showing for holiness in the lives of the Shepherds of Christ." (Bishop - Sri Lanka, 09.26.06)
48) "Greetings and thanks immensely for your letter informing me of the continuation of the work of Fr. Carter. We are grateful." (Cardinal - Nigeria, 09.27.06)
49) "While I wish you and all those involved in the Movement "Shepherds of Christ Ministries" every God's blessing and praying for the success of the Movement's activities, I remain." (Bishop - Taiwan, 09.26.06)
50) "With all warm wishes for the continued success of the work of the Ministries." (Archbishop - New Zealand, 09.27.06)
51) "Thank you for sharing your material and for what you are doing to bring us all priests, bishops and people - closer to God." (Bishop - Australia, 09.22.06)
52) "I shall be grateful for the prayers of members of "Shepherds of Christ Ministries" for their support of our missionary diocese in a land, whose main religion is Islam. Asking the Lord to bless you and your important apostolate of spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I remain." (Bishop.- Kazakhstan, 09.18.06)
53) "Reiterating to you my gratefulness for these gifts and for your thoughtfulness, I convey to you my sentiments of warm esteem and fraternal regards, as I remain." (Archbishop - Philippines 08.25.06)
54) "Only in unity can we have the strength and perseverance in prayer for this intention will help each one of us to be an Alter Christus. May the Lord bless you and the work that you do in His vineyard." ( Bishop - Slovakia, 10.31.06)
55) "We thank you for your good work in your ministry and pray that our Lord will continue to guide and bless you always." (Bishop - Malaysia.11.06.06)
56) "It is very encouraging to hear that you have a network of prayer praying for the priests, the church and the world; there really is a great need for this kind of initiative. Be assured of my prayers for your intentions; that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives!" (Bishop - Netherlands, 11.13.06)
57) "Thank you for the work that you do. You have been persevering in it and I am sure it will bear fruit." (Bishop - India, 11.06.06)
58) "I will continue to support this noble apostolate in the Church of God, especially through prayers and invocation of God's graces upon all who devote their efforts in publishing it. Thank you very much and may God bless you abundantly." (Priest - Kenya, 11.08.06)
59) "I appreciate your thoughtfulness and great interest in praying for the priests around the world. I will encourage my priests to pray for your intentions and for the Shepherds of Christ Ministries." (Bishop - India, 11.03.06)
60) "I commend you on your excellent work in promoting a network of prayers for priests and the Church. This is a splendid apostolate. know of my supportive companionship with you in prayer." (Bishop -Canada, 11.09.06)
61) "We are grateful to you. Please, continue to keep us in your prayers and know that we continue to pray for Fr. Pasquini and the entire staff of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries." (Bishop - West Africa, 11.11.06)
62) "I thank you most sincerely for the prayers offered for me and my priests and I assure you and the Shepherds of Christ Ministries a place in my own prayers." (Bishop - Ireland, 11.17.06)
63) "I thank the Lord for the good work you are doing to continue the work of Fr. Carter, and to spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart. May the Lord and Our Mother Mary bless you and your Ministry abundantly." (Bishop - India, 10.06.06)
64) "I sincerely thank you for the same and extend my appreciation and best wishes for your ministries. I also extend my gratitude to all of you as you are dedicated to this ministry, praying for the priests, the church and the world, and wish to assure you of my prayers for your fruitful ministry." (Archbishop Pedro - India, 11.03.06 )
65) "I am glad to know about your prayer campaign for priests and your prayer manual and newsletters. I wish you all the best in your ministry. With warm regards and God bless and assuring you of my prayers." (Archbishop - India, 11.01.06)
66) "Thank you very much for the beautiful message and the celebration of fellowship as priests. You can rest assured of the prayers of all of us for you and for the success of all your efforts to foster the fellowship of priests all over the world." (Bishop -India, 11.13.06)
67) "It is lovable to pray with supplications to Our Lord for the Ministries He has chosen to shepherd His Church." (Bishop -Brazil, 11.17.06)
68) "Through the intercession of Our Blessed Lady, may your ministry be graced with many blessings. Allow me to wish you well in this noble endeavor." (Bishop - Vatican City, 11.20.06)
