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September 4, 2010
September 5th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 8 Period II.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for September 5th are Sorrowful.
Florida Retreat
September 2nd - 5th
1:30pm and 6:20pm
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Fr. Joe's Homily Book
Get a canvas print of Mary's image
with a sliver of glass and
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Jesus and Mary water.
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a cup with a Mary's image on it
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September 4, 2010
R. John Paul II called us to be witnesses of hope
preached the power of the Word
over the power of the sword —
Pope John Paul II described himself as a
witness to hope
Pope John Paul II was born in 1920
Poland suffered from World War I
Pope John Paul II was 9 years old when
his mother died
3 years later his brother a doctor died
Pope John Paul II said his father was so religious
and always praying
Mary is our Mother
We have been given a great gift in the
popes of the 20th century —
In the time when there was World War I
When Hitler rose to power
Where World War II devastated the world —
Fighting and wars
We had the wonderful Pope Pius XII
Pope John XXIII
Pope Paul VI
We had the Vatican II Council
And then Pope John Paul II — a witness of hope —
With the rise of secularism
The relative thinking
Pope John Paul II was so solid in the witness of truth
he gave to all of us —
In these last prayer services Our Lord has been
teaching us about Faith, Hope and Love
Mary appeared at Fatima May 13, 1917
World War I was then raging —
The angel of peace appeared three times in
1916 —
Excerpt from Rosary Meditations for Parents and Children
Fatima: The Message
(3)Before receiving the six apparitions of Our Lady, May through October of 1917, the three Fatima visionaries were visited by an angel on three different occasions during the preceding year. He appeared to them in the spring, summer, and fall. Lucia (now Sr. Lucia) describes the springtime apparition of the angel:
On reaching us, he said: "Do not be afraid! I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me."
Kneeling on the ground, he bowed down until his forehead touched the ground and made us repeat these words three times:
"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You."
Then, rising he said: "Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications."
His words engraved themselves so deeply on our minds that we could never forget them
During the summer of 1916, the angel again appeared to the three visionaries. He said to them:
(4)Pray! Pray a great deal. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices continually to the Most High. Make everything you do a sacrifice, and offer it as an act of reparation for the sins by which God is offended, and as a petition for the conversion of sinners. Bring peace to our country in this way.... I am the Guardian Angel of Portugal Accept and bear with submission all the sufferings the Lord will send you.
In the fall of the same year, the angel visited the visionaries a final time:
(5)The angel came...bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood were falling from the Host into the chalice. Presently, the angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground, saying this beautiful prayer: "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners."
Sr. Lucia relates how the angel gave them Communion:
Then, rising, he took the chalice and the Host in his hand. He gave the Sacred Host to me and shared the Blood from the chalice between Jacinta and Francisco, saying as he did so:
(6)"Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God."
Reflecting upon these messages of the angel, we see how much they contain for our spiritual instruction.
First of all, we notice the distinctive Trinitarian nature of the messages. We are instructed that, in our Christian existence, we must express the greatest reverence for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as we serve them through the virtues of faith, hope, and love. These three virtues are at the heart of our life of grace.
We are reminded of the ugly reality of sin and of our duty to make reparation for it. We are reminded that reparation is due Christ in His Eucharistic presence. And, as we shall soon see, Our Lady calls for a specific act of reparation--the five first Saturdays. Reparation is a foundation of the Fatima messages.
The angel also tells us that we must not only love God; we must also love our neighbor. We are to pray and make sacrifices for others.
In telling us to "Pray a great deal," and "Make everything you do a sacrifice," the angel reminds us that we are to live a deep spirituality. We are to be united with God throughout the day in as conscious a manner as possible. Regarding the angel's call to prayer, we shall soon hear of Mary's special request concerning the daily Rosary. It is a request that reminds us that God has sent Our Blessed Mother to call us back to Jesus, and to a closer union with Him. The Fatima message indeed reminds us that Mary is our spiritual Mother, that she is our mediatrix with Christ.
The angel specified a need to help others by our sacrifices, and to accept the sufferings God sends.
Louis Kondar, SVD, editor, Fatima in Lucia's
Own Words (Fatima: Postulation Center,
1976), p.62. Distributed in the U.S.A. by the
Ravengate Press, Cambridge, MA.
4. Our Lady's Peace Plan,
op cit.,
5. Ibid., p.2 (The words in brackets are
my own-added for clarification).
6. Fatima in Lucia's Own Words,
cit., pp.64-65.
The angel bowed down, he put his forehead
to the ground and made the
children repeat 3 times
"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and
I love You! I ask pardon of you
for those who do not believe, do not adore,
do not hope and do not love you."
Faith, hope and love
The greatest commandment is:
Matthew 22: 36-40
'Master, which is the greatest commandment of the Law?' Jesus said to him, 'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too.'
The angel said to offer prayers and sacrifices
as an act of reparation
for the sins by which God is
offended and for the conversion
of poor sinners —
On the 3rd Visit - the angel said
"Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners." (5)
Then, rising, he took the chalice and the Host in his hand. He gave the Sacred Host to me and shared the Blood from the chalice between Jacinta and Francisco, saying as he did so:
"Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God." (6)
5. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op cit., p.2. (The words in brackets are my own-added for clarification).
6. Fatima in Lucia's Own Words, op cit., pp.64-65.
The message of the Blue Books —
intimacy with God —
the Holy Eucharist
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
The message of the Shepherds of Christ —
consecration to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart
Devotion of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart
Displaying the images of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart
Consecrating all places on the earth to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate
On May 13, 1981 Pope John Paul II was shot
The next year May 13, 1982 he made a pilgrimage to
Fr. Carter reviews his experiences at Lourdes
10 years later —
Excerpt from Mother at Our Side
by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.
