Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

November 24, 2001

November 25th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 6 Period II.
The Novena Rosary Mystery
for November 25th is Glorious.


Messenger: We have a Donor that will match the funds for the Newsletter so for every $1 you give, the donor will match the money for the Newsletter until we get $150,000 for the Newsletter Book II.

Jesus wants it out --

Please we need the money urgently because God the Father wants the Newsletter Book II out by Christmas.



Messenger:  I sat here on this drive way in the early nineties at Our
                        Lady of the Holy Spirit Center. I was still
                        teaching at XU and Our Lord and Our Lady told me to
                        come here and pray here before the old seminary was
                        ever opened as Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.

                    I prayed a lot before Our Lady at XU and her
                        face would change, she would be covered
                        with light and she would become much
                        larger than the statue.

                    It was a time in preparation for me to go
                        public with the messages.
                    Our Lord and Our Lady told me to come and
                        pray at the old seminary. It was
                        before anything started here.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   I was directed to come here and to pray,
                        parking on the driveway, remembering
                        all the priests that were here when
                        my brother went here to seminary.
                    It was all locked up then and I was the
                        only one around.
                    I did this many times, praying the rosary
                        in the same spot I am parked in now,
                        right by the wing where Mary would
                        eventually appear to me, but I never
                        knew it then that Mary would appear to me there.
                        My heart was filled with memories of the
                        priests and how it was when my brother
                        was there in the seminary.
                    It was very crowded, my family would all
                        gather on the steps and in the foyer where
                        now is a big statue of the Sacred Heart.
                    I never knew when we met in a classroom
                        to visit with my brother, it may have
                        been the same classroom where Mary appeared in.
                        It looks the same on the pictures. There
                        would be different groups of people
                        in one room visiting their sons in the

                    I never knew where we sat for vespers would
                        be about the same place where I would sit and
                        Mary would appear to me daily for all
                        those months.

                    I remember Father Carter in the beginning. Mary had
                        appeared a few days and then one night
                        Father Carter showed up and said Our Lord and
                        Our Lady wanted him to come and pray.
                        My two children were there with me.
                        Well it soon grew and grew and many people
                        came to the Shepherds of Christ meetings which would center
                        around the Virgin Mary in the back of the
                        main chapel.

                        Father Carter came daily to the apparitions,
                    for months. He was faithful in discerning the
                    daily messages then found in the Blue

                        Most of the time since I received messages
                    I have always had a daily message.

                        In the beginning I was awakened in my sleep
                    and I would go to my study and Jesus would
                    give me the messages.

                        But from the earliest messages, He woke me from
                    my sleep. He acted on my soul a lot in Mass,
                    after reception of the Eucharist and praying before
                    the tabernacle.

                        Sometimes though I would just get a message
                    anywhere, like the consecration for the home
                    He gave me in a restaurant and I wrote it
                    on a napkin sometimes.

                        The prayer before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
                    in minutes as the priest went up the short aisle
                    in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel before Mass one
                    day at the Cathedral.

                        The Prayer for Union with Jesus in a couple of minutes on
                    the morning of January 17, 1994 He had awakened me 
                    January 17, 1994 at  3:40 a.m. and given me the 
                    "I Want My Priests to Come Back" message.

                        Then the next morning he gave me the Prayer
                    for Union with Jesus as quick as I could write it, a couple minutes.

                        When He told me He wanted me to write the Holy
                    Spirit Novena, I just waited because I didn't
                    know how I would do it. When I finally did sit
                    down to write it, it took about ten minutes, He
                    wrote it, I didn't.

                        When He gave me the Song from Jesus on the
                    feast of the Holy Rosary October 7, 1994, my daughter sat next
                    to me, on the piano bench. I came
                    home praying, I received it in minutes,
                    I never knew I could write music.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   I called up Father Carter and I played it for

                        The song I Love You Jesus was after I went
                    to Mass at the Priests Residents Chapel and I
                    was filled with His Presence and He led me
                    to the Holy Spirit Chapel at Our Lady of the Holy
                    Spirit Center, there I wrote it in my notebook -
                    again in minutes, wondering how could I ever do it.
                    It was only by the grace of God I took that one hour
                    class from my teacher who told us how to listen
                    and write down notes. I turned my notebook
                    into staff paper and wrote all the songs from
                    Jesus this way.