69) "I am very pleased to learn of your Movement and thank you for all the prayers you and your members offer for our priests. I need not emphasize the fact that our priests need a lot of prayers these days with all that is happening around them in the world. Please be assure of our prayers for your Movement in return." (Archbishop - Sri Lanka, 11.15.06)
70) "I assure you of my prayers for your apostolate to enable us priests to be more like the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ." (Bishop-India 11.06.06)
71) "I pray that God may continue to guide you and grant you wisdom and good health to continue this ministry for priests that is very needed in our day." (Bishop - Sri Lanka, 11.14.06)
72) "With assurance of prayers for God's abundant favors and blessings through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary." (Bishop - Nigeria, 11.09.06)
73) "I am grateful, and wish you the best spiritual fruits in your labor and work, for the santification of the priests. Count on my prayers to Our Lord for the fruits multiplication, for the good of the priests, all the church and for the good of all men." (Cardinal - Spain, 11.17.06)
74) "I thank you for these publications and I pray for the success of your important efforts in promoting the renewal of priestly spirituality through your newsletter and prayer network." (Cardinal -Vatican City, 11.10.06)
75) "Congratulations on your excellent publication. I wish you every good wish and God's blessings in your good work." (Archbishop - Ireland,11.07.06)
76) "May the Lord bless you for the wonderful spiritual ministry you are doing." (Bishop - India, 11.07.06)
77) "Wishing you all the best in your ministry and with God's speed in all your activities." (Bishop - India, 11.08.08)
78) "I wish to thank you for having been on your correspondence list with all your spiritual information. Keep up the good work." (Msgr - Brazil, 11.15.06)
79) "I thank you for all, and will be more and more united spiritually with you all in the hearts of Jesus and Mary. God be with you." (Bishop - Lebanon, 11.04.06)
80) "I ask God Our Father and The Most Virgin Mother to illuminate your works." (Archbishop - Peru, 11.10.06)
There has been a steady stream of great letters of appreciation daily since we circulated the newsletter on the Feast of the Assumption, august 15, 2006. These are only a few comments.
Thanks for helping us reach the world.
1) May your Christmas be pure Peace, Serenity and communion! (Archbishop of the Vatican City)
2) With his thanks and best wishes! (Cardinal of the Vatican City)
3) I thank you very much for the material sent and I thank you for your delicate attention! (Vicar General of Paraguay)
4) With my good wishes for a blessed and Happy New Year and a special prayer for God’s blessing on your special ministry! (Bishop of Cleveland USA)
5) In appreciation to your caring Institution, I ask God to Bless all of you in all you do! (Bishop of Paraguay)
6) With many thanks and best wishes for a Holy Christmas and a Saintly New Year. (Bishop of Mauritius)
7) I want to thank you for your recent circular letter dated December 2006. I am very grateful to have this latest information. (Bishop of Scotland)
8) I thank you for the courtesy and generosity of providing the complimentary copies of information! I am grateful for your prayers for priests and the priesthood! (Archbishop of Australia)
9) Sincerely wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Germany)
10) Many thanks for your kind letter with the useful information and for consoling book “In Imitation of Two Hearts” I would like to wish you the grace and blessing of our Savior for your activity in the coming year. May many priests and bishops receive your edifying message! (Apostolic Nuncio of Belgium)
11) Thank you for your kind gift of Christmas season “Imitation of Two Hearts.” (Cardinal of Tokyo)
12) In gentleness and peace He comes. May He fill your hearts with joy this Christmas season and through the New Year! (Bishop of Kenya)
13) Thank you most sincerely for including my Diocese in your list of beneficiaries. Rest assured that we shall always pray for you, your mission and especially for Fr. John Pasquini, the editor of the newsletter! May God continue to bless you and your organization for all the good works you are doing for the church! (Bishop of Ghana)
14) I would like to thank you for the courtesy of sending me your Christmas newsletter and In Imitation of Two Hearts book. I appreciate your thoughtfulness! (Bishop of New York USA)
