Shepherds of Christ Daily Writing |
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September 23, 2007
September 24th Holy
Spirit Novena |
The Novena Rosary
Mysteries |
Sidney Rosary
September 25, 2007
Tuesday at 6:20pm
Please tune in!
Retreat in Florida
October 3, 4 and 5, 2007
ending with Prayer Service on
October 5th
Retreat in China
October 10 - 13, 2007
September 23, 2007
What has kept me where I am
in my vocation?
What is my vocation?
Who do I serve?
Why am I ever filled with
life for my vocation —
I seek God's will.
I am the bride of Christ.
I know it is a privilege to
be the caretaker of the
Image in Clearwater —
I don't own it —
I don't own the Shepherds of Christ
It is Jesus' Movement
Mary has appeared more than
ever in the history of
the world to me to tell
me about the importance
of this mission to the
completion of the Fatima
When Mary appears 1000 times
then 7 1/2 years on the building
in Clearwater, I know the
message God has given to me
to spread the Priestly
Newsletter and the Prayer
Chapters and the Consecration and the
Rosary Materials.
God has called the people to
be leaders in this mission in
helping me do this.
The ones who help me and are
one — get the grace to know
their vocation 24 hours a day
in adoration and prayer
uniting to the Holy Sacrifice of
the Mass so everything they do
centers in doing God's will
in love. They are the Servants
and Handmaids of the Good Shepherd,
the Apostles of the Sacred Heart —
all are one in the Morning
Offering united to the Masses
going on around the world.
There is not 5 minutes, a
minute of my day — I am not the
bride of Christ, the Father's child
living to do the Father's will in
love and the Spirit is always
alive in me counseling me —
filling me with the fire of God's
It is with this conviction —
being identified with Christ
my life is lived — Praising —
Loving being one with God.
I identify with Jesus in my
love for souls —
So when I pray for the priests,
the Church and the world — it
is depth in my soul to give myself
to this mission.
I am Jesus' spouse —
I see Jesus look from the cross
and say — will you carry out My
Mission for the sake of My precious
I see the blood in His eye — He
shed on Calvary —
I see the sacrifice of Calvary
sacramentally made present —
My life is an open door —
I don't close and open it —
say yes to God's will for 2 hours
then close it when I don't feel
like giving —
Jesus showed us giving
Jesus died on the cross —
Jesus spread His arms
Jesus did the Father's will
It is the Spirit alive filling my
soul — emptied of so many things —
so He dwells in me — there is
a space to be changed —
a space to be opened and filled
with God's grace
Jesus was betrayed by Judas
Jesus was led to the slaughter and
out of greatest love for us He
remains in the consecrated
host in His Divinity and
no less present than when
He walked the earth —
Jesus used the word co-operation —
For 9 years Jesus gave a daily writing —
It is His gift —
And when I do the retreats I have
sun miracles of grace flowing
to vacate this spot inside us and
free us from many imperfections —
I have seen the Spirit move with
His healing grace in those who
are open and we are united deeply
as a body — so one — doing this
mission for the priests, the
Church and the world.
Yesterday September 22, 2000 was the 7 year
anniversary when they opened
Fr. Carter and he had terminal
cancer and 3 months to live.
In those 3 months Father Carter
with terminal cancer, even, never
went in and out with his mission
in the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
Fr. Carter was a leader —
Fr. Carter showed me how
important the Movement and
My Messages were to the
Fr. Carter spent his life discerning
the messages and putting them into
practice —
Those who come to the prayer
service or unite on the internet
are one — there is an attraction to
the people so deeply one because
of their commitment in love to
this vocation and to each other
spreading the Priestly Newsletter and
giving our lives praying for the
The one going in and out of doors
is missing the great grace God
gives in the prayer services, the
Sidney Rosary, the retreats for
How did Jesus carry His cross?
How did Jesus give Himself to
the mission — obeying the
Father's will
How did Mary follow Jesus —
Why do we meditate on the
Marriage of Cana
Mary says "Do whatever
He tells you."