Since my first pilgrimage to Lourdes marked a very definitive stage in Mary's dealings with me—in her call to me—I am going to utilize this entry on Lourdes to share with you certain aspects of my Marian experience. In none of my previous books have I shared my spiritual experience in such a direct fashion. I am doing so now only because I believe it is Mary's wish that I do so. May my sharing of Mary's maternal love manifested to me be an occasion for your own reflection on Mary's goodness to you.
I have always been blessed with a strong
devotion to Mary. I feel this gift is one of God's greatest graces
given to me. I remember at an early age often repeating the Hail
Mary. Later, I was very much attracted to Our Lady's requests at
Fatima. I made the five first Saturdays and practiced what I was
told were the other aspects of Mary's Fatima message.
After graduating from college I entered the Jesuits. Our first phase of training consists of two years of novitiate—a period in which one is introduced into the spiritual life according to the Jesuit tradition. This first period of Jesuit training marked a very significant growth in my devotion to Mary.
As I progressed in my Jesuit life over the years, Mary was always a loving, caring mother. I always felt, among other things, that she was a lifeline—always there in a special way at particularly difficult stages of the spiritual journey, not only then, but certainly then. I was not always as loyal a child of Mary as I should have been, but she always kept me aware of her very important role in our lives.
In early 1989 I was in Europe—destination Rome. As I was traveling toward Italy from Northern Europe, I made plans to stop at Lourdes. I considered this a very special stop on my itinerary.
As I left Toulouse on the train for Lourdes,
it was raining. Not very far from Toulouse, the rain stopped and the
sun appeared. I considered this a gift from Mary.
I walked from the Lourdes train station to the Shrine. It was a day in January, sunny and pleasant, but, as would be expected at that time of the year, there were less than 25 pilgrims at the grotto site. The atmosphere was very special. One realized this was a very holy place. I sat on one of the benches and began to pray. All of a sudden, I was deeply impressed with this thought: "I have finally come home." The thought seemed to come from outside of me, similar to an infused idea. I did not fully understand what this idea meant. I had not seriously strayed from God, so the idea of "coming home" did not mean I was returning as a prodigal son. Nor did the idea mean that I had finally found Mary, since, as I have stated above, I have always been blessed with a strong devotion to her. I was, then, somewhat puzzled at what the words "I have finally come home" meant. My experience, however, was a very profound one as I sat there before the grotto of Mary. I wept tears of peace and consolation. This was to be my first experience of the gift of tears at a Marian shrine. Later I would also experience this gift at Fatima, Guadalupe, and Medjugorje. The gift of tears on these occasions would always be in confirmation of a special interior enlightenment.
In the months that followed, whenever I
recalled these words impressed upon me at Lourdes, I was still not
sure of their meaning. I did, though, decide to write this book on
Mary. I had long wanted to write such a book, but did not feel
prepared to do so until now.
I was privileged to be at Fatima for the 75th
anniversary of the October 13 apparition of Mary to the three young
visionaries—Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. I had a conviction that
Mary wanted me there at that particular time. That I was able to be
present for this momentous occasion was another special gift of Mary
to me.
On October 12, the eve of the anniversary day, I was praying in the basilica at Fatima. I was close to the altar. In the sanctuary was a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I prayed that Mary would draw me closer than ever to the Heart of Jesus and to her own Immaculate Heart. I also prayed that I would be able, as never before, to work for the spread of devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
As I prayed I would often glance at Mary's statue, and when I did, I was often given the gift of tears—I know it was a special gift because I myself had no control over when this would or would not take place. The same thing happened the next day. It was a most profound spiritual experience—even more so than the one at Lourdes.
On the 13th itself, there were about one million pilgrims present for the anniversary occasion. At communion time of the outdoor Mass I felt a special confirmation of the above-mentioned experience.
From Fatima I went to Lourdes. This time,
unlike my first visit, I was present along with thousands of other
pilgrims. It is indeed a special experience to be at Lourdes with so
many others for the impressive candlelight rosary procession at
night and for other activities. Being personally present amidst all
this gives one a sense of why Lourdes has been such an attraction
for millions and millions of pilgrims over the years. Again, my
experience at the grotto of Our Lady was very special, as was the
making of the Way of the Cross on the hill high above the basilicas
and the grotto.
A few months after my visits to Fatima and Lourdes I was at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. It was another special gift to be able to be there for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. What an inspiration it is to be there on this most special day—to see the Mexican people come from miles and miles away for this feast which is so dear to their hearts. Their devotion to Our Lady is most remarkable. Regarding myself, the entire pilgrimage prior to the feast day was rather subdued—peaceful, but no special experience. I remained in such a state on the feast itself up to and including most of the Mass at the Shrine. Then at communion time I was gifted with the same type of deep experience which had occurred at Lourdes and Fatima. I was rather suddenly struck with a deep conviction that I am protected by Mary's mantle and that I should not be afraid or worry. Again, this interior enlightenment was accompanied by the gift of tears.
My final pilgrimage was to Medjugorje—December 28, 1992, to January 4, 1993. Again, after prayer, I had developed the conviction that Mary wanted me there for her great feast of January 1st—which, of course, is the feast of Mary, Mother of God. I thought something special would happen on that day, although I did not know precisely what.