15) This is to acknowledge with many thanks the receipt of your letter informing me about the work you are doing for the priests and the entire church for which I register my sincere thanks. Thank you for the powerful book of prayer published by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Please do not hesitate to send us more Newsletters for our priests. Once again, thank you so much for the work you are doing. May The Lord bless all your efforts! (Msgr. of Uganda)
16) Once again, I wish to thank you so much for the support you have accorded our Diocese. Wishing you God’s blessings! (Msgr. of Uganda)
17) Prayers and meditations contain in the works are very helpful for every person who wants to grow in prayer – life. Sincere thanks for sending me the copies of them! (Auxiliary Bishop of India)
18) Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Poland)
19) Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! (Cardinal of Vatican City)
20) Thank you for the prayer book you sent to me. May you have a Holy Christmas and a Happy new Year! (Cardinal of the Vatican City)
21) I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Slovenia)
22) Thank you for sending me this literature! (Bishop of Netherlands)
23) Thank you for the newsletter and the prayer book. In Imitation of Two Hearts, which you so graciously sent. I am most grateful for your thoughtfulness in sending these, and I will read them with great interest! May God bless you and your work for Him in the New Year! (Bishop of Nebraska USA)
24) Our Lord Jesus Christ came and brought us Salvation! And whoever hears His words will be saved! (Bishop of Spain)
25) This is just to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May it be a time of peace, joy and good health. Thank you very much for the good work you do! (Priest of Ethiopia)
26) Wishing you a very Merry Christmas of 2006, and a prosperous Happy New year of 2007! God Bless you and your work! (Bishop of Thailand)
27) May Christ illuminate your New Year 2007 and, The Virgin Mary protect and guide you on your way! (Bishop of Switzerland)
28) May you have a blessed Advent season and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Austria)
29) Please continue your good work and I will pray for you. I am doing all I can to spread this message to all the priests in my diocese! (Bishop of India)
30) May God Bless you through the hands of the Most Holy Mother, today and always! (Archbishop of Brazil)
31) Thank you for your Christmas gift. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. You are in my prayers; please keep me in yours. (Archbishop of Chicago USA)
32) Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Austria)
33) Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Portugal)
34) I am very grateful for the gift and even more grateful for the prayers that your ministry provides for priests. Thank you for thinking of me during this season of Christmas 2006! (Msgr. of Michigan USA)
35) I am grateful for your thoughtfulness. With all good wishes for God’s blessings as we await the celebration of the Birth of Our lord! (Bishop of Honolulu USA)
36) Wishing you a grace-filled Christmas and a blessed New Year! (Bishop of South Africa)
37) Thank you with my best wishes! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2007! (Msgr. of the Vatican City)
38) I am pleased and recognize your kind thought in sending me this material. May the Light of this season be a source of sincere joy, illuminating your ways in this New Year! (Bishop of Switzerland)
39) Thank you for providing me with these publications. Know that I am most grateful for your thoughtfulness in sending them to me. May almighty God bless you and may His Holy Spirit guide you in all your endeavors, and best wishes for a joyful remainder of Advent and a Blessed Christmas Season! (Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia USA)
40) With every good wish for a Blessed and Joyful Christmas for you and your staff and the promise of prayer! (Bishop of Virginia USA)
41) Sincerely wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Switzerland)
42) In the Child of Bethlehem the littleness of God made men reveals to us the greatness of men and the beauty of our dignity as children of God, of Jesus brothers! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Archbishop of Mexico)
43) Your thoughtful Christmas greetings and thoughtful gift of the book, In Imitation of Two hearts by Fr. John J. Pasquini, arrived along with your newsletter and Shepherds of Christ Associates Prayer manual, and I greatly appreciate your kindness. Thank you!
