Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages
rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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Messenger: We have a Married Couples Ministry in Shepherds of Christ.
Jesus has given us questions that married couples can share.
In a couples rosary that is conducted once a month in Cincinnati, and taped and sent to other couple apostles in the Ministry, Our Lord gives questions so that couples will grow in greater intimacy with Him.
This writing and messages received from Jesus today are in preparation of this night for the couples, but what follows is really a synopsis of how God wishes us to love one another in the Father's holy family.
This writing for all, that follows, explains deep insights into loving relationships.
Please read the entire message, it is a great aid to help us to love God, one another and ourselves as He intends.
Feelings shared help to bind the married couples in deep intimate relationships.
To hide and stuff feelings that need to be shared causes deep wounds and blocks intimacy on any level.
Intimacy is the sharing of the deepest inner most parts of a person with another.
When problems are not discussed but stuffed under the rug because one party fails to want to face any problems, the results can tear the heart out of the marriage and destroy the love that once existed.
Love is an act of the will, it is unloving to block the flow of communication and to be unavailable to try to solve major adverse issues in a relationship.
A marriage and/or intimate relationship cannot grow properly when the party or parties avoid discussing conflicting issues.
If relationships are to grow in greater intimacy, there must be ways of dealing with conflicting issues and problems lovingly. This is essential for a relationship to grow in greater oneness. Jesus recommends writing loving letters discussing issues, expressing one's feelings, not condemning the other, but truly wishing to understand and come to a mutual solution to the problem.
In the Shepherds of Christ Movement there are many intimate relationships in addition to the married couples. We are working to be loving brothers and sisters in the Father's family. It is indeed very difficult at times.
In the age of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's heart men will engage in loving intimate relationships. Men will be more able to share the intimate feelings of their hearts with one another, in love.
Because many people today are not true to their hearts, they seek satisfaction and pleasure in many worldly things.
The age old statement "First to thine own self be true" is a statement we must live by to have healthy self growth.
The media has led so many people into seeking satisfaction in senseless pleasures. Some focus on making their bodies as gods. Some focus on their images and some their jobs, as ends in themselves. We must use all things as a means to lead us into greater life in God. He is our goal. Our happiness is found in Him.
We all suffer because of the deception found in men's hearts. Many lie to themselves about the truth.
"First to thine own self be true."
We are here to live according to God's will. If we own a castle, it must be used as God wishes us to use it.
We cannot control the events around us. We cannot control people. In working in loving harmony according to God's will, we will be more able to get along as Our Father intends us to. We must deal with our imperfections. When we have feelings of division with each other we must learn to share our feelings with each other in great love. Our purpose being to unite as brothers and sisters, because Our Father wishes us to unite in great oneness with each other. To be likened more and more to Christ is very difficult. Our journey in life is to try to be more and more like God. Our journey is to grow more and more in greater perfection as God's children.
We wish our friends to be loving, pure, trustworthy, patient, kind and truthful. We wish our friends to be like Jesus. Jesus is all perfect.
In our journey to be united more and more to God and one another, we must die to our imperfections. The more we die to these imperfections, the more we can become one with others. In the Trinity there are three perfect Divine Persons united in One Divine Nature. God wants us to be one body, loving Him and one another.
The Persons of the Trinity exist in perfect oneness.
The problem is that we cannot unite perfectly to one another because of our imperfections.
The greater the imperfections of a person, the harder it is to be united to them in an intimate relationship.
This problem is a real problem. Many today see themselves as perfect. They do not wish to admit they have any faults. They think to admit they have faults makes them appear weak. We all have faults. To be truthful with ourselves and grow we must admit them.
If a person fails to recognize his faults he hinders his spiritual growth. He thwarts this growth by failing to recognize the truth. Man is imperfect. It is necessary to constantly grow in the ways of God.
Many in today's world spend their lives trying to present a perfect being to the world. Their journey becomes a journey of hiding the truth, wearing a mask and covering up their imperfections. Many spend years trying to create the perfect name and perfect image for themselves, rather than trying to grow more in the ways of God, recognizing their imperfections, embracing them and praying for grace to change and be more and more like Jesus.
The world is majorly blind to the real meaning of life. The devil has
clouded the meaning of true love relationships. Many times people enter relationships
entirely with the desire to receive love for themselves. I give you a quote from Father
Carter's book, Response to God's Love. "Many persons who choose
marriage say they do so out of a desire to be loved. Notice, they say that they marry out
of a desire to be loved, not to love. In fairness to these persons, perhaps we should
presume that they realize they in turn must also offer love. Yet, is it not revealing that
they explicitly mention as the reason for marrying a desire to be loved? Could there be a
close correlation between this phenomenon and the extraordinarily high divorce rate that
prevails in our culture? If it is common that both partners enter marriage more from a
need to receive love than from a desire to give it, do we have to look further for the
reason to explain why so many marriages are plagued with various degrees of
(Response to God's Love, page 93)
The definition this author adheres to for love follows:
Love is the gift of self to promote the true good of those loved. He states the reception of love is the receiving of the gift of the other, so my good will be promoted.
