Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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September13th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 7 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries for September 13th are the Joyful.
September 13th - Mass at 12:00 China time
Blue Book IV (a big book) is available
$25.00 plus shipping
Call Morrow 1-888-211-3041
and order now!
Come to China and Florida
the book is available
You can listen to the Retreat over the internet.
Retreat in China
September 10th - 13th
Pray every hour and 1/2 hour if possible
for our needs
Use the Infant Novena
Novena to the Infant of Prague
(to be prayed hourly if possible)
O Jesus, who said, "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you," through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted.
O Jesus, who said, "All that you ask of the Father in My Name He will grant you," through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your Name that my prayer be granted.O Jesus, who said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass," through the intercession of Mary, Your most holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted.
Jesus said to pray for the survivors.
September 12, 2005
Jesus speaks:
If a person is an angry person
you may come back 20 years later
and find they haven't changed. They
can be wealthier than ever before,
but not changed or gotten worse.
In today's world it is
easier to grow in greater evilness —
there are so many evil things on the
television and media, the sexual
promiscuity and perversion is on
an all time high.
It is a sad thought that someone
would lead a life for 60 years and
be angry inside the whole time.
What do you carry in your
heart. After ten years will
an old friend come and find you
more angry than 10 years ago and
yet you do not even know yourself
you carry every minute of every
day a loaded bomb with you
and you are too prideful to
recognize YOU have any imperfections.
I give you a lifetime to grow
in greater holiness.
Think of an alcoholic — he may
numb his pain, what really causes
him to drink — he has no idea
what is really in his heart.
A user of chemicals soon
has some problem with their
body and the pain for why they
may have used it - never goes
away from using the chemical.
Many shows on television, movies are
so violent, so evil - the evilness
is at an all time high — people
are mutilated physically on some
TV shows as a man "rests" in his
easy chair.
War blares across the "tubes"
- war, people opinions -
noises that make the floor shake
across the house because of
the surround systems and what
have you ———
some people are controlled by drugs
and medicines, shots - unheard of
years ago on the television —
Where the angry man has gotten
angrier watching this darkness - he
may be better equipped to hide
his evil — So too your world
expresses its anger on television —
in the news - before the eyes
of babies ——
I suffered such violence
to My body for your sins. They
beat Me, they tore My flesh.
How have you progressed in
the spiritual life? If a person
manipulates others to put up with
their bad habits — they do not progress
at all and advance as they should
in the spiritual life —
A person can force another to
put up with their habits by
angry fits - tantrums - threats
of leaving, suicide, saying
they are sick etc.
What do you use to force another
to put up with your bad habits?
That is why there are so many divorces —
many will not put up with the temper
tantrums of others —
You are accountable for your
actions — If you do bizarre behavior —
ignore your actions and then say
oh I am sick —
What husband or wife would
tolerate it —
Temper tantrums of the child
inside from things experienced
in early childhood must be corrected
or 20 years later a person is still
trying to trick a fourth husband
or wife or live-in-partner to put
up with their would-be-perverted
20 years of the same tantrum —
40 different people later —
given 20 rooms and 20 different
little communities a controlling,
prideful person will go in each
door working so they won't have
to change themselves - doing the
same dance - like a song played
and practiced on the flute —
One lady cried - I want an intimate
relationship with a man - I have all
these relationships at work, but I
can't get one man to hang around me —
She began her baby manipulation
techniques every time she started
dating a man for an intimate
relationship - early on she started her
manipulative techniques that were
sick - not kind - like giving
another their space - her techniques
were possessive, jealous and
controlling and the new man felt
choked and could not believe
the bizarre behavior — he was gone —
dysfunctional people may
migrate toward each other to have
a life of hell
One man wanted love — every
time love and appreciation was
given - he hurt the person by
doing ugly things in return —
he couldn't understand why
a person was absolutely unable to
even be around him — he was
mean trying to see how much
nastiness they would take —
Another man thought he should
get what he needed from people
by being mean, like a "war-boss"
Some people use others to work out
their anger — they keep provoking the
other in passive-aggressive ways and
have a silent war going on —
They are angry and need expression —
they don't want to show any anger
in themselves so they provoke
others quietly - moving ahead like
a war attack - a little at a time
until the other screams after being
baited for a period of time - then they
watch the other act out their
anger - losing control and then
they are happy because the other
acted out their anger.
Some people will force their
ideas on others — even if you say
you don't want it that way —
A leader can do this — on a
regular job, a person does what
the boss says.
A person may say, I don't want
the print that way, the person
insists because they are controlling —
in the end it causes major
problems because they bring the
print the way they wanted and then
they force a confrontation with
the other.
Forcing confrontations to do it
your way is just that.
A person in authority must
face problems others fail to recognize
in themselves and their ways —
in marriages and mutual relationships
a person forcing their will on others
may loose the other person because
they cannot put up with this constant
Mutuality is very helpful in
learning about your imperfections.
A single bachelor at age 60 may
be very difficult to work with —
he may never have been forced to
work in an intimate way with
others and it may be very difficult
dealing with him more so than
a happily married man with
four children.
