Mass Book
Shepherds of Christ Publications
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This book is published by Shepherds of Christ Publications, a subsidiary of Shepherds of Christ Ministries, a tax exempt religious public charitable association organized to foster devotion to the Two Hearts, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
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Copyright © 1997 Shepherds of Christ Ministries
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First Printing: September, 1997
This is the first of a series of books.
I dedicate this book to my beloved Jesus, to my Mother Mary, and to my Spiritual Director Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.
This is a labor of love. I present this book to My loving Father in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus with My Mother Mary at my side.
The author acknowledges the use of excerpts from the following materials:
Scripture texts used in this work are taken from The New Jerusalem Bible, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1990.
Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J., The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, Milford: Faith Publishing Co. 1994.
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven, Rockford: TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983.
Fr. Edward J. Carter
John Weickert
Cathy Ring
Ellen Sartori
Harold Kellner
Diane Kellner
Debby Kellner
Andrew Weber
APPENDIX A (Handbook Prayers)
APPENDIX B (How to order Shepherds of Christ Materials)
A great many of my journal accounts were written between 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This book is to help us to unite more deeply to the greatest sacrifice there is on this earth this day. This book is to help us to be joined in this one sacrifice all over this world. This book is to help us to live according to the Father's plan as children of God, as one body in Him. As we consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as we dwell within Their Hearts, They live in us in this world today. We are the lights to this world. Our hearts are lighted with the power of "...the light of the world...", (Jn. 8:12) Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. When we dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we are plugged in and shine with His burning love. We are caught in love's embrace. The Father looks at this world, and He sees the darkness. His little children consecrated to Mary's and Jesus' Hearts are the lights shining in the dark world.
As the Shepherds of Christ Movement moves across the land and more and more of God's children join the fold, more and more hearts will be lighted with the fire of God's love. We will help to bring about that era in which there will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be an era of peace in which the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign. The Shepherds of Christ Movement exists to help in the renewal of the Church and the world. We are saturated with grace when we dwell in Their Hearts. We are being used to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of the Sacred Heart. We want to be deeply united to Jesus' Heart and to Mary's heart as we go ever closer to the Father in the Holy Spirit.
This is not a complete study on the Mass. I am not a theologian. I am accounting here my personal experiences on my journey into the Heart of Jesus. I am not an English major. I majored in math and taught this subject in high school and mostly in college. I am a house-wife and mother of four. I have been married for 27 years. I write this book because I want to share my love for my beloved Jesus. I love the Eucharist and the Mass so much. I want to write about that. I am accounting my experiences in the Mass and before the tabernacle. Many experiences in this particular book were received at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church in Mt. Adams and during Holy Mass.
Under the guidance of my spiritual director, Fr. Edward J. Carter, S.J., I have accounted my experiences here. He is a major part of all of my enlightenments. I am most grateful for all his gifts and time he has shared with me. This book, which contains my daily journal experiences, is a joint effort of his guidance and my accounting these experiences.
This book, I hope, will lead you more deeply into the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary, our Mother, through her pure and Immaculate Heart. I hope it will help you to love God more and more through the Mass and the Eucharist. I love you. Rita.
January 2, 1997
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen."
"The grace of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."
God pours out His grace in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is the greatest gift when God gives Himself to us.
We share with God His life, given to us abundantly in the Mass.
He gives Himself to us and we give ourselves to Him. The great love affair between God and man: His Holy Mass.
The priest is another Christ to us. It is Christ present, through the priest, celebrating the Mass. We must see Christ in the priest, see Him celebrate the Mass, see His beautiful brown hair, His gentle face, see Him, our Savior. This Jesus Christ that came was born an infant and gave Himself to His death on the cross that we would share His life. See Him now in the Mass, giving Himself in the greatest gift of all. He gives us His divine love and His divine life.
Oh, we thank You for Your life. We know Jesus died and rose and gave us a sharing in His holy life. His life is now abundantly poured, as a fountain to us, especially in the Mass.
Then we hear His word. Let the word of God penetrate our being. Let us feel this Living Word of God. As a two-edged sword, it comes forth with such conviction and love and it penetrates the souls of the faithful with such love. It is food indeed, food for our soul.
He is the Good Shepherd. He speaks to us. He gives us all we want. "Yahweh is my shepherd, I lack nothing." (Ps. 23:1)
He gives us green pastures, and His water pours out and refreshes us. He outpours His grace as a fountain to feed us with His life.
He is a just God, good and kind, all loving, for He is Love. We want for nothing for He outpours His love and His life to us in the Mass. We feast on His Body and Blood and are fed with His Word. We become one in Him and He shares Himself with us.
It is through the Mass celebrated by the hands of a holy priest that we will experience the Mass the way Christ intends. These writings are insights which hopefully will help lead you to the spring of life-giving water, the fountain of love and life He outpours in the Mass.
There will be a new earth when men will see with the light of seven suns. They will know God. A people walking in darkness will see a great light. They will no longer be blind, they will be enlightened, they will love God with the greatest love in the Mass. They will feast on His Body and Blood and will be united as one body in His holy Church through His life given to us in the Eucharist.
We will drink copiously from the fountain of grace which He pours out in the Mass. We will be filled with His love, absorbed with the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and feasting on His divine life.
We see with the vision of God. We partake in such a union with God. We see with the light the Spirit gives to us. The priest celebrates the Mass and we know God with such an intense knowing in this union. We are saturated with His life flowing from the hands of His consecrated priest.
And I look at Him, the priest, and I see Jesus there. I see Him giving Himself to Me. I see the new and Holy City. I see with such clarity the great gift that God gives to us in the Mass!
We learn how to love in the Mass, for we unite to God. He gives us such an intimate sharing in His divine love that we carry His love out to the world. In this union we know His loving to an intense degree and we carry this love out to others. We share in an intense way in His divine act of loving. He, Who is love, gives Himself to us and we are absorbed in His love and we know intensely how God loves. We are filled with love for God and for each other, for, in the oneness He is loving through us. He gives us lights into His loving capacity and we know His loving power in an intensity we did not know before.
We then pray. We offer up our intentions for this Mass. It is now we who intercede to Him to outpour His grace on us and help us with these intentions.
We pray for this reign of peace when the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and men will fervently love and adore God with burning love. We pray for all souls and the Church and we beg for His help, His love, His grace.
We offer ourselves as a sacrifice. We offer the bread that will become the bread of life.
The priest mixes the water and the wine and we realize how His Divinity mixes with our humanity.
We offer the wine that will become our spiritual drink-His blood.
I give myself to Him and I beg to be cleansed of my sins with the washing of the hands.
"May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the praise and glory of His name, for our good and the good of all His Church."
We ask Him to accept the gifts we want to give Him, we give Him thanks, we lift up our hearts in thanks and praise and we sing out:
"Holy, Holy God, of power and might..." we sing Him praise and thank Him-oh, God we love Thee so much."
My heart is so filled with such awe. I cry because I love Him so much.
Every word in the Mass, I love. The priest consecrates the host and changes it into the Body and Blood of Christ.
Oh, it makes me cry for I am so struck with awe at what happens at the Consecration. I unite in the oneness with the priest, with Christ and with all present, with heaven and earth. I am one in that moment, united in the sacrifice of Christ giving Himself to the Father.
This is the moment when I unite in such oneness with Christ in the purity of Mary's heart. I give myself as a sacrifice. I offer myself to the Father.
The Father looks down and He sees us united to His Son's Sacrifice. It is in this oneness that His grace is outpoured on us, that we die to that which is not like Him and that the Holy Spirit works in the heart of Mary and fills us with His life.
I am in ecstasy as I realize more and more the great gift of love that God gives us in His holy Mass. I am taken to such heights, being wrapped in the presence of God. It is rapture, this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
It is a great gift, experiencing this intense presence of the Almighty God: Through Him, With Him, and In Him.
We pray to the Father the prayer as Jesus taught us and beg, "thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
We pray: "For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever."
We beg for peace in our hearts. We share this peace with one another. Then we beg of the Lamb of God. I want to get down to the ground and beg for His grace, mercy and forgiveness for our sins.
Please, God, I see us as a sinful people. I want the grace and mercy to flow abundantly.
He raises the Host and says: "This is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, happy are those who are called to His supper."
We respond: "Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed."
I receive the Almighty God in Communion. All I want is Him. Oh, God, I want you, I adore you, I worship you, I love you.
Oh, for this moment when God gives Himself to me. Oh, God, words do not express this time-this intense presence of You within my being. Oh, sweet Savior, I love You!
You share Yourself so intimately with me. You imprint on my soul a knowing of Your Divine Being that is so intimate in this Communion when You give Yourself to me.
Oh, let our hearts be open to His grace that we may know this great gift more, that we will partake more fully in this greatest act of love with Divinity.
He shares Himself with us, the Almighty God, in such oneness. This is the greatest way to bind us with each other, to unite with each other in the Mass and Communion.
And so I sing the love of God, the love of His Mass. I beg you to pray for the grace that He can teach you in these writings about His most intimate love affair with man, the gift of Himself-the gift He gives us in the Mass.
The Holy Sacrifice, the sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally-made-present in the Mass when He gives Himself to us with the greatest love!
And what does He ask in return? He asks that we love one another, that we give Him the glory, the thanksgiving, the adoration that is His due as the Almighty God.
He sends us forth with His blessing to share His most intimate love with all. We go forth as other Christs in the world. For He is alive this day and He lives in us and He gives His love to others through us. We act as channels of His life to one another.
The Mass is the richest source of His life. His life flows through the body, the Church, especially through the Sacraments and the Mass.
Oh Jesus, from the fountain of life that pours forth from Your pierced Heart, give us holy priests whose hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to celebrate the Mass-that there is such oneness between the priest and Christ that His grace will flow copiously.
We thirst for the fountain of life pouring forth from the pierced Heart of Christ. It is His life we seek and find in the Church. It is His love we want and we experience the greatest love affair with God in the Mass.
These books on the Mass are accounts of my intimate love affair with our Almighty God. Many experiences were enlightenments I received in the Mass.
I strongly advise all to pray, to say the Holy Spirit Prayer, the Consecration Prayers, and the Prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, before Mass. (These prayers follow this message).
This book is the journey into the red room, the inner chamber of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the gateway, the pure and Immaculate Heart of His Mother.
It is in the Mass we give ourselves in such love to our Holy God. He gives Himself to us and we give ourselves to Him.
Let me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.
December 19, 1996
HERE IS A MAN ON THE CROSSGod wants union with us. He wants fire. Many try to love God with a cold heart. They tell Him words that they think they should say that are loving.
When one loves, they do not need to be prompted to say words. From the depth of their being they cry out their words of love. It is a cry from within, from the fire within their chest, behind the words. The words are burning in their chest and must be released because of the fire behind them.
We are as blind men. We do not see the great gifts that God gives to us. It is as if we stand by the shore of the sea and throw little words at Jesus. We must not be afraid to jump into the water and be completely immersed in His love. He was consumed with such love for us. He gave Himself to His death on the cross.
There is a man on a cross and he tells us so many things. He does not have to speak. When we study Him on the cross, He speaks to us with His pierced hands, His head covered with blood, His body withered and beaten. He speaks to us of His undying love.
Oh, beloved Savior, I am blind. I am selfish. I do not see the great reservoir of love that you give to Me. I see the man dying on the cross. How do I see Him? Do I see a figure and think, oh, is it a pretty cross, would it look good in my living room? Do I see the cross and think, oh, I guess I should have one in my house, others will think I am holy then? Holy people do have a cross in their homes.
Do I see the body of a man, a live man? Do I see His labored breath? Do I see His chest move as His Heart beats within? Do I see the real skin of a man? Do I see the real blood He shed? Do I see the light that silhouettes His withered body? Do I see the Light of the World? Do I see the tender skin of an infant laid on bare wood in the manager and then the torn, lacerated, bloodied skin of this man?
This is love! There is a man on the cross. There is a child born to us today. He is the Light of the World. His light is shining in the darkness, but people do not see. They see the wood, but they view it for the beauty it will create in their newly decorated living rooms.
The cross is not a thing of the past, the cross is with us today. We carry it on our backs as He showed us we would, but we try to take it off and throw it away.
It is in the cross there is the resurrection. It is by meditating on the crucifix, we see His undying love. We must open up our eyes and see. Pray for vision to see clearly the man Who gave Himself for love of us, Our Divine Lord.
And how do we return His love?
Love is spontaneous, love is fire in our hearts, love is alive and emitted with force. God is love.
Do we realize that His last thoughts on the cross were for us. In this agony, as He hung on the cross, He was consumed with burning love for us. When He was scourged at the pillar, He was comforted by our acts of love that we give to Him today. Our burning love for Him was sweetness to His most Sacred Heart in the moments of His bitter Passion.
Love gives and wants to give its all. A person in love does not need to be prompted and told to love. Love wants to give.
Love is given spontaneously, it is not controlled. Love is tenderness pouring forth from the heart. Love is not concerned with commitment, love by itself is committed. It pours forth from the mouth of the lover because of the fire burning deep inside.
Let us study the battered body of Christ on the cross. As I study His pierced hands and feet, His head crowned with thorns, the blood pouring forth from His Heart, as I view the lacerations covering His body, I feel His word well up in my heart. He speaks to me in the depth of my soul and I hear Him say, "I love you. I love you. I love you, to My death on the cross."
He gives, He gives, He gives to us constantly. He gives and how is He treated by us? We take and we take and we take and we don't even say thanks. Thanks for our breath, our heartbeat, the beautiful sky, the sunlit day, the moon at night, the beautiful eyes of our friends. Oh, how many things He gives to us and how ungrateful we are!
How is your day? Is your glass half-empty or half-full?
How often my glass is half empty, as I am reminded by my spiritual director, Fr. Carter. How often I do not thank Our Divine Lord for His gifts!
When I am filled with love, I see more clearly. The secret is to know God's love. We must pray for the grace to know His love more and for the grace to love Him more.
There is a man on the cross. Do we see His undying love for us? He speaks no words. He shows us the crucifix. The words are alive in our hearts.
The Father created us to love and to be loved. God is love. He wants union with us. He gives Himself to us. This is love. There is union in proportion to how I give myself to Him.
Jesus gives and gives and gives and we treat Him "nonchalantly". He gives us love, but we must give ourselves to Him to have union with Him. He wants us to be one with Him.
We must relish the great gifts He gives to us - the greatest gift being the gift of Himself. We should anticipate the great gift of receiving Him in the Holy Eucharist with such eagerness in our hearts. The words I feel in my heart are expressed in the song, "I Love You, Jesus":
Oh Burning Heart, Oh Love divine, how sweet You are to me. I see the host, I know You're here to love and care for me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. I cannot say. There are not words to say what my heart feels. I love You so, I scarce can breathe when You come into me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. Your tender Heart, Oh how it beats for love of each this day. I want to give You all my love, surrender totally. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee.
When we awake at night, we must think of Him and how we will receive Him the next day. We long to go to Communion to receive Him. We love Jesus in the Eucharist so much. A King comes to us. He enters our body and unites with our soul. He is the King of the kingdom of heaven...He is our Lover, He is the Almighty God, a Divine Person, and He comes to us. He wants us to come to Him with such longing. He wants us to think of Him all day. He wants us to long for Him.
Ps. 63:1-8:
God, you are my God, I pine for you;
my heart thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
as a land parched, dreary and waterless.
Thus I have gazed on you in the sanctuary,
seeing your power and your glory.
Better your faithful love than life itself;
my lips will praise you.
Thus I will bless you all my life,
in your name lift up my hands.
All my longings fulfilled as with fat and rich foods,
a song of joy on my lips and praise in my mouth.
On my bed when I think of you,
I muse on you in the watches of the night,
for you have always been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice;
my heart clings to you,
your right hand supports me.
The priest says in the Mass at the Offertory, "By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the Divinity of Christ, Who humbled himself to share in our humanity." He gives Himself to us. He shares His Divinity with us. We are human creatures and He shares Himself with us. My heart burns when the priest puts the drop of water in the wine. This is, indeed, a great mystery that God remains with us today, truly present in His Divinity and humanity in the Holy Eucharist, that He gives Himself to us in Communion, and that He waits for us to come to the tabernacle and be with Him. He wants to outpour His divine love and His divine life to us.
We should swoon for our Lover the Almighty, Divine God, yet we go to Him with such cold hearts. He wants our burning love.
The song "I Love You, Jesus":
Oh Burning Heart, Oh Love divine, how sweet You are to me. I see the Host, I know You're here to love and care for me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. I cannot say. There are not words to say what my heart feels. I love You so, I scarce can breathe when You come into me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. Your tender Heart, Oh how it beats for love of each this day. I want to give You all my love, surrender totally. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee.
December 26, 1996
NION WITH JESUSThis is the Mass. It is the greatest act of love given to man when God gives Himself to us. We will partake most fully in this love affair with God depending on how we give ourselves to God.
God proved His love for us when He came into this world a man, a helpless baby, when He took on flesh. In order to communicate His love to us, God the Father, sent His only Son, made-man, as a sacrifice to atone for our sins. Jesus, our Beloved, gave Himself, Body and Blood, on the cross. God communicates His love for us through His Son Jesus, made-man, a God-man.
This sacrifice is sacramentally made present today. At every moment all over the world this sacrifice continues through the hands of His priests. Jesus no longer walks the earth, but He is alive and present and giving Himself to us sacramentally in the Mass.
This is love: that the Almighty God loves us so much that He remains with us today and gives us His divine love. He shares Himself with us.
Love can be one-sided.
I can love someone and give and give and give myself and they may never return my love. They may treat me with bitterness and hatred, but I, because of my love for them, continue to love them when I am neglected, ignored, hated and forgotten. I love them when they are bitter, when they are blaming and when they are unloving because I love them-this is love.
God wants union with man. Union is higher than one-sided love. Union, oneness, only occurs when both parties are giving their all to the relationship.
God gives Himself to us. We know His gift and how He loves us by looking at the crucifix. The crucifix shows me the God-made man giving me His all, on the cross - loving me to the last drop of His blood and the last beat of His Heart.
The crucifix is a piece of wood with the replica of a man on it. It is a reminder of the greatest act of love, God-made-Man, giving Himself for me!
But to me what sends my heart into burning flames is the priest raising the consecrated Host high and seeing above the host the crucified Jesus dying on the cross. This is the greatest act of love ever given to man, Jesus, the Son of God, the Almighty, all powerful Savior, giving Himself as a sacrifice for man and He wants union with me. He wants me to give myself as a sacrifice to Him so I can be one with Him. He gives us His life, unreservedly. He holds nothing back and He wants union with me, a mere creature, a human person. Divinity wants union with me!
Think of how it is to love someone, to open up the greatest secrets of your heart, to give yourself, your all, to someone you love. Think of how it is to be so consumed with love for another that you continually tell them, I love you, I want union with you, I want to give my all to you. My greatest desire, my whole life is lived to give you love. You are in my every thought. You, I would die for. Think of feeling this loving toward another in your heart. The gift of your love is the gift of yourself to them and you give yourself completely to them. Every thought and action you have, every desire in your heart, is for love of them. And, so you present your gift to them. You say, "Here I am, I give you myself. I give you my heart. I want to give you myself completely." And how do they respond?
What if they ignore you, hate you, treat you with indifference, do not have time for you and do not care about your gift? They may say nothing and walk away.
Oh, how hurt you would feel inside! With my whole heart I wanted to give you the gift of myself, my whole self and you said nothing and walked away. I want to close up and never give myself again to anyone because when I finally opened myself so deeply to give myself, the gift of myself, I was treated as if it was nothing-my gift of self was nothing and you walked away and I felt bare and opened wide with my heart burning and on fire, wanting to unite and be one with you and you did not connect with me at all, and I was left wide open and raw. I was hurt beyond all hurts in my heart and I wanted to close up my wound and protect myself.
Jesus is a person. He is the Almighty God. He gives Himself. Our Divine Savior, gives Himself totally to us in every Mass. He gives Himself to us in the Eucharist-the greatest gift of love, God the Son, giving Himself completely to man. God, Who is love, wanting our love. He is longing, He is thirsting, He is waiting for our love. Think, that the Almighty, all powerful God, wants us so much-He wants union with us. He has remained alive in His Divinity and humanity on the earth, no less present than the day He walked the earth and he gives Himself completely to us in the Mass.
How is He received? Love is giving. Union occurs only when both parties give their all. If one person holds back, if they do not trust the other, there is not union. Oneness or union occurs according to how completely each person gives of themselves to the other.
Jesus gives Himself in the most perfect act of love to us in the Mass. He gives Himself completely. He is a Divine Person. He is Love. He is giving Himself to us and He is ignored, rejected, and treated with indifference by man.
The Divine God created us to share His divine love. We are humans, we have human capabilities. He gives to us a sharing in His divine life in Baptism. Our human nature is elevated to such heights to share in His divine life, to share in His divine love. This is the reason we were created - to love God and love one another. We are creatures of love. Only love makes us happy. Only His love satisfies us. What will feed us? We are only fed by Him. All other things we feed ourselves with do not satisfy us. Many try to satisfy the craving in the soul for God with other things: food, sex, possessive love of others.
Only God's love will satisfy us. This is how we are created-to love God and love one another according to His will. There will be peace and harmony on the earth only when men are loving God and loving one another according to His will. This will come soon in the great era of peace, promised by Our Lady at Fatima. In order to bring this about, we must give ourselves as a sacrifice to God, a sacrifice, an offering: I give myself to God just as I am, my faults and failings and my good qualities. I give God myself, all of myself-this is what He wants.
At Fatima, Mary tells us how to give ourselves to God. We are sinners, tainted by original sin. Mary is the pure, immaculate one. I am a sinner. I cannot unite in great depths to the all-holy God by myself. I must go through the pure and sinless one, in order to unite deeply to God. She is the only way to have deep union with Him. I go to her pure and immaculate, sinless heart and she places me deeply in the Heart of her Son. I have a deep union with Him because I am surrounded by her Immaculate Heart. It is there, in her pure heart, her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, dwells. It is through His permeating action He makes me more holy, to unite more deeply to God.
It makes perfect sense. God shows us the way. The Father sends His Son in the world in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the pure and sinless one. In her womb, the Christ Child is formed. God comes as a baby, the Almighty God, the Son of the Father.
In order to unite with Divinity as Jesus desires, we must go through her. He came as a baby in the womb of Mary. He is the Light of the World.
If we go through the womb of Mary as a little baby, she will bring us forth as her children of light through the permeating action of the Holy Spirit. We will become more holy and we will thus unite more to our all-holy God.
Of ourselves, in our sin, we cannot unite as we should unless we go through her Immaculate Heart.
So what do I do to have union with God? I must go through the pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is the greatest act of love - God gives Himself in the Mass. In order to be united more deeply to Him, I want to offer a holy sacrifice. When I go through the pure heart of Mary, the Holy Spirit sanctifies me and makes me more holy. My union with Him is dependent upon my purity. I tell Him I am sorry for my sins and go to confession regularly. Before Mass, I consecrate my heart to Mary and Jesus and pray to the Holy Spirit. I want to be a pure, holy sacrifice. I ask for His help and her help for His grace to do this.
He gives Himself completely as a sacrifice. I give myself as perfectly as I can as a sacrifice to Him.
The Mass is the greatest act of love given-God, gives Himself to man. The greatest act we can do on this earth is to love God.
God gives Himself to me. I give myself to God. We become one. The most complete way I can give myself to God is to give myself completely to Mary, to unite as completely to her, the pure and sinless one, in her Immaculate Heart and to give myself completely to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This is what the Mass is. It is a love affair with God. God wants love. God wants our whole selves. God wants us to caress every word spoken in the Mass as a lover would caress every word the loved one speaks to them.
The Mass is God's greatest act of love given to us. This is in no way a complete study in the Mass. The words of the Mass I long to caress and I feel them deep within my heart and my heart burns with love for Him as they are spoken. I am not a theologian, I am a housewife and teacher. My dear Lord has moved me to write about the Mass I love so much.
In the Mass, the priest says, "As we prepare to celebrate the mystery of Christ's love, let us acknowledge our failures and ask the Lord for pardon and strength."
I love this part, when he says, "...prepare to celebrate the mystery of Christ's love..."
To me this is the greatest act of love. Oh, my heart burns to share this great act of love with my Divine God. I love Him. I love Him. I love Him. and I love the Mass. It is the greatest expression of His love for us. God gives Himself to man in the Mass.
God knows that we are imperfect. To offer a holy sacrifice, to unite most deeply with Our Divine Lord, we must be most holy. The more pure we are, the more we can unite with Him. We then "...acknowledge our failures and ask for pardon and strength..." We want to be so pure so we can be one with Him and partake in the greatest degree in His love. My purity is a determining factor to this union. That is why I give myself to Mary. I go to His Heart, surrounded by her pure heart, and offer the sacrifice. The more I am one in Their Hearts, I partake more fully in His love and experience an abundant outpouring of His grace. The Mass and the sacraments are the richest sources of His grace. Grace is a gift from God. Grace is His life. He gives us a sharing of His divine life. The fountain of His grace is outpoured in the Mass. The more the priests' hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the more he is one with Christ, the more the grace is outpoured in the Mass.
The greatest gift is sharing in His divine life. It all comes down to grace. To know, love, and serve God, it is a grace He gives us. I want grace to flow in me so I can be one in Him. This is my greatest desire. I want grace and mercy to flow in me and in all souls. I want to be the purest sacrifice that the grace will flow in me and through me.
RAYER FOR UNION WITH JESUSCome to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now.
December 26, 1996
HE PRIEST AND THE MASSI know this mystical union with Christ through the holy priest.
It is there, in the Mass, I encounter Him. I know Him in deepest intimacy.
It is through the hands of the holy priest, the ones consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that we receive an immense outpouring of His grace, His divine life.
Oh, not only through the holy priest; through the hands of any priest His great life flows.
But, oh, when a priest is so holy, in his oneness with Christ, the grace flows and flows.
To be at a Mass where the priest is so one with Christ is to be at a Mass where I really feel Christ's presence in the priest. At every Mass, I am so aware of Christ celebrating the Mass through the priest. But when a very holy priest celebrates the Mass, I feel an immense presence of Christ there. I feel the flow of His grace and I am moved deeply within my heart and I cry from this immense presence of God. I am in awe. I unite to Jesus in every move of the priest, every word, when he is so united to Christ. I feel Christ so alive in Him. Every gesture, every word spoken, is as though Christ is present offering the sacrifice and I am fed with His divine life.
I love God so much. Through the hands of His holiest priests, I am taken into ecstasy in the Mass for I am so wrapped in His divine love.
Oh, I want Him so much. I yearn for this intense oneness I get in the Mass, when I receive Him in the Eucharist. My heart burns to receive my Divine King.
I see the hands, the hands of a man, a priest, and I see Christ celebrating the Mass in the priest. Oh, the merger of Christ and the priest in this Holy Sacrifice is one that takes me to the heights of heaven.
I am in awe of the Almighty God truly present through the hands of the priest. Oh, God, I love You. If you would ever take away the gift of the Mass, of the Eucharist, I would be in such suffering. Oh, this gift I love so much. I live each day to attend the Mass and receive the Eucharist. I am yearning for this. My whole day is centered around the Mass, and my reception of the Holy Eucharist. Oh I love Him, my beloved, in the Eucharist. I see this merger between Our Divine Lord and the priest and I love God so much.
God comes to me in the hands of a man, but I see this immense merger in every action of the priest, in every word between him and Jesus. It is a place I go to in the Mass, a place as heaven to me.
The Mass starts and my soul is filled with such love of God, and I long for Him so much to unite and be one with Him. This place I know, as no other on the earth, a place with intense presence of God, flowing from the priest to me. I love Him, my God, so much. So much of this love has come from attending the Mass, celebrated by a holy priest, one who has consecrated his heart to Jesus and Mary and has a very deep union with Christ.
My heart burns for this Mass. When he, His holy priest, celebrates Mass, I see this merger between Our Divine Lord and the priest and I love God so much. The Sacraments are special encounters with Christ to give divine life.
Oh life, Oh, divine life, Oh, fountain of His divine life that flows through the hands of a holy priest! I long, I thirst, I want this great gift given from God.
He shares His life with me and I know Him.
I have developed this immense love affair with My God through the hands of a holy priest celebrating Mass and through adoration before the tabernacle.
I fell in love with Jesus in these most intimate moments in the Mass, especially after Communion when He gives Himself to me.
I fell in love with my precious One as He remained hidden behind the tabernacle, but oh, His presence and His life! He poured out His life to me and I fell in love with my Divine God.
Oh, how to write, for to write is to limit this great gift of God Himself to a paper and pen, and it is nothing as how it truly is.
Oh, I want Him so much. I want these precious moments in the Mass when I encounter Christ so vividly as He gives Himself to me.
How Our Lord is treated, and He gives us Himself and He gives us His love!
Oh, the Mass, from the beginning to the end, I love it so much. I long for the Mass. I want to be there and I pray for the greatest grace to unite so deeply with Our Lord.
Why are there not more vocations, with such a great honor God gives to his priest?
Being a priest is the greatest honor God gives to a man. God gives a man the power to change bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
God gives to a priest the power to Baptize, to elevate a human nature to one in which the person shares divine life.
God gives to a priest the power to take away sins, which makes the difference to a soul dead in sin.
God gives such power to a priest, such a great gift given to a priest.
Why are not more young men priests?
Many priests do not realize the great gift that God gives them.
I sit in the pew and I am fed by Christ, Who celebrates the Mass through the priest. I am taken into ecstasy as I see the priest merge with Christ and feel Christ celebrating the Mass through the priest.
Oh, I am fed. Oh, I am so sensitive to every gesture, every way he speaks the Word of God. I feel Christ speak to me as the priest reads the Gospel. The Word feeds me. The words spoken by a holy priest penetrate my heart and my soul. It is as a two-edged sword. I feel all the words in my being, every word in the depth of my soul.
I love God so much and I love the priest. I love the Eucharist. I love the hands that give my God to me. The Mass is the greatest gift of God's love!
So why are there not vocations? The priest must give himself in consecration to Jesus and Mary to be so one with Christ.
When the priest is in love with Jesus with his whole heart, his whole mind and his whole soul, the man being called to the priesthood will see the great honor it is to be a priest and men will flock to the seminary. The modeling isn't there.
Oh, priests wear your priesthood proudly. You are given the greatest honor bestowed to a man-the title of a priest!
The priest must love God with a burning heart and love his people with the Heart of Jesus.
It is powerful to be loved by the priest in the Mass. The priest must love his flock, that he would die for them. He must love Christ so much he gives himself totally to Him and holds nothing back.
Love is giving. The priest must give himself completely to God to have proper union with Him.
Oh, how the Mass unites us in one body, in the Body of Christ. I become one in Him. You become one in Him. We are one body in Him. His life flows through His body, the Church.
Oh, fountain of life, the Church - flowing on God's people. His abundant grace flows through the Mass.
Life flows from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, through the heart of Mary, to us.
We are one body. The life flows through us. It feeds us and makes us whole.
His life flows in His Church through the Mass and the Sacraments. Oh, God, protect what your right hand has planted.
Ps. 80:14-18:
God Sabaoth, come back, we pray,
look down from heaven and see,
visit this vine;
protect what your own hand has planted.
They have thrown it on the fire like dung,
the frown of your rebuke will destroy them.
May your hand protect those at your side,
the child of Adam you have strengthened for yourself!
Never again will we turn away from you,
give us life and we will call upon your name.
Jn. 15:5-6:
I am the vine,
you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me, with me in him,
bears fruit in plenty;
for cut off from me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me
is thrown away like a branch
-and withers;
these branches are collected
and thrown on the fire
and are burnt.
God is the vine, we are the branches. We need His life or we wither and die.
The people feast copiously on His divine life abundantly flowing through the hands of the holy priest in the Mass.
His life flows as a fountain on His holy people.
The priest is like the opening through which this spring pours forth.
When a priest has given his heart to Mary, this divine life flows as a shower through her Immaculate Heart, watering the earth with His glistening grace.
Oh, how abundantly doth your grace flow, Lord.
It will flow in proportion to our giving ourselves to Jesus and Mary.
At Fatima Mary told Jacinta: "Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."1
January 10, 1997
RIESTS AND CONSECRATIONBesides the messages associated with the major Fatima apparitions, there were other revelations given by Our Lady. Before Jacinta died, she told of other messages given her [during her illness] by Mary: "...Priests must be pure, very pure. They should not busy themselves with anything except what concerns the Church and souls. The disobedience of priests, to their superiors and to the Holy Father, is very displeasing to Our Lord.'"2 3
There is the connection between the priest and Christ: how "one" the priest is with Christ.
Christ is the principal Priest. The priest, in his union with Him, must pray for the greatest union with Christ. Christ is the Chief Priest. The priest puts on Christ, Christ is offering the sacrifice through the priest.
We unite proportionally to Christ depending on our degree of holiness. Mary told Jacinta that priests must be pure and holy.
We must forever strive to offer the most holy sacrifice to the Father, being one with Christ. It is in the offering of this holy sacrifice that enormous amounts of grace flow. The priest must be pure and one with Christ in offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
The oneness of the body of Christ depends on the oneness of His holy priests with Him. It is in the Eucharistic Sacrifice, when God gives to us His Body and Blood, that we are most united in Him. The Church is the body of Christ. He feeds us with His Body. We are one in Him.
I receive Jesus in the Eucharist; I become one in Him.
You receive Jesus in the Eucharist; you become one in Him.
We are one, proportionally, according to how we give ourselves to Him.
Highest holiness, greatest oneness, is achieved by being one in Him.
The body of Christ will be one, in the deepest unity, depending on the degree of oneness of the priest with Christ and the oneness of the people with Him.
We are to be one body in Him. When He gives us His Body, we are most one in Him.
The priest is the key for an enormous amount of grace to be released.
Mary told Jacinta, "...that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."4 Mary also said that priests must be pure. Priests must give their hearts to the one, pure and sinless one, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is in this union with Mary that we unite deeply with Christ.
Priests will not reach the degree of purity she refers to unless they give their hearts to her. It is in this purity, they become one with Christ and offer a holy sacrifice. It is in this oneness with Christ that an enormous amount of grace and mercy flows when a holy priest administers the Sacraments and celebrates the Mass. Oh, the people are hungry. Oh, the people are thirsty for an outpouring of His abundant life. The world longs for this outpouring of His grace.
Mary tells us we must consecrate our hearts to her. To go deeply into the Heart of Christ, we must give our heart to Mary.
What of the starving faithful, those attending Mass, wishing to partake more fully in the Holy Sacrifice? There must be a strong union between the priest and Christ.
People------> |
Priest------> |
Christ |
The priest must strive to be so one with Christ. The people receive a great connection to be mystically united with Christ through the priest.
It is a most intense, mystical union - this great connection between priest, faithful, and Christ. It is the oneness that Christ wants for His body, the Church. He wants this mystical union to be very strong between the priest and Him, and the priest and the faithful.
Oneness is greatly achieved in the Eucharistic Sacrifice. The priest must be pure to be one with Christ. The priest must consecrate his heart to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. There is a fountain of life flowing from the pierced Heart of Jesus. He is giving us the grace to be deeply united to His Heart. He is giving us the grace to help spread the consecration to the priests. In order to have immense union in a parish, both priest and people must consecrate their hearts to Jesus and Mary. There must be this connection of the priest to Their Hearts. The priest must be pure to be one with Christ. He cannot reach this degree of purity unless he gives himself to the pure heart of Mary. There is a fountain of life flowing from His pierced Heart. The fountain pours forth His divine grace more abundantly when the priest is united to Their Hearts.
Mary gave the message to Jacinta that the priests must have pure hearts. We are tainted by original sin. The priest is tainted by original sin. He must go through Mary to be pure enough to unite in the deepest union with Christ.
Love is in the heart. Many priests recite the words without love in their hearts. The grace flows copiously depending on the degree of the connection between the priest's heart and Christ's Heart.
The heart is the way we connect to God. The Church was formed from the pierced Heart of Christ. The Church is the body of Christ. His life flows in the Church.
The heart is the life of the body. The Heart of Christ is the life of the body of Christ. From His pierced Heart, the Church was born. Our life flows through the Heart of Christ.
We cannot be one body without the Heart of Christ pumping its life to its members. If they are cut off from the Source of life, they wither and die.
A priest celebrating the Mass must be united in his heart to Christ. It is from the Heart of Christ that His divine life flows. A Mass that is celebrated in which the priest speaks words and is not united in his heart to Christ is a Mass in which a lesser amount of His life flows from His pierced Heart.
In order for the priest to be connected in the deepest union to the Heart of Christ, he must consecrate his heart to Jesus' Sacred Heart and the heart of Mary. Because of our sins and our fallen, human nature, we must go through the one, pure, Immaculate one, Mary. Then, we can be deeply united in His Heart.
How can impurity unite deeply to purity? How? We go through the pure one, she holds us in her heart and we go deeply into the Heart of Christ. She is the only sinless human person.
So the devil has waged a war against the priests and Mary. The priest will not achieve great holiness without giving his heart to Mary. He cannot unite deeply in the Heart of Christ without her pure and sinless heart.
The grace will not flow abundantly, to feed the people, without this connection to Mary.
Life flows in the heart. Priests must love God with their hearts. A priest celebrating the Mass who is not united deeply in his heart with Christ lessens the flow of great grace from the fountain of His divine life.
It will be open, flowing at full force, according to how deeply the priest has united to the Heart of Jesus. This does not happen without the priest giving his heart first to Mary.
Union of the body of Christ is centered around this consecration and the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice by these holy and pure priests.
Our home is the Heart of Christ. When we consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we dwell within Their Hearts. This is our little heaven on earth.
As Fr. Carter states:
This last message offers us an excellent opportunity to summarize the Fatima message. It tells us "that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."4
At the center of the veneration for which Our Lord calls is the act of consecration to His Sacred Heart and to Mary's Immaculate Heart...As such, consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary summarizes the Fatima message.5
Ezekiel 34:11-16:
For the Lord Yahweh says this: Look, I myself shall take care of my flock and look after it. As a shepherd looks after his flock when he is with his scattered sheep, so shall I look after my sheep. I shall rescue them from wherever they have been scattered on the day of clouds and darkness. I shall bring them back from the peoples where they are; I shall gather them back from the countries and bring them back to their own land. I shall pasture them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the inhabited parts of the country. I shall feed them in good pasturage; the highest mountains of Israel will be their grazing ground. There they will rest in good grazing grounds; they will browse in rich pastures on the mountains of Israel. I myself shall pasture my sheep, I myself shall give them rest- declares the Lord Yahweh. I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the injured and make the sick strong. I shall watch over the fat and healthy. I shall be a true shepherd to them.
It is through the consecration that the strayed ones will be led to His Heart. Mary told Jacinta that we must venerate His Heart next to hers. It is through the consecration that the strayed ones are led to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We must spread this consecration to the world. It is in the heart of Mary that the Holy Spirit works to sanctify us and to give us insights, lights, into the divine mysteries. Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary is a great aid to growth in holiness. As we all give our hearts to Jesus and Mary, we will be one flock with one Shepherd. The Good Shepherd will rescue us on the day of clouds and darkness. He will feed us on good grazing ground. He will look for the lost ones and bring back the strays. He will bandage the injured and make the sick strong.
What follows is the consecration that we pray many times a day to bind us in one heart. It is very important to pray the Holy Spirit Prayer and the consecration prayers before Mass to join us in one heart in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Priests should pray this consecration with the people before Mass. Our Lady has asked us at Fatima for devotion to her Immaculate Heart. She told Jacinta, "Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."6 What follows is the Holy Spirit prayer and the consecration prayers used by our members of Shepherds of Christ Associates.
OLY SPIRIT PRAYERCome, Holy Spirit, almighty Sanctifier, God of love, who filled the Virgin Mary with grace, who wonderfully changed the hearts of the apostles, who endowed all Your martyrs with miraculous courage, come and sanctify us. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, purify our consciences, rectify our judgment, set our hearts on fire, and preserve us from the misfortunes of resisting Your inspirations. Amen.7
CT OF CONSECRATION TO THE SACRED HEARTLord Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock, I consecrate myself to Your most Sacred Heart. From Your pierced Heart the Church was born, the Church You have called me, as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, to serve in a most special way. You reveal Your Heart as a symbol of Your love in all its aspects, including Your most special love for me, whom You have chosen as Your companion in this most important work. Help me to always love You in return. Help me to give myself entirely to You. Help me always to pour out my life in love of God and neighbor! Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!
Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, I consecrate myself to your maternal and Immaculate Heart, this Heart which is symbol of your life of love. You are the Mother of my Savior. You are also my Mother. You love me with a most special love as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, a movement created by your Son as a powerful instrument for the renewal of the Church and the world. In a return of love, I give myself entirely to your motherly love and protection. You followed Jesus perfectly. You are His first and perfect disciple. Teach me to imitate you in the putting on of Christ. Be my motherly intercessor so that, through your Immaculate Heart, I may be guided to an ever closer union with the pierced Heart of Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.8
August 20, 1996
OSARY MEDITATIONSThe Agony in the Garden
The Scourging at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion
December 6, 1996
HEPHERDS OF CHRIST AND FATIMAIn the Shepherds of Christ, we are a family, joined in one heart in Mary and Jesus' Heart because of our consecration to Their Hearts. We are acting as His Heart beating in this world. We are the modern day apostles joined in one heart.
