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September 26, 1996
Message given through Rita Ring
R. When we go to confession our souls are made clean and we can unite in deepest union with Jesus.
It is wrong to slander, to talk about one another. The devil is attempting to pry us apart and rip us apart at the seems.
The way of God is peace and oneness. The way of the devil is disruption and division.
His grace permeates my soul. After confession I am cleansed and I can be so close to Jesus.
The devil tries immediately after confession to get us to sin.
It is in the purity I can unite deeply to Him.
Confession is a new beginning. Acting as Jesus, the priest has the power to take away our sins.
The moment I begin to talk about or engage in conversation against others, my purity falls and I am less able to be one with Jesus, who is love.
Jesus is not divided against any soul. He showed us how He suffered persecution to His death and He did not talk about them.
He accepted Mary Magdalene despite all her sin. He did not talk about her, He loved her.
Do we want to follow Jesus? Could we see Jesus talking about others?
The devil is stealing our hearts. He is trying to get us to talk about one another. When we talk about others, we sacrifice the purity of our soul.
There is a negative spirit moving in the Movement. The spirit wants to divide us. We will undergo horrendous testing. Do not give into the bad spirit, to pry us apart and make us sin.
When one person, who has not spent time with Jesus, begins to complain about others, we must not give in to them. There is an energy that comes forth from a person talking about others that is negative and wounding. It zaps the energy of the person listening. They must be holy to withstand this attack from Satan. There is division, created by a divided heart and fed by Satan's evil hand.
The devil is using this to divide the Movement, this energy created by a few of his souls who refuse to do as Jesus told us.
Jesus: Leaders in the Movement must pray one hour before the tabernacle daily. If you do not, Satan will work on the weakest link and create great problems in the Movement.
No one is exempt. I am telling you once and for all, your Movement is a movement of love. There is division among you. You will not proceed ahead as I wish with such divided hearts.
Some continue to discuss one another in hatred and pass a negative energy from one to another where there should be love and peace.
Satan is working on the tongues that lash out at others. Satan is in the hearts of those who make themselves better than others. You are to be in one heart.
To make yourself right and other wrong is NOT from God. My way is peace and love!
The negative energy is being passed through your Movement and wounding the hearts of many. You sacrifice your purity when you discuss others angrily.
I say to you, woe to those who harbor anger in their hearts. I am watching every move you make and I know your every thought and word you utter. DO NOT GIVE INTO SATAN! He is permeating your Movement with a negative energy of people who continue to give into his tauntings. I do not want you to angrily discuss one another. It is indeed a sin and divides your heart from Me.
Please publish this letter to all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement.
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First Printing: August, 1997