September 15, 2012 - Feast of the Sorrowful Mother
September 16th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for September 16th are Joyful.
September 15, 2012 - Feast of the Sorrowful Mother
I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I
saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My
Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I
suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and
give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this
message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I
stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried
for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How
do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I
appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject
me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored.
The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you.
Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and
I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart
was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this
day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold
back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to
help my children. You are my children of light. end of Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996
John 14: 27 Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a
peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you.
R. Jesus really rose from the dead
meditate on this!!
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell in our graced,
baptized soul.
We are to have FIRE in our hearts
the Fire of the love of God
Luke 24: 1-6
On the first day of the week, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the tomb with the spices they had prepared. They found that the stone had been rolled away from the tomb, but on entering they could not find the body of the Lord Jesus. As they stood there puzzled about this, two men in brilliant clothes suddenly appeared at their side. Terrified, the women bowed their heads to the ground. But the two said to them, Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here; he has risen. Remember what he told you when he was still in Galilee:
Matthew 28: 8-10
Filled with awe and great joy the women came quickly away from the tomb and ran to tell his disciples.
And suddenly, coming to meet them, was Jesus. Greetings, he said. And the women came up to him and, clasping his feet, they did him homage. Then Jesus said to them, Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers that they must leave for Galilee; there they will see me.
Why are you looking among
the dead when you
for one who is living?
Death - Resurrection
R. We are pilgrims on a journey
Why do we walk the earth
looking for life like this
Life is in Him
John 20: 14-18
As she said this she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, though she did not realise that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you weeping? Who are you looking for? Supposing him to be the gardener, she said, Sir, if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and remove him. Jesus said, Mary! She turned round then and said to him in Hebrew, Rabbuni!which means Master. Jesus said to her, Do not cling to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to the brothers, and tell them: I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. So Mary of Magdala told the disciples, I have seen the Lord, and that he had said these things to her.
R. Don't hang on to the past!
We have been baptized
in Him!!
Don't hold onto old ways!
We are to grow in the
He gives us Himself in the Eucharist
He gives us confession
Luke 24: 12-32 Peter, however, went off to the tomb,
running. He bent down and looked in and saw the linen cloths but
nothing else; he then went back home, amazed at what had happened.
Now that very same day, two of them were on their way to a village called Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking together about all that had happened. And it happened that as they were talking together and discussing it, Jesus himself came up and walked by their side; but their eyes were prevented from recognising him. He said to them, What are all these things that you are discussing as you walk along? They stopped, their faces downcast.
Then one of them, called Cleopas, answered him, You must be the only person staying in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have been happening there these last few days. He asked, What things? They answered, All about Jesus of Nazareth, who showed himself a prophet powerful in action and speech before God and the whole people; and how our chief priests and our leaders handed him over to be sentenced to death, and had him crucified. Our own hope had been that he would be the one to set Israel free. And this is not all: two whole days have now gone by since it all happened; and some women from our group have astounded us: they went to the tomb in the early morning, and when they could not find the body, they came back to tell us they had seen a vision of angels who declared he was alive. Some of our friends went to the tomb and found everything exactly as the women had reported, but of him they saw nothing.
Then he said to them, You foolish men! So slow to believe all that the prophets have said! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer before entering into his glory? Then, starting with Moses and going through all the prophets, he explained to them the passages throughout the scriptures that were about himself.
When they drew near to the village to which they were going, he made as if to go on; but they pressed him to stay with them saying, It is nearly evening, and the day is almost over. So he went in to stay with them. Now while he was with them at table, he took the bread and said the blessing; then he broke it and handed it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognised him; but he had vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road and explained the scriptures to us?
R. Thomas did not believe!!
Jesus cured diseases.
Matthew 4: 23-25
He went round the whole of Galilee teaching in
their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and
curing all kinds of disease and illness among the people. His
fame spread throughout Syria, and those who were suffering from
diseases and painful complaints of one kind or another, the
possessed, epileptics, the paralysed, were all brought to him,
and he cured them. Large crowds followed him, coming from
Galilee, the Decapolis, Jerusalem, Judaea and Transjordan.
R. Jesus taught them in parables
Jesus said
"I am the teacher"
Jesus healed them
they needed to be healed
a person giving into
satan needs to be healed
Cling to Me
May 13, 1993
Jesus: My dear child, if you stay close to Me, then I live in you and you live in Me. I am He Who created you and I love you with such an intensity that you will never know. My words are your truth. You must abide in My heart in all things. There is no room for doubt. My ways are steadfast, direct, and without error.