Servants and Handmaids at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit
Center October 14, 2001


November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   I can still see all the seminarians that were here
                        at the seminary, some are now our priests in the
                        Cincinnati diocese. I came up to visit my brother
                        when many of our diocese priests were in
                        here (the old seminary).

                    Between visiting  him in the seminary and my
                        sister in a very large convent, I know
                        how crowded the seminary and convent
                        was in the sixties.
                        My sister had to wash up in a wash bowl
                        because there were not enough bathroom
                        facilities when she was a postulant.
                    She wore a little net hat and a black dress
                        with a white rounded collar.
                    Then she got a big head dress with a white
                        hood when she was a novice.
                    And then she got a big black veil with
                        a starched white material around
                        her face and starched white collars.

                    All I know is I went to school and most of
                        my teachers in grade school were
                        sisters and lots of teachers in high school were sisters,
                        the principals were always sisters -
                        the convents were full.

                    The seminary was full of seminarians singing at
                    To a child in grade school, I thought the
                        vespers went on forever. I would see
                        all the future priests at Mt. St. Mary's seminary
                        and listen to their
                        beautiful voices sing.

                    Saturday is a big day for Mary.
                    Mary likes us to honor her on Saturday Morning.
                    Father Carter always said the Mass of the Blessed
                        Virgin on Saturdays, whenever he could.
                        That is how I learned the readings so
                        Father Carter taught me to lector.
                I loved the readings.



Genesis 3: 9-15, 20

But Yahweh God called to the man. ‘Where are you?’ he asked. ‘I heard the sound of you in the garden,’ he replied. ‘I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.’ ‘Who told you that you were naked?’ he asked. ‘Have you been eating from the tree I forbade you to eat?’ The man replied, ‘It was the woman you put with me; she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.’ Then Yahweh God said to the woman, ‘Why did you do that?’ The woman replied, ‘The snake tempted me and I ate.’

Then Yahweh God said to the snake, ‘Because you have done this,

    Accursed be you
    of all animals wild and tame!
    On your belly you will go
    and on dust you will feed
    as long as you live.
    I shall put enmity
    between you and the woman,
    and between your offspring and hers;
    it will bruise your head
    and you will strike its heel.’

The man named his wife ‘Eve’ because she was the mother of all those who live.



Luke 1:46-55
The Magnificat

And Mary said:
My soul proclaims
    the greatness of the Lord
and my spirit rejoices
    in God my Saviour;

because he has looked upon
    the humiliation of his servant.

Yes, from now onwards
    all generations will call me blessed,
for the Almighty
    has done great things for me.
Holy is his name,
and his faithful love extends age after age
    to those who fear him.

He has used the power of his arm,
he has routed the arrogant of heart.
He has pulled down princes
    from their thrones
        and raised high the lowly.
He has filled the starving with good things,
    sent the rich away empty.
He has come to the help
    of Israel his servant,
        mindful of his faithful love

--according to the promise
    he made to our ancestors--
of his mercy to Abraham
    and to his descendants for ever.



Alleluia - Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   He would do different Gospels.

                      In China before every Mass he wanted
                          us to sing Hail Mary Gentle Woman.
                      He loved Mary so much and he saw himself
                          as a little baby in her arms.


Our Lady of China


November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   Here is Our Lady of China, just like Father
                         said he envisioned himself in her
                         He had an old rumpled up picture of
                             the child Jesus in Mary's arms in
                             his room in Columbiere where he died.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   It looked like he had been clutching
                           it and holding it a lot.
                      He was only there 4 days when he died
                           and there wasn't a lot of things in
                           the room.

                      His apostles pendant was by his bed.
                           He always wore his apostles pendant
                           from the Shepherds of Christ.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   He had blessed all our apostles pendants
                         and he always wore his, it was
                         right by his bed.

                     Well I went to another big church in Cincinnati today on Saturday
                         morning - they had a communion service
                         too. They always have 8:15 Mass.

