Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.

We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome.

I appear my children on this former bank building in Florida, Our Lady Clothed with the Sun.

December 10, 2001

December 11th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 4 Period II.
The Novena Rosary Mystery
for December 11th is Joyful.


If you wish to make a retreat, come to China!

            December 13, 2001 - Mass at 12 noon and then rosary

                        48 hours of adoration—December 12 - 14th

                          Mass December 14th at 12 noon


Messenger: We have a Donor that will match the funds for the Newsletter so for every $1 you give, the donor will match the money for the Newsletter until we get $150,000 for the Newsletter Book II.

Jesus wants it out —

Please we need the money urgently because God the Father wants the Newsletter Book II out by Christmas. 

Excerpt from July 14, 2001 message

Mary speaks:

     ...The Father wishes the Priestly Newsletter Book II
    to reach all the 75,000 Priests. Pray Hourly for
    funds for this.
..Please if you can help, help
        Sending the Priestly Newsletter Book II to the
    75,000 Priests will help to change the face of the

end of excerpt from July 14, 2001 message

Excerpt from August 18, 2001 message 

Messenger:     ... We need to send the Priestly Newsletter Book II
                             to the priests of this earth.

                             This is God's plan. God the Father said
                                "The Priestly Newsletter Book II would
                                    help to change the face of the earth."

end of excerpt from August 18, 2001 message 

Excerpt from October 19, 2001 message

Mary speaks:  ... Please I ask you to get my Son's priestly
                            Newsletter Book II, with the
                            prayer manual to my priest sons
                            by Christmas.

                        These writings were directed by my Son Jesus and given
                            to Father Carter to circulate for the renewal
                            of the Church and the world.

                        The Father has said this book will help to
                            change the face of the earth.

end of excerpt from October 19, 2001      


December 10, 2001

Read on December 13, 2001
also pass out messages on internet in the tape from rosary
            played on December 13, 2001

           Today we are given a beautiful sunny day.
                            We must learn to trust in Him.

                             I go to His Most Precious Heart.

                             He loves me so much.

                             I love Him so much.



December 10, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:      My child,

                                You must come to Me and trust in My Most
                            Sacred Heart on fire for love of you.

                                Today I give you this beautiful day. I can make
                            so many things work out for you. You must come
                            to My Sacred Heart on fire for love of you.

                                You fret and you fume, you give into
                            anxieties. Endure your frustration in love.
                            Pray nine Hail Marys as a Novena. Pray the
                            will of God is done by all the children of
                            the earth.

                                Do not be afraid for I bring you comfort
                            and joy.

Mary speaks:          See the smile on the face of the children,
                            see the pureness in their little eyes.
                            Pray for my babies and love them.
                            Pray my children.
                            God will help you.
                            Believe in God's love for you.
                            Believe God will help you when you pray.

Messenger:             Things are not as we think many times.

Jesus speaks:          Do you hear Me speak to you? I am with you
                            in all your trials. I never leave your side.

Messenger:             Oh Jesus I love you so much.

Jesus speaks:      At Christmas time many people want to feel
                            a deep love in their hearts. They remember other
                            Christmas times and they want to be loved deeply
                            by others. Many times the evil one tries to
                            divide people that care deeply for each
                            other. The devil does not want you to operate
                            in love and harmony.

                                DO NOT GIVE INTO THE TEMPTATION
                            OF SATAN TO DIVIDE YOU.

                                I SEND YOU SO MANY GIFTS OF LOVE.
                            STAY UNITED IN HOLY LOVE. WORK AS A
                            BODY TO HELP TO BRING THE WORD
                            I GIVE YOU TO ALL.

                                Oh My children, so many are so disturbed
                            inside at this time of year. You are My light
                            to shine in the darkest night. I send you so
                            many—who love you so deeply. Do not give into
                            thoughts that could divide you or could stop
                            the work I am asking you to do.



Entry from Father Carter's Book - Jesus, I Want to Talk with You


  It's a Beautiful Day, Jesus


  •     It's a great day, Jesus, a beautiful day, and in more ways than one.