As was the case at Guadalupe, nothing out of the ordinary happened to me on the days previous to January 1. I did not see any phenomena concerning the sun which many pilgrims have observed over the years at Medjugorje. The chain on my rosary did not change to gold—as has occurred with many of the Medjugorje pilgrims. But Mary did have her gift for me. Just as I had hoped, something special did occur on the feast of January 1. At Mass, after receiving communion, I received a profound experience of Mary's motherhood toward me and also a profound conviction of Jesus' love for me. This conviction of Jesus' love for me may be the most special I have ever experienced. Again, these interior enlightenments were accompanied by the gift of tears.
Later that day I had the great privilege of
being present in the choir loft for the daily apparition of Our
Lady. Ivan was the only visionary present in Church this particular
day. Although I felt extremely blessed to be present for the
apparition—which, of course, only Ivan himself could see—I had no
special inner experience at this time. Others in our group said they
did have a special personal experience at the time of the
apparition. My special experience of the day had indeed occurred
earlier at Mass.
Since that first visit to Lourdes when I was suddenly struck with the thought, "I have finally come home," much has happened regarding my relationship with Mary. I now believe I know the meaning of those words impressed upon me at Lourdes in January, 1989. More than three years later Mary began to instruct me regarding the precise meaning of those words. She has, in her maternal love for me, entered my life as never before. She has led me to consecrate myself to the Heart of Christ and to her Immaculate Heart in a very meaningful manner. In an extraordinary fashion she has given me a mission to fulfill in the service of Jesus. As she cooperates with the Holy Spirit in my ongoing transformation in Christ, she is leading me along paths which I have never traveled before. I can never thank her adequately for her goodness to me.
The above constitutes some of the main aspects of my personal Marian pilgrimage over the years. You also have your own Marian experience, and I am sure you have shed your own tears of joy and peace along the way.
If you have not yet done so, I strongly encourage you to consecrate yourself to the Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In consecrating yourself to Mary—in entrusting yourself entirely to her—you will be enabling her to lead you ever closer to the Heart of Christ. She will accomplish marvels in you as she aids you, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, in living out your consecration to the Sacred Heart. Indeed, she will ever be Mother at your side as you come closer to the Father through Christ and in the Holy Spirit.
I have never been happier, never more at
peace, than I presently am. Since Mary has drawn me to consecrate
myself to her Immaculate Heart, marvelous changes have taken place
within me. She has brought me to the Heart of Jesus in a way I had
not experienced before.
If you have given yourself totally to Mary—and this is what consecration to her Immaculate Heart means—you have had similar experiences.
Having consecrated ourselves to Mary, we feel secure as we rest in her loving, maternal Heart. There she comforts us when we are sad—there she wipes away our tears. There she rejoices with us when we rejoice. There she smiles as we share with her our accomplishments for Christ. There she encourages us when we are fearful. There she strengthens us for the most difficult tasks.
What a great gift Jesus has bestowed upon us in giving Mary to us as our mother! Let us thank Him each day for this Mother who loves us with an unfathomable love. We must try to grow in the appreciation of this love. The more we do so, the more we want to cry out, "O Mother, how loving, caring, and tender you are! Draw us ever closer to your Immaculate Heart where you accomplish your marvels within us."
end of excerpt
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Excerpts from Tell My People by Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J.
Call of the Sacred Heart
Jesus: "Tell My People that I wish them to come to My Sacred Heart. I show My Heart as symbol of My great love for My people. So many, however, are cold and indifferent concerning My love for them. Consider all I have done for My people! I suffered a brutal passion and death for them. My Body was unmercifully scourged, My head cruelly crowned with thorns, My hands and feet mercilessly pierced with nails. Oh, how much I suffered in all this—out of love for My Father and the whole human race! Finally, My Heart was pierced with the soldier's lance. From My pierced Heart flowed forth blood and water, symbols of the Eucharist and Baptism. How much My pierced Heart still loves My people! How I long for each to come to My Heart in a return of love! All who do will experience My love in a special way. All who take up their refuge within My Heart will experience love, security, peace, joy. The world cannot give My people these gifts. I, Who am Lord and Master, am the One Who gives these gifts."
Reflection: Jesus tells us how much He loves us and to what lengths He went in His passion and death to show us this great love, this love symbolized by His Heart.
To meditate often upon the passion and death of Christ is to allow His love to more and more take hold of us. The more we allow Jesus to embrace us with His tremendous love for us, the more He draws us within His pierced Heart. Within this Heart is our refuge. Here is our source of enlightenment, of strength, of peace, joy, and happiness.
On Being Thankful
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, because I love you with a very special love, I have showered you with great gifts. You have cried out to Me in joy. You have told Me how thankful you are for My many special favors. Allowing you to be so thankful is itself a gift I give you. Tell My people that I want them to thank Me every day for all the gifts I have given and continue to give them. Tell them I want them to give themselves to Mary. In her company I want them to approach My Sacred Heart each day. Here I will give them ever greater gifts.
"How much I love My people! How much I long to shower them with My love-laden gifts! Sadly, many do not want to receive My gifts. Those who do, let them come to My Heart, and they will be amazed at what I will do for them! My Heart is an inexhaustible source of graces. Please, My people, I long for you to come and draw from its riches! I am Lord and Master. Please do as I request."
Reflection: Giving thanks to God for all His gifts is one of our great duties as children of God. We should be continually offering thanks to God for all the gifts He has given us and continues to give us through the Heart of Jesus.