                     John went to a place last night that always
                         has a 7:15 Mass and they didn't have any
                         Mass or communion service.

                         I inquired about daily Masses somewhere else, they
                     said "oh they only have Masses on Saturday and

                     This is Jesus movement for the renewal of the Church
                         and the World.

                     The Father really wants the priestly Newsletter Book II

                     The Mass is the richest source of grace.
                     The people of the world need God's grace.
                     As the availability of the Masses dwindle and 
                         dwindle, and we have fewer and fewer priests, 
                         there are less and less Masses.

                     It seems then less grace would be released.

                     Listen to Revelation 12 about conquering
                         satan with the Blood of the Lamb.



Revelation 12: 11

They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word to which they bore witness, because even in the face of death they did not cling to life.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   I come to deliver a message.

                      Here is a picture of Jesus February 5, 2001


February 5, 2001


November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   Here is a picture November 5, 2001.


November 5, 2001 November 5, 2001


November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   We took the picture on the left and
                        about ten minutes later the
                        picture on the right.

                    Same camera, same light, same

                    Something really changes don't you

                    Please help us do what Our Lord is asking
                        us to do.

                    A sign

                    An old seminary



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   Birth of Shepherds of Christ Movement.

                      Mary appeared here
                          July 5, 1994 - September 5, 1995

                      September 11, 1995 is when they called me
                          and set up an appointment for September 12.

                      September 12, 1995 the lay discernment board told me - no more
                          Shepherds of Christ prayers at the
                          Holy Spirit Center (old seminary).

                      October 13, 1996 Jesus called apostles at Tom's farm.

                      December 17, 1996 Mary appeared in Clearwater



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   December 17, 2001 5 year anniversary.

                      Message for Father Carter


~ July 31, 1994 ~

Words of Jesus to Members
of Shepherds of Christ Associates:

    "My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.

    "I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.

    "I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   Message Father Carter



~ October 13, 1994 ~ 

The Birth of the Full Ministries
of the Shepherds of Christ

    "I wish to share with you part of a message which Jesus gave us on October 13, 1994. The message tells us about the expansion of the Shepherds of Christ movement:

    'My beloved priest-companion, today I come to you with another mission. I am asking you to establish Shepherds of Christ Ministries. At My request you have already begun the priestly newsletter, "Shepherds of Christ", and the prayer chapters, Shepherds of Christ Associates...

    'I am giving you this message on this day, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, because of the close connection between the Shepherds of Christ movement and the Fatima message. The Fatima message is centered in devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart, especially in consecration to Our Hearts. Shepherds of Christ Ministries is also centered in devotion to Our Hearts. I will use Shepherds of Christ Ministries as a great instrument in helping to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. When this occurs, My Church and the world will be experiencing the great era of peace promised by My Mother at Fatima.

    'Today, then, October 13, 1994, the 77th Anniversary of the Great Apparition at Fatima, marks the birth of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I pour forth the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.'

    "Jesus has told us that Shepherds of Christ Ministries includes: the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, Shepherds of Christ Associates prayer chapters, various publications, including books, whatever else Our Lord directs us to undertake.

    "As members of Shepherds of Christ Associates, you are an extremely important part of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. You have given great joy to the Heart of Jesus by responding to His invitation to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. As He draws you closer to His Heart and to His Mother's Heart as Associates members, He will fill you with an ever-increasing experience of His love, peace, and joy."

- From In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Newsletter of Shepherds of Christ Associates
by Fr. Edward J. Carter S.J., Volume 1, No. 1, 1995. p. 2.




Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

My dear fellow Associate Members,

Jesus is calling special apostles to join a new division of the Shepherds of Christ Movement. Here is a message from Jesus given to Father Carter:

My beloved priest-companion, I am requesting that a new prayer movement be started under the direction of Shepherds of Christ Ministries. I am asking for volunteers who are willing to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for one hour, twice-weekly. Members of the Shepherds of Christ prayer chapters, as well as others, are to be invited to join this movement.

These apostles are to pray for the intentions I am giving you. For part of the hour they are to use the prayers of the Shepherds of Christ Associates Handbook. They may spend the rest of the hour as they so choose.