(Archbishop of Washington USA)44) Can you give a way to start this devotion in our country? What is easy for our priests to do in this devotion? Give, please a help and we wish to start this devotion! May blessings and peace remain with you! (Bishop of China)
45) Wishing you a Happy Christmas, peace in your home and every blessing in the New Year! (Priest of Myanmar)
46) Many thanks for the publications you had the amiability to send to me! Wishing you a Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of Spain)
47) Give us o Lord open hearts and new souls, with bright eyes and open hands to spread love and peace! Wishing to you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! (Bishop of Brazil)
48) Thank you for the Christmas wishes and the Shepherds of Christ Associates Prayer Manual and the book “In Imitation of the two Hearts. It is Kind of you to think of me! (Bishop of Phoenix USA)
49) Ahead with your mission to pray for us priests, may Our Lord The Eternal Priest renew us each day on our priesthood. I recommend you for our diocese to pray for you! (Bishop of Colombia)
50) You will be remembered prayerfully at Mass on Christmas Day! May The Lord of Peace dwell in your home and in your heart! Thank you for the book! (Archbishop of Milwaukee USA)
51) Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity in sending them to me freely when I requested. My priests and I assure you of our prayers for the success and growth of your ministry and I take this opportunity to wish you a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Bishop of India)
52) I am well pleased and thankful to receive your publications that are well done. (Msgr. of Lebanon)
53) We will encourage our priests to pray with you and will be united in prayers praying for the priests, the church and the world. We will pray for this mission in our masses and prayers and for Fr. John Pasquini! (Bishop from Vietnam)
54) I Thank Almighty God for the good works done through the Shepherds of Christ Ministries! I thank you as well for having made it possible for priests all over the world to participate in this devotion through the use of Fr. J. Pasquini’s books! (Bishop of Nigeria)
55) It is uplifting to see good efforts directed toward an ongoing renewal of the spiritual life among the faithful. I pray that you and those who assist you at the Shepherds of Christ Ministries might receive the graces necessary to continue in your good work! (Archbishop of Washington D.C. USA)
56) May God continue to bless you and the Shepherds of Christ Ministries spiritual endeavor to help us priests deepen our spiritual life! (Bishop of Philippines)
57) With every best wish for the coming Christmas season and with warm personal regards, I am! (Bishop of New York USA)
58) I wish to express my gratitude to you for your kindness in sending me a copy of a special gift of prayers from the book: “In Imitation of the two Hearts” John J. Pasquini. I will look at these very carefully and I thank you for them! (Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis USA)
59) May you have a very blessed Christmas and New Year! (Bishop of North Dakota USA)
60) I want to express my deep gratitude for the Newsletters and the other publications that you kindly sent me several weeks ago! Please keep me in your prayers and be certain that the activities of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries are in mine! (Msgr. of Rome)
61) Wishing you a good Christmas and a Happy New Year! (Pontificium Consilium pro Laicis- Bishop of the Vatican City)
62) I wish you a blessed Advent and Christmas season! (Bishop of Kansas USA)
63) Will do all the possible to start prayer chapters in our diocese and we count on your help for the prayers. We assure you of our prayers and we count on you to pray for us! (Bishop of Benin)
64) Thank you for the manuals which arrived safely. I shall give them out to the priests. Wishing you all God’s blessings on your work! (Bishop of Kenya)
65) Many thanks for this documentation and I assure you of my prayers from the Holy Land! (Coadjutor of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem)
66) Sincerely I do congratulate you for the wonderful work you are doing. Let me avail this golden opportunity to wish you a Very Happy new year of 2007! Sincerely I do pray to God for you and I remember you in my daily Mass! (Fr. Superior of India)
67) Wishing you a Holy Christmas and a happy new year to all of you in the Movement, your families and friends! (Archbishop titular of Madaura) (Nuncio Apostolico of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay)
68) Thank you so much for all your kindness, attention and generosity to this archdiocese! (Archbishop of India)
69) Yes, I shall continue to keep your mission in my masses and prayers. I shall also pray for the editor. Please keep me and my priests in your prayers too. We are very much in need of them. Your Ministry is a wonderful one. May God bless it abundantly! (Bishop of India)
70) I greatly admire what you are doing and congratulate you for this wonderful initiative. Please continue to keep us all in your prayers! (Archbishop of Nigeria)
71) May Our Lord Bless you in your spiritual mission in conducting the humanity to the spiritual peace! (Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem in Exile – Archbishop of Rome)
72) With very best wishes for the ongoing success of your ministry! (Bishop of Australia)
73) I can only appreciate with so much gratefulness the work and prayers that you have been doing for the church, the priests and the world! (Bishop of Philippines)
1) Thank you for your letter with the enclosed book Light, Happiness & Peace - Journey Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality.
