Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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September 10th Holy Spirit Novena Scripture selection is Day 2 Period 2. |
The Novena Rosary Mystery for September 10th is Sorrowful. |
Excerpt from September 5, 2001 Rosary - Clearwater, Florida
The Ascension
Message after the glory be:
Jesus speaks:
Oh My children, it is love,
it is love that I desire,
and yet you are caught up in so
many of your things, in your ways,
and what you must do.
And you cannot control all the events
in your life no matter how hard you try,
and I am teaching you every day,
more and more every day.
I am teaching you in the trials that you
are permitted to undergo.
And many times, the very lesson that I
want to teach you, you do not learn,
for you try to alleviate the suffering or
the trial that I send to you, and I have to
send it again and again and again.
Oh My children, if you want the reign of peace
there must be peace in your own hearts.
You must seek for peace. In consecrating
your hearts to My Heart and the heart of
My Mother, you will live more and more
in peace.
Let go and surrender.
The rule I give to you tonight is to let go
and surrender, to pray the Our Father
and beg God to help you to be able
to live in His will, to pray for grace
that you will know more and more
what God's will is for you, for this
will bring you happiness.
It will be hard on you to live your life,
if you are at the helm and you are trying
to do it your way which is against God's
Many problems that many have are because
they want things their way and they will not
surrender nor accept the things the way
that God wills them to be.
And yet it is the way to happiness,
and say with all your heart,
"Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed
be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us and lead us not into
temptation but deliver us from evil, Amen."
end of excerpt from September 5, 2001 Rosary
Pictures from September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
September 5, 2001
A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
September 9, 2001
Messenger: Today the Mass
was so powerful.
I had listened to Father Carter read the following
excerpt for the 20 page Priestly Newsletter
An Overview of the Spiritual Life.
Excerpt from Newsletter 2000 Issue 3
53Gustave Thils gives a very good description of some of the key elements of the mystical life: "It has been said, quite accurately, that Christianity is basically mystical. As we have explained, to live as a Christian is to participate in the very life of God and to perform our temporal task according to the indications of His divine will. Every Christian will understand, without difficulty, that this participation in the divine life is, of its very nature, the mystical life in germ. What could be more mystical than the very life of God? What other foundation for mysticism could we desire? What other source of mysticism could we expect? And, on the other hand, how could a Christian say that he is in the state of grace and deny that he is on the way to the Christian mystical life? Certainly, there is mysticism and mysticism. But the essential will always be incontestably the participation in the life of God. Every Christian is, consequently, rich with the very foundation of all mysticism.
"This divine foundation can be found in a Christian who is still physically and morally a child. In this case, one cannot yet speak of Christian mysticism. Mysticism requires, in a general way, the realization of the ... presence of God. First of all, the mystical life implies a certain form of consciousness: a realization of presence, an intimate connection, a deep certitude, an interior evidence, an intuition ... experience, which are employed with all the nuances and all the precisions given by the spiritual authors, and the object of this consciousness: the Transcendent Being, the Lord and Master of the supernatural order, the God Who is love.
"This realization of ... presence manifests itself in the ... life of faith, hope and charity. Many of the faithful have been able to live it at certain moments of their existence, in very brief fashion, but really; some after they have gone to Holy Communion; others in the course of a visit to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament; others on the occasion of a liturgical ceremony, an ordination, a consecration; still others in the solitude of their home, in joy, in suffering, in mourning. If we must avoid speaking lightly of mysticism, it is also important not to underestimate certain minor transitory forms of true and authentic mysticism. In order that one might be able to speak of the mystical life, it is necessary that this realization of the presence of God become habitual. It must be customary, easily found again, met within the course of one’s daily existence, taken up again as soon as the mind is active, and easily enlivened in joy, even during periods of darkness or of aridity in faith.
"In order that the Christian life reach the mystical level, this habitual realization of the...presence of God must be predominant ...
"The realization of the ... presence of God, which is habitual and predominant: this is what we will henceforth call the mystical level of the Christian life. We dare not say that many Christians are at this point. But certain persons are at this point ..."
Between the occasional realization of God’s presence and the habitual and predominant realization of His presence there are all the stages and all the degrees.