Image of the Hearts
of Jesus and Mary
Jesus: "My beloved friend, tell My people that I desire them to have pictures or statues of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart in their homes. This will greatly help them to give honor to Our Hearts. All My churches and chapels should also have these images. I will bestow great blessings on all those who heed My request. I am your Lord and Master. Please do as I ask."
Reflection: We all know the role pictures of loved ones play in maintaining and developing our relationships with these people. Is it strange, then, that Jesus makes the above request?
Age of the Two Hearts
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, I have allowed you to experience in extraordinary fashion the riches contained in My Heart and My Mother's Heart. I desire that you tell all My people about these riches. I desire that My people consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart and to Mary's Immaculate Heart. My people are living in the beginnings of the age of the Two Hearts.
"After the time of the purification is completed, this new era of the Church and the world will become firmly established. This era will be characterized by the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. All those who consecrate themselves to My Heart and to My Mother's Heart will help to establish this glorious new age. I am Lord and Master. Please listen to My urgent request. Within Our Hearts you will experience the love and security, the peace and the joy, which you all desire. I love My people with a tremendous love, and in My love I give them this message!"
Reflection: This is the Age of the Two Hearts! The surest road to sanctity in these our times is through consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. In making this consecration, and striving with God's grace to live it as best we can each day, we are contributing to the establishment of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and to the arrival of the reign of the Sacred Heart.
The Peace of Christ
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, tell My beloved people that I am the Divine Giver of peace. I want so much to give My people an even greater sense of peace, but many refuse My offer! They think they know their own way to peace and happiness—a way which is not My way. The further they stray from Me, the more restless they become, and the less true peace they have. My way is the only way to peace.
"My people, come each day to My Sacred Heart. Let Mary lead you to My Heart. The more you dwell within My Heart, the more peace will be yours. I am Lord and Master. Please listen to My words! Do not seek your peace and consolation in worldly pursuits. Come within My Heart, and you will be filled with the peace you so much crave. I will press you to My Sacred Heart. I will tell you how much I love you! The more you realize this love, the more My peace will possess your soul!"
Reflection: The chief fruit of love is peace. The more we open ourselves to the burning love of Jesus' Heart, and respond by loving God and neighbor more and more, the more peace we experience.
Reparation for Sin
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, tell My people that the ugly face of sin covers the earth as never before in the history of the human race. My image, which should shine forth brilliantly over the whole earth, is seriously marred by the hideousness of sin. My Father's justice demands reparation. Tell My people to offer their actions in reparation for all the sins whereby the Triune God is so much offended. My Heart cries out for reparation, especially for sins committed against My Eucharistic presence. My Heart hates sin, but loves the sinner. All who are sorry for their sins will find in My Heart overflowing graces of mercy.
"My people should receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation often, even if they have no serious sins to confess. The graces of this Sacrament give powerful graces for the fight against temptation. I am Lord and Master. Please do as I request!"
Reflection: In our determination to avoid sin, let us often recall the terrible sufferings which sin caused Our Loving Savior: the cruel crowning with thorns, the tearing of His sacred flesh by the soldiers' merciless scourging, the heartless hammering of nails through His sacred hands and feet, and all the rest. Who can prayerfully look upon the suffering Christ and not be repulsed by the hideousness of sin?
Consecration to the Hearts
of Jesus and Mary
Jesus: "My beloved friend, tell My people that I desire all to consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart and to Mary's Immaculate Heart. Tell them not to just recite words in making the act of consecration, but to realize what they are saying. Consecration to Our Hearts means a total gift of self. It means handing over everything to Me and to My Mother. Consecration means a willingness to surrender completely to Me. In Baptism one is consecrated to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But how many fail to live out their consecration! I extend to all the invitation to renew this baptismal consecration through consecration to My Heart and to My Mother's Heart.
"My beloved companion, I have taught you what this consecration means. I have given you great peace, joy, and happiness because you have made this consecration. I have taught you that you are to renew this act of consecration each day, I constantly remind you that you are to pray each day for the grace to more and more live the consecration. I have taught you that your consecration to Me and My Mother means that you constantly surrender yourself to Us and to Our care. I have taught you that the more you surrender yourself to Me, the more I live in you and through you and for you. I have taught you that My great love for you longs to draw you more deeply into My Heart. I have shown you that I wish your Mother Mary to place you there within My Heart, and that the more you dwell within her heart, the more deeply she places you within My Heart. Dwelling within Our Hearts, the Holy Spirit fashions you more and more in My likeness. The Father thus looks upon you with greater favor and takes you more closely to Himself. Tell My people all these wondrous truths. I am Lord and Master, and I desire all to listen to My words!"
Reflection: In the above message, Jesus describes what is involved in living our consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. What beautiful truths He puts before us! We know that the living out of our consecration is not always easy. Sometimes it is very difficult. At all times, and especially in most difficult times, we should remind ourselves how much Jesus and Mary love us, and that living out our consecration is our "thank you," our return of love.
Jesus Asks for Our Love
Jesus: "My beloved companion, tell My people how I long for them to say that they love Me! When they do this, it gives Me great joy. When they tell Me they love Me, I take them close to My Heart. I give them the desire to love Me more and more. I clothe them with fresh graces, increasing their capacity to love God and neighbor. Tell My people to express their love for Me often! I am Lord and Master. Please do as I request!"
Reflection: What a gracious invitation Jesus extends to us! He tells us how much He wants our expressions of love for Him. Perhaps a person has to admit that his or her spouse, or children, or friends, receive expressions of love from him or her more often than does Jesus. This should not be! Jesus has first command on our love. To love Jesus, to tell Him we love Him--this is our privilege and our duty.