I will use this new prayer movement within My Shepherds of Christ Ministries in a powerful way to help in the renewal of My Church and the world. I will give great graces to those who join this movement. The name, Apostles of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, is to be given to this movement.

I am inviting My beloved Rita Ring to be coordinator for this activity.

I pour out the great love of My Sacred Heart to all. I am Jesus, Chief Shepherd of the flock.

    This is indeed a special calling for us to unite in one heart with His Eucharistic Heart and pray for the following intentions:

  1. For the spread of the devotion to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary culminating in the reign of the Sacred Heart and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
  2. For the Pope.
  3. For all bishops of the world.
  4. For all priests.
  5. For all sisters and brothers in the religious life.
  6. For all members of the Shepherds of Christ Movement, and for the spread of this movement to the world.
  7. For all members of the Catholic Church.
  8. For all members of the human family.
  9. For all souls in purgatory.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:   Who would they believe if they wouldn't
                            believe a holy Jesuit priest -
                            writing 17 Books
                                33 Newsletters the circulating then going
                                    to 75,000 priests.

                     On December 5, 1996
                            Our Lord appeared to me at the
                                point of death because
                                He said -

                            No one was listening.





November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:  Here is the Plan of the Father

                        January 5, 1995

"I am the Father, My plan will unfold despite any willfulness."



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:  We will put Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual
                         in every Newsletter Book - sent
                         to 75,000 priests.

                     Father Carter's Newsletters
                         September/October 1996 Newsletter until
                         December 1999.

                     3 years of Newsletters to help
                         change the face of the

                     This is Jesus Plan not mine.

                     We can advertise the Movies,
                         but not the image of Our Lady.

                     We can do everything, but even
                         listen to one word our
                         Lady and Our Lord gives.

                     THIS IS the old seminary -
                         why did the corner fall off
                             on Lucia's birthday.
                         March 22, 1994.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:  The Number of Masses are dwindling.

                     It is satan that blocked the
                         mission Mary began at



      Observe the First Saturday                    

     Help make reparation to Their Hearts  

            for offenses against Them.

November 24, 2001 message continues

Messenger:  It is satan that is blocking
                        us from reaching the Church
                        and world with the
                        prayers Our Lord gave to
                        Father Carter.



13th Promise

Jesus speaks: "...I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

— July 31, 1994



Newsletter Book II


November 24, 2001 message continues

Message from Jesus:

                                You do not hear Me.

                            I showed you My Heart
                                December 17, 1991.


December 17, 1991 His Burning Heart

Messenger:  I was alone in All Saints Church after Mass and Communion, in front of the tabernacle, when I saw the Sacred Heart. It was red around the outside, then a layer of yellow and then the brightest light in the center. I felt heat and it looked like an open furnace.

    I thought about it all day and it instantly gave me peace and warmth in my heart. This is the purpose of these lettersto draw hearts to the ardent on-fire love of Jesus. I received the following message that day:

    "Open your heart to the fire of God's love. He is ablaze in your heart. He wants to dwell in you and love you and others through you. Love God, yourself and one another and experience the fire set aglow in your heart and experience the warmth of His love."

end of writing about December 17, 1991

10 years ago




November 24, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:  5 years ago December 5, 1996

                        "NO ONE IS LISTENING"

                        How will I reach you?
                        You wouldn't believe a
                            Jesuit priest in good -

                        Now he intercedes at the
                            throne of God for the

                        Shepherds of Christ members pray united to
                            him. Pray through
                            the intercession
                            of Our Lady of
                            Clearwater -

                        Hear Father Carter say
                            "Our Hearts are merged."

Jesus speaks:     Come to My Heart, Come to My
                        Eucharistic Heart -
                        There you will know peace.
                        Please help Me circulate My Newsletter
                        Book II, pray for your donors,
                        Do you want to change the face
                            of the earth?

                        Do you want your priests to
                            dwindle more and more and there
                            will be less and less Masses being

                        I have answered your prayers.
                        I have answered you.
                        You ignore Me.



