Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests
with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

September 27, 2003

September 28th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 3 Period I.
The Novena Rosary Mysteries for September 28th are the Joyful.


We will be broadcasting the
Blue Book Reading live tomorrow
September 27, 2003 at 4:35 p.m.


We are going to broadcast
Margaret's funeral Mass live
Monday at 11:00 China time (Central time)

Layout time is 9:00 to 11:00 China time.


God the Father wants us to own
the Virgin Mary Building
free and clear.

Can someone please help us?

We desperately need funds.


1-888-211-3041 or 1-513-932-4451.

We accept credit card donations.

Shepherds of Christ
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152




An Afternoon with Mary
September 7, 2003

Click here to watch the video


 We desperately need funds.




Call to apostles, servants, and handmaids
will be in China on the 13th of October.
Adoration will begin on Saturday
and end on the 14th.
More details will be available soon.




See Mary as she

appears NOW

on the web camera


We desperately need funds.

Please call 1-888-211-3041

or 1-513-932-4451.

We accept credit card donations.



Schedule for September 26, 2003

4:00 a.m. - Mass

4:37 a.m. - Children's Glorious Rosary July 15, 1995 led by Fr Carter

5:30 a.m. - Morning Offering & Prayers

5:40 a.m. - Nursing Home #10

6:20 a.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
                 Holy Spirit Novena
                 Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual

7:24 a.m. - Mass celebrated by Fr Carter July 5, 2000

8:13 a.m. - Newsletter 1999 Issue 1 (Priesthood)

9:38 a.m. - Choose Life

10:40 a.m. - Mass celebrated by Fr Carter July 5, 2000

11:29 a.m. - Children's Glorious Rosary July 15, 1995 led by Fr Carter

12:22 p.m. - Morning Offering

12:26 p.m. - Mary's Message

12:32 p.m. - Tell My People read by Fr Carter

2:03 p.m. - Mass celebrated by Fr Carter July 5, 2000

2:52 p.m. - Mysteries of Light from November 14, 2002

3:25 p.m. - Nursing Home January 5, 2003 feast of the Epiphany

3:57 p.m. - A Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

4:00 p.m. - Mass

4:37 p.m. - Children's Glorious Rosary July 15, 1995 led by Fr Carter

5:29 p.m. - The Spirituality of Fatima

6:12 p.m. - Songs

6:20 p.m. - 6:20 prayers led by Father Carter
                 Holy Spirit Novena
                 Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual

7:24 p.m. - Mass celebrated by Fr Carter July 5, 2000

8:12 p.m. - Live Rosary from August 20, 2003 
                    (part 2 from August 19, 2003)

11:24 p.m. - Live Rosary from November 13, 1996

12:44 a.m. - Children's Glorious Rosary July 15, 1995 led by Fr Carter

1:36 a.m. - Mass celebrated by Fr Carter July 5, 2000

2:26 a.m. - Special Messages from Jesus given to Fr Carter 
                    & Songs from Jesus

3:44 a.m. - The Seven Sorrows

3:58 a.m. - A Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

4:00 a.m. - Mass


A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb
the Bridegroom of the soul

    Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.


September 27, 2003


Funeral of Margaret Mary Clifford

on September 29, 2003

China, Indiana




LAYOUT 9:00 AM China time

MASS 11:00 AM China time

Burial St. Anthony's Cemetery



September 27, 2003 message continues

Messenger:        Please Shepherds of Christ members


                            Margaret Mary is the first handmaid

                                to die.

                            Margaret Mary was brought in

                                by Fr. Carter.  








Find Refuge in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

We want the Sacred Heart of Jesus to bless our home in a special way. We ask You, Sacred Heart of Jesus, to bless our home. We make You the King and Center of our hearts and our home. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary reign in our hearts. Please help us spread the devotion to the Sacred Heart. In #12 of this booklet you will see the promises given by Jesus to St. Margaret Mary for those who are devoted to His Sacred Heart. We should hang pictures of the Sacred Heart and Mary's Heart throughout our homes.

When we read the promises of the Sacred Heart and circulate them among our friends, many people will want to have a devotion to Jesus' Sacred Heart.

We can carry the picture of the Sacred Heart and Mary's Heart with us. If we look at His picture, we will be reminded of the promises. When we have a difficult day, it will help us to look at Their pictures.

It may help us to pray the Litanies to the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Virgin.

Jesus loved us so much He died for us. From the cross, He gave us Mary as our spiritual Mother.

Mary leads us to a closer union with Jesus. Mary will take us to the depth of the Heart of Jesus. Mary loves us so much. She is our loving Mother. Mary is pure and tender of Heart. It is through Mary we will experience such intimacy with God. It is through her Immaculate Heart that we will be led into the deepest union with the one, triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus' Heart is burning with love for us.

September 27, 2003 message continues

Messenger:        October 1, 2003 is the Feast of 

                                St. Teresa the Little Flower






September 27, 2003 message continues

Messenger:        October is the month of the





September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:        Please tell

                                    your schools they can run

                                    off copies of the rosary

                                    aves for school children.

                                            This is on an 8½ x 11 paper (pdf click here)


Meditating on the Rosary Aves

These Meditations have the Imprimatur


The Joyful Mysteries

The Annunciation

  1. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the mother of the Messiah.
  2. She said yes. Mary had such faith! She always complied with the Father's will.
  3. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
  4. There was such a bond between Jesus and Mary from the very moment of conception!
  5. She felt His life grow within her womb. His Most Sacred Heart was formed in her womb through the Holy Spirit.
  6. Jesus wants to be alive in our hearts. We should carry His life with great joy in our being.
  7. The Spirit wants to be alive in our very being with the fire of His love.
  8. We are children of God. Mary mothers us as she mothered Jesus.
  9. It is through Mary that we are led to intense love in His most precious Heart.
  10. It is truly the love of these Two Hearts that will lead us to union with God.

The Visitation

  1. Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
  2. When she arrived, the child in Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy at the presence of Mary with Jesus in her womb.
  3. Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out, with a loud voice, the Magnificat.
  4. "My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God, my Savior."
  5. "Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid, from all generations they will call me blessed."
  6. God Who is mighty has done great things to us in His name.
  7. Jesus is no less present in our hearts after Communion than He was in Mary's womb.
  8. Should we not jump up and cry out that we truly receive the one, true God in our hearts?
  9. Are we open to the Holy Spirit to fill us with the love of the one, true God and Mary in our hearts?
  10. It is through her pure and tender Heart that we will love God more closely.

The Birth of Jesus

  1. Joseph was filled with joy to see the splendor of the night, but with sorrow to see Jesus born in such poverty.
  2. Not a place for Jesus to lay His head--in a manger at birth, His head on a cross at His death--both bare wood.
  3. He showed us the way, in total submission to the will of the Father. He loved us so much that He was born a human, God-made-man.
  4. What the birth of this baby, the child Jesus, did to change the world for all time!
  5. This is Jesus, the Son of God, come to free the world of its sins.
  6. He came as a little baby. He was born of Mary in the little town of Bethlehem.
  7. This is how it is with Jesus today: there is no blare of trumpets, no roll of drums. Jesus comes quietly at every Mass.
  8. The only blare of trumpets and roll of drums are in our hearts.
  9. If you are not aware of Christ truly present in the Eucharist, you miss the big event.
  10. Jesus, the same Jesus who was born in Bethlehem, comes to us in our hearts.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

  1. Mary took Jesus to the temple to be presented to the Father.
  2. Simeon told Mary of the future sufferings of Jesus and Mary.
  3. Joseph, in his sorrow at hearing of the sufferings, was comforted by the joy that so many souls would be redeemed.
  4. They returned to Galilee to the town of Nazareth and Jesus grew in wisdom and strength.
  5. Mary, with such love, beheld her precious Son!
  6. She gazed into His precious baby eyes.
  7. Simeon predicted that her heart would be pierced with a sword.
  8. Her heart would be pierced with a sword for, just as she held His baby body at birth, she would hold his lifeless body under the cross.
  9. How well Mary would know the Heart of Jesus! She would ponder all the events of His life in her Heart.
  10. It is through her most loving Heart that we grow in fervent love for His Heart.

The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

  1. When Jesus was twelve years old, the Holy Family went to Jerusalem for Passover.
  2. When it was over Mary and Joseph had traveled a day's journey before they realized Jesus was not with them.
  3. With sorrow in their hearts they returned to Jerusalem to find Him.
  4. After searching for Him for three days, they found Him in the temple talking to the doctors.
  5. The doctors were astounded at His wisdom.
  6. He said He had to be about His Father's business.
  7. Jesus teaches us today through His word.
  8. He went down and was subject to them.
  9. Mary, if we ever lose Jesus, lead us back to His tender Heart.
  10. Jesus, help us to love Mary more.


The Sorrowful Mysteries

The Agony in the Garden

  1. Be with Jesus in the garden. Kneel beside Him and feel the pain in His Heart.
  2. How tenderly He loves us, that God came to this earth and gave Himself for love of us.
  3. Jesus is a Person. He loves each one of us with a most personal love.
  4. He is a Divine Person. He loves us more than any human person could love us.
  5. Jesus saw before Him all His suffering.
  6. He knew the sins of all men from all time.
  7. Because of His great love for us and for all men His Heart was in such pain.
  8. He knows and loves us more than we know and love ourselves.
  9. He is alive this day and He lives in our hearts.
  10. He wants us to love Him at every moment and He is forgotten and ignored and He is God.

The Scourging at the Pillar

  1. Jesus saw in the garden all the events that would happen and He suffered so He sweat blood.
  2. They led Jesus away as a criminal and they tied Him to a pillar.
  3. At any moment Jesus could have stopped the men, but. because of His great love for us, He allowed them to whip Him.
  4. Jesus did this, allowed them to whip Him, for me.
  5. Many times, when others are cruel to us, we feel alone and very hurt.
  6. Many times, when we pray and talk about God in the world today, others treat us cruelly.
  7. God is almighty, He controls everything. Our every breath and heartbeat depend on God.
  8. God first loved us and commands us to love Him.
  9. The greatest commandment of all is to love God with our whole heart, our whole soul and our whole mind.