A man had a lot of money and
ran a business — now he had
others running the business,
but he was so forceful with
others — his whole attitude was to
get his way — he was not concerned
with them as friends or their
needs or helping them — he
wanted the situation to fall
where they did his suggestion —
it was a feat to him — he did
everything to manipulate his
way to win the feat — He treated
those intimately united to him in
different ways — some he disrespected,
others he raised on a pedestal —
his ways were not for the good of
the other and doing things for
My honor and glory, they were for his
honor and glory and conquest. The
person living with him cried
and complained and felt manipulated,
unloved, unappreciated and controlled.
There are mutual relationships,
work relationships, law relationships,
church relationships etc. —
All teach about loving God and
working together. Structure
must be observed —
A constant struggle can
go on for authority if one never
yields to a head.
Problems beneath a head,
are problems for the head. A
person in charge is under God
and lovingly administers to those
underneath —
See Me dying on the cross —
I loved those I gave My
life for, I always obeyed
the Father.
Jesus speaks:
You must pray to use this life as
a preparation for heaven — how you
learn to love and grow in greater
perfection goes with you for
all eternity —
You have a great capacity
to love — more and more and more and
Baptism gives you a
greater capacity to know
and love ——
I show you the suffering
servant — I am God
I laid down My life for
My flock —
A hired man runs away —
In lasting relationships there
is trust.
The person commits themselves.
This is My Movement — I
have asked you to commit
yourselves to Me to help do this
I am your Spouse
I am the Bridegroom of your soul
you commit to Me —
I am the perfect lover —
I give Myself to you
You can trust Me
I love you so much —
I put you on this earth to love
To be one
To get along
A person can spend so much time working
out personal problems, baggage —
they do not accomplish any work.
This is how satan works —
If you saw a person 10 years
ago working with others they
may have done little work —
all they did was work out anger
and love relationships in
the work setting.
Persons can have trouble
getting close to anyone at work
etc. — they project an angry
parent, disapproving father
into a simple job for or at church.
Then they spend all their time working
out their problem with their
father — they project into this
10 years later it can be the
same problem — wherever they go
with whoever they work — the same
problem - love - hate - love
anger — mom-son, dad-son,
dad-daughter, mom-daughter,
authority to them becomes mom or
dad and they can work out a life time
of pain, dominance etc.
In setting boundaries, sometimes
older children do not understand that
you must do some things — if a
problem cost $70 dollars, it would
be better to pay it rather than
a moments notice —
Children have needs, but sometimes
we work out problems on others just
to get them to choose us over something
Manipulation of others for our
selfish will can be against God's will.
A child will go to mom if they
need something many times even
when 40 years old. What is
God's will — how can we both
Jesus speaks:
I am the vine — you are the
branches —
I am your spouse — you
must come to Me in all your
A pain can go on for days in a
hip or leg,
A pain in the heart from
abuse, neglect can go on and
never be detected in our
lives robbing us of real
trust and love in adult relationships
because of childhood fears.
Jesus speaks:
You must be docile, loving,
humble, strive for purity like
Mary, work with each other —
examine your conscience —
I am your spouse —
put Me FIRST —
Don't manipulate others
because you are feeling
unloved - because you
can get away with it —
Don't manipulate others
You are here to grow out of
your imperfections to
prepare yourself for your
life for all eternity.
A Retreat is a time to go
away from the world and
look at yourselves —
A person can have trouble letting
go of others - fear of abandonment -
because of a death of a parent -
unavailability because of an alcoholic
or work-acholic parent —
everyone's parents came to school —
their's never showed up and
then never even said
anything about it
There can be a constant lesson given
to a child — you are unimportant,
a nuisance — so they may
have trouble letting go of an intimate
other — just saying hello, good-by —
going in and out of doors —
Afraid the other won't come back —
Some may become possessive - not
having ordinary trust in
relationships — since the
other love relationships were
seeped with unavailability —
imperfections etc.
There is only one way —
It is doing My will
for you.
It is loving —
genuinely loving —
It is letting go of anger and
forgiving as in the
Our Father —
Ask yourself this question —
when the fall leaves come
and it is the end of another
year —
did you learn to love more —
did you learn to live more
according to My will —
did you learn to live more
according to your will —
Children need to be taught about
doing God's will —
I give you My Tiny Tot
I give you My Rosary Books —
Coloring books —
Rosary Aves
Rosary DVD —
You must teach the children
about our lives in the
Rosary — doing the will
of God —
Teach them — your children are
the future for tomorrow —
You give them Video games
that teach them hate —
I am the New Adam
Mary is the New Eve —
You must model your lives
after us —
Our love union is important to
your lives —
Our love union is between
God and a human person —
It is the highest union a
human person can have with God —
The most perfected union
between God and a human person
is between Jesus and Mary —
She is conceived without sin —
She is the singular vessel
She is all pure
They beat Me for your sins,
for your sins of pride and
anger - hurting your
Anger may cause someone to
tense up and holler - but like
love - you really cannot
touch anger —
If you can realize how
love is a preparation for heaven —
you can think about anger,
isolation and the hate of hell —
My Mission in the Shepherds of
Christ is to lead the Church,
the world and the individual
Christian into greater
oneness with God and all
In unveiling the imperfections,
the unveilings of the workings
of satan in your lives —
you can grow in greater —
oneness and love of God and
love of each other.