You must stay rooted in Me to ward off the power of the evil one. His grip is paralyzing and crippling. His power is stronger every day.
When you live in Me, I am in your heart and he has no power over Me. I am your God. I am your true lover. I want to protect you. I want to guard you from this force. Stay rooted firmly in Me and he will have no power.
end of May 13, 1993
Mark 2: 3-5
when some people came bringing him a paralytic carried by four men, but as they could not get the man to him through the crowd, they stripped the roof over the place where Jesus was; and when they had made an opening, they lowered the stretcher on which the paralytic lay. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, My child, your sins are forgiven.
R. Jesus raised Lazarus from the
He was in a tomb!!
Jesus came on a donkey.
Then Jesus came with them to a plot of land
called Gethsemane; and he said to his disciples, 'Stay here
while I go over there to pray.' He took Peter and the two sons
of Zebedee with him. And he began to feel sadness and anguish. Then he said to them, 'My soul is sorrowful to
the point of death. Wait here and stay awake with me.' And going
on a little further he fell on his face and prayed. 'My Father,'
he said, 'if it is possible, let this cup pass me by.
Nevertheless, let it be as you, not I, would have it.' He
came back to the disciples and found them sleeping, and he said
to Peter, 'So you had not the strength to stay awake with me for
one hour? Stay awake, and pray not to be put to the test. The
spirit is willing enough, but human nature is weak.'
R. Jesus took up His cross
We are to take up our cross and
follow Him
Sing: Ashes
After this, Jesus knew that
everything had now been completed and, so that the scripture
should be completely fulfilled, he said: I am thirsty. A jar full of sour wine stood
there; so, putting a sponge soaked in the wine on a hyssop
stick, they held it up to his mouth. After Jesus had taken the
wine he said, It is fulfilled; and bowing his head he gave up
his spirit.
R. Jesus was laid in a tomb
Jesus rose on the 3rd day to
bring us life
Fr. Carter says in Response in Christ As we progress, we hope to show in detail that Christian holiness is life in Christ, for our life in Christ contains everything our love of God, our love of men, our love of all creation. We hope to portray the Christian as one who believes from the depths of his being that to live is Christ...
Man rejected this self-communication of God in original sin. Yet Gods desire to give Himself to man was not withdrawn. He determined to save man from his sinfulness, and thereafter the divine communication centered around the promised Redeemer.
R. When we close down the walls of
communication with those God intended
us to report to and help we are not
acting like Jesus.
Jesus showed us how much He loved us
that He came to this earth and took
on flesh to teach us about Himself
When we hold back what God wills
us to give we are not maturing in
communicating to our brothers as
God intends
To withdraw needed information,
services that are needed for the building
of the Kingdom of God and to continue
to hold out to punish, control,
manipulate is to not serve God
It is to act like satan who said
I will not serve
God has taught us to communicate,
to work, to share, to help each other
When a pipe flows with water it
is free of "junk" that clogs it
A person called to help in building God's Kingdom,
A person called to deliver information
needed to do this work
Who in fact uses it for control,
manipulation, jealousy, anger,
is acting not like Jesus showed
us how to be in serving His Father
Jesus was always loving when He
acted Jesus is love
Jesus came to communicate about
He gave His all to the last beat of
His Heart
the last drop of His Blood
He gave His all
He held not back
The question comes, as St. Ignatius explored,
which camp do we serve
A man growing in the Christ-life
is generous as St. Ignatius taught
us in this prayer
Prayer from
St. Ignatius Lord,
teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
To give and not to count the cost;
To fight and not to heed the wounds;
To toil and not to seek for rest;
To labor and not to ask for any reward,
Save that of knowing
that I am doing your will.