The Crowning with Thorns

  1. God commands us to love Him first and to love our neighbors.
  2. He suffered for us and paid price for our sins with His blood.
  3. Why are men so willful, so full of pride that they ignore the Almighty God who gives them their very breath?
  4. Look at Jesus, crowned with thorns, His face covered with blood. He suffered because He loves me.
  5. God is offended by the willfulness of men today.
  6. Whether we go to heaven or hell depends on whether we love God and love one another.
  7. Jesus shows us how to love by giving Himself for love of us.
  8. Jesus was crowned with thorns. He was whipped, His body was torn. He suffered this that we would share in His life and go to heaven some day.
  9. Our life here will end soon and we will be somewhere forever and ever. Let us love God and love one another that we will share in the great gift He gives us, the gift of eternal life in heaven.
  10. Think of the men that whipped Jesus and crowned Him with thorns. Think how cold their hearts were.

The Carrying of the Cross

  1. They stood around Jesus and they hollered at Him, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"
  2. They gave to Jesus a heavy cross laden with all the sins from all time and they put it on His shoulder and made Him carry the cross.
  3. It was so heavy that Jesus could not carry it any longer. He collapsed and fell to the ground.
  4. He got up and tried to move. He saw the tear covered face of His beloved mother.
  5. She looked into His tender gentle eyes covered with blood.
  6. This was the little baby that she carried and now she saw Him covered with blood and wounds.
  7. Mary loves Jesus with the most tender love.
  8. It is in going to the heart of Mary that we will learn to love our beloved Jesus.
  9. The Holy Spirit is the spouse of Mary.
  10. The Holy Spirit works within the heart of Mary to make us more holy, more like our beloved Jesus.

The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

  1. Jesus was nailed to the cross.
  2. Jesus hung on the cross for three hours.
  3. His mother, in excruciating pain, stood beneath the cross and watched, watched her Son die.
  4. Before He died He gave His mother Mary to us as our mother.
  5. Our mother, Mary, loves us.
  6. She saw Jesus hang and die on the cross. She knows the great love that Jesus has for us.
  7. She wants to mother us and help us to love Jesus so much more.
  8. As her little children, it is important that we give ourselves to her and her motherly care.
  9. If we want peace and joy in our life we must give ourselves to Mary and to her Son.
  10. Mary said at Fatima that she wants us to give our hearts to her and to the Heart of her Son. She also said at Fatima that she wants us to pray the rosary every day. If we do this, we will have peace in the world.


The Glorious Mysteries

The Resurrection

  1. On the third day He arose as he foretold.
  2. When Mary Magdalen and some other women arrived at the tomb, they saw that the entry stone had been rolled away.
  3. There appeared two men in dazzling garments where Jesus had been laid.
  4. The two angels told the women He had risen as He had foretold.
  5. He went to Emmaus and recounted for them all the scriptures, from Moses through the prophets, which referred to Him.
  6. When He had seated Himself with them to eat, He took bread, pronounced the blessing, then broke the bread and began to distribute it to them. With that their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, whereupon He vanished from their sight.
  7. He appeared several times to the apostles over the course of 40 days and gave them the power to baptize and forgive sins.
  8. Christ died to bring us to new life.
  9. He came that we might have life to the full.
  10. The good news is that Jesus has died and that He has risen.

The Ascension

  1. They went out of the town of Bethany and Jesus gave them his final blessing.
  2. He raised His arms and ascended into heaven.
  3. They stood below in utter amazement at what had happened.
  4. Think of what it would be like to see Jesus ascend bodily into heaven.
  5. Imagine the grief in Mary's and the apostles' hearts to see Him go!
  6. Jesus has not left. He remains with us in His divinity and humanity in the Eucharist today.
  7. He longs for us to come and receive Him. He waits for us to come and be with Him in front of the tabernacle.
  8. He gave Himself on the cross. He gives Himself this very day in the Eucharist.
  9. He loved us so much He died for us. He rose to give us new life. As He ascended into heaven he left behind the most precious gift of all--Himself!
  10. He said, "For John baptized with water but, in a few days, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit."

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

  1. The apostles were full of fear and locked themselves in the Upper Room.
  2. When the Holy Spirit descended on Mary and the apostles, what joy for Mary's Heart!
  3. Jesus had promised to send the Holy Spirit. A great wind blew and over their heads appeared parted tongues of fire.
  4. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign tongues.
  5. What joy for Mary to see the apostles transformed from fear to fearlessness!
  6. Oh, Holy Spirit, come to us and fill our hearts with the fire of Your love.
  7. Where we are full of fear, make us fearless.
  8. We long to have the courage to do all God asks of us. Oh, Holy Spirit, give us this courage.
  9. Holy Spirit, lead us to intimate oneness with You, the Father, the Son and Mary.
  10. Oh, Holy Spirit, set us on fire for love of God.

The Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven

  1. Many years after Jesus' death Mary was taken up to heaven.
  2. Imagine her delight to be forever united with her most precious Son.
  3. Imagine her joy to be united with the Father and the Holy Spirit. She beheld the face of God.
  4. She had lived her whole life in service of Him. Now she was taken up to her eternal dwelling place.
  5. Mary has not left. She remains forever with us. She is wherever Jesus is. She is our spiritual mother. She is forever by our side. She loves us. She mothers us with such motherly love!
  6. Who are we to have Mary as our mother?
  7. Mary watched it all. A young Mary, an older Mary, a sad Mary, a joyful Mary-Mary, the reflection of Christ's life!
  8. To know Christ is to see Him through Mary's eyes, to feel Him through Mary's motherhood, to love Him through Mary's Heart.
  9. She forever intercedes for her beloved children. She cares for our every need.
  10. Heaven is our true home.

The Coronation of Our Lady

  1. A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
  2. Mary was crowned queen of heaven and earth. Our most beloved mother now reigns in the court of heaven!
  3. Imagine her joy to hear the choirs of angelic voices! Imagine her joy to see the angels and saints praising God!
  4. She--who carried the baby Jesus in her womb, who held Him in her arms, who walked by His side during the Passion, who stood under His cross, who held His lifeless body and watched Him locked in the tomb--was now crowned Queen of Heaven, forever to reign in the court of heaven with her beloved Son.
  5. If we remain faithful to the Lord until death, we too will receive a crown of life. In heaven shall be found every good.
  6. Such treasures for us in heaven! The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard the glories that await him who serves the Lord!
  7. Heaven is the kingdom of God. We are His heirs.
  8. There is no more thirsting for union with God, no more longing for Him. We will experience such intense union with Him forever.
  9. We will never want for love again. We will know His love.
  10. We will see the face of God and live. 


September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:         Also please give children these

                                    simple consecration cards.





September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:         Please tell my school children

                                    to pray the rosary.

                                Please circulate these rosary

                                    videos with the Imprimatur.




also available on DVD




September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:        Also coloring books are






September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:        My children, please get the

                       school children to pray

                       the rosary. Please ! !



September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:         Please make a novena of praying

                                    the rosary before this special


                                Our Lady of the Holy Rosary October 7.

                                Please donate money for the rosary

                                    makers to make more rosaries

                                    for the school children.

                                Rosary kits are needed for school


                                These are available through

                                    Shepherds of Christ.

                                Please donate funds for this

                                    Rosary project.

                                Thank you Indiana for responding.

                                Many rosaries have been given to the

                                    schools and many Rosary Ave


                                Please as your heavenly Mother,

                                    I ask you to reach my school


                                Please use these meditations with

                                    your children.

                                    This book has the Imprimatur.



September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:         Please help me, I have appeared

                                    now over and over again.

                                In 1994 - 1995 everyday I begged

                                    for you to reach the schools.



September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:         Now I have appeared in Clearwater

                                    everyday since December 17, 1996

                                    to now.

                                Please help me reach the school


                                Please come to the funeral.

                                Margaret Mary ran the rosary

                                    factory in Clearwater.


Fr. Carter consecrating the Rosary Factory
February 5, 2000


Fr. Carter consecrating the Rosary Factory
February 5, 2000


Fr. Carter consecrating the Rosary Factory
February 5, 2000


Fr. Carter consecrating the Rosary Factory
February 5, 2000


September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:        On September 11, 2002 my Son closed

                                    the rosary factory in the

                                    Virgin Mary building

                                    because of funds.

                                Children must pray the rosary.

                                Families must pray the rosary.

                                Catholic Schools should pray the rosary.


Mary's Message
from the Rosary of August 27, 1996

Mary speaks:  I stood beneath the cross of my Son, and my Heart was in such pain for I saw Him before my eyes. I saw Him covered with blood. I saw Him die. My Heart, my children, my Heart to watch my Son, but my Heart, my Heart, how I suffered for my little children of the world that give in to this world and give up the love of my Son. O my little children of light, I give you this message. Carry this light into the darkness for your Mother Mary, for I stood beneath the cross and I cried. I cried for the little ones. I cried for the young ones, the ones that do not care and will lose their souls. How do I make you see for you will not listen to me? What can I do? I come. I appear. I beg. I plead. I give you these gifts from my Son, and you reject me. I do not deliver messages very often anymore for I have been ignored. The message is the same. You do not read the messages I have given to you. Please help me. Help the little children. I appear. I appear. I appear, and I am ignored. I stood beneath the cross, and I cried. I cried, and my Heart was in such anguish for my little children, for I am searching for them this day as I searched for the Child Jesus. Please, please help me. I cannot hold back the hand of my Son any longer. I am Mary, your Mother. I ask you to help my children. You are my children of light.

end of Mary's Message, August 27, 1996  


September 27, 2003 message continues

Mary speaks:        Until a sufficient number of people

                                    have consecrated their

                                    hearts to Our Two Hearts

                                    you will not have peace

                                    in the world.

                                I am Mary your Mother. Please

                                    help me.





July 5, 2000

July 5, 2000



Meditaciones del Rosario

These Meditations have the Imprimatur

(click here for pdf file)

Misterios Gozosos

La Anunciación

  1. El ángel Gabriel se apareció a María y le pidió ser la Madre de Dios.  

  2. Ella dijo "sí". ¡María tenía una gran fe! Ella obedeció siempre la voluntad del Padre.

  3. María se llenó del Espíritu Santo, la Palabra se hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros.  

  4. ¡Había un gran lazo de unión entre Jesús y María desde el momento de la concepción!  

  5. María sintió la vida de Jesús crecer dentro de su vientre.  El Sacratísimo Corazón de Jesús se formó en su vientre por obra del Espíritu Santo.  

  6. Jesús quiere estar vivo en nuestros corazones.  Deberíamos llevar su vida con gran alegría en nuestro ser.

  7. El Espíritu quiere estar vivo en nuestro propio ser con el fuego de su amor.

  8. Somos hijos de Dios.  María nos cuida como cuidó a Jesús.

  9. A través de María somos dirigidos a un intenso amor en el preciosísimo Corazón de Jesús.

  10. Es en verdad el amor de estos Dos Corazones el que nos conducirá a la unión con Dios.

La Visitación

  1. María fue a visitar a su prima Isabel.
  2. Cuando llegó, el niño en el vientre de Isabel brincó de alegría al estar en la presencia de María con Jesús en su vientre.