Your life is an offering to
God the Father.
I died on the cross for
your sins —
You die to your imperfect
ways to have greater perfection —
greater life in Me —
I am the Bread of life.
I am the way, the truth
and the life ——
I gave Myself as a sacrifice
for your sins —
I died on a tree —
Adam and Eve ate of the
forbidden fruit.
What more should I say
to you here.
I give you My Body and Blood
in the Eucharist. I am the
Bread of life.
I am Jesus — Savior of the World
you are sinners —
I paid the price for your sins
with My Blood —
I shed My Blood for your
I shed My Blood for your
anger —
manipulation and
You keep doing many things
willingly to get ahead —
to do your will —
because of pride jealousy —
Your days here are to prepare
you for heaven —
Die to anger and the selfish
ways —
DIE to Your faults
and listen to Me —
I am the Bread of Life—
I give you Myself in
the Eucharist —
I love you so much —
I have given you My
4th Blue Book —
It is a gift of love
Be not afraid —
pray to Me —
I am with you
always ———
*August 2, 2005 Rosary*
"Let Go, Have Peace, and Love"
Transcribed from a tape of a live rosary
Messenger: Jesus says to stop in these moments and to ask for the gift of healing. For He has called me as a messenger here this night and He has promised to outpour special graces of healing to those who hear the sound of my voice. It is through this prayer service that He has worked very many gifts in the lives of the people who pray these prayers. And it is a vital part of this prayer service that we meditate deeply on what consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I come to you as a messenger of God, one who has been sent this night to bring to you this message. Open up your heart and concentrate on the Hearts of deepest love, the plan that the Father has for each and every one of us in this mission of helping to bring about the Reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
Act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary"Lord Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock, I consecrate myself to Your most Sacred Heart. From Your pierced Heart the Church was born, the Church You have called me, as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, to serve in a most special way. You reveal Your Heart as a symbol of Your love in all its aspects, including Your most special love for me, whom You have chosen as Your companion in this most important work. Help me to always love You in return. Help me to give myself entirely to You. Help me always to pour out my life in love of God and neighbor! Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!
"Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, I consecrate myself to your maternal and Immaculate Heart, this Heart which is symbol of your life of love. You are the Mother of my Savior. You are also my Mother. You love me with a most special love as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, a movement created by your Son as a powerful instrument for the renewal of the Church and the world. In a return of love, I give myself entirely to your motherly love and protection. You followed Jesus perfectly. You are His first and perfect disciple. Teach me to imitate you in the putting on of Christ. Be my motherly intercessor so that, through your Immaculate Heart, I may be guided to an ever closer union with the pierced Heart of Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock."
Jesus speaks: I have called this prayer service to tell you of a special message. For it is in the fervent prayer that you give to Me this night that I will outpour great grace for the priests and the Church and the world. Come to Me united, give your hearts to Me.
Messenger: Dear Jesus we come to You and we ask You for the grace of this night, for the grace of the sorrow and the testing and all the things that we may have experienced, to realize that there are many little babies this day that will be born into a world that there will be fewer and fewer priests and less availability of the Eucharist. Dear God please hear our prayers and help us in all that we do, to focus on how when we are pure, we can help to bring down so much grace, in loving You and serving You according to God's will. Dear God please help us. Amen.
Jesus speaks: And this is the song that I give to you this night.
Song: Wedding Song
Jesus speaks: I am the bridegroom of your soul and I come to you to give you My love. For I am God and nothing on this earth can ever compare to the love that I want to give you here, to let go and to experience the love that I give and the message that I deliver to you now.
Song: Wedding Song
Messenger: This is the song that Jesus wanted me to sing because they're words from Him.
Song: Wedding Song
Jesus speaks: And I call you to sing the song of My love to My beloved ones, that they will know that it is the marriage of our souls that I want to speak about. For I have given to you all the letters in God's Blue Book, the letters of My deepest love, to take the souls of this earth into this great era of intimacy, in which they will know the love of My Heart. And it is not measured by those things that surround you, but by the love that I give, for I am love and this is the message I have chosen to give to My precious souls this night.
Song: Wedding Song
Jesus speaks: I speak to you of the love in My Sacred Heart, for it is because the world does not recognize this love, that they are hurting and in pain, and that they need healing. Come to Me My child, for I want the words of My love to go to the far ends of the earth, that men will know that the healing will come in this, in the love of Jesus.
Sing: There is love
Messenger: Love from the Divine God, the One Who gives Himself to us in the Eucharist.
Sing: There is love
Jesus speaks: You are My beloved spouse, I am the bridegroom of your soul. Do not fume or fret for I am with you. And your strength is in this - that I am the Divine God.
