MARCH 30, 1995
Mary appeared in the Sorrowful Mother Chapel for two hours. The whole corner was
adorned in the most brilliant celestial light with a pink hew. Marty and I will never
forget the experience of this evening. Jesus illuminated in the Sacred Heart statue during
the litany and the promises of the Sacred Heart. Jesus requested that this rosary be
circulated to all.
The Annunciation
- R. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked Mary to be the Mother of Jesus.
- R. Mary always complied with the Will of the Father. Jesus always complied with
the Will of the Father. In looking at their lives we see how they always lived according
to the Father's Will. It is in living according to His Will that our true joy and
happiness lie.
- R. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word became flesh and dwelt among
- R. Picture the Virgin Mary as vividly as you possibly can and see Mary as she
carries the child Jesus within her womb.
- R. She conceived the child Jesus. Mary, a spotless virgin, conceived Jesus, the
Son of God. He was inside of her! She was bursting with the life that was God's life
radiating from her very being!
- R. Do we realize how God wants to be one with us? The more we become united to
Him, the more His presence radiates from within us and shines to those that we come in
contact with. God is so good that He sent to this world His only begotten Son through the
Virgin Mary. He sent His Son because He loves us and He yearns and longs and thirsts for
us to be ever closer to Him. It is in His presence within us that we will light up this
world. It is in our oneness with Him that we will shine as little lights to the rest of
the world.
- Song: O holy dwelling place of God. O holy temple of the Word. O holy Mary, holy
Mother of God!
- R. God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son into this world,
incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary. The Word became flesh! God took on flesh!
- R. As Mary contained the presence of the Almighty God, as He grew within her
womb, His Sacred Heart was formed in her womb through the power of the Holy Spirit. He
remains with us this day in the sanctuary of the tabernacle. His same presence is there.
God, in His divinity and humanity, truly present in the tabernacle, longing for us to come
and to share our lives and our time with Him.
- R. I see before me so clearly the Virgin Mary as she carried the child within
her womb. It seems beautiful to think of Mary carrying the child Jesus within her, but the
risen Lord is with us this very day! He remains with us in greatest love but His Heart is
wounded by the indifference and the neglect of His chosen souls, the ones He loves so
dearly, that totally neglect Him and treat Him so coldly.
Who are we that God is so good that He sent into this world His only begotten Son and that
He loves us so much that He created us in His own image and likeness? We are His creatures
but He raises us to such heights in His divine life.
Song between decades: Come, Holy Spirit, fill our
hearts. Enkindle in us the fire of Your love. Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts. Enkindle
in us the fire of Your love.
The Visitation
- R. Mary made haste to the hill country to visit her cousin Elizabeth who also was
with child.
- R. When she arrived, the child in Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy.
- R. And Elizabeth cried out in a loud voice, "Of all women you are the most
blessed and blessed is the fruit of your womb! Why should I be honoured with a visit from
the mother of my Lord?" (Lk 1:42,43)
- R. And the child in her womb leapt for joy!
- R. Mary cried out in a loud voice the Magnificat!
- Song: My soul rejoices in God, my Savior. My spirit finds its joy in God, the
living God.
- R. For He Who is mighty hath done great things to me and holy is His name!
- R. John the Baptist, even in his mother's womb, leapt for joy. Prepare ye a way
for the Lord! He is truly coming and He is in our midst this day. Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, is truly present and we stand around and balk and do not realize the immensity of the
great gift that He has given us. Fill our hearts with Your grace so that we may be gifted
with courage to go out and spread the Good News, the news of His great love to all the
souls that He longs to be close to. For truly, if we love Him, it is our duty to go out
and tell others of the immense love He has for them!
- Jesus: I call out to you this day, My beloved ones, for I am truly present. You are
My chosen ones that I call upon to unite ever so closely to My Heart. I send you into this
world among the wolves that will bite at you and grab at you. You must be strong soldiers
to spread My love throughout the world. Will you not answer this call for I am calling
with such an ardent plea? Please, I am begging you to take this plea seriously.
- R. Prepare ye a way for the Lord for He is truly coming! He is in our midst this
day. Go into the highways and the byways and spread the Good News for you truly possess
the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven!