November 24, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:  Pray the Prayers I
                            give you, Shepherds of Christ Prayers.
                            Please quit fighting
                            Me and persecuting My
                            messengers that deliver this
                            message I give.




A Message for the Earth from Jesus
January 22, 1998

Jesus speaks: I am the Good Shepherd, these are My prayers, the prayers I give to help renew the Church and the world, all prayer chapters are asked to include these prayers (found in the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual). As My Apostles and Shepherds I ask you to encourage all existing Chapters to try to encourage all existing prayer groups to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Encourage all Churches to pray these prayers. It is most urgent that the people of this earth concur with the Father's wishes to begin Prayer Chapters. This is an urgent request from the Good Shepherd. The flock will become one when they have given their hearts to Jesus and Mary. Encourage all priests to pray the Shepherds of Christ prayers. Your world will be lighted with great light as the people of this earth pray these prayers.

    My promise is this to you My beloved earth: When you give your heart to Me and spread the devotion to My Sacred Heart, I will write your name In My Heart. I promise to give the greatest graces when you pray these prayers for renewal of the Church and the world and take all who pray them deeply into My Heart. The prayers I give will bring about the reign of My Sacred Heart and the triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart. I am Jesus Christ, this is My message of January 22, 1998, Please circulate this message to your world. I am the Good Shepherd, I know Mine and Mine know Me and they follow Me. Grace My Shepherds, I will give you the greatest graces for spreading these words to this earth and to your Church. I love you, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, it is the Plan of the Father that Prayer Chapters are begun immediately and the Priestly Newsletter is given to all priests. The Voice of the Good Shepherd speaks through it.

end of January 22, 1998 message



November 24, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:  When will you listen.
                         Your seminaries and convents are closing.
                         You publicize movies, but a
                           sign given like this -
                               you ignore.
                         How can I reach you?

                         Would you listen
                             to any messenger?

                         Priest, lay person -

                         Did you listen to Father Carter?

                         He was persecuted and suffered
                             for what He did.

                         The Jesuits are to promote the
                             devotion to My Sacred Heart -
                             promote the morning offering.
                         I sent this Movement through a
                             Jesuit priest and you
                              suppressed the
                               message I gave
                                instead of

                         Now will you
                             help Me circulate
                             My Newsletters or will
                             you continue to
                             ignore Me.

                         What would get your attention.
                         I cry for you and for your children.
                         I love you so much,
                         I have given Myself to

                         I am Jesus, the Sacred Heart of
                             Jesus, Chief Shepherd of
                             the flock.



Excerpt from November 4, 2001 message




Jesus speaks:  To those who pray My prayers I
                        promise the following special

                                 - A deeper understanding of the 
                                     Divine Mysteries through fervent
                                     recitation of the litanies.

                                 - I promise a deeper love in your heart
                                     for your God and a deeper love
                                     for your fellowmen.

                                 - Those who pray the prayers fervently
                                    will experience a deep union 
                                    in My Heart and My Mother's heart,
                                    they will be given special insights
                                    into My unfathomable love for men
                                    and experience a thirsting within
                                    themselves to want to help souls
                                    through intercessory prayer and sacrifices.

                                 - They will have a deeper love of the Mass
                                    through this deeper consecration.
                                    [consecration to Their Hearts]

                                 - They will know Me more intimately.

                                 - They will want to live their lives to 
                                    help save souls.

                                 - They will have a deeper love for the priests shepherds.
                                 - They will have a deeper love and dedication
                                    to the Church. (I founded)

                                 - They will want peace on the earth.
                                 - They will want peace in their own hearts.

                                 - You will experience a fearlessness the more
                                    you pray the Holy Spirit Novena prayers
                                    given to you.

                                 - As you meditate on the scriptures you will
                                    understand more fully the plan of
                                    the Father to lead the souls into the
                                    great Reign of My Sacred Heart.

                                 - You and all who pray the Holy Spirit Novena
                                    and the Shepherds of Christ Prayers will be
                                    united in a deep oneness with each other
                                    and the souls of the earth.

                                 - The more you pray these prayers (both sets)
                                    you will live in the truth as you
                                    dwell in Our Hearts.

