APRIL 20, 1995
The Annunciation
- R. The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and asked her to be the Mother of God.
- R. I see all through Mary's and Jesus' lives how they complied with the Will of
the Father.
- R. The Father has a plan. Jesus was incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary.
Jesus came to this earth in quietness. This was part of the Father's plan. Mary always
complied with the Father's Will. When she said, "…let it happen to me as you
have said" (Lk 1:38), she was showing her willingness to do whatever the Father was
asking her to do.
- R. Jesus came to this earth to show us the way, to teach us the way to get to
- R. Each beautiful soul is a creation of the Father. How He loves each person He
- R. The Father loves us so much that He sent His only Son into this world as a
sacrifice, to pay for the sins of mankind.
- R. Mary was a virgin and she said to the angel: "But how can this come
about…?" (Lk 1:34) And the Holy Spirit came upon her and she conceived the Child
Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Mary: How I love little children to pray My rosary. Teach your children about the
lives of Jesus and Mary.
- Mary: Pray the rosary with your children.
- Mary: It is in living as a little child of the Father that you will be the
happiest, that you will go to heaven some day.
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, ave,
ave Maria.
Mary Visits Her Cousin Elizabeth
- Mary: Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me." Teach your
children how to pray. Teach them when they are young. Your children need to know about
- Mary: Children are so precious to Jesus! My dear little ones, teach your children
to pray the rosary.
- R. Mary went with haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who had conceived a child
in her old age.
- R. The child in Elizabeth's womb was John, who would prepare the way for the
coming of Jesus.
- R. When Mary arrived at Elizabeth's house, with Jesus in her womb, the babe in
Elizabeth's womb leapt for joy.
- Mary: I call out to the children of this world to come and pray. Prepare ye the
way, for my Son is truly coming and you will know the immensity of His love. My children,
you will be the leaders of this world!
- Mary: Model your families after the Holy Family.
- Mary: What a price my Son paid for your salvation. He came to show you the way.
- Mary: Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, the same as when I carried Him in
my womb, the same as the day He walked on the earth! Should you not jump for joy as the
babe in Elizabeth's womb jumped?
- Mary: My dear little children, I am Mary, your Mother. How dearly I press you to
my Heart. I am forever with you!
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, ave,
ave Maria.
Jesus Is Born in Bethlehem
- Mary: My dear little children, my Son was born in a stable in the town of
Bethlehem in such poverty. He was God and He came to this earth in such poverty for
greatest love of you! Can you not turn your minds and hearts to Jesus? Jesus truly died
for love of you. My dear little children, you are missing the greatest treasure of all.
Jesus loves you so much!
- Mary: How your Father cares for you! He created you so specially, with such
special gifts. My little children, turn to Jesus, my Son. He came to this earth a helpless
baby. This, the Son of God!
- Mary: Jesus wants you to come and make your home in His Heart.
- Mary: Jesus loves you so much. His Heart is on fire for you, His precious little
- Mary: How this world has turned away from God! My dear little children, God
created you. God loves you!
- Mary: He is in your world this day. My dear little children, how can this world
deny God? He is in your every breath, in your every heartbeat. You are dependent on Him
for your life!
- Mary: In such simplicity my Son was born in the town of Bethlehem. The animals
were there to give Him warmth.
- Mary: This is God's world and you are chosen as His special children. You are
part of His plan. You must stay rooted in God.
- Mary: My Son was born in the town of Bethlehem and the stars shone brightly above
where He lay. My little children, the Almighty God was born a helpless baby for love of
- Hail Mary…
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, ave,
ave Maria.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
- Mary: Your hearts were made for God. You will not be happy, my dear little
children, if you turn away from Him. It is only in turning your hearts to God that you
will know true love and happiness.
- Mary: We took my Son to the Temple, and Simeon the prophet told me of the
sufferings of my Son. He died on the cross so that you would get to heaven. My dear little
children, I am your Mother. I guard and protect you. Jesus gave His life so you would be
with Him forever and ever.
