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Messages from Jesus and Mary for Shepherds of Christ Associates
Jesus: My Dear Shepherds of Christ Chapters:
I am Jesus, your beloved Savior. Satan is pressing on My beloved members causing much confusion and doubt. It is in moving steadfastly ahead that this Movement will turn many hearts that have turned from God's love back to His love.
You are My chosen ones. I am sending you into the fields. You will plant the seeds in the hearts of all you touch. I will provide the water and the sunlight and many hearts will be united to the Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart throughout this world.
I am molding you. I am shaping you. I am drawing you more and more closely to My Heart. Pray every day the Prayer for Union for union with Jesus.
My special ones, you are chosen and called by My Father for the plan of salvation. You are My special apostles to spread the love of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart across the land. I am giving you abundant graces to carry out the plan of the Father. As you proceed steadfastly ahead, the plan is unfolding.
You are commissioned in Baptism to carry out My life, death, and resurrection in your lives. Meditating on the mysteries of the rosary helps you to do this.
As you are in your hearts, so shall you be to this world. I am Jesus, your beloved Savior. I am filling you with My life. As you come more and more to the Eucharistic Sacrifice and receive Me in Holy Communion, as you come and spend time with Me in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, you are more and more saturated with My life. My life I give to you. You partake in My divine life and I live in you and minister to hurting souls.
I have chosen the Shepherds of Christ Movement as a powerful instrument for renewing My Church and My world. You are the instruments I have chosen to help in this renewal. You have been called, hand-picked by My Father, to be apostles spreading Our love to the world. Through this network of Shepherds of Christ Associates chapters I will reach many starved souls.
I am calling you to the deepest union with Me. As you unite more and more with My Heart, as you live in Me, through Me, and with Me, I will spread My burning love to the world.
I am Jesus. The seeds of time work exceedingly slow. The hearts of many men have turned to stone. I am applying abundant graces to all you touch. Pray each prayer in the Handbook every day. As you unite more and more to My Heart, your intercessory prayer is greater and greater.
Pray always with Me to the Father, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, and with all the angels and saints and souls in purgatory.
Come and dwell in the heart of My Mother. Let her cradle you in her abundant love. As you dwell in her heart, you will dwell ever more deeply in My Heart. I will bathe you continually in My tender and gentle love. This world will know the fire of My love through you!
When the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles, the Apostles were transformed from fear to fearlessness. Pray to the Holy Spirit to transform you in the heart of My beloved Mother. Your hearts will be filled, burning with love for God. You will proceed fearlessly into the world and spread My love to hurting souls.
The love of God within, His life within, is a power too mighty to be contained. It radiates from your eyes and your face. It is heard in your voice. Let the vibrancy of the Divine Love and the Divine Life be transmitted to the world. Surrender, unite ever closer to My Heart.
I am using the Shepherds of Christ Movement to renew My beautiful souls in this world. It is through this movement that I am reaching the nursing homes and will contact the hurting souls of this world-prisons, hospitals, etc. I am using the Shepherds of Christ Junior Movement to renew the children of America."17
Mary: My children are hurting and in pain. It is through the tender and pure hearts of children that many will be led back to the Heart of my Son.
Each moment souls are going more deeply into darkness. Through the Shepherds of Christ Movement my Son will reach so many hurting souls in the world. I am Mary, your Mother. We are teaching adults and children alike through the rosary. Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary are gifts we are giving to this world. As you meditate more and more on the mysteries of Our lives, you will live more and more according to the Father's will. I am giving you these rosaries to enkindle this burning love in your hearts. Pray the rosary with these meditations and messages and Our lives will fill your whole being.
Pray, my little children, with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole being. My Son, Jesus, loves you so much. I am Mary, your Mother. I am begging you to pray for my little lost children of this world. Many of my precious children will be lost to the fires of hell. I am calling out to you to come to Our Hearts. You will be the light that shines in the dark night when you are filled with burning love of my Son, Jesus.
I am Mary, your Mother, and thank you for responding to my request.18
- From "In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Newsletter
of Shepherds of Christ Associates"
Volume 1, No. 2, 1995. pp. 1-2.
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Copyright © 1997 Shepherds of Christ
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Christ Publications
First Printing: August, 1997