I am composed of body and soul. Let us go within ourselves and focus on our graced soul. Man was created with a mortal body and an immortal soul.
Let me see within myself the great gift I am given, a divine soul. Let me join with God in my spirit, forget all that is pressing on my mind, and experience the presence of the Almighty God within me.
Let me realize more the great gifts given to me. God shares His divine life with me. Let me feel such dignity and honor within myself that I have been created in the image and likeness of God.
Let the Spirit move within me to mold me more and more into a likeness of God. As the Spirit formed Jesus in the womb of Mary, let the Spirit form me in the spiritual womb of my Mother more into the image and likeness of God.
God sent His only Son that I would be saved and share in this life. God took the nature of a man. I can communicate with God. He took on flesh, conceived in the spotless womb of Mary. God enters this world in a mortal body, but death has no power over Him. Jesus showed us that on the third day, even though He was crucified and died, even though He was locked in the tomb for three days, that He rose to new life on the third day!
We, too, have a body that is mortal, that will die and be buried, but our life continues. We have an immortal soul. Our soul will never die.
All through the day, we suffer so many little deaths in our lives, but our strength lies in connecting to our spirit. Death has no power over Jesus. Death has no power over me. My body may be burned, I may be handed over, whipped and scourged, as they did to Jesus, but no one can ever kill my soul. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live in me. Why do I fret and fume when I realize that the Almighty God lives in me!
I pray to the Spirit to enlighten me to know God. My heart sings for, even when I am pressed on, I feel the burning love of God radiating in my weak body. I pray that I will never offend my God. I love Him so much!
I have, within myself, the Almighty God. That which I crave is the Almighty God. I know this presence within. I possess the true treasure! I pray to the Spirit to help me to realize more and more the Almighty God alive within me.
Sin takes us away from God. My biggest fear is that I lose my God through sin. I pray for the grace to resist temptation to sin. I beg God for grace. I long. I thirst. I want to be saturated with His divine life.
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Copyright © 1997 Shepherds of Christ Ministries
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. For information contact Shepherds of Christ Publications
First Printing: September, 1997