  •      Outside it's beautiful, Jesus. The air is crisp, shot through with
    October freshness. The leaves fascinate me with their colors, 
    with their golds, and reds, and browns. The sky is clear blue,
    deep blue, all blue. The sun is autumn bright.

  •     It's a beautiful day inside, too, Jesus—inside me. I feel all
    aglow today, especially glad to be alive. Life, with its beauty,
    its grandeur, its expansiveness, its possibilities for greatness,
    lays hold of me, deeply attracts me.

  •     On a day like this, Jesus, I feel spurred on to be what I am
    supposed to be, to be what you want me to be. I feel especially
    inspired to love, to love you, to love my fellowmen.

  •      Thanks, Jesus, for today.

end of entry from Jesus, I Want to Talk with You



December 10, 2001 message continues

Messenger:             It was this time of year last year and we were
                            praying so hard for healing for Father Carter. I
                            remember he called me and he had very much
                            bleeding and he was enduring the chemo treatments.
                          It was a blessing he called. He sounded so weak
                            he could hardly talk and he left a message
                            on my answering machine. I think I had 
                            to go to a Christmas Party or something.
                          I remember those last days of his life I
                            had lots of commitments and I went and
                            didn't get to talk to him like I wanted
                            to at the end. He would leave a message and
                            he sounded like he could barely talk.
                          I remember the message of December 14, 2000
                            the night he got to Columbiere





December 14, 2000


December 14, 2000


December 10, 2001 message continues

Messenger:         he told me his phone number, number by number
                            like he could hardly get each number out.
                            I saved the messages and they bring me great joy
                            to hear his voice.


December 22, 2000




Iowa group


Toledo group


Jasper group



December 10, 2001 message continues

Messenger:             We love each other very deeply and words
                            never express the depth of the love felt. God
                            has molded our hearts together in the Shepherds
                            of Christ Movement. It is God who unites us so
                            deeply. It is the devil that wants us divided.

                                I write of the gifts of the beautiful day. For
                            our days pass by so swiftly and we can never
                            relive our day today again.

                                Today is a day to love.
                                Today is a day to stay united.
                                Today is a day to thank Him for His gifts.
                                Today is a day to thank God for the Virgin
                                    Mary on the Building.

                                Today is a day to pray for all those who are
                                    caught up in so many things of the
                                    world that are against God's will and
                                    won't let go.

Jesus speaks:      Today I give you a garden.
                            It is up to you to plant a seed of joy and harmony
                            Hear Me saying to you: "I love you so much"
                            You long to hear this.
                            Only I can fill your soul.

                            I am Jesus, the Light of the World.

                            The more you become one in Me, the more
                                My light will shine from you.

                            Like a little brighted Church on a dark
                                night—you shine to the world.

                            See the little Church, like China, Indiana,
                                see the black sky—see the light
                                so bright coming from the windows
                                in the dark night.

                            So many graces I give you.
                            So many gifts and you want more.
                            I give you each other in this Mission.
                            You are My light.
                            I shine from your eyes like a beacon light.
                            See Me looking at you and telling you,
                            Oh My son, My daughter, I love you
                            so much.



December 10, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:      The baby cries when they are sick.

                            They want to feel better.

                            They want love and comfort.

                            Oh My little baby see Me, My hands outstretched
                                telling you how much I love you.

                            See Me dripping with Blood, the cross on My
                                back and telling you
                                "Oh, I love you, I am here for you,
                                I give Myself to you"



December 10, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:      Pray united.

                            The devil will try to divide you before the 17th.

                                Pray for Fr. Mike, Fr. Mike, Fr. Peter, all
                                    priests over you.

                                Pray for all priests touching the movement.

                            Your days go by with such swiftness.
                            Soon your days are over.
                            How did you write the story of your day



December 10, 2001 message continues

Jesus speaks:      Great grace is released in suffering.

Messenger:            I think of how many good things happened
                            while Father Carter was sick and soon after
                            his death to help advance the Movement. 
                            I know his suffering helped to bring down 
                            great grace.

Jesus speaks:          I write to you today. Stay united and pray
                            fervently for grace for the 17th.

                                It is a big day in heaven. I give you
                            great gifts and I want you to be thankful.