  3. María se llenó del Espíritu Santo y exclamó, en voz alta, la Magnífica.

  4. "María dijo entonces: 'Proclama mi alma la grandeza del Señor, y mi espíritu se alegra en Dios mi Salvador;" (Lc. 1:46-47)

  5. "porque se fijó en su humilde esclava, y desde ahora todas las generaciones me llamarán feliz." (Lc. 1:48)

  6. El Poderoso ha hecho grandes cosas por mí: ¡Santo es su Nombre! (Lc. 1:49)

  7. Jesús no está menos presente en nuestros corazones después de la Comunión que cuando estuvo en el vientre de María.

  8. ¿Acaso no deberíamos brincar y gritar porque verdaderamente recibimos en nuestros corazones al único Dios verdadero?

  9. ¿Estamos abiertos al Espíritu Santo para que llene nuestros corazones con el amor del único Dios verdadero y de María?

  10. Es a través del puro y tierno Corazón de María como amaremos más estrechamente a Dios.

El Nacimiento de Jesús

  1. José se llenó de alegría al ver el esplendor de la noche, pero se entristeció al ver a Jesús nacer en semejante pobreza.

  2. No había lugar para que Jesús recostara su cabeza — en un pesebre en su nacimiento, en una cruz en su muerte — los dos de madera.

  3. Jesús nos enseñó el camino, en total sumisión a la voluntad del Padre.  El nos amó tanto que nació como humano, Dios-hecho-hombre.

  4. ¡Lo que el nacimiento de este bebé, el niño Jesús, hizo para cambiar al mundo para siempre!

  5. Este es Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, que viene a liberar al mundo de sus pecados.

  6. Jesús vino como un pequeño bebé.  El nació de María en el pueblito de Belén.

  7. Así es con Jesús ahora: no suenan las trompetas, no redoblan los tambores.  Jesús viene calladamente en cada Misa.

  8. Los únicos sonidos de trompetas y redoble de tambores están en nuestros corazones.

  9. Si no están conscientes de la verdadera presencia de Cristo en la Eucaristía, se pierden el gran acontecimiento.

  10. Jesús, el mismo que nació en Belén, viene a nosotros a nuestros corazones en la Sagrada Eucaristía.

La Presentación de Jesús en el Templo

  1. María llevó a Jesús al templo para ser presentado al Padre.

  2. Simeón le relató a María sobre los futuros sufrimientos de ella y de Jesús.

  3. José, en su tristeza al oir sobre los sufrimientos, fue confortado por la alegría de que muchas almas serían redimidas.

  4. Ellos volvieron a Galilea al pueblo de Nazaret y Jesús creció en fortaleza y sabiduría. 

  5. ¡María, con semejante amor, contemplaba a su precioso Hijo!

  6. Ella miraba sus preciosos ojos de bebé.

  7. Simeón predijo que el corazón de María sería traspasado por una espada de dolor.

  8. El Corazón de María sería traspasado por una espada porque, así como abrazó su cuerpecito de bebé al nacer, ella abrazaría el cuerpo sin vida de Jesús bajo la cruz.

  9. ¡Cuánto conocería María el Corazón de Jesús!  Ella reflexionaba sobre todos los eventos de la vida de Jesús en su corazón. 

  10. Es a través del amorosísimo Corazón de María como crecemos en amor ferviente por el Corazón de Jesús, su hijo.

El Niño Jesús Hallado en el Templo

  1. Cuando Jesús tenía doce años, la Sagrada Familia fue a Jerusalén para la Pascua.

  2. Cuando terminaron su visita María y José habían viajado ya un día cuando se dieron cuenta de que Jesús no estaba con ellos.

  3. Con tristeza en sus corazones regresaron a Jerusalén a buscarlo.

  4. Después de buscarlo por tres días, lo encontraron en el templo hablando con los doctores.

  5. Los doctores estaban asombrados de la sabiduría de Jesús.

  6. Jesús dijo que tenía que ocuparse de los asuntos de su Padre.

  7. Jesús nos enseña hoy a través de su Palabra.

  8. "Jesús entonces regresó con ellos, llegando a Nazaret.  Posteriormente siguió obedeciéndoles.  Su madre, por su parte, guardaba todas estas cosas en su corazón." (Lc. 2:51-52)

  9. María, si algún día perdemos a Jesús, condúcenos de nuevo a su tierno Corazón.

  10. Jesús, ayúdanos a amar a María más.


Misterios Dolorosos

La Agonía en el Huerto

  1. Acompañemos a Jesús en el huerto.  Arrodillemonos junto a él y sintamos el dolor en su Corazón.

  2. Qué tiernamente nos ama él, a tal grado que Dios vino a esta tierra y se entregó por amor a nosotros.

  3. Jesús es una Persona.  El ama a cada uno de nosotros con un amor muy personal.

  4. Jesús es una Persona Divina.  El nos ama más de lo que cualquier otra persona humana pudiera amarnos.

  5. Jesús vio ante él todos sus sufrimientos.

  6. Jesús conocía los pecados de todos los hombres de todos los tiempos.

  7. Debido a su gran amor por nosotros y por toda la humanidad, su Corazón estaba en semejante dolor.

  8. Jesús nos conoce y nos ama más de lo que nosotros mismos nos amamos y conocemos.

  9. Jesús está vivo este día y vive en nuestros corazones.

  10. Jesús quiere que lo amemos a cada momento pero es olvidado e ignorado y él es Dios.

La Flagelación en la Columna.

  1. Jesús vio en el huerto todos los eventos que sucederían y sufrió tanto que sudó sangre.

  2. Ellos se llevaron a Jesús como si fuera un criminal y lo ataron a una columna.

  3. En cualquier momento Jesús hubiera podido detener a los hombres, pero, debido a su gran amor por nosotros, permitió que lo azotaran.

  4. Jesús hizo ésto, permitió que lo azotaran, por mí.

  5. Dios te salve María…

  6. Muchas veces, cuando los demás son crueles con nosotros, nos sentimos solos y muy lastimados.

  7. Muchas veces, cuando rezamos y hablamos de Dios en el mundo de hoy, los demás nos tratan cruelmente.

  8. Dios es todopoderoso, él controla todo.  Cada una de nuestras respiraciones y latidos del corazón dependen de Dios.

  9. Dios nos amó primero y nos manda que lo amemos.

  10. El mandamiento más grande de todos es amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón, toda nuestra alma y toda nuestra mente.

La Coronación de Espinas

  1. Dios nos manda amar a él primero y amar a nuestro prójimo.

  2. Jesús sufrió por nosotros y pagó el precio de nuestros pecados con su sangre.

  3. ¿Por qué son los hombres tan rebeldes, tan llenos de orgullo que ignoran al Dios Omnipotente, quien les da su propia vida?

  4. Veamos a Jesús, coronado con espinas, su rostro cubierto de sangre.  El sufrió porque nos ama.

  5. Dios está ofendido por la rebeldía del hombre de hoy.

  6. Si vamos al cielo o al infierno depende de si amamos o no a Dios y si nos amamos o no unos a otros.

  7. Jesús nos enseña cómo amar, al entregarse por amor a nosotros.

  8. Jesús fue coronado con espinas.  El fue golpeado, su cuerpo fue rasgado, él sufrió ésto para que participaramos en su vida y vayamos al cielo algún día.

  9. Nuestra vida aquí en la tierra pronto terminará y estaremos en la otra vida en algún lugar de felicidad o castigo para siempre.  Amemos a Dios y a nuestro prójimo para que compartamos el gran regalo que él nos da, el regalo de la vida eterna en el cielo.

  10. Piensen en los hombres que azotaron a Jesús y lo coronaron con espinas.  Piensen en qué fríos eran sus corazones.

Jesús Con la Cruz a Cuestas

  1. "La gente gritó: ¡Crucifícalo! (Mc. 15:13)

  2. Le dieron a Jesús una cruz pesada, cargada con los pecados de todos los tiempos, la pusieron en su hombro y lo hicieron cargarla.

  3. La cruz estaba tan pesada que Jesús ya no podía cargarla.  El se dobló y cayó al suelo.

  4. Jesús se levantó y trató de moverse.  El vio el rostro de su amada Madre lleno de lágrimas.

  5. María miró los tiernos y apacibles ojos de Jesús cubiertos de sangre.

  6. Este era el niñito que ella cargó y ahora lo veía cubierto de sangre y llagas.

  7. María ama a Jesús con el amor más tierno.

  8. Es yendo al corazón de María como aprenderemos a amar a nuestro amado Jesús.

  9. El Espíritu Santo es el Esposo de María.

  10. El Espíritu Santo trabaja en el corazón de María para hacernos más santos, más semejantes a nuestro amado Jesús.

La Crucifixión y Muerte de Jesús

  1. Jesús fue clavado en la cruz.

  2. Jesús estuvo colgado en la cruz por tres horas.

  3. Su Madre, con un insoportable dolor, estuvo bajo la cruz y vio a su Hijo morir.

  4. Antes de morir, Jesús nos dio a su Madre María, como Madre nuestra.

  5. Nuestra Madre, María, nos ama.

  6. María vio a Jesús crucificado morir en la cruz.  Ella conoce bien el gran amor que Jesús nos tiene a todos.

  7. María quiere ser nuestra Madre y ayudarnos a amar a Jesús cada día más.

  8. Como hijitos de María, es importante que nos entreguemos a Ella y a su maternal cuidado.

  9. Si queremos paz y alegría en nuestra vida debemos entregarnos a María y a su divino Hijo.

  10. María dijo en Fátima que quiere que entreguemos nuestros corazones a ella y al Corazón de su Hijo.  Ella también dijo en Fátima que quiere que recemos el rosario todos los días.  Si hacemos ésto, tendremos paz en el mundo.


Misterios Gloriosos

La Resurrección

  1. Jesús resucitó al tercer día como lo había predicho.

  2. Cuando María Magdalena y otras mujeres llegaron al sepulcro, vieron que la piedra había sido removida.

  3. Aparecieron dos hombres en vestiduras deslumbrantes en donde Jesús había sido colocado.

  4. Los dos ángeles les dijeron a las mujeres que Jesús había resucitado como lo había predicho.

  5. Jesús fue a Emaús y les relató todas las escrituras, que se referían a él, desde Moisés hasta los profetas.

  6. Cuando Jesús se había sentado con ellos a comer, tomó el pan, pronunció la bendición, luego lo partió y lo empezó a distribuir entre ellos.  Con eso los ojos de los Apóstoles se abrieron y lo reconocieron, entonces Jesús desapareció de su vista.