- Mary: He knocks on the door of your heart and only you can let Him in.
- Mary: I knew from the prophecy of Simeon how my Son Jesus would suffer. My Heart
was in such sorrow to know of the sufferings to come!
- Mary: But, my dear little children, how my Heart is in such deep sorrow to see
the children of this world and watch them suffer. Little innocent ones murdered as babies!
Little children taught about sex in schools! My precious children, pray for your world,
for your prayers as children are so powerful. How Jesus loves children to pray!
- Mary: This rosary is for my beloved children of this world. It is sent to you
from my Immaculate Heart. My beloved children, will you answer your Mother's call to come
and pray the rosary with me every day? Pray with one another, for your earth will suffer
for its sinfulness and willful ways. I am calling you, children of America, to unite and
pray. Pray the rosary every day.
- Mary: My beloved children, pray to the Child Jesus. He will answer your prayers.
- Mary: My Heart was pierced with a sword. His Heart was pierced with a lance.
Sufferings will befall this earth! Children of America, unite and pray!
- Mary: Know how my Son loves you, that He gave His life for love of you.
- Mary: What a great gift you received when you were baptized, for you were given
a share in His divine life. My beautiful children, how I love you!
Song between decades: Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave, ave,
ave Maria.
Mary and Joseph Find Jesus in the Temple
- R. The Child Jesus, when He was twelve years old, was taken to Jerusalem to
celebrate the feast of Passover.
- R. When the Passover celebration was over, Joseph and Mary left with the caravan
and the Child Jesus was left behind.
- R. When they realized that Jesus had been left behind, they went back to
Jerusalem, their hearts in such sorrow in search of the Child Jesus.
- R. Jesus was talking to the doctors in the Temple.
- Mary: Jesus wants to fill your hearts and your souls with His life. The Holy
Spirit wants to release in you the gift of His wisdom. Open up your hearts, my beloved
children. Pray to the Spirit to lead you into closer union with my Son. Pray to the Child
- Mary: Jesus lived on this earth as a little child. He lived as you live on this
earth. This was God, the Son of Man! Out of greatest love for you, my little children, my
Son came and lived on this earth.
- Mary: Think, my little children, how close you are to your mother. Stay close to
me. Stay rooted in my Immaculate Heart. Know that I am forever by your side, guarding and
protecting you. I place my mantle securely around your shoulders. Do you feel the
protection that I give you? You are children living in a troubled world. How you are
wounded by the sin in this world! I am your Mother and I will protect you. You must turn
to me. You must pray to me. Pray the rosary, my children. This is your weapon against
Satan, for the world is evil. Satan wants to trip you up, my children. Children, listen to
your heavenly Mother, for I love you with the deepest love.
- Mary: This rosary I have given especially to you, my children. Pray this rosary
with your friends for it truly comes from my tender Heart to your heart.
- Mary: If you ever wander from Jesus, turn to me! As I searched for the Child
Jesus, know that I am here and I will lead you back to the Heart of my Son.
- Mary: My dear little children, pray to me and to the child Jesus for your
friends that are lost. I truly love each and every precious one of my little children.
Turn your lives to my Son, Jesus. He waits and longs for you. He loves you. When this
world is cold, turn to the child Jesus.
Song after the last decade: Ave, ave, ave Maria. Ave,
ave, ave Maria.
Mary: This is a rosary from my Most Immaculate Heart
for my beloved children. I ask you to circulate this rosary to my dear children, for they
are being taught lies in this world. If they are being taught lies, is it not your duty to
teach them the truth? If you have received this rosary, I ask you to spread it to the
children. For my little children are my dear, dear little ones. They need to pray.
Children are not praying. Please, I beg you. Spread this rosary to all little children for
I love them so much. How powerful are the prayers of little children! I am Mary, your
Mother. Thank you for responding to my call.
Copyright © 1996 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non-commercial reproduction granted:
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Revised: August, 1997