As we give our hearts to Mary, the Holy Spirit gives us lights to know God and we go forth into the world as lights because we love God so much. We cannot know God and not love Him. So our hearts are filled with the burning love of God.
We Are One in Jesus' Heart
The core leaders contact the coordinators. The coordinators contact the individual apostles. All apostles are working for Jesus. They try to spend one hour a day either in front of the tabernacle or at home alone with Jesus. In this hour, Jesus directs them on their life. They share intimate love with Jesus. He teaches them about Himself and the Father's will for them. It is so important to spend an hour of intimacy everyday with Jesus.
We live by Mary's Peace Plan given at Fatima. It is as follows:
His plan centers around this.
We have heads functioning in the individual ministries. Everything we do leads to consecration of hearts. As the apostles press on the three institutions, the Church, family, and school to help spread the consecration, the strayed ones will be led home to His Heart.
Mary said at Fatima, until a sufficient number of people have consecrated their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we will not have peace in the world.
The Present Condition of the World
Peace will come when hearts are hearts of love. The scales must shift. It will happen through the consecration. Mary's peace plan: until a sufficient amount of people consecrate their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we will not have peace.
The Scale Must Shift
The Father looks to the earth; He sees much darkness.
The Father looks to the earth. There are so many hearts that are not on fire for love of God. The hearts of burning love light up the earth. It is as lights on a Christmas tree. It is sparsely lighted. Therefore, the tree looks dark.
As the Shepherds of Christ Movement spreads (as well as other movements focused on spreading consecration to Their Hearts) the tree is covered with more hearts filled with burning love for Jesus and the earth becomes more lighted.
The tree is covered with hearts consecrated to the
Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The tree is so bright.
As the Shepherds of Christ apostles spread the consecration to the Church, the family, and the school, the tree is covered with lights and the earth is covered with the fire of His love.
The Father looks to the earth now. He is displeased with the hearts of men. The Father wants us to love God and love each other. He wants us to live according to His will in love.
Mary appears at Fatima. She tells us that we are offending God. She tells us what we must do. Mary's peace plan:
Mary said there will be an era of peace, in which the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.
God gave us Mary as our Mother. We are disobeying our Mother's requests given at Fatima. Do you think the Father is pleased with willful children disobeying their mother?
Man disobeys, the devil blocks the Fatima message. World War II happens just as Mary said.
Jesus writes His message of love on our hearts. His life lives in our hearts. The Scriptures and the Mass live in our hearts.
In the Shepherds of Christ Movement, our focus is on the priest.
November 6, 1996
I saw today our home is the Heart of Christ. Mary is the gatekeeper of this most sacred place. The Lord, the Good Shepherd, is leading us home to His Heart. We are fed on His life. The graces flow abundantly in the Mass and the Sacraments. Through priests we have the Mass and the Sacraments. The priest is another Christ to the world.
Mary is the gateway to the Heart of Christ. She is the key for the priest to have such oneness with Christ. Priests need to honor, respect, and love Mary. The Holy Spirit is espoused to Mary. The priest must love Mary to be united to God.
The life flows from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Christ, and through Mary, to us. The priest celebrates the Mass, acting as another Christ and administers the Sacraments. The more he is one with Christ, the more he helps channel grace, the more the people are fed.
Jesus picked the priest. He chose them. He gave them this great gift. The priest is given the highest honor to be another Christ, to celebrate Mass, to consecrate bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ, to baptize, to forgive sins, to administer other Sacraments.
The priest is a great force in helping to channel grace to others. In order for the priest to be most like Christ, he must go through the pure and sinless heart of Mary, there is not another way.
John 10:2-3
"He who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the flock; the gatekeeper lets him in..."
Mary is the gatekeeper; there is not another pure and sinless human person. We cannot enter any other way because we are sinners. He gave us the sinless one as the way we enter into His most Sacred Heart. The fountain of life flows from His Heart through the pierced wound.
Mary is the gatekeeper. Satan is trying to separate the priest from Mary. Satan does not want the priest to be one with Christ for he is the one who celebrates the Mass and administers the Sacraments. Under Christ, the priest is the main administrator of this fountain of life. So Satan has waged a war against the priest and Mary.
Mary is the key to oneness with Christ. Only in going through the pure and sinless one will we be properly one with Christ. It is in this oneness with Christ that the graces flow.
Consecration to Mary and Jesus is the way home to the depth of His Heart, our little heaven on earth. We are barely scratching the surface of His Heart. We must enter deeply into His Heart for the grace to flow as fire across the earth. The fire of His love will magnificently cover the earth when more priests' hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in celebrating the Mass.
Oh fountain of life! The lance pierced His Heart deeply. The thorns surrounding His Heart, pressed in deeply. Many today love Him with a shallow love.
The words in the Mass and Scriptures are not tasted deep within. The depth is not there. We must love Him with our whole heart, our whole soul, and our whole being.
We must pray for the priests. The priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, is a great aid to lead the priests to consecration. It is our job in the Shepherds of Christ Movement to be His Shepherds to help lead the strayed ones back to His Heart.
We become one in His Heart, through the great graces He gives when we consecrate our hearts.
As we become one in His Heart we are leading the strayed ones home to His Heart through the consecration. There will be one flock and one Shepherd as hearts are led home to His Heart through the consecration. We are shepherding His flock as we spread the consecration to the churches, schools, and families.
We are richly fed with the Eucharist. We encourage the priests to read the priestly newsletter. We ask them to start prayer chapters in the churches centered in consecration, and we beg them to leave the church open so people can spend time with Jesus before the tabernacle.
The institutions are intact, we must encourage them to consecrate their hearts. We are attempting to reach the school children with the consecration and the rosary. We are trying to reach the family with starting prayer chapters in their homes and daily praying the consecration and rosary together.
Mary has asked us to observe the first Saturday devotion. If many did this, many, many souls would be saved. It is all in the spirit of reparation as we give our love to God. For Mary's and Jesus' Hearts have greatly been offended. We must make reparation to our God.
The Father looks to the earth. He wants one happy family in which we are loving each other as real brothers. He showed us the depth of His love when He laid down His life for us. This is the love He wants from us.
He wants us to be one happy family in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Deeply loving one another, deeply united in love that we would love as He showed us how to love, that we would lay down our lives for our brother.
We are helping to lead men into this new era. This is the good news as we spread the consecration. Our heavenly Mother has promised at Fatima we will have peace in the world. The Shepherds of Christ Movement is centered in the consecration asked for at Fatima.
The fire of His love will spread across the earth with the help of the Shepherds of Christ Movement - His Heart will reign.
We are trying to spread the consecration to the priests, sisters, brothers, lay people, and children. Hearts will fervently love God. When they consecrate their hearts to Jesus and Mary, we will be more and more one body in Him. We will be one, happy family as the Father intends - loving God and one another.
December 27, 1996
HE MASS AND FATIMACan I tell you what it is like, for all eternity, to want God so much and to know you will never have Him? This is the fate of the souls in hell.
I plead and I beg to circulate this book (The Mass Book) that all may fervently love God through the Mass, that His life will flow copiously through the hands of consecrated priests.
This is the center of it all: holy, consecrated priests celebrating the Mass.
We have disobeyed the Fatima message. In Lucia's vision of 1929, we see how the life, His divine life, is flowing from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, through Mary's heart-held in her left hand-offering this to Lucia and to us. We see the drops of blood pouring forth from His wounds. It is through her Immaculate Heart. She is the mediatrix of all graces.
It is through the hands of consecrated priests the grace will flow copiously. Oh, God, have mercy on men for they have sinned. They will die a death far worse than any fate on this earth. They will die the death of the soul.
Lucia saw this vision: Our Lady of Fatima stood beneath the right arm of her Son. Mary appeared at Fatima. She gave her peace plan to the world. Mary was sent by the Father to tell men they are sinning and offending God and they must repent.
Lucia said she received lights into the mystery of the Trinity. I account here insights. During the Mass I know more and more the mystery of God's love, His burning, undying love for us. When priests are holy priests and consecrated to the heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus, the grace will flow and the light will cover the earth. The light will be the fire coming forth from the pierced Heart of Jesus, adored and loved in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Then the light will steal across the sky and the dark hearts will be turned to light. This will only happen when priests and the faithful consecrate their hearts to Jesus and Mary as she requested at Fatima.
We become one in this Sacrifice of the Mass. We must unite all of our activities all through the day to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. We are one with Jesus and Mary when we consecrate our hearts to Them and we are one with each other for if I am in Their Hearts and you are in Their Hearts, we are one in Their Hearts.
We are now a people walking in darkness for we have disobeyedOur Lady at Fatima.
All of the great gifts of God are in place and grace is coming forth from the Mass and from our prayers but the day of the deluge is at hand, when the flood gates will be open and grace will pour forth from the pierced Heart of Christ as in Blessed Faustina's Divine Mercy picture.
When hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the holy priests are celebrating the Mass and are united at every moment to that sacrifice, we will be immensely united and the fountain of God's life will flow on the earth and with this, His great mercy.
There will be this great era of peace in which the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.
December 27, 1996
ESUS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLDWritten on First Saturday:
Isaiah 30:19-26:
Yes, people of Zion living in Jerusalem,
you will weep no more.
He will be gracious to you
when your cry for help rings out;
as soon as he hears it,
he will answer you.
When the Lord has given you
the bread of suffering
and the water of distress,
he who is your teacher will hide no longer,
and you will see your teacher
with your own eyes.
Your ears will hear these words
behind you,
"This is the way, keep to it,"
whether you turn to right or left.
You will hold unclean
the silver platting of your idols
and gold plating of your images.
You will throw them away
like the polluted things they are,
shouting after them, "Good riddance!"
He will send rain
for the seed you sow in the ground,
and the bread that the ground provides
will be rich and nourishing.
That day, your cattle will graze
in wide pastures.
Oxen and donkeys that work the land
will eat for fodder wild sorrel,
spread by the shovel-load and fork-load.
On every lofty mountain,
on every high hill
there will be streams and water-courses,
on the day of the great slaughter
when the strongholds fall.
Then moonlight will be
bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself will be
seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-
on the day Yahweh dresses
his people's wound
and heals the scars of the blows
they have received.
Isaiah 40:1-8:
"Console my people, console them,"
says your God.
"Speak to the heart of Jerusalem
and cry to her
that her period of service is ended,
that her guilt has been atoned for,
that, from the hand of Yahweh,
she has received
double punishment for all her sins."
A voice cries, "Prepare in the desert
a way for Yahweh.
Make a straight highway for our God
across the wastelands.
Let every valley be filled in,
every mountain and hill be leveled,
every cliff become a plateau,
every escarpment a plain;
then the glory of Yahweh will be revealed
and all humanity will see it together,
for the mouth of Yahweh has spoken."
A voice said, "Cry aloud!" and I said,
"What shall I cry?"
-"All humanity is grass
and all its beauty like the wild flower's.
The grass withers, the flower fades
when the breath of Yahweh blows on them.
(The grass is surely the people.)
The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God remains for ever."
Adam and Eve are given great gifts and insights into God. They sin, the light of knowing God is dimmed. They do not know God as they did before the sin.
Christ comes, He is the Light of the world. He dies, He gives Himself. He shares His life with us through sanctifying grace.
Through Baptism, we receive this sharing in His divine life. The more He shares His life, the more we are saturated with His life, the more we know Him. He reveals Himself to us-we see the light.
The Kingdom of God is at hand. It is all here: the Mass, the Eucharist, God giving Himself.
To partake more in His life we must give ourselves to Him.
Mary appears to Bernadette. She tells her she is the "Immaculate Conception." We are sinners, but through Mary, the pure and sinless one, we can unite deeply in Him.
We are in darkness in varying degrees. The more we are saturated with His life, the more we see.
The reign of God is at hand. Since He came to the earth, everything is in place to see the light.
God is giving to us great graces to see the light now. He is lifting the veil.
There will be the era of peace as Mary promised at Fatima.
On July 13, 1917 Mary said, "But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, Russia will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world."9
Isaiah 30:26:
Then moonlight will be
bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself will be
seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-...
We see the darkness. As at night, we do not see the colorful leaves, they are there, we do not see them.
In the morning light we see the glory of the beautiful day, the colorful leaves.
As the light steals across the sky, we see more and more. As the sun gradually comes up, we see more clearly the beauty of the leaves.
At first our vision is not so clear because the light does not show in its deepest intensity. As the sun comes up we see more and more vividly until finally we see clearly the beauty of the colorful leaves.
Isaiah 30:26:
Then moonlight will be
bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself will be
seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-...
The more we are saturated with His life, the more we are one in Him, the more clearly we see. It is in this union, in the depth of His Heart, that we receive such life, that we know Him with great clarity, that we are given this vision of God.
It is not with "eyes" that we see, but the illumination is in the knowing power that He gives to us. He enlightens our minds so we understand more into His divine mysteries. We share most intimately with Him when we are one with Him in the Mass and after Communion. These are treasured moments in which He gives us a special sharing to know Him, our Divine Lover.
We see clearly when our hearts are hearts of love. We see vividly when our hearts are filled with love and peace. We were created to love, to love God and love each other.
Adam and Eve sinned. They lost the great gift given to them. The light of knowing God was dimmed because of their sin.
Christ comes into the world. He is the Word. He is the light of the world. He comes to save man from his sin. He comes in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Mary is the pure and sinless one. Jesus comes to pay the price for the sin of Adam and for our sins. We are all tainted by this sin of our first father and mother. Mary is the immaculate and pure one, the highest human person. Divinity unites with humanity in the womb of Mary. They are one. Jesus is carried within the body of His mother. Such unity from the beginning, for His life is formed within her body. Is it surprising to us, then, if Christ comes within the womb of the Virgin Mary, that we too must go through Mary to unite to Him? Where is the pride in the hearts of men that think they do not have to go through their Mother Mary? If Christ comes in the womb of Mary to pay the price for man's sins, and we are tainted by the sin, in order to unite to the Almighty God Who is all holy, we must go through the pure and sinless one.
Adam and Eve sinned. The Father sends His Son into the world to pay the price for man's sins. Jesus is the New Adam; Mary is the New Eve. Man continues to sin, greatly displeasing God. The Father allows Mary to appear to Bernadette at Lourdes as the Immaculate Conception, as having been conceived without original sin. The Father then allows Mary to appear to the children of Fatima as the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We are sinners, we cannot unite closely to Him unless we go through Mary.
Mary is the pure and sinless one. We can unite deeply to Him. We are in darkness in varying degrees. The more we are saturated with His life, the more we see.
The reign of God is at hand. He came to the earth, He died, He rose on the third day. He gave to the Apostles the power to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood. He gave to them the power to forgive sins. He established His Church pouring forth from His pierced side. We do not see the great gifts that He has given to us. He is giving to us great insights into these gifts. God is giving to us great graces to see the light now. He is lifting the veil.
There will be an era of peace and all will see with such light as Isaiah speaks of in Chapter 30, verse 26:
Then moonlight will be
bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself will be
seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-...
Man sinned. Jesus came to redeem us. Man is still so sinful. Mary appears at Fatima. She tells us that we are offending God, that we must make reparation to her heart and the Heart of her Son.
She gives us the peace plan for the world. She tells us that the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and her Immaculate Heart will triumph but we must do what she says. The Church has approved Fatima. The devil has blocked the message. How can we disobey our Mother? How can we ignore her? Mary appeared at Fatima and was ignored. The plan of the Father will unfold despite any person's willfulness.
We are not listening to Mary. Man has sinned. Jesus came to redeem us. Mary tells us what we must do. Men are disobedient. They disobeyed their Mother. They do not do what she told them what they must do at Fatima. When hearts are consecrated to Jesus and Mary they become holy hearts, deeply one with God. The reign of the Sacred Heart is at hand for He has given to us abundant grace that we are seeing with such clarity. When we stay after Communion and go before the tabernacle He gives to us great graces. The more we become one in Him the more He enlightens our minds. We know Him in this oneness we share with Him, especially after Communion and before the tabernacle.
The more we focus on what Mary has told us, the more we will have peace. She is the Queen of Peace. Our Lord has entrusted the peace of the world to her. We are spreading the good news when we spread the consecration.
We must heed the words of our Mother. She will not go away because of willful men. We have angered God more by ignoring Mary. There is only one way: it is the plan that Mary has given to us at Fatima.
Many in the Shepherds of Christ Movement are fervently loving Him. In the Shepherds of Christ Movement, as the apostles spread the consecration to the Church, the family and the school, the fire of His love will cover the earth and it will be lighted with this love coming from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.
We, in the Shepherds of Christ Movement are under the direction of Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., helping to spread the fire of His love across the earth through the consecration.
The hearts of men will turn from their sick and desolate ways to hearts gentle as a little lamb. There will be one flock and one Shepherd and His staff will rule over all. Hearts consecrated to Their Hearts will lead the light across the earth. This light will be a light of intense brightness, brighter and hotter than any light from a flame. It will be the fire of God's love. The Spirit will move in all hearts consecrated to His Heart, and we will know how fire truly spreads, for the love of God is a fire, it is vibrant, it is encompassing, it is smoldering, burning deep within and speedily spreading on the outside. No fires on this earth can ever describe the burning embers that burn from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. No fire burns like the fires coming from His Heart and hearts filled with the love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
On October 13, 1917 Our Lady gave to Lucia and 70,000 spellbound people, a great vision: the sun spun in the sky, casting off great lights. This happened three times in about 12 minutes.
It seemed that the whole world was on fire, with the sun spinning at a greater speed each time.
Then a gasp of terror rose from the crowd, for the sun seemed to tear itself from the heavens and come crashing down upon the horrified multitude...Just when it seemed that the ball of fire would fall upon and destroy them, the miracle ceased, and the sun resumed its normal place in the sky, shining forth as peacefully as ever.10
Mary gave this tremendous sign at Fatima and people did not listen. The events that followed were as she had predicted since we disobeyed her. There was a brutal war, World War II. Mary appeared at Fatima six times to three children. The first vision was on May 13, 1917. The sixth and final vision was on October 13, 1917. On July 13, 1917, Mary showed the three children a vision of hell. She told them:
You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.
The war [World War I, then raging] is going to end. But if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI.11
Mary told Jacinta, one of the visionaries from Fatima, "I can no longer restrain the hand of my Divine Son from striking the world with just punishments for its many crimes."12
Adam and Eve sinned. God the Father, sent His Son. Man continues to sin-the Father sends Mary but she is ignored!
Peace will abound when nations, churches, families and individuals are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Shepherds of Christ Movement, under the direction of Fr. Carter, is a pillar of light in the darkness.
We must encourage all to consecrate their hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to join the Shepherds of Christ chapters, and the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Movement, to pray for priests in a special way, for our Church, and our world.
This Movement is to help in the renewal of the Church and the world, based in consecration, joining our every act to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying the rosary, and making reparation to Their Hearts, especially on First Fridays and First Saturday. We will help to save many souls through our prayers and sacrifices. Our consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary greatly helps us in this regard. Their Hearts and the fire of His love will light up this darkened world.
Many are living in darkness because they are not obeying Our Lady. The people will see the light when they obey her and consecrate their hearts to her heart and the Heart of Jesus.
To have this intense union with Jesus, with God, we must give ourselves to Our Lady. It is there in the intimacy with Him that we are saturated with His life and that He reveals to us great lights, great insights into His divine mysteries. Yes, indeed, the light will steel across the earth and the hearts of men will be hearts filled with His love. They will know their God with great light imparted to them by the Holy Spirit, a light given to them because of the deep union that they have with Jesus. The reign of the Sacred Heart is at hand.
Isaiah 30:26:
Then moonlight will be
bright as sunlight
and sunlight itself will be
seven times brighter
-like the light of seven days in one-...
Isaiah 30:25:
On every lofty mountain,
on every high hill
there will be streams and water-courses,
on the day of the great slaughter
when the strongholds fall.
Truly His Heart is the fountain of divine life. It flows through the Church, through the hands of His holy priests. When priests are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and celebrating the Mass, and administering the Sacraments, an immense amount of His grace will be outpoured on the earth.
A people in darkness have seen a great light. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, the Light of the World!
Our Father...thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We will all love as the Father intends, for now He looks to the earth and He sees it covered with darkness. As hearts are consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, the earth will be covered with His light.
Revelations 12:1-12:
Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth. Then a second sign appeared in the sky: there was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, and each of the seven heads crowned with a coronet. Its tail swept a third of the stars from the sky and hurled them to the ground, and the dragon stopped in front of the woman as she was at the point of giving birth, so that it could eat the child as soon as it was born. The woman was delivered of a boy, the son who was to rule all the nations with an iron scepter, and the child was taken straight up to God and to his throne, while the woman escaped into the desert, where God had prepared a place for her to be looked after for twelve hundred and sixty days.
And now war broke out in heaven, when Michael with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven. The great dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had led all the world astray, was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him. Then I heard a voice shout from heaven, "Salvation and power and empire for ever have been won by our God, and all authority for his Christ, now that the accuser, who accused our brothers day and night before our God, has been brought down. They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word to which they bore witness, because even in the face of death they did not cling to life. So let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; but for you, earth and sea, disaster is coming-because the devil has gone down to you in a rage, knowing that he has little time left."
We are in Mary's spiritual womb (heart). She is pregnant, bringing forth her children of light. As we go to her heart, she crushes the head of the serpent. Some of the brightest stars that will light up the earth are in the Shepherds of Christ Movement. We are the children of light. We are being sent forth as she brings us forth her children of light to stamp out the darkness. We must give ourselves to Mary.
December 27, 1996
ONCLUSIONIn Lucia's vision of 1929, Lucia saw Our Lady of Fatima under Jesus' right arm. He will put her peace plan into action. We have ignored her.
On October 13, 1917 Mary gave the following message:
I am the Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day.13
Mary told Jacinta:
Priests must be pure, very pure. They should not busy themselves with anything except what concerns the Church and souls. The disobedience of priests, to their superiors and to the Holy Father, is very displeasing to Our Lord.
I can no longer restrain the hand of my Divine Son from striking the world with just punishments for its many crimes.14
God allowed the world to suffer the brutal war after Mary was ignored.
He is a just God.
Mt. 25:32-33:
"All nations will be assembled before him and he will separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats. He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left."
"Before receiving the six apparitions of Our Lady, May through October of 1917, the three Fatima visionaries were visited by an angel on three different occasions during the preceding year."15
The second message of the angel says:
Pray! Pray a great deal. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices continually to the Most High. Make everything you do a sacrifice, and offer it as an act of reparation for the sins by which God is offended, and as a petition for the conversion of sinners.16
We must unite our every action as a sacrifice to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass all over the world.
In the fall of the same year, the angel visited the visionaries a final time:
The angel came...bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood were falling from the Host into the chalice. Presently, the angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground, saying this beautiful prayer: "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.17
Sr. Lucia relates how the angel gave them Communion:
"Then, rising, he took the chalice and the Host in his hand. He gave the Sacred Host to me and shared the Blood from the chalice between Jacinta and Francisco, saying as he did so:
'Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God.'"18 19
The Angel also reminded us that the Eucharist is at the center of the Church's life. And, very importantly, in each of his three messages, the Angel drew attention to the critical role which the Hearts of Jesus and Mary play in our Christian lives:
"Another remarkable fact is that in each of the three apparitions, the Angel already mentions the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as though linked to one another by an indissoluble union. The account of the first apparition even presents a striking phrase which seems to have been hardly noticed. After having taught this completely God-centered prayer, 'My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you,' the Angel added: 'Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications.' We pray to God, and it is the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary that hear and answer our prayers! How could it better express the truth that we can only go to God and please Him by this unique and universal meditation?
"Similarly, in the summer of 1916, when the Angel announces to the three seers their future vocations, it is the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary that appear in the foreground as the inseparable mediators of the 'Father of Mercies.' 'The Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary,' he tells them, 'have designs of mercy on you.'
"Finally, the third time, in the prayer of Eucharistic offering, it is by 'the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary,' that the Angel begs 'the conversion of poor sinners' of the Trinity.
"With this constant thought of the mediation of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we are already at the very center of the Message of Fatima."20 21
The key to bringing about the reign of the Sacred Heart and triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart, centers in consecration. It is through consecrated hearts joining as one, united at every second to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being offered around the world, that grace will be spilled out in abundant proportions on the earth. We need His Life!
To Jesus the Light of the World
My Beloved
My Savior
My Bridegroom
My All
To Jesus, the Almighty God, the greatest Lover of all.
I give Him my soul. I love You, Jesus.
The following is my daily journal from September 1, 1995 until December 31, 1995. In these writings I talk about my Beloved Jesus.
September 1, 1995
O TENDERLY HE LOVES USWritten on First Friday:
Such remorse for the irreverence I have given to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament! He has given to me such graces and sharing into His precious love before the tabernacle and after Communion.
So many tender moments, I recall His tender love, such great gifts I have been given! I reminisce my closeness to Him, moments I share with Him, these special moments after Communion and in front of the tabernacle at the Center.
I am so ungrateful for His great gifts to me.
He is so alive and truly present with His deep love and how I offend Him and take His presence and His gifts for granted.
I want to cherish each and every moment of His tender love spent with me. I love Him so much. It is in realizing this that I love Him deeper.
How tenderly He loves us despite our indifference and ingratitude!
I realize His presence, my precious Love, and how dear these memories and moments are to me. They mean more to me than anything in my life and how ungrateful I am for these precious gifts from Him! He could take away the Eucharist, the availability of the tabernacle. I love You, my Savior. He gives me as I need.
He is treated so indifferently by so many. I see my indifference and ingratitude, and my heart is torn that I have offended my precious Lover.
I value every moment and every gift He is given me, more than the finest pearls, these are special gifts from our beloved Savior.
So tenderly He loves us. So ungratefully we treat Him!
Jesus is "...the Way...Truth and Life..." (Jn. 14:6) Jesus is our tender Lover. He wants us to love Him with a heart on fire. He wants us to talk about His love to the world. He suffered so much during the Passion for the indifference and disrespect given to Him this day in the Blessed Sacrament, the sacrament of His great love.
I did not realize how much these precious gifts mean to me. He is my life. He is my Love. He is Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
I love Him. I love Him. I love Him with my whole heart and my whole soul.
If I have Him, I have it all. I should never complain about anything. I am so ungrateful.
I love Him so much. To give up the tabernacle and the Eucharist would be such a loss, it is such a gift! We are so ungrateful. He continues to give us Himself, and He is ignored and forgotten. He continues to wait endless hours in the tabernacle.
What if we had to give up the Eucharist? What if we could not go to Mass? What if the priests were imprisoned and could not celebrate Mass?
Jesus gives the priest the power to change bread and wine into His Body and Blood. He gives the priest the power to baptize and forgive sins. The priest should be so reverent and filled with respect for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. What an honor for the priest to be chosen by Jesus and given this great gift. The priest should sing with joy because he is anointed by God Who loves him so much.
I have an awareness of the great gifts given from our God - a piece of fresh fruit, a blue sky, a sunlit day. I am aware of the goodness of God, imprinted deeply in my being.
I can focus on the exposed Eucharist in the main chapel today, September 1, 1995 at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. Flowers surround Jesus. How deeply He loves me. I feel my deep love for Him, reminiscing on all my close moments with Him.
I realize so much how He loves us. I have a great love affair with my precious God. I love His life.
I have treated Him so indifferently. I am not talking before the Blessed Sacrament ever again.
At His name all knees must bow and bend low to our Almighty God!
September 2, 1995
TURN TO MY LORD AND DIE TO MY SELFISH WAYSWritten during my retreat on First Saturday:
The world is suffering and in pain. To reach for momentary gratification will not satisfy the starving soul.
For years, I reached for food, for momentary pleasures: popcorn and movies, all things to make me feel better. I wanted love and approval of others to make me feel better.
What makes me feel better is healing the wounded soul, the wounded heart. Christ's Heart bore the wounds of rejection, suffering and pain. His body shows the marks of His sufferings, but He rose above all this and loved.
I give to You my wounds, Lord, my sins, my failings. I give You all the things I have chosen before You to gratify myself. I put before You all those things that I used to give me satisfaction, love, and approval.
I put them at the foot of the cross and give myself as a sacrifice, faults and all.
I give myself to the Father. I join with Jesus and give myself as a sacrifice to the Father. I ask for the graces I need most in this retreat to draw myself closer in union with God, Mary, the angels and saints.
I turn to You and cry out for Your love. Your love is the medicine to heal my sick soul. My soul thirsts for Your love. I am sorry for the times that I looked for momentary gratification in worldly things. My soul becomes "sicker" as I give into my appetites and whims. A soul that is filled with His love is not hungry for the things of this world!
Our souls are hungry for God. The members in the Church must be fed with His love. When souls in the Church are fed with His love, they will come to the Church for their feeding. To try to feed the hungry souls with other things leaves them empty and in pain.
When we look at our sins, we see what was more important than God in our lives. When we sin we chose something in place of God. At these times, when we have sinned, we chose our own gratification over the will of God.
Let us pray for the Church and the priests. Let us go to Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and be fed with the Bread of Life! He gives us Himself. He gives us His Body and Blood!
What am I using to feed the cravings of my soul? My soul craves His divine life. He comes adorned in white, glistening, glorified. He bares the wounds of His death. We share in His life. He raises us from our doom. We must first die to ourselves, abandon our sinful ways and we will grow deeper in His life.
Jn. 12:24
...unless a wheat grain falls into the earth
and dies,
it remains only a single grain;
but if it dies
it yields a rich harvest.
We must die to our selfish ways. We must be purified. We must put to rest all our evilness and walk in His way. Walk on the path He has shown us.
If we abandon God and give into selfish pleasure, we receive only momentary gratification. We are in sin. The pleasure is soon over.
As there are degrees in being saturated with His life, there are degrees in being deeper and deeper in sin. Depending on the depth of our sin, there are different levels of separation from God.
Oh, Lord, let my soul be filled with Your life.
After Communion:
When I am with my spiritual director, I do not want to talk about incidental things, I want to talk about Jesus. He is very close to Jesus and he knows so much that I do not know - I long to know more about Jesus.
When I receive Jesus in Communion, it is God Himself, and He unites to me in such an intimate, deep way. It is then He prints upon my soul deep knowledge about Himself. As I share in this intimacy with Him, a knowing He gives to me, a knowledge that cannot be acquired in any text.
He calls us to holiness. We cannot give in to our appetites and whims. We must realize that we will only be happy when we live according to His will. We must discipline our wills and seek only what He wants. As we are in our hearts, we will be in the world. If Jesus lives in our hearts, we are one in God. He lives in this world through us. He takes care of all our needs.
I had such an experience at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church reading the rosary meditations of March 17, 1995. I felt close to Him in my heart through these meditations. I felt the same way when I said the Stations.
Mt. 6:10
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as is in heaven.
See Him adorned in white and standing in the town of Jerusalem. His hands, outstretched, the town behind Him, preaching. I see the rounded dome building behind Him.
We must identify with Him in every thing that we do. We must be conscious of Him at every second. As we are in our hearts, this is how we are in this world. The chains are removed and we are set free by His might. We are set free of all of our bonds when we stay rooted in Him. We feel as though we are flying above the earth. We are all children of the Father. We must spread His love to all the children of the world.
September 3, 1995
HE GOOD I DO ACTS AS RIPPLES ON A PONDWritten during my retreat:
The good that I do acts as ripples on a pond - it resounds to all those I touch.
When we sin, we do not see the far reaching effects of that sin on others, on the world.
When I follow His way, others are touched by His light through my actions.
When I sin, I cast a dark shadow. Others are not touched by Him acting in Me. I have chosen bad actions to good actions.
Jesus wants us to model our lives after His life and the life of His Mother. So, as I am in my heart, I will be in this world. His light shines through me as I interact with others. If my heart is filled with His light and His love, others see His light and love reflected in my life. If my heart is filled with darkness, then others do not see this light reflected in my life.
Think of a single complaint. Several persons are gathered in a room. There may be a certain sense of anxiousness, a sense of excitement. One person speaks and begins to complain. They see the world as tainted and dark. Others, to relate, begin to identify and soon all are complaining about things and, sad to say, other people also. One begins to tell a better story and the competition for the floor begins. Soon the focus is to give the best story, not even thinking about who or what is being discussed, just trying to tell a better story.
Think again of the same room: Many are joined and someone begins to speak about the goodness of God, the bright blue sky, a breath of fresh air. Within the soul is the craving to be fed with the love of God. To talk about His burning love, excites the greatest appetite of all. We have the greatest news to discuss. He is alive. He is giving us insights into the mysteries of His life. Why would we worry for such incidental subjects when He is giving us such wisdom and knowledge.
Satan goes about the earth as a prowling lion attempting to devour his prey and forever send them to the burning flames of hell. He presses on, he tricks us with his ways and we are falling into his trap. We carry out his work without even realizing how our action has taken a bad turn. Eve said, "...The snake tempted me and I ate." (Gn. 3:13)
God calls us to holiness. He calls us to guard our tongue. He calls us to light lights where we are. He calls us to proclaim the Gospel message. We must not give in to idle "chit chat" for the sake of conversation. We must guard our mouth and our tongue. This is the way He chose to enter our body!
God enters our body through our mouth. If we realized the great honor we are given to receive His Flesh and Blood, we would not talk about anyone maliciously. If we realized the great gifts we are given, we would sing for joy.
Even many in church have turned to Godless ways. People go through the motions. God sits on His throne and they ignore the Master.
Life flows from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, through Mary's heart, into our hearts and we are channels to spread His life into the world.
We must emphasize the love of God first and then the social aspects.
God is the Source of all life and love. We must be deeply rooted in Him, to love ourselves and others. To focus only on ourselves and others is to leave out the Source. We must be aware of God first, then love of ourselves and others. Life is not life without Jesus! Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. speaks of this in his book, Response to God's Love. He calls them the three awarenesses and loves: awareness and love of God, self, and neighbor. All three are essential.
Mary always complied to the will of the Father. The angel told her, " not be afraid..." (Lk. 1:30) and revealed the plan of the Father. Jesus tells us to not be afraid, the Father has a plan for us. He is a just God. We are to fear the Lord. So many today do not realize the wrath of God for sins. There is a hell and many will go there if they do not obey God.
Our Lady at Fatima showed the three children a vision of hell. Souls are going to hell for all eternity because of their sins. Many of Mary's little lost children will go to hell. I cry out in my heart, "Lord, what can I do?"
God wants us to surrender to Him, to pray, and to become holy. God loves us so much. He is alive. He is alive this day. He is truly present in the Eucharist, no less present than the day He walked the earth. He lives in our hearts. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live in us in a special way when we are baptized and in the state of grace.
Think of the struggle of Our Lady to travel on a donkey for the long journey to Bethlehem. She is with child and about to give birth to Him. In her struggle, she always complied to the will of the Father.
Her way was not an easy life, it was a life of joy and sorrow. If we could see the sorrow on the face of Mary, if we could feel the sorrow in her heart, we would do all that we could to help others know His deep burning love.
Do we know that He allows us to suffer to gain greater life in Him? Mary traveled with a baby in her womb over the bumpy road, up and down. Jesus walked, His cross on His back over the rocky road, up and down. We travel over our bumpy road to Him - our cross is nothing like His cross. Our journey is nothing like Mary's journey on the way to Bethlehem carrying a baby, nothing like her journey to Egypt in the middle of the night carrying their belongings, nothing like the walk on the road to Calvary. We receive little crosses. We unite our sufferings to His. We carry out His life in our lives. He asks us to carry our crosses willingly. He asks us to sacrifice for our own salvation and that of our brother's. We complain about the crosses He gives us.
The cross leads to life. The cross is our way to everlasting life. To remove the cross is to miss the life, the abundant life that He came to give us. Life is rooted in the cross.
Oh, the Mass, the Mass, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the gift given to man and man aimlessly wanders the earth in search of a worldly treasure to fill the hunger in his soul!
My God, my God, I cry out from the depth of my soul to Your glory and Your honor, with my whole being. I proclaim Your greatness and wait for the courts of the Lord.
I offer myself as a sacrifice to lead all to Your burning love. You are the treasure that the soul seeks.
Your love is the medicine for the sick world. Gently You wait and You fill us with Yourself. You give us life and nourish this life with Yourself.
This is the love that You have for me - that You gave Yourself that I would have life.
I am talking to You, little child, in the manger at Bethlehem. I see You surrounded by the sheep and shepherds. Let me be a shepherd to help lead the hungry ones to Your love.
I am so sorry that You, little child, with a burning heart, are neglected and forgotten by so many. I offer myself as a sacrifice to spread the devotion to Your Sacred Heart and that of Your Mother's heart, throughout this world. Show me the way. I surrender myself to You.
Lead us all through the Shepherd of Christ movement to a deeper relationship with You. Let our prayers for the priests and for each other resound throughout the world as we carry out this mission through You. This is a mission You have given to us, to spread this devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary throughout the world.
September 4, 1995
Y SECURITY IS FOUND IN YOUWritten on Labor Day at 8:45 a.m. in St. Gertrude's Church:
I do not believe as I should that You are truly here, Lord. (I had pains in my hands and feet last night and today).
He is strengthening my faith and I am resisting. Many times I am ready to run. He wants both feet off the ground. I am given such abundant graces. I do not even know how blessed I am. It is only His grace that sustains me.
I long to be strengthened deeper and deeper in my faith. I truly see my frailties and know more and more my shortcomings. I long for humility and sincerity in my soul, to live only to love God and give His love to others, but I, in my weaknesses, fall so short of serving Him as I desire.
He is my Love. He is tender, gentle, and true. He waits while I try this whim and that whim. He is always by my side waiting with His deep love.
I go in and out between firm conviction and doubt, and He waits by my heart giving me such gifts of His love.
I have searched for You, Lord. You have given me Your hand. I have turned away for more security from my fellows. My security is found in You. My depth is measured by how deeply I live in You. I am moved to tears to know Your presence with me and moved to pity for myself for not realizing it more. I am truly given great gifts and I am so ungrateful.
Your presence pervades my soul. I understand You, Lord, more and more as You give me greater graces. I am entirely dependent on You for everything.
Since Feb. 28, 1995, I knew I united to Him in a deep union, I have not experienced the immense longing in my heart that I once had. I had experienced bitter pain to want Him so much. Now I know His presence always.
He has poured out His consolations to me at many times and how ungrateful I am for these great gifts. He has allowed me to experience this deep burning love!
Our bodies may feel separation from Him sometimes, but in the depth of our soul we are forever joined to Him through His grace whether we feel it or not.
In the dark night, we feel the pain. In the morning light, He gives us the brightness of the day. We are then consoled with His burning love.
Bring on the pain, for it is in the pain that we experience the glory of the resurrection. It is in experiencing the dark nights that we know the light of the next day. It is in separation that we know the lifting of the veil. It is in sweetness and sorrow that we know His face.
I see Him suffering, covered with blood, wounded and beaten, crowned with thorns, adorned in light and glorified on the third day. There is always a look of peace on His face even in the deepest suffering.
I see the child in her arms. I see the concern on her face as she searches for her Son in the temple. I see a dead man lying in her arms under a cross. I see the glistening in white coming forth from the tomb on the third day. His soul had left His body, but the child rose to new life. He won for all the victory of the resurrection. From the first moments of conception to His Ascension into heaven, He remained on this earth for love of us. Now we remain, and He lives in us this day. We carry out His life, death, and Resurrection in our lives, dying and rising in Him, trying to live according to the Father's will.
September 4, 1995
AKE YOUR MISSION SERIOUSLY"'...Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight.'" (Mt. 3:3) Our Lord was baptized by John the Baptist. The Holy Spirit came upon Him.
Jesus is with us this day. He is not so far off that we cannot talk to Him. He remains with us and attentive to all our needs, every moment - He is with us!
Jesus does not want us to worry or be anxious but to become close to Him and put our trust in Him.
I am touched with such emotion reading the Scriptures for to know Him is to know my Father.
He has taught me so much because He loves me so much.
I love my Father so much. It is He Who has allowed me to get so close to Jesus and revealed such things to me through the Holy Spirit.
I love God with the deepest love. I love my Father so. Quietly, He cares and loves me, and I am so blind. I do not see the constancy of His love. I do not see Him giving me life. The Spirit remains in me, giving me such burning love of God, melting me, molding me more and more into the image of Jesus, and I do not see the workings of God in my life. I am so ungrateful!
He is truly here within me and I am so unworthy and in need of much reform, but He loves me anyway and continues to give me great graces of His love.
September 5, 1995
CONFESSIONI am so disheartened with myself, for I see my faults are many, and I fall so many times into sin.
I long to love You and adore You, and I am so weak in my ways.
So easily I fall into little traps set by Satan, so easily I fall. So easily I wander and I long and thirst to be ever closer!
I see Your greatness. I love You more and more. I am in awe of Your presence. The more I know and love You, the more I am sorry for my wrong doings, my little offenses against You, my Beloved.
So unworthy I am of Your love and goodness.
This is a letter from me to You, my sweet Jesus, my Beloved, my precious One.
I had the greatest gift, the Holy Eucharist, and I took it for granted. I did not thank You enough. I did not adore You enough. I did not worship You enough.
I love You with the deepest love, my God, my All.
You are here now before me, exposed, and my heart is filled with awe and reverence, for You are truly God, and I am Your servant, Your beloved servant.
I love You. I love You. I love You.
Mary, my Mother, lead me into greater intimacy with my beloved Jesus. I ask your intercession for this, my fervent prayer.
My plea is, oh beloved Jesus, to give to me whatever I need to be closer to Thee.
