Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the
world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater,
Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish
this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A. We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages
rests |
![]() |
November 25th, Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 2 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mystery
for November 25th is Sorrowful.
The camera is currently broken,
however you can click on to hear the radio.
We desperately need funds
at least $20,000.
Pray for funds and grace.
The store in Florida
in the Two Hearts Building
Every day we are broadcasting
the Mass all over the
world at 4:00.
Messenger: Every
day at 6:20PM we are
broadcasting Fr. Carter
praying the prayers
on tape at 6:20.
You can click on for this
and also for the live
picture of the images.
November 24, 2002 Feast of Christ the King
Messenger: Jesus is the King.
Our job is to help lead people to Jesus,
the Son of God so they will make
Him the King and center of
their hearts.
This year we sent the Priestly Newsletter
Book II to the pope and cardinals
and bishops and all the
75,000 priests Fr. Carter regularly
sent the Newsletter to.
We have spent so much money in interior
teleconferencing to provide the
service of rosaries on the 5ths
and the Sidney Rosary and the
13th rosaries to the sub-centers.
Our bill with Sprint who helped
us do this, is $7000.
Now we are using the computer and
that is almost without
But in order to build up the
Movement and the spiritual
directions to our Sub-Centers it was
costly to use Sprint.
We have reached the priests all over the
world and priests from all over the
world have begged for
rosaries and prayer manuals,
Priestly Newsletter Books.
Christ is the King of heaven and earth.
Fr. Carter's mission from Jesus in founding
the Shepherds of Christ was to
help bring about the Reign of
the Sacred Heart and Triumph
of Mary's Immaculate Heart.
We have not sent the Priestly Newsletter
Book III or Book I to the Priests.
The main purpose of the Movement
was to circulate these Priestly
Newsletters to the priests and
carry on with his writings and
what he had edited.
Priests write and beg to be put on the list,
they tell us how important the Priestly
Newsletter is to their lives.
Here is a letter we received yesterday from
a priest.
14th November 2002
Dear Coordinator,
Greetings, prayers and best wishes from Kenya. It is my great hope
and desire that the association is doing well. Thank you very much for
starting this movement of praying for the priests. This is the gift of God to the present church to have some people dedicated in praying for priests, the ministers of God and His people.I want to express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to you all for the gifts you sent to me towards the end of the month of October. I was very grateful to receive six newsletters, one book and thirteen tapes. May the Almighty God bless you to carry on with this work of promoting the Shepherds of Christ Ministries.
Of the gifts I received, after reading the newsletters I had them put in the library and I recommended my students to read them for they are very important and especially for their formation. About the tapes, first we used the 1998 series for our monthly recollection and it was very much appreciated by the students. We agreed to be using them sometimes for our meditations. They requested if it would be possible to have the latest series of the year 2002.
During my apostolate in the women prisons I asked them whether they do pray for the priests and they told me that every day they pray the holy rosary. And they like the priests to come and celebrate mass for them. Even the Protestants are really impressed with the Catholic priests who visit them. Several of them asked for the rosaries and the miraculous medals. I had nothing to offer them. Recently I baptized ten children of some of them and they were very happy. I request you if it would be possible to help me with some of these items (rosaries and medals) to distribute to these prisoners and their children.
Finally I want to wish you all merry Christmas and a happy new year 2003. God bless you all to work for His greater glory.
With prayers and blessings I am sincerely yours;Fr. ______ _______
November 24, 2002 message continues
Here is the letter we received from the Pope
concerning Fr. Carter's Priestly
Newsletter Book II.
March 26, 2002
From the Vatican
Dear Mr. Weickert,
The Holy Father has asked me to thank you for the book which
you sent to him at the request of the Reverend Edward J. Carter, S.J. He
very much appreciates the sentiments which prompted this presentation.
His Holiness will remember Father Carter in his prayers.
Invoking upon him joy and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ, he cordially
imparts his Apostolic Blessing.
Sincerely yours,
November 24, 2002 message continues
So many today do not believe Jesus is the Son of
God and they teach others this.
So many today do not believe in the Persons
of the Trinity, Father, Son and
Holy Spirit.I plead to you as a Christian.
I plead to you as one sent by God as a
messenger to reach the people.Fr. Carter died and I am the messenger
Jesus left behind to deliver the
messages given to him and the
messages given to me.For starters - here is a message
Mary gave me two days after she
appeared on the building -
December 19, 1996
Mary: My dear children, I give to you, my Son, Jesus, born in a stable in Bethlehem on Christmas morn. He is the Almighty God, the Light of the World.