Sing: There is love
The Agony in the Garden
1. Hail Mary
2. Hail Mary
3. Jesus speaks: I have come to you to deliver this message. It is a message of endurance and of love, for it is in this that you will be healed. It is in reaching for Me and for the gift that I can give to you in eternal life forever. For the moments of this earth are so very passing. They last but a moment and are gone, as the leaves on the ground, the wind blows and you do not know where the wind comes or where it goes, but a leaf that looked as if it was set in secure footing suddenly disappears. And so it is with your lives that you hold on to the little things with selfishness and pride and bitterness and all the things. And I whisper into your ears so gently and I say to you, "My beloved one, do not focus on these things for I am with you always. My Heart is a Heart of Divine love and I outpour My greatest love to you this day." And you walk away and you worry for so many incidental things. And when I want to put the ring on your finger and caress your heart with all My love, you've closed the door for the 10 cent irritation or whatever it is. Oh My precious one, anticipate the moments that I give to you, in My most ardent love given to you in the Eucharist. Come to Me at the Mass and know how deeply I long for you to come and to be with Me. It is in this that the more you are filled with My life, the stronger you become, for it is life in Me that strengthens you. Oh precious child of mine, it is to you I sing.
Song: Come to My Heart - refrain
4. Jesus speaks: And I knelt in the garden and I knew of all the anguish and the pain, but I knew of this day today. I knew of this day, the day in which the sin is so great. And they are not even shy to commit the sins that they do over and over again. For they are blinded by the evil one and they do not even see how their lives have become like a web that they have spun themselves in giving in one and one, and one more time, to little temptations to do evil. And I knelt in the garden and I knew of the pain and the suffering and I said "yes" for you My precious one, for the bride of My Heart, for the one that I love. And you look at the trials and you say to yourself "Oh Jesus help me, help me." And you think that I am not there and I am right with you this day, in all of the trials and the sufferings that you have endured. I have walked by you, I have held your hand, I have caressed your heart, I have washed your face with a soft wet cloth when the sun felt as if it was beating down and you thought you may grow faint. You My child are My little flower, so indeedly precious to Me. Let Me caress your heart and pour the grace out to you that I want to give now. For it was for you in the garden that I suffered so much anguish and pain and the blood ran down from My pores. For I loved them so, the precious ones, that I knew would go to hell despite My suffering. Oh reach out with your lives to help them, to come to Me. I am a God of justice, I am a God of love. I gave My life for every soul. And some will throw into My face the gift that I suffered for them. I knelt there, bathed in a sweat of blood. And My Heart was comforted by the love that I have for you and why do you fear? Do not listen to the tauntings of the evil one, for to you I have given the vision to know Me in a deep way and in listening to him you become weak and disempowered. Oh My precious, sweet one, I was bathed in a sweat of blood for thee.
5. Jesus speaks: And tenderly I wipe your brow as I watch it wrinkle with concern and fear. And I say "Little one, little one I am so close, why do you not hear Me?" And many times you tune Me out to run down the road that hurts your heart and makes you cry. Hear Me, hear Me now, "Little one, little one, little one — little ones stop running."
6. Jesus speaks: And they slept, My beloved Apostles, I brought them with Me and they could not wait that hour with Me. How many of your priests today are too busy that they cannot wait that hour with Me and yet your prayers and your devotion to My Most Sacred Heart to tell them of the importance of the Eucharist can make such a difference into the healing of the world and the Church. Do not give up for a moment, for a moment's frustration or anger, you let go of the very vision that I have given to you that can make the difference to the Church and the world. Be strong for I call to you little one as you run down the road, "Little one, little one, little one" and you keep going with fingers in your ears after that which hurts your heart and makes you cry.
7. Jesus speaks: It is an act of the will, for you have been given a free will and you can let go of those things but you do not understand how important disciplining your will is, to greater union with Me and peace and love and joy. Say the prayer now to be strengthened in all that you do. Pray to have a strong will to follow My plan, "Little one, little one, little one" and you run away.
8. Jesus speaks: And I sweat blood and it came forth from My pores for I knew the anguish within My soul for the souls that would go to hell forever despite My suffering and My life given. Bring Me souls for I long for them and love them so. And for My beloved priests that I have called, pray with all your heart for they are so important indeed to Me. "Little one, little one, little one" do not give into satan. His way is the way of evil and he wants you to have a weak will, to say its too hard, 'I will just do this frivolous thing anyway.' And so I call to you and I say "Little one, little one, you can control the situation" but it will be difficult. But you still do what God is telling you to do, little one.
Song: Come to My Heart - refrain
Jesus speaks: "Little one, little one" I see you there, little one with your fingers in your ears and I keep calling to you and I nag at your heart and you say to Me, many times, "Go away Jesus. I want to be mad. I want to do this thing. What You tell me to do is too hard." And you run down that street and you are miserable, you plug up your ears and I softly tap at the door of your heart saying "Little one, little one."