September 6, 1995
O WE SEE THE HEARTS?Written at 9:15 a.m., in the cemetery:
Much of the world is cold and callous. To show emotion is looked on scornfully or as if something is wrong. Do not let your tears fall, my beloved world, stop the flow - this is the message of the world. How can I know Him as I do and not be moved to such emotion? He comes to us as the Sacred Heart; Mary comes as the Immaculate Heart. Love includes emotion, burning emotion. I am wrapped in deep sufferings to see this blind world, and to know how much He loves all. I have such sorrow in my heart when Jesus and Mary allow me to suffer to some degree the pains They suffered. These emotions are indescribable in words. Tears cannot express the sorrow inside.
If we cry today, everyone says, "What is wrong, stop it!"
Christ Himself wept over Jerusalem. He went off to pray alone constantly. Did He cry? Did He express the deep emotion within? His Heart is burning with such love for man that He came into this world and took the nature of a man, that He died a brutal death on the cross that we would have life!
He comes as the Sacred Heart. His body was covered with blood and wounds. His head was pierced with thorns. His hands and feet were pierced with nails. His Heart was pierced with a lance. We do not see, we are numb. Mary is shown with the swords in her heart. How can we look at Them with wounds in Their Hearts, the cross above His Heart, the crown of thorns around Their Hearts and not be moved to tears!
Many men are cold and callous in their hearts. Many Masses are celebrated that lack emotion. Many people go to Mass and go through the motions.
The Mass is alive. Jesus is alive. He is here. The sacrifice of Calvary is sacramentally made present in the Mass!
At the Consecration of the Mass, hear His beloved Mother cry for her little lost children of the world. See her and hear her calling out with a sword in her heart.
...Mary showed the three children a vision of Hell. She told them:
"You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.
"The war [World War I, then raging] is going to end. But if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI. When you shall see a night illuminated by an unknown light [January 2, 1938], know that this is the great sign that God gives you that He is going to punish the world for its many crimes by means of war, hunger, and persecution of the Church and the Holy Father.
"To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation of the five first Saturdays. If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will scatter her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, and various nations will be destroyed...
"But in the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, Russia will be converted, and a certain period of peace will be granted to the world."22 23
I stand under the 12th Station at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church and experience a double pain for her - a pain deep in her heart to see her beloved Son hanging before her on the cross, the child of her womb, and the pain of her beloved children going to hell this day despite His suffering and death.
With pleading hands she raises them to us in the Sorrowful Mother statue, pleading and begging us to wake up before it is too late.
I experienced her suffering at different times all through the Passion - her seven sorrows. These sufferings were great joy for me to know more deeply the message I want to deliver to this world.
It is the message of the burning love of her Son, Jesus Christ!
We see Them with wounded Hearts. We see the Sacred Heart with Thorns. We see His Sacred Heart with the cross above His Heart. Our love for Them is cold.
Their love is the love that both Mary and Jesus tell us about in the Stations and the Sorrowful Mysteries. I feel these emotions. I know the love. I feel the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all through the Mass. I feel the pain when I go before the tabernacle. Jesus wants our love. I was wrapped in such acute pain on Ascension Thursday. He is alive today.
I know the love. I feel the pain. I cry at the joy. I cry at the sorrow. The love He has is the love we experience when we stand beneath the cross with Mary, side by side with her under the cross and watch our best Friend as He dies for us. He is covered with blood.
We are numb. We are cold. We are contained. We are proper. We are in our heads and not in our hearts. He calls for us to love Him with our whole hearts, our whole soul, and our whole being. Our hearts are cold, some hearts are hearts of stone. Look at the Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart. They have Hearts that beat and burn with deepest love, hands on each side of His Heart. They show Their Hearts. Mary's heart has a sword in it. His Heart is pierced. We still hold on to our non-emotional love of Jesus!
The Apostles converted many, for their hearts burned with deepest love for Jesus. They were not afraid to preach the Gospel. They were locked in prison and came forth singing. They knew He was alive. Their actions were determined by Him. They did not ask men what they should do.
My being cries out. My insides are deeply ingrained with His burning love. His love is not to talk about in a monotone voice. It is to be lived in such oneness with Him that my insides cry out, my being proclaims this love. I want to "dig down" so deep in myself and cry out, "He is alive!"
Many hearts of men are cold. I envision His Heart, a furnace of deep, white and yellow, burning love.
I wish I could write all I have felt. Jesus gives Himself in the Mass. We hear, "This is My Body. This is My Blood."
He gives us Himself. He is truly present in the Eucharist, the same Jesus that walked the earth, the same Jesus that carried His cross and died for us. What more do they want? He is alive, He is alive, He is alive.
I am wrapped in such intense pain with His pain before the tabernacle and her pain during the Passion. I have experienced so much of these emotions that They experienced during the Passion. He shows us the Hearts, the swords, the wounds, the nails, the thorns, the blood - He shows us this day but we don't get it!
Many men's hearts are cold. We proceed the same way about our relationship with Him - constricted and cold. Listen to the words of this song. It moves the heart. "I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior. I am your God, I died for you, I come to you this day." Analyze the words. Each word is filled with His deep, burning love. It is so hard to express the real message in words, the message of the deep oneness He wants with us.
Oneness is not words exchanged, visions seen, Scriptures read, rosaries prayed, Masses attended - oneness is being so united to Him, to be one in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. As we partake in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as we love Their lives in the rosary, as we live the words in the Scriptures, the Living Word of God, there is a oneness in our every breath as our heart burns for love of Him and He burns for love of us. As we unite in oneness in Mary's heart and we love the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, through her heart, as we become one in Their Hearts, we are one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. We become one in the Holy sacrifice of His precious Son to the Father, in the Holy Spirit. We live in His will in loving surrender, dying to ourselves, and living in Them.
I live through Him, with Him, and in Him. It is no longer I who live, but He Who lives in me. I become one in Their Hearts. I unite in such oneness with God and all other men.
See Mary with a parade of faces - joyful and sorrowful, old and young. We unite with Christ in His life, His young life to His Ascension into heaven. We live Their lives in our lives, Their sorrows, Their joys, as we live the Gospel message in our lives. Jesus has died. He is risen, and He will come again!
September 7, 1995
O NOT HOLD BACK,Written before the exposed Eucharist in the
convent chapel at the college of Mt. St. Joseph:
Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find.
Jesus wants us to speak. He does not want us to hold back. We will touch the cold hearts with the messages of His love. We can not hold back, souls are at stake. I can envision Jesus standing to the left of the altar, His halo around His head. There's a lot of gold. His arms are outstretched.
Through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
I want to carry the rosaries out to this world.
I am your servant, Lord. It is no longer I who live, but He Who lives in Me. Give to me abundant graces to live only for Thee, to be only as You want me to be, to surrender my all for Thee so I can truly say, "In fact, through the Law I am dead to the Law so that I can be alive to God. I have been crucified with Christ and yet I am alive; yet it is no longer I, but Christ living in me..." (Ga. 2:19-20)
We are His apostles that He is sending into the world. He wants us to speak of His burning love. He is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. We should cherish the precious gift of Jesus in the Eucharist. He wants us to go out and spread the devotions to His most Sacred Heart and His Mother's heart. I love the Eucharist, reminiscing on all the special moments I have had with my Lover, my Beloved, moments in front of the tabernacle, drawing closer and closer to Him.
I live my life to attend Mass. I envision a halo around the consecrated Host.
I feel the intense glow of His love that is so warm and gives me such joy.
Through Him, with Him and in Him.
I am laid waste in His precious love.
Like glowing embers, on and off - I love the Eucharist with my deepest love!
Let me put my head on Your chest. My heart is burning for love of You. My heart is burning now from the Holy Eucharist one hour ago.
I come and sit with Him in front of the tabernacle and tell Him all my problems.
I love Him so much!
September 19, 1995
HIS IS AN URGENT CALLI learn about myself from dealing with someone who loves me.
The great tragedy concerning human suffering is not that there is so much of it. The real tragedy is that apparently so much of it is wasted. So much of it apparently is not coped with according to God's will.24
"Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." (Rv. 12:1)
We are walking in darkness. The moon is under her feet. The light inside does not flicker, or fade, it forever remains burning bright. She has conquered the dark night, and her head is adorned with a crown of glory. The stars show about her head, crowning her in celestial light.
Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces. We receive His life through her heart.
She is the lamp that lights the way. We are her children of light. We go to Christ through her. She is adorned in light, she is full of grace. We go through her to her Son.
Ps. 23:1-3
Yahweh is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
In grassy meadows he lets me lie.
By tranquil streams he leads me
to restore my spirit.
He guides me in paths of saving justice
as befits his name.
Immediately after hearing this, I looked up and saw "the Lord is My Shepherd" on a cloth in my room.
He is here. He is shepherding us in the darkness. It is through Our Lady of Light we are led through the darkness.
We must keep praying the rosary and spreading the consecration.
She will light up the earth with her children of light, set ablaze by the burning embers of His love within.
I see the red room. I see the glow of His love.
We are the children of the light. Mary is our mother. Our Father is forever with us and dwelling in our hearts. Who are we to fear? Led by the Holy Spirit in the heart of our Mother, we are called to shepherd the flock.
He is the Chief Shepherd of the flock, leading our actions. His burning love is deep in our hearts.
Through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit!
September 20, 1995
E GIVES US GREAT GIFTSMy heart was hurting on the way down, after Communion. It hurts now. I realize how much I want to be loved and told that I am loved.
My heart hurts. Jesus, too, wants so deeply to be loved by us. He wants us to tell Him of our love.
He gives to us such great gifts. He gives us the gift of Himself, and we are so ungrateful. He wants us to be thankful, to love Him.
There is such intimacy between Him and me. (to try to share this heartache with the world is to be laughed at and scorned, but I see Him laying on the ground and His hands nailed to the cross. I see Him, His hand on the cross. I see Him placed in the arms of His Mother, dead. I see Him laid in the tomb. I feel this ache in my heart now - it feels as if it will not go away.
I love Him so much. I am so connected to His pain and her pain. I have felt His overwhelming love.
I understand the death-resurrection. I understand and have experienced the heartache, the pain so deep and unexplainable in words or actions. I understand the ecstasy to feel the overwhelming love of God the Father and to know His love, to know how He has taught me so much and He created me.
I know the love of the Son, my beloved Bridegroom, the tenderness, the intimacy, the knowing, deep within me, indescribable by any words or actions. By being in such oneness with Him, I love Him so deeply.
I know the love of the Holy Spirit. I love Him so much. He is my best Friend. He moves in me and gives me His love, His wisdom, His knowledge. I feel His presence forever with me, a vibrating force within me.
I feel, I feel, I feel - I know, I know, I know, it is not words spoken, it is oneness to unite with the Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. My God, my beloved God, my sweet God, God is in my whole heart, my whole soul, and my whole being.
I know God. I love God. I seek God. God, God, God - my All! My delight to exist in Him!
Oh burning Heart, oh love Divine, how sweet You are to me.
We are the messengers to carry the message of His burning love to this world.
Many men have made this world their end. They are dying inside from the lack of real life, life rooted in Him.
I cry out from my aching heart. I love my God, I surrender, I sacrifice myself to You. I want to tell all the Good News. I am backed against a wall and I surrender. I endure all You send me and love You more for this suffering. It is in suffering I am so close to Thee. I love You, I love You, I love You.
On Pentecost, my heart ached for about one and a half hours. It felt as if there was a sword in it. On Pentecost, I suffered this ache in my heart, for her heart ached constantly from the time of the prophesy of Simeon. I understand some of her pain in my heart.
He opened Himself up to us.
Do you know what it is to love and be rejected?
He gave Himself. His Heart was pierced with a lance and what flowed out was blood and water, His blood pointing to the Eucharist, the water pointing to Baptism! His Heart poured out His great mercy and love. He opened Himself. He gave Himself. He knows our heart far better than we know our own heart, yet we remain so closed to Him.
How can we hide from God? God, who knows and loves us? We are given a free will. We can chose to love Him, or not. Many times in our arrogance and pride we shut ourselves off from Him.
Jesus says, "...I am the Way; I am Truth and Life..." (Jn. 14:6) Yet we remain so closed, we lack trust, we lack faith.
He is on fire for love of us. We must not give into the devil who tempts us to give into negative thinking. Jesus loves us so much. We should take our precious moments to tell Him how much we love Him. We must have faith in His love for us.
I just want to be in the red room, the deepest chamber of His burning Heart. It was so real.
He is alive in our lives. We must meditate on His life. We want to live in Him. We want to identify all of our actions with His actions. We identify our sufferings with His. We live His life in our lives. We carry out His life, death, and Resurrection in our lives.
My heart hurt before Mass tonight at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church.
September 21, 1995
OT AND COLD SOULSThe hot and cold souls. He has allowed me to suffer much since the feast of the Sorrowful Mother and two or three days before. My heart aches so intently now, but I feel He has relieved my heart.
I understand more and more the anguish Their Hearts suffered.
I see Jesus as He kneels in the garden, the darkness of the night, such pain beyond belief to know in His knowing all the sins, all the rejection of all of the hearts of all time, His personal love for each and experience the pain.
How He suffered for those souls who love Him, and then in their busyness forget about Him and fill their hearts with the pleasures of the world. How He intently loves His beloved religious. They were called by Him to unite in a special espousal relationship with Him. How He suffered in the garden for the religious, His chosen ones who go to the world for their love. A holy priest, sister, and brother gave Him such comfort with their love. As He suffered so much agony to His Heart all through His bitter passion, the acts of great love were such sweetness to His wounded Heart.
I want to roll up in a ball and scream or do something but nothing, nothing will relieve this pain so deep within.
Then the angel appeared to Him in the garden to comfort Him. He comforted me in my suffering and I feel relief, but the pain in my chest, the ache continues.
Yesterday, I had the ache most of the day. I felt as if I had swords in my heart for one and a half hours. Mary had a constant ache in her heart since the time of the prophecy of Simeon.
I prayed to my Father as a little child, and He gave me relief. This happened on the day after I led the rosary and Fr. Carter consecrated Ellen's house to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I opened up my notebook and read, "If you then, evil as you are, know how to give your children what is good, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" (Lk. 11:13)
From the time of Adam to the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus into heaven, how were the lives of the people of the human family? It is through Him that we are restored to new life. His way is the way. He takes on a human nature. He is the New Adam and Mary is the New Eve. Mary and Jesus both suffered such agony to Their Hearts. Think of the swords invisible piercing the heart of Mary. His Heart suffered such anguish, His Heart was pierced with a lance. Jesus and Mary appear and show us Their Hearts. Their Hearts are surrounded by thorns. In love there is suffering.
It is in suffering, we go more deeply into His life. Jesus was taken to the temple. "Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, 'Look, he is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is opposed-and a sword will pierce your soul too-so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.'" (Lk. 2:34-35)
Mary pondered all these things in her heart.
Mary had an ache in her heart since the prophecy of Simeon.
She knew many souls would be lost.
The Christ Child lived in the womb of the Virgin Mary. How blessed this womb to hold the Son of God. Think of the inner dwelling of Mary's body holding the Son of God.
She is our Mother, so graced is she, the Mediatrix of all graces. We go to her heart which dwells in the Heart of Jesus. We are bathed by this life.
Oh Holy dwelling place of God! How holy we should be to hold Him in us after Communion. How holy we are that He gives us His divine life and He lives in us, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He lives in us; we carry out His life, death, and Resurrection in our lives. Through the struggle - we are brought to a deeper life in Him. There would not be the resurrection without the death.
Mary is contemplative in action. She went to Elizabeth's house. The Source of life is in Him. We must go to Him for our life. We must not look other places for the Source of life. We must have this interior connection to Him or the outside world will press in on us. The real Source is within us. We must go to our hearts. When we are baptized and in the state of grace the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit dwell in us in a special way. We must see Him in others. We must see Him in the world.
He is my center. It is in Him I have peace, love and joy.
September 20, 1995
HROUGH HIM, WITH HIM AND IN HIMThrough Him, with Him, in Him, let us share in His Divinity, He Who humbled Himself to share in our humanity. Let us feel each word in our hearts. Let the Spirit move within us at Mass. Let us come to Mass with a humble heart. Let us hear the Living Word of God delivered from the lips of His holy chosen priests. Let us give ourselves to the Father as a sacrifice united to Jesus. Let us hear the words of Jesus spoken through His holy priests, "This is My Body. This is My Blood."
I was overwhelmed by the love of the Father. I saw all of my faults. I felt so small compared to the magnitude of God. He comes to us on our tongue in the Eucharist. How holy is our tongue? Please sanctify my heart, oh Holy Spirit, that I may love God more. At the Consecration, let me die to all the things that are not of God that I may be saturated more and more with Your life. Let me love all and remove the debris in my heart.
I felt the oneness between the Father and the Son in a special way. I love each word spoken in the Mass. I feel it inside of me. I love the Mass so much. Pray for grace to know, love, and serve God more. I pray for grace to celebrate the Mass with the priest, with greater depths of union with God. The Mass is the greatest source of oneness with God and with each other. The priest merges with Jesus in a special way when celebrating the Mass. Heaven and earth unite at the Consecration. We are one body in Him, all of us joined in deepest love with God. He gives Himself to us, and we give ourselves to Him. As we become one in Him, as we unite deeper in Him, we unite with one another.
September 23, 1995
E GAVE HIMSELF; LET US GIVE OURSELVESDepth, deeper and deeper in Him. Through Him, with Him, and in Him. In the red room, in the pierced Heart, I envision the pulsating embers. I feel the pain in my foot, I feel the ache deep in my chest. It is a pain I cannot touch, I cannot express it, I feel this in this deep oneness with Him.
I see His wounds; it is the depth of the wounds. He was pierced all the way through. He shows us that despite all of His suffering and death, they pierced His precious Heart. And from His pierced Heart the Church was born.
The pain in the Church is deep. We must spread the message of His burning love. His love is penetrating, His love is so deep. Do we see His pierced Heart? Do we see the wounds that go all the way through. His love is infinite.
Jesus' love is so deep. I see the red room, the sanctuary of His Heart. I feel pain within, not a surface love.
He shows us the Hearts, pierced. We see the body wounded, but the hands and feet were pierced all the way through.
We eat His Body. How more intimate is this - we drink His Blood. We are blind. We do not see. We do not feel.
We go through motions, when He wants oneness. Open our eyes. As we look at the sun, we see such power. Let us unite deeply in our hearts and in this oneness realize the power of the Almighty God living within us. Let us realize the blinding light of His presence within us.
Let us give ourselves. He gave Himself. Let us hold nothing back. Let our every breath and heartbeat be taken only to unite deeper and deeper to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, living within us. The power is in this union. He will light this world through us, for we are among the children of the light.
Jesus and Mary want to be with us! They want to be so close to us!
Our union with each other is in uniting in such oneness to Him.
Agony in the Garden:
Jesus spoke clearly to them. They did not understand the things He said. Many He spoke to were stiff-necked, they were closed in their hearts. They didn't want the message. He knelt in the garden. In His knowing, He knew all things. He was ignored. They put Him to death! He knew all the sins of all men for all time. He saw all of His sufferings. He suffered such agony that we can not even comprehend in our minds. Feel the pain as they pound the nails into His hands and feet. Several men working on Him at once, we cannot even stand one person who treats us nasty!
He had many people persecuting Him.
When we pray, feel His pain, feel His joy. Meditate on the mysteries of the rosary.
Do I experience Jesus within me, alive in me - alive in me? Do I control my life or do I surrender to the will of God? I see Him hanging on the cross. He gave His all willingly. At the Consecration of the Mass I give myself as a sacrifice united to Jesus, to the Father. This is freedom, to give myself to my Father, to turn my life over to Him, to obey Him, to surrender myself to Him. This is what God wants. This gives us real freedom, total dependency on God as I unite to Jesus in all my actions. He lives in me. I must identify with Him in every action. I offer myself totally to the Father. All my actions united to Jesus become my sacrifice given to the Father. When I offer my actions united to Jesus, my offering is a most pleasing offering given to the Father. What a gift to be able to unite with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in all of our offerings all through the day. Dear Father, I offer you all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in the Holy Spirit, with all the angels and saints and the souls in purgatory.
Let Him live in you. Experience Him alive in you. Unite in Him, with Him, and through Him. Experience the words of the Mass - it is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
Do I come and ask to be made holy to unite more deeply in Him? Do I offer myself as a sacrifice with Him to the Father?
Do I see the whole heavenly court praising God? Unite and praise God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with the priest as we partake in Christ's priesthood and victimhood in this Holy Sacrifice. Do I unite to Him? Do I allow Him to live in me? My every action should be an action of Christ living within me. If I am praying at church, if I am at work, if I am talking to my family, if I am talking to friends, I am united to Jesus, and He lives in me. It is His light that shines from my eyes. Others see Jesus alive in me. I said to my 16 year old daughter, "Jesus' love is so gentle and kind." She was so beautiful laying in bed next to her Jesus pillow. I gave her a kiss. In all of our actions with others, Jesus unites with us and gives His love to others through us. We must pray for the grace to be more deeply united to Him.
The love Jesus wants to share with us is so much more than words, than kisses, than hugs. Jesus wants to unite in oneness with us. His love is penetrating. It is being in Him. I live in Him. He lives in me. Far deeper than a kiss or any means of human expression, there is such a depth to the oneness I experience with Him.
The sun always shines after the night. The sun is such a joy - it is so bright and beautiful. If I look to the sky, I see beauty beyond all beauty. I see the sunset with such glory over the vast ocean. I see the sky adorned with the deepest hues. I see the woodland forest covered in such splendor with the new fallen snow. Only the might of the Almighty God could create such beauty. In contrast, I look at the man-made objects of this world. It is so simple. We are so blind. The Almighty God is alive in this world today. Let us unite with Him and realize the great gifts that He gives to us and thank Him and let Him unite in deepest union with us.
September 24, 1995
XPERIENCE HIS PRESENCE WITHIN YOUIf we could see the Almighty God in the Eucharist, with all His might, it would blind us so much more than the sun. Yet, so nonchalantly we receive Jesus in the Eucharist. He is God. He is almighty. He has all the power, and He comes to us!
Let us bend and bow low for we are given God. Let us kiss the floor. Let us pray for the grace to know His constant presence within us to keep us focused on Him. Let us see with eyes that are filled with love, powered by the Spirit within.
Let us see God in one another, the reflection of their Creator. See God in our world and experience His presence within us.
September 25, 1995
O LIVE WITHOUT HIM IS MERE EXISTENCEThe more deeply we are one in Him, the more deeply we unite to others. How we unite to others is directly correlated to how one we are in Him. I realized my union with the Trinity. I realized my oneness with the Father. I realized my oneness with the Holy Spirit.
Since September 14, I have been developing a deeper union with the Father. I read, "If you then, evil as you are, know how to give your children what is good, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!" (Lk. 11:13)
I am knowing the Father more; being one with Jesus is being one with the Father.
Knowing the Father - being one in Him.
Knowing the Holy Spirit - being one in Him.
Knowing Jesus - being one in Him.
I realized the presence of all three Persons at Mass. It is such joy for all eternity to know that we will unite with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit if we love and serve God now!
My heart burns to know You, my Beloved, to see the blue sky and the sunlit day, to see You alive in others, to see Your life in a flower, but most of all, to unite more and more deeply in my whole being with You. As I breathe, I know that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live and dwell in me. Life is life in Him. He is life; to live in Him is to live. To live without loving Him is mere existence.
I see the trees against the blue sky. They are in beautiful fall foliage but are withering and dying. As I die to myself, I will be cut back and new growth will come - growth saturated deeply with His life.
It is painful to be cut back - it is in this that you will be filled with a vibrant life. If the old leaves do not fall and die, the new leaves will not sprout.
I long for the outside and the glory in His world, the beauty of the sky, the life in the world - it means so much to me. To go to the cemetery and sit, I realized how this world is so temporary. The trees continue to live-I see His life in the trees and grass. I see His reflection in the world, the beautiful sky, the sun. It is only in being rooted in Him that we have what really counts.
There are some bodies of saints in the cemetery. The souls of these saints are in heaven. Some of the souls of these bodies in the cemetery are now in purgatory. Some of the souls of these bodies in the cemetery are in hell. The body is not as important as the soul. In Him we find Life! I love You! I love You! I love You!
September 28, 1995
EHOLD THE FACEI envision the sorrowful face of my beautiful Mother. I can see the face, so sorrowful-words cannot express the sorrow. This is the face Jesus saw on the way to Calvary. How could anyone describe the face Christ saw as Mary walked this nightmare path!
I feel I am suffering, and I want relief. Behold the face of Mary on the way to Calvary. Behold the face of Christ as Mary looked at Him. Endurance! His face was covered with blood and wounds and His head crowned with thorns. This was the face of Mary - this was the face of Jesus. Behold the face. His way is the way of the cross. In all the suffering, Jesus and Mary were comforted as They peered into each others eyes. Let us be wrapped in the love of these two Hearts. Pure love unites with pure love and we are caught in this embrace. This love is found in dwelling in Their Hearts. We are comforted by Their love despite great suffering.
I think, oh Lord, it is so hard this day, so hard - how much must I endure? Then I looked at the third station in Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church and saw Him spread out on the ground, His chin pasted to the ground, His eyes looking out to the world. He was persecuted, rejected, scorned. He was put to death!
See the holy face of Jesus. Behold the face of Mary on the way to Calvary. Mary's cry - the same cry for the little, lost children of this world.
Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world, Who carries our burdens. How do I carry mine? His way is the cross. I see more and more the purpose of praying the Stations. It is through these Stations, the Sorrowful mysteries and the Seven Sorrows, that I find strength to carry the little crosses.
I am so blind. I do not even know the great gifts I am given. I am given the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Jesus gives Himself to me in the Holy Eucharist. Father, Son and Holy Spirit dwell within me. I have a sharing in His divine life. He gives me a car and a license. He gives me my home, gas, and food. I am so ungrateful thinking how hard it is! There are so many gifts given to me that I do not even consider.
Behold the Lamb of God and the face of Mary. Behold Jesus Who carries our burdens. To unite to Him is to follow His bloody footprints. I am so weak - such little crosses I endure and I complain profusely.
Lamb of God! Help me to be like You more and more and to unite with You in deepest union!
He looked from the cross and saw His beloved Mother. What of the Heart of Jesus on the cross to see Mary and John at the foot of His cross? He carries our burdens, and we complain. What about the gift of life we are given daily? Who are we that the Almighty God unites to us?
September 29, 1995
Today, I didn't get to go in front of the tabernacle and how I suffered! After supper I felt the greatest sufferings ever, and I knew how He sweat blood.
September 30, 1995
N BAPTISM, HE LIVES IN USI have been suffering since September 13th, yesterday was the worst ever. Last night, coming home from dinner, I knew why He sweat blood. I know His pain. Today, Saturday afternoon, I have pain in my left side of my heart all the time.
I went to Communion at St. Boniface Catholic Church. I begged Him to give me a sign that He wanted me to continue what I am doing. He gave me a sign.
St. Paul: "You cannot have forgotten that all of us, when we were baptized into Christ Jesus, were baptized into his death. So by our baptism into his death we were buried with him, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the Father's glorious power, we too should begin living a new life." (Rm. 6:3-4)
We are incorporated into Him in Baptism. He lives in us. We carry out His life, death, and Resurrection in our lives, as He is alive in us this day.
We die with Him. We rise in Him.
Death - Resurrection
Dying in Him, living in Him, as He lives in us.
October 1, 1995
SUFFER FOR THE CHILDRENI have been experiencing such sufferings to my heart. This morning, I felt as if I couldn't think of it anymore, as if there are wounds, and ridges, on my heart. He keeps giving me this intense heartache and suffering. Satan keeps distracting me with issues that cause me mental torture.
Since September 13th, I have experienced intense sufferings in my heart. He wants a burning love affair with the nuns and priests. His Heart is wounded the most by some of those He chose and loves so much.
I feel almost like I can't think of this anymore. I have had a constant aching or intense pain in my heart. I feel He is allowing me to have this to know His presence and the anguish He experienced.
I feel a ridge in my heart for the indifference and ingratitude of men around the Holy Eucharist. I know it so well-this is when He has given me the greatest sufferings over this issue. Mary showed the children of Fatima the souls suffering in hell. From this suffering, I know I should spread the tapes on His burning love.
October 1, 1995
XPERIENCE THE MYSTERIESWritten after Communion:
I realized my wretchedness, how unworthy I am to receive Him. All the sufferings are worth one moment of deep union with Him.
I envision a red glow around the Heart of Jesus, a warm red glow, a yellow filter. As I live in Him and He lives in me, I live His death and Resurrection in my life.
I carry the cross. I fall to the ground. My heart feels the pain and I rise in Him to new life. One moment of deep union with Him is worth the sufferings, one moment, knowing deeply His love, despite my wretchedness.
I live the mysteries of His life. I experience the mysteries in the rosary as I live each mystery in vivid detail in my life.
Mass was wonderful. I am such a sinner to have Jesus come to me. I am given such a gift.
October 1, 1995
N THE DARKEST NIGHT, I MET MY GODHe comes like a thief in the night. We do not know the day or the hour. All our ill deeds will be made light. In heaven, there are many mansions. His ways are the ways of truth.
The night follows the day, the day follows the night, in one moment, He can snatch us from our place, and our life has ended.
We live His life, death, and Resurrection in our lives. We walk the Passion with Him. I have struggled all through my life. In the deepest, darkest night, when it was black, I met my God. I truly felt as if I would never see the light of day.
We live the Pascal Mystery in our lives. I see the life of Christ. I experience His Passion. I walk with Him on the way to Calvary. I feel the persecution, the rejection, the wounds, deep in my heart, the wounds that hurt and cause me to cry out in pain. I feel the agony, the dark night He spent in the garden, His anguish so intense that He sweat blood!
I experience, I live the life, death, and Resurrection of my beloved Savior in my life. But, I know today so much more about the mystery of the Resurrection. I experience His life within me. I experience such oneness with Him. I feel the agony. I know how it is to be on the ground but I do not despair for I experience His life within me. " is no longer I, but Christ living in me..." (Ga. 2:20) I am alive in Him. To suffer is to know the life. To suffer is to experience sometimes His life even more deeply than before.
When I look back over the dark nights in my life, I reminisce with great joy for it is in those nights I was forced to spend very intimate time with my Lover. It was only through Him I lived in the dark moments. Now, when the struggle is over I look with such joy on the time I spent with Him. I reminisce on this time for I was so close to Him and so dependent on Him. Even though I was in intense pain, it was in the struggle that I grew more deeply in my life with Him.
Great struggles - great gifts of His abundant life. Many nights I suffered, many days I cried out for relief and the relief did not seem to come. I pursued Him more intensely because of this immense pain. In this pursuit and in the deep pain, I found my Beloved!
He was there in His sweet and gentle ways. I experienced His presence even though the room was crowded with darkness.
Many times I felt as if all hell pressed in and I wanted so badly to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but did not see it. I pursued Him in front of the tabernacle. It was there that I experienced His presence the strongest. I pursued Him in the dark nights when all were asleep and I was awake with my pain and struggle, and I found Him. I found my Beloved, His most Sacred Heart-His Heart, ever burning and beaming with light - His Heart, filled with love.
I struggled. I grew. It is the moments when I was down that I experienced the greatest growth - these are my fondest memories.
Would I but die to myself, I would experience Your life even more deeply. I surrender, my God, and I give You myself!
I envisioned a cave. It had a very distinct doorway, framed with wood boards. There was no door, just a doorway. It had a narrow passage way, the way was so small and the walls covered with big, sharp rocks. Then there was a second open doorway inside it. They led to a space that was rather open and the rocks still surrounded the interior walls of the room, but the space was much larger and lighted much more than the narrow passage way.
The open doorway beckoned me to come in. I then lived in the narrow, dark room and experienced the pain. The walls were hard and pointed, the room was dark, but it was in this little, cramped space I met my Lord every day. As I struggled, I lived for those moments when I was so alone with Him and so dependent on Him. I knew my Lord in the darkness. I felt His life within me more and more for His light was such a contrast to the darkness.
It was from this dark room that I entered into the second room. I knew His presence from the close quarters (the first room) and entered into the second room.
I carry His light within me. I carry His life within me. I know my Beloved, and I am no longer cramped for to know Him is to possess the keys of the Kingdom. The walls are still covered with the dark, gray, sharp, rock, but His light has cleared the darkness. His presence has pushed the walls back and now I live. As I live, I live through Him, with Him, and in Him. The rocks are still there. The quarters may seem tight sometimes, but the burning embers of His beating Heart keep me warm and secure.
I love You this day. Thank You for the gift of Your life. Thank You for showing us Your way!
I am living this day the Pascal Mystery of death-resurrection. If we die in Him, we will rise in Him, and He will raise us up on the last day. (My feet hurt as if I had little nails in them).
I feel such immense sorrow and a deep propelling desire to spread the love of His beautiful Heart. It is my Mother I hear calling, to go out to the highways and the byways and spread the love of her Son!
After Communion, I saw the red room with the burning embers. He beckons us to come and dwell in His Heart and feel the beating of His Heart and experience the warmth and security of this place, our place of refuge from the cold and dark night.
He is alive! He is alive! His Heart is burning and on fire for us!
Song, "I Love You, Jesus":
Oh Burning Heart, Oh Love divine, how sweet You are to me. I see the Host, I know You're here to love and care for me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. I cannot say. There are not words to say what my heart feels. I love You so, I scarce can breathe when You come into me. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee. Your tender Heart, Oh how it beats for love of each this day. I want to give You all my love, surrender totally. I know Your love a little now, so dear You are to me. Come give me life, abundant life, I thirst to be with Thee.
October 3, 1995
ARY'S SACRED WOMBWritten after Mass:
I realized that as Christ was carried in the womb of Mary, He is in me now. The word "in": the depth with which He unites to us lays me away. The word "in" - we "in" Him and He in us. Who am I that God comes to me and gives Himself to me?
I envision the womb of Mary, with such a brilliant light, holding and forming the Son of God. I behold Mary's womb as so sacred, for it is within her that He lived.
I am awe struck that the Son of God enters me. I am so unworthy that He comes to me. I see so clearly her womb with such light and holiness.
I am so blessed, beyond words, to the point of tears, that He, the Son of God, comes to me and is in me now.
In us, one with us! So unworthy am I, so wretched in my ways, and so far from holiness that He should come and dwell in me and unite in this deep union with me. I love Him so much!
October 4, 1995
UR POWERFUL WEAPON, THE ROSARYJesus has all the power. I am completely dependent on God. I cannot exist without prayer and being alone with Him. I beg Our Father to guide me.
He humbled Himself. He gave Himself for the good of all souls.
There will be an era of peace. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. Satan is so strong and he wants to stop us. Bless yourselves and your places of work. You cannot overlook his tactics. Bless your cars, your children, all that you use. Pray the prayer to Saint Michael. We must pray to St. Michael and bless our houses, our work, and our children with holy water.
We must have time alone with Him, each day a solid hour of contemplation, a time to listen and be taught, a time to be filled with His gifts and to listen to the plan for the day.
We are being called to be His apostles. We are spreading His love throughout this world. It is through the Shepherds of Christ Movement that many hearts will be touched. We are called. We are chosen.
He can, in one moment, do more than we can in a million years. If we do not pray, if we rely on ourselves, we will be disappointed. He is acting in us. We must be humble and allow Him to accomplish His work through us. Mary called us at Fatima to spread the consecration.
He is calling us on a special mission to spread the Shepherds of Christ Movement and the rosary meditations. We are His special apostles given a special mission from Him. It is only in humbling ourselves and remaining fixed in His love that we will carry out this mission. We must join together with the purpose being to carry out this message of His burning love.
He has called us, and we have answered this call. It will be with our support, joined deeply in love together, that the message of His burning love will penetrate the hearts of those we contact. Only in deep love, filled with the Holy Spirit, marching according to the Father's plan, and in His Name, will we accomplish this mission.
Satan will aim to divide His workers. Father Carter, my spiritual director, is spiritual director of the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Our mission is to help spread the Shepherds of Christ Movement throughout the world, to be as the apostles moving fearlessly ahead joined in love. We are to encourage all that we meet to spread the rosaries and Shepherds of Christ prayers, especially the consecration prayers. We encourage all to pray the rosary every day and consecrate their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This is according to Our Lady's request at Fatima.
Satan will attempt to distract us. As apostles for Shepherds of Christ, we must be careful in our travels to adhere to the absolute truth and to support this movement. We do not know the craftiness of Satan to divide us.
We recite the rosary. We encourage all to attend daily Mass and Holy Communion, to pray before the tabernacle. We tell others about the Shepherds of Christ Ministries. We tell others how to begin prayer groups centered in consecration to the two Hearts to help in the renewal of the Church and the world. For any further information, people can contact:
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152-0193
Phone (toll free): 1-888-211-3041
Phone (international): 1-513-932-4451
We must pray the rosary as a powerful weapon to squelch Satan. We must proceed as His apostles rooted in His burning love. We can not gossip or talk about one another. He loves us with the deepest love. In the promises that Our Lord gave to Saint Margaret Mary for those devoted to His Sacred Heart, He promises that those who promote this devotion shall have their names written in His Heart, never to be blotted out.
We will help carry out the messages of His love and many hearts will unite to His. He has called His priests and religious to the special mission of spreading His love to the world. When souls that are hungry unite with His love, they will pray fervently for the priests and religious. Our goal is to lead others, all over the world, to pray for the priests and religious. He is calling us to help spread the devotion of Their Hearts - to encourage these hearts to pray for and support the priests and religious.
He love us so much, His special apostles. He is forever with us and guarding us.
October 5, 1995
OVE BEYOND LOVE IS FOUND IN THEIR HEARTSSuch an experience: a piano tuner was at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church and I had to wait in the car a long time before I could pray because it was so noisy.
I envisioned Our Lady of Lourdes, so young and beautiful in the Lourdes grotto. It was so gorgeous. I was meditating on the Joyful Mysteries. My insides are filled with such love of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I love Him. I long for Him. I thirst for Him. I love His life. All I want is Him. I want a deeper union with Him.
I unite to my beloved God in this deep union on the fifth of October of 1995. I have special experiences with Our Lady here on the fifth of the month. I think it was a little after twelve-thirty that I experienced the penetrating love of the Trinity. I felt saturated with immense peace.
I experience His presence so strong in this church. I long and thirst and want such union with Him. My whole body and soul calls out to be one in Him. My soul calls out for the courts of the Lord, to be united more and more deeply with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I love to pray at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church before the Lourdes grotto and the big crucifix in the back of the church. I experience special graces there. We are all God's creatures. He is our Creator. We are sinful and have offended God by our sinfulness. We need to pray the Divine Mercy, especially at 3:00, and beg for mercy for our sins and the sins of the whole world.
Mary's heart was invisibly pierced with a sword. Think of the sword deeply entering her precious heart of love. Think of the lance deeply piercing Jesus' Heart. Whenever we go through deep suffering, we suffer with Him. If I dwell deeply in Their Hearts and you dwell deeply in Their Hearts, we are united in deep love in Their Hearts. The more you live in Their Hearts and I live in Their Hearts, the deeper we are united. All people who want to know love, will find real love in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I am deeply united to my brothers that are greatly saturated with divine grace. Love beyond all love is found in Their Hearts. Life comes to us from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, through the heart of Mary that was invisibly pierced by a sword seven times. We act as channels of this life to all.
I see the love between Jesus and Mary all through the rosary. I see the great love of these two Hearts. I want to be in this great love existing between Them, therefore I go to the heart of Mary and she places me deeply in the Heart of her Son. She dwells most perfectly in His Heart. Look at the mysteries of the rosary. See the Hearts beating in the same body during the Annunciation and the Visitation. See Mary hold that little baby Jesus, the Christ Child, and nurse Him with her milk. Jesus received His physical life through the body of Mary. We receive a sharing in His divine life through Mary, the Mediatrix of all graces, Mother of our Christ-life, most holy Mother of our love. I see this interaction of deepest love all through the rosary. It is in meditating on the love between Them that I am filled with such satisfaction when I dwell in Their Hearts.
At Fatima, Mary told Jacinta that Jesus wants His Heart venerated next to His Mother's heart. We receive the deepest love when we dwell in the two Hearts. Look at Their Hearts in the fourth Joyful Mystery of the rosary, the Presentation in the Temple. Simeon told Mary that a sword too would pierce her heart. From that moment on, Mary knew sufferings were to come. Each time she looked at baby Jesus, she remembered the prophesy of Simeon, and she had a constant ache in her heart. Jesus knew all things. Mary's and Jesus' Hearts were joined in greater union knowing the sufferings to come. Look at the picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Look at the faces of Jesus and Mary. They shared the deepest intimacy. Jesus and Mary want us to consecrate our hearts to Their Hearts. This is the message of Fatima: unless a sufficient number of people consecrate their hearts to Jesus and Mary, we will not have peace in the world. All through the rosary we see what deep love really is.
The highest human person unites in deepest union with the Almighty God in His Divinity and humanity. When we unite to these two Hearts, we are caught in love's deep embrace. This is our little heaven on earth-being in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He took me to the inner chamber of His Heart, and there I experienced the all embracing presence of God.