The mystical process is one in which God more and more takes possession of the soul. The person becomes increasingly docile to the workings of the Holy Spirit. The predominant realization of God’s presence leads to a deepened desire to do the Father’s will in all things, thorough Christ, in the Holy Spirit, with the maternal assistance of Mary.
The mystical process is very much Christ-centered. The person becomes increasingly transformed in Christ. When the mystical experience becomes consistent and predominant, the person can say with the deepest meaning: I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me. The life that I am now living, subject to the limitation of human nature, I am living in faith, faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. (Ga 2:19-20)
3. Gustave Thils, Christian Holiness, Lunnoo Publishers, pp. 556-558.end of excerpt from Newsletter 2000 Issue 3
September 9, 2001 message continues
It is hard to describe the depth I felt united to
God in the Mass after hearing this excerpt.
Father Carter said
" live as a Christian is to participate in the very
life of God..."
He continues "What could be more mystical than
the very life of God?"
Ponder this thought "to participate in the very
life of God."
This statement and the graces given to me in the Mass helped
me to be so deeply one with Our Divine God at Mass. The
experience of the ecstasies I have had brought me once again
into this deep union with God. My heart burned so deep
within me to be so united to Our Divine God in the Mass.
I thirst and I long for Him with the deepest desire. I
want Him and I want Him deeper and deeper. I thirst for
the knowledge about Him. I long to be in the deepest union
with Him. I long for the moments when I have been in those
places, places I know in red and golden hues of ecstasy when
I know the presence of God. He envelopes me in His Divine
embrace and I experience the rapture of existing so intimately
in Him and being so aware of how it truly is. The veil is lifted
and I see so clearly and I know the reality of His existence.
I am wrapped in His embrace, I know Him and His truths,
my fear vanishes and I am so united to God pleading
and begging for the deepest union of the one I desire,
I experience joy at this moment and longing for this
to never end.
In listening to the tapes where
Father Carter talks about the mystical life
this triggers a burning in my heart from the
experiences of deepest intimacy I have
experienced with God and my heart is
filled with joy for the reality that "this is
indeed real and how truly wonderful it is."
We receive the gift God gives to us at Mass
through the hands of the consecrated priest.
It is so awesome that the Almighty God gives
Himself to us.
I write now so many hours after the Mass,
but I cannot write what I experienced or the great
beauty of it all. It is so far beyond this pen
and my paper and yet the reality of this place
He takes me is so real and so wonderful. The
place of knowing so deeply the Mass and being
so one with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The intimate experience of knowing Him and
the splendor of it all.
And my heart pants to have Him more and more,
deeper and deeper for all eternity. I long to be
completely satisfied in heaven. I want Him and
I want to know all there is to know. And yet
knowledge of Him I experience deep within my
soul. It is not like bookish knowledge where one
acquires knowledge of a subject mostly in their
mind, but it is impregnated in my soul and I
experience Him so deeply, the knowledge is in
me as an intellectual vision and a reality of it as
truth, so deeply having more insight into the
hidden mystery of existing in Him.
The mystical life and so you may understand
more why this statement
"to live as a Christian is to participate in the
very life of God," makes my heart burn.
This is real to me.
This is my journey here.
To mature more and more as I live my life
deeper and deeper knowing more insight
into the hidden mysteries of my God and
the mystery of His love.
I have seen some who have experienced God so
deeply with a union with Him from daily communion
and time before the tabernacle and then let that
relationship with Jesus slip behind.
They search endlessly to fill their weary heart
that was once deeply fed by Him in the Eucharist.
They are like a man on a desert searching for
One love relationship with a human man after
another leaves them empty and they expect that
human man to fill that craving they possess
for the Divine God.
The Divine God, when He gives Himself
most intimately to a soul, allows him to
experience a reality of knowing His Divine
Love so intimately that no human person
can ever fill.
Thirsting, longing, wanting, craving that
once hungry heart that knew God so intimately,
the person moves on with intense restlessness
that no one could ever describe.
Can you imagine the souls in hell that will
never know His love or anyone's love.
We the creatures were created by the Creator
for love. The more we become one in Him
the greater our capacity to love.
He saturates our soul with His grace when
we go to the Eucharist and sit before the
tabernacle. He outpours His life to us.
Look at the graced soul. God fills the soul
with His grace the more one seeks Him
with love in the Eucharist and before the
We want to be filled with His grace.
