Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Jesus speaks: I ask you to be in intimate love relationships. These are not only for married couples. People living in religious communities living according to Gods will, will live as a family.
1st, you must realize you were created to be intimate in loving relationships like holy brothers and sisters.
Matthew 12:48-50
But to the man who told him this Jesus replied, Who is my mother? Who are my brothers? And stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.
Jesus speaks: 2nd, you must be willing to die to self and love selflessly according to Gods will.
It is important you note "according to Gods will". It is not Gods will that you make yourselves available on a full time basis for everyone else. It is against Gods will when some sin by neglecting their own children while they try to help save others.
I speak of dependency. Again I discuss unhealthy relationships, many learned in homes in which there was addiction to unhealthy outlets: sex, drugs, overeating, television and relationships not according to Gods will.
Because of living in a home under abusive or violent circumstances, because of alcohol or drugs, because of excessive controlling behavior to make the parent a power (not under Gods feet), because of many dysfunctions, children were forced to survive the situation. Mixed messages from parents or adults in charge confused children and they were forced to cope with the situation. Many children developed an addiction themselves coping with the situation. It could be overworking, trying to be perfect, being an actor, smoking, eating, whatever the outlet was to handle the situation.
Today many are addicted to sick relationships. The addicted person expects the other to fill his needs. I am not talking about healthy interdependence in families.
It is, so to speak, as a candy or cigarette one uses when they are frustrated and do not feel good.
Children, and now adults, find difficulty in living in the present moment. They are always looking for an exciting out to gratify them.
A person can depend totally on another, and when this is removed they go to something else, drugs, food, etc.
If they dont feel good, they look outside themselves to remedy the situation, blaming others and indulging in things for quick relief.
The truth is this, you live for Me. The truth is men must honestly share themselves to have intimacy. The truth is the devil works to divide those in relationships or make them close in the wrong way. You must work to have relationships exactly according to Gods will.
Some will have a problem and not face it. Some share everything, others hold back. There must be that willingness to serve and love one another. The primary focus of relationships is that of loving. It should not be that a person engages in personal relationships for their own selfish, self-serving needs.
The world is centered on self. I ask you to live to love as the Father wishes.
Some can spend their whole lives looking to fill their own selfish needs. Some make others reluctantly deal with dysfunctional ways of engaging in relationships.
Some work at all relationships trying to mold them into their dysfunctional ways of interacting to serve their selfish needs.
Relationships are for love. Relationships are to help one another grow in more perfected ways of being likened to God.
There are special times when all must have time to be alone with God, times when they must relate to God on an intimate level and find out from Him His will for them.
It is in times when persons are reluctantly put into the company of others and do not take ample time alone with God and themselves that major problems develop.
You are in relationships to help one another grow. People who analyze and criticize others, who only work on others behavior dysfunction, are not tending to their own growth.
No one is perfect. All must give appropriate attention to their own primary needs: sleeping, eating, being alone with God, etc.
Some live to serve others by telling them how to live. There should be an honest exchange of patterns of behavior when relating. All are different. Those who think it is their job to fix others, many times never look at themselves. They see themselves as perfect or too old to change. All are in the state of becoming. No one is perfect. Feelings must be exchanged and understood if all are to grow. The primary function of relationship must be that of loving according to Gods will. All must look at their own selfish ways of relating and live to love selflessly as God intends. This does not mean giving and giving to all others. It means giving as God wills.
Some give and give and give to all and then they reach a point at which they become worn out and become very mean.
The devil will tempt you to go from one extreme to the other. Deep intimate relationships bring up special areas to deal with that, when dealt with properly with Gods grace, will lead the parties into more permanent loving ways of behaving.
An examination of close relationships from childhood and close relationships with parents, children, husbands and wives may reveal serious needs that were never met. Sometimes the person uses others to fix their needs incorrectly and slavishly.
I am your God. You cannot be attached dysfunctionally to another. A deep examination of childhood relationships with parents and significant others, feeling stuffed feelings and forgiving others for wounds they may have inflicted on you, will help you to heal from old wounds. Dying to the false self is essential. That is putting aside the false self for the more perfect self that God intends us to be. (Messenger: Father Carter calls this the true self)
Jesus speaks: A final note: writing feeling letters in which problems are discussed honestly between significant others helps many times to keep them connected. This is why I have requested a feeling letter for married couples and significant others daily.
A person joining the community as a servant or handmaid shares in intimate love relationships with others, always according to Gods will, as brothers and sisters. The primary focus in these and all relationships is a spousal relationship with Me. I recommend strongly for all who wish to have spousal relationships with Me that they honestly write Me a feeling love letter daily and read the letter I give back to them in the Blue Book messages.
Your Movement will fail if apostles do not use the Blue Book messages daily and spend one hour in private adoration, preferably before the tabernacle.