  7. Jesús se apareció varias veces a los Apóstoles en el transcurso de 40 días y les dio el poder de bautizar y de perdonar los pecados.

  8. Cristo murió para enseñarnos a vivir una vida nueva.

  9. Jesús vino para que tuvieramos vida en abundancia.

  10. Las buenas noticias son que Jesús ha muerto y que ha resucitado.

La Ascensión

  1. Fueron al pueblo de Betanía y Jesús les dio su bendición final. 

  2. Jesús levantó sus brazos y ascendió al cielo. 

  3. Ellos se quedaron en total asombro ante lo que había sucedido.

  4. Piensen en lo que sería ver a Jesús ascender físicamente al cielo.

  5. ¡Imagínense la tristeza en los corazones de los Apóstoles y María al ver a Jesús irse!

  6. Jesús no se ha ido.  El permanece con nosotros en su divinidad y humanidad en la Eucaristía hoy en día.

  7. Jesús anhela que vengamos a recibirlo.  El espera que vengamos a estar con él ante el sagrario.

  8. Jesús se entregó en la cruz.  El se nos entrega ahora en la Eucaristía.

  9. Jesús nos amó tanto que murió por nosotros.  El resucitó para darnos vida nueva. ¡Al ascender al cielo nos dejó el regalo más valioso de todos -- él mismo, en la Eucaristía!

  10. Jesús dijo, "Juan Bautizó con agua, pero ustedes serán bautizados en el Espíritu Santo dentro de pocos días."  (He. 1:5)

La Venida del Espíritu Santo

  1. Los Apóstoles estaban llenos de miedo y se encerraron en el cuarto superior.

  2. Cuando el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre María y los Apóstoles, ¡qué alegría para el corazón de María!

  3. Jesús había prometido enviar al Espíritu Santo.  Un gran viento sopló y aparecieron lenguas de fuego sobre sus cabezas.

  4. Todos se llenaron del Espíritu Santo y comenzaron a hablar en lenguas extranjeras.

  5. ¡Qué alegría para María ver a los Apóstoles transformarse de temerosos en hombres valerosos!

  6. Oh, Espíritu Santo, ven a nosotros y llena nuestros corazones con el fuego de tu amor.

  7. Cuando estemos llenos de temor, haznos valientes y generosos.

  8. Que anhelemos tener el valor para hacer todo lo que Dios nos pide.  Oh, Espíritu Santo, danos este valor.

  9. Espíritu Santo, dirígenos a una íntima unión contigo, con el Padre, con el Hijo y con su bendita madre, la virgen María.

  10. Oh, Espíritu Santo, enciéndenos en el fuego del amor a Dios.  

La Asunción de Nuestra Señora al Cielo

  1. Muchos años después de la muerte de Jesús, María fue llevada al cielo.

  2. Imaginémonos la alegría de María al estar unida para siempre con su amadísimo Hijo.

  3. Imaginémonos la alegría de María al estar unida con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo.  Ella contempla desde entonces el rostro de Dios.

  4. María vivió toda su vida al servicio de Dios.  Ahora ella fue llevada a su morada eterna.

  5. María no se ha ido.  Permanece para siempre con nosotros.  Ella está donde está Jesús.  Es nuestra Madre espiritual.  María está siempre a nuestro lado.  ¡Ella nos ama con amor maternal!

  6. ¿Quiénes somos para tener a María como nuestra Madre?

  7. María lo vivió todo: Fue una María joven.  Una María adulta, una María angustiada, una María alegre.  ¡María, es un reflejo vivo de Cristo, su Hijo!

  8. Conocer a Cristo es verlo a través de los ojos de María, sentirlo a través de la maternidad de María, amarlo a través del corazón de María.

  9. María intercede siempre por sus amados hijos.  Ella está atenta a cada una de nuestras necesidades.

  10. El Cielo es nuestro verdadero hogar.

La Coronación de Nuestra Señora

  1. "Apareció en el cielo una señal grandiosa: una Mujer, vestida del sol, con la luna bajo sus pies y en su cabeza una corona de doce estrellas." (Ap. 12:1)

  2. María fue coronada Reina del Cielo y de la Tierra.  ¡Nuestra amadísima Madre reina ahora en las cortes celestiales!

  3. ¡Imaginémonos la alegría de María al escuchar los coros de voces angelicales!  ¡Imaginémonos su alegría al ver a los ángeles y a los santos alabando a Dios!

  4. María -- quien cargó al niño Jesús en su vientre, que lo abrazó, que caminó a su lado durante su Pasión, que estuvo bajo su cruz, que abrazó su cuerpo sin vida y lo vio sepultar - ahora está coronada como Reina del Cielo.

  5. Si permanecemos fieles al Señor hasta la muerte, nosotros también recibiremos una corona de vida.  En el cielo disfrutaremos todos los bienes.

  6. ¡Grandes tesoros habrá para nosotros en el cielo!  El ojo no ha visto.  ¡El oído no ha escuchado las glorias que le esperan a aquel que le sirve al Señor!

  7. El Cielo es el Reino de Dios.  Nosotros somos sus herederos.

  8. No habrá más sed por la unión con Dios, ni más anhelo por él.  Pues entonces experimentaremos una viva e intensa unión con él para siempre.

  9. Nunca nos volverá a faltar el amor.  Conoceremos y gozaremos el amor de Dios.

  10. Contemplaremos el rostro de Dios y viviremos felices para siempre.



Meditations pour Chaque Ave du Rosaire

These Meditations have the Imprimatur


Les mystères joyeux


  1. L’ange Gabriel est apparu à Marie pour lui demander de devenir la mère du Messie.
  2. Dans sa grande foi, elle répondit oui. Elle a toujours accomplit la volonté du Père.
  3. Elle fut remplie de l’Esprit Saint et le Verbe s’est fait chair et a habité parmi nous.
  4. Les liens qui unissaient Jésus et Marie depuis le moment de la conception étaient tellement grands!
  5. Elle ressentit la vie de Jésus croître en elle. Son Divin Coeur fut formé dans son sein par l’Esprit Saint.
  6. Jésus désire être vivant dans nos coeurs. Nous devons porter sa vie en nous avec grande joie.
  7. L’Esprit désire transformer notre être par le feu de son amour.
  8. Nous sommes enfants de Dieu. Marie est notre mère comme elle le fut pour Jésus.
  9. C’est par Marie que nous parvenons à aimer le Coeur si cher de Jésus.
  10. C’est véritablement l’amour de ces Deux Coeurs qui nous conduiront à l’union avec Dieu.

La Visitation

  1. Marie se rendit visiter sa cousine Elisabeth.
  2. Quand elle arriva, l’enfant que portait Elisabeth dans son sein, tressaillit de joie en présence de Marie qui portait Jésus dans son sein.
  3. Marie fut remplie de l’Esprit Saint et proclama à haute voix le Magnificat.
  4. "Mon âme exalte le Seigneur, exulte mon esprit en Dieu, mon Sauveur."

  5. "Parce qu’il s’est penché sur son humble servante, tous les âges me diront bienheureuse."
  6. Dieu le tout-puissant a réalisé de grandes choses en nous en Son nom.
  7. Jésus est non moins présent en notre coeur au moment de la communion qu’il l’était dans le sein de Marie.
  8. Nous devrions nous réjouir et proclamer que c’est bien le seul vrai Dieu que nous recevons dans notre coeur.
  9. Est-ce que nous désirons que l’Esprit Saint remplisse notre coeur de l’amour du seul vrai Dieu?
  10. C’est par le Coeur pur et tendre de Marie que nous pouvons aimer Dieu plus intimement.

La naissance de Jésus

  1. Joseph était rempli de joie en apercevant la splendeur de la nuit, mais il était triste de voir Jésus naître dans un telle pauvreté.
  2. Aucune place pour Jésus où reposer sa tête -- dans une mangeoire à sa naissance, et sur une croix au moment de sa mort -- tous les deux fabriqués de simple bois.
  3. Il nous a montré l’exemple d’une soumission totale à la volonté du Père. Il nous aima au point de prendre notre forme humaine, créeé par Dieu.
  4. Cependant, quelle transformation est survenue dans le monde pour toujours à la naissance de cet enfant, l’Enfant Jésus.
  5. Ceci est bien Jésus, le Fils de Dieu, venu libérer le monde de ses péchés!
  6. Il est apparu comme un petit enfant, né de Marie, dans le village de Bethléem.
  7. C’est ainsi que Jésus revient encore aujourd’hui: sans tambour ni trompette. Jésus revient sans bruit à chaque Messe.
  8. Le seul roulement de tambour et éclat de trompette surviennent dans nos coeurs.
  9. Si vous n’êtes pas conscient que Jésus est véritablement présent dans l’Eucaristie, vous manquez l’évènement important.
  10. Le même Jésus qui est né à Bethléem vient dans nos coeurs.

La Presentation de Jésus au Temple

  1. Marie apporta Jésus au temple pour le présenter au Père.
  2. Siméon avertit Marie des souffrances qu’ils auraient à subir, elle et son Fils.
  3. Joseph, fut également attristé à l’annonce de ces souffrances, mais il se consolait à la pensée que par là, tant d’âmes seraient sauvés.
  4. Ils retournèrent en Galilée, au village de Nazareth, et Jésus grandissait en âge et en sagesse.
  5. Marie regardait son cher Fils avec un tel amour!
  6. Elle contemplait les yeux chéris de son Enfant.
  7. Siméon avait prédit qu’un glaive transpercerait son coeur.
  8. En effet, son coeur serait transpercé: tout comme elle portait le petit corps de son enfant à la naissance, elle recevrait son corps sans vie à la descente de la croix.
  9. Marie connaissait très bien le Coeur de Jésus. Elle garderait tous les évènements de sa vie dans son Coeur.
  10. C’est par son Coeur très aimant que notre amour du Coeur de Jésus grandit.