R. A person growing in the Christ-life
does the will of God
A person who gives into the vices
of the deadly sins - has himself
before His eyes
the goal is jealousy
He can use the good to serve his
evil designs
This is what satan wants then
satan takes over and
he counsels the man, as he is
paralyzed in the grip of satan and
serving satan
not God
St. Ignatius tells us about inordinate attachments
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius,
21. SPIRITUAL EXERCISES Which have as their purpose the
conquest of self
by Louis J. Puhl, S.J. p.11
and the regulation of one's life in such a way that
no decision is made under the influence of any
inordinate attachment
R. Spiritual Exercises mean we act
like one exercising to love
not to hoard needed information
to manipulate in anger and
jealousy and pride
Manipulating with materials,
services needed for the building
of God's Kingdom
Manipulating with holy things to
do evil for anger inside
On December 15, 1995
I had an experience of unity, I never
could explain
Inside I knew the presence of God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit and They were one,
I could not describe the experience
I tried in the Mass Book December 17th and
December 18th clicks
But how do you ever explain such
a revelation of God's presence
to such a reality where I
knew love and oneness and
God in me
It was inside
I existed in Him
I knew Father, Son and Holy Spirit so one
I knew the oneness with Mary and
the angels and saints
I touched You God and in that moment
I knew God so profoundly,
so deeply existing in my soul.
Satan wants to come in
Satan wants the person to have
Satan wants the person to be
compulsive in inordinate
So a person can act automatically
where they were called to give
they go the other direction
like a clogged pipe
to block, to hold out, to be
so filled with anger and pride
of being right, they can
quiver at being even
confronted about their
wrong doing
Satan wants to enslave a man with
bad habits, vices
We have a free will to choose God's will
to communicate love
to grow in the Christ-life
to be more in the image and
likeness of Jesus
This is why we live
To be loving
To be ready to dance when
Jesus comes and says do you
want to dance
We put out our arms we
give the needed communication
and services He wants for
the building of the Kingdom of God
The branch not attached to the vine
withers and dies
Jesus came to teach
He gave us a sharing in His life
He came and He communicated to us
His self-giving love
To receive this communication and give
this love to others we are
an empty vessel an open
pipe we are serving God
in this world working with others
helping them they helping us
Jesus: Thwarted, they are thwarted and they
continue to serve satan not Me
I came, I gave My all, My Mother
stood beneath the cross
Her whole life, a perfect
handmaid, servant of the
Luke 1: 46-55
And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Saviour;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
to those who fear him.
He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
from their thrones
and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
of Israel his servant,
mindful of his faithful love
according to the promise
he made to our ancestors
of his mercy to Abraham
and to his descendants for ever.
Jesus: I have chosen you to tell the world about
My love I have communicated
to them
A man went out and he stepped
in thick black clay like
ground He was stuck, He
could not get out
A person who is constantly responding
in anger to manipulate funds,
services for their angry heart,
jealous heart, envious heart,
is like the man in quick sand
I want to tell you about how I long
to dwell in you, tell you about
how Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell
in your graced, baptized soul and
The angry, jealous man acting - out in
anger and jealousy, pride, is enslaved
to satan
he is caved-in
why he acts is for his anger
opposing the will of God
driving himself far away
from the intimacy with God
I want to share with him
R. My rule of life is the Lord's
I communicate in love
I serve God first
Not having inordinate attachments
From The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, 23.
praise, reverence and serve God
by Louis J. Puhl, S.J. p. 12
our Lord, and by this means to save his soul.
R. All is done for the honor and glory of God
Deeply one in God
Deep prayer
Growing in the Christ-life
filled more abundantly with
His life
Sanctified Consecrated to God!
Consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Serving God
Dying to selfish ways
Obedient to God
Obedient to just authority
I will serve God
I obey His will in love
Enslavement serving satan
I will not serve
I hold back
I react to my own anger and
jealousies, envy inside of me
I am needy I want others
to give to me
I sit back and wait
I am a reactor - not actor
NOT doing God's will
To not choose is to choose
Sing: Choose Life
Deuteronomy 30: 19-20 Today, I call heaven and earth to witness against
you: I am offering you life or death, blessing or curse. Choose
life, then, so that you and your descendants may live, in the love
of Yahweh your God, obeying his voice, holding fast to him; for in
this your life consists, and on this depends the length of time that
you stay in the country which Yahweh swore to your ancestors
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that he would give them.
R. We have a free will
We are here on a journey to learn
to serve and love
Baltimore Catechism
I was created to know, love and
serve God!!!
In baptism we are cleaned with water.
Christ chose water
Water is used to clean things
We need water to live
Christ was by the Sea.