9. Sing: He is love, He is love
Jesus speaks: To My death on the cross, I loved you. And I love you this day that I give to you Myself in the Eucharist, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Do not be afraid My child, for I am with you in this trial and this struggle. I am always with you. You may feel weak-willed or you may feel weak in health or in mind, but there is always the will that you can choose to do what I am asking you to do with love. And I knew that you would hear the sound of My voice this day and I called you "Lit-tle one, I am Jesus and I am knocking on the door of your heart, little one, open up. Don't go down that road that's going to make you angry. Just don't do it. I give you a free will."
10. Hail Mary
Sing: I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have loved you and you are mine,
I have loved you with an everlasting love, I have loved you and you are mine.Jesus speaks: I am the Divine God and I have chosen you as My bride.
Scourging at the Pillar
1. Jesus speaks: And they took Me out and they tied Me to a pillar and they beat My flesh and the blood from My body flew into the air, and My thoughts were of you here this day, My precious one. And this is why I deliver this message to you, to the world that is hurting and in pain, that is suffering, that is longing for healing, the message that I give to you is that I am the Divine God and that I love you. I love you with a Heart of burning love. Let go precious, precious child of mine, let go and focus on My love.
2. Jesus speaks: And some days will be like this, when you will feel that you will not be able to even see the peaking of light in the sky. And you will feel pressed on and I will be walking right by your side and saying to you "My precious one offer this up for the grace that will help the world and help the souls. Do not abandoned the ship, do not give in." For it is in the suffering that much grace will be released. Just hold on a little longer. It is your faith that is so important to Me. For it is in your faith that much grace is released. And it is all the things that you think that are so hard, that are the very things that can help so many, and yet so many times you fail to see the very vision before your eyes. Look at Me as I was scourged at the pillar, as they whipped Me, as they tore My flesh as they pounded thorns into My head. Do you see the message of the Son of God, the King of kings, the Divine Lord and He is whipped at the pillar.
3. Jesus speaks: Look into the eyes of the babies and see the purity and the sweetness. I was tied to the pillar and whipped and the blood flew into the air. And I saw the little ones, the ones that are not even born yet and they will not know the priests and the Mass as you have it today. Please do not abandoned the ship. And when it is difficult say "God, I offer this cross to You for the grace for the little ones. God, I offer this cross to You for the grace for the little ones, for the shortage of the priests, for the love that I have for the Church, for the gift of the Eucharist that I am so grateful for, God help me."
4. Jesus speaks: And you may think that you are afraid, and you may think that you don't want to do this. Look at Me as I was whipped at the pillar. I did this for you.
5. Jesus speaks: And they tore My flesh and they made Me bleed and I call to you "Little one, little one, little one" and you think "Oh, they just made me mad, so I'm just going to run away."
6. Jesus speaks: "Little one", I am calling you today.
7. Jesus speaks: And I show you the death and the resurrection and do you not see your own life as it comes in death and resurrection, in suffering and in joy, in suffering and in joy, for that is the way. And in thinking that it will be any other way is not to realize the truth. You were given many days of joy, and today may be a day that I have asked you to suffer a tremendous cross. Offer that up for the shortage of the priests, for the little ones that may not have the Mass as you do today. I give you My Body and My Blood, tell Me how grateful you are and that you love Me.
8. Song: Under the Weight of the Wood
Messenger: Lord, I see You there covered with blood and beaten at the pillar. Why is it that I do not understand how deeply You truly love me? I want to be a heart of love, God. In this healing rosary this night, help us all to be healed of those things that we must be healed of to do this work. Help us all to be healed of those things that we need to do to endure the situations, that you have given to us and want us to endure. Help us to receive the grace of healing for those that are inflicted with physical suffering that is of enormous proportion. And if it be possible, even through the use of the Jesus water to be healed, help these people to be healed. And I pray for Don and Donna, and Ali and Tim, Bill and my son was sick, and all the different people that we have in our hearts that are suffering physical pain today.
9. Messenger: And He dropped the wraps around Him to the ground as He came forth - that day of light and glory. Why is it God, that we let our hearts be wrapped tight like bandages because of pride and anger, because of selfishness, because of envy, because of greed, because of slothfulness. Why is it God that we give in so easily, that we don't hear the words that You speak to us as you speak to us this day?
Look into My eyes, He (Jesus) says, covered with blood and My body wounded and see the love that I have for you in the Eucharist today. Please My precious one, reach your hand out even when you don't feel like it, if what you can do can help to lead souls to Me. Pray for the vision to discipline your wills. Even in the hardest actions, when you do not want to forgive, when you do not want to say you are sorry, when you do not want to reach for the star that is right before your eyes, and you dig in the ground with a little shovel and say "What is wrong with me that I feel so bad today?" And the star is right before your hand and you reach down into the mud, pull up the dirt and say, "Oh isn't this just a bunch of dirt."
10. Hail Mary
Song: King of Glory
Messenger: He came, adorned not in a golden crown with jewels, but they pounded into His head a crown of piercing thorns. And He did this for us. He did this because of His love for us.
Crowning With Thorns
Song: King of Glory
1. Jesus speaks: This is My message that I have given to you this night, which is why I have called this healing rosary that you would hear the words that I speak to you and that you will be able to walk from this place and that the wraps that have held you bound will drop around you and you will be empowered to lead others to the light.