                                  - You will be given gifts of the Holy Spirit.

                                  - You and your family will be protected by
                                    My Precious Blood and your families
                                    will receive special protection
                                    against satan from fervent recitation
                                    of the prayers. (the Holy Spirit Novena
                                    and the Shepherds of Christ Prayers)

                                 - I promise to take you and the members of
                                    your family in a special way
                                    into My Sacred Heart. I will lavish
                                    you in the fires of My love.

                                 - The priests and the people of the Church and the world
                                    will receive special graces from the fervent
                                    recitation of these prayers. (both sets)

                                 - I will unite My people in a deeper love
                                    from the graces granted from
                                    fervent recitation of these prayers.

                                 - I give these prayers from My image site
                                    in Florida.
                                   I appear there daily as the Sacred Heart.
                                   Some see Me, some do not, but there
                                    is a special presence there.
                                   My Mother appears there for her children.

                                 - In the five years of her apparitions many
                                    souls who have come have been
                                    given special graces of conversion.
                                    Many have been given grace to lead
                                    them into a deeper love union with
                                    God and the Blessed Virgin.

                                 - The image site in Florida has touched
                                    the world.

                                 - I outpour great grace to those who come
                                    to the site.

                                 - There are tremendous graces of healing
                                    granted to all who come.

                                 - People who come rarely leave unchanged.
                                 - The grace granted works in their lives and in
                                    their hearts, long after they have gone.

                                 - A reminder of their visit only need be given
                                    and they experience a memory of
                                    that moment.

                                I ask you to circulate the prayers I have
                                    given, the Shepherds of Christ Prayers 
                                    and the Holy Spirit Novena prayers.

                                I ask you to circulate the image [pictures].

                                The images can have a profound
                                    effect on people's hearts.

                                I ask you to circulate the videos
                                    I have given to you and to
                                    continue making these to circulate....

                                Coloring books, Blue Books, videos are
                                    available for Christmas presents.

                                Please continue to put the ads in
                                    the papers.

                                Please put the ad with the exposed
                                    Eucharist in the Catholic Papers
                                    so people will know how
                                    to acquire a prayer manual.

end of excerpt from November 4, 2001




~ July 31, 1994 ~

Words of Jesus to Members
of Shepherds of Christ Associates:

    "My beloved priest-companion, I intend to use the priestly newsletter, Shepherds of Christ, and the movement, Shepherds of Christ Associates, in a powerful way for the renewal of My Church and the world.

    "I will use the newsletter and the chapters of Shepherds of Christ Associates as a powerful instrument for spreading devotion to My Heart and My Mother's Heart.

    "I am calling many to become members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. To all of them I will give great blessings. I will use them as instruments to help bring about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the reign of My Sacred Heart. I will give great graces to the members of Shepherds of Christ Associates. I will call them to be deeply united to My Heart and to Mary's Heart as I lead them ever closer to My Father in the Holy Spirit."

- Message from Jesus to Father Edward J. Carter, S.J., Founder, as given on July 31, 1994,
feast of Saint Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits)



Excerpt from September 8, 2001 message

Mary speaks:      I want the Bishops to consecrate their dioceses
                                to my Immaculate Heart. My Son Jesus
                                wants the Bishops to consecrate their dioceses
                                to His Sacred Heart.

Jesus speaks:     It is My desire that the Bishops of America and
                                the Bishops of the world entrust their dioceses 
                                to My Most Sacred Heart and the Heart of My
                                Mother Mary. I desire they encourage
                                the devotion to Our two Hearts in all
                                dioceses and all Churches. I desire
                                this with all My Heart. I am the Sacred
                                Heart of Jesus, you will not have peace
                                in the world until more listen to Me
                                and comply to these wishes. I want to 
                                be the King and Center of all Hearts.

                            I desire the picture of My Heart and My Mother's
                                heart and or statues be placed in the churches.
                                When a Church is consecrated/enthroned to
                                Our two Hearts they will grow in greater
                                I am the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
                                I will Reign on the earth.

                            Why are you so resistant to listen to Me
                                and follow My requests.