This book is to help us to unite more deeply to the greatest sacrifice there is on this earth this day. This book is to help us to be joined in this one sacrifice all over this world. This book is to help us to live according to the Father's plan as children of God, as one body in Him. As we consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as we dwell within Their Hearts, They live in us in this world today. We are lights to this world. Our hearts are lighted with the power of "...the light of the world..." (Jn. 8:12), Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. When we dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we are plugged in and shine with His burning love. We are caught in love's embrace. The Father looks at this world, and He sees the darkness. His little children consecrated to Mary's and Jesus' Hearts are lights shining in the dark world.
As the Shepherds of Christ Movement moves across the land and more and more of God's children join the fold, more and more hearts will be lighted with the fire of God's love. There will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be an era of peace in which the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign. The Shepherds of Christ Movement is trying to help renew the Church and the world. It is centered in consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We are saturated with grace when we dwell in Their Hearts. We are helping to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of the Sacred Heart. We want to be deeply united to Jesus' Heart and to Mary's heart as we go ever closer to the Father in the Holy Spirit.
We are as lights on a Christmas tree. If we are plugged in, the whole tree lights up. God has all the power. He is an endless Source of power and light. If each person in this world was as a light on the Christmas tree, if each person was plugged into the Source of power, the Heart of Jesus through Mary's heart, the whole world would shine as the brightest Christmas tree.
The Father looks to this earth and sees much darkness. Darkness has covered the earth. Satan is pressing down on this earth. Satan causes confusion and division in our hearts. He keeps us focused on problems when we could be talking to Jesus. Mary protects us with her motherly love. She guards us, her children. More than any earthly mother, she loves us. We can go to her heart for protection. We must put aside distractions, confusion, and division in our hearts. We come to her heart with a heart that is humble. Satan talks in our mind and causes us to feel upset many times. We must let go.
The way to the light is through Their Hearts. His love burns deeply for us. We must not give into the distractions in our minds.
Go to the tabernacle. Jesus will give us our answers. He is waiting for us to come. We must come and sit in silence and let Him work in our hearts. We will be filled deeply with His life. We must not be filled with fear. We should be filled with hope and joy. We must pray to the Holy Spirit to give us His wisdom to know the will of the Father. Mary is our Mother. She will help us with all our trials and all of our struggles. We must discipline our thoughts and go to the Heart of Jesus. It is through the Eucharist that we will be strengthened for all our trials.
We may have to face many sufferings. We will not be harmed. We are being protected by our heavenly Mother. She spreads her mantle over us. We must surrender and go to Their Hearts. We must be deeply united in Their Hearts. We must meditate on the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within us. We must pray for the grace to know and love God more. We should pray to the Father, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the Holy Spirit, through the powerful intercession of the Virgin Mary.
We should pray all through the day and offer all our actions to the Father with our petitions in the morning. It is our job to spread the love of Jesus to the world. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign. We should pray for the spread of the devotion to Their two Hearts and consecrate ourselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary everyday.
Our hearts are as the light bulbs on the Christmas tree, ready to be lighted with His light and His love. We will light this world with the fire of Jesus' love burning in our hearts. The earth remains in darkness. Mary spoke to us at Fatima, but many people do not listen to her message given there.
Mary said at Fatima that until a sufficient number of her children are consecrating their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we will not have peace in the world.
When many lights are lighted on the Christmas tree, the whole tree will appear to be lighted.
The Father wants the whole earth lighted with the fire of God's love. He gave His Son as a sacrifice that we would have eternal life. When many light bulbs are dark, the whole tree looks dark, but the few that are lighted stand out against the darkness.
We must stay rooted in Him. We must plug our hearts into Mary's heart and she will plug us into her Son's Heart. He is the power Source. His power never runs out. His power is never dimmed. Only in Him will the light shine. Mary our Mother, we give you our hearts. Place them in the Heart of your Son that we will be one body in Him, that we will light up the earth. The lights shown as the brightest light, and they covered the earth. The light to this world is the fire of God's love.
The priest needs to feed the people with the love of God. When people come to the Mass and the Sacraments, they are spiritually fed.
The world cries out to be fed. The Church is the body of Christ. Jesus has chosen each priest and anointed him as Christ alive in this world today. The greatest calling is to be called to be a holy priest by Our Lord Himself. How dearly He loves His beloved priests and longs for their love. As He suffered so during His bitter Passion for the lack of love of some of His chosen priests betrothed to Him, He was comforted by His holy priests. Jesus truly loves His sacred priests.
Jesus must live in the priest. The priest's every action must be one with Jesus. He is a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
When a priest is filled with the love of Jesus, He will unite more deeply with Christ in the great sacrifice being offered to the Father. In the holy sacrifice of the Mass, the faithful will see Jesus through the priest offering sacrifice to the Father. We will lift our eyes and we will feel, at this great sacrifice, the presence of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We unite in offering sacrifice to the Father. We all unite as one and give ourselves in such oneness with Jesus, in such love to the Father, in the Holy Spirit. We die to all those things that are not of Him and join in this great miracle taking place. The Father looks down and He sees the sacrifice of His beautiful Son through the consecrated hands of His holy priests. Heaven unites to earth. Earth cries out in such jubilation at the great gift given from the Almighty God, and we unite as creatures giving ourselves as a sacrifice to our beloved Creator. Do we experience the presence of God as His power flows through the hands of a man, the priest who takes ordinary bread and wine and changes them into the Body and Blood of Our Lord? Do we hear Jesus cry out, as He did at the last supper, with the intensity in His voice reflecting all knowledge of the upcoming events of His passion and death?
Do we hear the priest say the words of consecration with the emotion of Jesus, about to give His life for His beloved souls? And the earth stands still. There is, at that moment, the sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present through the hands of the priest. Oh, that God so loved this world to give His only Son as a sacrifice and that God wants us in this deep oneness with Him. I give You myself, my beautiful God, as You so willingly gave Yourself to me on Calvary. I want to die with You.
Love between two persons is mutual giving. It is interaction between two people. It is intimacy. It is dependent on how much we give. We receive intimacy, interaction, according to how much we put into it. God gives His all. We see Him hanging, covered with blood, crowned with thorns, hands and feet pierced. We see His precious heart, font of life and love and mercy, pierced. This is freedom. He shows us the way. We give ourselves. We sacrifice and beg to be made holy, beg to be like Him in this holy sacrifice. The most important aspect of our offering sacrifice is how we are in our heart. Are we one with Jesus, giving ourselves to our beloved Father Who is all worthy of our love? Who are we that God loves us creatures so much that He, Almighty God, becomes present, no less present than the day He walked this earth, through the hands of a man, and we take it so lightly. Think of Jesus calling out. Raise the Host high, beloved priests. This is the Son of God and you have been given the greatest honor on this earth.
God comes to us. He gives Himself to us. Let us see ourselves as one in Him. Let us unite. Let us look at ourselves, all creatures of our beloved God, God, all Holy, all Magnificent, Almighty, all Powerful, and see what He gives us. Let us see ourselves as His creatures and Him as the Creator, and look at ourselves and see how we, and all men, are offending our precious God. As we unite, we beg, beg, with this holy sacrifice of His Son, for mercy. We watch it flow from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the font of grace and mercy, the pierced Heart of Jesus, through the heart of Mary, by the hands of the priest, who is one with Jesus, to us. We are so joined in such oneness with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We have given ourselves to Them. It is here, united to Christ in such oneness, that my sacrifice is received by the loving hands of the Father. It is in this oneness that He pours out His grace. We unite through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, and we beg for mercy as His creatures who have offended our beloved God. This is our gift to You, our beloved Father. As Vatican II says, in union with the priest, we offer the Son to the Father. We give Him the greatest thanks for this holy and living sacrifice. We unite with the whole Church. We ask to be nourished by His Body and Blood, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and increasingly become one body in Him. We join with Mary and all the saints and constantly plead for help through this sacrifice. Through this sacrifice may we make peace with You and peace for the salvation of the whole world. We pray in love and faith for your pilgrim Church, for the Pope, our bishop and all bishops, all clergy and all people. We ask the Father to hear the prayers of His family and ask Him in mercy and love to unite all children the world over. We ask the Father to take all our brothers and sisters that have died, that were good, into heaven. And we pray that we will have the vision of Your glory, through Christ, Our Lord, and we pray through Him, with Him and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. All glory and honor is Yours, Almighty Father, forever and ever.
We pray to the Father, with all our hearts and all our love, the 'Our Father.' We say every word. We say with such love, 'Our Father,' we pray that Thy kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven. We want this kingdom here, we are all brothers and sisters and God is Our Father and we want all men doing His will. We ask to be fed both spiritually and physically every day. We beg to be free from evil and have peace. We ask Him to keep us free from sin and anxiety and hope for His coming. We pray that the kingdom and power and the glory are God's now and forever. We give to each other peace and we beg for forgiveness and mercy. We are sinful, but we want mercy. We stand. We should shout out to the Father, "Look how sinful we are!" We beg for mercy for our sins and those of all men.
I experience the action of the Holy Spirit in a special way from the Consecration of the Mass. It fills me with such anticipation to receive Jesus, and I want to be holy. From the Consecration, I give myself to the Father, united in the Holy Spirit, in a special way. Consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I experience God. I love the Mass so much. The rest of this book that follows are my experiences during Mass, after Communion, and other times. Many are experiences at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. For four months straight I experienced special moments with my beloved Jesus there daily.
October 5, 1995
EPARATION IS THE FOUNDATIONMy experience at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church before the Lourdes Statue and the Cross was awesome.
The world is suffering and in pain. We must pray the Divine Mercy.
"A sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible, divine reality."25
Jesus no longer walks the earth. We carry out His life, death, and Resurrection in our lives.
The Church is the continuation of Christ upon earth. The Church is a sacrament. We encounter Christ in a special way through the Sacraments.
If I am united to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, if I dwell in Their Hearts, I help channel grace to others.
The more I live in Their Hearts and you live in Their Hearts, the deeper we are united.
I am deeply united to my brothers that are deeply saturated with His grace.
The rosary is the story of the lives of Jesus and Mary. God communicates with us through His Son, Who became man.
Mary's heart was pierced seven times. There are seven Sacraments. Mary is the Mediatrix of all graces. When we dwell in Their Hearts, the love of God is so alive in us. We are joined in such oneness with God when we are dwelling in Their Hearts. We receive His divine life and divine love.
Mary's heart is filled with His love. She dwells most deeply in His Heart. Her heart is sinless. Through Mary, we can dwell more deeply in His divine Heart because her heart is pure.
The grace-life comes through His humanity. Life comes from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, through Mary, to us. We act as channels of this life in the world. We carry out His life in our lives.
The Church continues His life, death, and Resurrection this day. He is present to us in the Sacraments. Mary is our Mother and Mother of the Church. The Spirit transforms us in Mary's heart to make us more like Jesus.
Jesus gives us His Body and Blood this day. His life flows from His pierced Heart from which blood and water flowed. The water is a symbol of Baptism, of the life He gives to us; the blood is a symbol of the Eucharist whereby we are fed.
The Mass is the Sacrifice of Calvary sacramentally made present. The angel told the three children at Fatima:
"Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men! Make reparation for their crimes and console your God."
Father Carter says in his book, The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje that: "Reparation is a foundation of the Fatima messages."26
...we notice the distinctive Trinitarian nature of the messages. We are instructed that, in our Christian existence, we must express the greatest reverence for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as we serve them through the virtues of faith, hope, and love. These three virtues are at the heart of our life of grace.
We are reminded of the ugly reality of sin and of our duty to make reparation for it.26
Our Lady calls for a specific act of reparation - the five first Saturdays. Reparation is a foundation of the Fatima message.
Love God; Love our neighbor. Pray and make sacrifices for others. Make everything we do a sacrifice. We must be united to God throughout the day.
God has sent Our Blessed Mother to call us back to Jesus and to be in a closer union with Him. Mary is our Spiritual Mother - the Mediatrix of all grace. We should accept all the sufferings He sends us. The cross leads to life. We carry out the Pascal Mystery in our lives, that of death-resurrection. The cross leads to life. We live the cross. We act as channels of His grace to others. The Eucharist is at the center of the Church's life.
"'My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You.'
Then, rising he said: 'Pray thus. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive to the voice of your supplications.'..."27
During the summer of 1916, the angel again appeared to the three visionaries. He said to them:
"Pray! Pray a great deal. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs on you. Offer prayers and sacrifices continually to the Most High. Make everything you do a sacrifice, and offer it as an act of reparation for the sins by which God is offended, and as a petition for the conversion of sinners. Bring peace to our country in this way...I am the Guardian Angel of Portugal. Accept and bear with submission all the sufferings the Lord will send you."28
In the fall of the same year, the angel visited the visionaries a final time:
"The angel came...bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood where falling from the Host into the chalice. Presently, the angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground, saying this beautiful prayer: 'Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.'"29 30
Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary appear in the foreground as the inseparable Mediators of the Father of Mercies.
October 8, 1995
WAKE, SONS OF GODPeople were so irreverent at a church on Sunday, October 8, 1995. Immediately after Sunday Mass, people were selling entertainment books in the church, drinking coffee right in front of the altar and in front of the tabernacle, standing around laughing, hollering, and socializing, and counting money from the entertainment books on the Communion rail in front of the tabernacle. One man whistled as he carried the table he sold entertainment books on all through the sanctuary by the side of the main altar.
October 9, 1995
God gave to man such gifts, and Adam and Eve sinned against God. God gives us such gifts today and man continues to sin against God. Let us help make reparation to God for the offenses against Him. Tell Him that we are sorry for the ingratitude of sinful men.
God showed His love and His faithfulness to His promise by the Incarnation and by the life, death, and Resurrection of the Incarnate Second Person of the Trinity.
God knows and loves Himself. He was perfectly happy and did not have to create man. He created him out of His great goodness. Creation is usually attributed to the First Person, knowledge to the Second Person, and love to the Third Person, but all share in these actions.
All I want to do is to know Him more. To know Him is to love Him.
Jn. 1:1-13:
In the beginning was the Word:
the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things came into being,
not one thing came into being
except through him.
What has come into being in him was life,
life that was the light of men;
and light shines in darkness,
and darkness could not over power it.
A man came, sent by God.
His name was John.
He came as a witness,
to bear witness to the light,
so that everyone might believe
through him.
He was not the light,
he was to bear witness to the light.
The Word was the real light
that gives light to everyone;
he was coming into the world.
He was in the world
that had come into being through him,
and the world did not recognize him.
He came to his own
and his own people did not accept him.
But to those who did accept him
he gave power to become children of God,
to those who believed in his name
who were born not from human stock
or human desire
or human will
but from God Himself.
Life flows from the pierced Heart of Christ. Man is redeemed by the blood of Jesus. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not.
I love You. I love You. I love You. I want to know You, to seek You, to have You more and more and more. My heart craves Your love - You are my Beloved.
We were born because God wanted us to be born. If we are baptized, we have a special sharing in His divine life. We are sons of God and heirs of His kingdom if we love and serve the Lord.
God existed. He was completely happy. He lacked nothing. He wanted to communicate His goodness and love so He created man.
Adam and Eve, our first parents, sinned. God prepared men for the coming of the Jesus. This is given in the Old Testament. The New Eve, Mary, and the New Adam, Jesus, came to this earth. Mary is our Spiritual Mother, the Mother of our spiritual life. Eve is the mother of the living. God promises to send a Redeemer. Jesus comes and gives Himself that we will have life, that we will share in His divine life. God keeps His promise. God is always faithful to His Word.
October 9, 1995
O KNOW HIM IS TO LOVE HIMMary has said at Fatima that we will not have peace in the world until a sufficient number of people are consecrating their hearts to Jesus and Mary. Mary will be faithful to the promises of Fatima.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph.
Salvation History includes the story of man's willfulness and sinfulness. God is faithful with His infinite mercy and love.
God was completely happy. He created man from His goodness and love to communicate His love to His creatures.
Many times man is blind and deaf and does not see the plan. This is the plan of Salvation History that man was created to know, love, and serve God.
To love God more, we must know Him. He is revealing Himself to us in the Scriptures. We must read them to love Him more.
From the side of the first Adam came Eve. From the side of Christ came the Church.
We are fed through His Body and Blood.
October 11, 1995
EE SUFFERING AS A GIFTWritten at 4:17 in the morning:
He sweat blood for the indifference and neglect.
There is such trouble in the Church today. I know I want to circulate the tapes and books with the Gospel message of His great love for us. The pains in my hands and feet are a constant reminder of His presence with me. All suffering is a constant reminder of His presence with us if we see the suffering as a gift from Him. He knows our every thought. He allows all that we are experiencing. The very hairs of our head are numbered.
October 11, 1995
E MUST MARCH ON WITH A WHITE BANNERI am very disturbed to have a problem with anyone for I love them and do not want to hurt them in anyway, but I want to always respond according to the truth.
The truth is my banner, to march on this world. The truth is the banner I carry, the message, the message of His love and my great love for God and for the Church. I love the Church and His especially chosen religious. He has anointed them, and they will lead the strayed ones home. He has chosen them. I want to spread this book to the religious. He calls out, and His cries fall on deaf ears. He wakes them from a dark, long sleep and they begin to see the light of day. The Church will carry a white flag filled with purity and burning love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Song: Oh burning Heart, oh Love Divine, how sweet You are to me.
All through the day, I unite in the Mass with all the Masses all over the world. I love the Mass so much. I see Christ acting through the priest in the Mass, and I love him deeply in his deep love for Jesus. My whole life is spent in this quest for deeper and deeper union with God. I thirst with the driest mouth for this knowledge of God. Knowing Him helps to love Him - to more deeply in Him.
I thirst for Thee, my God. My mouth is so dry and my thirst is so deep. Only in You do I find my joy. The world parades its beauties before me. I focus on Jesus. He is my all. My goal is to have deeper and deeper union with Thee. I thirst, and I am quenched by the knowledge of You given in the Scriptures and from my spiritual director, Fr. Carter. I call and You quench my thirst. You have provided Fr. Carter as a great gift given to help in the renewal of the Church and the world. His love for the Church will be passed on through his writings. It is in Jesus' Heart and the heart of Mary that men will realize the love of God.
The priests will answer this call through the newsletter and the graces they are receiving from God through the prayers of many. We must all unite in one heart delivering His message of love to the world. He loves us so much.
My deepest union with the priest is in the Sacrifice of the Mass, when I unite with Jesus as victim and offer myself with Jesus and Mary to the Father. The priest merges with Jesus, offering Himself to the Father. It is Jesus offering Himself, through the priest, to the Father.
In one moment bread, and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ through the priest. This is the intense moment when I unite so deeply with God. I am in awe of this act. I see the priest, at this moment, as Christ, and I love God so deeply for the great gift given to men. Who are we that God gives a man the power to change bread into His Body and wine into His Blood?
I love Jesus so much. I adore Him. I love Him. I worship Him. In this moment, my heart is filled with such union with God for His goodness. I love the priest deeply as I know the great gift God has given to us in him. I love the Church. It is through the priest, I love the Church more for He has chosen the priest to represent Himself to me. I see Christ in the priest. I receive His life from the Church. The priest administers the Sacraments to me. The priest celebrates the Mass.
I love the priest so much because he is chosen by God and is acting as Christ in the Church today. I love the Church with my whole heart, with all its flaws and problems. I love the priest because he represents Christ to me. I know Christ is acting in him and in the Church this day.
If I do not have this love for the Church, for the priest, for the Mass, for the Eucharist, I am missing this special encounter with Christ given to us this day. I love the hand that feeds me.
Priests are not being loved by the faithful this day. The Church is disrespected and made fun of in many cases. We must pray for the people to love the Church and love the priests and pray for them.
My love of others enhances my love for God, my love for the Church, my love for the Sacraments, my love for Christ. I love God's holy priests. We must love the Church, the Sacraments and thank God for these great gifts given to us.
October 11, 1995
XPERIENCING GOD AT MASSSuch an experience after Communion: My beloved God comes inside of me and unites to me. The Almighty God gives Himself to me. I cry to express my deep, deep love for Him.
I see clearly the role of the Church as we are formed more into the image of Jesus. I know how I must love the Church. I do love the Church. The Church ministers to me His life.
October 11, 1995
To love God we must know Him. The truth must be taught in the Catholic Church. The Church has the right to govern. We cannot say what we want. The Church has the right and the power to govern. We must obey the Church.
God wants our salvation and happiness far more than we do. If we become more like Christ we will be more pleasing to the Father.
October 12, 1995
HE SACRIFICE OF THE MASSI realize the great offenses against God performed by myself and sinful men. I want to help make reparation to His adorable Heart, wounded by the ingratitude and indifference of men. My heart cries out, realizing the great gifts we are given and how Jesus is ignored and treated with such disrespect and irreverence by men.
What a prayer of unity of His faithful ones to join in the Sacrifice and become one in Him, offered to the Father, in the Holy Spirit, with Mary and all the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory. We unite in each prayer at the petitions with our whole hearts, and our prayer together ascends to the Father.
"Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us." We beg, beg for mercy for the men this day offending God. I see His pierced Heart - a fountain of mercy and love, pouring out on the world as we unite in our most fervent prayer from our hearts.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in Thee. Let us unite with all the faithful throughout the world and offer this, our sacrifice, to the Father, with the deepest, fervent love, petitioning that He outpour His graces and mercy on ungrateful men.
Let us thank and praise Him for this great gift of Himself, ignored and forgotten so often by sinful men.
Let us unite in one heart fervently loving God and beg the Father to unite this world in love. Let us live always according to the Father's will as little children, always obeying Him and depending on Him for everything.
I join with the priest, in such oneness, with these prayers to the Father. May this be taken to His holy Throne and may the Sacred Heart of Jesus reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumph in the hearts of the faithful throughout the world.
Joined in such oneness in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we offer to the Father one sacrifice. We unite in Jesus and offer ourselves to the Father. The Mass is so powerful!
October 12, 1995
HE MASSThe Mass is a great act of love. The sacrifice of Calvary is sacramentally made present. In the Mass, Jesus gives Himself completely to us and we give ourselves completely to Him.
May the sacrament of His love draw us closer in love with one another. It is in the reception of the Eucharist that we unite so deeply in Him and in His love. So, too, I unite with every person. Every difficulty I have with others seems so minute, for I can unite with them in Him.
Each person in my life, I love so much more dearly because I have united in deepest union with my God. Each member of my family, of my life, that I unite with socially, becomes so dear and close to me in Him. He has united in deepest union with my heart. Now I must go forth and carry this love to all those I interact with.
I feel so sad for my sins and the sins of the world. I see how often I fail, all through the day. I beg Him for forgiveness and mercy for myself and for the sinful world. I want to help make reparation to His adorable Heart for the sins of man.
I pray, in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, that the petitions in my heart ascend upward to the Father, united in this Holy Sacrifice, in the Holy Spirit, with Mary, the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory. I pray with all my heart for mercy, mercy for the sins of ungrateful men.
The Mass is so beautiful. We unite in the mystery of His love. We ask forgiveness for our sinful ways. We offend Him in thought, word, and deed, what we should have done and failed to do. I beg the heavenly Father for forgiveness and remission of these sins. We beg mercy for us and our sins.
We are fed by His beautiful Word. We are touched by this Living Word of God. We ask the Father to give us what we need, and we unite with all present in this Sacrifice, in these prayers. In one heart, we lift our hearts to the Father and pray for our needs.
Let us share in the Divinity of Christ Who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.
Wash away our iniquities. We offer ourselves with the bread and wine that will soon be the Body and Blood of Christ. May the Lord accept this sacrifice for the praise and glory of His name for our good and for the good of His whole Church.
Lifted high on the cross, He gave Himself. We join with all the angels and saints.
October 13, 1995
HE BURNING EMBERS OF HIS HEARTHe lifts the veil and I realize the immensity of His love. I envision the burning embers of His Heart. I rested so deeply in His Heart. I envision the glow going in and out from darkness to light. He keeps a constant vigilance for us.
I felt the burning flames of His love from darkness to light. They went in and out with a red hue. It was a burning movement of a flame that went in and out.
My heart is so warm. Such an experience! My heart burns with deepest love of Him. I feel my heart now.
I begged Him to let me unite with Him in the highest union at every moment of my life. I long for Him, for Him alone, and this deep union with Him. Song, "In the deepest recesses of His Heart..."
I am so aware of the pulling in my heart like an ache, but not painful. I long for deep, deep, deep union with Him, I long to be so one in Him, so deeply embedded in His Heart.
I realize from reading Mother at My Side, that Mary is our prayer partner. A mother is always there. She is attentive to her child. She feels the child's pain. She is so joined to her child.
Mary is there, she is more than I can imagine, attentive to my every care. She is indeed my Mother. I do not have any fear if I realize her constant love and care, that someone constantly loves and cares for me. I know her constant motherly presence with me.
It is in realizing this constant, motherly love that I am set free from fear and can rest so tenderly in His Heart.
How do I write what I feel? Mary, my Mother, help me to know your constant presence with me and your constant motherly care and love for me! I know this is the secret to my resting deeply in His Heart.
It was through Mary that Christ came. He was in Mary's womb. The connection between Them is so deep in the rosary meditations. It is in meditating on Their lives that I see this deep union between Their two Hearts. It is in Mary that I will feel secure and know His love.
All these years I've missed my earthly mother who died when I was five years old. Now I know I have my heavenly Mother forever with me, leading me in deepest union with her Son! Her role as my spiritual Mother is to help me to unite more and more deeply in Him.
October 15, 1995
HERE APPEARED IN THE SKY A WOMAN, MARYWritten at 3:00 a.m. in Jackson, Michigan:
I was awakened. I thought, "How can I spread His love to others if I do not have a deep love relationship with Him?"
The Gospel is the Living Word of God. The Gospel messages live in us. What is within will come forth from the mouth of a man. Let our hearts be filled with His love that we may declare the Gospel. Let His Word live in us. Let it be alive in our souls, penetrated with His divine presence, that we sing of His love for all.
The interior life can be life or death, light or darkness, a place of peace or a place of fear. It depends on the heart of the person. We must stay rooted in Him, then we remain saturated with the life of God, the divine life of the Trinity.
Mary told us at Fatima what we must do. The more we totally surrender and give our hearts to Jesus and Mary, the more we grow in holiness. Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary is the answer. When we give our hearts to Mary, the Holy Spirit works within her heart to make us more and more like Jesus.
Within the heart of Mary, we receive lights from the Holy Spirit to know God. We are formed, the children of light, in the womb of Mary. Christ the firstborn was formed in the womb of Mary. He is the Light of the World. We are formed in the womb of Mary and she brings us forth her children of light. She protects us against the devil. She crushed his head with her heel and we find shelter in her womb.
This is the message of Fatima: that the heart of Mary should be venerated with the Heart of Jesus. We unite more to God as we become one in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. God created us to communicate and share His love with us. The more we become one with Them the more we unite to God and others.
Life flows from His Heart through her heart. She is the Mediatrix of all graces. Under God, all grace flows through her.
God creates creatures in His own image and likeness because of His great love of man. The creatures sin against God. God sends His only begotten Son to make reparation for sin. Jesus is the New Adam. Mary is the New Eve.
"Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." (Rv. 12:1)
Eve was the physical mother of the human race. It is through Jesus that we relate to the Father. Jesus is our Mediator with the Father. The Father communicates to us through His Son.
Man, today, sins and treats God with such ingratitude and indifference. We are all members of the human race, all brothers in Him, all His creatures. Here is God. He is a Divine Being and He gives to creatures His love, His life, His goodness. Many men turn their backs on God. I want to make some recompense to God for my sins and the sins of my fellow human beings. God is so gravely offended by men.
Jesus gave us His Mother under the cross as our Mother. She is pure, she is immaculate, conceived without sin. When we give our hearts to Mary, we can unite to Jesus in the pure heart of Mary. We are sinners. Of ourselves, we cannot unite in great depth to Him unless we go through Mary's pure and sinless heart.
God has raised Mary to such heights. She is the closest human person to God.
Mary says at Fatima:
"...God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war will end. But if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the reign of Pius XI."31
Because not enough people responded to Our Lady of Fatima's request for conversion, the tragedy of World War II did occur.
Through many of her messages at Medjugorje, Our Lady is also calling us to conversion. It is emphatic, such as part of her message of January 25, 1988:
"Dear children, today, again I am calling you to complete conversion...I am inviting you, dear children, to convert fully to God..."32 33
We must consecrate ourselves, our homes, and our businesses to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mary showed the three children of Fatima a vision of hell.
You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish, in the world, devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.
The war [World War I, then raging] is going to end. But if people do not stop offending God, another and worse one will begin in the reign of Pius XI.34
We need to pray for souls to be converted. We are among the children of the light.
Oneness is being so united to Him, to be one in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, as we partake in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, as we live Their lives in the rosary, as we live the words in the Scriptures, the Living Word of God. There is a oneness in our every breath as our hearts burn for love of Him.
Mary is the Queen of Peace. She wishes to establish peace in the world, and she asks us to help her accomplish this great goal.
She calls us to conversion. "This peace will take place when the human family is at peace with God-when human hearts are united with God, in loving conformity to His will."35
She calls us to conversion by consecrating our hearts to the Sacred Heart and her Immaculate Heart.
The Blessed Mother said to Jacinta:
Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask graces from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her.36
The message of Fatima centers in the act of consecration to the Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Say "yes" to consecration. Say "yes" to her grace. Read Scripture. We are children of the light. Conversion is based on consecration to the two Hearts. Fatima outlined what is needed to save mankind. Medjugorje confirmed it, and gives us the details. To consecrate means "to make holy". Only God can make us holy. Baptism seals us with the holiness of God - in Baptism we share in His divine life - our Christ-life.37
Mary's promises for those who make the five first Saturdays: "...I promise to assist at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the rosary and keep me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me."38
God is faithful to His promise. Mary is faithful to her promises. God listens to prayers through Mary.
Adam and Eve sinned against God. God sent His only begotten Son to save men from their sin.
Our Lady is pleading with the human race to return to God (in the 20th Century): "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." (Rv. 12:1)
At Fatima, there occurred the great miracle of the sun. Mary is Our Lady of Light. We are among the children of the light fixed in Him. She is leading us to our final destination, which is heaven. She is the highest human person. She is the human person closest to God. She was given the role as our Mother under the cross. She is Queen of Heaven and Queen of Earth. She is given by her Son the title, 'Queen of Peace'. All graces flow through her Immaculate Heart.
All the power is in God. At Fatima, the sun came down to the people as if it would destroy them. I see the sun, its power is blinding. The sun is the light to this earth. Even if the sun ceases to shine, we will not fear for we know God is almighty and He lives in us when we are in the state of grace.
He gives us the Holy Eucharist. Its power is greater than the sun - it is the Almighty God. Man, in his blindness, ignores the signs given.
The devil tempted Eve, and she yielded. He tricked her. The devil, this day, is tricking men into alienating themselves from God. The devil tells us this day we do not need God.
God is a Supreme Being. He, in His goodness and love, gives us life. He gives us great gifts.
We have a fallen human nature. At times, we give in to the temptations of the evil one.
The Father sent His only begotten Son into this world to make reparation for the sin.
Eve is the physical mother of the human race.
She and Adam sinned. This sin is passed down to us from Adam and Eve.
It is in Baptism we receive a sharing in His divine life. Original sin, passed down from Adam and Eve, is taken away. We still have in part a fallen nature.
Man, this day, is greatly offending God. Mary, our spiritual Mother, the New Eve, is appearing and telling us to amend our life. "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." (Rv. 12:1)
She is the Lady of Light. We are among the children of light. If we stay fixed to God and walk with our heavenly Mother, we will help light up this dark world. She is constantly bringing forth her children. If we stay within her spiritual womb or heart, she will protect us. The moon is beneath her feet. The darkness is beneath her. She crushes the head of the serpent. We are her apostles of light that she is sending into the world.
The great miracle at Fatima involved the sun. Jesus comes into this world and gives Himself for sinful men. He is all-powerful. He remains with us in the Holy Eucharist. I can see the sun and see the power and how blinding it is. In the miracle of the sun, the people were permitted to look at the sun and watch it spin for God can filter out the blinding light. He gives Himself to us in the consecrated Host. He has filtered out the blinding lights. If He showed us Himself, we would fall on our face, we could not stand the light, but He comes under the appearance of bread and wine.
At Fatima, the sun then came crashing at the earth and all feared, but it stopped. The Almighty God, the God of love and goodness, in His goodness and love, created man to share His love. His love was complete and perfect in Himself but He wanted to communicate this love to us and created us in His own image and likeness to share His love.
Adam and Eve, in their willfulness and greed, sinned against God. Jesus Christ comes to save men from their sins. He is the sacrifice given to the Father for sin.
It is through His pierced Heart, pierced with a lance, that all life and mercy flows.
The sacrifice of Calvary is sacramentally made present at every Mass. Man, this day, is offending God. God, the Supreme Being, gives to us His goodness and love, and we offend Him with our sins. We treat Him with indifference and neglect!
We are all brothers, all creatures of God, with offenses against God. Mary appears and tells us how offended God is by the sins of man. Mary is the New Eve. She is our spiritual Mother given to us under the cross of Christ.
From the prophesy of Simeon, we know her heart, too, was invisibly pierced by a sword. Life flows from the pierced Heart of our beloved Savior, that died on the cross, and flows through the heart of His beloved Mother, invisibly pierced with a sword. She is the Mediatrix of all graces. The Father chose her to be the way that His Son entered the world. He came in the womb of Mary. He received His life in her womb. It is in Mary, this day, that we receive His life. It is through Mary that we are drawn closer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God communicates His love to man through the person, Jesus Christ. It is through His pierced Heart that our life flows. It is through Mary, the Mediatrix of all graces that we receive this life. She appears to tell us to make reparation to her Immaculate Heart.
October 16, 1995
HOLY PRIEST AT MASSWritten on the Feast Day of St. Margaret Mary, after Communion:
All through the Mass, I realized the need to beg God for His mercy for my sins and the sins of all. How God is offended by our sins! I realized, after Communion, I am a little creature and He is God, and He gives Himself to me. In this moment, I want to relish each and every precious second that I am united to Him. My heart burns for love of Him.
I hear the song, "...I scarce can breathe when You come into me." and sing, "Oh Burning Heart, Oh Love divine, how dear You are to me. I see the Host, I know You're here to love and care for me."
Jesus and Mary want the priests to be holy. I feel the holiness of the priest, and it increases my union with Jesus for his reverence and holiness and oneness with Jesus is transmitted to me as he celebrates the Mass.
It is a power I feel in the offering of the sacrifice of Jesus to the Father. I feel His presence at the Mass, especially when a holy priest is officiating.
October 17, 1995
AM CRUCIFIED WITH HIMGod gave His Son as a sacrifice to make reparation for sin. We unite in this Holy Sacrifice, the most pleasing sacrifice to the Father. I become one with Jesus. I am crucified with Him. I offer myself as a sacrifice to the Father for my sins and the sins of the whole world.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass goes on to make reparation to the Father for the sins of ungrateful men. We unite in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, all over the world, at every moment, to make reparation for the sins going on all over the world.
I become one in Him; He becomes one in me, and we unite and offer to the Father this Holy Sacrifice.
I keep realizing that I am such a little speck and so sinful and so unworthy. I am nothing without Him. I see myself uniting to God, and I am awe struck at His goodness and His love. I am laid waste by His abundant blessings to me.
October 17, 1995
HE BLASPHEMIES TO MARYLet me die in Christ. He was crucified. Let me offer myself as a sacrifice in the Mass with Him that I will rise to new life in Him. Through Him, With Him, and In Him.
All graces flow through Mary's heart. She is the Mediatrix for all grace. We must venerate her Immaculate Heart. She is the highest human person. She was created immaculate. He gives us a model to follow, one without sin. He raises her to such heights. She is His Mother.
By venerating her Immaculate Heart, we are recognizing the goodness of God, His love for His creatures and the heights to which He raises men. He raised Mary, a creature, to the Motherhood of God.
This shows us the dignity and honor He gives to men - He made Mary, a human person, the Mother of Jesus! He makes Mary the Mother of all men. He makes Mary the Mediatrix of all graces.
We are denying our own importance to God when we deny the fact that Mary was conceived without original sin. She is a human person. He so loved man that He created her spotless. Eve was without sin - Eve sinned; Mary is conceived immaculate - she is sinless - the new Eve.
The first blasphemy is against her Immaculate Conception. Mary's heart is pure, sinless. It is in her sinless heart, we can dwell deeply in His Heart. The devil has waged a war against Mary for he knows Mary is the gatekeeper of the Heart of Christ.
The second blasphemy:
Mary did not unite with a creature, she is the spouse of the Holy Spirit.
It is in this act, between Divinity and humanity, that the Son of God is born.
She is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is betrothed to Him.
The third blasphemy is against her as Mother of God. It is by loving through Mary's pure heart that we give great love to God. We want to love Him so much, in her pure heart, we love through her Immaculate Heart. We are sinners. She is sinless.
I understand her role as Mediatrix of all graces. He loves creatures so much He chooses Mary, a human person, to be the Mother of Jesus. She is the Mediatrix of all His graces.
To not recognize this is to not recognize the great dignity to which He has raised His creatures that He has chosen Mary to be the Mother of God. She is the Mediatrix of all graces. (We are not recognizing our own dignity if we do not recognize that Mary is given this great gift from God. This is how God loves His creatures).
God raises man to such heights that He creates him in His own image and likeness. Adam sinned against God; God is faithful to His promises. God sends a Redeemer to save man from their sins.
God enters the world in a human creature, Mary. By denying the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we are denying our own dignity and honor. God wishes us to venerate and make reparation to her Immaculate Heart - to do so is to see the great dignity and honor and love God has for His creatures.
She is the highest human person. She is the New Eve. She is conceived without original sin. She is a virgin, espoused to the Holy Spirit. She is the Mother of God. Her heart is invisibly pierced with a sword. She walks the Passion with our Lord.
To know Mary, to love her, to see her great dignity and honor, is to know His love for His creatures, to know more His love for us.
To hate Mary is to not recognize God's great love for us.
She is the highest, created, human person. She is our model. She is Mary, Immaculate, Mother of the human race. She is a human person and He raises her to all these heights. People who do not honor Mary do not understand the greatness which God has given to His beloved creatures. We miss the love God has for us.
It is to miss our own dignity and honor. He makes her the Mediatrix of all graces-all life flows through her. Man is united to God in her womb. Oh, holy, holy womb of Mary. Mary, Immaculate, conceived without sin, virgin, betrothed to the Holy Spirit.
It is the work of the devil to blaspheme Mary in her Immaculate Conception, virginity, and against her as Mother of God.
When I understand the great love God has for Mary, the great dignity and honor He gives to Mary, I understand more fully His great love for me. Mary is the highest human person. In recognizing Mary in her specialness to God, I recognize His specialness for me.
There are five blasphemies against Mary. They are against her Immaculate Conception, against her virginity, against her as the Mother of God, against her images and statues, against her as mother of her children. Some little children are taught ugly things about their heavenly Mother. Some little children are taught to hate her.
The rosary is the story of the love of God for His creatures. His love is perfectly communicated in the Persons of the Trinity. He wishes to share His love and goodness with man.
In giving such great dignity to Mary, God adds to the dignity of each of us. The devil has tried to divide men from their Mother. Some priests and religious do not honor Mary. Some members of the Church do not honor Mary. Not to honor Mary is not to properly recognize our own dignity. We do not recognize the heights to which God raises His creatures. She is the model. He gives to her the role as Mediatrix of all graces - as co-redemptrix, she shares in Jesus' role. She is so united to her Son.
The message of Fatima says this: God wishes the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be venerated next to His Sacred Heart. We must venerate her heart next to His. Her heart is so closely joined to His. Her heart is immaculate. She was conceived without sin. She is a virgin. All are to recognize the close union Jesus wants with His creatures. He came into this world with a Heart of deepest love. This is how God loved this world. Jesus' Heart is a symbol of this love. His Heart was formed in the womb of Mary. Jesus wants His Heart venerated with the heart of Mary. In this way, He shows His intense love for us, His creatures. He raises us to such heights. He is so closely linked with the highest human person. He wants His Heart venerated with His Mother's heart. His Mother's heart is the key to His Heart. This is our little heaven on earth. How could sinful men enter the Heart of Christ? We go to the heart of Mary, she is the sinless one. We give ourselves completely to her that we will be able to go to the deepest chamber of His Heart. Her heart is sinless.
To me, the message of Fatima is this: Here is God - Here is Man. God, in His goodness and love, creates man, and man sins against God. God so loves His creatures He comes into the world, His Heart formed in the womb of a creature.
Mary is the highest human person. To not recognize Mary, her Immaculate Heart, and the fact that she is a virgin, espoused to the Holy Spirit, is to miss a big link between God and His creatures. We cannot go deeply into His Heart unless we go through the sinless one, Mary. He made her a human person entirely sinless and pure. Divinity unites to humanity in the heart of Mary.
He wishes His Heart to be venerated next to hers because of His great love for us. To not recognize Mary is to miss our own dignity and honor and the love He has for us. We were created to know, love, and serve God. We are creatures - He is God.
Heaven is a gift given to us from the Supreme Being, God. We must realize that if we go to heaven it is because of His great love for us.
To not recognize Mary, her Immaculate Heart, the virgin birth, Mary as Mother of God, is to have pride in our hearts. We are creatures, He is our Creator. It is to not see the connection between God and man. Divinity is joined to humanity. God, the Son of God, becomes man. His Divinity is joined to our humanity in the Incarnation. She is the Mother of God!
She is a virgin (espoused to the Holy Spirit), and she is immaculate - conceived without sin.