Le découverte de Jésus au Temple

  1. Lorsque Jésus eut douze ans, la Sainte Famille se rendit à Jerusalem pour la fête de Pâque.
  2. Quand la fête fut terminée, Marie et Joseph firent une journée de marche avant de se rendre compte que Jesus n’était pas avec eux.
  3. Le coeur plein de tristesse, ils retournèrent à Jérusalem afin de le trouver.
  4. Après trois jours de recherche infructueuse, ils le trouvèrent dans le Temple en conversation avec les docteurs de la Loi.
  5. Tous ceux qui l’entendaient étaient surpris de son intelligence.
  6. Jésus répondit à ses parents qu’il devait être aux affaires de son Père.
  7. Encore aujourd’hui Jésus nous enseigne par sa Parole.
  8. Jésus retourna avec eux à Nazareth et il leur obéissait.
  9. Marie, si nous nous éloignons de Jésus, aide-nous à retourner à son Coeur.
  10. Jésus, aide-nous à mieux aimer Marie.


Les mystères douloureux

L’agonie au Jardin des oliviers

  1. Se retrouver avec Jésus au jardin. S’agenouiller près de lui et ressentir la souffrance de son coeur.
  2. Dieu nous aime si tendrement qu’il est venu sur la terre et s’est offert par amour pour nous.
  3. Jésus est une Personne, et il nous aime chacun d’un amour personnel.
  4. Il est une Personne divine et il nous aime plus qu’aucune personne humaine ne pourrait jamais nous aimer.
  5. Jésus avait entrevu toutes les souffrances qu’il allait subir.
  6. Il connaissait les péchés des humains de tous les temps.
  7. Son coeur souffrait intensément parce qu’il nous aimait tous profondément.
  8. Il nous connaît et nous aime plus que nous nous connaissons et nous aimons nous-mêmes.
  9. Il est toujours vivant et havite nos coeurs.
  10. Il désire que nous l’aimions à chaque instant, mais il est oublié et ignoré, bien qu’il soit Dieu.

La flagellation

  1. Au Jardin, Jésus avait entrevu les évènements qui devaient survenir et il souffrit au point de suer du sang.
  2. On conduisit Jésus comme un criminel et on l’attacha à un pilier.
  3. Jésus aurait pu empêcher les gardes n’importe quand, mais par amour pour nous il accepta d’être flagellé.
  4. C’est pour moi que Jésus a accepté ainsi de se faire flageller.
  5. "Je vous salue Marie..."
  6. Souvent quand les autres sont cruels envers nous, nous nous sentons seuls et sérieusement offensés.
  7. Souvent quand nous prions ou que nous parlons de Dieu autour de nous, on se moque de nous de façon cruelle.
  8. Dieu est tout-puissant et il contrôle tout. Chaque respiration et chaque battement de coeur dépendent de lui.
  9. Dieu nous a aimé le premier et il nous commande de l’aimer en retour.
  10. Le plus grand commandement est d’aimer Dieu de tout notre coeur, toute notre âme et tout notre être.

La couronnement d’épines

  1. Dieu nous commande de l’aimer avant tout est d’aimer notre prochain.
  2. Il a souffert pour nous et a payé de son sang le rachat de nous péchés.
  3. Pourquoi les hommes sont-ils si obstinés, si orgueilleux qu’ils ignorent Dieu tout-puissant qui assure leur propre vie?
  4. Regardez Jésus, couronné d’épines, la face ensanglantée. Il a souffert parce qu’il nous aime.
  5. L’obstination des humains est un offense envers Dieu.
  6. Nous irons au ciel ou en enfer selon que nous aurons aimer ou nonDieu et notre prochain.
  7. Jésus nous a montré comment aimer en donnant sa vie pour nous.
  8. Jésus a été couronné d’épines et fouetté, et son corps a été déchiré. Il a souffert ainsi afin de nous faire partager sa vie et d’aller au ciel.
  9. Notre vie sur la terre ne dure pas longtemps, mais le temps après la mort est éternel. Aimons Dieu et aimons nous les uns les autres afin de partager le merveilleux don qu’il nous offre de vivre éternellement au ciel.
  10. Pensez au hommes qui ont flagellé Jésus et recouvert sa tête d’une couronne d’épines. Leur coeur devait être insensible.

Jésus est chargé de sa croix

  1. Ils se tenaient autour de Jésus et criaient: "Crucifiez-le. Crucifiez-le."
  2. Ils donnèrent à Jésus une croix appesantie des péchés de l’humanité qu’ils déposèrent sur ses épaules et l’obligèrent à la porter lui-même.
  3. La croix était si pesante que Jésus écrasa sous son poids.
  4. Il se releva et essaya de continuer. Il aperçut les larmes qui couvraient le visage de sa Sainte Mère.
  5. Marie fixa son regard sur ses yeux ensanglantés mais tout de bonté.
  6. C’était bien cet enfant qu’elle avait porté qui était maintenant couvert de blessures ensanglantées.
  7. L’amour de Marie pour Jésus etait un amour plein de tendresse.
  8. C’est dans la coeur de Marie que nous decouvrons comment aimer Jésus, son fils bien-aimé.
  9. Le Saint-Esprit est l’époux de Marie.
  10. C’est en passant par le coeur de Marie que le Saint-Esprit agit en nous pour nous rendre saints et de plus en plus semblables a Jésus.

Le crucifiement et la mort de Jésus

  1. Jésus fut cloué à la croix.
  2. Jésus demeura suspendu à la croix pendant trois heures.
  3. Sa mère, remplie de douleurs, se tenait debout près de la croix et surveillait son Fils mourir.
  4. Avant de mourir, Jésus nous donna sa mère Marie pour être notre mère.
  5. Et notre mère Marie nous aime.
  6. Marie regardait son fils suspendu à la croix et fut témoin de sa mort. Elle sait de quel amour Jésus nous aime.
  7. Elle veut être notre mère et nous aider à mieux aimer Jésus.
  8. Nous sommes ses enfants: nous devons nous donner entièrement à elle et compter sur ses soins maternels.
  9. Si nous désirons obtenir la paix et le bonheur dans nos vie, nous devons nour offrir à Marie et à son Fils.
  10. Marie nous a dit à Fatima qu’elle désire que nous lui donnions notre coeur et au Coeur de son Fils. Elle nous a aussi dit qu’elle veut que nous récitions le chapelet tous les jours. Si nous faisons ainsi, nous obtiendrons la paix dans le monde.


Les mystères glorieux

La Resurrection

  1. Le troisième jour, il ressuscita comme il l’avait prédit.
  2. Quand Marie Madeleine et les autres femmes arrivèrent au tombeau, ils virent que la pierre qui scellait le tombeau avait été roulée de côté.
  3. Deux hommes aux vêtements brillants apparurent là ou on avait déposé Jésus.
  4. Les deux anges dirent aux femmes que Jésus était ressuscité comme il l’avait prédit.
  5. Ils se rendit à Emmaus et il leur expliqua ce qui était dit à son sujet dans toutes les Ecritures, dans les livres de Moise et des autres prophètes.
  6. Quand il fut à table avec eux, Jésus prit le pain, prononça la bénédiction, brisa le pain et le leur distribua. A ce moment leurs yeux s’ouvrirent et ils le reconnurent, mais Jésus disparut aussitôt.
  7. Il apparut plusieurs fois à ses apôtres durant un période de 40 jours, et il leur donna le pouvoir de baptiser et de pardonner les péchés.
  8. Le Christ est mort pour nous mériter une vie nouvelle.
  9. Il est venu pour nous procurer la vie complète.
  10. La bonne nouvelle c’est que Jésus est mort mais qu’il est ressuscité.


  1. Ils se rendirent au village de Béthanie et Jésus les bénit une dernière fois.
  2. Il leva les bras et fut enlevé au ciel.
  3. Les apôtres étaient émerveillés par tout ce qui s’était passé.
  4. Imaginez ce que cela voudrait dire pour vous de voir Jésus être ainsi enlevé au ciel.
  5. Nous pouvons comprendre la peine de Marie et des apôtres de voir Jésus les quitter.
  6. Mais Jésus n’a pas quitté. Il demeure toujours avec nous dans sa divinité et son humanité dans l’Eucharistie.
  7. Il désire ardemment que nous allions le recevoir, et le visiter au tabernacle.
  8. Il s’est offert lui-même pour nous sur la croix. Il le fait encore aujourd’hui dans l’Eucharistie.
  9. Il nous aimait au point de mourir pour nous et Il ressuscita afin de nous faire partager sa vie. Tout en montant au ciel, il nous a laissé le cadeau le plus précieux, celui de lui-même.
  10. Il dit à ses disciples: "Jean a baptisé dans l’eau, mais dans quelques jours vous serez baptisés dans l’Esprit Saint."

La descente du Saint-Esprit

  1. Par crainte des Juifs, les apôtres s’étaient réunis dans la chambre haute et avaient fermé la porte à clé.
  2. Quelle joie ce fut pour Marie quand le Saint-Esprit descendit sur elle et sur les apôtres.
  3. Jésus avait promis d’envoyer le Saint-Esprit. Un grand vent remplit la maison et ils virent apparaître des langues pareilles à des flammes de feu.
  4. Ils furent tous remplis de L’Esprit Saint et se mirent à parler en d’autres langues.
  5. Quelle joie Marie a dû ressentir à la vue des apôtres passer de la peur à la bravoure.
  6. Ô Esprit Saint, envahis notre coeur du feu de ton amour.
  7. Enlève la crainte de notre vie.
  8. Nous désirons ardemment avoir la courage d’accomplir toute ce que Dieu attend de nous. Ô Esprit Saint, donne-nous ce courage.
  9. Ô Esprit Saint, rends-nous pleinement unis à Toi, au Père, au Fils, et à la Vierge Marie.
  10. Ô Esprit Saint, allume en nous le feu de notre amour de Dieu.

L’Assomption de Marie au ciel

  1. Plusieurs années après la mort de Jésus, Marie fut enlevée au ciel.
  2. On peut imaginer son délice d’être ainsi unie à son fils pour toujours.
  3. On peut également imaginer sa joie d’être unie au Père et à l’Esprit. Elle contemple le visage de Dieu éternellement.
  4. Toute sa vie elle avait été la "servante du Seigneur." Elle fut enlevé en sa demeure éternelle.
  5. Mais Marie n’a pas quitté totalement. Elle nous est toujours presente: elle est là où se trouve Jésus, elle est notre Mère spirituelle, elle est toujours à nos côtés, et nous aime tendrement de son amour maternel.
  6. Et pourtant, qui sommes-nous pour mériter une telle mère?
  7. Marie a tout observé: une Marie jeune, vieillie, triste, joyeuse -- sa vie fut identifiée à celle du Christ.
  8. C’est à travers les yeux de Marie que nous connaissons le Christ; en sa maternité, nous faisons l’expérience d’intimité avec le Christ; en son coeur, nous sommes capables d’aimer le Christ.
  9. Marie intercède toujours pour ses enfants chéris. Elle se préoccupe de tous nos besoins.
  10. Le ciel est notre véritable patrie.