Pouring water
Emersion in water
Baptism prints an indelible
character on the soul
Ephesians 4: 25-32 So from
now on, there must be no more lies. Speak the truth to one
another, since we are all parts of one another. Even if you
are angry, do not sin: never let the sun set on your anger or
else you will give the devil a foothold. Anyone who was a thief must
stop stealing; instead he should exert himself at some honest job
with his own hands so that he may have something to share with those
in need. No foul word should ever cross your lips; let your words be
for the improvement of others, as occasion offers, and do good to
your listeners; do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God who has marked
you with his seal, ready for the day when we shall be set free. Any
bitterness or bad temper or anger or shouting or abuse must be far
removed from you-as must every kind of malice. Be generous to one
another, sympathetic, forgiving each other as readily as God forgave
you in Christ.
R. I baptize you in the name of
the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Genesis 1: 1-2
In the beginning God created heaven and earth. Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters.
Apostles Creed I believe in
God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus
Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy
Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was
crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; on the third
day he arose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven; and is
seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there he
will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy
Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life
everlasting. Amen.
R. Do you believe
In baptism they receive a white
In baptism we are commissioned
to spread the Good News
John 21: 3-13 Simon Peter said, Im
going fishing. They replied, Well come with you. They went out
and got into the boat but caught nothing that night. When it was already
light, there stood Jesus on the shore, though the disciples did not
realise that it was Jesus. Jesus called out, Havent you caught
anything, friends? And when they answered, No, he said, Throw
the net out to starboard and youll find something. So they threw
the net out and could not haul it in because of the quantity of
fish. The disciple who Jesus loved said to Peter, It is the Lord.
At these words, It is the Lord, Simon Peter tied his outer garment
round him (for he had nothing on) and jumped into the water. The
other disciples came on in the boat, towing the net with the fish;
they were only about a hundred yards from land. As soon as they came
ashore they saw that there was some bread there and a charcoal fire
with fish cooking on it. Jesus said, Bring some of the fish you
have just caught. Simon Peter went aboard and dragged the net
ashore, full of big fish, one hundred and fifty-three of them; and
in spite of there being so many the net was not broken. Jesus said
to them Come and have breakfast. None of the disciples was bold
enough to ask, Who are you? They knew quite well it was the Lord.
Jesus then stepped forward, took the bread and gave it to them, and
the same with the fish.
R. We are on a journey
We are to grow in the Christ-life.
We are to put on Christ
We are to be witnesses of this
Christ living in us
We are to be likened to Christ
Christ living in us
Life in the Holy Spirit
Mary, Mother of our Christ-life
Disciples of Jesus
Learning, witnessing
operating in Him
Living Jesus' life, death and
resurrection in our lives
We thank God for His life
in us
We beg to know Him more
Luke 24: 50-53 Then he took them out as
far as the outskirts of Bethany, and raising his hands he blessed
them. Now as he blessed them, he withdrew from them and was carried
up to heaven. They worshipped him and then went back to Jerusalem
full of joy; and they were continually in the Temple praising God.
R. We live praising and reverencing and
loving God
Oh Risen Lord help us to be filled
more and more by You
to live in love
to be witnesses to You
operate in us Oh God
Given September 14, 2012 - Feast of the Exultation of the Cross
Jesus: Life is short
You can ignore the big picture
and ignore how you are
growing older and may
have done little to learn
to love
Heaven is for lovers
You are on this earth to learn
to work together and to
do My will willingly
Not fight to be right
I have given you the beauty of
relationship, children,
friends, mom and dad, daughters,
sons, grandchildren
Your strength is found in
thinking of what I am
calling you to do
A person that acts habitually
in division before others
will not change unless
they work hard to change.
Some people get old and can't
Spending your whole life
distancing yourself from
others is to live an
empty life opposed to
God's will
One woman may be beautiful
when young and when older
they have to accept the
difficulties of that age
Why throw your life away
and be bitter in old
age because you never
learned to love
Love is an act of the will
I give you My will
You can choose to not do
God's will
That is a choice
I give you each other to
work as one
Every day is a gift
Every day is a gift
Every day is a gift
Habits in the presence of
Life is so short
Life is to learn to
live in relationships
I communicate My love
to you
You are to communicate
to each other
I am love
You are to go out and love
Give yourself
The devil tells you to hold
The person who loves
goes out
You can keep yourself busy
and never learn to
work with others
personally as you
Be busy to numb yourself
of pain, of lack of
love and relationship
I am love
I am peace
You should know I died
on the cross in perfect
Satan wants you churned
up, divided, disobedient
I have called you to love
Your vocation is to love
Your life is to be lived
to grow in the image
and likeness of God
To be truthful to yourself
To keep your focus on
the Father's will
Life is so short
Live each moment as if
it is your last to please
your heavenly Mother
R. Let your light shine, oh
Lord, let the beauty
of the star studded
night be before my
Let beautiful pictures,
images of love and
relationship fill my head.