This is my light. I look at the pictures
of September 5, 2001 where Jesus usually appears
in the bottom left corner. There has been a
light that looks like a fire and then the
gold begins to spread up over the image.
September 5, 2001
September 9, 2001 message continues
Look at the pictures of the 5th and see if
September 9, 2001 message continues
Messenger: I
tried to explain the Heart I saw to Harold Kellner to draw
but actually the white filled a big portion inside of the
heart. It describes to me the white heat of His love
as Father Carter called it so many times.
But in the great visions I saw - 3 in 1996,
the light I saw was a great light and the picture
with the light on the left is really not bright like
this light I saw in 1996 at all, but it reminds me
of it as I write here.
When Jesus was transfigured at Holy Cross-Immaculata,
A mystical light has a depth of intensity so deep
in light and yet it is not like looking at the
glaring sun that hurts my eyes, but
when I see light and look away my eyes are effected
by the brightness of the light. The mystical light
although so intense is soft on my eyes.
The night I received the message September 5, 2001
I was in a state of ecstasy. The message was delivered by
Him to you and it accompanies the great
gift God gave us in the pictures. There was
something very special there. There were many
discourses that we hope to publish. I am
used as an instrument of God in a live rosary
to deliver a message. What I do there is directed
by Him as He speaks through me.
I have recall to deliver the experiences
I have had when I write these messages. Visions
and messages, dates are implanted deeply
in my soul. I can remember the experiences as
if I just went through them.
He tells me what to write every day. I have the
recall I need.
He told me that the dates would prove the
validity of the messages.
I am a messenger. I write to tell you how I
have experienced Our God through mystical
revelations and experiences.
He lifts me up and I see with a vision I
cannot describe. He lifts the veil and I know
Him, I experience Him and His presence deep
within me. I write as a mystic, one who has
received deep insights into the hidden mysteries,
one who has experienced so much and
He told me to write about it.
When He would "sweep me off my feet" embracing me
with His loving embrace after communion
and I wanted to just be in that moment,
He told me to write and I wrote and that
is why the Mass Book I exists, I wrote
when I experienced Him so deeply. When I felt
it was so unnatural to move, but just to
be He gave me the grace to write for it
was for those He loved I was to write for.
Oh the fire I see, is the fire of His love.
September 5, 2001
September 9, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Here is a picture from September 5, 2001.
And They spread a golden glow over
the image of Mary and we see
what He wanted us to see here
in the pictures below.
Oh the mystical life. I want Him and I want deeper
insight into the hidden mysteries.
It is in believing that beyond there is a
place more glorious than we can ever
imagine that we will have real joy
in our hearts.
Joy is in Him.
Joy is in the Savior.
In reading Father Carter's books and these messages,
in listening especially to the tapes of Father Carter
and the live rosaries, Jesus takes
us deeply into His Heart and reveals
insights into the hidden mysteries.
Our thirst is quenched.
This is reality.
God is and
He is Divine.
We are human beings.
In baptism our knowing and loving capacity is
elevated to greater levels.
God is love.
If we really want to know about love -
If we really want to know about our hearts -
If we really want our thirsty hearts to be
filled with that which it craves -
We have to go to Him.
He is real.
He is God.
Read this again
The Mystical Life from the 20 page Newsletter
Continue reading the rest of the Newsletter
Heart of Christ,
Heart of Mary
The Theology of Consecration
We include all this here again as Fr. Carter
wrote it in the Newsletter
Excerpt from Newsletter 2000 Issue 3
53Gustave Thils gives a very good description of some of the key elements of the mystical life: "It has been said, quite accurately, that Christianity is basically mystical. As we have explained, to live as a Christian is to participate in the very life of God and to perform our temporal task according to the indications of His divine will. Every Christian will understand, without difficulty, that this participation in the divine life is, of its very nature, the mystical life in germ. What could be more mystical than the very life of God? What other foundation for mysticism could we desire? What other source of mysticism could we expect? And, on the other hand, how could a Christian say that he is in the state of grace and deny that he is on the way to the Christian mystical life? Certainly, there is mysticism and mysticism. But the essential will always be incontestably the participation in the life of God. Every Christian is, consequently, rich with the very foundation of all mysticism.