God has entrusted to Mary the peace of the world. Mary appears at Fatima and tells us her peace plan. It is centered in 1. consecrating our hearts to Jesus and Mary, 2. the rosary, 3. first Saturday devotion, 4. making reparation to Their Hearts. If what Mary has asked for is observed, we will have peace. If she is ignored, we will not have peace.
In reparation, we give ourselves as a holy sacrifice at the Mass. We unite at Holy Communion in the deepest union with God and tell Him we want to help make reparation to His adorable Heart. This is a most pleasing offering to the Father. We want to help make reparation for the blasphemies against her heart. Whether the world has war or peace depends on Mary's peace plan.
In the Shepherds of Christ Movement, we are telling people about consecrating their hearts to Jesus and Mary. If enough people give their hearts to Jesus and Mary, we will have peace. Their hearts, then, will be hearts of love and will respond in love to all difficulties and turn to God. If most people do not respond to Mary's plan and remain bitter and hateful in their hearts, we will have war. The heart determines our actions. Hearts consecrated to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are hearts of love. Hearts that are filled with bitterness and hatred will respond with hate and start wars.
It is a great gift to be called to be an apostle in the Shepherds of Christ Movement and spread His love to the world.
Mary said that until a sufficient number have consecrated their hearts to Jesus and Mary, we will not have peace in the world.
This is good news, we must try to spread this Movement to the world. Fr. Carter is reaching the priests in his spirituality newsletter. It is centered in consecrating the priests' hearts to Jesus and Mary.
We are reaching the sisters and brothers in a newsletter for religious, written by a sister and Fr. Carter. We have prayer chapters all over the world praying for priests and consecrating their hearts to Jesus and Mary. We have adult chapters and children chapters.
Jesus is my refuge and my life. It is in Him I live. His Mother is my Mother. She is the highest human person. How tenderly He loves His creatures that He gave to her the gift of becoming Mother of God. A creature becomes the Mother of God! It is in realizing this mystery more, I see His immense love for me.
He gives to Mary the gift of being born without sin. She is a human person. She is sinless.
She is our model, and she is our Mother. She is immaculate. He raises her to be so pure and holy. It is in blaspheming her that we are hurting ourselves for she is our beloved Mother. In blaspheming her, we do not realize the great dignity and honor that God raises man when He gives this great gift to her.
Notes: The most perfect sacrifice, the most efficacious prayer, is, of course, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered to God.
October 18, 1995
ARY'S HEART SHOULD BEHe wants His Heart venerated next to Mary's heart.
This shows us how much He loves human persons. His Mother is a human person and He holds His Mother's heart next to His Heart. To not recognize Mary is to not see the great dignity and honor He gives to human persons.
To recognize God's relationship with Mary and the great dignity and honor He gives to her is to recognize His love for His creatures. He raises us to such heights, and He loves us dearly.
He wants His Heart venerated next to Mary - He wants us to dwell in Their Hearts.
Who are we, so unworthy, little specks, that He gives us such dignity and honor!
By recognizing Mary and His relationship with her, we are elevated to such heights for she is the highest human person and our Mother. She is the pure one, the sinless one, by dwelling in her heart we can go to the Heart of her Son. We are sinners, how do we, in our sinfulness, go to the depth of the Heart of Christ. We go through the pure and sinless heart of His Mother.
God chose a woman, a human person, to be Jesus' Mother. He was incarnate in a human person. Divinity joins with humanity in the womb of Mary, a human person. Mary is espoused to the Holy Spirit, she (a human person) becomes the spouse of the Holy Spirit (a Divine Person). He raises a human person to such heights, far beyond our comprehension. This is the love He has for His creatures. There must be such love between the priest and Mary.
The devil has tried to divide us from our Mother.
She appeared at Fatima. She wants us to make reparation to her Immaculate Heart. She appears with her heart in her hand. God, in His great goodness and love, creates creatures. Adam and Eve sinned. He loves His creatures so much that He sent His only Son. He elevates Mary to such heights. She is espoused to a Divine Person - the Holy Spirit. She becomes the Mother of God. Jesus is formed in her womb. She is a virgin espoused to God, and she is treated with disrespect, dishonor, and made fun of. She is the highest human person! It is in her womb that Divinity and humanity meet - that the Son of God is formed in His human nature.
He gives to her the role of Mediatrix of all graces. He loves Mary so much.
To not recognize Mary, to not honor her, is to not recognize this great gift God has given to His creatures.
To not recognize Mary is to miss how God joins so deeply to humanity in Mary.
She is the woman clothed in the sun, the moon under here feet and 12 stars about her head.
She, the Lady of Light, the Mother of the children of light, crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth - the darkness is under her feet. She is the highest human person.
To not recognize her is to not see our own dignity and honor as loved ones of God.
The devil knows this - he has engaged a war to separate us from God.
We are joined to God in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Mary is espoused to the Holy Spirit, created without sin, and the Mother of God.
October 18, 1995
AM LOST IN HIMWritten after Communion:
I am but a speck on the great abyss of His love. I see myself as a little speck and tucked deeply in the ocean of His love. I lose myself entirely in Him. Some things are not so important now. I am lost in Him and His love. I can go to Him, and I am totally at peace. I am lost in Him. I can let go. I am so tiny, totally enveloped in Him, with no cares, only His presence. I am in ecstasy.
I am in the great abyss of His love. I am lost in Him. There is such healing of our hearts in the Eucharist; to unite with God, Who is love, is to be filled with love!
October 19, 1995
EPEND TOTALLY ON HIS GRACEI have been taunted by Satan for two days, since before the rosary. I see my guilt. I see my pride. I see my offenses and selfishness against God. I see my lack of trust. I am wed to Jesus. I am nothing without His grace, so sinful and so full of pride!
October 19, 1995
APTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRITWe need to begin our Shepherds of Christ meetings with a song. We could sing "Come Holy Ghost," "Immaculate Mary," "To Jesus' Heart All Burning." Singing opens the heart. We, in the Shepherds of Christ Movement, should enroll in a "Life in the Spirit" seminar.
Children need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. All can sing softly without music.
Prayer is the lifting up of the mind and heart to God. Prayer and singing should be done devoutly, with gentleness and love. Songs should be love songs to Jesus.
Our hearts should join in one heart with Jesus' Heart. Our heart is to be in this oneness with Jesus' Heart and His Mother's heart and all others present. Our voice joins with the saints and angels in praising God. We are one heart in Their Hearts.
To focus on ourself is to break the harmony. Our focus must be on God. Satan is trying to divide workers. He is talking in their heads. Many children will be filled with the fire of God's love from the work we are doing here.
The members in the Shepherds of Christ Movement need to consecrate their hearts daily to the Sacred Heart, the Immaculate Heart, and the Holy Spirit.
It is important before every prayer session that they pray the prayer to the Holy Spirit found in the Shepherds of Christ Associates Prayer Manual.
October 19, 1995
E LOVES US IN OUR WEAKNESSIf we understand the great dignity and honor that God raised Mary, then we understand more about our relationship to Him.
To deny the importance of the connection between Mary and God is to miss an immense link between man and God. I recognize the betrothal of Mary to the Holy Spirit, that He is the Spouse of Mary - this intimate relationship between a Divine Person and a human person.
I see the intimacy between myself and Jesus. He wants to be our beloved Lover. He wants an espousal relation with us. In knowing that Mary is espoused to the Holy Spirit, it helps me to unite deeper in my union with the Divine Person, Jesus Christ.
In realizing that He (God) unites to me, I want to be so pure. I see my sins and my weaknesses, I must pray to the Holy Spirit to sanctify me. At the Consecration of the Mass, I die to myself and beg God to make me more like Jesus and Mary. It is in dwelling in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I am made holy. The Holy Spirit works in the heart of Mary to make me more like Jesus. Jesus was formed in the womb of His Mother through the Holy Spirit. I am formed more into the image and likeness of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, in the womb of Mary.
I see more and more how truly weak I am, and I need His grace. I need the Holy Spirit to make me holy. When left alone, I am tempted and fall into behavior that is not like Jesus. I absolutely am so dependent on Him!
It is only in Him that I am made holy, only in Him that I am strengthened. I am selfish and lack humility. It is only with His grace that I act selflessly and with virtue. He came and He rescued me from my sins and made me whole. I have a fallen, human nature. I am weak. I am self-centered and tend toward darkness many times. His way is light. His way is love. His way is peace. His way is the way.
Many times I do not recognize the great love I am given from God. I do not see the great gifts given. I do not give thanks to God for His great gifts.
I have so much to learn. In all my weaknesses and faults, He still loves me.
At the Consecration of the Mass, I offer up myself as a sacrifice with Jesus to the Father and pray He accepts my sacrifice freely given for reparation for my sins and the sins of others. I offer my entire self. We must give all of ourselves to Him.
I want to help make reparation for my sins and the sins of others to the Heart of Jesus, so greatly offended by the ingratitude of men.
I want to make reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the blasphemies against her heart.
October 20, 1995
OIN IN THEIR HEARTS AND TO EACH OTHERI see the intimacy between Jesus and Mary and how He wants intimacy between each one of us. The joining of Their Hearts is the model for our hearts, joining to Him and to Mary and to each other.
I understand my relationship with God and with my brothers by further understanding the relationship between Jesus and Mary (the rosary helps us). I give my heart to Jesus and Mary, you give your heart to Jesus and Mary, and we are one in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Christ says:
But I say this to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; so that you may be children of your Father in heaven, for he causes his sun to rise on the bad as well as the good, and sends down rain to fall on the upright and the wicked alike. For if you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even the tax collectors do as much? (Mt. 5:44-46)
Hatred of God is the worst - hatred against neighbor follows.
October 21, 1995
HERE IS JOY IN SUFFERINGLast year on October 21, I vividly envisioned Jesus. His hands were on each side of His Heart. It was such an experience. I envisioned the statue in the front of Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart as being alive and glistening in light. I recall an experience in Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church under the 12th station.
Mary wept outside the tomb of her beloved Son for her children in our world today. Little children are murdered. Little children are taught vileness and sex at such an early age. Her Son was slaughtered. Children, today, are slaughtered. Their minds are being slaughtered. Pray the Stations, mediate on the sufferings of her Son in the Stations here. As we meditate on His Passion and death, our hearts will deepen in such love with Him. We must pray. We must go to Their Hearts and find strength to continue our battle against the evil world. We are His apostles He is sending into the world armed with hearts of love. Let us hear Him. What you do with your life will help many to save their souls.
I prayed in front of the tabernacle for the grace I needed most and was led to beg the Father that we could have retreats in the Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church for priests and nuns, pray the rosary here and people could be out on the steps and hear the rosary. Many would pray the Stations here. I wish we could have our meetings here and pray in front of the Lourdes Grotto. In all the sorrow I feel her immense joy under the cross. I saw this all morning. She had joy for souls that would be saved by His Blood!
At the Mass of the Virgin, the readings talked about Eve and how she was tricked by the serpent. Then at the Psalm: Mary was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out the Magnificat. Then at the Gospel: Mary was under the cross. Jesus gave us His Mother under the cross. Mary is the New Eve, Jesus is the New Adam.
"...My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord" (Lk. 1:46)
See Jesus on the cross and John below. This same sacrifice is sacramentally made present in the Mass. The heart of Mary has joy and pain. There is joy in immense suffering. Mary saw her Son die. Mary saw Him covered with blood. She screams out in the suffering. I understand some of the mystery. There is joy in sufferings. Mary's heart was torn within her to watch her Son die, but she knew of all who would be saved by His blood.
Mary saw her Son, under the cross, covered with blood. She knew her children that would die and knew those that would be saved. In horror she cries out - in joy she weeps her tears for her children that will be saved. The sufferings of the heart are indeed many-faceted. Our bodies too will be glorified, as Christ's body, in the Resurrection. I see so much all through the mysteries of the rosary. Heaven and earth meet in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Jesus comes and saves us from our sins. Eve is the mother of the living; Mary is our spiritual Mother!
When I look at the rosary windows at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center, I see Mary above the Apostles when the Holy Spirit descends upon them. She is the Queen of the Apostles. We are called Apostles today to spread the devotion of the two Hearts. We must go to our Mother Mary for help.
A quote explains this well:
As no other creature does, man's nature embraces a spiritual element as well as a physical one. Made up of spirit and body, we are at one and the same time immortal and mortal. We are the lowest of the spiritual creatures and the highest of the physical creatures. Through the goodness of God, we can also participate in the divine life of the Creator. When this participation occurs, the soul becomes Christ-like, the Holy Spirit dwells within the soul. Man then becomes truly the image and likeness of God.39
Notes: He wants us to be happy. We crave God, we cannot be attached to any person, place, or thing. We must live all things according to His will.
God is our Source. God is our goal.
What will make us happy is to know and love God. God so loved the world, He gave His only Son. Adam sinned, God provided a Redeemer. He kept His promise while He prepared men.
God gave His Son, incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Mother, this is His great gift to us. Jesus came to show us how to live and love. He left a perfect Sacrifice to offer to God - in which He is Victim and Priest - He left His Body and His Blood!
The Holy Spirit works in the Church today, continuing the Incarnation in the Church, and in us.
St. Augustine says: "The kingdom of heaven, O man, requires no other price than thyself, the value of it is thyself; give thyself to it and thou shalt have it."40 "...the most exquisite happiness consists in praising, adoring, loving, and being loved in return by a Being who is so great and good."41
Love is emptying of self. I must empty myself and make room for Him.
I must love God and love all His creatures as He commands me to do.
October 22, 1995
HE MASSAt Mass today, I had such a love for the Church today after Communion - I was in tears, loving the Church so much.
At Mass at All Saints; I received a terrific blessing. I experienced His immense presence. I was in a deep state of peace and ecstasy.
October 23, 1995
HE HOLY SPIRITWe must pray with the heart, pray in one heart - Sing "Come Holy Ghost".
The Holy Spirit is the love of the Father and the Son.
The Holy Spirit is the gift - God's gift to us.
He is the dispenser of every grace.
The Holy Spirit is a Paraclete and advocate. He is our Helper, Counselor, Consoler, Comforter, Guide, and Friend.
"...the Fathers of the Church liken the Holy Ghost to an artist who works to bring out the full beauty of God's image on the canvas of the individual soul by the brush-strokes of grace."42
Christ is the Head of the Mystical Body.
We are given the Holy Spirit at Baptism and increasingly so at Confirmation. He is present in a special way in a soul in sanctifying grace.
The Apostles saw all the miracles performed by Christ, but they wanted the first seats. They were changed when the Holy Spirit descended on them in the upper room.
Peter told Jesus he would be with Him, yet he denied Him three times. Jesus is love. Someone didn't obey Jesus, and James and John thought He should bring fire on them. Jesus said He came not to destroy, but to save. Peter, James, and John saw the transfiguration yet they slept in the garden. When they came to apprehend Jesus, the Apostles ran away in fear. After the Resurrection, the Apostles were afraid. They shut themselves off in fear. The Holy Spirit descended upon them, and they were changed from fear to fearlessness. They were new men. Thousands were converted and baptized. The Holy Spirit worked in the Apostles. We must open ourselves to the Spirit and allow Him to work in us. We must let go and let God do the work through us. Spirit, come and work in us.
October 24, 1995
UR IMMORTAL SOULI am composed of body and soul. Let us go within ourselves and focus on our graced soul. Man was created with a mortal body and an immortal soul.
Let me see within myself the great gift I am given, a divine soul. Let me join with God in my spirit, forget all that is pressing on my mind, and experience the presence of the Almighty God within me.
Let me realize more the great gifts given to me. God shares His divine life with me. Let me feel such dignity and honor within myself that I have been created in the image and likeness of God.
Let the Spirit move within me to mold me more and more into a likeness of God. As the Spirit formed Jesus in the womb of Mary, let the Spirit form me in the spiritual womb of my Mother more into the image and likeness of God.
God sent His only Son that I would be saved and share in this life. God took the nature of a man. I can communicate with God. He took on flesh, conceived in the spotless womb of Mary. God enters this world in a mortal body, but death has no power over Him. Jesus showed us that on the third day, even though He was crucified and died, even though He was locked in the tomb for three days, that He rose to new life on the third day!
We, too, have a body that is mortal, that will die and be buried, but our life continues. We have an immortal soul. Our soul will never die.
All through the day, we suffer so many little deaths in our lives, but our strength lies in connecting to our spirit. Death has no power over Jesus. Death has no power over me. My body may be burned, I may be handed over, whipped and scourged, as they did to Jesus, but no one can ever kill my soul. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live in me. Why do I fret and fume when I realize that the Almighty God lives in me!
I pray to the Spirit to enlighten me to know God. My heart sings for, even when I am pressed on, I feel the burning love of God radiating in my weak body. I pray that I will never offend my God. I love Him so much!
I have, within myself, the Almighty God. That which I crave is the Almighty God. I know this presence within. I possess the true treasure! I pray to the Spirit to help me to realize more and more the Almighty God alive within me.
Sin takes us away from God. My biggest fear is that I lose my God through sin. I pray for the grace to resist temptation to sin. I beg God for grace. I long. I thirst. I want to be saturated with His divine life.
October 24, 1995
HE PIERCED HEART OF CHRISTI rested my head on the pierced chest of my Savior. I felt His presence and put my head on His pierced wound. I see His chest and wound so clearly experienced in my heart.
His Heart was wounded by the sins of man, I rest on His wound.
Open up the wound and go into His burning Heart. See the wound opening and enter into the great, red abyss of His love. It is in the wound that I enter.
His glorified body has this wound. It is from His pierced Heart that our life flows.
It is in the wounds, I get the life. The glorified wounds of Christ are my delight. He carried the cross. He bore the pain. He was pierced that we would live in Him!
October 26, 1995
S I UNITE TO HIM I LOVE OTHERS MOREI saw before me all my sins. I see how I make myself right and others wrong. I see my pride. I see Jesus, I see His gentleness and love, never condemning, always loving. He calls me to have mercy on all others. He calls me to love.
I know how I have offended Our Lord with all my ill thoughts toward my brothers. I do not have to justify my actions to anyone. I must love. Love is self-giving!
I see the bread, and it is changed into His Body. He can change me from my faults to being more and more like Him. He can change bread to His Body and wine to His Blood. He can change me from my faults to being more like Him. I can only change through His grace. I am weak and sinful.
I want to be like Him. It hurts me to know how He suffered especially in the garden and know how I have offended Him with my sins. He gives me such graces, and I am so ungrateful!
I unite in such union with Him in my sacrifice to the Father. I give myself and want to be made holy in this sacrifice. I unite in deepest union with the Almighty God, and I am touched by His love.
I want this transforming union with Him. I cannot think ill thoughts towards anyone. I must pray to the Holy Spirit for the truth. I must pray to the Holy Spirit to love God and neighbor. I must pray for greater grace to know, love, and serve Him. His way is always love. I must strive to always respond in love. Fr. Carter said the more I unite to Him the greater my gifts of charity towards others. The further I am from Him, the less my gifts of charity towards others.
Jesus said to him, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second resembles it: You must love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets too." (Mt. 22:37-40)
October 27, 1995
Y PRECIOUS JESUSWritten after Communion:
I cannot contain my emotion to call You, my precious Jesus. I love You with the deepest love. I cannot, in my body, express my love for You. In You, I live, I breathe, I am. In You, I exist and am. Only in You does life have any meaning at all. I scarce can breathe to tell You of my love. There are not words for me to express my love.
October 30, 1995
M WED TO GODMy body is weary, my head feels faint, but I go to the chest of my beloved Spouse and I lay my head on His wound. I enter into the great abyss of His love through the wound in His side.
I see the need to pray for priests and sisters and the faithful as never before. I see myself and how far I am from Him and how close I want to be. I see my offenses against my Lord. I long to be more and more like Him. I want to be beautiful for my beloved Spouse. What the world thinks is beautiful is of no concern. I want to live in Him. I want my soul white and pure. My soul is marred with daily offenses against my beloved God. I want Him so much. I don't want to offend Him.
I see as never before the great dignity and honor He gives to His creatures and His great love for them. I feel chills to know I am betrothed to Him, my beloved Savior. He is the Bridegroom of my soul.
My spirit is alive, my energy endless. I will not tire for I am married to the Almighty God. He is my beloved Spouse. I travel and speak on His behalf to tell this world of His endless love. I pray for grace for myself and others that He will speak through me and use me as His instrument. However He uses me is my delight, for my life is for Him and Him alone. My body may feel weary, my heart is on fire with burning love for my beloved Prince, my King, my Prophet, my Savior, my Beloved, my God!
I become one in the sacrifice as I unite to Him at every moment. As He is sacrificed, I am sacrificed with Him and I offer myself, imperfect and unworthy, to the Father for my sins and the sins of this world.
I honor You. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. I am in awe to unite with my beloved God. Who am I that I unite with the Divine God? My strength is in You for when I am weak, I am strong. When I fall to the ground with exhaustion, I rise up with the cross on my back for I am living in Him. I am living His life in my life, carrying out His life, death, and Resurrection in my life.
He is my Strength. He is my God. He is my All. Unto Him I lift my soul. I pray that He will accept this unworthy sacrifice, that I will unite ever more deeply to my beloved Spouse, and I will be His little flower, fresh and beautiful before the throne. I pray the Spirit transforms me more and more. I am weak, and I am a sinner. He is strong, and He is the Almighty God. It is in Him I am made whole, and it is in Him, I live. It is in Him I exist. It is in Him, I love.
Take me, work in me, for I love You with my whole heart, but I am so weak, but in You, I am strong. In You, I can live in the Father's will. I am but a baby. Let me die to myself at every Mass and be stripped bare of my sins. As I unite in the sacrifice with my crucified Lord, I become one in His wounds. I unite my unruly spirit to Him.
If bread and wine is changed into Your Body and Blood, You can change me from my sinful ways more into Your image and likeness.
I am burned in the furnace of His Heart. My debris is burned away more and more. At each Mass, I die more and more to my selfish and prideful ways. I am united to the sacrifice. In Him, I am made more pleasing to God. I am unworthy. I have so many impurities. (I am weak in my self - only in You am I anything!) Take me, and do with me as You desire. I am Yours, Lord. In You, I live, I breathe, I am. Make me more and more like You.
October 31, 1995
ALLOWEENI went with Joe's class to a concert. The kids were so bad on the bus. They talked about the devil at the concert.
I realized the intense need for children to receive the messages of God's love. I felt intense suffering for the children and cried for the children of the world. I was suffering for the little children. I felt so sick because Jesus is rejected and forgotten in the tabernacle! I cried under the crucifix for a half hour. I am so weak right now, I don't want to move.
I am suffering for Mary's little lost children in the world, suffering and experiencing heartache for the neglect of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Today is Halloween. I had intense suffering for the loss of little children parading around as little devils. They do not even know God!
November 1, 1995
LOVE JESUS TO LOVE MEJesus was condemned to death.
Jesus carried His cross.
Jesus fell the first time.
Jesus sees His Mother.
I will not have peace until I look at my foes with love. I must see their loving deeds. Focus on the good they have done for me. See the good in the person. See the reflections of God's life within them, the deeds they have performed that were loving.
Satan wants me to see the ill deeds of others. He talks in our heads and tries to get me to focus on how I have been wronged. I will, with the grace of God, see the beauty of God reflected in them and try to respond with love to them, try to understand their position, try to thank God for the gifts given to me.
My greatest gift is my union with Jesus. Such gifts I have been given by my beloved Spouse. He is a Divine Person. No person can compare even a speck to my relationship with my Divine Lord. He is God; creatures are creatures. I will cherish the love I share with Him, my Savior, my Lover, my God, my All.
The key that makes us His disciples is our love for each other. If I am making myself right and others wrong, I am not focusing on the love given from God.
I must love. I must beg the Holy Spirit to direct my heart in the ways of love.
The Apostles were filled with the love of God from the descent of the Holy Spirit. When filled with His love, we share our joy with others. His way is love. We must love one another and trust in Him. Our advancement in being like Christ is to advance in love. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to fill us with the burning fire of God's love.
Dear Holy Spirit, You are my Friend. I love You so much. I adore and love You. The Holy Spirit is a ball of fire. He is Love.
The Father is love. God created us because of His goodness.
God is our goal. True happiness is achieved only in Him.
I love the Holy Spirit so much. He is my very, very deep Friend. Our goal is to love God. Jesus left a sacrifice in which He is victim and priest. We must give ourselves to others as Christ gave Himself.
November 2, 1995
HE YOUTH WILL SPREAD JESUS' LOVE TO THE WORLDWe are children of the Father. We are loved so dearly by our Mother. Jesus died and gave His blood for us.
The youth are so important to spread the love of Jesus throughout the world. Jesus shows us His Heart. It is red and filled with fire. We see Him dripping with blood. He bears the wounds He shed for us. Children have such pure and tender hearts.
Jesus is alive in the Holy Eucharist. He comes as the resurrected Lord to bring us His life. This life is real life. This is the only life that feeds the starved souls. Look at His wounds glorified and glistening in light. Death has no power over Jesus.
The youth need Jesus in their lives. He watches all of us and cares for us at every moment. The only fear we really have is the loss of our soul.
Satan wants to steal the hearts of the youth and take them to everlasting doom in the fires of hell.
The world has become very sick. The medicine for this world is Jesus' burning love. Many men's hearts are cold and filled with such vile deeds.
Look at the murders committed this day. Look at the sins of the flesh, the hatred, the disrespect for one another.
He comes to fill our souls with His light. He comes to lead us out of the darkness into the light. He shows us His Sacred Heart filled with burning love. So many little children are abused and mistreated by the dark hearts of this world.
We are the children of light. His light shines from our eyes and our faces. We will be with God someday in heaven. We must pray to the Holy Spirit that He will be alive in us. We must pray for fearlessness to stand up for God.
He is forever with us, guarding us, and watching over us. We must let go of our sinful lives.
We must come with a heart that is humble, gentle, and ready to be filled with His love. Then we will shine in the darkened world as children of the light. We will march as a little army of love, and many will see His light shine in the darkness.
November 2, 1995
ESUS AND MARY WANT OUR LOVEI see the face of Mary and I hear her cry for the little children of the world that will go to hell. Help me to be an empty vessel whereby You use me to spread Your love.
I beg You to give me the books to circulate.
I beg You for the way to spread Your love to the children.
I live for Thee and Thee alone.
Mary is allowing me to suffer her pain as I stood under the cross. It was as if I had the agony of both Hearts. Hers for her little lost children - His for His hungering Heart of deepest love. Jesus longs for the love of His precious ones.
Let me die to myself that I will live in You that You may operate in me to help others to get to heaven. I empty myself and ask You to possess my soul, to do what You want through me for the salvation of souls, to give to me fearlessness to carry out the message of Your burning love.
November 6, 1995
OSARY NOTESI receive the Holy Eucharist. I realize the presence of God within me.
I feel as Mary felt to know the Child Jesus was within her. I meditate on Christ coming to us in the Holy Eucharist.
Feel as Mary felt to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Partake in Mary's life, carrying Jesus within her.
Mary felt His life move within her. It was through her body we receive His life.
She saw Him on the cross and watched His life leave His body.
November 7, 1995
EEL THE PAIN INSIDEWritten at 8:15 a.m., in front of the tabernacle:
I love You so much, sweet Jesus. I love the Blessed Sacrament. I love the Eucharist. I love each moment with You - so precious to me, each moment, every special second. I am in tears and filled with such emotion and love for Him.
We see the outside, the body, the wounds of Jesus, but the pain was felt inside, the buckling over in the chest, the sound in His ears from angry men, the scene-all within the body of Christ.
The scene today from the outside-looks that are hollow, that are self-promoting, the looks on the face, the actions, the words spoken reflect the hearts within. The more the heart is like Jesus' Heart, the more the words will be like Jesus' words. How saturated are we in His life? How much do our actions reflect His life within us? Is our life rooted in Him? Do our actions reflect His light, or darkness coming from starved souls? The exterior of the body reflects the life within. A life rooted in Him reflects His life. A life rooted in selfish promotion reflects darkness inside. To be of Him we must die to self and live in Him.
The struggles we have experienced have caused us to rejoice in new life.
November 8, 1995
WANT THE GRACE TO LOVE HIM MOREAt the Mass, I am so aware of the miracle taking place through the hands of the priest.
I am in awe. Bread is changed into the Body of Christ.
With all my heart, I know this is truly the Almighty God, in all His greatness. I realized the great Sacrifice offered to the Father at the Consecration - so aware of everything going on and the Sacrifice is the sacrifice of Calvary, now being sacramentally made present there.
I wanted, with all my heart, to unite to Jesus in this sacrifice and make reparation for my sins and the terrible sins of all men against God.
I wanted so much, with such depth, the very deepest union with Him to help make reparation for the awful sins of man against God. (Writing this is shallow - my heart burns with such depth, for I cannot describe the way I feel).
I want, so deeply, to love God. I kept asking Him to help me to love Him so much. I am such a little speck, but I know He can help me to give Him deeper love. I want so much to give Him love - great love, and I am so inadequate to love God.
He magnifies my love so I can love Him more - He Who is so worthy of love!
I want to worship Him and adore Him and honor Him for He is so great and worthy of such honor and glory, but I need Him to help me to love and honor and worship Him more for I am such a little speck compared to God.
Had I but Mary's sinless heart, to love Thee more, my dear, precious Lord!
I realized, from before Mass, how deeply I love each Person of the Trinity, to the point of tears, knowing They are all within me, wanting so deeply to unite with Them, and give Them greater love - greater and greater love as little as it is.
November 8, 1995
HE PROMISE OF OUR LADY AT FATIMAThe promise of Our Lady at Fatima is this:
My daughter, look at My Heart surrounded with the thorns with which ungrateful men pierce it at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You, at least, try to console me, and say that I promise to assist at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary and keep me company for a quarter of an hour while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.43
Our Lady of Fatima requested us to carry out the following devotions on the first Saturdays. She promises us the graces necessary for salvation at the hour of death. We must follow the devotion as Our Lady stipulated.
...The practice of the five first Saturdays involves:
1) Going to confession, which may be done from eight days before to 8 days after the first Saturday. Of course, if a person is in the state of serious sin, the confession must be made before receiving Communion.
2) Receiving Holy Communion.
3) Recitation of five decades of the rosary.
4) Meditating for 15 minutes on the mysteries of the rosary.
All of the above [except confession] must be done on the first Saturday of five consecutive months with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart. For those who make the five first Saturdays, Our Lady of Fatima has promised to assist them at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation.44
November 11, 1995
EEL THE PRESENCE OF GODI went to Mass at St. Xavier Church, downtown. I had such a presence of the Trinity after Communion. This is what happened on Thursday, also the Feast of St. John Lateran, I had a presence of the Almighty God. I felt as if I was knocked off my feet and knelt before the tabernacle. From this moment on, this presence is embedded in my soul.
My heart still burns to think of it.
Such a presence of the Almighty God, such a gift given from Him. My heart burns. My spiritual director said that we must want whatever God wants, not too much, not too little. We become one in Him. We identify with Him. My heart is burning for love of God.
Jesus and Mary show us Their Hearts. We see Jesus on many pictures with His hands on both sides of His Heart. He is showing us His Heart crowned with thorns.
November 13, 1995
OVELove is giving. I am only satisfied by You! My heart finds fulfillment only in You! To look for anyone as the end to help you feel good about things, is a sick love.
In You, I am satisfied. You are a Divine Person. No one can satisfy my soul but You. I can feel satisfied at this moment if I am united to You, always living in a spiritual Communion!
The easy way is to think some person will satisfy your need for love. Only God satisfies our need for love. Love is giving, love does not seek gratification, love gives and keeps on giving. The Source of our love is God.
November 13, 1995
Mary was a walking tabernacle.
Jesus' most Sacred Heart was formed in her womb.
A meditation on the Annunciation: Be with Mary - the angel appears to Mary, Mary has fear inside, the angel says, "...Mary, do not be afraid..." (Lk. 1:30)
The plan of the Father revealed at Fatima is unfolding. Elizabeth says: "Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?" (Lk. 1:43) He gives us Himself in the Eucharist. Why should we be honored with a visit from Our Lord?
Our hearts burn within us.
Father reveals Himself through His Son in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit led Simeon to the temple. He prophesied through Simeon and Anna.
See the Father and the Holy Spirit present at birth and in the temple.
November 15, 1995
IVE HIM ALL THE GLORY AND PRAISEWritten at 1:30 a.m., after Mass:
Such an experience, such unworthiness to receive Him. I want so much to be made pure. I am so full of self and pride. I want to die at the Consecration to all that is not holy.
I see that anything that is not of Him interferes with my work to serve Him. All I want is to spread His love and His Word and His goodness throughout the world. I realize how we are to love Him and give Him such honor and praise.
I want so much to love Him with the deepest love. I want to give Him love, because He deserves the love, and I love Him so much. I want to give Him great love.
I beg Him, beg Him to give me whatever I need to give Him greater love just so He receives great love.
I want to love through Mary. She is so pure and sinless. I am a sinner and so undeserving of such great love. I want to be more pleasing to Him. I beg Him to sanctify me. I cried at the Consecration in awe of the miracle taking place.
November 15, 1995
O TO THE DEPTH BEYONDWritten after Mass at St. Gertrude's:
As we become one in Him, we love Him more as we are more united to Him.
I long to be one with Him. The more grace He gives me to love Him, the more I can love Him. I see my wretchedness-I am so unworthy of Him. Our greatest act is in loving Him.
Read Nov. 2 journal entry after Communion. First Friday was so wonderful I could not write.
Fr. Carter is a key to helping me share this with the world. He is my spiritual director.
Tonight, I experienced such pain in my heart. It was as though swords were in my heart, and I opened the book, Mother at My Side, by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J.. I read about Mary's pain under the cross. I know some of her pain under the cross. My heart has experienced her suffering, so much of her suffering.
October 31, I suffered both the sufferings of Their Hearts for 45 minutes, in such intensity, for the children.
At Fatima, Mary, Our Mother, told us we must consecrate our hearts to Mary and Jesus. The messages of His intense love must be transmitted in the Church. This is the mighty medicine. The mighty medicine is His burning love. I love the Mass so much, I write to share this love of the Mass with this world.
We must go beyond this level. There is a depth far beyond our comprehension into the mystery of God's love. My spiritual director has a Doctorate in Theology. I have discussed my writings with him. Beyond this is deeper understanding into the mysteries. Oh I love God so much, I want to know Him more and more. I long to know Him more.
We must thank God for the gifts He gives us in the Mass, in the Church, in the Sacraments, in the priest.
I know insights into the mysteries in my heart as Jesus becomes more intimate with me. We must circulate writings which tell about the love of Jesus and the Mass. Please help us circulate this book on the Mass and Fr. Carter's book of priestly newsletters.
I love the Mass so much, it is the center of my life.
November 15, 1995
OCUS ON THE INTERIOR LIFEWe are the body of Christ. He was wounded over His entire body. His Heart is pure. He is the Light.
We adorn the body and polish up the outside and the inside is left to rot.
We are inside-out. We need to polish up the heart, focus on the interior life.
He bears the wounds in His body. His insides carry the pain. He was buckled over in pain. We polish up our body and let our hearts rot.
The main thing is to love God. If our hearts are filled with love, our bodies will shine. There is much fake beauty on the outside.
He is one in us. The most important thing we can do is love Jesus. The most important thing is our love affair with Him.
He is the Priest, Victim, King, in the Mass. Let us be one with Him in every prayer we pray.
Pray, be alone with Him after Communion. This is when He imprints the depth of His love on our soul.
November 15, 1995
EEL THEIR PAINWritten at 1:15 in the morning:
Jesus was in the garden, and His Heart was torn in His chest because of the pain He suffered for the love of His precious souls.
My heart was in such agony, pain, excruciating, buckling over pain, in my heart.
I know the pain of rejection, of loving and being ignored. I know the pain that made my heart ache, as if a lance pierced it, in the garden, and remained in it, excruciating pain in the heart.
Oh Jesus, how it hurts. Nothing can top this pain in the heart. My heart hurts so badly, I cannot describe it.
I opened up Fr. Carter's book, Mother at My Side, and it read: "Who can fathom the depth of her [Mary] grief as she watched her innocent Son suffer the excruciating pain and death of crucifixion?"45
My experiences: Standing under the twelfth station at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church and standing under the cross on Oct. 31, I felt such suffering about Mary holding the lifeless body of her Son, and Mary looking into His eyes. Mary had a constant ache since Simeon's prophecy.
I feel such sorrow in my heart. It hurts so badly I can hardly stand it. My heart hurts like someone is jabbing a sword in it, and it won't stop. She wants me to reach the children. My heart hurt Monday after Communion. My heart hurts. It feels like someone is jabbing a lot of swords in me, in the middle of my chest. Now it hurts all around my heart.
I want to spread the rosary to the world. I want to help children to love Jesus and Mary and consecrate their hearts.
I must rest in Their Hearts.
Mary's heart hurt for the little lost children of the world. I must reach the children with the rosary. I must get the Rosary Book out, write up children's rosaries, and circulate the tapes for Mary.
If I should die at this moment, I would rest in Jesus' and Mary's Hearts. We are all one body in Him - one heart. There should be no division, only love.
November 15, 1995
HE GREATEST ACT I CAN DO IS TO LOVE GODI go deeply inside and unite in a deep place with God. I am as it were in another place, another level. It is not like what I see in this world, it is a world beyond. When I reach this level, whether it is joy or suffering, I am experiencing it and it is beyond here. It is immense joy. It feels like heaven.
Last night, I could see so clearly that the greatest thing I could do on this earth is to love God. Not only could I see that I experienced, as I have been, the overwhelming desire in my soul to love God and the feeling of intensity to love Him as deeply as possible, I realized with all my heart how He deserves to be given the greatest love possible. As I unite more with Him, I can love Him more. This realization has given me great joy.
This has been my greatest desire - to love Him with the very deepest love. I am filled with immense sorrow for my sins and the sins of men because He is so offended by His creatures. I want to cry so hard because I realize how He is offended, and I love Him so much and want Him to receive love as is His due.
It is as if I delve so deeply into Their emotions. It is not suffering. It is immense joy, for I am so one with Them. At this time, I can recall all those experiences. Monday night, after the Mass for Don's wife, I was so one in the experience of Mary's sufferings over the children.
I feel immense suffering for the lost children of this world, how they are being poisoned, seeing them with such clarity, needing the love of Jesus and being poisoned.
Saturday, I went to Mass at St. Xavier and had such a presence of the Trinity. A permanent mark is left on me from experiencing this - a knowing of the Almighty God.
Thursday, the feast of St. John Lateran, I cannot even say what happened - such a presence of the Almighty God, realizing the great reverence that is due to Him, in all His power and might. I am wrapped in their divine presence. I cry from awe of it all.
All through the Mass, sometimes I want to cry for I am seeing with such clarity what is going on. What I write on paper is so beautiful, but it falls so short of actually describing the experience that is going on, for it is indeed beyond words. At each Mass, I can recall these experiences. I feel and know the greatness of the moments at the Mass.
Tonight, I knew, in every cell of my body, how the greatest thing I could do on this earth is to love God. I know He deserves this love and my whole being wants to render to Him this love, and I partake in a union with Him that is far beyond words. For, in this realization or wanting with my whole being to give Him love, He gives me His love in this union, and I am swept away by this love in my being, uniting my humanity with His Divinity in this deep embrace. This is the deepest when I am begging, with all my heart, begging to give Him more love, and in this moment, there is not a thought for me, but a craving with my whole being to love, honor, and serve Him, my great and good God.
November 17, 1995
E SATURATED IN HIS LIFEWritten at 8:15 a.m., in front of the tabernacle:
I love You so much, sweet Jesus. I love the Blessed Sacrament. I love the Eucharist. I love each moment with You, so precious to me, each moment, every special second - tears filled with such emotion and love for Him.
We see the outside, the body, and the wounds of Jesus, but pain was felt inside - the buckling over in the chest, the sound in His ears from angry men-the scene all within the body of Christ. The scene today from the outside - looks that are hollow, that are self promoting. The looks on the face, the actions, the words spoken reflect the hearts within. The more the heart is like Jesus' Heart, the more the words will be like Jesus' words. How saturated are we in His life? How much do our actions reflect the penetration of His life within us? Is our life rooted in Him? Are our actions - His actions, acting through us, or are our actions selfish and self promoting? Do they reflect His light or the darkness coming from a starved soul?
A life rooted in Him reflects His life. A life rooted in selfish promotion reflects darkness inside. To be of Him, we must die to self and live in Him. The struggle we have experienced has caused us to rejoice in new life.
November 21, 1995
WANT TO BE WRAPPED IN HIS DIVINE PRESENCEI realized the presence of God. I realized His Divinity. He took on a human nature. I wanted to cry all through the Mass. Such love! I realize God's presence - all three Persons - inside me. After Communion and during the Mass, I was enveloped in His presence. I want to be lost in His presence and wrapped in the loving gaze of God!
November 24, 1995
HILDREN NEED TO KNOWMary wants children to consecrate their hearts every day to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Children need to know how much Jesus loves them.
November 24, 1995
E FEEDS THE STARVED SOULWritten after Communion:
There is a constant ache in my heart from the sufferings Mary has allowed me to experience. I desire, in my whole being, to help save souls. My every action is being used for this. An imperfect instrument I am, but I ask Him to use me and give myself entirely to this cause to help others to get to heaven and know His love.
I have had such a day, longing for Him and wanting the deepest union with Him, craving His presence in the Blessed Sacrament, begging to be fed by His adorable love. Nothing can satisfy me but His deep, burning love. I long and thirst for Him with a hungry heart.
