Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages
rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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Jesus speaks: My child, I speak to you now of love, for the Father wills every relationship to be loving. I give to you My pure perfect Heart, I ask you to meditate on the mysteries of the rosary. You cannot ignore the rosary. In the rosary you meditate on the interaction between My Heart and the pure and Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary. I cannot tell you how immensely important and powerful it is for your life to gather your family or to join in with your friends at 6:30 p.m. and pray the prayers in the Shepherds of Christ Prayer Manual and the rosary.
I am God, I am in charge, I give grace. I am the Initiator you are not in control. I choose to give grace to join hearts into deeper union with God and others. It is in the litanies you make great reparation to Our Hearts. It is in reciting the promises I gave to St. Margaret Mary that you realize the treasures I give to those devoted to My Sacred Heart. The greatest gifts are found in Our two Hearts. Within My Heart is found the treasure of divine wisdom and grace, knowledge and love.
Mary speaks: My rosary I give to you, my children, so that you will be able to live your lives more likened to Our lives. As you meditate more and more on the mysteries of the rosary, Our lives live in your lives. The Holy Spirit is very active in your hearts. If the others are not praying with you, especially regarding children, do not get angry. Stop and kindly tell them how Jesus loves their sweet prayers and is listening to them. Tell them how all in heaven immensely love the rosary and pray with you. I am with you and my Son, Jesus, is with you in a special way when the family prays the rosary together. I love the candle rosaries. My Son has promised the greatest graces for these candle rosaries, especially at 6:30 p.m. with the Shepherds of Christ prayers. These special graces will unite your hearts to Ours.
The devil talks in your heads, my children. You must go to your heart and ask yourself how much you love the other and what you really want. The devil tries to work on the emotions within the person, working on them so the person stays focused on past wounds and imperfections. He uses this crack to get in through past hurts and unmet needs. He works in the person's thoughts. Some rationalize, "Here it is again, no matter how hard I try, it never works, I should give up this place." Satan works through the emotions, negative emotions. Sometimes emotions of escape mount up within the person. He feels he must act immediately and do something. Many times this divides him from the one he loves and causes tremendous pain.
Satan's plan is hand-tailored for every person. He picks on the weakness of that person and tries to get him to divide, to escape, telling him the situation is intolerable. He rationalizes it has happened over and over again and he wants separation from the one he feels has hurt him. This mounting tension many times leads to the person responding irrationally and hastily. This usually causes one great pain. Many times Satan uses this method to divide people working in the ministry, working in God's service.
Prayer must come from a gentle, humble heart. When praying together, begin in joint connection, always casting out Satan. Realize the immense power of joint prayer. This is not to say that individual prayer is not most effective and powerful.
Satan's game is division. My shepherd apostles and associates, Jesus wants you to pray His prayers together. I and Jesus will be with you in a special way when you pray them together.
You must ask God to spread you with the Blood of Jesus and pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you.
You are in battle, my holy souls. Satan is real. He wants you to quit praying. He wants to divide your hearts so that you will suffer all day.
Satan knows if he has succeeded in dividing your hearts from the brothers you love, this will harm your union with Jesus. You truly are in battle. Come to my Immaculate Heart. Carry my rosary on your body and wear your scapular. These will help to protect you from Satan. Always consecrate your hearts when joining with others. If they are not willing, you consecrate their hearts silently to Our Hearts and ask the Blood of Jesus be spread on you and them.
When attending Mass, consecrate the heart of the priest to Our Hearts and pray for the Holy Spirit to descend upon him. Consecrate the hearts of all in the church that they be deeply united with the priest. Pray for great grace in the Mass.
All through the day consecrate the Church and the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and my Immaculate Heart.
I love you my children, the devil wishes to stop you.
You are in battle, my little children. He wants your soul and the souls of all my children.
I love you so much, my little children, help me, help me please, I am Mary your Mother.
Genesis 3:15
I shall put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; it will bruise your head and you will strike its heel.
Messenger: A word from Mary on healing past wounds in the heart and satanic attacks.
Mary speaks: The devil strikes at your head child, in the end all authority will be under the feet of my Son, Jesus.
1 Corinthians 15:27
But when it is said everything is subjected, this obviously cannot include the One who subjected everything to him.