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, keep telling My people of the great necessity of humility in the spiritual life. My saints, oh, how they realized the importance of this virtue!
"The world is filled with pride. Pride is the refusal to serve God. It is the refusal to do My Father's will. There is so much sin in today's world because there is so much pride.
"Tell My people to come to My Heart each day. There I will teach them the lesson of humility. There I will show them the riches which flow from humility! There I will teach them that the more they grow in humility, the more peace and joy and happiness they experience. Yes, let My people come to My Heart and learn these lessons. I am Lord and Master, and I desire that all respond to My request. I love My people with a tremendous love, and in this love I give them this message!"
Reflection: Humility is an important aspect of the Gospel message. Following are three such examples:
"Come to me, all you who labor and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light" (Matthew 11:28-30).
"Anyone who chooses the world for his friend turns himself into God's enemy. Surely you don't think scripture is wrong when it says: the spirit which he sent to live in us wants us for himself alone? But he has been even more generous to us, as scripture says: God opposes the proud but he gives generously to the humble" (James 4:4-6).
"What do you have that was not given to you? And if it was given, how can you boast as though it were not?" (1 Corinthians 4:7).
The Indwelling of the Trinity
Jesus: "My beloved priest-companion, I have given you a great desire to pray to the Divine Persons many times during the day. This can be done in a way which does not interfere with your daily duties. Rather, you have learned that this prayerful contact with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit enhances your ability to work for God and neighbor. Remind My people that when one is in the state of grace, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit dwell within that person in a most special way. We are within those in the state of grace to receive their acts of faith, hope, and love.
"So many of My people are not aware of the precious treasure which dwells within them! Tell My people to pray for a growing awareness of this marvelous truth! Through the graces which flow from the great love of My pierced Heart, My people are called to develop the greatest intimacy with the Divine Persons. Please, do not waste these graces! I am Lord and Master, and in My great love, I ask that all comply with My request!"
Reflection: In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells us:
"If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our home with him" (John 14:23).
Jesus does not explicitly mention the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in this particular passage. However, we know that, where the Father and Son reside, so also does the Spirit.
In the above message from Jesus, He speaks to us about this truth of the Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity in the souls of the just. What a tremendous gift! How much do we appreciate this gift? Do we take the means to develop our relationship with the Divine Persons Who dwell within? Many would go all out for the opportunity to receive one of the world's dignitaries into their homes. When we are in the state of grace, the Divine Persons grace us with Their presence. What a tremendous dignity is bestowed upon us! Sadly, many seem to be more enthused about being in the presence of this world's dignitaries than they are regarding the presence of the Triune God!
The Power to Love
Jesus: "My beloved friend, tell My people how much I long to draw all of them to My Mother's Heart and to My Heart! I do this to the extent they allow Me to do so. The more My people come to Our Hearts, the more I empower them to love God and neighbor.
"I desire that all within the human family be united through deep bonds of love. Many refuse to enter into this union of love with their neighbor. That is why there is so much hatred and division in today's world between nations, within nations, within families, between individuals.
"There are, however, many of My people who, because of their growing union with Me, are increasing their capacity to love each other. There is being developed a strong core who are helping to spread love around the world. As these people dwell in Mary's Heart and My Heart, they are helping to bring about the great new era of the renewed Church and world. When the purification of Church and world is completed, this great era of peace and love, predicted by My Mother at Fatima, will be characterized by the triumph of her Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart, and love will pervade the earth as never before.
"I am Lord and Master. Listen to these words I am giving to you. Live these words! As you dwell in Mary's Heart and My Heart, love one another with the deepest love! I love My people with a tremendous love, and in this love I give them this message."
Reflection: In Christ, God calls us to the most profound union with the Persons of the Trinity and with each other. In The First Letter of John we see the enormity of this calling:
"We can be sure that we know God only by keeping his commandments. Anyone who says, 'I know him,' and does not keep his commandments, is a liar, refusing to admit the truth. But when anyone does obey what he has said, God's love comes to perfection in him. We can be sure that we are in God only when the one who claims to be living in him is living the same kind of life as Christ lived....
"Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the dark. But anyone who loves his brother is living in the light and need not be afraid of stumbling; unlike the man who hates his brother and is in the darkness, not knowing where he is going, because it is too dark to see" (1 John 2:3-11).
Mother of Our Christian Virtues
Mary: "My beloved priest-son, I wish all my children to come to my Immaculate Heart each day. I cooperate with the Holy Spirit in helping all my little ones to grow in the life of the Christian virtues. As my children dwell within my maternal Heart, the Holy Spirit leads them along the path of the virtues. Faith, hope, love, prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, humility, chastity, and the other virtues take deeper root in the hearts of my children. Above all, the queen of the virtues, love, increasingly rules the lives of my little ones.
"I am ever at the side of my children to help them grow in the life of the virtues. As I do so, I place them more deeply within the Heart of Jesus, the source of growth in all the virtues. The Holy Spirit, then, desires that my children dwell both within my Heart and Jesus' Heart. Within Our Hearts He clothes you with growth in the life of the virtues. The more you dwell in my Heart, the more ready you are for my placing you deeply within the Heart of Jesus where the Holy Spirit clothes you more and more with the splendor of all the virtues. Thus you grow in the likeness of Christ, and Jesus unites you more closely to the Father."