Le Couronnement de Marie au ciel

  1. Un grand signe est apparu dans le ciel: une femme vêtue du soleil qui avait la lune sous les pieds et une couronne de douze étoiles sur la tête.
  2. Marie a été couronnée reine du ciel et de la terre. Notre mére bien-aimée règne maintenant sur la cour céleste.
  3. Nous pouvons imaginer sa joie d’entendre le choeur des anges avec les saints du ciel rendre hommage à Dieu.
  4. Marie est celle qui a porté l’enfant Jésus dans son sein, celle qui l’a serré dans ses bras, celle qui a cheminé à ses côté durant la montée au Calvaire, celle qui s’est tenu au pied de la croix, celle qui a reçu son corps sans vie dans ses bras et a été témoin de le voir enfermé dans le tombeau. Elle a été couronnée Reine du ciel où elle règne avec son Fils bien-aimé.
  5. Si nous demeurons fidèles au Seigneur jusqu’à la mort, nous aussi recevrons la couronne de vie éternelle. Au ciel se trouvent tous les biens.
  6. Ils sont immenses les trésors qui nous sont destinés au ciel. Les yeux n’on pas vu et les oreilles n’ont pas entendu la gloire qui est réservée à ceux qui serve le Seigneur.
  7. Le ciel est le royaume de Dieu, et nous sommes ses héritiers.
  8. Au ciel, il n’y a plus de soif d’union à Dieu, ni de desir intense de sa présence: l’union intime à Dieu est de tous les instants.
  9. Nous n’aurons plus à chercher l’amour: nous connaîtrons l’Amour infini.
  10. Nous verrons le visage de Dieu face à face, sans jamais en mourir.



Meditando nas contas do Rosário

These Meditations have the Imprimatur



A Anunciação

  1. O Anjo Gabriel apareceu a Maria e lhe pediu para ser Mãe do Messias.
  2. Ela respondeu "sim". Maria tinha uma enorme fé. Ela sempre cumpriu a vontade do Pai.
  3. Ela ficou cheia do Espírito Santo e o Verbo se fez Carne e habitou entre nós.
  4. Houve sempre um grande laço entre Jesus e Maria desde o momento da concepção.
  5. Ela sentia Sua vida crescer dentro do seu útero.Seu sacratíssimo Coração formou-se no seu útero através do Espírito Santo.
  6. Jesus quer ficar vivo em nossos corações. Nós devemos carregar Sua vida com grande alegria em nosso ser.
  7. O Espírito deseja estar vivo em nosso ser com o Fogo do seu amor.
  8. Nós somos filhos de Deus. Maria cuida de nós assim como ela cuidou de Jesus.
  9. É através de Maria que somos conduzidos a um intenso amor no seu preciosíssimo Coração. 
  10. É verdadeiramente o amor destes Dois Corações que nos conduzirão a união com Deus.

A Visitação

  1. Maria foi visitar sua prima Isabel.
  2. Quando ela chegou, a criança de Isabel pulou de alegria diante da presença de Maria com Jesus no seu útero.
  3. Maria ficou cheia do Espírito Santo e bradou em alta voz, o Magnificat.
  4. "Minha alma engrandece o Senhor e o meu espírito se alegra em Deus, meu Salvador".
  5. "Porque Ele viu a pequenez de sua serva, desde agora as gerações hão de chamar-me de bendita".
  6. Deus que é Poderoso fez grandes coisas em nós por causa do seu nome.
  7. Jesus não está menos presente em nossos corações depois da Comunhão do que estava no útero de Maria.
  8. Não deveríamos pular e gritar de alegria pelo fato de recebermos o verdadeiro Deus em nossos corações?
  9. Estamos abertos para que o Espírito Santo encha-nos com o amor do Deus verdadeiro e de Maria em nossos corações?
  10. É através do seu Coração puro e delicado que nós haveremos de amar a Deus mais profundamente.

O Nascimento de Jesus

  1. José ficou cheio de alegria ao ver o esplendor daquela noite, mas com tristeza de ver Jesus nascer em tal pobreza.
  2. Não havia lugar para Jesus descansar a Sua cabeça - nem na manjedoura ao nascer, nem na cruz ao morrer - em ambos os momentos a madeira era nua.
  3. Ele nos mostrou o caminho, em total submissão a vontade do Pai. Ele nos amou tanto que nasceu humano, Deus feito homem.
  4. Que nascimento, o desta criança, o menino Jesus, Ele mudou o mundo para sempre! 
  5. Este é Jesus, o Filho de Deus, que veio para libertar o mundo do seu pecado.
  6. Ele veio como um bebezinho. Ele nasceu na cidadezinha de Belém. 
  7. Assim acontece com Jesus ainda hoje: não há clangor de trombetas nem rufar de tambores.Jesus vem serenamente em cada Missa.
  8. Os únicos clangores de trombetas e rufar de tambores estão em nossos corações.
  9. Se você não está consciente de Cristo realmente presente na Eucaristia, você perde o grande acontecimento.
  10. Jesus, o mesmo Jesus que nasceu em Belém, vem até nós em nossos corações.

A Apresentação de Jesus no Templo

  1. Maria levou Jesus ao templo para ser apresentado a seu Pai.
  2. Simeão fala com Maria sobre os futuros sofrimentos de Jesus e Maria.
  3. José, na sua dor ao ouvir tais sofrimentos, foi confortado pela alegria de que tantas almas seriam redimidas. 
  4. Eles voltaram a Galiléia, à cidade de Nazaré, e Jesus crescia em sabedoria e força.
  5. Maria, com tal amor contemplava seu precioso Filho.
  6. Ela contemplava seus preciosos olhos de bebê.
  7. Simeão predizia que seu coração seria traspassado por uma espada.
  8. Seu coração seria traspassado com uma espada porque, assim como ela segurou Seu corpo pequenino ao nascer, ela também seguraria Seu corpo sem vida embaixo da cruz.
  9. Maria conhecia bem o Coração de Jesus! Ela ponderava todos os acontecimentos de Sua vida em seu Coração.
  10. É através de seu amável Coração que nós crescemos no amor fervente ao Coração D'Ele

O Encontro de Jesus no Templo

  1. Quando Jesus tinha doze anos, a Sagrada Família foi a Jerusalém para a Páscoa.
  2. Quando tudo terminou e, Maria e José já tinham viajado um dia, eles perceberam que Jesus não estava com eles.
  3. Cheios de tristeza nos seus corações eles retornaram a Jerusalém para encontrá-lo. 
  4. Depois de procura-lo por três dias, eles O encontraram no templo falando com os doutores.
  5. Os doutores estavam surpresos com a sua sabedoria.
  6. Ele lhes disse que devia cuidar dos negócios do Seu Pai.
  7. Jesus nos ensina hoje através de Sua palavra.
  8. Ele desceu com eles e lhes era submisso.
  9. Maria, se nós um dia perdermos Jesus, conduza nos de volta para Seu terno Coração.
  10. Jesus, ajude-nos a amar mais a Maria.



A Agonia no Jardim

  1. Fique com Jesus no jardim. Ajoelhe-se ao seu lado e sinta a dor no Seu Coração.
  2. Veja como Deus nos ama, Ele veio a terra e deu-se por amor a nós.
  3. Jesus é uma Pessoa. Ele ama cada um de nós com um amor pessoal.
  4. Ele é uma Pessoa Divina. Ele nos ama mais do que qualquer pessoa humana poderia.
  5. Jesus viu diante de Si todos os Seus sofrimentos.
  6. Ele conhecia os pecados de todos os homens desde sempre.
  7. Por causa do Seu grande amor por nós e por todas as pessoas Seu Coração estava em tal agonia.
  8. Ele nos conhece e ama mais do que nós mesmos nos amamos.
  9. Ele está vivo hoje e vive em nossos corações.
  10. Ele quer que nós O amemos a cada momento, entretanto, Ele é esquecido e ignorado e Ele é Deus.

A Flagelação na Coluna

  1. Jesus viu no jardim todos os acontecimentos futuros e Ele sofreu tanto que suou sangue.
  2. Eles levaram Jesus como um criminoso e O ataram a uma coluna.
  3. A qualquer momento Jesus poderia tê-los feito parar, mas por causa do seu grande amor por nós, ele permitiu que O açoitassem.
  4. Jesus fez isto, por minha causa, Ele permitiu que eles O açoitassem.
  5. Ave Maria...
  6. Muitas vezes, quando outros são cruéis para conosco, nós nos sentimos sozinhos e muito magoados. 
  7. Muitas vezes, quando rezamos e falamos de Deus no mundo hoje, outros nos tratam cruelmente.
  8. Deus é todo Poderoso, Ele controla tudo. Até nossa respiração e as batidas do nosso coração dependem dele.
  9. Deus nos amou primeiro e nos mandou ama-lo.
  10. O maior de todos os mandamentos é amar a Deus com todo o nosso coração, com toda a nossa alma e toda nossa mente. 

A Coroação de Espinhos

  1. Deus nos ordena a amar a Ele em primeiro lugar e depois aos nossos irmãos.
  2. Ele sofreu por nós e pagou por nossos pecados com o preço do Seu sangue.
  3. Por que os homens são tão teimosos, tão cheios de orgulho a ponto de ignorar o Deus Todo-Poderoso que lhes dá o próprio fôlego?
  4. Olhe Jesus coroado de espinhos, Sua face coberta de sangue. Ele sofreu porque me ama.
  5. Deus é, hoje em dia, ofendido pela obstinação dos homens.
  6. Se nós iremos para o céu, ou o inferno, depende se nós amamos a Deus e uns aos outros.
  7. Jesus nos ensina como amar ao se dar por nosso amor.
  8. Jesus foi coroado de espinhos. Ele foi açoitado; Seu corpo foi dilacerado. Ele sofreu tudo isso a fim de que pudéssemos ir para o céu um dia.
  9. Nossa vida aqui logo terminará e nós iremos para outro lugar para sempre. Amemos a Deus e uns aos outros para que possamos participar do grande dom que Ele nos dá, o dom da vida eterna no céu.
  10. Pense nos homens que flagelaram e coroaram Jesus de espinhos. Pense na frieza dos seus corações.