It is necessary to learn healthy ways of giving and receiving love.
Jesus speaks: I write to you today of love, through My messenger.
The devil has clouded the minds and hearts of many so they do not understand the real meaning of love.
I give you one another as a gift that you will enjoy one another and mature together in a relationship of loving more likened to the love between the Persons of the Trinity.
What do you wish of all those around you and those in your family, of your spouse and intimate friend? You wish them to possess the qualities most likened to God.
I give to you the Prayer for Union with Jesus, I give you the consecration, but more than all I give you the gift of Myself in the Eucharist.
It is in this intense intimacy with Me that I implant on your soul a knowledge of Myself that you will truly be transformed more and more into the image of God.
Oh my children, I have so much to teach you about the mystery of God's love and the ways of loving.
The greatest knowledge of Myself I implant on your soul in the intimate moments when you receive Me in the Mass. I further give you the great grace that your heart is transformed more and more into a heart that lives in Me as I live in you in the time you spend before the tabernacle. Your desire is to have loving relationships. I am love. In consecration your heart and soul are united most intimately to Mine, My desires become your desires. Your ability to love is intensified in this loving union to be more likened to My love.
I write of love. Love is active. It is an act of the will to love, it is an act of the will to not choose love, but division.
Love promotes oneness. Division is the opposite of love. A person truly in love as God wills, loves even those who perform unloving actions. A person loving as God loves, loves the sinner and hates the sin. To My death on the cross I loved those who put Me to death.
It is not easy to live by the word of God and the Commandments. It is most difficult to do so.
It is an act of the will to choose love and not hate. It is an act of the will to put aside the feelings of division and beg God in prayer for the grace to remain united and love more and more like God wishes us to love.
In the recitation of the speedy novena - 9 Hail Mary's - great grace is granted.
Relationship is God's gift to man. Every loving relationship will help the persons to be better lovers. They will love God and all others more if they engage in a healthy loving relationship according to God's will.
Love, when properly engaged in, leads to a greater participation in God's life.
Relationship is the school of learning to help man grow more and more in perfection likened to God.
In order for this to occur there must be the existence and awareness of all three loves - love of God, love of neighbor, love of self.
I give to you My bread of life priest. In his book, Response to God's Love, he tells you that all three are necessary. You must first love God, love one another and love yourselves. If any one of the three are missing you will not grow in your ways of loving.
The Father has created you with such dignity and beauty. You do not know the beauty of a soul filled with God's grace. You know only a little of the abundant gifts God has given to each man.
It is in realizing your own dignity as God's special creation, it is in realizing the unique talents God has given to you that you will grow more and more into the child living according to the Father's will in the holy family of God the Father.
The Father's family is dysfunctional, in the end they will function in love as the Father intended. I give you these bible quotes:
Matthew 12:46-50
He was still speaking to the crowds when suddenly his mother and his brothers were standing outside and were anxious to have a word with him. But to the man who told him this Jesus replied, 'Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?' And stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said, 'Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.'
Matthew 5:44-45
But I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so that you may be children of your Father in heaven, for he causes his sun to rise on the bad as well as the good, and sends down rain to fall on the upright and the wicked alike.
John 13:34-35
I give you a new commandment:
love one another;
you must love one another
just as I have loved you.
It is by your love for one another,
that everyone will recognise you
as my disciples.
John 14:15
If you love me
you will keep my commandments.
John 14:23
Jesus replied:
Anyone who loves me will keep my word,
and my Father will love him,
and we shall come to him
and make a home in him.
Jesus speaks: And finally I quote Matthew 7:21
Matthew 7:21
It is not anyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," who will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but the person who does the will of my Father in heaven.
Jesus speaks: And so I say to you My beloved children of My Father, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Practice love, by writing letters from your heart. Be set off from others by your love.
I am LOVE. You must live by My word and the Ten Commandments. It is difficult to live by the word and the Ten Commandments, that is why men do not obey.
You are the light of the world. You will shine as the children of light, obeying your God, loving God and loving one another.
I am Jesus, I call you to love.
Love is not easy. Love is living in God's truth. Take off your false faces and be true to the word given to you from God. Love is to walk according to God's will, living the Ten Commandments and God's word.
I am Jesus, I teach you My way. I love you so much.
I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
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