The world is hungry for the love of our Savior. He feeds the starved souls and makes them whole. In Him, we are nourished with His words and His very own Body and Blood.
I love the Eucharist. I adore Him in the Eucharist. I hunger after Him.
November 26, 1995
M A BABY AT THE BREAST OF MY MOTHERI am realizing how starved my soul is. I am really hungry right now for Him, but I can't seem to get close as I want.
Will you baby me, Mary, like you babied Jesus? All I want is to be loved like a little baby and give this love to others. My maturity depends on my suckling at the breast of my heavenly Mother as the graces of His life flow from her to me, and I mature more and more in His life.
I am but a baby suckling at the breast of my Mother as His life flows through her to me.
There are seven sorrows of Mary and seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are released in the spiritual womb of our Mother.
God gives graces. He keeps giving, and we are afraid He will get too close, so we push Him away.
Many times we push away those who give us love, afraid they will get too close.
November 26, 1995
ARY IS THE MEDIATRIX OF ALL GRACEThe Mass is a love story. He gives Himself as a sacrifice for me. I unite to Him in deepest love in Communion.
I love You, Jesus. I love You, Jesus. I love You, Jesus. The Word became man. I receive Jesus in the Eucharist, and I carry Him in my body, no less present than when He was carried by Mary in her womb.
Jesus and Mary's Hearts beat together in Mary's body. There was such intimacy from the beginning. Think of it, two Hearts beating within one body. There are seven sorrows, seven Sacraments, seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Mary is the Mediatrix of all grace. I nurse at her breast and receive His life. The Sacred Heart was formed in the womb of Mary, through the Holy Spirit. I am being molded into the image and likeness of Mary through the Holy Spirit. There is such intimacy between Jesus and Mary.
Pray through Mary's heart. Love through Mary's heart. Jesus put on a little, human, baby body. Mary is the highest human person. Jesus wants His Heart venerated next to Mary's heart. This tells us how much He loves Mary. God truly loves us. See Jesus a little baby born among sheep. He is Chief Shepherd of the flock. Life comes through Mary to the Christ Child. Life flows through her into the Church. God comes. He is not too mighty to be born among lambs.
He was the innocent lamb led to the slaughter. He loves all His creatures. He comes especially for the lowly. Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. Joseph knocked on the door; he was rejected. We go from door to door, knocking on hearts; we are rejected. Mary is the link between heaven and earth.
November 27, 1995
EED THE HUNGRYWritten on Monday in the car:
Feed the hungry. Jesus and Mary show us Their Hearts. I hunger. I thirst. I long. I cannot give love to You and to others as I so desire. My incapabilities of loving are frustrating. With all my heart, I beg You to help me love You. You reached down and I felt Your abundant love, given to me as You help me relate more deeply to You.
I thirst. I long. I want to delve deeper into the mystery of His love. So much frustration is felt, so much hunger. Please feed this starving, starving desire for deeper union with Thee.
They show us Their Hearts. It is not subject matter. It is not textbook material. Jesus wants us to love deeply with our soul. I reach into the very depth of my being and express my heartfelt thoughts.
At Mass, do we reach deep in our soul and love Him, Jesus, Who gave His life for us? Does our soul cry out to unite in such oneness as He says, through the priest, "Through Him, With Him, In Him, In the Unity of the Holy Spirit"?
Oneness - One in being, so close - it is to merge and be intensely united.
Am I one with you? Am I separate from you? Where is the point of this co-existence? It is in Him, in the Mass, in the Eucharist, I receive Him, you receive Him - we are One in Him!
It is not a textbook love, it comes from the soul. It is not on the surface, it is in the whole being (in my guts, I feel it in my toe prints). I feel His love in every cell of my being - it is the power that powers me.
What power is love? It is a force. It is untiring. It gives and gives as an ever-ready battery, powered by the force of the Almighty Lord, God, Himself, who is love. The power does not get weak or run down, it operates consistently, forever. I am not a machine. I am not a computer. I am not a robot. I am a creature, created by a Divine Being, given a soul - and nothing, nothing feeds my soul but my God!
I am so hungry. I am thirsty. I am wanting and what will feed me, what will satisfy me is His burning love! We must feed the hungry with the message of His burning love for them.
Babies are being slaughtered in the wombs of their mother! A baby isn't safe in their mother's body. Little children's minds are being slaughtered. Their little souls are hungry for God. They are being fed sex, violence, and murder. There are such gross deeds that men do to one another. There is such hatred.
The devil is cunning and evil. He wants "souls for hell." He wants them young.
Mary's cry is urgent: Feed the hungry. Jesus and Mary want love from the heart, not empty words. Love from the soul - not from textbooks - from the heart. Jesus and Mary show us Their Hearts.
Love is deep within. Wounds are deep within. Wounds in the hearts of the people today, their hearts are deeply wounded by alcohol, sex, abortion, hatred where there should have been love. Many little children have never been given heartfelt love. Pain has been passed on from generation to generation, the wounds deeply engraved in the bleeding hearts of the body of Christ. What is the cure for these hearts? It is the mighty medicine. Only His burning love will heal these deep wounds. We must feed the hungry souls with His love.
November 28, 1995
HE HOLY SPIRITExperience the presence of the Holy Spirit as a Person within. Really relate to Him as a Person. Talk to Him as I do to Jesus. All the time Jesus spent on the earth was very important.
The Father communicates through His Son.
The Holy Spirit carries out His work in us, moving and leading us.
We are commissioned in Baptism to carry out His life, death, and Resurrection. How can I do this without meditating on the Gospels?
The Holy Spirit gives us His gifts.
He gives the Holy Spirit to lead us.
November 28, 1995
HE MYSTERY OF GOD'S LOVEWritten after Mass:
How could Mary not be filled with grace? She carried the Son of God within her. She carried Him in her body. He was formed from her blood. She was conceived without sin. She is full of grace.
Pray to know more the mystery of His love. Today, as I looked at the crucifix, I saw Him on the cross as the sacrifice offered to the Father. Here is the table of offering. The sacrifice of Calvary is sacramentally made present in the Mass. On the table is His Son, Jesus Christ. My heart burns with love of the Holy Spirit today, and, I realize His presence within me. I want to know Him and love Him so much and tell Him my love. I want to be one in Him. I want to be united with this presence within me so deeply. This union with the Holy Spirit makes my heart burn.
The mystery of God's love is revealed in the Christ-event-that God became flesh and was conceived in the womb of Mary, that God lived and walked the earth for 33 years. I see Him on the cross. I see the mystery of God's love so vividly. At the Consecration of the Mass, I envision the Father, above the Holy Spirit, and, under the Father, Jesus on the cross. I felt I heard Mary again under the cross. I was so present on Calvary. I could see the darkness as if I were there, present with Mary. Envisioning this makes me realize more the mystery of God's love. The more I come to the Mass, the more the mystery is revealed, my heart burns. I love to go to Mass and hear every word. I see more into the mystery of His love. He remains. He gives Himself to us in His Divinity and humanity at each Eucharist that we celebrate! We die to ourselves more and more at each Mass and unite in the sacrifice to the Father. We are sanctified more and more through the outpouring of His life. The miracle takes place at every Mass-that the bread and wine are changed, through the hands of the priest, into the Body and Blood of Jesus. We, too, are changed as we offer ourselves in the sacrifice. We are united with Jesus on the cross at the Consecration as the sacrifice on Calvary is sacramentally made present at the Mass. The grace flows from the Father, from His pierced Heart, in the Holy Spirit, through the heart of Mary.
I love God so much. I am so thankful for His goodness and His love. I wanted to stay there at the time of the Consecration. I pictured myself present at Calvary. I want to die to myself and live only for Him and be like Him, to unite so deeply in His love in the Eucharist in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! The Eucharist is the source of greatest unity. As I am one in Him and you are one in Him, we are one with each other. All one body in Christ - all united throughout the world in this Holy Sacrifice.
The mighty medicine for the world is His burning love. These writings are to help souls more.
Women and men have different roles. The man gives the seed; the woman receives the seed. Christ is the New Adam; Mary is the New Eve. The role of the woman is to nurture and love. Christ is the Head of the Church. The Church is His body. We must be lovers of God and lovers of one another.
Christ loves His Church. The priest needs to love the Church. They need to love with their whole heart.
Mary is blasphemed in her motherhood, her virginity, and her Immaculate Conception. We must make reparation to Mary's heart for the blasphemies against her.
At Fatima, Mary tells us her peace plan. If hearts consecrate themselves to Mary and Jesus, we will have peace in the world. Mary told us in each message at Fatima to pray the rosary. She has made outstanding promises to those who observe the first Saturday devotion.
Heaven and earth meet in Mary. Divinity is united to humanity in the womb of Mary. Mary is Mother of God. She is Mother of the Church. The Church is a pilgrim Church, always in a state of becoming. She is bringing us forth to maturity in Him - we are undergoing the change.
I long for Jesus. I thirst for Him. He longs for me. We are joined in such oneness. I am always growing in my love for Him. My relationship with Him is always getting deeper and deeper. Jesus wants a burning love relationship with the priests. Jesus wants our burning love. He wants priests that are on-fire for the love of God. This will feed the hungry people.
There is a real lack of respect for women. Celibacy has decreased. Mary is our model. Mothers are not looked up to. Mary shows us the beauty of motherhood. She is most holy and blessed. She carries the child Jesus in her arms. Motherhood is a great gift from God. Mary is Mother of God, such an honor. Mary is Mother of the Church. Mary is our Queen. She nurtures. She loves. Mary is blasphemed for her virginity, in her role as Mother, in her Immaculate Conception. To criticize Mary is not to recognize the great love God has for His creatures.
November 30, 1995
HE INCARNATIONThe Father communicates to us through His Son. The Holy Spirit unites with Mary in bringing forth the Son, Jesus. Divinity is united to humanity in her womb. Sin is not present in the Incarnation of Christ. Mary is sinless. She united with God.
Eve is the mother of the living. The sin is passed down from Adam and Eve. Jesus and Mary are the New Adam and the New Eve. Mary is the new Mother of the living. She is the Mother of the Church. We are being formed in the image and likeness of Jesus. She is our Mother. The Incarnation goes on in us.
By Baptism, we partake in His life, death, and Resurrection, dying to all that is not Him and rising to Him in new life. At every Mass, at the Consecration, we unite to Him, dying on the cross, as we die to our ways that are not like God. We offer ourselves to the Father. (At the Offertory, we offer ourselves with the bread and wine. If bread can be changed into His Body and wine can be changed into His Blood, we too can be changed from our selfish, ungodly ways. We are tainted with the results of original sin. We become more and more like Him through the Mass. We die to ourselves to become more like Him.)
Our Mother stands beneath the cross. We are molded more and more in His image and likeness in the Holy Spirit. She is the New Eve. "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." (Rv. 12:1) She is constantly forming us in her womb. She is giving birth to us, as we unite with Him in such intimacy at Communion.
I am transformed in the Holy Spirit. The more I outpour my love to the Holy Spirit, to Jesus, and to the Father, the more my insides burn.
December 1, 1995
HRIST THAT COMES FROM THE HEARTIn the Mass, the love of God present in the priests helps to feed my starved soul with the love of Jesus. I feel the priest's love of God in his gestures, in his heart, and in his words.
Jesus is alive, not sterile, dry, and inactive. He is one in me. I feel such intimacy with Him. We should share our greatest treasure: Christ alive in me, and Christ alive in you!
I want to talk about the love of Jesus and how you relate to Him. I want to talk about your personal relationship with Jesus - the feelings deep in your heart.
December 1, 1995
ROM THE HEARTS OF JESUS ANDThe Holy Spirit is my friend. I envision the red room with burning embers. I told the Holy Spirit I just want to love Him so much. He wrapped me in His love. I focus on the presence of the Holy Spirit. He is a Spirit. He wants my love and wants to be intimate with me. I focus on the presence of the Spirit as a Person. I want to tell Him how I love Him! I lay my head on the chest of Jesus and enter into His Heart through His pierced side.
There is such burning in my chest to behold You, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The world stands still, and in a moment, I catch a glimpse of eternity.
Every priest should be like Christ. To be one in Christ should be his goal. Christ should be his model, nothing less than that. What an honor to be a priest and celebrate Mass! The greatest calling for any man is to be called to the priesthood.
People are hungry for God. The people are fed through the Sacraments, the Mass, and the Church. The people should love the priest for they are fed through his hands.
I love the Church because it feeds me. I am hungry, and I love the hand that feeds me and nourishes me with His divine life, with the Bread of Life.
We are hungry for the love of God. He feeds us with His Word. He gives us His own Body and Blood. Jesus said, "...Feed my lambs...Feed my sheep." (Jn. 21:15-17)
He is the innocent Lamb led to the slaughter. Now He gives us His Body and His Blood. (God, Himself, is slaughtered).
He is the Bread of Life. The lamb, that was sacrificed, gives Himself to us this day to feed us. He feeds our starved souls with His life. He feeds us in the Scriptures-the Living Word. He feeds us with the Living Bread come down from heaven. We must give an account of the Good News: Jesus has died. He has risen, and He lives in us. He is alive in us!
December 1, 1995
N NUNS BEING PRIESTSI am not willful - I love the role He gives me. Nuns have been called to be sisters, to love, a nurturing love. We should think of nuns as loving. Many are not like Mary, our model, the New Eve. Sisters are women. The Father chose a woman to bring His Son into the world.
Mary is a woman - she is the Mother of the Church. Mary is the Mediatrix of all grace. Jesus did not make His Mother a priest - He made the Apostles priests. He made Mary, Mother of all children, what a title! The one who carries His life in her, her role is to be a Mother!
According to His will, men and women have different roles.
December 3, 1995
ARY BRINGS FORTH THE CHRIST IN MEWritten 5:30 p.m., in the Holy Spirit Chapel:
Mary, bring forth the Christ in me. She is constantly bringing forth the Christ in me. There are different degrees of possessing Christ. He wants us to love everyone as He loves them. It is so hard to love everyone after they hurt us, but sanctity is achieved by genuinely loving all. I cannot do many things...I am willing, but...He must give me the grace!
The Holy Spirit works in the spiritual womb of Mary and is bringing forth the Christ in us. She is the Mediatrix of all grace. The Holy Spirit works in her, transforming us with His grace. The Holy Spirit works wonders in the bringing forth of Christ in us.
"Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, robed with the sun, standing on the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." (Rv. 12:1) She is pregnant. She is the Mother of the Church. She is bringing forth the Church to a greater likeness of Christ through the Holy Spirit. She is the Ark of the Covenant. She is the Mediatrix of all grace. She carried the Christ Child. She brought Him forth through the power of the Holy Spirit. She is bringing us forth to a greater Christ-life. We are being formed in her womb through the Holy Spirit. He performs His wonders in the womb of Mary. God communicates to us through His Son. He is the Word Incarnate. He has all knowledge. In Him, we know.
The more I figure this out through the light of the Holy Spirit, the deeper I partake in this graced life, in this Christ-life, and I will know it for all eternity. I am learning, for all eternity, to deeply partake in the divine mysteries more and more. My God, I worship and adore You in Your Divinity. You have elevated my soul to such heights. To know You a little and long to know You more and more deeply-this is my thirst, my love, my portion, my cup. To know more of You, to love You more and to serve You in this world-this is my quest, to know, love, and serve You!
This is why we must dwell in Mary's heart. The transformation of our likeness to Christ is performed in her heart. It is the spiritual womb in which she brings forth the Christ in us, through the Holy Spirit. She places us in His Heart, the transformation continues. The more we are like Jesus, the more we are led to the Father, because Jesus has said, "No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me..." (Jn. 6:44)
The fire comes when I am loving Jesus, and I tell the Holy Spirit how much I love Him-it is then I feel this fire inside. Jesus shows us about love. He wants this connection with His Heart and Mary's heart. He wants us to know love is not isolated. Love is joining. Love is communication with each other.
I see the reflection of God in you and I love Him in you. To see Christ in others is to love them deeply. It is easy to love someone who is reflecting Christ. I must see Christ in all others. This is the key to loving others. My spiritual director told me that I have to see the person created by the Father and look for their ideal self, not the false self.
I am not writing a textbook. This is the story of my love relationship with Jesus, like writing a diary. I want a relationship with Jesus-it must have the "person" in it, otherwise it is like a textbook. I search after the deep mysteries of His love, of His being, of His truth, of the Sacraments, of the mysteries of the rosary.
I want to go more and more deeply into the center of His burning love, to penetrate His wounds, and enter so deeply into His Heart, and to love Our Lady. The unseen becomes more real than the seen. I thirst. I hunger. I long. I am empty. I have been experiencing a period of such craving to be filled by Him. To know Him is to want so much more. I understand more fully the driving force behind the hungry souls. I feel He is allowing me to experience this hunger, to know the need for souls to be fed by the love of God!
What feeds this starved soul? It is only the burning love of God. My God, I adore You. My life is spent in search of You, only by You am I fed. I long for the Eucharist and the tabernacle. It is there I find peace, for it is there my soul is fed with Your divine life. Like a dry and weary desert land, so my soul is thirsting for my God.
"...You see before you the Lord's servant, let it happen to me as you have said..." (Lk. 1:38)
Jesus is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. He took on human flesh from the flesh and blood of Mary.
The Mystery: God, the Second Person of the Trinity - took a whole human nature. He is God-Man.
Jesus allowed Himself to be bound. He was bound in a human, baby body, He was tied to a pillar. He allowed them to nail Him to the cross. His body was locked in a tomb.
December 5, 1995
ARY OUR MOTHERMary is the Mother of God. God the Father sent His Only Begotten Son.
Mary is conceived immaculate. To not recognize this is to not realize the magnificence of God. God could not come in sin. God, Who is all good, could not be conceived in the body of a person tainted with original sin.
"'Father,' he said, 'if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine.'" (Lk. 22:42)
I see that God is all-powerful. I am a little piece of the puzzle. I am not the whole puzzle. My love of Jesus and the Mass is why I write this book.
Mary, conceived without sin, is the New Eve. Mary was made our Mother under the cross. Mary is the Mother of our spiritual life. I have felt the pain of Mary under the cross, the pain for her little, lost children.
Mary is the Mother of God. Christ took on flesh. Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is Mary Immaculate. Jesus took on Mary's flesh and blood. To not love Mary is to not recognize His great love for us. We miss our own dignity and honor. Divinity and humanity meet in Mary.
There are five blasphemies against Mary. She has asked us to make the first Saturday devotion. Sr. Lucia ask Our Lord why there were five first Saturdays.
He revealed to her:
My daughter, the reason is simple. There are five types of offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
1. Blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception.
2. Blasphemies against Her Perpetual Virginity.
3. Blasphemies against Her Divine Maternity, in refusing at the same time to recognize Her as the Mother of men.
4. The blasphemies of those who publicly seek to sow in the hearts of children indifference or scorn, or even hatred of this Immaculate Mother.
5. The offenses of those who outrage Her directly in Her holy images.46
We must make the first Saturday devotion to make reparation to her, for the indifferences against her Immaculate Heart.
I can see the devil pushing man away from Mary! The devil knows that Mary is a link between heaven and earth. There is a great link between God and man in Mary.
We realize more the mystery of God's love for us when we see how God loved Mary.
Act of Incarnation: God unites to man. My greatest pain felt, lately, is under the cross.
Mary knows the great gift given from God to His creatures. She is our spiritual Mother. She experiences the pain of her lost children. She sees before her, her Son covered with blood.
Mary says it is because of pride they do not accept her. It is because of pride, some think Mary cannot be any higher than them. They do not recognize election.
In having this pride, many miss the great messages given from God. In having pride, we miss a major link between heaven and earth in Mary. It is the Father's will that Mary is our spiritual Mother.
We reach a deeper level in the spiritual life only in the heart of Mary. It is His will. She was chosen, sinless, the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and the Mother of God.
We can only go to the deepest chambers of the Heart of Christ through the pure and sinless heart of Mary. We are sinners. She is immaculate.
Besides the messages associated with the major Fatima apparitions, there were other revelations given by Our Lady. Before Jacinta died, she told of other messages given her [during her illness] by Mary:
"Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary..."47
This last message offers us an excellent opportunity to summarize the Fatima message. It tells us "that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."48
Deep spiritual maturity cannot be achieved without going through the heart of Mary. Jesus came into the world in Mary's womb.
This is the Father's will: for His Son to come into this world, for His Son to be formed in her womb. God wants us to be formed more and more into the image and likeness of Jesus in the spiritual womb of Mary. Jesus wants us to grow in Mary's heart through the Holy Spirit to deepest maturity.
Many, in their willfulness and pride, deny the Mother of God, her Immaculate Conception, and the virgin birth. It is pride, for they do not want to recognize how much God loves Mary. They are proud and/or ignorant and will not recognize another creature higher than they are.
This is how it is: the Child Jesus, God-made-Man, was conceived in the womb of Mary. He was formed in her womb. To reach higher levels of spiritual maturity, we must dwell in the heart of Mary. We are formed there through the power of the Holy Spirit to be more like Jesus. We achieve depth in our relationship with God through Mary.
"And Mary said: 'My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord" (Lk. 1:46) All of us children unite in the heart of Mary. I see such oneness between all of us as we join in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We unite in the heart of Mary. She places us in the Heart of Jesus. There we are united with all Mary's children. He is the Light of the World. His Heart burns - a yellow glow with hot embers. Many are the children of the light. Mary is our Mother. She is calling us to be children of the light. She is Our Lady of Light.
It starts with you and me and with all His holy priests. As we consecrate our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we are one in Their Hearts. I give Jesus and Mary my heart, you give them your heart, we are one in Their Hearts. As the Shepherds of Christ Movement spreads throughout the world, we become one with each other as we give our hearts to Jesus and Mary. There will be one flock and one Shepherd. Father Carter is reaching the priests with the consecration in the priestly newsletter. He is reaching the sisters and religious with the consecration in the religious newsletter. He is reaching the lay people with the Shepherds of Christ Associates prayer chapters for adults and youth centered in consecration of our hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
In February of 1996, we began a new movement, Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. In it people volunteer two hours a week in front of the Blessed Sacrament and pray for the renewal of the Church and the world. They consecrate their hearts bi-weekly in front of the tabernacle. We are all joined together to help bring the light to others. This is the center, Jesus in the Eucharist. It is for the renewal of the Church and the world.
Mary is now Our Lady of Sorrows. Her heart was pierced with the willfulness of her children. Her heart is in great sorrow at the loss of her children. She calls us to spread the light to this world, to light up the darkness, to come and be fed by the Chief Shepherd.
The devil has waged a war against the children of the light. Children of the light are richly fed with God's love, given abundantly by Jesus in the Eucharist.
This is the plan of Fatima to reach the world. Hearts must be consecrated to the two Hearts. Fr. Carter is reaching the world in the newsletter for priests, religious, and the associates. All are consecrating their hearts. The children must be reached through the Junior Shepherds of Christ Movement. Children need to consecrate their hearts to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The first Saturday devotion must be observed and spread from the Center.
The Fatima messages say, that the peace or war in our country depends on our consecrating our hearts to Mary. Children must be reached with the consecration. Satan is so strong.
The Father's plan will unfold. We must live according to the will of God with love. Every one of us is given such talents. God carries out the work of redemption through our humanity. We must pray to the Holy Spirit to sanctify us and make us holy.
This is what I suffered under the cross: the sufferings for the little, lost children. Mary wants us to make reparation to her heart. Mary told Jacinta, "Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."49 By recognizing her Immaculate Conception, we are recognizing the great dignity and honor He has given to Mary, a human person.
We go to the spiritual womb, the heart of Mary, because He wills it so. The depth of our union with Him can only come about through a deeper union with her. He wills it so.
The Father chose Mary as the Mother of God. The Father chose her, from all woman, to be Jesus' Mother. She is espoused to the Holy Spirit. Such dignity that God unites to her to bring forth a Son! If God comes to us in Mary's womb, we can go to God in Mary's heart.
In realizing the immense love God has for Mary, we can realize more His immense love for us in the Eucharist, to unite with us in such union. She carried Jesus in her womb. He is no less present in us when we receive Him in Communion.
Her soul magnifies the Lord. We see how our soul is raised to such heights through His grace. We, human persons, are raised to such heights in His grace. We are created to know, love, and serve Him. We can't leave out service. For, "...he has looked upon the humiliation of his servant. Yes, from now onwards all generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me. Holy is his name." (Lk. 1:48-49)
Father Carter talked about spiritual childhood: the more we become like a little child, the more the Father gives Himself to us.
December 8, 1995
ORMED IN THE WOMB OF MARYIn order to grow more deeply in my love of Christ, I must unite to the heart of Mary. As Christ was formed in the womb of Mary, we are constantly being formed in her heart through the action of the Holy Spirit, she is a Spiritual Mother. I am constantly being formed in her heart through the action of the Holy Spirit.
Divinity and humanity meet in the womb of Mary. She carried the Christ Child under her heart. The union of the two Hearts began when the Holy Spirit came upon her. She was filled with grace. To house the God-made-Man, she must be full of grace.
Do you ponder on our own graced soul? Do we think of our graced soul after reception of the Eucharist?
December 8, 1995
As Father read the Gospel, I was so connected with each word and filled with such emotion. I was so close to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so deep in His love.
Every thought of Mary radiated in my body. To hear her name made me want to cry. I love her life. I love Jesus' life. I love the rosary. The rosary is alive in me.
December 8, 1995
EN HAVE THEIR ROLE; WOMEN HAVE THEIRSWritten between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church:
I knew I was supposed to be here. I had such sufferings during the Stations, wrapped in pain. I am so lost in the depth of the emotions. My heart is torn in the Stations.
I love His presence, her presence - I am so wrapped in this presence, I just want to be alone with Them. I just want to be with them in ecstasy.
Jesus says, "...Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" (Mt. 12:48) There is a oneness in the roles of loving. Mary is His Mother, yet she is the New Eve, and He is the New Adam. He says, "...Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" (Mt. 12:48) There is such oneness between all in the Body of Christ. There is such oneness in our hearts when we consecrate our hearts to Them. We are all children of the Father. He wants us to love each other and live according to His will.
In heaven, we will be in harmony, enjoying His love, His goodness, His mysteries. I understand this immense love between all, living in harmony in the Father's will!
We see the Lord, and we adore and worship Him and live in His love. His love is enough for us.
The family is a little church. The father is the head. The wife must obey the husband. She receives the seed. There are little children.
Mary is close to Jesus in one Heart. Wives should be close to their husbands in one heart. Men and women have different roles. When we disregard the virgin birth of Jesus, we disregard the virgin birth of the Church. Mary is always bringing forth her children.
Mary is not respected as she should be. There are blasphemies against Mary, against her as Mother of God, against her Immaculate Conception, against the virgin birth. We must go through the pure one, Mary, to go to the deepest chamber of the Heart of Christ.
Concerning the marital act, the focus many times is not on love between husband and wife and the procreation of children, the focus of this most beautiful act many times in today's world is on giving pleasure. The Church does not agree with artificial contraception. One purpose of the sexual act is procreation of children. When people control the sexual act by artificial birth control, they eliminate the purpose of this act for the procreation of children. The act must be performed according to the Father's will. The sexual act is a beautiful loving act created by God. It is not a dirty act, an act for senseless pleasure. It is a serious act created by God to express love between husband and wife and to bring about the procreation of children. It is God's act to bring a life into the world. He gives the life in this act, created by Him!
The devil has made sin out of so many things. The sexual act is a beautiful act given by God. It should be used according to the Father's plan and treasured.
Love, oh, love, oh love - that is God Himself, but how little is understood of real love! Love and forgiveness go hand-in-hand.
Jesus showed us how He always, always forgave. He forgave Mary Magdalene - His way is love!
To be like Jesus we must strive to eliminate division with others in our hearts. Our hearts must be filled with love. He is Love! To be as He is, is to love. Wives should be subject to their husbands; husbands should love their wives. Their roles are not the same. He gives the seed, she receives the seed and loves it.
Priests are representing Christ to us. He has been anointed and chosen by God and given power, through God, to change bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. Priests should be shown the highest love, respect, and honor, for they are the chosen sons of God.
The priest must realize the great honor and dignity that is given to him. The priest has the great gift to administer the Sacraments.
Also, the priest should pray over people. The priest should pray over people for their healing. It is so powerful when a priest prays over people.
Women and men have different roles. Christ gave Mary to us as our Mother. Mary's role was not to be an anointed priest. Christ is the Head of the Church. Mary is the Mother of the Church. Her role is to bring forth her children so they are more and more like Jesus. Mary stands beneath the cross. Jesus is above her. He is the New Adam, she is the New Eve. "...Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?...Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." (Mt. 12:48-50) We are one in Him. He raises us to such heights. We share in His divine life.
It is through His Resurrection and Ascension, we share in His life.
We are creatures - He is divine. He allows us to share in His divine life.
He is raised on the cross. He gave Himself on the cross. He gives Himself to us now. We unite with God in the Holy Eucharist (the Mass). At the Offertory, we see the priest mix one drop of water with the wine. This symbolizes our humanity sharing in His Divinity.
He is raised high on the cross above the creatures. He is resurrected from the dead!
In Him, we are raised to new life. He ascends into heaven and opens the gates for us. He is the Way. He is the Truth. He is the Life. It is in Him, we are raised up, as we become partakers in His life.
Life flows from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, through the heart of Mary into us, and we act as channels of His life in this world. God is the Source of life. To leave out God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is to leave out the Source of life.
Life is not life if it is not rooted in Him.
The Church is the way this life is channeled to us. The family is a little church. Our roles are as the Father wills - men and women are not the same!
They are as they were created by Him. It is in living according to His will that we will have peace and joy.
We are called to unite with Christ - only in Him will there be peace and joy in our lives.
To make yourself supreme is to try to reign on the earth. You are without power. Only through Him will you operate in love, peace, and joy. God the Father loves us so much. He wants us to love each other as His little children. We must be humble and put aside pride and hatred. His way is love. He is God. He calls us to love in our hearts. He wants us to act like His Son, to love and forgive and be kind.
Alleluia. He is the King of heaven and earth. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph!
December 10, 1995
NION IS GIVINGAfter 7:15 a.m. Mass, the second Sunday of Advent:
At the first reading, I wanted to cry. It was Isaiah, and it talked about the gifts of the Spirit. It talked about the reign of God, the reign of peace, the lion laying down with the lamb.
Is. 11:6-9:
The wolf will live with the lamb,
the panther lie down with the kid,
calf, lion and fat-stock beast together,
with a little boy to lead them.
The cow and the bear will graze,
their young will lie down together.
The lion will eat hay like the ox.
The infant will play
over the den of the adder;
the baby will put his hand
into the viper's lair.
No hurt, no harm will be done
on all my holy mountain,
for the country will be full
of knowledge of Yahweh
as the waters cover the sea.
It talked about justice. In the psalm, Ps. 72:7-8, the response was:
In his days uprightness shall flourish,
and peace in plenty till the moon is no more.
His empire shall stretch from sea to sea,
from the river to the limits of the earth.
I was filled with such love of God. I want to surrender myself more and more to Him, to unite with Him in the sacrifice. I give Him my hands, my feet, my head - whatever is His will is what I want.
Such intense love at the consecration. I hope I die in the Mass. I picture Jesus raised high on the cross and His creatures beneath. I picture His skin and His human body from the side and see us standing below. This is the love He has for us, His creatures. Look at Him. He is God. He is above us but He came to earth a man and He gives us Mary, our Mother, to mold us into His image and likeness. We are tainted by sin, but He has given Himself that we will have new life in Him. He gives us Mary, our Mother, to mother us on our way.
I realize this is really God coming to me, and I want to love Him so much. I ask Him to unite with me, to give my love to Him. I love God more deeply the more I am united to Him. I offer myself to the Father. All that I am, I give Him - my hands and feet and head, my heart, my every cell, to do with as He wants - complete and total abandonment. I give Him my all and ask Him to make me more like Him. I am yours, Lord, I come to do Your will. Through Him, with Him, and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
I am so unworthy to receive Our Lord but so filled with such awe that He comes to me.
December 11, 1995
E KNOW HIM THROUGH THE WORDWe pray to know and love God. His Word is to be planted in the hearts of men. Men's hearts are formed in the spiritual womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, through the Holy Spirit. The Son is the Word. We know God through the Word made Flesh. We unite to God in the burning love of the Holy Spirit. The Son leads us to the Father. It is in this action of the Three Persons working together that we experience the knowledge and love of God. I feel this permeating action of the Spirit as I dwell in the heart of Mary and unite in the deepest chamber of Jesus' Heart, and there unite to the Father.
He has told us, "I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you lived as slaves. You shall have no other gods to rival me." (Ex. 20:2-3) We were created by the Father. Life exists in Him. We were created to know, love, and serve God. It is in dwelling in Their Hearts that we know more the deep love of God.
Mary became the Mother of our Christ-life under the cross. At Baptism we become children of God. Mary is our spiritual Mother. We are born, not of blood but of God. Jesus gives to us His Mother, whereby she is constantly bringing forth her children in the Holy Spirit. We are created in His image and likeness. We are formed in her spiritual womb, or heart, in the Holy Spirit. As we are formed more and more in His likeness, we unite more to the Heart of Jesus, and He leads us to the bosom of the Father. We are the children of God. The Incarnation continues in us as we live our lives in union with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, with the Holy Spirit. "...the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary."50
She is the Mother of our new life. As Eve was the mother of all the living, Mary is the Mother of our spiritual life, our Christ-life, our life in the Holy Spirit.
Mary stood beneath the cross on Calvary, the New Eve. Christ hung high on the cross, the New Adam. He plants the seed. He is the Word. The woman receives the seed and nurtures it. Mary is the Mother of our Christ-life. Mary is the Mother of our rebirth in Him. He is raised high above all of His human creatures. The gift is Himself. We see Him as He hangs high above us covered with blood, and we know the immensity of the God-made-Man. He gives Himself. He gives His life as a sacrifice to the Father. He dies that we too should die in Him, that we might rise to new life in Him, for He came to die that we would be restored to new life. Today this sacrifice is sacramentally made present at every Mass.
The priest puts on Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, he offers the sacrifice of Jesus to the Father. We unite with Him. We offer ourselves, our body and our blood, our soul, our whole being to the Father in the Holy Spirit, that we will die in Him, that we will rise in Him to ever newer life. This is our sacrifice to the Father. As we unite through Him, with Him and in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, we are sanctified. If bread and wine can be changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus, we too can be changed from our dark ways into the likeness of Him. We see our unworthiness to be so loved by God, and we long to give Him the greatest love. Uniting ourselves with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we love more deeply our beloved God.
I love You, Jesus. I love You. I love You, in the deepest love that I experience in uniting in this Sacrifice of the Mass. Let our hearts sing with the love of God as we are transformed more and more into the creatures that are more like the Father intended us to be. In this great mystery of God's burning love for His creatures, we unite with our beloved Savior in deepest union. In the Holy Eucharist, He gives Himself to us, and we become one with God. He gives us life and He nourishes this life with His own Body and Blood. We become one in Him, and we are united more deeply to each other. He wants us to be one body in Him.
Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with the fire of God's love. We are little children that were once afraid and lost and now are renewed and strengthened by this union with Divinity. Let us forever treasure the great gift of God, Himself, given in Mass and make reparation to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Let us make reparation for the blasphemies against her heart, the indifferences, neglect, and sacrileges committed against His Heart, especially in the sacrament of His greatest love. Let us beg for mercy from the Almighty God for our sins and the sins of all His creatures. So ungrateful are we when God loves us so much. The Father gave His only begotten Son that we would be saved. It is through Him, we are restored to new life. Let us always remain after Communion and treasure these moments with our intimate and beloved God. Let us cherish the priests that God has given to us. Let us love him in his holy ministry. He represents Christ to us. Let us pray for the priests and for the Church. This is the channel whereby we receive His life today. Each sacrament is an encounter with Christ Himself.
He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is God. We are unworthy to tie His bootstraps. Yet He loves us with an unfathomable love.
December 11, 1995
T IS THROUGH MARY THAT WE RECEIVE CHRIST" will bruise your head and you will strike its heel." (Gn. 3:15)
The Virgin Mary crushed the head of Satan. Man was in bondage from the sin of Adam. It was through Mary, who conceived of Jesus in her womb, that man was restored to new life.
Gn. 3:15
"I shall put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and hers;
it will bruise your head
and you will strike its heel."
The seed is planted by the priest in the people, for Christ is administering to the people through the priest.
The Word of God should be loved. We are the body of Christ. He loves His body so much. Do we love Him? He is the Head of the body.
December 11, 1995
E MUST BE SORRY FOR OUR SINSWe must admit our sins and be sorry for our sins. Sin offends God. We must go to Him and tell Him how sorry we are. We must REPENT to be saved.
December 13, 1995
UCH SUFFERING FOR THE RELIGIOUS AND CHILDRENOh, God, how I love You. I went to Glenmary and was filled with the deep love of the Almighty God. So connected to His wounds and the Passion - so hurt in my heart for those who treat Him with such indifference after He gave Himself for them. My Savior, let my love for Thee comfort Thy aching Heart. You give Yourself with such love, and even some of Your beloved priests do not realize the great gift given.
Oh, how little love is given to God. He gave His All for love of us!
I cry so hard to know what I know and not know what to do. I love Him so much. I surrender myself entirely to Him and give myself as a sacrifice to Him.
I am so aware of how the Word of God feeds us, so filled with such love for each word, so filled by His Word! I love You so much, I scarce can give this love to Thee in my human form. Help me to love You more and more, my adorable Lord.
Thank you for the 13th. Mary, help me to do whatever you are calling me to do this day. I see the link between the Immaculate Conception and the virgin birth. Mary was conceived immaculate. It hurts my heart to think of anyone blaspheming Mary. I love her so much.
The agonies in my heart for the little children of this world, I suffered so much for the children in this world! My heart hurt so badly for Mary's little, lost children - such a pain in my heart. (The pain in my heart is so bad-as if someone is sticking swords in my heart.)
December 14, 1995
EOPLE LAUGH AND TALK AFTER COMMUNIONMy greatest sufferings come from the fact that I know Jesus and know He is God and watch the people laugh and talk after Communion. It is like a sword piercing my chest.
At Communion, I was so aware of Jesus, truly present. I love Him so much.
December 15, 1995
Written between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.,
at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church:
I had such an experience - pouring out my love to Him. How I love Him! It hurts to not be able to love Him more deeply. I stood under the cross. I prayed the Stations.
December 15, 1995
E WRAPPED ME IN HIS DIVINE EMBRACEWritten at 12:30 p.m., in Holy Cross-Immaculata Church:
I wanted to love Him so much. I realized God's magnificence and goodness, and I wanted to give Him such great love, but I realize my incapacity to love Him more in my human form.
I realize how God is so worthy of all my love. My intellectual realization of how worthy He is, does not match with my attempt to love Him. It hurts to want to love Him so much. He gives me an insight, a light into His magnificence, and I realize my littleness.
So overwhelmed with the desire to give Him love, no thought of myself - my whole being wants to love Him with this immense love.
The world is non-existent. It is I and Him, and my whole being merges with Him and this one desire to unite endlessly, forever in the deepest union. Time stands still, and it is the meeting of our hearts, this oneness with Him. I slip into His Heart and nothing here matters, as if I have embraced such depth of union with Him. I want only Him. I see only Him, and I am one in this deep, deep embrace with Him. I lost myself in Him.
My existence is existence only in Him. It is being wrapped in love's embrace with Divinity.
The world existed around me, and all I knew was the embrace of the Almighty God. My heart sunk into His Heart, and I existed only in Him, my whole being seeing myself existing only in Him.
I saw His body as I stood beneath the cross at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church. I wanted to unite with Him eternally in this great depth of love I felt. I wanted to be totally lost in Him forever. By being merged with Him, I existed in Him, knowing only Him and loosing myself. I saw the Child Jesus statue, and I was lost in God. I begged the Father through the tears of tender, loving Mary, in the Holy Spirit, to help me to make His love known to this world, to use me, use my life as He willed to make this love of God known. Then, coming back to myself, I begged the Father, through the tears of the tender, loving Mary, in the name of the Christ Child, in the Holy Spirit, to help me to make His love known to this world, to use me, my life as He willed to make this love of God known.
December 15, 1995
AM TOUCHED IN A SPECIAL WAY BY GODWhen God gives us special illuminations, He is giving to us a great grace to understand insights into His mysteries. I pray for this special grace. It is a grace given to me, I do not control it in anyway. He opens the door, and I know so many insights into the mystery of God. I can experience great agony or great ecstasy. It is a great gift from God, because I know Him so much better after this. I never forget a special experience of His grace. It is printed in my being. I have complete recall. I usually have a great presence of the Trinity and am awed by this presence. I cry because of this presence. It is a great joy. Whether sufferings or joys, I am touched in a special way by God and I know and love Him more. I am wrapped in Their embrace.
December 16, 1995
PRAYER BEFORE THEMy most precious Jesus, I am here with You - the Almighty God, truly present, no less present than when You walked this earth.
I love You so much. I just want to love You with the deepest love, my Almighty God.
Oh that I can unite deeper to You in such oneness, You Who are so perfect and loving and good. You unite to my wretched being. I want so much to be an instrument to spread this love to all, to know You and Your love, which is so great. I am compelled to tell all how dearly You truly love them.