2. Jesus speaks: And the stars twinkled above and they saw them but they saw so much darkness and so they focused on the darkness even though the light was seen so bright and so clear and they kept focusing on the darkness. And you said how could they even do that when those stars were so bright and they twinkled and they were up there. And I said to them, I said, "Oh look at that star there" and they said, "Oh look at that black stuff." And then I kept saying to them "Oh look at that star up there" and then they just kept on saying "look at that black stuff."
Does that sound familiar, My little one? When I call you and I say here My precious one, here is Myself given to you in the Eucharist. And you say, "Oh I remembered that He did this yesterday and that really got me angry." And it is almost time for you to receive Me and what is going through your mind? And I am waiting and waiting and waiting for you to come and you won't let go. And I say to you "My child, My child, come to Me and I will outpour My grace to you, but you do not let go and you come to Me with a heart that is bound up like in bandages. Let go, let go, let go.
Song: Come to My Heart - refrain
3. Jesus speaks: Listen to Me, My precious child, I am God and I am love. I am the King of Glory and for you I suffered. They gave Me a crown of thorns and pounded it into My head and I knew that I would suffer for you so much that I sweat blood in the garden, But I said yes for My beloved one. And today that love that I have is the love of the Divine God for you. Today I would die for you this very day. Focus on the above, do not look to the ground, do not dig in the mud, look at the stars above your head for they are there and you can focus, you too, on the black of the night.
4. Messenger: And they gave Him a dirty purple robe and a scepter and they crowned His head with a crown of thorns and then they spit on Him. They blasphemed Him and they called Him names, Jesus the Divine God, and He could have stopped it all but He withstood the torture for you and for me.
5. Hail Mary
6. Jesus speaks: Do you want to know about love? Then you must study My life, not like a text book, but study the sacrifice that I made for you. They tore My flesh and they made Me bleed.
Sing: There is love, there is love
Jesus speaks: I am love.
Sing: If we love one another God will live in us in perfect love.
Song: Wedding Song
7. Hail Mary
8. Jesus speaks: And they pounded the thorns into My head. And I say to you "Little one, I love you." And I give to you My Blue Book writings and I tell you of My love. Over years I wrote to you every day, so when you feel bad why don't you open up one of those books and read My letter of love.
Sing: There is love
9. Jesus: My heart is ablaze for love of My dear children. I want each to understand My love. Each child is given a free will to choose Me or reject Me. Many have gone so far from the first commandment! It is My commandment that makes all the others work. If I am first, all the others follow. - Excerpt from Put God First in Your Life - January 2, 1994
Sing: There is love
10. Hail Mary
Song: Here I Am Lord
Messenger: Sing and give God our answer.
Song: Here I Am Lord
Jesus speaks: And in the deepest suffering great grace can be outpoured. In the deepest suffering you measure things in your human minds and you think you are so smart and yet you fail many times to have the real wisdom. For I am God and I Am Who Am and you act in your silly ways. And I try to tell you My ways and you do not hear.
Song: Jesus I want to Be With You
Messenger: And we want to pray for deep healing in our heart, especially in this mystery, when we see the pain that Jesus endured and His death on the cross. We want to be able to do whatever it is to do the work He's calling us to. Because we need to be filled with joy and happiness in our heart because God loves us so much.
Song: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
Song: Lift High the Cross
The Carrying of the Cross
1. Jesus speaks: And I carried My cross to the hill of Calvary and there I mounted it and I gave Myself for love of you. Today I ask you to carry the little crosses that I have given to you and it is in your willingness and your love that you touch the heart, the heart that was filled with such anguish that I had all through My bitter passion, the sorrow within My Heart, knowing that despite My suffering, of the souls that would be lost forever.
2. Jesus speaks: Come to Me My child and let Me tell you of the love of My Heart. For the love that I have for you is more than you can ever imagine, but you must hold tight and not give into the evil one who wants to divide you and to hurt you and to lead you astray. Come to Me and ask for what you need and I will give it to you. Pray for the healing in this rosary and I will outpour My healing grace to you, but you must come with a heart that is docile and is open, is ready to be molded and to be changed in the way that I want to mold you. For if you come and then you say to me, "Well Jesus, I want to be healed" and then I say to you "This is the way My child" and then you say "Oh not that way Jesus. The way that I want is this way Jesus, now I'm telling you, "dab, ba dab ba dab ba da." And I say to you My child, tenderly I take you to My Heart, I wrap you in My Divine Love and you will not receive this love if you continue to control the way that you do the things of your life that lead you to your own devastation.
I carried My cross to the hill of Calvary for you my precious one (tape 1 end) always the will of the Father and I gave to you this teaching. As you look at Me upon the cross you see as I hung, obeying His will to My very death on the cross, shedding all of My blood, every ounce of My blood - for you. And I say to you little things, will you do this for Me or that for Me and you say, "Ah not that" but then you have the audacity to come and to say "Oh God heal me, heal me, heal me, heal me." And then when I say "This is the thing that's keeping you stuck there." You say "Well I know that but I ain't giving that one up."