Your journey is to love selflessly after the example of God your Savior.
I came to show you the way.
You must die to the selfish, perverted ways of behaving in relationships. Survivor-rescuer relationships are not according to Gods will.
All must look deep inside and see why they act the way they do. No one is perfect. No one has arrived. The person who refuses to look inside keeps the relationship from growing properly.
When problems arise which cause flaring emotions, those involved should analyze the situation honestly and lovingly to see if the situation is a reaction to an old, bitter, past, unhealed wound.
In some relationships, some continue the same pattern over and over because they fail to look inward. This causes tremendous wounds. The hurt becomes tremendous for one or both parties.
To keep the relationship loving, I ask you to be loving to one another. Discuss problems in writing if possible, look inward for stumbling blocks in your own past. Do not see yourself as perfect. See the relationship as a means of developing more mature relationships with God and others. These relationships will reach their culmination in eternity.
Understanding one another in love, sharing feelings honestly, especially in writing, will help.
The Blue Books will help you to be more selfless. Read messages together as a family. Begin to teach your children at a young age to pray the rosary and to live by My Blue Book messages.
The devil will become more vile. He aims to tear shepherds apart and attack the very core of the Movement from within. I warn you NOW. Unless you work on yourselves he will use your imperfections to eat you alive. He will use tactics to divide you that will tear your hearts apart. Writing letters may become essential for married couples. In any event, daily verbal communication about intimate matters is essential. By this I mean personal feelings and sharing love. Set aside time to work on your love relationship for at least twenty minutes daily. This will be essential for the powerful love force in the Movement provided by married leaders.
Do not look for candy. Live to do My work. This is your primary focus. This is reward itself. One who needs an outlet to feel good is not focused on his duty and the importance of it to Me.
Say often, "My God, I live to love and serve You. I wish to love selflessly as You did when You gave Yourself on the cross. Help me to grow in my ways of loving according to Your example. Help me not to be focused on myself."
Say the Prayer for Union with Jesus.
Look inside and operate to love and serve Me.
Do not be prideful as you open yourselves up. The poison of the tainted child will emerge. When you have wounded others say so and be sorry.
If someone has a problem and he is your friend, you must work through the problem. You cannot throw the apostle out. Pray fervently the Holy Spirit Novena for healing.
The way to growth in Me is not paved with golden bricks. It is a cobbled road, one covered with dirt and sharp rocks, one like the road I walked to Calvary.
You walk stripping yourselves more and more of the debris that you have accumulated from generations past and from your own selfish, willful desires. You walk in pain on that foot road to the hill of Calvary. There you mount your cross and selflessly give yourself to God.
On the morning of the third day, you will come out of the tomb and cry with shouts of joy and exultation. No longer will you be ensnarled by the evil one. No longer will you wear a mummys garb. You will drop the chains that once held you captive. You will be renewed to live the great life: life forever, living in Me in a deep spousal union with your God. And I will take you, dressed in white, washed clean in My Blood, as My blushing bride. Your soul will be white and clean, saturated in My grace and the light in your eyes will be the light that the Holy Spirit puts in your hearts eye. You will see with heavenly light the truth and it will set you free from your captivity.
The road to the Resurrection was by the way of the cross and it stopped at the hill of Calvary. There I was stripped and nailed to the cross, shedding every drop of Blood in My Body for you in selfless love.
I am the King, I am your Spouse, I am your God, I am the One you live for. I shall have no gods before Me, and none will satisfy you.
You were created with the craving desire within to be possessed by God. He is your hearts desire. It is God you must serve and worship, honor and obey. All things will come in proper order to him who loves and serves God first and above all things.
You cannot be attached to people and things slavishly against Gods will. People cannot be used as a reward or a candy for unmet needs within. No man is an island. All are part of the one family of God, brothers and sisters in Gods family.
I am God, holy, faithful and true. I beg you to serve Me as did My beloved Mother. Study these words.
Luke 1:46-56
The Magnificat
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
--according to the promise
he made to our ancestors--
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever.
February 9, 1994
Messenger: This is His message, to follow Him. He died in total surrender to the Father's will. We must follow the will of the Father. He has a plan for us. We must do His work. It takes total surrender to act as He prompts us to act. We must become selfless and allow Him to act in us. When He is acting, hearts are changed, people are touched. When we are acting, it is our will we are using. This is ourselves, playing a safe game, as if He died on the cross with His arms closed. He died with His arms wide open. We must let Him work in us as He desires.
I will say, "Yes, Lord, I move steadfastly ahead to do Your work. You are He Who operates my soul." I know my might comes from Him Who is all powerful. I know my intentions are for love of You and You alone. I am Yours to use.
Jesus speaks: Live by the Blue Books.
Question for married couples and others in intimate relationships:
Q: How do I feel we can more easily keep up with this daily dialogue?
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