With prayerful best wishes and kind regards. (Archbishop - Apostolic Nuncio - Canada)2) We cordially thank you for sending us the book Light, Happiness and Peace by Fr. John J. Pasquini. We will use all the available
publications of Shepherds of Christ translated in Portuguese, to promote and enrich the prayers for priests at our diocese. (Bishop -
Brazil)3) We are happy to get this special book "Light, Happiness & Peace" from which we obtain immense amount of useful information for
the priests in all the eight chapters. We were deeply impressed by the quotation from Mother Teresa given on p. 143 of it, which is
specially actual in the days of Lent. (Vicar General - Poland)4) Recently I received your letter and the book on the Spiritual Life "Light, Happiness and Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you
very much for sending it to me! Be assured of my prayers for your intentions: that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives!
(Auxiliary Bishop - Netherlands)5) Thank you for the special book on the Spiritual Life by Fr. John J. Pasquini "Light, Happiness and Peace." (Vicar General - Spain)
6) Thank you for your letter and the book "Light, Happiness & Peace." The thoughts presented by Fr. John J. Pasquini are very
inspiring and will help me in my prayers and talks and sermons to the people. May God continue to bless your work. (Bishop -
India)7) It has been quite a number of times that I have received your newsletter which I deeply value. I thank you for the free copy of the
book you sent me titled "Light, Happiness & Peace." (Bishop - Eritrea - Eastern Africa)8) I accept most gratefully the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" which you have sent for our priests as a mission of love. Yours in
Jesus and Mary. (Archbishop - Sri Lanka)9) Thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini which is being put on the bookshelves of our Parish
under the care of Fr. Jun De Peralta in charge of our priests. I wish you the best for the Lenten celebration of Paschal Mystery of
Christ's Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Happy Easter! (Bishop - Philippines)10) I have received your letter, the Magazine, Prayer Manual and the book "Light, Happiness and Peace." I am very grateful and hereby
send you my best wishes and the Lord's blessings. (Msgr. - Croatia)11) The book "Light, Happiness & Peace" will make for good reading during the Lenten Season. Perhaps it could be translated to
Russian. (Bishop - Kazakhstan)12) Thank you for sending the book "Light, happiness and Peace" as a gift of thanksgiving, and also the Newsletter for our Priests and
the two Prayer Manuals (English and French). With every Blessing of the Holy Season of Lent. (Archbishop - Pakistan)13) We received "Light, Happiness and Peace" the Bible quotations are important and precious. Thank you for all you send to us and
for all you do! (Bishop - Brazil)14) Thank you for your letter of February 12, 2007 with which you enclosed the book entitled Light, Happiness and Peace:
Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality by the Reverend Fr. John J. Pasquini, the Shepherds of Christ newsletter and
the Prayer Manuals. I offer my best wishes in Our Blessed Lord Jesus. (Archbishop - Vatican City)15) I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 12th instant, along with an enclosed copy of the book entitled "Light, Happiness
& Peace", 2007 Issue No. 1 of the newsletter "Shepherds of Christ" and the Prayer Manuals. In sincerely thanking you for these, I
wish to congratulate you all on the completion of 12th year of your ministry of prayers for priests, the Church and the world, and
reassure you my prayers. (Archbishop - Apostolic Nuncio - India)16) Please do congratulate Fr. John J. Pasquini for his two books, In Imitation of the Two Hearts and Light, Happiness and Peace.