R. Lord let us love You and
know You and treasure
relationships with
each other.
Lord, let us dance to the
steps of life to the
music of the Father's will
Let love be the notes we
sing and our heartbeat
know that this love
will build our heart
to be ever more loving.
Let the fruit of the tree
be fruit for heaven,
joy in our soul,
and love for all
Is love money No
Is love real in our hearts
Let our eyes be opened
to the truth, so we
are not deceived and so
we do not deceive
Old houses were once
What of old people?
Old people were once
young, but they can
remember the sunny
days, but times
move on and who can
relive one day
Old houses can be restored,
but old people cannot
live forever
Dare to dream and
Look for love
give love and
Trust in God
Let music be the every
day notes of the moments
that you live
Stay focused on God's will
Stay focused on God's will
Stay focused on God's will
Mary: Do not give into temptations
that become bad habits
for when one sins at night
the morning comes and
sheds its light in the
Let music live in your hearts.
John 14: 1-7
Do not let your hearts be troubled.
You trust in God, trust also in me.
In my Fathers house
there are many places to live in;
otherwise I would have told you.
I am going now to prepare a place for you,
and after I have gone
and prepared you a place,
I shall return to take you to myself,
so that you may be with me
where I am.
You know the way
to the place where I am going.Thomas said, Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way? Jesus said:
I am the Way; I am Truth and Life.
No one can come to the Father
except through me.
If you know me,
you will know my Father too.
From this moment you know him
and have seen him.
Please pray for Doris,
the whole family
Amanda, Betty, Adeline, Jimmy,
Andrew and Monsignor
and all the people
We need funds for some bills.
We need funds for Fr. Joe's book.
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For a $500 donation we will give you the gift of the 12" Guadalupe Statue with glass from Mary's image face and you will help 500 priests in the United States get Fr. Joe's homily book.
In these trying times in the United States preceding the election, Jesus has asked us to circulate the Priestly Writing, Fr. Joe's homily book focusing on the Word and the Eucharist with the Shepherds of Christ prayers in the back of the book. The only thing that will help to renew the Church and the world is following the commandments and the Father's Plan. Please help us send this book to the United States priests.
Rita Ring |
Mass Book,
by Rita Ring: Many of the entries in the Priestly Newsletter
Volume II from a spiritual journal came from this book.
These entries |
Rosary Meditations
for Parents and Children,
by Rita Ring, Short Meditations for both
parents and children to be used when
praying the |
God's Blue Book I by Rita Ring. Open Anywhere This book will change your life. These are beautiful love letters to us from Jesus. A million books have been printed and circulated. Jesus loves us so much He wants a personal relationship with us He wants us to go to the Eucharist and be with Him before the tabernacle. $10 |
God's Blue Book II by Rita Ring. Letters from Jesus about His on fire love Jesus wants this great intimacy with us On fire love Personal love letters from Jesus about the love of His Heart A book on surrender Fr. Carter said! $10 |
God's Blue Book III by Rita Ring. Fr. Carter's favorite book It is about loving and forgiving each other Being pure in heart A book for unity in family, community, in life!! $10 |
God's Blue Book IV by Rita Ring. This book is about the love Jesus has for Mary and Mary has for Jesus and Jesus and Mary have for us It is truly the Love of the Two Hearts. Mary appeared every day at the Holy Spirit Center Fr. Carter was there. Mary's first apparition July 5, 1994. $5 |
God's Blue Book V by Rita Ring. Jesus wants to be the bridegroom of our soul He is our beloved Jesus tells us about pure love how we are to be pure of heart and love God and love others. It is a must, to hear about love from Jesus Jesus is love $5 |
God's Blue Book 6A by Rita Ring. Rosaries from Their Hearts during apparitions. Jesus and Mary appeared every day and I received rosaries from Them and They were transcribed from a tape. Also messages of love from Jesus on days of January, 1995 About Baptism writings from Fr. Carter and the Scriptures. $10 |
God's Blue Book 6B by Rita Ring. Jesus and Mary appeared every day in February, 1995 So beautiful transcribed from a tape the Stations, 7 Sorrows, prayers in the Prayer Manual, the Holy Spirit Novena Book and the Song Book. Pure love loving and forgiving a book about Jesus' love, baptism, grace and Fr. Carter's Newsletter. $10 |
Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 1. Mary appeared in Clearwater December 17, 1996 in rainbow color and these rosaries left the printer the same day from Apparitions of Jesus and Mary transcribed from a tape. $10 |
Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary Book 2. This is a book of so many rosaries transcribed from a tape. So many beautiful rosaries. pages $12 |
Short Rosary Meditations for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This book is so important with pictures they can open it and lay it on their laps and pray the rosary. $10 |
Messages From Jesus
$ 10.00 plus postage |
Messages for the Elderly, Ill and Homebound. This is a big book of loving messages for nursing home people and homebound from Jesus and Mary Their lives are so important united to the Mass offering up their suffering, their lives for the souls of this earth. $10 |
Daily Messages from Heaven. First book of Daily Messages. $10 |
Color the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 1 through 7. Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and others on the mysteries of the rosary really good. $5 each. |
Coloring the Lives of Jesus and Mary Books 6 and 7
the Lives of Jesus and Mary. Volumes 6 through 7.