                            How do I deliver a message to you?

                            You will not even take notice of the
                                sign given on the building in

                            The Fatima message must be observed.

                            You must make reparation to Our
                                two Hearts.

                            I give to you the Shepherds of Christ Prayers.

                            I directed Father Carter how to compile
                                these prayers for the priests, and the
                                renewal of the Church and the world.

                            Here is a message I sent on December 20, 1993.
                            I came knocking, with the following writing.
                                    "Angels will read the Message"

                                I came in light.

                                I deliver this message, but you do not hear


Excerpt from December 20, 1993 

"...Why would I come to this earth, give My life for all My beautiful creatures, and then, at this stage of the game, not send some mighty medicine to cure My sick little ones? ..."

September 8, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:      I ask you to help Me get My Newsletter II Book
                                to the 75,000 priests before Christmas, 
                                I desire all efforts be made to include a 
                                prayer manual.

                            My desire for the 4 Newsletters after Fr. Carter's
                                death this year 2001 have not been met.

                            I beg you to pray fervently for the donor who
                                can help to accomplish this task (the Priestly
                                Newsletter Book II
) and all involved. Pray
                                fervently, pray hourly if possible.

Messenger:         Jesus also indicated at some point He desired the
                                Priestly Newsletter Book II sent to all Jesuits
                                and all Bishops in the world. 

Jesus speaks:      This mailing could majorly help to change the
                                face of the earth and help bring to completion
                                the mission Mary began at Fatima.

                            You do not hear the voice of the Good Shepherd
                                       in My writings and works.

                            You are not open.

                            You will not even look at Mary on the building.

                            What sign would get you to take notice?...

end of excerpt from September 8, 2001



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Merry Christmas


   During the Rosary and 6:20 Prayers
November 5, 2001

December 17, 2001
5 years
since Mary appeared
Prayers 6:20 PM & Procession


(Right next to each other #19 & #20
on the roll)

     Mary speaks:            

      My dear children,
          I have appeared now for five years from
        my image site in Clearwater, Florida.
        Special graces will be given for all those
        coming on this anniversary of my five year
        appearance and praying devoutly.
        My Son Jesus has appeared here. We call you
        to come and to pray for the priests, the Church
        and the world.
          A special prayer vigil with procession
        will begin at  6:20. Other prayers are prayed
        all through the day beneath Mary's image.
        The 6:20 prayers have been prayed beneath
        my image since July 5, 1998 and throughout
        the world. My Son Jesus wants you to come
        and to sing praise to your God. He wishes
        you to come and gather on this day.
        Oh my children, I love you so much. There
        is so much evil in the world. My children my
        Son Jesus wants you to come and pray.
                                   I am Mary your Mother

Mary appeared in Clearwater
on December 17, 1996

     Jesus speaks:       

      Oh My beloved children,
          Come to Me. Bring the little ones. Prayers
       are held daily at 6:20. I want the little ones to
       come and see the gifts God has given you here.
       My little ones must pray. You must pray. There
       will be prayers throughout the days as usual. Have
       rosary meditation books and rosaries available.
       Pictures for all who come.
           Bring your petitions to Me. I will grant you
       special graces for your heartfelt prayers.
           Oh I love you so much. Please come. Pray -
       help make reparation to Our Hearts. Have prayer
       sheets and coloring books available. Morning
       Offering cards (Say daily). Have videos of the
       Mass and Nursing home videos available.
           Encourage all to pray the prayers, to pray the
       rosary and to consecrate their hearts.
           Have cards "I give my heart to Jesus and Mary
      This is a special day to heaven. This is a special
  place. Come and pray for the days before and after
  also if you wish. The big celebration is December 17,
  2001 at 6:20 call for details. I ask you to come to Me.
  I love you so much. Please pray for your world.
                                             I am Jesus your Savior.

November 5, 2001
Jesus' face


I love you, I love you, I love you,



Nursing Home Mass Video

We updated the Nursing videos so that if you have a good dialup 
connection, you should be able to watch the movie live.

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click here to download the Nursing Home and Homebound Mass video (12.3 MB)



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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
November 24, 2001
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Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193

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