I appear to you, my children, on a (former) bank in Florida. You have made money your god! Do you know how cold are your hearts? You turn away from my Son, Jesus, for your money. Your money is your god.
I am Mary, your Mother. I do not appear as I once appeared to you. I am asking you today to circulate my message given on a tape on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 1996. Please circulate this tape now. Give it to as many people as you can. I am Mary, your Mother. Please circulate my Rosary Book.
end of December 19, 1996 message
November 24, 2002 message continues
Fr. Carter directed me to hold on to the building in
Clearwater, Florida always. Fr. Carter prayed for this
hourly and at Mass everyday.
Fr. Carter worked hard, and prayed
a lot so we could get the building
in Florida.From sending the Priestly Newsletter Book II to
about 85,000 priests and the
prayer manual to begin prayer
chapters our movement was
drained.This was our focus. It is now our deep
desire to fill the requests when
the priests are begging for
rosary and prayer manuals.Jesus wants His picture as the Sacred Heart
in all homes.Jesus told us we could not continue our
work as a movement like He
wants us to unless we sellBooks, videos, tapes, image rosaries,
rosary kits, pictures of the
Sacred Heart and Immaculate
Heart from the building.
November 24, 2002 messages continues
We really need about $40,000 to pay our
past bills. The electric
and telephones used to help
bring about the Reign of the
Sacred Heart in all hearts.Please if you can help us. Please help
If you cannot and know of someonewho helps people helping priests
please contact us immediately or
people promoting the rosary.
Our primary focus is to circulate the
Priestly Newsletters Book I, II and
III to the priests as edited by
Fr. Carter and to begin prayer
chapters in all languages
praying for the priests, the Church
and the world.
We desperately need funds at this point.
Please help us.
Jesus speaks:
I asked and they refuse Me.
I am the King of heaven and
earth. Funds are needed to
promote My Kingdom with
the materials I have given to reach
my priests with the writings
of Fr. Carter.I want prayer chapters praying for
the priests as I have instructed
all over the world.I ask you to go to the building of the
Two Hearts on December 17, 2002
and to hold a special
service which will be
broadcast around the world
beginning at 6:20.This will be the 6th anniversary
of Mary's appearance on the
building.When I wanted to write to you of
My love and give you
insights into the mysteries,
I had to beg you for help.I give you this My Movement, Shepherds
of Christ to help to bring about
the Reign of My Sacred Heart.I give you three major books for the
![]() Priestly Newsletter |
![]() Book II |
![]() Book III |
Jesus speaks:
The fire of My Love -
I outpour My love to you in these
writings of Fr. Carter and my messenger Rita Ring.
I reveal to you deep insight into
the hidden mysteries.
Excerpt from Spirituality of Fatima
O My Jesus
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell and lead all souls to heaven, especially those who are in most need of Thy mercy.
Psalm 118: 24
This is the day which Yahweh has made,
a day for us to rejoice and be glad.
November 24, 2002 message continues
Fr. Carter said the Mass of the Sacred Heart
whenever he could and he allowed
me to read the scripture.I picked the 1st reading and the
psalm that was used at
today's Mass.
Listen to the scriptures from
today's Mass
Ezekial 34: 11-12, 15-17
For the Lord Yahweh says this: Look, I myself shall take care of my flock and look after it. As a shepherd looks after his flock when he is with his scattered sheep, so shall I look after my sheep. I shall rescue them from wherever they have been scattered on the day of clouds and darkness. I myself shall pasture my sheep, I myself shall give them rest–declares the Lord Yahweh. I shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the injured and make the sick strong. I shall watch over the fat and healthy. I shall be a true shepherd to them.
"As for you, my sheep, the Lord Yahweh says this: I shall judge between sheep and sheep, between rams and he–goats.
Psalm 23: 1-2, 2-3, 5-6
The good Shepherd
Psalm Of David
Yahweh is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
In grassy meadows he lets me lie.By tranquil streams he leads me
to restore my spirit.
He guides me in paths of saving justice
as befits his name.Even were I to walk in a ravine as dark as death
I should fear no danger, for you are at my side.
Your staff and your crook are there to soothe me.You prepare a table for me
under the eyes of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup brims over.Kindness and faithful love pursue me
every day of my life.
I make my home in the house of Yahweh
for all time to come.
1 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 28
In fact, however, Christ has been raised from the dead, as the first–fruits of all who have fallen asleep. As it was by one man that death came, so through one man has come the resurrection of the dead. Just as all die in Adam, so in Christ all will be brought to life; but all of them in their proper order: Christ the first–fruits, and next, at his coming, those who belong to him. After that will come the end, when he will hand over the kingdom to God the Father, having abolished every principality, every ruling force and power. For he is to be king until he has made his enemies his footstool, and the last of the enemies to be done away with is death, for he has put all things under his feet. When everything has been subjected to him, then the Son himself will be subjected to the One who has subjected everything to him, so that God may be all in all.