Coloring books and meditations for grade school children and
others on the mysteries of the rosary really good. $5
each. |
God's Blue Book I on CD, Disk #1
Mysteries of Light Rosary Book
Mysteries of Light Rosary Book
Apostle's Manual
Apostles Manual. About the Movement the structure of the Movement All Ministries from the time 3 months before Mary appeared in Clearwater and 3 months after. Rosaries of the 13ths, Fr. Carter's Newsletters. Messages from God the Father Reaching the priests, the Church, the schools and the world. $20 |
From Jesus
Songs from Jesus Songbook. These loving songs were given from Jesus. So beautiful Love Songs from Jesus of His love helping us have pure and loving hearts. $3
Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena Holy Spirit Novena Booklet. In four languages with the Imprimatur with 18 scripture readings for two complete novenas this very powerful Holy Spirit Novena has prayers for prayers for Protection by the Blood of Jesus, Healing, Strength and Light, To Be One with God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One with Jesus, To Dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Prayer for the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, and the Word Alive in Our Hearts. All these prayers take about 10 minutes daily recited out loud. $1
Shepherds of Christ Holy Spirit Novena CD
1 thru 5
Comprender Mejor La Santa Misa
Meditaciones del Rosario
Fr. Joe Robinson |
Guiding Light homily series Reflect on the Word Cycle B The Word leaves an impression on our souls. In my thoughts and reflections are born a more tangible understanding of these eternal concepts presented in the Gospels and the readings. Anyone can read a sentence, but not anyone can absorb it's true meaning. Truth, in this day and age, is almost a matter of opinion or individual entitlement. We believe that Christ's truth is our Roman Catholic Church. We, as priests, champion it's teachings; we are ambassadors for the Pope and Christ to those faces looking at us. We are the light by which our congregation reads to reflect upon real truth and we do it hand in hand. $15 |
Guiding Light homily series Steadfast to the Son Cycle A The sunflower is a great example of how we should be steadfastly guided by light. What a powerful thought that this exceptional plant is not stuck in one pose day in and day out, yet adaptable and magnetized to the sun. We feel the same about our Son. Our heads turns to face Christ as each day presents its challenges to find light. We join together like plants in a field and soak up the Son through the pulpit. We are a warm circle of strength using the wind of our breath to carry our priests' words, Christ's words, to new rich soil. $15 | ||
Guiding Light Feed My Soul Cycle C In a world rapidly advancing and encouraging personal gain, we are faced with modern problems. There is a challenge to find time in our busy schedules for Sunday Mass or a family meal. We are able to research, shop, bank and even work without hearing one human voice. It is no wonder that we may often feel disconnected and famished at our week's end. In Fr. Joe's third book of homilies from Cycle C, we are reminded of the charity that Christ intended us to show each other. We have a calling to turn the other cheek and be the Good Samaritan to others. We are rewarded with the Father's kingdom and love when we are not worthy. We are not left alone or hungry. $15 |
Guiding Light Focusing on the Word Cycle B At times we may feel that our path to Christ is a bit "out of focus". Like the disciples in the Book of Mark, this ordinary life clouds our vision of Christ's Divinity. We may doubt the practicality or possibility of applying His teachings and example to our modern life. Cycle B's homilies are a "guiding light" to help us realize Jesus' Messianic greatness and His promise of better things to come. $15 |
Guiding Light The Word Alive in Our Hearts. Cycle A (partial) Homilies by the Reverend Joe Robinson given at St. Boniface Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. It is a tremendous honor Fr. Joe has allowed us to share these great gifts with you – for greater holiness and knowing more and more about God. $10 |
Fr. Edward J. Carter |
Light, Happiness, & Peace
