APRIL 26, 1995

The Resurrection of Jesus

  1. R. Jesus died and, as had been foretold, He rose on the third day. Death has no power over Jesus!
  2. R. They had rolled a gigantic stone up to the tomb where Jesus had been buried. The stone was rolled away. Mary Magdalene and some of the other women came to put spices on Jesus.
  3. R. There were two men and they said to the women at the tomb, "Why look among the dead for someone who is alive?" (Lk 24:5)
  4. R. Mary was weeping and she saw a man she thought was the gardener and it was Jesus.
  5. R. Jesus appeared to His beloved apostles and they did not recognize Him at first.
  6. R. The apostles did not understand all that Jesus had told them.
  7. R. We must pray to God to open up our minds and hearts so that we may understand Him more, for He is a mystery!
  8. R. He gave to the apostles the power to baptize and to forgive sins. It is through Baptism that we are reborn into new life.
  9. Jesus: My dear little children, you are chosen by Me to be My special, anointed ones. In Baptism, you were made children of God and heirs of heaven.
  10. Jesus: My dear little children, how dearly I press each one of you close to My Heart.

Song between decades: Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts. Enkindle in us the fire of Your love. Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts. Enkindle in us the fire of Your love.

The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven

  1. R. See Jesus as He extends His arms and goes up to heaven. See the apostles below. They are filled with fear and confusion to see their beloved Jesus leave.
  2. R. These are the Glorious Mysteries. Our hearts are filled with such immense joy to see Jesus rise from the dead and go up into the sky! Think of this!
  3. R. God is a mystery! We can meditate on this mystery of Jesus rising from the dead, of His going up to heaven. He wants us to meditate on the mysteries of His life and His mother's life.
  4. R. He wants us to live His life, death and resurrection in our lives this day.
  5. R. God the Father loved us so much that He created us in His own image and likeness. It is in meditating on the mysteries of Jesus' and Mary's lives that we can model the way we live after Jesus and Mary.
  6. R. Jesus gives us a special calling at baptism to go out and show others His immense love, to tell others about our good God Whom we love so much.
  7. R. Jesus has not left. He remains with us, truly present, the same as the day He walked the earth. He remains in the Eucharist in His divinity and His humanity .
  8. Jesus: My dear little ones, how I love you. When you are baptized, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit dwell inside of your Heart in a very, very special way. I am Jesus. I never leave you. I love you and remain with you in your heart.
  9. Jesus: How I love my dear, little children. Bring the children to Me! Bring the children and sit in front of the tabernacle. Tell them that I am Jesus and how I love them.
  10. Jesus: I wait for you, My little children, to come and tell Me that you love Me, too. I wait for you to come and to talk to Me, to share all those things that are in your heart with Me.

Song between decades: Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts…

The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and Mary

  1. Jesus: I sent to the apostles the Holy Spirit to dwell within them. The Holy Spirit transforms you, My little children. so that you are not afraid. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to help you to have the courage to talk about God in front of your friends.
  2. Jesus: As you love your mother, your father and your friends, I love you and Mary loves you so much more than any earthly person could ever love you.
  3. Jesus: The Father created each one of you so specially! He loves you so much!
  4. Jesus: He gives you the special talents that you have this day. He loves you so much and wants you to use your talents to do the work of God.
  5. Jesus: The Holy Spirit is such a dear friend! Pray to the Holy Spirit every day for He loves you so much.
  6. Jesus: The Holy Spirit lifts your spirits. Satan is in this world and wants to keep you depressed. Pray to the Holy Spirit to lift your hearts high and to be filled with God's love.
  7. Jesus: Let the little children come to Me! Bring them to Church and pray with your children. My dear, little children, pray the rosary.
  8. R. Think about the stories of the lives of Jesus and Mary. Think about how Jesus died on the cross for love of you.
  9. Song: Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up Thy rest. Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid, to fill the hearts which Thou hast made, to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.
  10. R. Holy Spirit, set our hearts on fire with the fire of God's love!

Song between decades: Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts…

Mary Is Taken Up Into Heaven, Body and Soul

  1. R. Mary is our beloved mother. She loves us so much! Jesus gave to us His very own mother!
  2. R. She loves us far more than any earthly mother could ever love us.
  3. R. Her love is a personal love.
  4. R. The more we realize how close our mother really is to us, the more we will feel secure as she wraps her mantle about us and leads us ever closer to her beloved son, Jesus.
  5. Mary: I wrap you, my beloved, dear, sweet children, in my arms. I hold you close to my Heart. I protect you from this world as any mother would protect her little child. You are my little child, my dear one. I am forever with you.
  6. Song: Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing. You reign now in splendor with Jesus, our King. Ave, ave, ave, Maria. Ave, ave, Maria.
  7. R. Jesus, when He ascended into Heaven, went to prepare a place for us. The gates of heaven were opened!
  8. R. Now Mary, some twenty years after Jesus' death, was taken into heaven. But Jesus and Mary are here with us this day! Jesus dwells within us and remains in the tabernacle, truly present.
  9. R. We, too, will be taken up into heaven. These are the Glorious Mysteries. If we love and serve the Lord, we will be given such glory in Heaven.
  10. R. My dear, little ones, let the lives of Jesus and Mary grow in your hearts. Meditate on these mysteries and learn more about their lives. Always pray to the Spirit to lead you into deep meditation.

Song between decades: Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts…

Mary Is Crowned Queen of Heaven

  1. R. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph! The Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign! There will be an era of peace!
  2. Mary: My beloved ones, you will have a period of struggle. Stay close to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
  3. Mary: Our Hearts are a symbol of greatest love for you.
  4. Mary: In your wildest imagination, you cannot image the deep and most tender love that my Son has for you. Pray to the Spirit to open your heart so you may feel more and more the great love that Jesus, my Son, has for you.
  5. Mary: God wants you to be joined with Him forever and ever in the courts of heaven. You must, every minute of your life, seek after holiness. The devil goes about this earth prowling and aiming to trip men in their paths. My dear, little ones, Jesus, my Son, loves you with the deepest love. Focus on the love of Jesus.
  6. Mary: I call to you! I call to you! I call to you! I am Mary, the mother of God, and I am your mother. My dear little ones, harken to my call, for you are my chosen ones.
  7. Mary: You are commissioned through baptism to go out into this world and spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not hold back but let your hearts be forever open and the love of God will flow from you and radiate from your very being.
  8. Mary: I am Mary, your mother! My beloved children, how I love you with the most maternal love. I love you! I love you! I am waiting for you to come closer to my Heart.
  9. R. Help us to be more aware of the great gifts that you are giving to us this very day. Help us to be sensitive to the grace of the Lord, our God.
  10. Song: Hail Holy Queen, enthroned above, O Maria. Hail Mother of Mercy and of Love, O Maria. Triumph all ye cherubim. Sing with us ye seraphim. Heaven and earth resound the hymn: Salve, salve, salve, Regina!

Song after last decade: Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts…

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