"This divine foundation can be found in a Christian who is still physically and morally a child. In this case, one cannot yet speak of Christian mysticism. Mysticism requires, in a general way, the realization of the ... presence of God. First of all, the mystical life implies a certain form of consciousness: a realization of presence, an intimate connection, a deep certitude, an interior evidence, an intuition ... experience, which are employed with all the nuances and all the precisions given by the spiritual authors, and the object of this consciousness: the Transcendent Being, the Lord and Master of the supernatural order, the God Who is love.
"This realization of ... presence manifests itself in the ... life of faith, hope and charity. Many of the faithful have been able to live it at certain moments of their existence, in very brief fashion, but really; some after they have gone to Holy Communion; others in the course of a visit to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament; others on the occasion of a liturgical ceremony, an ordination, a consecration; still others in the solitude of their home, in joy, in suffering, in mourning. If we must avoid speaking lightly of mysticism, it is also important not to underestimate certain minor transitory forms of true and authentic mysticism. In order that one might be able to speak of the mystical life, it is necessary that this realization of the presence of God become habitual. It must be customary, easily found again, met within the course of one’s daily existence, taken up again as soon as the mind is active, and easily enlivened in joy, even during periods of darkness or of aridity in faith.
"In order that the Christian life reach the mystical level, this habitual realization of the...presence of God must be predominant ...
"The realization of the ... presence of God, which is habitual and predominant: this is what we will henceforth call the mystical level of the Christian life. We dare not say that many Christians are at this point. But certain persons are at this point ..."
Between the occasional realization of God’s presence and the habitual and predominant realization of His presence there are all the stages and all the degrees.
The mystical process is one in which God more and more takes possession of the soul. The person becomes increasingly docile to the workings of the Holy Spirit. The predominant realization of God’s presence leads to a deepened desire to do the Father’s will in all things, thorough Christ, in the Holy Spirit, with the maternal assistance of Mary.
The mystical process is very much Christ-centered. The person becomes increasingly transformed in Christ. When the mystical experience becomes consistent and predominant, the person can say with the deepest meaning: I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me. The life that I am now living, subject to the limitation of human nature, I am living in faith, faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. (Ga 2:19-20)
Pope John Paul II speaks to us movingly concerning the Heart of Christ: "The Heart of the Redeemer enlivens the whole Church and draws men who have opened their hearts ‘to the inscrutable wealth’ of this unique Heart....
"I desire in a special way to join spiritually with all those who inspire their human hearts from this Divine Heart. It is a numerous family. Not a few congregations, associations and communities live and develop in the Church, taking their vital energy in a programmed way from the Heart of Christ. This spiritual bond always leads to a great reawakening of apostolic zeal. Adorers of the Divine Heart become people with sensitive consciences. And when it is given to them to have a relationship with the Heart of our Lord and Master, the need also reawakens in them to do reparation for the sins of the world, for the indifference of so many hearts, for their negligence.
"How necessary these ranks of vigilant hearts are in the Church, so that the love of the Divine Heart shall not remain isolated and without response! In these ranks, special mention deserves to be made of all those who offer up their sufferings as living victims in union with the Heart of Christ pierced on the cross. Transformed in that way by love, human suffering becomes a particular leaven of Christ’s saving work in the Church…
"The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus reminds us, above all, of those moments when this Heart was ‘pierced by the lance,’ and, thereby, opened in a visible manner to man and the world. By reciting the litany and venerating the Divine Heart in general, we learn the mystery of the Redemption in all its divine and human profundity."
And the Pope also speaks to us about the heart of Mary: "The Immaculate Heart of Mary was open to the word, ‘Woman, there is your son.’ It went to meet spiritually the Heart of the Son opened by the soldier’s lance. The heart of Mary was opened by the same love for man and for the world with which Christ loved man and the world, offering up himself on the cross, even to that lance stroke from the soldier.
"Consecrating the world to the Immaculate heart of Mary means approaching the same Source of Life, through the Mother’s Intercession, that life which flowed forth from Golgatha, the source which gushes out ceaselessly with redemption and grace. Reparation for the sins of the world is continually being accomplished in it. It is ceaselessly the font of new life and holiness.