Oh Jesus, let my great love for You, which is so little, be magnified to deeper love for You as I unite to You, for in this union with You, I am loving You more. I long with all my heart to unselfishly love You. You are my God, all worthy of all my love.
I want to help make reparation for those who do not love You and those, who through indifference, have forgotten You.
To love You is to feel the pains of the thorns that surround Your Heart for the indifference and neglect of Your beloved souls.
I adore You. I worship You. I cannot express in words my deep love for You. I am Yours, Lord. Help me, every moment, to do the will of the Father. I offer this prayer and petition to the Father, in the name of Jesus, in union with the Holy Spirit, with all the angels and saints, and the souls in purgatory.
I am me to know, love, and serve You more.
December 16, 1995
ANT TO GIVE HIM THE GREATEST LOVEAfter 8:30 a.m. Mass at the Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center:
I wanted only to love Him more deeply. I realized that as I unite with Him in Holy Communion and become one in Him, I can give Him the greatest love at this moment since He is in this union with me.
I am treasuring this moment immensely, for I am realizing it is in this moment that He is greatly loved by me, and I want to give Him such great love. I realize how He is so worthy of love! I want to love Him for the indifference and neglect of so many souls. I know, in my being, the emotions He has allowed me to experience. I feel the pain of the neglect and indifference of souls against Him. I want to comfort His Heart by giving Him such love.
I know the pains He has allowed me to experience, the rejection, the sufferings, the hurt, and I want to comfort His Heart of burning love. I know what love He wants from us, His creatures, and I love Him so much. I realize His worthiness to be loved. I want to love Him so deeply.
December 16, 1995
The experience I had yesterday is beyond words. I was so united to Him. I lost myself. My whole being was overtaken with the Almighty God. I existed In Him! No want of anything, I was so satisfied. I felt such union with Him. Mass was so wonderful today. I feel such oneness with Him.
December 17, 1995
HE RED ROOMWritten at 12:00 p.m. after Mass:
He empowers the lowly. I see that as I unite to Him, it is no longer I who live, but He Who lives in me. He is all-powerful. I become one in Him. He operates through me. He lifts our burden. He takes away the resistance.
If I unite to Him, He is praying through me. I envision this experience, and I am united to Him in the deepest union. If I pray this way, it is with this power that the prayer goes to God, united through Him, with Him, and in Him.
When I felt I was in the depth of His Heart, on Dec. 15, 1995, I envisioned a red room. I felt the warmth, the presence of God.
I unite to Him in such oneness. It is so deep in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He gave His all. I unite deeply to Him when I surrender my all to Him and die to myself in the Consecration of the Mass.
I unite deeply in the Consecration. I unite deeply when I am giving my all to Him. I become one in Their Hearts. I am laid bare as when He died on the cross, and I give my all as He did. He shows us His bare body and His arms outstretched. He wants us to die to ourself. He gave Himself as a complete sacrifice to the Father. It is in giving ourself with Him, to the Father, that the Father is pleased. It is in dying to ourselves in Jesus that we rise to new life in Him. After His death came the Resurrection.
I see the mercy and graces flowing at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In Holy Communion, He wants us especially to make reparation for our sins and the sins of others. It is at this time Mary asks us to make reparation to her heart, the Hearts crowned with thorns. Their Hearts were pierced. His with a lance, hers invisibly with swords. The wounds are deep and penetrating. Only through Jesus are we saved. He shows us the pierced Heart. It is through this Heart, we receive life and nourishment.
December 17, 1995
HE EARTH STOPPED AND TOUCHED HEAVENI long to unite in the deepest union with Him in the Eucharist. I long for the Mass. I long for Thee, oh God. My every moment, I join as I did to You December 15 under the cross, where I felt Your presence. You whisked me away, and I was totally absorbed in that moment of celestial union with You. For that time, I existed only in You, in the deepest union, and I was in this moment existing in You. The earth stopped, and I touched the heavens, all my bodily cares were existent in You. I existed in Your Divinity, my being was in You. There was no desire or wish or wanting, for in that moment, I had all I wanted in You. I was satisfied and wanted nothing but to remain in that embrace. You were the Being, and my being existed in You, but I was only as I was in You - merged in You, knowing and being in Your Divinity and being so full as to feel complete in myself.
You are so enormous, and You surrounded me in a burning embrace, the presence of red fire. I was not little, or "nothing", but existed in this enormous power and being so complete!
I touched eternity, and in that embrace, I knew all the waiting was worth the glory. You enveloped my being, and I was truly merged in the Divine Presence. I was merged in Your being. I existed IN You, with You, in the highest union with You, although I knew I was still distinct from You.
I was fused and absorbed in You, feeling complete and satisfied. To describe this union is far beyond any work of my pen and paper. I pray for the reader of this page to receive the grace to share this experience with Him, I will now live for this union-to be forever merged In Him, to be One in Him, to reach higher perfection as I exist in Him, for He takes the lowly and gives to them a sharing in Himself. He merges with us and we exist in Him. The word "in" - I could write pages about. I long for the deepest union with Him, where I am swept up in the heavenly embrace of the Divine God, and I am IN Him.
This is heaven on earth: to be merged as one with Divinity, although remaining distinct from God, to take our feeble hearts, our lowly status and to unite ourselves with the Divine, Almighty, powerful God and in this union to be meshed with Him, that His power dominates and our humanity reaches its heights of fulfillment in this union, in this oneness with Him.
The word I have looked for is "oneness." I understand some of the meaning of the words "One in Him." Oneness is the word to describe this union of our humanity with His Divinity. The depth to which we could meditate on oneness with God is incomprehensible. In that moment, the earth stood still, and He, my Divine Lover, the Bridegroom of my soul, took me to Himself, and I knew the embrace of the Divine God.
Nothing on the face of this earth can describe our union with Divinity. Oh, good God, that creatures are so ungrateful regarding Your divine love. I am so sorry. Let me help make reparation to Your adorable Heart. Please unite with me now that I may more deeply love Thee.
Oh, Divine Lover of my soul, let me help make reparation to Your adorable Heart for the neglect and indifference against You.
Song from Jesus: I come to you with greatest love. I am your loving Savior. I am your God. I died for you. I come to you this day.
He allowed me to experience such pain in my heart - wanting Him so badly, so many times-and then on Dec. 15, 1995 - He gave Himself to me in the deepest union.
Nothing satisfies the soul but Him. He wants the nuns and priests to love Him. He chose them to spread His love.
Souls are hungry. They will only be fed with His burning love. Priests need to talk about Jesus' love for us from the pulpit. Priests need hearts burning for love of Jesus. This will feed the hungry souls - lip service love doesn't do it.
He is alive today. He is a Person. He wants us to love Him.
December 18, 1995
N THE DEEPEST RECESSES OF HIS HEARTThe place Jesus took me was into the deepest recesses of His Heart. I was enveloped in His burning love. It was a red room with heat and an intense glow. I was swept away in this embrace, and I only existed in Him. The power of the Almighty God enveloped me, and I only existed in Him. There was no fear, for I was existent in this Almighty Being. My heart was wrapped in the eternal embrace of this Supreme Being. The security, the power I know was His deep presence in which I existed.
I knew the room was red and warm. I knew His immenseness, but I felt my own completeness in Him. I did not feel little, as a speck, but elevated and empowered for I existed then in Him in a most special way.
I was overtaken by the love of God. The fire of the Holy Spirit filled me. I was absorbed by the love of the Father, and I existed IN Him and in the deepest recesses of the Heart of Jesus. Our heaven on earth is these inner chambers of His magnificent Heart - the Heart of the Almighty God, with all the power, with omnipotence, with the fire of the love of God. He took me to the deepest chamber of this fiery Heart, and in that moment, I touched eternity, for I knew what it was to be enveloped in the deep furnace of His love. I now want to exist in this chamber of His Heart, swept away in His burning love, absorbed in my every cell with His love.
We do not understand the fire of His love. We do not understand what it is to be absorbed by love itself. He took me to the inner, deepest chamber of His Heart, and I felt the heat and knew the presence of love itself, and there was no fear, only a feeling of completeness, omnipotence, all-embracing, penetrating love - a power indescribable in words, a saturation of my being in the presence of God, and I was as I was created to be - living in Him!
This is how I will forever live my life, saturated with His divine life and love deep within this inner chamber of His burning Heart, living in Him as He possesses my being, and I operate with His power in me.
Little creatures though we are, we are His, His power, His life, flowing through us. In Him, we are as the Father intended: one in Him, each one of us, dwelling in this fiery furnace of His love. With our fears quieted and our hearts empowered by His life, we live forever in Him - in the Heart of Jesus.
Let no man separate what God has joined together. I am wed in the deepest love with my beloved Spouse, wed to the Heart of Jesus. As I am, I am one in Him. I live and I breathe in Him. He, Who is love, He Who is our all, He Who is mighty and without limits, He Who is, He Who is God and as I live, He lives in me in this world.
I am wed to Him, and I shall not fear for He is God - one, complete, loving, God. Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee. As I live, I live in Your most adorable Heart, the furnace of God's love!
December 19, 1995
EED THE HUNGRY SOULSI want to love deeply, my Lord. It is in knowing Him more, I love Him more. I beg Him for insights of Himself that I will know Him more. I know Him greatly through the intimate experiences I have had with Him. He and Mary have allowed me to experience deep insights into Their sufferings and love, deep insights into the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
If I am closed, I remain locked inside. Love flows from the heart. Love is not words spoken only. Love is the giving of one's self to another person or cause.
Children need this love from their parents. There is a whole generation of children that are receiving substitute moms and dads. Instead of love from their parents, they are given things. Things are not heart-felt love. To love God more, it helps to know the love of another. We see love reflected from God through the eyes of our parents, by their time and attention.
God is love. He is always there. He is attentive to all our needs. He gives and keeps on giving. I do not have to fear for want of love. I know that He is one in me. I am living in this love!
Children today are not given this love. They are given all they need physically, all they can absorb technically, intellectually, all they need to make the appearance of perfection: a beautiful house, a beautiful car, a room adorned with such decorations, some have a private bath, a computer, a television, a VCR, a compact disk player, a telephone, a beautiful suntanned body, a swimming pool, the greatest sports equipment, the right label on their clothes and shoes. They are taken to every sport event so they can participate and be the greatest player, but what about the family meal? What about the nights the family sits and talks about things in their hearts? What about the family rosary? We are raising a heartless, self-indulgent society of youth. Their hearts are dying inside, while their bodies are adorned to perfection. It is what I call the "inside-out syndrome." Everything exists for how we look on the outside and the inside (the heart) is dying and shriveling up inside the body.
I envision Mary standing beneath the cross and feel the pain for her little, lost children. I envision Mary before me and hear her call out for the children that will lose their souls and go to hell. I hear Mary, our heavenly Mother, call out at Fatima. I hear her urgent cry and as at Fatima - who listens?
Satan has attacked our hearts. They are closed and dying in our bodies. We have every hair in place and every muscle exercised. We know the fat level in every muffin and the calories in every spoon of yogurt, but the heart of man is dying within the body.
The starved hearts of the world cry out, more and more, "Please feed our hungry!" We are starving and the world fills the hearts and souls with more and more pleasures and things. The focus is hollow, the eyes are fixed, and what of the little ones who do not even know how to feed the pangs of hunger within their souls?
His Heart was pierced with a lance; her heart was pierced with a sword of sorrow.
His way is the way of the heart.
December 20, 1995
Y EXPERIENCESI am filled with overwhelming love for God on the beach in the Bahamas. I realized the immensity of the Almighty God and how little we are compared to Him. As a little grain of sand on the seashore, a drop in the vast ocean, yet He, in all His immense love, comes and gives Himself to us! His great love becomes apparent. Jesus took on a human nature for love of us.
Sometimes I feel very enlightened. When I feel enlightened, I see everything with such clarity. I see insights into His mysteries. It can be compared to the light of the sun. The sun is so bright and blinding, and we see every detail. It is so blinding, we feel the immensity of its power.
He releases His grace, His light, with a deep, deep light, and I see with the deepest clarity. I am wrapped in the love of all three Persons. To be as it were - one in this love, it overtakes me, and I know only love-the all encompassing love of God. I am, and I do not want anything, only to serve Him and give myself over in entire abandonment to Him. It is a state of knowing, with deepest clarity, the things of God. I call it a light. I am indeed in the light, for I am in the presence of God and I know it. I know Him in deepest oneness. I am aware of myself, my littleness, and I am aware of His love as I become overtaken by perfect love. He is Love. I experience different things at different times. I remember last year in December '94/January '95 having such a presence. It was such an awareness of God and knowing with such clarity the things of God as it said in Nb. 24:4:
...He sees what Shaddai makes him see,
receives the divine answer,
and his eyes are opened.
This is exactly what I experience when I am in this light. The last one was the greatest, when I was so satisfied and knew what it was to be one in Him, to know the magnificence of His life. I have had a constant presence of this since Dec. 15. I see in my heart a red cavern. It is warm. I feel power. His power flows from me in this union. It is He Who acts in me. I connect with the presence of the Father and the Holy Spirit working in the heart of Mary and my spiritual director and all others. My heart is empowered beyond comprehension for I am as I am in Him. I can envision Jesus and me-His Heart is red and yellow glow, and I am empowered, wishing only the will of God and being satisfied with the outcome, knowing it is His will when I am in Him. His circle is without bounds. It is more I am in a red cavity, surrounded by a yellow glow - it is an endless feeling of penetration. It empowers me for I am IN HIM!
Last year I experienced the presence of the Trinity seven times from the first Saturday in December until January 19. I felt such shame for not trying harder to spread the Good News and His love. All I wanted to do was to spread His burning love. Each time I am in this light I vow to do all I can to spread His love, for I know Him with such intimacy and I want all to know Him. I know the truth. I have been touched by the Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is up to me, as His apostle, to go out to the world and to spread His love. I just love Him so much, I want others to know His burning love.
Men did not believe Jesus. I experience the presence of God and sometimes suffer very much. I know the sufferings of Mary and Jesus to a small degree.
I have had my heart jabbed with swords and experienced the agonies, to a small degree, of Jesus in the garden, Mary under the cross, the Sorrowful Mother. I experience the indifference to the Eucharist. I know something of the Heart of Jesus that cries out for His beloved souls to love Him and treasure His presence in the Eucharist. I experience the heart of His Mother that calls out for her little, sick children. I have experienced her heart as she held Him under the cross and touched the lifeless skin of the little boy she once carried. I know the oneness between Their Hearts and why He wants His Heart venerated next to hers.
The light shines, so many intimacies I have had with my Divine Lover. I have been swept away by the Father's love during the Mass and felt all through the Mass the great miracle as it takes place. In my whole being, I know my Divine Lover. I know His sufferings and feel ecstatically united to Him, especially in the Mass. I have the presence of the Trinity and I feel the emotions of Their Hearts. I only hope that the world can share these deep insights into the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
I know my God and what He speaks to me and I have united to Him in this intimate act of love. His love casts out all fear, for to know Him is to be without fear. He is. He exists, and He is alive with all the magnificence and wonder of a Divine Being. Our feeble hearts and minds cannot even comprehend, in a small sense, the magnificence of God, but He gives the grace and in one instance I see with the eyes of God. I am enraptured with eyes unveiled, and in that moment, He gives to me His gifts and His love.
Oh, that this world may know more and more His wondrous works, His power and His might, His love, His divine life. May the Holy Spirit descend on the earth so that the earth will be reborn with the fire of God's love!
The light comes and goes, the clouds go over the earth, but His magnificence is forever with us. His light is always existent. I want to live, dwelling in the burning cavity of His endless love, in oneness with the heart of Mary, so that I can embrace this Almighty God.
December 21, 1995
ELATIONSHIPS: BE IN ONE HEART WITH ALL MENBetween 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Divine Mercy time:
My dear Jesus,
I have been troubled for a long time with my relationship with others. To have a heart like Yours, I cannot have division in my heart toward any man. I feel separation between myself and many others. To be in one heart with all men, I must not have division with any person, primarily my family. I must, at all times, stay one with my husband and obey him unless he tells me to commit a sin. I must be loyal to him.
Everything is as it is for You have allowed it in my life. I must always live in the Father's will to have peace in my life. Nothing that is right need be hidden. I do not have to reveal myself to every person, but I must remain undivided and one with all my brothers in Christ at all times.
My primary concern is that of being obedient to You and living in the Father's will.
Fr. Carter is my spiritual director. He represents You to me on this earth. He tells me what You would tell me, and You have given to him great graces to help me draw closer to You. Nothing I do on this earth is of any account if it divides me from You. Under obedience, I must comply always to what he tells me. My closeness to him is as my spiritual director. You act through him and guide him in his actions to draw me closer to You.
I thank Him for all He has given to me and am forever grateful for His deep love for me!
I see as never before, since December 15, when I was enveloped in His love and existed in Him. From this point on, the goal of my life must be to live to try to be as my heavenly Father wants me to be. I am weak and I fail, but my goal is to love God above all things, to always do His will, to want nothing but to please Him as a most devoted child, living to please her Father. I love God with my whole heart and my whole soul and my whole being. I love each and every Person of the Trinity. I love God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I know and love Him as one. I know and love God as one. I know and love God in each Person of the Trinity. I know so much from standing under the crucifix and being so united to Him on December 15, 1995. He lifted the veil and I saw with eyes unveiled.
I saw with eyes unveiled. I know now the immense concern of His Heart. His Heart is a Heart of endless love. It is burning. It engulfs a soul. He takes them unto Himself. He gives us special moments in which many things are made clear. In that moment, I was embraced by His burning love. I was swept within the deepest chamber of His Heart and heard the roar of the fire from His Heart. In that moment, I knew what it was to be united to God. My eyes were unveiled, and I was enveloped and swallowed up by His presence. I existed in Him. I existed in the endless cavern of His divine love. I wanted for nothing. I felt satisfied, for in that moment I was absorbed in Him, and I knew no fear being united to love itself.
I do not think that I am better than anyone. He has given to me great gifts to share His burning love to all. With all my heart, for my whole life, I will spend all my waking hours trying to please Him and tell this world of His love, my whole life being lived to love God and my fellow man.
Oh, that He loves us so much that He gave Himself for us, and He gives Himself to us now. In the deepest recesses of His Heart, I will find shelter from the rain and the storm, for the embers of His Heart burn the brightest and we cannot even comprehend this deep cavern of His endless love.
He took me to the deepest chamber of His Heart, and I was embraced by the love of God. To this day, I will not be the same. I saw with unveiled eyes, and I saw, as He allowed me to see, with His divine wisdom. Many things being made clear, I embraced eternity, and I know the presence of God as never before.
Alleluia, Alleluia. He is a God, true and just, Who knows no favorites, but loves all His precious souls with an unfathomable love. Alleluia.
(I had a dream about a little boy riding his bike. A bunch of hungry kids would kill him. I woke up and my heart was sick.)
We must be willing as a little child to suffer martyrdom for His sake. We will love to the bitter end, for in the cavern of His endless love there is no fear. Perfect love cast out fear. The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with the fire of God's love, and we are indeed made fearless in His love.
The wind may blow and the earth shake, and we will not fear for we exist In God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are one with the heart of Mary and one with the world and all its inhabitants. To know Him is to love all He created, and to know Him is to love all. There will be one heart and one soul, all united under the reign of His Sacred Heart. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign, and we will be one in Their Hearts. To know Him, to be one in Him is to exist in His love. We will be joined in one heart with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary were joined in one body before His birth. We will be joined in one heart, all the members of the body of Christ. The Church is the body of Christ. Jesus is the Head. Mary is the Mother of the Church. Mary is our Mother; the Father is Our Father.
As members of His body, we will be like Him in our actions. He lives in the hearts of His members and His love is emitted from their being.
We are one body in Him, joined as one heart in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
They were in the upper room, and the Holy Spirit descended on them and they were as one mind. We will be one mind and one heart, living in the Father's will.
They were one mind and one heart for they knew His love, His burning love.
See the heavens and earth as one in Him, all living as being one. The unseen world is really real. What is really real is that which we do not see and do not fully comprehend. We do not know how we ourselves breathe and why our hearts beat and why, at one moment, our bodies will cease to be alive.
Man tries to explain everything with scientific reasoning. He cannot explain the vast universe and the life in the womb of a mother. He cannot explain the power of the sun, and he cannot control the weather, the clouds, a disease such as cancer. He cannot live on his own, he depends on a Being higher than himself-this Being is the Almighty God! I see so clearly how our interior life must be rooted in Him.
We search. We want something to feed our starved souls. We want a person, place, or thing to fill the hunger within us. There is no other way. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The more I search this empty wasteland, the more I am left empty. All things must be used according to His will, not too much, not too little, neither all nor nothing, but moderation in all things.
For me many times it was easier to be extreme one way or the other. This is not of God. All things are in moderation, according to His will, not my will. He gives us what we need to help us to grow in sanctity. If we do not learn the lessons, He increases His teachings. All things in moderation, according to His will.
We see hardened faces in this world. We know of the hardened hearts of men. The eyes are sullen, their actions self-centered and on the surface.
He is the source of life.
He says:
I am the true vine,
and my Father is the vinedresser.
Every branch in me that bears no fruit
he cuts away,
and every branch that does bear fruit
he prunes
to make it bear even more.
You are clean already,
by means of the word
that I have spoken to you.
Remain in me, as I in you.
As a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself,
unless it remains part of the vine,
neither can you unless you remain in me.
I am the vine,
you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me, with me in him,
bears fruit in plenty;
for cut off from me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me
is thrown away like a branch
-and withers;
these branches are collected
and thrown on the fire
and are burnt.
...My command to you
is to love one another. (Jn. 15:1-17)
He is the Life. We receive our life in Him. We are as the branches connected to the tree. If I am an isolated branch disconnected from the vine, I do not have life in me. I will wither and die.
We are one in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As I become one in the sacrifice with Jesus and die to myself and offer myself to the Father. I am one in Him.
The oneness is deep, not lip service love. All members of the vine must live with their primary purpose to know, love, and serve Him. He died and what flowed forth from His Heart, His adorable Heart, was blood and water. He is the Source of our life. We are given and nourished by Him. As we become one in this Heart, one in the Sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally made present at the Mass, we become one in Him. His life comes to us through His Mother, Mary. She stood under the cross, and Jesus gave us His Mother as the Mother of our spiritual life. Our life in Him is in a constant state of becoming in the spiritual womb of our Mother through the action of the Holy Spirit. The life of the Church is in a constant state of becoming as Mary mothers the Church through the action of the Holy Spirit.
Life flows from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, and through the heart of Mary.
We cannot leave out the Source. To focus on the interaction only between the members is to cut off our life supply from the source. And what does He want? He wants life rooted in Him. He wants oneness with Him. He wants us saturated as watered and fed deeply in Him. To be saturated with His life, we will bear abundant fruit.
We must feed the hungry with the message of His burning love for them. To not have His divine life is to be starved.
So many this day have cut themselves off. They exist isolated from the vine. Their interior life lacks the light of His life. Their hearts are hungry. They exist in and of themselves. They have made themselves their gods. They exist with a gaze that is focused on self.
Unless we die to ourselves, we will not have life in Him. Man cannot serve two masters: He must be rooted in Him. These roots are deep penetration. The heart is the life of the body. In dwelling in His Heart and His Mother's heart (her heart that dwells most perfectly in His Heart), we are saturated with His divine life.
A branch cannot exist separate from the vine. Likewise, we cannot be one body in Him if we are not joined in one heart and one mind with Him.
The Father has a plan for us. We were uniquely created. Each branch of the tree has its own beauty. Each one of us, created in His image and likeness, have a beauty uniquely our own. It is in living in Him that our beauty reaches greater perfection as the Spirit's action works on us to sanctify us. He wants us holy as saints. He wants us to be joined in Him. He wants our goal to be a reflection of the God Who dwells within us. He wants to live in us and become one in us and live in this world in us.
December 22, 1995
BOUT THE MAGNIFICATWritten at 6:45 p.m. at All Saints:
I had such an experience and was overwhelmed by the love of Jesus.
Written later at 8:30 a.m. at Mass:
Fr. Carter spoke about the Magnificat today in the Gospel. It made me cry. This is exactly how I have felt - so little, like a speck, but under the cross at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church on December 15, I was not little. He had raised me to such heights in Him. It was as if I was elevated in the corner of His burning Heart, and I was existing in Him and being in Him!
I cried hardest at the Consecration - I am so aware of heaven and what is going on, filled with deep, deep emotion at the miracle taking place as I unite myself in this sacrifice with Him. I die more and more to myself and unite to Him. Such emotion, for it is in the Mass I am being more deeply one in Him, dying to myself and uniting to Him.
After Mass, I was surrounded by His love, joined in His embrace as at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church under the cross. I do not care who is there - I am lost in Him. He and heaven are all that exist to me. He and His Heart - I did not feel sorrow. I felt His embrace as if He pressed me to Himself. It was as if I felt the thorns surrounding His Heart press into me. Now my heart really hurts. My heart hurts so badly right now.
I feel the thorns that surround His Heart. I will forever feel these thorns when I look on His Heart surrounded by thorns. The thorns press into His most adorable Heart. They press for the neglect and indifferences shown to Him, especially in His sacrament of greatest love, the Eucharist.
I am so weak. I am wiped out. I know many agonies and many joys in the Mass. I know His deep love and the excruciating pain He suffered. I know what it is to be embraced by His love and feel the thorns pressed against my heart. I know the Almighty God in such a way I cannot even write here.
After Communion, I felt embraced, deeply, by the presence of God and satisfied, but I felt pain in my heart.
I remember Christmas 1993, the pain was so excruciating. It started at church, and I went home and wanted to scream or express it in some way. I went to my room before my big Sacred Heart picture that was with me when I wrote, and the pain was unbearable. I will never forget it. It is from these experiences I intimately know my beloved Lord.
I feel it is Jesus and I. I can share with Mary too. How she knows His Heart. I can't really share the deep, deep place I have been with anyone. Jesus knows I remember the intimate times with Him in Mary's House at the Center - so many wonderful experiences with my Divine Lover as He revealed the deep insights into His life, His love, His sufferings, and Mary revealed the insights and intimacies between her and her Son. She revealed her suffering and so much more. I now am experiencing deep insight into them here at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church, especially under the cross and at the 12th station. This is how it was this morning before the tabernacle. I was embraced, as I was here, to a small degree with His divine love. I am wiped out now.
Mary, as I meditate on the mysteries of the rosary, you, who dwell in His Heart and know His Heart, share what you know of God with me that I may love Him and share in His love.
December 24, 1995
OVE HIM QUIETLYI can communicate with others far better sometimes by not talking. That is how it is with Jesus. This chit-chat is not what is in my heart at all. I just talk to not be silent. With Jesus, I am just silent. I just want His presence. I have to learn to be quiet with others. I am just talking because I am nervous, and I am not saying anything that is in my heart and soul.
In my heart and soul is love, rooted so deeply in the love of Jesus. I have to learn to quit talking. I am not even saying what is going on in my soul.
Gift of love: St. Paul said, "Though I command languages both human and angelic-if I speak without love, I am no more than a gong booming or a cymbal clashing." (1 Co. 13:1)
My heart is so much deeper than words. To speak is to take away what is in my heart, for what is in my heart is so deep.
December 26, 1995
O ORDINARY THINGS WITH LOVEWritten at 12:15 p.m. at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church:
How I long to be covered with His blood all over me - the precious blood of my Beloved, shed for our sins and the sins of mankind. I went to Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church at 12:15, so eager to be there, filled with such emotion. This is my greatest, deepest feeling, to be here with my Love. My sacrifice is to do the ordinary things and drudgery, with love! I don't always love as I should. I must see beyond the person to an ideal self and to love them. I must see Christ in them - see how they reflect Christ. I need to quit focusing on myself. I do not need to explain!
A saint is one doing ordinary things with love - always love. We must keep our focus on Him. The world is dying in their hearts. The world is keeping children focused on excitement from the outside. It has games that appeal to all senses as a brainwashing technique. They keep the child looking for instant excitement from the outside. It is so intense, so exciting there that their bodies cannot even take it!
High, intense excitement - where does the child go to get the next fix, that which will feed this high level of gratification that they are not even looking for? Sex, drugs, etc.-what excitement comes after that? The devil has created these games and is brainwashing the hearts of the children. All that is sought is on the outside - the real source of life is within the heart.
God is the Source of life!
If the world can keep people focused on the outside, all they need can be found outside the body, excitement to satisfy the body beyond all comprehension. Where does a child go when they are given computers that talk to others on the other end of the world, games that isolate children and keep them in an intense state of self-indulgent gratification They reach such a level of intense gratification that they could kill? They have practiced combat - they have been there!
Children are taught intensity in video games. They are taught to respond in violence. There is intense noise, use of guns to kill. They are given intense situations.
The way of God teaches: |
The way of the world teaches: |
God teaches us to love according to His will. God wants us to surrender and be led by the Spirit. The world is teaching youth, through the video games, to respond quickly with violence, aggressive behavior; they teach all who play them to respond quickly with anger to kill. Children have practiced these techniques. They have practiced killing quickly. How sick is this?
The games promote: reactive behavior, controlling behavior, pleasure, self-indulgent behavior, isolating behavior, focusing on the exterior, abandoning the interior heart, and violent behavior. The person playing the video games needs high levels of excitement.
Jesus showed us the way - Christ lived for 33 years a calm life, a carpenter's son, a family life. He gave Himself, gave His all and surrendered to the Father's will. He was always calm. He had peace in His Heart. He came in poverty. He left covered with blood.
Women were portrayed in the video game as nasty, with an ugly face and foul language. Mary is our model.
And Mary said:
"My soul proclaims
the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
in God my Savior;
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
has done great things for me.
Holy is his name." (Lk. 1:46-49)
December 27, 1995
PRAYER BEFORE THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASSLet me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.
December 27, 1995
How great was the act of love, God gave to this world, when He gave Himself and died on the cross. He gives Himself to us this day in the Holy Eucharist.
The greatest commandment is that we must love God with our whole heart, our whole soul, and our whole being. This is a commandment. If we are to enter heaven, we must follow the commandments. They are commands given by God for us to follow.
The greatest act we can do on this earth is an act of loving God. The reason for our existence is to love God. In the sacrament of His greatest love, He gives Himself to us. This is an act of love on His part. We are called to respond by giving ourselves in love to Him.
This is the purpose of the Holy Eucharist: to unite in such oneness with our Holy, Loving God. Our all consuming passion should be that of loving God. How many go to the Eucharist with the sole purpose of giving great love to God? He wants us to love Him. He wants souls to tell Him how much they truly love Him. This is the most intimate act of love when Jesus gives Himself-Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity to man. If it is such an act of love, how are we receiving Him in Communion? We should beg God, in this most intimate union with Him, to help us to love Him with greatest love.
Jesus is a Person. He wants our love. The Holy Spirit wants such intimacy with us. Our Father wants us to love Him. In the Eucharist, we unite with God. In this intimate act of uniting with our beloved God, with Divinity, we must pour out our love to God. We must pour out our heart to the most adorable Heart of Jesus. Jesus is so unjustly treated by many of His beloved souls He loves so much. Let us help make reparation to the Almighty God by loving God with our whole heart, our whole soul, and our whole being in the sacrament of His greatest love. This is the Gift of Himself.
Think of how it is to love someone and give your all for that person, to pour out your heart to him or her and then be treated with coldness and neglect. It hurts our heart so much more when we deeply love someone to be rejected by that person. Jesus loves us with the deepest love. We cannot fully comprehend this love. Let us love Him with the deepest love. Let us love Mary and her Immaculate Heart. Let us love her as the Mother of God. Let us love her as the virgin who bore the Son of God. May we, in the reception of the Eucharist pour out our love to Him, to this adorable Heart. May we pour out our love to His Holy Mother.
Mary said at Fatima that Jesus wants His Heart venerated next to the heart of His Mother. Let us love these two Hearts as we receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Then we are so deeply united with God. We see Their two Hearts surrounded with thorns for the injustices against Their Hearts. Let us help make reparation daily as we receive Him in the Eucharist. This is a special time to help make reparation to Their wounded Hearts.
Let us remember how He poured His love out to us on the cross and how He pours out His love to us now when He gives us Himself in the Eucharist, the Eucharist which contains His Heart of burning love. His Heart was pierced with a lance. Her heart was invisibly pierced with a sword. As the wounds in Their Hearts are deep, so too is Their love so deep.
He does not want "surface love". He wants hearts filled with deep burning love.
December 27, 1995
T IS IN THE CROSS WE WILL BE RAISED TO NEW LIFEHis anguish was so great in the garden for the endless hours He would remain in the tabernacle, neglected by so many. I see the Host and a cup plainly, above the agony and the angel. See Jesus in such agony in the garden.
An angel appeared at Fatima - what did he say?
The angel came...bearing a golden chalice in one hand and a Host above it in the other. The amazed children noticed that drops of blood were falling from the Host into the chalice. Presently, the angel left both suspended in mid-air and prostrated himself on the ground, saying this beautiful prayer: "Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore You profoundly. I offer You the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and [the intercession of] the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners."51
This is the greatest agony I have experienced over the rejection and indifference given to Him by His chosen ones. We were called to the Catholic faith - it is a great honor to be baptized and receive divine life! Election to be called a Catholic, election to receive the Holy Eucharist, our First Communion!
The thorns around His Heart are for the indifference and rejection given to Him. Think of it, to give Himself to us in the deepest intimacy and be rejected by us creatures. His Heart filled with love - He is Love Himself - and He is rejected by many of His Catholic elect!
Mary is treated without respect and honor, even by many Catholics.
It is the faithful that help make reparation in the reception of the Eucharist that comfort Their Hearts.
Mary's heart is surrounded by thorns from the blasphemies against her Immaculate Heart, Her Immaculate Conception, against her as the Mother of God, against her images.
Jesus' Heart is surrounded by thorns for the injustices and neglect against Him. It is our devotion and adorable reception of the Holy Eucharist that was sweetness to His bitter pain in the Garden.
I cried so hard at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church under the cross and by the Lourdes Grotto because I so deeply wanted to love God, Who is worthy of all my love. I cried because I love God so much and want to give Him great love. In Mary's heart, I can love Him more. She loves Him more than any human person. Her heart is pure and sinless. I want to unite to Him in deepest love. By dwelling in her heart, I am dwelling more deeply in His Heart.
Oh heart of Mary, place me in the deepest recesses of His Heart that I may love Him more and more and love my adorable Father and the Holy Spirit, my beloved, beloved friend.
I just love God so much it makes me cry to talk to Him.
I carry with me the cross of Christ forever in my heart as He carried His cross. I carry His cross in my heart. I love His adorable wounds in His hands and feet and with the tenderest love I love the wound in His side. I love His body as He hangs on the cross- this is love. This is how He loves me, this is how He loves each person-to His death.
The sun shines, and as it shines I behold the cross of Christ. He is the Light to this world. By carrying His cross in our hearts, we share in His life. It is in the cross that we will be raised to new life in Him!
I could write pages on the words "In Him." These are my favorite words as they denote my relationship with Him. I am one in the Word of God. He is the Word. He is living in this world. I feel every word, for it is in me as Christ is in me. His Word is in me and lives in me.
I exist in Him, and His Word lives in me. I love Him. I love the Word of God. I am fed by His Body and Blood. I am fed by His Word. My heart burns to hear it - to read it - I feel it alive in me because He is alive in me!
Think of how it would be to stand tied at the pillar and be slapped by instruments that burned your flesh and tore it, to be slapped on the arms and the face and the back and to hear the loud laughs of the men whipping you. How cruel were the hearts of those who whipped Him, and how His Heart ached for they were loved so by Him!
December 27, 1995
He emptied Himself. He poured out His Heart, literally blood and water poured out of His Heart. He gives to us this Heart this day in the Holy Eucharist, and He is rejected.
How hard it is when we pour out our hearts to someone we love, when we give love and are rejected by those we want to love us most. This is the hardest to endure.
Jesus, Who is love, gives His all, this magnificent Heart of love, gives Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist and look how He is treated by some of those He loves. This was one of the greatest agonies in the Garden. The Eucharist is the sacrament of His greatest love, given to us. He is treated with disrespect, irreverence, indifference, and neglect in this gift in which God literally gives Himself!
He poured out His Heart to us and He was rejected by many. Today, He pours out Himself in the Holy Eucharist, and He is treated so badly by so many. He asks us, especially in the reception of the Eucharist and in front of the tabernacle, to help make reparation to His adorable Heart for the offenses against Him.
Mary asks us, in the reception of the Eucharist, to help make reparation to her Immaculate Heart for the blasphemies against her heart. They come with the thorns surrounding Their Hearts. I have experienced such agonies in my heart. I feel as if I have had ridges in my heart because it has happened so many times, over and over again and so deep.
These agonies, I believe, are from the thorns piercing Their Hearts for the injustices against Their Hearts. With each act of love I give to Mary, loving her as the Mother of God, loving her in her Immaculate Conception, loving her as the virgin who gave birth to the Son of God, loving her images and statues, I see each thorn turned into a flower, a garland surrounding her Immaculate Heart of love.
I want to love Him with the deepest love, to make reparation for the indifferences, offenses, negligences, disrespect, and irreverence shown to Him in His sacrament of greatest love. I ask Mary, with her pure and Immaculate Heart, to let me love Him more through her heart, that I may love Him with greater love. My greatest desire in life is to give love to my precious and beloved God. I beg Him to help me to unite to Him, to more worthily love Him with the deepest love.
It is in carrying His cross in our hearts, accepting the thorns in life graciously, outpouring our abundant love to Him, that we help make reparation to His Heart which suffered so much during the bitter Passion.
Let us help make reparation to these adorable Hearts in the sacrament of His greatest love, the Holy Eucharist. It is there we can more greatly love Them when we are united to Him in deepest love.
December 28, 1995
ARRY THE CROSS OF CHRIST IN YOUR HEARTIt becomes more and more apparent that He loves us so much when we share in His sufferings. The cross of Christ we carry in our hearts. We look at His adorable wounds, His side wide open, gaping open, and we know truly He held nothing back. The blood poured out from all of the wounds in His body. He asks us to give our all, to love when we are laughed at and knocked to the ground, to love always, to not close up and protect ourselves. He did not close up the wounds. He walked on with the cross on His back. No one stitched Him up. His arms were occupied with the cross. He bled on the ground. Then, He stretched out His arms and hung on the cross with open wounds.
He asks us to share in His life, death, and Resurrection. We carry forever with us the cross of Christ in our heart. In our sufferings, we share in His Passion. In our rejection, we know the rejection He suffered in His Heart.
He loves us much when He allows us to share in this suffering. It is in this suffering and in our joys, in our love shared with one another, that we know our precious Lord. To suffer is a great gift from Him. Let us carry His cross in our hearts with greatest joy, for it is a gift from Him. It is in the cross that we share more fully in His life.
St. Paul says: "A man never hates his own body, but he feeds it and looks after it; and that is the way Christ treats the Church, because we are parts of his Body." (Ep. 5:29-30) We eat His Body, we drink His Blood. We are the Body of Christ. He gives us Himself to eat - we are His Body. How much more intimate that we are His Body!
From the beginning, we were conceived in our Mother's womb - the Father having a unique plan for us. I am not to be anxious. Mary and Jesus always were at peace, always Their life in order, not talkative, not boastful, living a quiet life for 30 years. I must have peace and tranquility at all times. The Father's plan is harmonious. They will assist me in any way. I do not need to be anxious or loose my trust in Him. I am as the baby at the breast. I am living to serve, to be a mother, a wife, to live in a family, to be as the Father wants me to be. His way is peace.
Mary, my model, was prudent and just, calm, a woman of few words. This is God's work; I serve. I live in Him. I am the baby; He is the Almighty God. I am one in Him. He is all powerful; I am a servant. When my life becomes unmanageable, I am doing my will - His will is peace and joy.
Spirit of God, take charge of my life to order it. I lack the virtues needed to be more like my model, Mary. Spirit, work in her womb to transform me into the image of my Savior. I want, I long, for closer union with God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is in this transformation, I will unite more closely with my beloved Father. I am Yours. I give myself unreservedly to You to do with as You want.
I surrender and give my all to Thee. Jesus died on the cross and gave His all. I unite with this sacrifice to the Father, in the Holy Spirit, and beg for this transformation in the adorable heart of Mary, my Mother. Everything I do, I want to do united to the Holy Spirit with the divine wisdom He lets me share.
December 29, 1995
OTHER OF GODWritten between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.:
I was filled with such love for God. At the words, "Mother of God", I cried. I love those words. I love her. I love God so much. I love the Angelus. I love the relationship between Jesus and Mary. I realized how she is truly at our side - she spreads her mantle over us!
December 29, 1995
USED WITH THE SON AND OUR FATHERAt Holy Cross-Immaculata Church:
Two weeks ago, I had the experience where I was united in deepest love under the cross at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church. I touched eternity. I was hurled into a red cavern of immense love. I saw myself as being contained in a red circle. I was in this moment embraced by God. I felt no fear. I felt His presence as never before. I was empowered with this union (read Dec. 18 - an account of this event). I saw as it were two circles: both red with a yellow glow. I believe today that the second heart was the heart of my Mother.
At 12:01 today, as I was praying the Angelus, I was overwhelmed by the love I had for Mary and her role as Mother of God. I cried all the way, feeling this love for Mary as Mother of God. When I arrived at Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church, I was overwhelmed by the immense love I felt for God, and I cried so hard, telling Him how I loved Him. I saw nothing else, I felt nothing else, but my great love for Him and my need to profess it so deeply within me, outpouring my love.