Jesus carrega Sua Cruz

  1. Eles ficaram em pé em volta de Jesus e gritaram para Ele: "Crucifica-O! Crucifica-O".
  2. Eles deram a Jesus uma pesada cruz carregada com os pecados de todos os tempos e colocaram-na sobre Seu ombro, obrigando-o a carrega-la. 
  3. Ela era tão pesada que Jesus não podia mais carrega-la. Ele desfaleceu e caiu por terra.
  4. Ele levantou-se, tentou mover-se. e viu a face coberta de lágrimas de Sua amada Mãe.
  5. Ela olhou nos Seus olhos meigos, cobertos de sangue.
  6. Este era o bebezinho que ela carregara nos braços e agora via coberto de sangue e feridas.
  7. Maria ama Jesus com o mais terno amor.
  8. Aprendermos a amar nosso querido Jesus é algo que vai fundo no Coração de Maria.
  9. O Espírito Santo é o Esposo de Maria.
  10. O Espírito Santo trabalha dentro do Coração de Maria para nos fazer mais santos e parecidos com nosso amado Jesus.

A Crucificação e Morte de Jesus

  1. Jesus foi pregado na cruz.
  2. Jesus ficou pendurado na cruz durante três horas.
  3. Sua Mãe, numa dor excruciante, permaneceu de pé embaixo da cruz observando Seu Filho morrer.
  4. Antes de morrer Ele nos deu sua Mãe, Maria, para ser nossa Mãe.
  5. Maria, nossa Mãe, nos ama.
  6. Ela viu Jesus crucificado morrendo na cruz. Ela sabe que grande amor Jesus tem por nós.
  7. Ela quer ser nossa Mãe e nos ajudar a amar Jesus muito mais.
  8. Como seus filhinhos, é importante que nós nos entreguemos a Ela e a seus cuidados maternais.
  9. Se nós queremos paz e alegria em nossa vida nós devemos nos entregar a Maria e a seu Filho.
  10. Maria disse em Fátima que Ele quer que nós entreguemos nossos corações a Ela e ao Coração de seu Filho. Ela, também, disse em Fátima que deseja que rezemos o terço do rosário todos os dias. Se fizermos isso, nós teremos paz no mundo.



A Ressurreição

  1. No terceiro dia Ele ressuscitou como havia dito.
  2. Quando Maria Madalena e algumas mulheres chegaram ao túmulo, viram que a porta de entrada havia sido removida.
  3. Apareceram dois homens em roupas reluzentes onde Jesus tinha sido colocado.
  4. Os dois anjos contaram às mulheres que Ele tinha ressuscitado como havia predito.
  5. Ele foi a Emaús e lhes relembrou todas as escrituras que se referiam a Ele, desde os tempos de Moises e os profetas.
  6. Quando Ele se sentou com eles para comer, Ele tomou o pão, deu graças, o partiu e começou a distribui-lo entre eles. Com isto seus olhos se abriram e eles O reconheceram, mas logo Ele desapareceu de suas vistas.
  7. Ele apareceu diversas vezes para os apóstolos durante 40 dias e lhes deu o poder de batizar e perdoar os pecados.
  8. Cristo morreu para nos dar uma vida nova.
  9. Ele veio para nos conceder uma vida em plenitude.
  10. A boa nova é que Jesus morreu e ressuscitou.

A Ascensão

  1. Eles saíram da cidade de Betânia e Jesus lhes deu sua benção final.
  2. Ele levantou Seus braços e subiu aos céus.
  3. Eles permaneceram embaixo profundamente assombrados com o que tinha acontecido.
  4. Pense como seria ver Jesus subir corporalmente aos céus.
  5. Imagine a tristeza nos corações de Maria e dos apóstolos ao vê-lo partir.
  6. Jesus não partiu. Ele permanece conosco, hoje, em sua divindade e humanidade na Eucaristia.
  7. Ele deseja ardentemente que nós venhamos a Ele e o recebamos. Ele espera que venhamos e estejamos com Ele enfrente ao Tabernáculo.
  8. Ele entregou-se na cruz. Ele se dá ainda hoje na Eucaristia.
  9. Ele nos amou tanto que morreu por nós e ressuscitou para nos dar uma vida nova. Enquanto subia ao céu, Jesus nos deixava o mais precioso dos dons - Ele mesmo.
  10. Ele disse, "João batizou-vos com água, mas em poucos dias vós sereis batizados com o Espírito Santo".

A descida do Espírito Santo

  1. Os apóstolos estavam com medo e se trancaram numa sala.
  2. O Espírito Santo desceu sobre Maria e os apóstolos, que alegria para o Coração de Maria !
  3. Jesus tinha prometido enviar o Espírito Santo. Um grande vento soprou e apareceu sobre suas cabeças como que línguas de fogo.
  4. Eles ficaram cheios do Espírito Santo e começaram a falar em línguas estrangeiras.
  5. Que alegria para Maria ver os apóstolos transformados de medrosos em corajosos!
  6. Oh, Espírito Santo vinde a nós e enchei nossos corações com o fogo do Vosso amor.
  7. Onde estivermos temerosos, tornai-nos corajosos.
  8. Nós desejamos ardentemente a coragem de realizar tudo o que Deus nos pede. Oh, Espírito Santo dai-nos tal coragem!
  9. Espírito Santo conduzi-nos a uma íntima unidade convosco, com o Pai, com o Filho e com Maria.
  10. Oh, Espírito Santo abrasai-nos no fogo do amor de Deus.

A Assunção de Nossa Senhora ao Céu

  1. Muitos anos depois da morte de Jesus, Maria foi elevada ao céu.
  2. Imagine a sua felicidade de estar unida com o seu maravilhoso Filho.
  3. Imagine a felicidade dela por estar unida com o Pai e o Espírito Santo. Ela contemplava a face de Deus.
  4. Ela viveu a vida inteira a serviço d'Ele. Agora, foi elevada para a sua eterna morada.
  5. Maria não partiu. Ela permanece conosco para sempre. Ela está onde Jesus estiver. Ela é nossa mãe espiritual. Ela está sempre ao nosso lado. Ela nos ama. Ela cuida de nós com um tal amor maternal!
  6. Quem somos nós para ter Maria como Mãe?
  7. Maria cuidou de tudo. Uma Maria jovem, uma Maria idosa, uma Maria triste, uma Maria alegre - Maria, um reflexo da vida de Cristo.
  8. Conhecer o Cristo é vê-lo através dos olhos de Maria. Senti-lo através da maternidade de Maria, e amá-lo através do Coração de Maria.
  9. Ela intercede sempre por seus filhos amados. Ela cuida de cada uma de nossas necessidades.
  10. O céu é o nosso verdadeiro lar.

A Coroação de Nossa Senhora

  1. 1. Um grande sinal apareceu no céu, uma mulher revestida do sol, com a lua debaixo de seus pés e sobre a sua cabeça uma coroa de doze estrelas.
  2. Maria foi coroada Rainha do Céu e da Terra. Nossa queridíssima Mãe reina agora na corte celestial.
  3. Imagine a sua alegria ao ouvir o coro das vozes angélicas! Imagine a felicidade dela ao ver os anjos e santos louvando a Deus!
  4. Ela - que carregou o menino Jesus em seu útero, que o carregou nos braços, que andou ao seu lado durante a paixão, que esteve de pé embaixo da cruz, que sustentou o seu corpo sem vida e o viu fechado no túmulo - agora foi coroada Rainha do Céu, para reinar para sempre na corte do céu com seu amado filho.
  5. Se nós permanecermos fiéis ao Senhor até a morte, nós também receberemos a coroa da vida. No céu todos os bens serão encontrados.
  6. Tais são os tesouros para nós no céu! Os olhos jamais viram, os ouvidos jamais ouviram, as que aguardam àquele que serve o Senhor!
  7. O céu é o reino de Deus. Nós somos seus herdeiros.
  8. Não há mais sede de união com Deus, não há mais desejo ardente por Ele. Nós experimentaremos tal intensa união com Ele para sempre.
  9. Nós nunca sentiremos falta do amor outra vez. Nós conheceremos o Seu amor.
  10. Nós veremos a face de Deus e viveremos.


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                                October is the Month of the Rosary


July 15, 1995

The Glorious Mysteries



The Resurrection

  1. R. See the picture of Jesus as He hangs on the cross, His withered body dead on the cross. See next to this the picture of Jesus as He rose from the tomb on the third day, victorious and covered in light. See so clearly in His hands and His feet the glorified wounds of Christ. This is our beloved Savior. He came to this world to save man from his sins and to give to him His divine life. We see so clearly, in His hands and His feet, these wounds.
  2. Jesus: Let the little children come to Me. My dear ones, let the children come and pray, pray the rosary. I am sending you children to go into the land and tell other children about the love of God. Satan is pressing so hard on the youth! The youth are so open and thirsty! Older people many times are set in their ways. Children are young. They can hear about the love of God and change very quickly. Reach the children and the children will carry this message for many, many years.
  3. R. Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. When she got there the stone had been rolled back. She began to cry . While she was crying, she saw a man she thought was a gardener. It was Jesus. She recognized Jesus. She was overjoyed to see Jesus.
  4. Jesus: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Always on your lips should be words of forgiveness for your beloved brothers, for I came to show you the way. I forgave all those who persecuted Me. It is in loving God and loving one another that you will have peace, joy and love within your hearts.
  5. Jesus: As you are in your hearts, so shall you be in this world. I call you to holiness, I call you to prayer.Let go and release yourself to Me.
  6. R. Come, give me life, abundant life. I thirst to be with Thee.
  7. Mary: I see before me the starved children of this world, their skinny little bodies. My dear ones, there is such suffering in this world today. You hold back from talking about the love of God for fear of what people will think. See, My dear ones, see the men who will be paraded into the fires of hell for their willfulness. You must speak and tell all of the love of God. It is through these rosaries that I will touch many hearts.
  8. R. Jesus appeared to the apostles in the upper room. The first time he appeared, Thomas was not with them. The second time, Thomas was with them. Thomas wanted to see the nail prints. Jesus said, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." (Jn 20:29)
  9. R. We pray for faith. We ask God to help us believe, to strengthen our faith, for us not to look for signs and wonders, but rather to feel the Almighty God inside, His almighty presence within us.
  10. Jesus: Let the little children come to Me. My beloved ones, I come to this earth to give you life. I love the little children. Their hearts are so pure and so gentle! This world is teaching mighty lessons, mighty lessons of evil. You must go out into the world and draw the little children to My Heart. I am calling you to bring the little children to Me.