I am happy that the book Light, Happiness and Peace takes head on a challenge that I had underlined in the 3 of the documents of
this Discastery. While appreciating your work in helping people to pray and in emphasizing and promoting traditional Catholic
Spirituality, I implore God's Blessings on you and your work. (Cardinal - President - Vatican City)17) I thank you for your letter of 12 February 2007 to which you attached the book "Light, Happiness and Peace," the recent issue of
"Shepherds of Christ" spirituality newsletter for priests and the Prayer Manual of the Shepherds of Christ Associates. In
commending you for the work you do for the clergy, the church and the world, please be assured that these reading materials will
be included in the library collection of this Apostolic Nunciature to which our staff will have easy access. May I invite you to also
send similar literature Episcopal Commission on the clergy, of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines. (Archbishop -
Apostolic Nuncio - Philippines)18) I acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the Light, Happiness & Peace. Thank you and may the Lord Jesus bless you all with His
abundant spiritual gifts. (Cardinal - Japan)19) I have received the book, "Light, Happiness & Peace", which you kindly sent me, and I am much obliged. Please count on my
prayers. (Bishop - Republic of Panama)20) Thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" Which I found to be very inspiring and useful. My prayers are with you for the
success of your apostolate. (Bishop - India)21) Recently I received your letter of February 12, 2007, with its enclosure of a copy of Light, Happiness and Peace (authored by Rev.
John J. Pasquini). Please accept my appreciation for these materials. With most cordial regards I remain. (Bishop - Vatican City)22) I hereby write to acknowledge the receipt of your letter and the gift of the book, Light, Happiness and Peace. I am grateful to you
for sharing with me your mission as a ministry. I am also glad to note that you love priests and the church. (Bishop - Ghana - West
Africa)23) I am writing to acknowledge receipt of the book, Light, Happiness & Peace, written by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you for
providing me with these publications. Know that I am most grateful for your zeal in encouraging prayers for priests, church and the
world. (Auxiliary Bishop - USA)24) We received the copy of Light, Happiness and Peace, Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality, by Fr. John J. Pasquini,
the newsletter and the Prayer Manual that you kindly sent to me for the Vatican library. I gladly take this opportunity to express my
gratitude for the books and for your kind attention to our Institution. (Prefetto - Vatican City)25) I would like to thank you for the book "Light, Happiness & Peace" that I have received. I ask God to bless you in a special way.
Also I invite the protection of Holy Mary, about your projects. (Archbishop - Brazil)26) Thank you very much for your kind letter of the 12th instant and for the book, "Light, Happiness and Peace," by Fr. John J.
Pasquini. I assure the members of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries of my special prayers and blessings. (Cardinal - Prefect -
Vatican City)27) I received your letter of February 21, 2007, wherein you kindly enclosed a copy of the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter, Prayer
Manual and the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini. Thank you very much for your consideration in this
regard. With renewed sentiments of gratitude, and prayers for continued blessings. (Cardinal - Vatican City)28) Thank you for your kindness and generosity in forwarding the booklet "Light, Happiness & Peace." The prayer book too will be
used. (Bishop - Australia)29) Thank you for the copy of the book by Fr. John J. Pasquini "Light, Happiness & Peace" as well as the Newsletter. Be assured of
my prayers for you and the work your apostolate does in praying for priests, the church and the world. (Bishop - USA)30) Thank you so much for the letter of February 12, which I received now. Many thanks for the rich and precious book "Light,
Happiness & Peace" and the Prayer Manuals. God Bless you and grant His richest gifts and blessings. (Patriarch of Alexandria of
the Copt Catholics - Egypt)31) I thank you for the copy of Light, Happiness & Peace, which is a journey through traditional catholic spirituality by Fr. John J.