Journeying Through Traditional Catholic Spirituality Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageThis book Light, Happiness and Peace is a journey into the spiritual life an awakening of deeper life IN HIM. Here are some of the comments we received from bishops and cardinals about the book. Cardinal – Pontifical Council for Culture – Vatican City “I am sure that this book, Light, Happiness and Peace through a discussion on traditional Catholic Spirituality will contribute in bringing back prayer into the mainstream of life.” $10
In Imitation of Two Hearts
Prayers for Consolation, Renewal and Peace in Times of Suffering Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageIn Imitation of Two Hearts Prayers for Consolation, Renewal and Peace in Times of Suffering Fr. John J. Pasquini leads a suffering soul to the gentle Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In these most loving Hearts the prayers by Fr. John Pasquini help the person suffering to know more deeply the pascal mystery of death/resurrection. President of the Pontifical Council for Health $10
Authenticity Prayers and Meditations Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageAuthenticity, the Yellow Book of prayers by Fr. John Pasquini, can lead the soul into deeper intimacy with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, can lead to greater love of Mary which leads to the unitive life and greater holiness. The book of prayers Authenticity by Fr. John J. Pasquini is to help one grow ever deeper in the Unitive life. Apostolic Nuncio – Archbishop – Philippines “With Authenticity, much is gained in prayer, and much is accomplished through prayer. More especially if prayer is directed in behalf of the Church.” $10
Medicine of Immortality
Prayers and Meditations for Mass and Eucharistic Adoration Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postage“In Medicine of Immortality, Father John Pasquini offers his readers the richness of Catholic devotional prayer, the wisdom of the Fathers and, most of all, the fruits of his own prayer and meditation before the Blessed Sacrament. I recommend this book to all who wish to grow in their love for the Lord, who sustains the life of His Church through the precious gift of His Body and Blood.” Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago $10
Ecce Fides
Pillar of Truth Dedicated to defending Catholic beliefs through reason, Scripture, and the life of the Holy Spirit Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 10.00 plus postageEcce Fides is a work dedicated to defending Catholic beliefs through reason, Scripture, and the life of the Holy Spirit. "It is important that we (as people of God) return to the source of life, our faith, which is usefully exposed in this volume, and take it out to our contemporaries, evangelizing them and their cultures and inculturating the Gospel." Cardinal – Pontifical Council for Culture – Vatican City $10
Shepherds of Christ Spirituality Newsletters
Author: Fr. John J. Pasquini
$ 35.00 plus postageShepherds of Christ, a book of Spirituality Newsletters, is a compilation of the first nine newsletters from Fr. John J. Pasquini begining in August 2006. The Newsletter has been circulated to the priests and hierarchy spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart, promoting love for the Eucharist, greater love for the Church, the Priesthood, Mary and the Holy Spirit, the Mass, Prayer, and greater intimate relationship with God. $35
Authenticity Ocean DVD
The Authenticity Prayer Book is read with the Ocean as a backdrop.
$ 10.00 plus postageDVD Prayers from the Authenticity Book read by Rita Ring on the ocean it is beautiful. 410
Nursing Home Mass DVD
A special mass by Fr. John J. Pasquini for those in nursing homes or homebound.
$ 10.00 plus postageDVD A beautiful Mass was done by Fr. John J. Pasquini for Nursing homes and assisted living. It was done at St. Joseph's magnificent chapel St. Joseph's assisted living in Jupiter, Florida. It last about 33 minutes. We call it the golden Nursing Home Mass from St. Joseph's. $10
Consolation DVD
Give this DVD as a sympathy present.
$ 10.00 plus postageConsolation by Fr. John J. Pasquini upon the passing of a loved one. Fr. Pasquini has done a beautiful gift of his most wonderful homily given when someone dear has died. It can be given as a tremendous gift. $10
Divine Mercy Chaplet CD
Give this DVD as a gift.