Reflection: Since Mary is our spiritual Mother, she has a special God-given role in helping us grow in the life of the Christian virtues. As she tenderly and lovingly leads us in the life of the virtues, she is our great model in how to follow Christ. She lived the Christian virtues perfectly. She is so eager to help us increasingly put on Christ through a more dynamic living of the Christian virtues, especially the virtue of love.
Work to Make Your World Better
Jesus: "My beloved companion, remind My people of their responsibility toward the world. They have a duty to try to make this a better world for all to live in.
"Today there is much which is wrong with the world. Sin covers the face of the earth. Sins of all kinds blemish the goodness of My Father's creation.
"However, My Mother and I are increasingly gathering our forces for the battle against Satan and his followers. We are more and more forming Our followers to wage the battle to win back that part of the world dominated by Satan's influence. We are forming our followers in the ways of love. We are forming Our followers with the grace which flows from the bosom of My Father, through My Heart, given in the Holy Spirit, and distributed through the intercession of the maternal and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
"We are forming Our followers to give themselves in the greatest love for God and neighbor. We are bringing them ever more closely to Our Hearts so that they may draw from the flames of love of My Heart and Mary's Heart! The more My followers dwell in Mary's Heart and My Heart, the more they are enlightened and strengthened to give themselves for the salvation of the world.
"I am Lord and Master. I ask all to follow Me and My Mother to help us bring forth the great age of love and peace for the world. This age will emerge after the phase of purification has been completed. This age will be characterized by the triumph of Mary's immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. In this great new age, soon to come, My people will love and praise My Father, with Mary and through Me and in the Holy Spirit, as never before!
"I love My people with a tremendous, burning love, and in this love I give them this message!"
Reflection: The world belongs to Christ. St. Paul tells us about this:
As he is the Beginning, he was first to be born from the dead, so that he should be first in every way, because God wanted all perfection to be found in him, and all things to be reconciled through him and for him, everything in heaven and everything on earth, when he made peace by his death on the cross (Colossians 1:18-20).
Since the world belongs to Christ, we, who are His followers, must have a great love for the world as created and redeemed by God. We must labor through our participation in the Mass and through all our other prayers and good works to more and more help the Christic image of the world to shine forth in ever greater splendor. This is our duty and our privilege. Out of love for God and neighbor, let's resolve to get on with the task!
end of excerpts
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Jesus: This is the picture I want in My messages. When you read these messages, look at My picture and know I love you. These messages are My words of love for each of you.
Open Anywhere
Love, Jesus
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
-God's Blue Book, January 17, 1994
From Blue Book V
October 1, 1994
God Calls Us to Love
John 13:34
I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another just as I have loved you.
Matthew 7:7
Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.
Dear Jesus, I stand at the door of Your Heart and knock to come in. I want entry - to be lost totally and entirely in Thee. I want to be sheltered inside of Your Heart and wrapped deeply in Your infinite love.Jesus:
I call you, child, to love. Love is rooted in Me. I gave My all for love of you. I held nothing back. Love gives freely for the good of the other. Love exists to draw the other closer to God. If your relationship with your brother in anyway separates you from God, it is not love.Love is not haughty, love does not demand its own way, love exists to lead the other to closer union with Me. I loved you to My death. I gave to you My all! I ask you to give your all for your beloved brothers. In loving them, you are loving Me. I live in your brothers. How can you love Me who you do not see, if you do not love your brother who you see.
I am the way. I am the truth. I am the life. I give that you will know Me and know how to love one another. Love your brothers as I have loved you. When they persecute you and holler every evil word against you, love them. This is My way - to lay down My life for My friends.
John 13:34
I give you a new commandment: love one another; you must love one another just as I have loved you.
And to those who heeded His words, their lives were lived in peace and love and they experienced joy in their hearts, for true love brings peace and true love gives joy to the heart of the beholder. It is in loving that you receive, it is in giving that you are rendered to and it is in following the way of Christ that we are led into a life of everlasting happiness.Jesus:
I have not gone. I live with you this day. I am in your brothers. Love them as I have loved you.Messenger:
And He sent them such blessings in such abundance and they knew a little of His unending mercy and love.
October 1, 1994
I Feed the Hungry Soul
Another person cannot feed your hungry soul. You search, you seek. Your starved soul craves only that which I can give. When your heart is searching for love, come, My sweet dear child, into My Heart. My Mother will take you to the deepest recesses of My Heart. There you will know such comfort - in My Heart on fire for love of you this day.You are a child of dignity. You are precious to Me. You are the creation of the Father. I gave the last drop of My blood for you. This is love - you need grace to realize the immenseness of God's love. You are so special to God, all three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Mary loves you so much.
You can never be satisfied on this earth. If you find the dearest mother, father, lover, friend, they will not fill you with the love your soul craves. To find Me is to seek Me. You will not be satisfied on this earth.
You, My child, experience longing for My intense love. I love you to want Me. This is how I long for love of each precious soul. I long for them with the most tender Heart, beating and breathing with fire. I never falter. I never grow dim. I am the same, with the same burning love. Come to Me and jump into My precious Heart. I love you so much.
October 2, 1994
You Are the Father’s Creation
I come to you in one another. Let not your hearts be hard, let your hearts be as little children, tender and pure. They do not hold grudges, they love each other, they love themselves.You are the creation of My beloved Father. You were created with such dignity and love. I died for you. I gave My life that you would share My life. Oh, My child, pray to the Holy Spirit to open your eyes, to let you see where you are blind, to open your hearts to the ways of God. Pray to Him to sanctify you.