Pasquini. I look forward to reading this work and I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending it to me. With every good wish for you
and your staff and the promise of prayer, I remain. (Bishop - USA)32) Thank you for sending to me the book "Light, Happiness and Peace" and the Prayer Manuals. I ask God the Father and the Holy
Mother to illuminate your work. (Bishop - Peru)33) Thank you very much for your post from February 12, 2007, and for the book by Fr. John J. Pasquini, Light, Happiness and
Peace. Thank you for your prayers for the priests. In this time of Lent I wish you the spirit of contemplation of the face of our Lord
Carrying the cross and the joy of Resurrection. (Archbishop - Poland)34) I am very grateful to you for having forwarded to me the new book of Fr. John J. Pasquini: Light, Happiness & Peace, the Prayer
Manual and the Newsletter. I thank you very much for everything. Remembering you in my prayers. (Apostolic Nuncio - Belgium)35) Thank you for your letter of February 21, 2007, for the book; Light, Happiness and Peace and all the materials. Thanks for all you
do for our priests. May God bless you. (Archbishop - USA)36) My sincere appreciation for the inspirational book "Light, Happiness & Peace" by Fr. John J. Pasquini and the Prayer Manuals. I
am grateful for your thoughtfulness. God Bless! (Bishop - USA)37) Thank you so much for the book entitled, Light, Happiness & Peace, written by Reverend John J. Pasquini, and the Shepherds of
Christ Prayer Manuals and Newsletter. With every best wish. (Bishop - USA)38) For the time and effort you have taken to share your publications and other materials with me, I am most grateful. Fr. John J.
Pasquini's work "Light, Happiness & Peace" is a good spiritual work on the essential life. Please be assured of my prayers for you
and the work of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. (Vicar general - USA)39) I am really grateful to receive a new issue of the Priestly Newsletter "Shepherds of Christ" with the enclosed book of Fr. John
Pasquini "Light, Happiness and Peace". Wishing you to spread love towards the Church and her Ministries everywhere, I avail
myself of this opportunity to renew to you my sentiments of high esteem. (Bishop - Vatican City)40) Thank you for your kind gift of Light, Happiness & Peace, by Fr. John J. Pasquini. May Almighty God continue to Bless your
ministry, and with prayers for a Holy Lenten Season I am. (Bishop - USA)41) Thank you for sending me the Shepherds of Christ Newsletter and a complimentary copy of the book, "Light, Happiness & Peace." I will read this book with interest. (Bishop - USA)
42) Thank you for the courtesy of sending me Light, Happiness & Peace along with the Prayer Manuals. I appreciate receiving
them and will pass them along to staff. My prayers to you for a blessed Lenten Season. (Bishop - USA)43) I sincerely appreciate your generosity and the sacrifice you make in helping the priests all over the world. Your Priestly Newsletter is a rich source of spiritual nourishment for our priests. Please continue to send them. (Archbishop of India – 06-03-07)
44) I am greeting you in the most cordial way to thank you for the Newsletters from Shepherds of Christ by Fr. John J. Pasquini you have sent to me. (Bishop of Ecuador – 03-26-07)
45) Thank you for sending the materials which I received from Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I would like to share some texts with some of the seminarians, and I ask If you have some of the Newsletters translated in Spanish, please send them to me. (Msgr. of Argentina – 03-16-07)
46) I received your letter, the Magazine, Prayer manual and the Book "Light, Happiness and Peace". I am very grateful and hereby send you my best wishes and the Lord’s blessings. (Archbishop of Croatia – 03-14-07)
47) I thank you heartily for the copies of Shepherds of Christ publications that you have been sending to me for many years. This is much appreciated. With renewed heartfelt thanks and prayerful best wishes, I am. (Bishop of Bangladesh – 03-15-07)
48) The priestly Newsletter is displayed in our Chancery for visitors who may be inspired to read. The book Light, Happiness and Peace by Fr. John J. Pasquini is being put to the bookshelves of our Bahay Pari under the care of Fr. Jun De Paralta in charge of our priests. I wish you the best for the Lenten celebration of Paschal Mystery of Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. (Bishop of the Philippines – 03-08-07)
49) Thank you for your recent letter and the enclosed newsletter. Your prayerful support for priests, the church and the world is much appreciated. Please be assured of my prayers and best wishes for you and your work. (Archbishop of the Vatican City – 04-26-07)