Let your hearts not be heavy but light, filled with the fire of My love. Ascend upward and
upward. Do not be dragged down by the perils and the sins of this world for I am filling
you with My divine life and My divine love. You must forever ascend upward, always with
your eyes cast upward toward heaven for you are My soldiers that I send into this world to
spread the Good News to all those that are hurting and in pain. I call out to you. Do not
worry for what is happening around you.
Song between decades: Come Holy Spirit, fill our
The Birth of Jesus
- R. The child Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in such poverty. He was born
in a stable because there was not room for Him in the inn.
- R. See a little, tiny baby, so helpless! A baby that cannot do anything! God, in
all of His might and power, came to this earth as a little, tiny baby!
- R. His way always was to comply with the Will of the Father. Mary always lived
according to His Will. It is in complying to the Father's Will that we will know true
peace and joy in our lives.
- Mary: I am the Immaculate Conception. I am here with you, my beloved ones. I call
out to you to pray fervently, for the days ahead are days filled with suffering. This
world has lost its way. You must pray fervently for all beloved souls. I call you to pray
this rosary every day. Pray the rosary as you have never prayed from your heart before. Be
filled with the love of my Heart and my Son, Jesus. Be forever wrapped in our lives. Come,
come to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and be led deeply into our immense love for you.
Pray, my little ones, for sufferings are to come, deep sufferings. This world is
disobedient. They will not obey the laws and commands of my Son. I have come! I have
called! I am ignored! My dear ones, my sweet ones, I tell you, I tell you to pray. Listen
with your ears open and your hearts filled with the love of God. It will be your strength
for the dark days that are ahead. I am the Immaculate Heart. I call out to you, my
beloved. This rosary is a tool that will draw many hearts to the Hearts of me and my Son.
- Mary: I pray with you, my little ones. Each prayer that you pray should be
connected with me and my Son and the angels and saints and the souls in purgatory. You are
praying as one with the courts of heaven. Lift high your hearts! Lift your voices and join
with us!
- Mary: I pray for this world, for this world that is sinful and godless. I ask you
to pray fervently and to come to my Most Immaculate Heart.
- Mary: How my little children suffer, little children that are so young! Men's
hearts are so cruel and filled with self. I beg you to go out and spread the love of my
Son to this world. You must stayed fixed on Him!
- Mary: My Heart bleeds and I cry bloody tears for the slaughter that is happening
to the young ones. As my child was a baby in my arms, I call out to you to pray fervently
for the little ones, for they are being persecuted far beyond anyone's comprehension from
the ways of this world. My precious little children!
- Mary: I am the Mother of all!
- Mary: I am the Immaculate Conception and I am truly present and with you. Men
will not listen. They will not turn from their ways. You must pray as you never prayed
before. The times at hand are times of great suffering. I am calling out to you to spread
this message to the world, for this world is not listening. Who is here to pray with you?
Three! Three of you are here and I am in your midst! Men do not care for their world. They
hold on to their world and I tell you over and over again to pray the rosary. I am truly
present and I am here with you!
Song between decades: Come, Holy Spirit, fill our
Mary: I am the Virgin Mary and I wish for you to pray in this room tomorrow night.
The Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple
- R. Mary and Joseph went to the temple with the Child Jesus in their arms. Simeon,
the prophet, was there and told Joseph and Mary of the sufferings that Jesus and Mary
would have to undergo.
- Mary: My Heart was pierced with a sword so many times through my Child's life. My
dear ones, people will suffer because they will not listen. They are willful in their
ways. I call out to you to spread these messages in any way that you can, for I am truly
speaking to you here and times are so short. My dear ones, carry this message out to this
world, for sufferings are at hand!
- Mary: I call you to come on the fifth of April and pray the rosary here in this
- Mary: Bring with you all that will pray, for sufferings are at hand. You will
suffer such immense sufferings. You need to pray! Pray the rosary! Tell all to come and be
with me in this room to pray the rosary!
- Mary: I have held back the hand of my Son! He will call upon the earth and there
will be such suffering, my beloved ones. You tarry too long! These messages of His love
must circulate! You do not know what is about to befall the earth. I call out to you this
day to listen to me for, as you see me illuminated before you, you know that what I speak
to you is true.