You are called to be Christ to one another. Your hearts have turned hard. Your ways are not My ways. My way is always to love. My ways are to give. My ways are to see in your brother the creation of the Father, so beautiful, so uniquely created.
Each child is a gift from God to this world. Each child is a gift of unique love, given by the Father. You were uniquely created. You are so loved. Pray to know your specialness to God. It is in realizing His love for you that you will love your brothers.
We are all brothers in Christ. God is our Father. We are all one.Jesus:
Join, My little ones, in such love. It is in loving that you will be at peace. Love of each other creates joy in your hearts. Pray for the grace to know and love God more. It is in this knowledge and God's love that you will be My light that shines in the darkest night.I am the Way, I am the Truth. I am the Life! To live in Me you must come to know and love Me. Follow My ways. My ways are the ways of truth. My ways are not always the easy way, they are the ways of love.
If you are to be joined in your hearts, you must love every man. Every man is your brother. You must put on Christ in all your ways. Would Christ act as you are acting?
I love you so much. It is in meditating on My love for you that you will love your brothers.
I put you on this earth to love one another. Pray to the Spirit to know My ways. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I truly come to bring you new life. It is in Me you will have the light of life. I love you so, the Father loves you so, the Spirit wants to live in your hearts and make you alive with the love of God. Pray to Mary to lead you through her loving heart into such love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
My child, come to My ever burning Heart. I do not love you one moment and forget you the next. I am forever burning brightly for you. I never falter. I am forever on fire for love of you. If you forget Me, I never ever forget you, I love you so much.
October 4, 1994
These Messages Need to Circulate
My dear children, I tell you to listen to Me here. I am delivering messages for all to be read and distributed. Souls need to read these messages. Your Center will grow in love of Me when you circulate these messages. I ask. You have a free will. These are My letters of love to all. They are not being read. I deliver these messages to you to deliver to My faithful ones. Please, I beg you to circulate My messages. What more do I say to you!This world is moving further and further from Me. I control your every breath. Do you think you are independent of He Who keeps you alive, second by second?
You do not know how truly frail you are? You do not control the air, the water, the sun, your food. You are dependent on Me for your existence, second by second.
I am your Most loving Savior. I speak to you here. Please listen to Me. This is an urgent request. I love you so and love each hurting soul. All the Blue Books have different messages. They speak to all of you. They need to be published. I will provide the funds to see to this. Your delays are stopping the progress of so many returning to My most intimate love. I beg you, please answer My plea.
October 4, 1994
Come to My Waiting Arms
My child, My eyes are watching you. You sit in front of Me in the tabernacle where I am exposed and you kneel in front of Me. I am no less present than when I hung from the cross.My eyes looked to the heavens above to behold the glimpses of My dear Mother under My cross. My eyes saw it all. I saw the hatred, the anger in their eyes as they came for Me to scourge Me. Such deep darkness in their souls - the bottomless pit of darkness! These eyes of Mine beheld My dear Mother, close by My side on Calvary. To see her suffering! My eyes watched as I so horribly suffered Myself. My eyes watch you, My beloved, kneel in front of Me here and know how My Heart forever beats with such love for you and you do not realize this love.
My eyes watch My beloved ones suffer so. Many sufferings made by their own willfulness to do what they choose and not what I tell them. My eyes watch My beloved ones suffer and I do not interfere with their free will. But, My eyes watch them with the same love that led Me to death on the cross.
Think of My eyes watching you. Know how I am present to you in your hearts. I am so close to you, My dearly beloved ones! If you only knew how your life depends on My constant care for you!
Your every breath is dependent on Me. Oh, little blind earth, when will you come to My waiting arms? When will you see this God Who loves you so dearly? What do I need to do to show you My love? Open up your closed hearts. Pray for grace. Come and sit with Me in front of the tabernacle. Attend the Mass. Receive communion. My grace I pour out to you to know and love Me more. If you do not come, you are missing such graces! Love your brothers. You receive graces through your good works. You will grow in your love and knowledge of Me as you cooperate with this grace I pour out to you.
Oh, little one, you need to come to Me. The devil is so strong. You need the grace I pour out to you to grow in holiness. You need the Spirit to sanctify you. Oh, I love you so. Do not give into satan to trip you up and get you focused on his nonsense. I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, am in your midst this very day and I am forever watching you.
The eyes that watch me as I sit here with Him! He is watching me with such love! The Father is with me with such love. The Spirit is within me, moving within me to make me grow in holiness. Oh, please God, I want to grow in love and knowledge of You. I love You so much!They constantly accused Jesus and persecuted Him with such accusations. He showed us the way. He was silent. He did not argue. They clothed Him many times and made Him change His garments. Jesus was the little innocent lamb led to the slaughter. He yielded to them, and they stripped Him and persecuted Him. He did all this for love of us. He was silent. Are we silent when satan tries to attack us through others? Does it do any good to answer an angry attack? He was silent to His death on the cross. He loved those who persecuted Him. He yielded to their treatment. He was the victim being led to the slaughter.
The Father loved us so much He gave His only Son up to death with such persecution! He loves us so much this very day. He sees the creationHe has made and He loves His creation so much. We are so loved by the Father.
I am the Way. I am the Truth. I am the Life. I am Jesus, come to you this day, exposed here in the Eucharist. I give you Myself out of such love. I yielded to all their insults and persecution that ended in My death. I remain in such love for you this day.What more do I say to you? I love you so much. Study My passion and see the love I gave for you. Oh, dear one, you are so loved!