50) Greetings in the name of the risen Lord. Thank you for sending me the regular newsletter of the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. It is very inspiring. (Msgr. of Malaysia – 04-26-07)
51) I was so glad to receive your mail with the enclosed information. It a joy to say that I am satisfied with the information to a considerable degree. I remain deeply grateful and will be on my way to forming a chapter in my parish. Surely, I will communicate when the ball starts rolling. (Priest of Nigeria – 03-28-07)
52) A belated, but nonetheless sincere thanks for the copy of the book you sent to me authored by Fr. John J. Pasquini. I look forward to read it. (Msgr. of the Philippines – 04-18-07)
53) Thank you for your recent letter and for enclosing the newsletter together with a prayer manual and Light Happiness and Peace. With good wishes and an assurance of my prayers. (Auxiliary Bishop of London – 04-20-07)
54) A note to thank you for the 2007 issue No. 1 of “Shepherds of Christ” and the Book ‘Light, Happiness & Peace’. Your kindness is appreciated. Every blessings and Peace for Eastertide. (Bishop of Australia – 04-18-07)
55) I am writing to you first of all to tell you how much I appreciate your publications “Shepherds of Christ Ministries”. It is a great apostolate and you would know through your own experience, how much it is needed in the church specially in our times. May the Good Shepherd bless you and reward you for all that you are doing for our priests. (Archbishop of Sri Lanka – 05- 04-07)
56) I am most grateful for your kind gesture and will keep you and the Shepherds of Christ Ministries in my masses and prayers. With every good wish. (Archbishop of Australia – 05-01-07)
57) Thank you very much for the first issue of 2007 “Shepherds of Christ Ministries” by Fr. John J. Pasquini and the book Light, Happiness and Peace. As always the newsletter have been distributed to all our priests with great appreciation. (Bishop of Bethlehem – 04-18-07)
58) Thank you for your leadership with Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I appreciate the Commitment that you and those associated with you have made to strengthen the spirituality of priests and the church. May God continue to bless you in your efforts abundantly.(Archbishop of USA - 04-25-07)
59) Thank you for kindly sending me this Newsletter on the priesthood. I greatly appreciate your tremendous support and prayers on behalf of our priests. May God bless you, and may He continue to guide your important work with Shepherds of Christ Ministries. (Bishop of USA – 04-26-07)
60) I am really grateful to receive a new issue of the Priestly Newsletter “Shepherds of Christ” with the enclosed the prayer of Fr. John J. Pasquini. Wishing you to spread love of Christ and Mary everywhere, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you my sentiments of high esteem. (Bishop of the Vatican City – 04-30-07)
61) Thank you for your letter of April 13th, 2007. I am grateful for your prayers before the Blessed Sacrament for me and the priests of our Diocese. With prayers and best wishes, I remain. (Bishop of USA – 04-26-07)
62) I wish to thank you for the materials you sent and I send my appreciation and best wishes to all the members of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. With kind regards and prayerful good wishes. (Archbishop – Apostolic Nuncio of India – 04-26-07)
63) We will use all of Shepherds of Christ’s publications to promote and to enrich the prayers for priests vocations at our Diocese. (Bishop of Brazil – 04-20-07)
64) I have long wished to express my thanks for the newsletter and other publications which you send me. I appreciate very much your mission to promote the renewal of the spiritual life through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. (Bishop of Albenia – 03-21-07)
65) Thank you for sending me your publications “Shepherds of Christ" ministries regularly. It gives good directions for the life of priests. (Bishop of India – 04-21-07)
66) I express my deep gratitude to the Shepherds of Christ Ministry, for being generous is sending us the shipment of books of prayers and prayer manuals. (Bishop of Papua New Guinea – 04-03-07)
67) It is very encouraging to know that there is a movement whose members are constantly praying for the priests, the church and the world. Be assured of my prayers for your intentions, that the Holy Spirit may inspire all your initiatives! (Bishop of Nederland – 04-27-07)
end of comments
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