Matthew 25: 31-46
The Last Judgement
‘When the Son of man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory. All nations will be assembled before him and he will separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats. He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, "Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take as your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you made me welcome, lacking clothes and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me." Then the upright will say to him in reply, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? When did we find you sick or in prison and go to see you?" And the King will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Then he will say to those on his left hand, "Go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you never gave me food, I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink, I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, lacking clothes and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me." Then it will be their turn to ask, "Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or lacking clothes, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?" Then he will answer, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me." And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the upright to eternal life.’
July 4, 1996
This message was received before a live statue of the Sorrowful Mother after Communion.
Message from Jesus: "Peace will abound when nations, churches, families and individuals are consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
"Fr. Carter is a pillar of light to the dark world. This is the explanation of the photo. It is through him, I will turn darkness to light. Circulate this message with the picture. Encourage all to consecrate their hearts to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to join the Shepherds of Christ Chapters, and the Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Movement to pray for your Church and your world. This is My Movement for renewal of the Church and the world, based in consecration, joining your every act to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, praying the rosary, and making reparation to Our Hearts, especially on First Fridays and First Saturdays. It is through your prayers and sacrifices many souls will be helped to be saved. Grace will flow from those whose hearts are consecrated to Our Hearts and the fire of My Love will light up this darkened world."
As you look at the picture, you see Fr. Carter's arm and hand on your left. This picture of Fr. Carter was taken July 2, 1996 at the Tuesday Shepherds of Christ Meeting at Tom Arlinghaus' Farm.end of July 4, 1996 message
November 24, 2002 message continues
Messages given to Fr. Carter himself, from Jesus
led him to found the Movement and give his
life for it.
Given to Father Carter
on the Feast of St. Ignatius
~ July 31, 1994 ~
Words of Jesus to Members of
Shepherds of Christ Associates:"My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.
"I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.
"I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."
- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)end of July 31, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter
~ October 13, 1994 ~
The Birth of the Full Ministries
of the Shepherds of Christ
"I wish to share with you part of a message which Jesus gave us on October 13, 1994. The message tells us about the expansion of the Shepherds of Christ movement:
'My beloved priest-companion, today I come to you with another mission. I am asking you to establish Shepherds of Christ Ministries. At My request you have already begun the priestly newsletter, "Shepherds of Christ", and the prayer chapters, Shepherds of Christ Associates...
'I am giving you this message on this day, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, because of the close connection between the Shepherds of Christ movement and the Fatima message. The Fatima message is centered in devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart, especially in consecration to Our Hearts. Shepherds of Christ Ministries is also centered in devotion to Our Hearts. I will use Shepherds of Christ Ministries as a great instrument in helping to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. When this occurs, My Church and the world will be experiencing the great era of peace promised by My Mother at Fatima.
'Today, then, October 13, 1994, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, marks the birth of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I pour forth the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.'
- From In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Newsletter of Shepherds of Christ Associates
by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., Volume 1, No. 1, 1995. p. 2.
end of October 13, 1994 message given to Fr. Carter
Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
My dear fellow Associate Members,
Jesus is calling special apostles to join a new division of the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Here is a message from Jesus given to Father Carter:
My beloved priest-companion, I am requesting that a new prayer movement be started under the direction of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I am asking for volunteers who are willing to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour, twice-weekly. Members of the Shepherds of Christ prayer chapters, as well as others, are to be invited to join this movement.
These apostles are to pray for the intentions I am giving you. For part of the hour they are to use the prayers of the Shepherds of Christ Associates Handbook. They may spend the rest of the hour as they so choose.
I will use this new prayer movement within My Shepherds of Christ Ministries in a powerful way to help in the renewal of My Church and the world. I will give great graces to those who join this movement. The name, Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, is to be given to this movement.
I am inviting My beloved Rita Ring to be coordinator for this activity.
I pour out the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.
This is indeed a special calling for us to unite in one heart with His Eucharistic Heart and pray for the following intentions:
- For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
- For the Pope.
- For all bishops of the world.
- For all priests.
- For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
- For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
- For all members of the Catholic Church.
- For all members of the human family.
- For all souls in purgatory.
end of Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart messag
from Tell My People
Jesus speaks: "My beloved priest-companion, I have allowed you to experience in extraordinary fashion the riches contained in My Heart and My Mother's Heart. I desire that you tell all My people about these riches. I desire that My people consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart and to Mary's Immaculate Heart. My people are living in the beginnings of the age of the Two Hearts.