October 5, 1994
God the Father Loves Me
Father, I adore You. I lay my life before You, how I love You. I have been realizing the Father's love so much this morning and the Gospel reading was on the "Our Father".Prayer:
Father, you created me with such tender uniqueness and love. You have a plan for my life. Father, I give myself entirely to You. I give You my life.
The concept of the Father and His tremendous love makes me feel so warm inside. He is a loving Father that created us and gave His only Son for us. He loves us so much. To realize His love and Jesus' love and the Holy Spirit's love makes my heart feel so very full and warm inside.
All the love I have yearned for seems to fill me when I realize how He is forever guarding and watching and loving and caring for me. He is my loving Father. No person on this earth can give me this paternal love as He, God, gives to me!
It is in surrendering my whole self in the Mass that I am free. I offer myself to the Father with Jesus. What a sacrifice! What freedom and love for me!
The freedom comes in living only for the love of my precious God. I act for love of my beloved Jesus. If satan tries to taunt me, I focus on why I live, I live to love Jesus, and show His love in me.
I fall so short, but I constantly keep trying to focus on the oneness of the one Triune God. God is in me. God dwelling in me gives me my peace.
Jesus stood His passion and death. He knew the Father's love. Jesus died in perfect peace! No one can ever take away my union with God. That is what gives me peace and joy - realizing the love God has for me and I have for God! Love is the answer. Love is the answer to peace and joy. Love centered in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit — Words are too weak to explain it. We are so blessed to have the love of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
A child needs love. The Father loves us so much. As the little child that sits on their Father's lap, I know the Father pours out His love to me. So many of us did not get the love we needed from our earthly fathers even though they meant to love us. The Father loves us so perfectly, our heavenly Father. He created us. God loved us so much to give us life. He made us and He loves us. He loves us with the dearest love. He loves all He creates. We are His beloved children. Go to the Father. He loves us so much.
The Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
I give myself totally over to the Father as a little child does to their father, always sure of His great love for me. Total surrender in the Mass. Jesus gave Himself as a sacrifice. I give the Father my life. I am the child, He is my loving Father. I entrust my life to my "Dad".
My beloved Father, I see Him as my Father as a little child might sit on their father's lap and put their head on the father's chest. The Father is not harsh. He is loving and approving. He loves me. He made me. He gives me His love. He accepts the love I give to Him. There is no wall, there is union. I am His beloved child. He loves me, He made me...such bonding with my beloved Father!
You are, Rita, the child of My Father. He loves you as the most loving Father. He is God. You cannot even fathom the love He pours out to you! He wants you to be all He created you to be. He gave you so many gifts and talents to do His work. He wants you to use these talents and do His work, His plan, He makes clear to you in your heart. As a child that follows their parent's commands, you are not happy when you do not follow His will. He loves you so much. He wills what is best for you.And you, My little one, will be with Him some day in such union in heaven. Today you must pray to grow in His love. It is the key to your peace and joy. It is in realizing His plan and His love that you will have this great peace inside, He dwells within your heart. Turn to Him always, your beloved Father - He loves you so much!
To think of the love of the Holy Spirit, I want to cry. It fills me so much. I am engulfed in such fullness. To ponder the love of the Holy Spirit makes me feel so full in my love for God the love I have for the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I feel overwhelmed to the point of tears. I feel His life burning inside of me as if I could burst. I am filled with such love I cannot express it, I am filled ——Think of Mary when she cried out the Magnificat and when the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost!
The presence of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit within me make me want to shout for joy. This is the Good News: Jesus has died, He has risen. God lives: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in our hearts, with such love this very day! This is what it is all about. This is what we live for. This is what we die for. This is the one, Triune God within us. What shouts of exultation for Their presence within. God is with us - we know God in one another and in His creation.
You will know peace, love and joy as you grow in your knowledge and love of the one, Triune God. Such fullness, through Mary!Messenger:
I feel as if I am flying high with Their immense love within me. To know God is to love God. He is love. The Holy Spirit sets me on fire, our Blessed Lady takes me to her Son. Impart to me, Oh Spirit, Your love and the Fire of this love, active and alive within my very soul! I know God within me, I know God's burning love within my very soul.Alleluia, Alleluia!
October 6, 1994
A Song from Jesus
I came as a little child. I was born that you would have life. I came as a little child. I lived. I loved. I preached. I showed you the way. My Mother cared for Me and all My needs. St. Joseph raised Me as a father who cared for his child.Messenger:
I came. I find joy and peace in love. I must love all my brothers. Who am I that God loves me? The more I focus on His love, the greater my peace. I must feel His presence within me at all times. I must let Him operate me when I am with others.Messenger:
A Song from Jesus was given October 7, 1994.On October 7, 1994, Jesus told me to write a song to be sung after Communion for a Mass at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center on October 8, 1994. I told Him I couldn't write music. He said, "You will not do it, I will." My daughter and I sat at the piano bench and in five minutes Jesus gave me the words and music to
A Song from Jesus. This is His love song to you.
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Focusing on the Word$10.00
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Feed My Soul$10.00
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Tell My People |
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Spirituality Handbook
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The Love of the Hearts of
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The Fire of His Love$10.00
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So Deep Is the Love of His Heart$5.00
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Love God, Love One Another
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He Calls Us to Action$10.00
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Call Shepherds of Christ
Likewise the priest house
is 150 years old.
Jesus told us to repair it
which we have been doing.
We need $13,000.00 for this work.
Crucifix — hand carved by Felix
Available for $750.00
Brand New Internet Store