We Have One Life in Christ
June 12, 1994
R. Our lives cannot be separated. We must be united in Christ. We do not have our lives and then go to church and share in His life. Our lives are to be lived in Christ.
Christ, be ever in my breast, on my lips, in my actions, in my thoughts. What comes from me is Christ, acting through me. As I become one in Christ, He lives in me and it is a might that cannot be contained. He flows from my actions. He speaks with my tongue. The more I am in union with Him, the more He operates from me. There is a oneness. I live in Him, He lives in me. What flows from me is the life of Christ in me. His love flows to those I touch. The ideal is to be united so closely to Him that my life is His life radiating from me. My life is to be lived minute by minute in union with Him. To put on Christ and to live in this world with His life within me, this is my goal, Christ's life ever present in all my actions.