"After the time of the purification is completed, this new era of the Church and the world will become firmly established. This era will be characterized by the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. All those who consecrate themselves to My Heart and to My Mother's Heart will help to establish this glorious new age. I am Lord and Master. Please listen to My urgent request. Within Our Hearts you will experience the love and security, the peace and the joy, which you all desire. I love My people with a tremendous love, and in My love I give them this message!"
end of excerpt from Tell My People
November 24, 2002 message continues
Fr. Carter loved this message.
He held January 22 most important.
I am the Good Shepherd, these are My prayers, the prayers I give to help renew the Church and the world, all prayer chapters are asked to include these prayers (found in the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual). As My Apostles and Shepherds I ask you to encourage all existing Chapters to try to encourage all existing prayer groups to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Encourage all Churches to pray these prayers. It is most urgent that the people of this earth concur with the Father's wishes to begin Prayer Chapters. This is an urgent request from the Good Shepherd. The flock will become one when they have given their hearts to Jesus and Mary. Encourage all priests to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Your world will be lighted with great light as the people of this earth pray these prayers.
My promise is this to you My beloved earth: When you give your heart to Me and spread the devotion to My Sacred Heart, I will write your name In My Heart. I promise to give the greatest graces when you pray these prayers for renewal of the Church and the world and take all who pray them deeply into My Heart. The prayers I give will bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. I am Jesus Christ, this is My message of January 22, 1998, Please circulate this message to your world. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and Mine know Me and they follow Me. Grace My Shepherds, I will give you the greatest graces for spreading these words to this earth and to your Church. I love you, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, it is the Plan of the Father that Prayer Chapters are begun immediately and the Priestly Newsletter is given to all priests. The Voice of the Good Shepherd speaks through it.
end of January 22, 1998
Malachi 3: 19-34
For look, the Day is coming, glowing like a furnace. All the proud and all the evil–doers will be the stubble, and the Day, when it comes, will set them ablaze, says Yahweh Sabaoth, leaving them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the Sun of justice will rise with healing in his rays, and you will come out leaping like calves from the stall, and trample on the wicked, who will be like ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act, says Yahweh Sabaoth.
‘Remember the Law of my servant Moses to whom at Horeb I prescribed decrees and rulings for all Israel.
‘Look, I shall send you the prophet Elijah before the great and awesome Day of Yahweh comes. He will reconcile parents to their children and children to their parents, to forestall my putting the country under the curse of destruction.’
A Rosary of Light on the Feast of
Christ the King
Baptism of Jesus
1. Jesus speaks: I am God and I am the Light of the World.
2. Jesus speaks: John baptized Me with water in the Jordan.
3. Jesus speaks: Water is a sign of purity.
4. Jesus speaks: I give you Clearwater, Florida as a
place where I have given you a
sign of My presence and
the presence of My mother with you.5. Jesus speaks: From this place will be many spiritual
and physical healings.6. Jesus speaks: I am a God of justice.
7. Jesus speaks: I give you the sacrament of baptism.
8. Jesus speaks: I am the New Adam.
9. Jesus speaks: I give you the priests and the seven
sacraments.10. Jesus speaks: I am the Son of God, the Light of the World.
Marriage at Cana
1. Jesus speaks: I performed the Miracle at Cana.
2. Jesus speaks: I turned water into wine.
3. Jesus speaks: I am Jesus, the Son of God.
4. Jesus speaks: I am All Powerful.
I am Almighty.5. Jesus speaks: I call you to action.
6. Jesus speaks: I call you to put aside your jealousy
and work to spread My Kingdom.7. Jesus speaks: I have given you gifts to share
to promote My Kingdom.8. Jesus speaks: I am the Savior of the World.
Jesus speaks: I give you this sign -
10. Jesus: My Mother has appeared here for almost 6
years on the building. Will you help Me?
Kingdom of God
1. Messenger: Jesus will Reign in all hearts.
2. Jesus is the Son of God.
3. God comes to us to give us His love.
4. God wants us to be one happy family.
5. God wants us to love Him and love
each other.6. Every day is a new day to promote His Kingdom.
7. Jesus is the Light of the World.
8. God comes to save us.
9. Luke 1:33
he will rule over the House of Jacob for ever and his reign
will have no end.10. Jesus: I want to be recognized as
the King and Center of
all men's hearts. I want
to be recognized as
King and Center of
all places on the earth.