- Mary: Pray! Pray! Pray!
- Mary: I am Our Lady of Light and I appear to you to take this message to this
world this day! Carry this message to every person and tell them what I tell you here!
- Mary: My Heart was pierced with a sword as I stood beneath the cross of my Son!
As He gave His life, His flesh and His blood for love of you, my Son loves each and every
soul. He died for them! I beg you to go into this world and to spread His love to every
corner of this world. You can not hold back! Souls will be lost because they did not know
the love of my Son. You are in a position, for He is speaking to you, to carry this
message to those who are hurting. Feed the hungry souls with the love of my Son!
- Mary: Let your hearts be filled with my light! May you have the courage that the
Holy Spirit will give to you so strongly to transform you from fear to fearlessness, to
carry out the plan of the Father. You are my lights to shine to this darkened world! Let
your hearts be opened and go, my children! Go! I summon you to go and to not hold back!
- Song: I come to you with greatest love, I am your loving Savior. I am your God,
I died for you. I come to you this day.
Mary: I will make myself known to those who come and
pray this rosary!
Song between decades: Come, Holy Spirit, fill our
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
- Mary: I would like my Son Jesus present in the tabernacle when you pray this
- Mary: My Son was taken to the Temple for the feast of the Passover. We lost my
Son in the Temple. So many souls this day are in deep darkness and have lost their way.
They are dead in their hearts! I pray to you to go out to this world and spread the good
news! You are so favored by God that you are given such great gifts! To hold them to
yourself is not to His liking! I beg you to spread this news, to pray for courage, to do
what He is asking you to do!
- Mary: He has chosen this Center to be apostles to go out into the world and to
spread the love of His Most Sacred Heart through my Most Immaculate Heart. Can you not
answer the call that I give to you this day? You are so favored, so chosen, so gifted by
God Himself and you bicker and you fight and you complain! You, my chosen ones, the chosen
race, look at you!
- Mary: You look at each other with eyes of envy when God is speaking here! Each
person that receives this message is receiving a grace, a gift from God Himself! You do
not even see! You are so blind!
- Mary: Pride is an evil that ruins men's hearts. Speak to all men of pride. It is
only a loving heart that will unite with the Heart of my Son. A heart of love will light
up this darkened world. I send you as soldiers into a world that is godless! You are
fighting a battle with this world, with hearts full of the love of my Son. Look at all the
souls that are lost! Look at the children of these parents who have gone astray! Little
children! Look at their lives! I am so sad for the lives of my children. I call to you
this day. Look at your world, America! You are so blind! You do not see! You have turned
deaf and you have closed your eyes! I come and I appear! My Son talks and so many do not
pay Him heed! I beg you! I beg you to heed my words for I truly am Mary, and I am speaking
to you!
- Mary: Hearts that are hard, hearts that are godless, hearts that are lifeless,
hearts that are dead in sin! Look at your world, America! Can you turn your head and look
the other way? I come and I plead with you to turn your hearts back to the love of my Son,
and who listens? Three come to pray my rosary with me! How do I shake those into listening
to me here for I am truly speaking in this rosary to my beloved children? Listen to me!
All those who come to this rosary will receive abundant graces from me and my Son!
- Mary: My lost children, how the fires in hell burn, burn so brightly for the
souls that were willful and had their own way. You do not see! You do not comprehend! You
focus on little details here in your lives! Focus on the fires of hell, my dear, sweet
children. Souls are burning in the fires of hell for their own willfulness and sin, and
many more will be lost despite the sufferings of my Son. Many souls will be lost. I call
you to unite with the Heart of my Son, to go into this world and preach the Gospel at
every highway and byway, to spread the love of my Son, Jesus.
- Mary: My little, lost children, I am your Mother, and I lead you on your way,
closer and closer to Heaven!
- Song: O holy dwelling place of God. O holy temple of the Word. O holy Mary, holy
Mother of God!
- Mary: Tomorrow is the 31st of March and I tell you to come to this chapel and
pray the rosary in this chapel at 6:20 p.m.
Song after the last decade: Come, Holy Spirit, fill
our hearts…
Copyright © 1996 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Revised: August, 1997