Today after Communion, I believe the second circle to be the heart of my dear Mother. I am enclosed in her loving heart and filled with the fire of God's love as the action of the Holy Spirit works on me and sanctifies me to make me holy. I am then hurled in the Heart of Jesus with this fire of the love of God, the action of the Spirit radiating around me, and in this moment, I am fused with the Son and the Father Who is one with Him, although I know I remain distinct.
On December 15, I felt satisfied and complete. I knew the love of God. I existed In Him. I could not even define my position. I was enveloped and embraced by the Almighty God. I had touched eternity, united with love itself.
I now believe it was in the heart of Mary, surrounded by the action of the Spirit, united in the cavern of God's love, which centers in the Heart of Jesus, that I was united with the Father.
This is what I had. There was nothing wanting in that moment - I felt complete, existing in God, in the heart of Mary!
December 29, 1995
E BREATHES HIS DIVINE LOVEWritten at 3:45 p.m. at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church:
I now know how I can dwell in her heart. It was in this moment I experienced eternity. The embrace of the divine love of God. I was enclosed in the heart of my loving Mother.
I experience the presence of the Father.
The Holy Spirit is so alive in this action, filling me with the fire of God's love, sanctifying me. The more I am made holy, the more I unite to Jesus and the Father.
It is the breath of His divine love, acting on me. He breathed His love into my soul, and my soul was made clean. I was purified more and more in the heart of my loving Mother. I go more and more deeply into the endless cavern of the fire of God's love. It is the Heart of Jesus, the great abyss of love, an abyss that is endless. It is there, I unite deeply to the Father and all at once. I experience the presence of God as I exist in the heart of Mary. I am in God and in Mary's heart, but there are no lines, no beginnings, no endings. The action is all at once, simultaneously. It is the state of being in God, in the heart of Mary. There is nothing but a feeling of presence, a completeness, a fullness, to embrace love itself and have no fear.
On December 13th, He plunged me into the deepest sufferings of Their Hearts for the injustices done to children and the pain suffered from the neglect and sins of the religious. Then, two days later, He took me to the great abyss of His love. I existed in Him, and I touched eternity.
This is the love He wants to share with us. He loves the religious with the deepest love. This is what wounded His Heart so much during His Passion. When we love another so much, our heart is wounded the most by that person's indifference.
I will forever see the fiery abyss of His love and dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. This is our little heaven on earth.
The Kingdom of God is within us. We go to our interior dwelling place, and we dwell in the endless abyss of the love of God.
In the deepest chamber I am embraced by the Almighty God, and there is no fear, for in that moment, I am united with Love itself.
Mary is, indeed, the vehicle. Her heart - the way we go to the deepest chambers is through her pure and tender heart.
The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are our gateway to heaven on earth.
December 29, 1995
LESH OF MY FLESH, BLOOD OF MY BLOODWe live our whole life carrying out His life, death, and Resurrection in our lives.
I see, all through my life, that I knew Him as I lived. I was persecuted. I had joys. I fell. I was wounded. Now that I unite with Him this day, I see He allowed me to suffer a little as He suffered, and I know Him more by the experiences I had in my life. I walked the Passion with Him when I did not know I was walking the Passion. I was raised to new life in Him when I did not know that I was.
This life He gave me to live is how I know Him today. My whole life now interlocks with His as a great gift He gave me. He allowed me to share His life. Joys and sufferings are made beautiful in my life, for He is teaching me His ways. He gently gives me His loving lessons and allows me to share in His life. I love you, Jesus, my beloved Love. I have loved You my whole life for You were always with me. I close this year dwelling in Their Hearts, for I can feel Their love in my heart. I can put that whole vision in my chest and dwell now in both Their Hearts. I am engulfed in the presence of the Father.
December 29, 1995
OTESThe Holy Spirit moved in the womb of Mary to form the Christ Child. Let Him move now in me, sanctifying me, and leading me to have a heart of burning love in this cold, dark world.
I experience the oneness of the Trinity alive in me.
It is in that action and presence in all of us that we unite as we dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I experience the presence in me and my heart burns. You experience the presence in you and your heart burns. We are one in these holy Hearts. The whole world is united in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. A mother protects her children. We are enveloped in her heart. We are such sinners. How could we dare dwell in His Heart with our sins? Through the action of the Holy Spirit, in her pure and tender heart, we are able to enter into His Heart, into the deepest recesses of His burning Heart. She is full of grace. We enter into her heart . She places us in His Heart. We are saturated with His life.
December 31, 1995
ARY'S SORROWSShe stood under the cross, and she wept. This was the final separation here on earth. His soul now left His body.
"My Son, my Son," Mary cries out in her heart - for in that moment she knew such anguish and pain for all those that would reject His grace, merited by His life and death on the cross. She knew the souls that would go to hell despite the giving of Himself on the cross.
I love the mysteries of the rosary, for they are the times I meditate on the lives of Jesus and Mary, Their oneness with each other.
She lost her Son in Jerusalem when He was twelve. Within her Immaculate Heart, she knew God from carrying Him in her body and in her arms. She held in her heart the prophecy of Simeon. She knew of sufferings to come recorded in her heart. She knew in her heart the flight into Egypt and the love of her beloved husband Joseph. She knew so much about Jesus in her heart. She watched Him comply to the will of His Father.
How many of her little children this day have separated themselves from God?
(I smelled gardenias the whole time I was in front of the tabernacle at the Holy Spirit Center.)
December 31, 1995
ARY'S PRESENCEI went to Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church to pray the rosary with my children. (I met a lady from Toronto who took photos for a magazine. I felt moved to ask her about the pictures. She asked me to pray the rosary).
It was a wonderful rosary. We prayed there before the Lourdes Grotto. Go to Holy Cross-Immaculata Catholic Church I shared intimately with Our Lady and Our Lord there. I love to pray by the Lourdes Grotto and the big Crucifix. Oh how I love God, this is a special place for me to connect to Him and to Mary. Picture Mary young and beautiful in the grotto. See the rocks glistening in a silver light. See her come out of the grotto and the grotto disappear behind her. She is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She appeared to Bernadette as the Immaculate Conception. I love the grotto there. See her alive with tender, young skin, a very young girl. See her face in the brightest mystical light so young and so beautiful. She is so beautiful because she is so pure and loving. It is through her Immaculate Heart we will unite deeply in the Heart of Christ.
I love you,
A great many of my journal accounts were
written between 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
HE LOURDES GROTTOMary identified herself as the Immaculate Conception.
HE FATIMA SCENEAt Fatima she identifies herself as the Immaculate Heart.
HE PIETAFebruary 22, 1995
The First Station
With angry hearts and hatred on their faces, they poked at Jesus and condemned Jesus to death. He stood so silent, His hands tied, in perfect peace, because He knew the Father's love. He knew the Father's will. We too will stand our trials in peace, the more we realize the immense love the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have for us. We must pray to the Spirit to transform us more and more into Jesus' image and, through this transformation, we will be led ever closer to the Father. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Second Station
They gave Jesus a heavy cross, laden with the sins of the world. They placed it on His shoulder. It was so heavy He felt as if His shoulder would break. He asks us to carry little crosses, to experience little pains. He could not remove this cross from His shoulder. The weight was unbearable. It is through His suffering and death that we receive new life. It is through our sufferings this day that we will grow in our life with Jesus. Jesus loves us so much that He took up the cross of salvation. He loves us. To His death He loved us. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Third Station
The cross was so heavy Jesus could hardly walk. He held on to His cross for greatest love of us and in compliance with the will of His Father. It became so hard to walk! The cross was so heavy! He fell. He fell and the cross fell on Him. They poked at Him, they struck Him, they demanded He get up. The pain from the instruments they used to poke Him and strike Him was so great! He somehow managed to get up. When we fall under the weight of our cross, we go to Jesus' Eucharistic Heart. He is no less present in the tabernacle and in the Eucharist than on the day He carried His cross. He waits with the same love that He had for us when He carried His cross and suffered such agony. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Fourth Station
Jesus saw the face of His beautiful Mother. She was weak, her face reddened and full of tears. He saw her tender heart, her love, her anguish, her pain. He saw His dear Mother Mary. His Heart was comforted by the sight of her, but torn by her suffering.
As Mary looked into the eyes of her beloved Son, she saw His love. His head, bleeding and wounded. His body weak. His clothes covered with blood. She looked into His eyes and she saw His love for us. She calls out to us today. She wants to call us back to the love of her Son. See through her eyes, as she peers into His eyes, the love He has for us this day. He gave Himself for us. Oh, He loves us so much. We are Mary's little children. See through Mary's eyes the love of her Son. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Fifth Station
The cross was so heavy Jesus could not move. His persecutors became angry and forced a man to help Him. The cross was so heavy the two of them could barely move it. How is our cross today? Does it seem so heavy we cannot go on? He is forever watching us. When we are suffering the greatest, He is very close to us. It is in immense suffering that we realize His great love for us. Pray for grace to do always the Father's Will. Pray for grace to grow in our knowledge and love of Jesus.
The Sixth Station
Jesus' face was covered with blood. From the crowd Veronica came forward with a cloth to wipe His face. On the cloth Jesus gave to us an imprint of His bloodied face. This remains with us this day as a sign of His immense love for us. But more than any cloth, look beyond the visible consecrated host. Jesus remains with us, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, in the Eucharist this day, waiting and longing to be with us. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Seventh Station
As Jesus went on the way to Calvary, it became harder and harder to walk. The cross was becoming heavier, His body weaker and weaker. His shoulders and arms hurt so much! His head throbbed as He walked. The blood came from His body, from His head to His feet. He was covered with open wounds. He could not go any farther. He stumbled and fell. Again they poked at Him, only harder, and with such hatred they kicked Him. Such vileness in the hearts of men! His greatest agony was not the agonies of His body, but the agonies of His heart for the love He has for all His precious souls. He loved them so dearly. He loved those who persecuted Him. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Eighth Station
The women came to Jesus with their children, their tender hearts crying and wanting to comfort Him. He saw their love, their care. He saw the coldness of men's hearts for all time, the hatred, the anger, the sins, all the souls that, despite all of His sufferings and death, would be condemned to eternal damnation. He told the women to weep not for Him, but for themselves and their children. His greatest agonies were the agonies of His Most Sacred Heart. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Ninth Station
Jesus fell hard the third time. He was so weakened His body collapsed under the cross from such exhaustion! Jesus' greatest agonies were not the wounds to His body. They were the wounds He experienced to His heart. Do we not realize how much Jesus loves us? It is in meditating on His Passion and death that we will realize His immense love for us. When we fall, when we struggle, Jesus gives us the grace to get up. Jesus never gives us more than we can handle. Our strength will come from Jesus. Come to Jesus' Eucharistic Heart. He is waiting for us this day. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Tenth Station
They took Jesus to the hill to crucify Him. They angrily stripped Jesus of His garments. They took off Jesus' clothes to whip Him. They had covered Jesus' bloody wounds with a dirty purple robe. Now, total surrender-they took off Jesus' clothes. He showed us the way to surrender, always complying with the will of the Father. It is in living in His will that we will have peace and joy, and life eternal some day. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Eleventh Station
See Mary as she holds the little Baby Jesus. See her as she washes His tender hands and feet. See her now as she watches as they pound into those same hands and feet the gigantic nails that fix Jesus to the cross.
Mary's heart was torn in her chest as they nailed His hands and feet to the cross. She asks us this day to walk the Passion with Him. See through her eyes the love He has for us. He truly was nailed to the cross. They pounded the nails into Jesus' first hand, then they stretched His body and nailed His other hand. The blood poured from these wounds, that went totally through Jesus' hands. His pain was so immense, but then they nailed His feet! We do not know what pain He suffered. For each one of us He suffered this pain. Oh, how Jesus loves us!
The Twelfth Station
Jesus hung for three agonizing hours on the cross against the darkened sky. His greatest agonies were not the agonies of His body, but those of His Heart for the great love He has for each and every soul. He gave Himself to us. He gave His all. He hung with His arms spread in total surrender. Jesus' head was punctured; His hands and feet were nailed to the cross. He gave Himself to us. He gives Himself to us this day in the Eucharist. Jesus gives us Himself! What more do we want?
Song: Oh, burning Heart....
They pierced His Heart with a lance and what flowed forth was blood and water, the sacramental life of the Church, water for Baptism and blood for the Eucharist. His life, death, and Resurrection live on in the Church this day.
The Thirteenth Station
They placed the lifeless body of Jesus in the arms of His most loving Mother. As she had held the little baby body in her arms, she now received His bloodied, bruised body. This is how He obeyed the Father's will. Jesus gave His life for us. The Father gave His only Son because He loves us so much. Mary, His Mother, ourMother and the Mother of the Church, is forever by His side. See Jesus in the arms of His loving Mother under the cross. This is love. Mary held His lifeless body in her arms. See through Mary's eyes the love He has for us this day. He gives Himself to us today in the Eucharist. Jesus loves us so much!
The Fourteenth Station
The enemies of Jesus rolled the stone up to the tomb and were pleased to have buried Him. Mary, outside the tomb, wept bitterly. The cold reality that He was dead! But death has no power over Jesus, for on the third day He rose, triumphant, from the tomb! We are partakers in His divine life. Death has no power over Jesus. He is with us this day. He comes to bring us life to the full. Jesus loves us so much!
February 22, 1995
1. |
Mary, Joseph and the child Jesus went to the temple. Simeon, the prophet, inspired by the Holy Spirit, met them and told Joseph and Mary of the great sufferings of Jesus and Mary. He told Mary that a sword would pierce her heart. From that point on, Mary ever remembered the prophecy of Simeon whenever she beheld her child. When she looked at His little body, even as an infant, she knew He would suffer. Every time she clothed Him and watched Him at play, her heart was torn in her chest as she knew what He would suffer. And a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, O Mary! |
The Flight into Egypt
2. |
Joseph was told by the angel to flee. Joseph, Mary, and the Child Jesus had to flee because of what might happen to Jesus. They had to pack for a long stay. The Child Jesus was so small! They left on their journey, hearts full of fear, trying to protect Jesus. They were forced to flee into Egypt. |
The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple
3. |
Imagine the sufferings in Mary's heart when she realized the Child Jesus was not with them. Think of how it would be to lose your child and not know where he was or if anything happened to him. With sorrow in their hearts, Mary and Joseph returned to Jerusalem to look for the Child Jesus. And a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, O Mary! |
Jesus and Mary Meet on the Way to the Cross
4. |
Song: "See the eyes that look at Mary, her tender infant child. See the child's Heart beat so tenderly, the Savior of the world!" See the eyes of Jesus and Mary as they met on Calvary. Mary's heart knew Jesus' Heart so well! From the first moment of conception and throughout His life, Mary was so connected with Jesus and now she peered into His eyes. The crown of thorns adorned His head! Blood ran down His face! A heavy cross on His back! Wounded, His whole body covered with bleeding wounds! And her whole life flashed before her, the life that she had spent with Jesus. This was the beloved child that she had held in her arms when Simeon told Mary that a sword, too, shall pierce her heart! |
Jesus Dies on the Cross
5. |
(Silence.) |
Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross and Laid in Mary's Arms
6. |
If we ever doubted for one second that we were loved, we could visualize the picture of Mary as she sat beneath the cross with the lifeless, battered, bruised and bloodied body of her Son in her arms, the same child that she held when Simeon prophesied her suffering. Jesus gave His last breath. He gave the last beat of His Heart. He gave His all! This is the way He complied with the will of the Father. He came to show us the way. He died in perfect peace. To His death He was in peace because He knew the Father's love. The Father loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son for love of us! The Spirit descended upon the Virgin Mary and the Word was made flesh! The love of the Two Hearts! Such immense love beating for us! In all love there is suffering. Her Heart was pierced with a sword. His Heart was pierced with a lance. And a sword, too, shall pierce your heart, O Mary! |
The Burial of Jesus
7. |
The lifeless body of Jesus was locked in the tomb. What cold reality for Mary to realize that His body is now gone! A stone separated her from her Son! He gave His last breath! He gave the last beat of His Heart for love of each one of us! And she comes to us this day with her sweet, beautiful voice and she asks us to go to her Son and love Him! How can we refuse Jesus who spread His arms and gave His life for each and every one of us? How can we not trust Him when He loved us so much that He allowed them to tear His flesh, to crown Him with piercing thorns and, lastly, to hang Him on a cross? He truly gave His life for us! He, truly God, is with us this day, the same as the day He died on the cross, in the tabernacle! And we take it so lightly! Death has no power over Him! Locked in the tomb for three days, He rose triumphant on the third day as He had foretold. He comes to give us life. He gives us the sacrament of Baptism that initiates us into His life, that makes us children of God and heirs of heaven if we remain in the state of grace. He asks two things: love of God and love of one another! He came to show us the way and His way is love. To His death on the cross He loved each one of us! He calls out to each one of us here today to be His soldiers, to march on a world that has forgotten God, that has forgotten what it is like to love! It is a battle to live in this world. But the battle is won with hearts that are filled with His love, empowered by the grace and might that He pours out in the Eucharist. He calls out for us to come to the Eucharist and to the tabernacle and be fed with His very flesh and blood. To feed on Divine Life, the greatest nourishment, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God! This is the love He gives. This is the love He asks us to share. |
1. Come to My Heart
2. My Open Heart
3. The Rosary Song
4. A Song from Jesus
5. I Love You Jesus
6. Little Child
7. Teach Me to Love With Your Heart
8. God's Love
9. I Am Your Sacred Heart
10. Little Baby Hands and Feet
11. See the Eyes That Look At Mary
12. Your Presence Pervades My Soul
13. Glory, Glory, Glory Lord
1. Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven [Rockford: TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983], pp. 9-10. [The words in brackets are added for clarification].
2. Ibid., p. 9.
3. Rev. Edward Carter, S.J., The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje [Milford: Faith Publishing Co., 1994], p. 17.
4. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., p. 10.
5. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., p. 18.
6. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., p. 10.
7. Rev. Edward Carter, S.J., Shepherds of Christ Associates Prayer Manual [Ft. Mitchell: Shepherds of Christ Publications, 1996], p. 3.
8. Ibid., pp. 11-12.
9. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., p. 5.
10. Ibid., pp. 7-8.
11. Ibid., pp. 4-5.
12. Ibid., pp. 9-10.
13. Ibid., p. 7.
14. Ibid., p. 9.
15. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., p. 8.
16. Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven [Rockford: TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983], pp. 1-2.
17. Ibid., p. 2.
18. Louis Kondar, SVD, editor, Fatima in Lucia's Own Words [Fatima: Postulation Center, 1976], pp. 64-65. Distributed in the U.S.A. by the Ravengate Press, Cambridge, MA.
19. Rev. Edward Carter, S.J., The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje [Milford: Faith Publishing Co., 1994], pp. 9-10.
20. Frere Michael de la Trinité, The Whole Truth About Fatima [Buffalo: Immaculate Heart Publications, 1989], pp. 85-86.
21. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., pp. 11-12.
22. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., pp. 4-5.
23. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., pp. 14-15.
24. These thoughts are taken from a book by Rev. Edward Carter, S.J., Shepherds of Christ Newsletters [Ft. Mitchell: Shepherds of Christ Publications, 1997].
25. Rev. Edward Carter, S.J., Response In Christ [Dayton: Pflaum Press, 1969], p. 60.
26. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., p. 10.
27. Fatima in Lucia's Own Words, op. cit., p. 62.
28. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., pp. 1-2.
29. Ibid., p. 2.
30. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., pp. 8-9.
31. The Whole Truth About Fatima, op. cit., p. 182.
32. David Golob, Live the Messages [Harahan, Louisiana, Box 23351, 1991]. Also available from The Riehle Foundation, P.O. Box 7, Milford, Ohio 45150.
33. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., p. 37.
34. Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven [Rockford: TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., 1983], pp. 4-5.
35. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., p. 37.
36. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., p. 10.
37. These thoughts are taken from a book by Rev. Edward Carter, S.J., The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje [Milford: Faith Publishing Co., 1994].
38. Sister Lucia, The Message of Fatima [Washington: AMI Press, 1968], p. 48.
39. Our Quest for Happiness [Albany: Preserving Christian Publications, Inc., 1992], Vol. 3, p. 83.
40. Ibid., p. 13.
41. Ibid., p. 14.
42. Ibid., p. 50.
43. The Message of Fatima, op. cit., p. 48.
44. Rev. Edward Carter, S.J., Mother at My Side [Milford: Faith Publishing Co., 1993], p. 21.
45. Ibid., p. 51.
46. Frere Michael de la Trinité, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. II, Appendix III.
47. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., pp. 9-10.
48. The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, op. cit., pp. 17-18.
49. Our Lady's Peace Plan, op. cit., pp. 9-10.
50. Ibid., pp. 9-10.
51. Ibid., p. 2.
Holy Spirit Prayer
Come, Holy Spirit, almighty Sanctifier, God of love, who filled the Virgin Mary with grace, who wonderfully changed the hearts of the apostles, who endowed all Your martyrs with miraculous courage, come and sanctify us. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills, purify our consciences, rectify our judgment, set our hearts on fire, and preserve us from the misfortunes of resisting Your inspirations. Amen.
Seven Sorrows
Mary has promised very special graces to those who do this on a daily basis. Included in the promises of Our Lady for those who practice this devotion is her pledge to give special assistance at the hour of death, including the sight of her face. The seven sorrows are:
1. The first sorrow: the prophecy of Simeon (Hail Mary).
2. The second sorrow: the flight into Egypt (Hail Mary).
3. The third sorrow: the loss of the Child Jesus in the temple (Hail Mary).
4. The fourth sorrow: Jesus and Mary meet on the way to the cross (Hail Mary).
5. The fifth sorrow: Jesus dies on the cross (Hail Mary).
6. The sixth sorrow: Jesus is taken down from the cross and laid in Mary's arms (Hail Mary).
7. The seventh sorrow: the burial of Jesus (Hail Mary).
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us (repeat after each invocation).
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin of virgins,
Mother of Christ,
Mother of the Church,
Mother of divine grace,
Mother most pure,
Mother most chaste,
Mother inviolate,
Mother undefiled,
Mother most amiable,
Mother most admirable,
Mother of good counsel,
Mother of our Creator,
Mother of our Savior,
Virgin most prudent,
Virgin most venerable,
Virgin most renowned,
Virgin most powerful,
Virgin most merciful,
Virgin most faithful,
Mirror of justice,
Seat of wisdom,
Cause of our joy,
Spiritual vessel,
Vessel of honor,
Singular vessel of devotion,
Mystical rose,
Tower of David,
Tower of ivory,
House of gold,
Ark of the Covenant,
Gate of heaven,
Morning star,
Health of the sick,
Refuge of sinners,
Comforter of the afflicted,
Help of Christians,
Queen of angels,
Queen of patriarchs,
Queen of prophets,
Queen of apostles,
Queen of martyrs,
Queen of confessors,
Queen of virgins,
Queen of all saints,
Queen conceived without original sin,
Queen assumed into heaven,
Queen of the most holy rosary,
Queen of peace,
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Grant, we beseech You, O Lord God, that we Your servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body and, by the glorious intercession of the blessed Mary, ever virgin, be delivered from present sorrow, and obtain eternal joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We fly to your patronage, O holy Mother of God. Despise not our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
Prayer to St. Joseph
St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and chaste spouse of Mary, you passed your life in perfect fulfillment of duty. You supported the Holy Family of Nazareth with the work of your hands. Kindly protect those who trustingly turn to you. You know their aspirations, their hardships, their hopes; and they turn to you because they know you will understand and protect them. You too have known trial, labor, and weariness. But, even amid the worries of material life, your soul was filled with deep peace and sang out in true joy through intimacy with the Son of God entrusted to you, and with Mary, His tender Mother. Amen. -(Pope John XXIII)
Litany of the Sacred Heart
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us (repeat after each invocation).
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Spirit,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father,
Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mother,
Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God,
Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty,
Heart of Jesus, sacred temple of God,
Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of the Most High,
Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven,
Heart of Jesus, burning furnace of charity,
Heart of Jesus, abode of justice and love,
Heart of Jesus, full of goodness and love,
Heart of Jesus, abyss of all virtues,
Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise,
Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts,
Heart of Jesus, in whom are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,
Heart of Jesus, in whom dwells the fullness of divinity,
Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father is well pleased,
Heart of Jesus, of whose fullness we have all received,
Heart of Jesus, desire of the everlasting hills,
Heart of Jesus, patient and most merciful,
Heart of Jesus, enriching all who invoke You,
Heart of Jesus, fountain of life and holiness,
Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins,
Heart of Jesus, loaded down with opprobrium,
Heart of Jesus, bruised for our offenses,
Heart of Jesus, obedient even to death,
Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance,
Heart of Jesus, source of all consolation,
Heart of Jesus, our life and reconciliation,
Heart of Jesus, victim of sin,
Heart of Jesus, salvation of those who hope in You,
Heart of Jesus, hope of those who die in You,
Heart of Jesus, delight of all the saints,
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto Yours.
Let us pray: O almighty and eternal God, look upon the Heart of Your dearly beloved Son and upon the praise and satisfaction He offers You in behalf of sinners and, being appeased, grant pardon to those who seek Your mercy, in the name of the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.
Promises of Our Lord to those devoted to His Sacred Heart
(these should be read by the prayer leader):
(1) I will give them all the graces necessary in their state of life.
(2) I will establish peace in their homes.
(3) I will comfort them in all their afflictions.
(4) I will be their refuge during life and above all in death.
(5) I will bestow a large blessing on all their undertakings.
(6) Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy.
(7) Tepid souls shall grow fervent.
(8) Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
(9) I will bless every place where a picture of My Heart shall be set up and honored.
(10) I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
(11) Those who promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be blotted out.
(12) I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the first Friday in nine consecutive months the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their sacraments; My divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.
Prayer for Priests
Lord Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the Flock, we pray that in the great love and mercy of Your Sacred Heart You attend to all the needs of Your priest-shepherds throughout the world. We ask that You draw back to Your Heart all those priests who have seriously strayed from Your path, that You rekindle the desire for holiness in the hearts of those priests who have become lukewarm, and that You continue to give Your fervent priests the desire for the highest holiness. United with Your Heart and Mary's Heart, we ask that You take this petition to Your heavenly Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Prayer for all members of the Shepherds of Christ Associates
Dear Jesus, we ask Your special blessings on all members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. Continue to enlighten them regarding the very special privilege and responsibility you have given them as members of Your movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates. Draw them ever closer to Your Heart and to Your Mother's Heart. Allow them to more and more realize the great and special love of Your Hearts for each of them as unique individuals. Give them the grace to respond to Your love and Mary's love with an increased love of their own. As they dwell in Your Heart and Mary's Heart, abundantly care for all their needs and those of their loved ones. We make our prayer through You to the Father, in the Holy Spirit, with Mary our Mother at our side. Amen
Prayer for the spiritual and
financial success of the priestly newsletter
Father, we ask Your special blessings upon the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ. We ask that You open the priest-readers to the graces You wish to give them through this chosen instrument of Your Son. We also ask that You provide for the financial needs of the newsletter and the Shepherds of Christ Associates. We make our prayer through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, with Mary at our side. Amen
Prayer for all members of the human family
Heavenly Father, we ask Your blessings on all Your children the world over. Attend to all their needs. We ask Your special assistance for all those marginalized people, all those who are so neglected and forgotten. United with our Mother Mary, we make this petition to You through Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. Amen
Prayer to St. Michael and our Guardian Angels:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Lord Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock, I consecrate myself to Your most Sacred Heart. From Your pierced Heart the Church was born, the Church You have called me, as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, to serve in a most special way. You reveal Your Heart as a symbol of Your love in all its aspects, including Your most special love for me, whom You have chosen as Your companion in this most important work. Help me to always love You in return. Help me to give myself entirely to You. Help me always to pour out my life in love of God and neighbor! Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!
Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, I consecrate myself to your maternal and Immaculate Heart, this Heart which is symbol of your life of love. You are the Mother of my Savior. You are also my Mother. You love me with a most special love as a member of Shepherds of Christ Associates, a movement created by your Son as a powerful instrument for the renewal of the Church and the world. In a return of love, I give myself entirely to your motherly love and protection. You followed Jesus perfectly. You are His first and perfect disciple. Teach me to imitate you in the putting on of Christ. Be my motherly intercessor so that, through your Immaculate Heart, I may be guided to an ever closer union with the pierced Heart of Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.
A Prayer Before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Let me be a holy sacrifice and unite with God in the sacrament of His greatest love.
I want to be one in Him in this act of love, where He gives Himself to me and I give myself as a sacrifice to Him. Let me be a holy sacrifice as I become one with Him in this my act of greatest love to Him.
Let me unite with Him more, that I may more deeply love Him. May I help make reparation to His adorable Heart and the heart of His Mother, Mary. With greatest love, I offer myself to You and pray that You will accept my sacrifice of greatest love. I give myself to You and unite in Your gift of Yourself to me. Come and possess my soul.
Cleanse me, strengthen me, heal me. Dear Holy Spirit act in the heart of Mary to make me more and more like Jesus.
Father, I offer this my sacrifice, myself united to Jesus in the Holy Spirit to You. Help me to love God more deeply in this act of my greatest love.
Give me the grace to grow in my knowledge, love, and service of You and for this to be my greatest participation in the Mass. Give me the greatest graces to love You so deeply in this Mass, You who are so worthy of my love.*
* Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 23, 1996.
Prayer for Union with Jesus
Come to me, Lord, and possess my soul. Come into my heart and permeate my soul. Help me to sit in silence with You and let You work in my heart.
I am Yours to possess. I am Yours to use. I want to be selfless and only exist in You. Help me to spoon out all that is me and be an empty vessel ready to be filled by You. Help me to die to myself and live only for You. Use me as You will. Let me never draw my attention back to myself. I only want to operate as You do, dwelling within me.
I am Yours, Lord. I want to have my life in You. I want to do the will of the Father. Give me the strength to put aside the world and let You operate my very being. Help me to act as You desire. Strengthen me against the distractions of the devil to take me from Your work.
When I worry, I have taken my focus off of You and placed it on myself. Help me not to give in to the promptings of others to change what in my heart You are making very clear to me. I worship You, I adore You and I love You. Come and dwell in me now. *
* Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 23, 1996.
Consecration of an Unborn Child to Jesus and Mary
Dear Blessed Mother, we gather here in your presence and in the presence of your Son, the Almighty God, here present in the tabernacle and in our hearts. We ask you, Blessed Mother, in union with your Spouse, the Holy Spirit, to be the safeguard of this little child at birth and throughout its life. We ask you, dear Lady, to keep your mantle over this little one as well as (name), the mother. We come to you to consecrate this child to your Immaculate Heart and to the Heart of your Son. Please give this child your special blessing now and for eternity, and guard it from all the evils of the world.
In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen.*
-This Consecration of an Unborn Child is by Harold Kellner
* Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, January 22, 1997
Morning Offering
My dear Father, I offer You this day all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings, my every breath, my every heartbeat, my every thought, all my actions, in union with Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in the Holy Spirit. I pray the Holy Spirit is with me every second today, enlightening me to do the Will of the Father and filling me with the fire of God's love.
I ask Jesus and Mary to be one in me in all that I do and I unite with all the angels and saints and souls in purgatory to pray continually to the Father for these intercessions, in this prayer, for this day.
For myself, I pray for grace-abundant grace, to know and love God more and more and to follow the Will of the Father. I pray to the Holy Spirit to transform me in the heart of Mary to be more and more like Jesus. I pray that I can forever dwell in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I pray for conversion of all those I hold dear who need conversion. I pray for each member of my family that they will be filled with Your abundant grace to grow in their knowledge and love of God.
I pray for all my friends that they will receive abundant grace to carry out the great plan of the Father, that they will grow forever closer to Jesus' Heart through Mary's heart, that we will all be led by the Holy Spirit to do His work, that we will, together, carry out the plan of the Father as He intends us to, to spread the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary's heart to this world.
Jesus, I pray for myself so the Holy Spirit descends upon me and opens my heart to Your love so I will grow more and more deeply in union with You. I pray that I do not worry what other people think but try always to please the Father and do His Will. I pray that I may help lead many to Your burning love.
I pray for the following people in particular that they will be filled with the Spirit and grow deeply in their union with You, that they will receive abundant graces to know, love and serve You more. (Include special friends by name...)
I pray for priests the world over, for the success of the Priestly Newsletter, the Chapters and for the finances needed for the Newsletter. I pray for the circulation of the Blue Book messages, rosary meditations and tapes. I pray for all those involved in the publication of these messages.
I pray that You will shower Your abundant graces onto the priests reading the Newsletter the people reading and hearing the Blue Book messages and Rosary Meditations and all of Fr. Carter's publications.
We pray for the intentions we hold deep within our hearts, for our families and friends, for those requesting our prayers. We pray for children the world over and for the souls in purgatory. We ask God to shower His abundant grace on us and the members of our Shepherds of Christ Chapter so that we may grow more and more in our knowledge and love of God.
We consecrate ourselves to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. We pray for Father Carter, for Father Smith, for Rita Ring, and for John Weickert, for all leaders and helpers in the Shepherds of Christ Movement, for Shepherds of Christ Ministries, and Our Lady of Light Ministry. We pray for all those who are working in these ministries.
We bind ourselves and our children and our friends to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We place the precious blood of Jesus on ourselves, and all we touch, so that we will be protected from the evil one. We pray to St. Michael to cast the devil into hell.
We love You, God, we love You, we love You. We beg that we may receive the grace to love You more and more deeply. We adore You, we praise You, our beloved Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.*
* Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
O God, on behalf of Shepherds of Christ Ministries and Our Lady of Light Ministry, we offer up these prayers of thanksgiving:
Thank You Father for Your love, patience, and understanding. We know we are not worthy of such gifts, but that You give them anyway - because of Your great love for souls.
Thank You Jesus for the many gifts and graces You give us as members of Your Movement - Shepherds of Christ. We offer You our love and gratitude through Your Mother's Immaculate Heart.
Thank You Holy Spirit for Your special gifts. Please inspire us to be grateful for what we have been given. Please help us to give ourselves in love to You and all we meet.
Thank You Holy Trinity for Your boundless love and mercy. Please help us to nurture Your presence within us. Help us to be obedient to Your commands and give all the glory to You - Our loving God. We especially thank You for the gift of our Heavenly Mother, Mary.
Thank you Mary for your example while on earth, and for your constant intercession today. Please help us to grow in holiness and put into action all that your Son Jesus asks of us.
We thank St. Michael and the Holy Angels for their prayers, help, and protection. Finally, we thank the saints in heaven and the souls in purgatory for their prayers. We ask them to unite with us in giving thanks and praise to the most Holy Trinity - Our Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus, and our Comforter- the Holy Spirit.
We love You! We love You! We love You! Amen.
-This Prayer of Thanksgiving is by John Weickert
Consecration to Jesus
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, I love You so much and I give You my heart. Help me to love God. Help me to love my neighbor as a child of God. Help me to love myself as a child of God. Amen.1
Consecration to Mary
Dear Mary, my holy mother, I love you so much and I give you my heart. Help me to love God. Help me to love my neighbor as a child of God. Help me to love myself as a child of God. Amen.2
Consecration to the Holy Spirit
Dear Holy Spirit, You are my friend. I give You myself. I ask You to dwell deeply inside of me and make me holy. I want to know the fire of God's love. I want to love God with all my heart. Amen.3
Morning Offering
My dear Father, I offer you this day all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings in union with Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in the Holy Spirit.
I unite with our Mother Mary, all the angels and saints, and all the souls in purgatory to pray to the Father for myself, for each member of my family, for my friends, for all people throughout the world, for all the souls in purgatory, and for all other intentions of the Sacred Heart.
I love You, Jesus, and I give You my heart. I love you, Mary, and I give you my heart. Amen.4
1. Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 23, 1996
2. Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 23, 1996
3. Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, January 22, 1997
4. Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, January 22, 1997
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Oh dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give You my whole heart. I see Your Heart on fire for love of me. I want to be in this fiery furnace and know the love of God. Take me, Jesus. Use me as Your little servant to spread Your love to this world. I give myself entirely to You and I ask the Holy Spirit to make me more like You. I want to be a little child of the Father. I give You my heart, keep me in Your Heart and teach me Your way of love. Amen.1
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Oh Immaculate Heart of Mary, I give you my heart. I want to love you. I want to love Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and this world through your holy heart. My dear mother, I place myself in your heart, I know you will care for me in all my needs. I give myself to you, Mary, my mother. I love you so much! Amen.2
Consecration to the Holy Spirit
Dear Holy Spirit, You are my friend. I give You myself. I ask You to dwell deeply inside of me and make me holy. I want to know the fire of God's love. I want to love God with all my heart. Amen.3
Morning Offering
My dear Father, I offer you this day all my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings in union with Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world, in the Holy Spirit.
I unite with our Mother Mary, all the angels and saints, and all the souls in purgatory to pray to the Father for myself, for each member of my family, for my friends, for all people throughout the world, for all the souls in purgatory, and for all other intentions of the Sacred Heart.
I love You, Jesus, and I give You my heart. I love you, Mary, and I give you my heart. Amen.4
1. Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 23, 1996
2. Most Reverend Carl K. Moeddel, Vicar General and Auxiliary Bishop Archdiocese of Cincinnati, April 23, 1996
3. Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, January 22, 1997
4. Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, January 22, 1997
Audio Tapes:
Video Tapes:
V1. |
Talk given by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. at Denver, Colorado, Jan. 4, 1996 |
V2. |
Messages from Jesus, An Interview with Rita Ring April 17, 1994 |
V3. |
A Mist Around Mary, September 5, 1995 |
V4. |
Mary's Message and Witnesses given in Clearwater, Florida |
Number |
Audio Tapes |
1. |
Love Songs and Messages from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, October 1, 1995. |
2. |
Shepherds of Christ Associates Handbook Read by Fr. Carter |
3. |
The Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the Shepherds of Christ September 12, 1995, A talk given by Fr. Carter at St. Ignatius. |
4. |
Not available at this time. |
5. |
Not available at this time. |
6. |
The Sorrowful Mysteries, July 11, 1995 |
7. |
Not available at this time. |
8. |
Tell My People, Read by Fr. Carter |
9. |
Songs and messages from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary October 25, 1995 |
10. |
The Sorrowful Mysteries, July 28, 1995 |
11. |
The Glorious Mysteries, A rosary from Jesus and Mary about children. July 15, 1995 |
12. |
The Joyful Children's Mysteries and Handbook prayers December 15, 1994 led by youth of Jr. Shepherds of Christ. |
13. |
Choose Life, Songs and Messages, November 21, 1995 |
14. |
Prayer Manual of the Shepherds of Christ Associates Read by Father Edward J. Carter S.J. |
15. |
Talk given by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. at Denver, Colorado, January 4, 1996 |
16. |
The Glorious Mysteries, May 11, 1996 Live Recording |
17. |
The Sorrowful Mysteries, September 10, 1996 Live Recording |
18. |
The Glorious Mysteries, October 13, 1996 Live Recording |
19. |
The Sorrowful Mysteries, November 13, 1996 Live Recording |
20. |
Mary's Message, Excerpt of a rosary on August 27, 1996 Live Recording |
21. |
The Joyful Mysteries, December 13, 1996 Live Recording |
22. |
The Joyful Mysteries, January 13, 1997 Live Recording |
23. |
The Sorrowful Mysteries, February 13, 1997 Live Recording |
24. |
The Sorrowful Mysteries, March 13, 1997 Live Recording |
Video Tapes |
V1. |
Talk given by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. at Denver, Colorado, January 4, 1996 |
V2. |
Messages from Jesus, Interview with Rita Ring, April 17, 1994 |
V3. |
A Mist Around Mary, September 4, 1995 |
V4. |
Mary's Message and Witnesses given in Clearwater, Florida. |
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152-0193
This movement is a nonprofit organization that relies on your financial support to function. We appreciate any donations that you give and are very grateful for your prayer and support. God bless you and thank you!
Number |
Books published by Shepherds of Christ Publications |
1. |
God's Blue Book, Vol. I, by Rita Ring |
2. |
God's Blue Book, Vol. II, by Rita Ring |
3. |
God's Blue Book, Vol. III, by Rita Ring |
4. |
Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, by Rita Ring |
5. |
Tell My People, by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. |
6. |
Shepherds of Christ Spiritual Newsletters, by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. |
7. |
The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje, by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. |
8. |
Mother at My Side, by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J. |
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152-0193
This movement is a nonprofit organization that relies on your financial support to function. We appreciate any donations that you give and are very grateful for your prayer and support. God bless you and thank you!
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Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152-0193
This movement is a nonprofit organization that relies on your financial support to function. We appreciate any donations that you give and are very grateful for your prayer and support. God bless you and thank you!
Do you want holy priests?
Do you want renewal of the Church and the world?
Then we must pray.
Fr. Edward Carter, S.J. writes a priestly newsletter which is sent to about 45,000 priests and bishops in the United States and a number of other priests in foreign countries. It is centered in the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. It is centered in consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Mary said at Fatima we must give our hearts to Jesus and Mary to have peace in the world.
Will you help us? We have prayer chapters all over the world praying for holy priests and the renewal of the Church and the world.
Contact us by writing to:
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152
Phone (toll free): 1-888-211-3041 Fax (513)932-6791
Internet address:
Copyright © 1997 Shepherds of Christ Ministries
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. For information contact Shepherds of Christ Publications
First Printing: September, 1997