1. Matthew 17: 2-3
There in their presence he was transfigured: his face shone like the
sun and his clothes became as dazzling as light. And suddenly
Moses and Elijah appeared to them; they were talking with him.2. Matthew 17: 5
He was still speaking when suddenly a bright cloud covered them
with shadow, and suddenly from the cloud there came a voice
which said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour.
Listen to him.’3. Matthew 17: 6
When they heard this, the disciples fell on their faces, overcome
with fear.4. Matthew 17: 8
And when they raised their eyes they saw no one but Jesus.
5. Matthew 18: 1-5
At this time the disciples came to Jesus and said, ‘Who is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?’ So he called a little child to him whom he set among them. Then he said, ‘In truth I tell you, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. And so, the one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.
‘Anyone who welcomes one little child like this in my name welcomes me.
6. Matthew 18: 10
‘See that you never despise any of these little ones, for I tell you
that their angels in heaven are continually in the presence of my
Father in heaven.7. Matthew 18:12
‘Tell me. Suppose a man has a hundred sheep and one of them
strays; will he not leave the ninety–nine on the hillside and go in
search of the stray?8. Matthew 18: 13
In truth I tell you, if he finds it, it gives him more joy than do the
ninety–nine that did not stray at all.9. Matthew 18: 14
Similarly, it is never the will of your Father in heaven that one of
these little ones should be lost.10. Matthew 11: 25
At that time Jesus exclaimed, ‘I bless you, Father, Lord of
heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and
the clever and revealing them to little children.
Last Supper
1. Luke 22:20
He did the same with the cup after supper, and said, ‘This cup is
the new covenant in my blood poured out for you.2. John 15: 13
No one can have greater love
than to lay down his life for his friends.3. John 17: 20-21
I pray not only for these
but also for those
who through their teaching
will come to believe in me.
May they all be one,
just as, Father, you are in me
and I am in you,
so that they also may be in us,
so that the world may believe
it was you who sent me.4. John 18: 8
Jesus replied, ‘I have told you that I am he. If I am the one you
are looking for, let these others go.5. Jesus is the I AM - He gives
us Himself in the Eucharist.6. We receive the Son of God.
7. Jesus gives the priest the power
to change bread and wine
into the Body and Blood of
Jesus.8. Jesus is the Light of the World.
9. Jesus is God.
10. Jesus is the King of Heaven and
earth let us bow and worship
our God let us thank God
for giving us the Eucharist.We consecrate the world and the
Church to the Sacred Heart
and Immaculate Heart.
We consecrate all places to
the Sacred Heart and
Immaculate Heart.
May Jesus reign in all hearts.
Let us live our lives carrying
out the mission Jesus gave
to Fr. Carter to help to
spread devotion to the
Sacred Heart and Immaculate
Heart. Amen.
Christmas cards available
To order cards on the internet click here
call Morrow 1-513-932-4451
Suggested Donation of at least $2.00
inside of card
Rosary Books for sale
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152-0193
USAto use a credit card call Morrow at 1-513-932-4451
Red Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
Blue Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
Parents and Children's
Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
Little People and Elderly
Rosary Book
$10 + shipping
(Spanish)Rosary Coloring Books
$5 each book + shipping
From September 5, 2002
during the special prayer service
in Clearwater, Florida
during the 6:20 prayers.The images looked exactly like this.
This was taken without a flash.
There have been physical healings
on the 5ths and at other times.
Excerpt from September 17, 2002
I wish the store to carry the Christmas
materials immediately, coloring
books, Blue Books, Spanish Coloring
Books.I wish image rosaries be made available in
the store and on Tom's farm.These must also be ordered, it takes
months for their delivery, the requirement
has been made the materials are covered
before the order.I ask you to have Christmas presents that
reflect Mary's image.What a gift I give to the earth, you
should tell people about this especially at
Christmas.end of excerpt from September 17, 2002
Please pray for the Cardinal
Our Lord has asked us to pray for.
We desperately need funds.
We need funds desperately.
We need funds to send out
the retired Bishop's mailing.
Please pray for the Cardinal
Our Lord has asked us to pray for.
It is difficult for us every month to make the
Virgin Mary payment.We cannot keep the store stocked
because of the shortage of money.Our Lord has asked us to stock the store
for Christmas.He has asked all to come and buy
Christmas presents from the store.Can you help us in any way?
Credit card donations accepted.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
Copyright © 2002 Shepherds of Christ.
Rights for non-commercial reproduction
May be copied in its entirety, but neither re-typed nor edited.
Translations are welcome but they must be reviewed for moral and
theological accuracy by a source approved by Shepherds of Christ Ministries
before any distribution takes place. Please contact us for more information.
All scripture quotes are from
the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
Revised: November 24, 2002
Contact Information for Shepherds of Christ
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791