Jesus was condemned to death.
Jesus carried His cross.
Jesus fell the first time.
Jesus sees His Mother.
I will not have peace until I look at my foes with love. I must see their loving deeds. Focus on the good they have done for me. See the good in the person. See the reflections of God's life within them, the deeds they have performed that were loving.
Satan wants me to see the ill deeds of others. He talks in our heads and tries to get me to focus on how I have been wronged. I will, with the grace of God, see the beauty of God reflected in them and try to respond with love to them, try to understand their position, try to thank God for the gifts given to me.
My greatest gift is my union with Jesus. Such gifts I have been given by my beloved Spouse. He is a Divine Person. No person can compare even a speck to my relationship with my Divine Lord. He is God; creatures are creatures. I will cherish the love I share with Him, my Savior, my Lover, my God, my All.
The key that makes us His disciples is our love for each other. If I am making myself right and others wrong, I am not focusing on the love given from God.
I must love. I must beg the Holy Spirit to direct my heart in the ways of love.
The Apostles were filled with the love of God from the descent of the Holy Spirit. When filled with His love, we share our joy with others. His way is love. We must love one another and trust in Him. Our advancement in being like Christ is to advance in love. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to fill us with the burning fire of God's love.
Dear Holy Spirit, You are my Friend. I love You so much. I adore and love You. The Holy Spirit is a ball of fire. He is Love.
The Father is love. God created us because of His goodness.
God is our goal. True happiness is achieved only in Him.
I love the Holy Spirit so much. He is my very, very deep Friend. Our goal is to love God. Jesus left a sacrifice in which He is victim and priest. We must give ourselves to others as Christ gave Himself.
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Copyright © 1997 Shepherds of Christ Ministries
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. For information contact Shepherds of Christ Publications
First Printing: September, 1997