Mary speaks: The devil comes abruptly, he is noisy, and demands his way. When dealing with people beware of how the devil will attempt to attack you. Through your own weaknesses, wounds and imperfections in a combination of events in dealing with others, the devil tries to get you to divide from one another and sin. The devil wishes you to act now, impulsively. The devil distorts the truth, confuses the issues, and works in this combination of events to cause division, pain, hatred and suffering. My children may be happy and feeling great peace, and he strikes many times most abruptly through a manipulation of events and circumstances, inward thoughts of one person and the spoken words of another, to create enormous fights and trouble that can divide people permanently for life. The devil wants to break up relationships. The devil wishes to stop all love between people. The devil wishes that all hearts are wounded hearts. The devil wishes all to be isolated from each other. The devil is the opposite of God. The devil is HATE, God is LOVE. God brings about union, oneness. The devil promotes hatred, envy, jealousy, pride, boastfulness, gluttony, lust, all that is evil. The devil wants division and isolation and will do everything to attack my children. He wants their souls forever in the pit of hell. My children, life in heaven is to be existent for all eternity in the everlasting, loving embrace of your beloved God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Heaven is total happiness, completeness, satisfaction, knowing God and wanting nothing.
Hell is total isolation, being absorbed in hatred, wanting God and knowing for all eternity one will never have Him, and when the body is joined with the soul one will suffer physical torment. For all eternity the souls in hell will have the most anguishing pain. They will never have any love or union. I have allowed my messenger to hear the anguishing screams of the souls in hell, for theirs is indeed a horrible fate.
The devil is real my children. I have warned you and warned you. I cry out for my little ones going to hell. I quote from the Our Father "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." My children, when the world parades its sexual pictures before my children, they do not tell them of the reality of hell. My children, I cry to you, help me.
The devil attacks your head, he tells you, you are right, you have been wronged. I tell you, you must go to your heart.
When you experience a rush of emotion, when your emotions change in a moment from peace to anxiousness or anger or hurt, you must realize you could be being attacked by Satan. Do not operate trying to prove a point or act impulsively in anger. Do not give in to a rush of emotions. Many times you feel you must leave a situation. You must stop. You must respond in love from your heart. You focus on God's will for you. God is love. You must be prudent. Even if you realize that you must leave, you act in prudence and love, not because you are being driven by a rush of emotions. Please read the third Blue Book, cast out Satan, count to ten, pray the Hail Mary, pray for grace. Tell God of your need for His grace to handle the situation. You could be under Satan's attack to cause trouble, confusion and division. Pray for grace.
I love you, I will crush the head of the serpent, come to my Immaculate Heart. You must ask yourself how you feel in your heart, focusing on your love and my love for that person.
Many times Satan works in situations like this to create division and hatred. You are affected by all your experiences. Many needs may not have been met in previous love experiences. When you are at peace and someone says something that wounds you deeply, many times it is because the person has said something that recalled a similar painful situation from childhood or other loving relationships. When you are wounded instantly by a word from someone you love deeply, you must not react improperly, you must study the situation and see if you are re-acting in proportion to what is actually happening here and now. Many people are reacting because of a few words spoken by another. The pain inside could very well be from old wounds, and the present word was like a sword put into an old unhealed wound, and it hurt deeply.
In a sudden rush of emotion as this in relationships with intimate friends, these feelings should be discussed after the wounded party has analyzed the situation to see exactly what did happen. Many times the old unhealed wounds of the past cause tremendous pain in present situations.
I tell you as your Mother, the devil works in old unhealed wounds and imperfections to cause division between people that deeply love one another. If you are to have intimate relationships between husbands and wives, family members, men and women, women and women, men and men, friend and friend, you must share the feelings in your hearts. The devil will continue to work to divide you if you do not openly talk about problems, especially those coming from quick reactions and showing great pain. You must go inward my children. You cannot be healed if you blame others when you have a bad pain inside. The pains inside must be seen in the light of truth. You cannot heap your bad moods and wounds on your present, most loving partner. Loving relationships exist that both parties grow in love according to God's will. You must take responsibility for your own wounds and pain and discuss problems from the heart in love.
Today is the couples rosary in Morrow, Ohio. Jesus has asked couples to share their feelings, writing for ten minutes. This is given in a daily message (September 25, 1998)
I am Mary your Mother, I ask you to write on this question. I ask all to write:
Q: Who has offended me in my past loving relationships?
In this question list those who have caused you great pain in your heart: your mother, father, sister, husband, friend, etc.
Ask Jesus to help you be truthful and bring the pain to light. Feel the pain, cry if you hurt and ask God to help you to forgive them. Ask God to help you heal from the wound.
I am Mary, your Mother. I want to help you to heal from old wounds and fight off satanic attacks.
You will not heal from the old wounds if you do not admit the truth to yourself. You must admit the truth to yourself.
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