$ 10.00 plus postageDivine Mercy Chaplet CD. Prayed by Fr. John J. Pasquini $10
Statues/Religious Items
Statues, Crucifixes, and Religious Artwork
These items are very special additions to your home or place of worship.
Special 27" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
27" Statue with crown
$ 450.00 plus shipping
Special 18" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
$ 250.00 plus shipping
Special 15" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
White gown with gold trim around mantel
$ 200.00 plus shipping
Special 12" Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
White gown with gold trim around mantel
$ 160.00 plus shipping
Special 18" Our Lady of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
Blue and Pink gown with a rosary over her hand.
$ 250.00 plus shipping
Special 11" Our Lady of Fatima/Clearwater Statue with Glass
Blue and Pink gown.
$ 150.00 plus shipping
Crucifix by Felix Hand Carved
Crucifix with incredible detail!
$ 750.00 plus shipping
Imitation of Two Hearts
Giclee Art Print on Canvas
$ 150.00 plus shipping
Lucia's Vision
Giclee Art Print on Canvas by Harold Kellner
$ 150.00 plus shipping
Mary's Image 12 x 16
Giclee Art Print on Canvas of Mary's image with a sliver of glass and a little bottle of Jesus and Mary water. The glass will be fixed behind the back of the picture.
$ 200.00 plus shipping
Blue Crystal Rosary
Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
6mm $ 30.00 plus shipping
8mm $ 40.00 plus shipping
Red Crystal Rosary
Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
6mm $ 30.00 plus shipping
8mm $ 40.00 plus shipping
Clear Crystal Rosary
Rosary with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
6mm $ 30.00 plus shipping
8mm $ 40.00 plus shipping
Mug with the Image of Our Lady of Clearwater
$ 15.00 plus shipping
Call Rosie
w/glass - 28
w/glass - 24OL-Mt. Carmel
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24SH-Blessing
w/glass 24
Sorrow M
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 24
w/glass - 18
OL-Mt. Carmel
w/glass - 18I Heart w/glass - 18
I Heart - Ivory
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 18
w/glass- 18OL-Guadalupe
w/glass - 12
w/glass - 27
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 15
w/glass - 18
w/glass - 12
w/glass - 11
St. Padre Pio
St. Joseph
St. Therese
St. Francis
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Jude
Divine Mercy
Holy Family
St. Philomena
Pieta - Marble
Pieta - Color
Holy Family 12
St. Anthony - 18
St. Francis - 18
St. Joseph - 18
St. Therese - 18
St. Rita - 18
St. Clare - 12
St. Rita - 12
St. Padre Pio - 12
Divine Mercy - 12
St. Michael 11
Limpias 8
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 627
China, IN 47250
Toll free - 1-888-211-3041
Local - 1-812-273-8405
fax - 1-812-273-3182
Holy Family
St. Anthony
St. Claire
St. Francis
St. Joseph
St. Jude
St. Padre Pio
St. Therese
Divine Mercy 22" $125
Angel 22" $100
St. Philomena 20" $100
St. Philomena 16" $65
St. Joseph 18" $65
St. Francis 18" $65
St. Anthony 18" $65
St. Rita 18" $65
St. Therese 18" $65
Pieta - Color 15"
Pieta - Marble 15"
Holy Family 12" $75
St. Padre Pio - standing 12" $100
St. Padre Pio - sitting 9" $100
St. Michael 11" $40
St. Rita 12" $40
Divine Mercy
12" $50
St. Claire 12" $40
Pieta - Color 8"
Pieta - Marble 8"
Limpias 8" $25
Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 28" $500
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass 24" $500
Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass
Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass
Infant of Prague w/glass
Our Lady of Grace w/glass
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 24"
Sacred Heart -Blessing w/glass 24"
Sorrowful Mother w/glass
Immaculate Heart of Mary w/glass 18" $300
Immaculate Heart - Ivory w/glass 18" $300
Sacred Heart of Jesus w/glass 18" $300
Our Lady of Lourdes w/glass 18" $300
Our Lady of Grace w/glass 18" $300
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel w/glass
Our Lady of Guadalupe w/glass 12" $200
Fatima w/glass
Fatima w/glass
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 12"
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 15"
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 18"
Pilgrim Virgin w/glass 27" $450
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Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart Pictures Available
with & without frames - different sizes available
© 2012 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for
reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from the
New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: January 1, 2012
Contact Information for Shepherds
of Christ
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 627
China, Indiana 47250
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (812) 273-8405
FAX: (812) 273-3182