I have seen miracles in over
13 years —
I saw the commitment of a
dying priest —
Say he thought the Shepherds of Christ
would be one of the greatest
Movements to help renew the
Church and the world —
Did you ever see a car
with a real flat tire — it
doesn't go anywhere — even if
3 tires are okay —
How about a car on a busy
freeway in the dark — out of
gas — tractor trailers about
to kill the car stuck
and out of gas —
But you say — I pray — my
car is full of crucifixes —
My whole being is doing
God's will in sunny and rainy
weather —
IS there draught
IS there flooding
Too much dryness
Too much water —
What happens when we do God's
We each have a unique love
to give to God and to the world —
We each have unique talents —
given to us by God the Father —
We all help each other in
church and family and community —
we enhance each other when
we aren't jealous, envious,
angry, wounded, hateful —
There is a negative spirit —
one that drags you down —
when they could have been
filled with the good Spirit
to be on fire about the Love
and goodness of God and can lift
you up.
We can walk around with
a ball and chain on our ankle —
We can have a heart of
harmonious love — The heart
knows no bounds — It doesn't
have compartments —
I watch the healing services
Jesus calls, the retreats heal
and bind and fill us with love
and conviction —
We sing songs — the scripture —
from the Glory and Praise —
We pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers
We pray the Holy Spirit prayers
We pray the Rosary
We open our hearts and pray for
our beloved priests, the Church
and the world —
We pray as a body — asking
the Father to outpour His
grace and He does —
There is this praying
together, singing together and
God pours out His healing loving
grace on us as a community —
There is no individual praying
over people—
We just pray to the Father as
a groups — sing songs — mostly
the scriptures and give Him
what is His due — love and praise
thanksgiving — reparation for
offences against God —
We are the empty vessel
like I got in a prayer 13
years ago
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994
God wants us to be so in love
with our priests and the Church
and the souls — we have FAITH —
We know He will hear our
prayer — WE Believe in the
Father's Plan —
We live to go to heaven —
Loving and Serving God and
being united as a body doing
God's will in love —
The Spirit is alive in us —
We love because God's grace
is abundantly in us
We are one in Him
We seek first the Kingdom of
My life is not a little compartment
here a little compartment
there —
I am the bride of Christ
I am a member of the mystical body.
I am fed with the Eucharist —
I am alive with His love and
His grace
The Father has a plan for my
life —
The Father gave me my vocation —
The Father gave me my talents
to do His work and spread
the Good News —
I have a commission from
Do you think of the talent
message and the guy
hiding it under a
bushel or rock —
Well how many do not use
their talents to promote
the Kingdom of God?
How many see their lives as
one IN HIM
one IN the mystical body
emptying themselves so
we can say as St. Paul
Galatians 2: 19-20
...I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me.
R. And the Spirit of God fills me —
And the Spirit of God counsels me —
And the Spirit of God lives
most abundantly in me
Come Holy Spirit renew the face
of the earth
Sing: Come Holy Ghost
I am a member of the body of Christ
Thank You God
I praise You God —
This is His due
Our goal in this life is to
be with God one day in
Happiness is God —
You can't say you are a Christian
and then be dragging others
around in your dark —
divided hearts
God is love
God is unity
God is light
God is
The goal is to know God
living in us in the sacrament
of baptism — We are baptized
and filled with His grace
God so loved the world He gave
His only Son
God loves us so much and is
with us now
God loves —
God is love
To be a Christian is to grow
to be more Christ like —
Christ is the Light of the
His love consumes us
We are His bride —
Hurting others, selfishness —
darkness is from the devil
God is kind
God is all good
God is all powerful
God is compassionate
God is truth
John 16:13-15
However, when the Spirit of truth comes
he will lead you to the complete truth,
since he will not be speaking
of his own accord,
but will say only what he has been told;
and he will reveal to you
the things to come.
He will glorify me,
since all he reveals to you
will be taken from what is mine.
Everything the Father has is mine;
that is why I said:
all he reveals to you
will be taken from what is mine.
Heaven is being possessed
by God —
Here below we begin this
Babies are often baptized —
With this comes the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit — living
in the graced soul —
We choose what light is
in us —
God chooses us
God chooses our vocation
God calls people to a way
of life
We can fight Him and our
life is disharmonious
like a round peg in
a square hole
People want love relationships
with others that isn't God's
will — will not know real
happiness and peace found
in living according to God's
will — in love —
Why want something that
is not what the Creator
created us for —
We are the creatures
He is the Creator
is a clogged vessel
Crucifix — hand carved by Felix
who carved the crucifix 22'
at the Virgin Mary building.
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