The Ascension

  1. R. Jesus gave to the apostles the power to baptize and to forgive sins. It is through baptism that we are made children of God and heirs of heaven. We partake in His divine life.
  2. R. He lives in the hearts of men. He operates this day in the hearts of men. Jesus Christ came to this earth. He walked the earth, He suffered and He died. He rose on the third day. He ascended into heaven. But He leaves behind His apostles to carry out His mission in their lives.
  3. R. The Incarnation goes on this day in the Church.
  4. R. We are constantly being formed in the womb of the Virgin Mary to be more and more like Jesus. Dear Holy Spirit, transform us in the womb of the Virgin Mary, so that we may grow more and more in this likeness of our beloved Savior.
  5. Jesus: There are so many pure and tender hearts in the little children of this world. The children this day are being taught such vile things! How people hold back! They do not talk about the love of God with reverence. My dear little ones, I am asking you to speak to the children. They do not realize that the children need to receive this message of love. They listen to the messages themselves and tell their children so little. I am sending you into the world. I am sending you to talk to the children about the love of God.
  6. Jesus: My soldiers are mighty soldiers. I am fortifying them with My special graces to carry this message to the youth.
  7. Jesus: See before your eyes a group of children with their hearts filled with the love of God and singing. Dear ones, the children's hearts are open and pure. They can turn many children's hearts to the love of God. For they have not yet turned off their hearts, not yet turned their hearts to hearts of stone. Go to the children and tell them about the love I have for them. Tell them about the Eucharist. I ascended into heaven, but I remain with you this day, in My divinity and humanity, in the Holy Eucharist. And I remain in the hearts of men who are in the state of grace, in a very, very special way. Let the little children come to Me. Do you want the world to change? You must reach the children and the priests. You are My soldiers. It is through your example that this world will see the mighty lessons of My love.
  8. Jesus: Mission, My dear ones, this is your mission. You were commissioned in baptism to carry out My life, death, and resurrection in your lives. Will you follow this calling? I am Jesus, your Savior. I am asking you to go forth to this Godless world with your banner held high, with the love of God across your breast.

    Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, You are my beloved Jesus. Let us shout it from the highest mountain and declare it from the rooftops. Jesus has died, He has risen and He will come again. He is alive, He is alive, He is alive. He lives this day.
  9. Jesus: You make things so difficult! They are so simple! If you go to the scriptures, you see exactly what I am saying. I am saying the same thing here. If you read the Acts of the Apostles, you see how the apostles went from town to town and many were converted. It is through your efforts to spread this love of God that many will be converted. Let your hearts be fervent and on fire for the love of God. Reach the children and you will reach the world.
  10. R. And He raised His arms and He ascended into heaven, but He left behind the apostles to carry out His work.





Descent of The Holy Spirit on the Apostles

  1. R. They were all gathered in an upper room, the apostles and the Virgin Mary. See the Virgin Mary. She is seated above the apostles (in the window). The Holy Spirit descends upon them in parted tongues of fire and their hearts are transformed from fear to fearlessness.
  2. R. They are filled with such vibrancy and fire that they go out into the world to preach the Gospel message, the message of the love of God.
  3. R. Let us meditate on the mystery of God's love. Let us put aside all of the distractions in our minds and focus only on His abundant love. He is outpouring to us such love in this room as we pray the rosary. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, remains in the tabernacle and longs to communicate with us. He wants to be so close to us! I know what He is saying this day. He tells me He longs to be so close to us! He is the sweetest and most tender lover and He is waiting and waiting by the door of our heart.
  4. Jesus: I call you again to bring the children to Me. Have the children baptized in the Holy Spirit. Have the children pray to the Holy Spirit! Children need to have the courage to stand up for God in the circles wherein they mix this day. Many children are Godless. Many other children are mocked for professing the faith or making the sign of the cross or saying grace. Bring the children to Me and teach them about praying to the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit that they will be transformed from fear to fearlessness. As the apostles carried out the Gospel message, so the children too will carry out the message of God's love.

  5. Jesus: Many children sit idle all summer and are looking for things to do. Tell them to come to the Junior Shepherds of Christ prayer chapters. I want this movement spread throughout the world among the youth. This is My movement to touch the youth of this world.
  6. Jesus: Circulate this rosary on the love of God and the love I have for My blessed, little ones.
  7. Song: Come Holy Ghost…
  8. Jesus: Do not worry about the circulation of these messages, for I am sending to you key people to help you to do this work. You must remain fearless and unattached, surrendering and yielding. I am giving to you abundant graces to carry out this work. Surrender and let go and watch things happen around you. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior. My youth will march on this world with hearts filled with fire for the love of God.
  9. Jesus: I will give to you rosaries such as these for children to use in the Junior Shepherds of Christ Movement. I want the children in this movement to have these meditations, to use them and to know exactly what I am telling them. I am Jesus. I will give the youth great graces to be drawn ever closer to My Heart through My Mother's Heart.
  10. Jesus: Many are called, but few are chosen. I am calling My children to unite under the Junior Shepherds of Christ Movement and to carry this movement across the United States to children who are hurting and in pain. Many children this day are suffering far beyond your realization. I am Jesus. I am begging you to be open to all the children I send to you and to tell them about the Junior Shepherds of Christ Movement.





The Assumption of Our Lady

  1. R. Mary is taken, body and soul, into heaven. She remained on the earth after the death of Jesus. Now she is taken to her final glory.
  2. R. Mary remains as Mother of the Church and Mother of each one of us. She is by our side. She is with us, molding us and forming us in her womb, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to be more and more like her Son Jesus.
  3. Mary: Go to the children now, My dear, dear ones. I am Mary, your mother. I am asking you to go out to the children. Many children will lose their souls and be condemned to the fires of hell. It is through your efforts to spread this movement, the Junior Shepherds of Christ, that these children will be saved from their own doom.
  4. Mary: Little children's prayers are so powerful! I am Mary, your Mother. I am asking you to man the forces and have my little army of children ready and marching on this world with their pure little hearts and talking about the love of God. Children love to sing and they will love to pray when they know about the lives of my Son Jesus and myself, when you teach them about the Mass and the great gifts they are given. Give to children the first Blue Book and let them hear the personal love letters my Son is delivering to them.
  5. Jesus: You are missing a big source of your power by not contacting the children. When children pray, there is power. Children joined in numbers are a vital force for spreading this movement across the United States. Your land is a land that is very sick. It is in curing the children of their illnesses that your land will prosper.
  6. Mary: Think of the little children coming to Mass and longing to receive my Son Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Think of them coming with their little hearts and telling Jesus of their love. I am Mary, their Mother, and I want to rock them and hold them tenderly, close to my Heart, to rock them and cuddle them in my Heart. I love each precious little young child. Will you tell them for me? I am Mary, and I am calling you to reach out to the children.
  7. Mary: Children are being taught at such an early age about sex, but they are not being taught about the love of God. I am Mary, your Mother. You must have courage to stand up and talk about the love of God. Think of how the children are being taught this day about all the vile things. People have the courage to stand up and spread such filth, but so few speak to the children about the burning love of my Son Jesus. How my Son Jesus loves the little children.
    Jesus: Let the little children come to Me.
  8. Mary: I want this rosary to circulate among the children. I want you to encourage children to pray the rosary with these meditations. I want to tell the children how I love them with the tenderest, motherly love and how I am protecting them and guarding them and watching them. I am spreading My Motherly mantle over them. I am Mary, the Mother of Jesus and the mother of all the children of this world.
  9. Mary: Think of how a mother loves her children. I love my children with the tenderest motherly love. Will you help me lead these tender young hearts to the Heart of my beloved Son, on fire for love of them? Many souls will be condemned to hell for their sinfulness and their willfulness. I am asking you to go out and to talk to the children about the love of my Son.
  10. Mary: These rosary meditations and the Blue Books should be circulated among the children. I am asking you to carry the Blue Book to the children and have them read it so they know how much Jesus, my Son, loves them.





The Crowning of Mary

  1. Mary: The soul was created by God the Father to know and love God. Nothing on the face of this earth will feed the starved soul except the love of God. Make it clear to the children that their souls were created for the love of God. Their souls are hungry. They need to feed their souls with the love of God.
  2. R. Mary was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth. We, too, some day, if we love God and love each other, will be given a place in heaven far beyond our comprehension. We cannot understand the immensity of the love of God. Jesus Christ came to this earth. He was born a little baby. He suffered and died. He rose on the third day and ascended into heaven. He wants us to be with Him forever and ever in heaven.
  3. Mary: The ways of this world are very evil ways. The little children are being taught young such evilness! I am your Mother. I am calling out to you to carry out this mission, for the children need to know the love of my Son. You will be given great graces to reach the children. You must know that Satan will press very hard to try to stop any efforts that you may make in trying to reach the children. I am Mary, your Mother, and I am protecting you with my motherly mantle.
  4. Mary: If you instruct the children, as I have instructed you, on the lives of Jesus and Mary, they will love to pray the rosary.
  5. Jesus: It is through the Junior Shepherds of Christ Movement that I will reach the youth throughout this world.
  6. Mary: Children every day need to consecrate their hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  7. Jesus: When you are tired and weary, know that Satan is pressing on you. You are receiving abundant graces to carry out this work. I will see to the publishing of these messages. You must release yourself and pray as you have never prayed before. Pray that the Father will answer your prayers. Pray in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, through the intercession of the Sorrowful Mother.
  8. Mary: I am so sorrowful for the little lost children of this world, for the slaughter of the little innocent babies within the womb of their mothers, for the slaughter of the minds of children in many classrooms. I am Mary, your Mother. Speak out, pray for the courage from the Holy Spirit to speak out for the love of God. If this world can talk about so many vile things, if it shows movies in the movie theaters where Satan is coming out of the screen, my dear ones, you can surely talk about the tender, burning Heart of my Son Jesus.
  9. Mary: Many young hearts will be converted and, in that conversion, the power of their prayers will be magnified far beyond your comprehension. I am Mary, your Mother. This is a rosary given from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary on July 15, 1995. This is a call to reach the children in the Junior Shepherds of Christ Movement, to bring them to my Immaculate Heart, that they may be consecrated in my Heart and consecrated in the Heart of my Son.
  10. Mary: Tell the children to pray to my Son and the Holy Spirit for the courage to go into this world, for they are fighting a battle every day in this world and my Son will reward them with abundant grace and great gifts of His tender love. I am Mary, your Mother. I have called out to you. Harken to my call and tell all involved of my request here. I love you, my sweet little children, and I love the little children of the world. Let the little children come to my Son Jesus and let them forever rest in His burning Heart of love.
    Song: Little child, little child, come and rest in My arms. Be with Me, little child, I want you with Me, you are hurting, My loved one. I am waiting for you, come into My Heart now. I love you.



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September 27, 2003

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