Come to Me with a heart of docile love, of humility, of purity. Reach for the stars and not the granules of mud beneath your feet, for I come to you and I give to you a garden overflowing with thistles and you run as fast as you can go into the stars that hang low above your head. You say "Nay God - I want what I want when I want it." And I tap on your back and whisper in your ear and tell you of My greatness and My love. And many times you were stubborn and strong-willed in the ways that lead to your own destruction.
Now harken to Me My child, and envision in your mind as clear as you can, how I carried the cross. I could hardly move and when it became so heavy I fell to the ground. What cross have you been given today that you throw back in My face continually and it is the very thing that will help to bring down the grace that will help so many souls. Need I tell you more that it is in love that all things will work for the greater good. For I am a God of love and I want you to act in the ways of love, to be permeated with the love in your heart for souls that you will help to carry out this mission that I have given to you today. For you may be afraid but I will strengthen you and you will know the peace and the joy of deeper union with Me. I carried My cross to the hill of Calvary and when it became so heavy and I fell under it, I got up time and time again.
3. Song: Come Unto Me All Who are Weary
4. Jesus speaks: And I fell under the weight of the cross and I got up again and again and again, and when I give to you this trial and I ask you to endure it, you throw the chance for so much grace back in My face. And then you come and you pray and you say "Oh God help me." And you do not see the wisdom in the fact that the cross that you carried had the very answer that you sought, but you did not go to those elements of prayer, but reached for the lesser way of dealing with the situation. And you suffered far more than you were with the carrying of the cross because of your own inability to love and to let go. Come unto Me all who are burdened and I will comfort thee.
5. Jesus speaks: It is in faith and in trust, it is in prayer, it is in knowing Me, it is in letting Me come more and more into your heart. It is in the docility. It is in saying yes. It is in not giving into fear and running away when I have called you to do a mission, that this mission will be completed.
Do you want healing? You've come to Me today and you say "This is healing day Lord, heal me." And I say to you, "I carried My cross to the hill of Calvary and I showed you the way" but you just want to say "heal-ing" and then that's over. I tell you to "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." And you say it over and over and over again but you don't think about it. "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation". Say that slowly and with all your heart to the Father and pray for the grace to be docile and act only in the ways of God.
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Messenger: God heal us in this rosary, give us the grace of healing, give us the grace to be able to endure the suffering when it comes and to see with wider vision, that it is in the suffering and in prayer that many times our answers are given to us, but we seek for something that will alleviate the suffering thereby sacrificing the very good answer that is necessary for the solution of the problem, creating sometimes a more difficult situation for the momentary alleviation of frustration and pain. God give us the wisdom to see what you want us to do and to forgive us for our sins. Amen.
6. Messenger: We know that you fell God on the way to Calvary and there are so many priests today that can give such an example of holiness and love. We pray that for the priests of the world today, we pray with all of our heart, that they will have a keener love of the Eucharist and that they will spend time in adoration with You, please God hear our prayer, and for all the sufferings that we have endured this day we offer them up in union with the Mass, that tremendous grace will be given for priests reading the Newsletter on Mary and the Eucharist, that they will make Mary the Queen of their hearts and Jesus, so important in their spiritual life, as the bridegroom of their souls. God please lead the priests to adoration we pray. Amen.
7. Hail Mary
8. Hail Mary
9. Hail Mary
10. Hail Mary
Messenger: And I look at Jesus on the cross and I see His head crowned with thorns and the nails in His hands and His feet. And He shed the last drop of blood and gave the last beat of His heart for you and for me.
Dear God help us to know Your love, please. We read the Blue Book messages, we know they're there. A lot times we don't read them, but in reading it sometimes the answer is not always there the moment that we read it except that it's there a lot of the time. The answer to our own problems is in deeper over all understanding of the love that God has for us. And when we read those messages in God's Blue Book, Blue Book IV a lot, we begin to have that love with Jesus, where we fall in love with Him all over again. What a gift He gives to us when we read those readings. There is no lover on the face of this earth that is like Jesus, none. And when we read the Blue Book IV messages over and over again, it just sticks in our souls how much He loves us.
We owe it to ourselves and that's not saying that'll alleviate the pain, that we are going to get up tomorrow and we're not going to be envious, jealous, prideful — that says that we're going to know His love more and at least if we've been these things we're docile in our heart to tell God that we want to be healed and we're sorry. You know we only got so many days down here. What are you going to do with each precious hour that's left of today? I can tell you what satan wants to do with your hours that are left of today. He wants you to go away. He wants you to focus on yourself. He wants you to think about how you've been wronged. He wants you to think all the ugly things that you can think of that somebody else might be thinking about you. And then when you go to bed tonight and you lay your head on your pillow he wants you to be mad. Now why would we do that? Why would you do that? Isn't that stupid? But what do we do?
Song: Come Unto Me All Who are Weary
1. Messenger: And if that ball player is running as fast as he can toward the evil goal, he is just going to have himself a bad end.