"Consecrating the world to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother means returning under the Cross of the Son. More: it means consecration of this world to the pierced Heart of the Savior, by bringing the world back to the very source of its Redemption. Redemption is always greater than man’s sin and ‘the sin of the world.’ The power of Redemption infinitely surpasses the whole range of evil in man and in the world.
"The Heart of the Mother is aware of it, more than anyone in the whole cosmos, visible and invisible. This is why she calls. She does not call only to conversion; she also calls upon us to let ourselves be helped by her, the Mother, to return to the source of the Redemption."54
A. Boussard gives an extremely fine and concise sketch of the theology of consecration:
"By the Incarnation, in and of itself, the Humanity of Jesus is consecrated, so that in becoming Man, Jesus is ipso facto constituted Savior, Prophet, King, Priest, and Victim of the One Sacrifice that was to save the world. He is the ‘Anointed’, par excellence, the ‘Christ’ totally belonging to God, His Humanity being that of the Word and indwelled by the Holy Spirit. When, by a free act of His human will, He accepts what He is, doing what He was sent to do, He can say that He consecrates ‘Himself’. In Christ, therefore, what might be called His ‘subjective’ consecration is a perfect response to the ‘objective’ consecration produced in His Humanity through the Incarnation.
"And what Christ does brings with it a ‘consecration’ for His disciples, a very special belonging to God, since He imparts to them His own life precisely by making them participate in His own consecration.
"Through Baptism Christians also are consecrated and ‘anointed’ by the power of the Spirit. They share, in their measure, in the essential consecration of Christ, in His character of King, Priest, and Prophet (cf. 1 Peter 2:9; 7 Peter 1:3-4; Rev. 5:9, etc.). With Christ and through Christ, they are ‘ordered’ to the glory of God and the salvation of the world. They do not belong to themselves. They belong to Christ the Lord, who imparts His own life to them…
"The vocation of those who have been baptized is to ‘live’ this consecration by a voluntary adherence—and one that is as perfect as possible—to what it has made of them. Living as ‘children of God’, they fulfill subjectively their objective consecration; like Jesus, they consecrate themselves. This is the deeper meaning of vows and baptismal promises, together with the actual way of life corresponding to them. The baptismal consecration is the fundamental one, constitutive of the Christian. All consecrations which come after it presuppose and are rooted in it…"55
Gustave Thils, Christian Holiness, Lunnoo Publishers, pp. 556-558.
54. Pope John Paul II. Prayers and
edited by Bishop Peter Canuis
Johannes Van Lierde, Viking, pp. 449-451.
55. A. Boussard in Dictionary of Mary, Catholic Book Publishing
Co., pp. 54-55.
end of excerpt from Newsletter 2000 Issue 3
September 9, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Please pray the prayers Jesus has given us.
Listening to a tape of Father Carters 5-10 minutes a day.
Listening to a live rosary.
Writing our feeling letter to Jesus
and Reading the Blue Book Messages
will help us grow more deeply in this
interior life.
The devil will keep working if we don't take the
time to do interior things and we will
miss those things we desire most.
The joy, the peace, the love given to others,
comes from a deep oneness with Him
He gives us the above aids and He has promised
He will attach much grace to take us
deeper into His Heart from doing the things
He promises when we pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers,
He will take us deeper into His
Heart and deeper into His Mothers Heart.
This is the message He gave to Father Carter.
~ July 31, 1994 ~
Words of Jesus to Members of Shepherds of Christ Associates:
"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
—> "I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)
end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter
September 9, 2001 message continues
Messenger: The devil will keep working.
We can be so blinded like the blindman we
don't even see.
I see the lights of heaven, it takes intimate
time with God.
The Eucharist is a gift given to us.
God is truly present, no less present that
the day He walked the earth.
I was going through the Book Rosaries From
the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in large print,
doing it made my heart burn and
I feel like I am in love with Him
as a young lover, a bride from
using the meditations on the rosary.
He is the bridegroom.
We are the bride.
He is here and truly present in the Eucharist.
Our priests are so important to us.
For a retreat come to China
September 12 - September 14
Mass September 12 - 12:30-1:00 China time
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
until September 14 about 12:00-12:30
end with a Mass
for Nursing homes and elderly
September 13 - Shepherds of Christ
Prayers and Holy Spirit Novena
Big rosary begins 12:00 China time
book signing
Nursing home I video available
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
PO Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791