October 30, 1995


My body is weary, my head feels faint, but I go to the chest of my beloved Spouse and I lay my head on His wound. I enter into the great abyss of His love through the wound in His side.

I see the need to pray for priests and sisters and the faithful as never before. I see myself and how far I am from Him and how close I want to be. I see my offenses against my Lord. I long to be more and more like Him. I want to be beautiful for my beloved Spouse. What the world thinks is beautiful is of no concern. I want to live in Him. I want my soul white and pure. My soul is marred with daily offenses against my beloved God. I want Him so much. I don't want to offend Him.

I see as never before the great dignity and honor He gives to His creatures and His great love for them. I feel chills to know I am betrothed to Him, my beloved Savior. He is the Bridegroom of my soul.

My spirit is alive, my energy endless. I will not tire for I am married to the Almighty God. He is my beloved Spouse. I travel and speak on His behalf to tell this world of His endless love. I pray for grace for myself and others that He will speak through me and use me as His instrument. However He uses me is my delight, for my life is for Him and Him alone. My body may feel weary, my heart is on fire with burning love for my beloved Prince, my King, my Prophet, my Savior, my Beloved, my God!

I become one in the sacrifice as I unite to Him at every moment. As He is sacrificed, I am sacrificed with Him and I offer myself, imperfect and unworthy, to the Father for my sins and the sins of this world.

I honor You. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. I am in awe to unite with my beloved God. Who am I that I unite with the Divine God? My strength is in You for when I am weak, I am strong. When I fall to the ground with exhaustion, I rise up with the cross on my back for I am living in Him. I am living His life in my life, carrying out His life, death, and Resurrection in my life.

He is my Strength. He is my God. He is my All. Unto Him I lift my soul. I pray that He will accept this unworthy sacrifice, that I will unite ever more deeply to my beloved Spouse, and I will be His little flower, fresh and beautiful before the throne. I pray the Spirit transforms me more and more. I am weak, and I am a sinner. He is strong, and He is the Almighty God. It is in Him I am made whole, and it is in Him, I live. It is in Him I exist. It is in Him, I love.

Take me, work in me, for I love You with my whole heart, but I am so weak, but in You, I am strong. In You, I can live in the Father's will. I am but a baby. Let me die to myself at every Mass and be stripped bare of my sins. As I unite in the sacrifice with my crucified Lord, I become one in His wounds. I unite my unruly spirit to Him.

If bread and wine is changed into Your Body and Blood, You can change me from my sinful ways more into Your image and likeness.

I am burned in the furnace of His Heart. My debris is burned away more and more. At each Mass, I die more and more to my selfish and prideful ways. I am united to the sacrifice. In Him, I am made more pleasing to God. I am unworthy. I have so many impurities. (I am weak in my self - only in You am I anything!) Take me, and do with me as You desire. I am Yours, Lord. In You, I live, I breathe, I am. Make me more and more like You.

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First Printing: September, 1997