2. Song: Come Unto Me All Who are Weary
Messenger: And we pray for all the needs that we have, these special needs that God called this prayer service for. We take them all and we put them in the Heart of Jesus and we tell Him — Jesus we love You so much and we thank You for the gift that You have given to us in having Mary appear on this building all this time and for having Jesus here. And we thank You God for this building and we thank You for this place. Dear God we thank You for the brick wall and all the beautiful people that You have brought to us. And we thank You for our priests and for our Church and we ask that the Holy Father will recognize more and more this special Movement that God has given to us. Dear God and all of our needs and for funds we pray and we give ourselves in docility and love and ask You to help us, dear God for we are so grateful and thank You. Thank You God.
Song: Jesus I want to Be With You
3. Hail Mary
4. Messenger: They hung Him on the tree and them pounded the nails into His hands and His feet. And His head was crowned with thorns and He hung for 3 agonizing hours because of His love for you and for me and His precious souls. Jesus we love You and we thank You for this gift that You have given to us here and for Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas. And we pray for the urgent intentions and all that we ask for and for the funds, help us. Amen.
5. Jesus speaks: Did you ever see the beauty of a rose? Each little petal that is so beautiful. I designed the rose for you and yet you do not see how beautifully you were created by the Father. Oh My precious sweet one, I outpour to you the grace now to know you are My beloved spouse and I love you with a most tender love. You were fashioned by the hand of The Father with such love, a gift to this world. Let Me kiss your little wounds and caress your sweet tender heart for it is for you that I died. Tell Me of your love.
6. Song: Jesus I want to Be With You
7. Jesus speaks: It is your thank you that I like you to say, I want to hear the words from your heart, from your whole heart, that you thank Me for the gifts that I have given to you. Think of how it is when you give and you give and you give and you give and then the person is just selfish and they are not nice to you. How is it that I give to you so much and you are haughty and ungrateful many times and you do not even say thanks to Me.
Sing: thank You God, thank You God, thank You God,
thank You God, thank You God, thank You God,
thank You God, thank You God, thank You God,
thank You God, thank You God, thank You God.Sing: We praise you oh Lord for all your works are wonderful
We praise you oh Lord for ever and a day.Messenger: Thank You God, we praise You God, we worship You God, we love You God. You are our King, the King of Glory, crowned with a crown of thorns, adorned in a robe of blood and a Heart that is pierced as Yours was on the cross. Dear God, You are the King, the Divine King, thank You God for Your life given for me
8. Jesus speaks: And I tenderly caress you and take you to My Heart and you say, "Ah but I'm mad so I'm going to stay mad forever" and I say to you "Well how do you say the Our Father — 'forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us' " and you say "Well I can say it real good. I don't mean it, but I can say it real good."
9. Jesus speaks: And then I say to you "Well that's why you never got healed, because what you're saying and what you're thinking are two different things", so you're confused in there and then you say "Well God why am I not healed?" and I say to you "It very simple — what you speak and what is in your heart should be the same."
"forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen."
And the light comes down from the sky and guess what? — your heart is soft and filled with love.
10. Jesus speaks: Do you want to be happy now? Then let go.
Jesus speaks: And I hung for 3 agonizing hours on the cross and I show you how to - let go.
Jesus sings: Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go
Feel My peace, Feel My peace, Feel My peace, let go, let go.All together now:
Jesus Sings: Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go
Feel My peace, Feel My peace, Feel My peace, let go, let go.Open your heart to love, Open your heart to love,
Open your heart and let Me fill it with love.Messenger: Do we say "yes" to Jesus now? Do we say "yes" to the God who hung on the cross? Do we drop the binds that are around us and come forth in victory from the tomb? Do we say yes to God? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Song: Change Our Hearts
Messenger: For if we don't see that with Mary and Jesus appearing on the building, man, we got a problem.
Song: Change Our Hearts
Messenger: I've always liked this.
Song: Crucem
Song: Spirit Blowing Through Creation
Song: Lord You Give the Great Commission
Song: Be Not Afraid
Song: Now the Green Blade Rises
Messenger: And so they laid Him in the tomb and He came forth the third day victorious. And although Mary's head has been knocked off here, the face of Jesus remains.
Song: This is the Feast of Victory
Song: This Joyful Eastertide
Messenger: (the mike dropped) It still kisses good. Did you hear that? We're almost done.
Song: This Joyful Eastertide
Messenger: Now there's one more and then we're done. This is from my friends that like this song but it is the word that God wants to give us today. Oh I could sing this one too but I didn't get that direction, but I did for this one. Ready?
Song: Go
Messenger: And that's the end of today and Joe is going to play the Lady of Clearwater to give her honor. And then we are going to hear this great song that we are going to put on a disc and it's In My Heart. Amen.
Song: Our Lady of Clearwater (Joe)
Song: In My Heart (Joe)
Messenger: And so we want to say goodbye and ask you to pray with us every half an hour cause we have lots of needs and we need your prayers. We need funds, you know that. So please help us. Come to Clearwater and China, we got a big retreat and we got a big prayer service on the 5th and so everybody that wants to say "I give my heart to Jesus and Mary with you in love."
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Daily Message Book 2:
Daily Messages from Heaven - volume 3
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