                                Great gifts will be released for
                            the world on the 17th. Go to the
                            Virgin Mary building and pray.

                            I LOVE YOU

                            SO MUCH—

                            I am Jesus, your 
                                          beloved Spouse



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July 5, 2000 by day

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July 5, 2000 by night

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October 5, 2001

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December 5, 2001 pictures





Excerpts from December 5, 2001 Rosary
Clearwater, Florida

Transcribed from a tape as Mary spoke beneath the gold image of her and her Son.

After we sang Our Lady of Clearwater 

Fifth Joyful Mystery
Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

Mary speaks: And I come to you my chosen ones and some do not hear for they do not want to change their ways. And my message is so simple but you have made things so complicated for you want to hold on to many things that are not pleasing to my Son.

    Oh my children, what to say when they do so many things with the little ones who are so small and who are taught those things. And they do not understand for they have become more and more like the world and to you that I call I ask you to pray with all your heart to listen to the call of my Son that He gives in His Movement Shepherds of Christ for He is calling you to a deeper love union in which you will be so one in Him. Oh please, hear my call.

    Come to my heart my child, and I will take you to the depth of the Heart of my Son. There you will find the treasure that your heart desires for the treasures that are in the Heart of my Son Jesus, you cannot even comprehend. Oh my little ones, the message is so simple and yet the world has gone astray in so many different ways.

    And I cry for the little ones and I cry for the youth of today. The ones that are led astray by teachers, many in the Catholic schools and I ask you to pray for the teachers of the young in the schools that they tell them the truth. For it is the truth that will set you free. It is the truth that they need to hear. And the more you dwell in Our Hearts the more the truth will be in you.

    Oh my children I tell you to spread the consecration and the rosary to your youth. Tell them to wear their scapular. It is the simple things but yet these things are not followed. All the way from 1917 you have not heard the message that I have delivered. And when I speak today you would like to stick a rag in the Mother’s mouth.

    Oh foolish ones, you do not know of the sufferings that are at hand because you will not listen to me. And I cry from the depth of my motherly heart.

    Oh my children, I am the Lady of Light, your Mother Mary, Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas. Amen.

Mary speaks:
Oh my little children listen to Him. Hear the words of my Son Jesus as He speaks to you so tenderly and with such love in the Blue Book messages. Oh my children, these teachings will lift you up. Oh my children the world is in a sad shape. My children, listen to me.

Song: A Song from Jesus – refrain
Song: I Love You Jesus – verse 1

Jesus speaks: I love you, I love you, I love you. Oh My chosen ones, why do you fear so when I am so close to you? Let go, trust in My Sacred Heart. Amen.

Glory Be

Mary speaks: This is a rosary from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary on this December 5, 2001. This was given to you my children that you will know more and more the love that We have for you, that you will come and dwell in Our Hearts, that you will live more deeply in Him. Oh my children, my Son Jesus loves you so. Open your hearts and pray the prayers that my Son has given. For He has made the promise that He will take you deeper and deeper into His Heart the more you pray. Oh my children, I am Mary your Mother, this day I speak to you from my image site in Clearwater, Florida. Amen.

Song: A Song from Jesus – refrain

Messenger: Jesus and Mary appeared and They told us so many things and the people  did not want to listen or let go of those things that held them bound. And Jesus came to set the captives free and the people did not hear the words. And they waltzed around and they did the same dance and what happened. What happened in the end and where are our children? They follow more and more the lead of the world. It is so serious for Our Lady truly appears and she calls a cry, a cry of pain to her children below.

Mary speaks: Oh my children, I stood beneath the cross of my Son and I cried. And I cried for the little ones, the ones that would not listen and would lose their souls. Oh my children, bring the souls to me.

    I am Our Lady of Fatima in the Americas. I am the Lady of Clearwater. I am Lady Queen of Peace.

    Harken to the call that I make to you this night. My little one for you must obey the message that I gave to you at Fatima.

    You must listen to my Son Jesus for He speaks to you and delivers His message of love. He has given to you the Priestly Newsletter and the prayers. They will help to lead the strayed ones home to His Heart. Oh my children, hear my cry for I cry to you this day, December 5, 2001.  



Pictures from December 5, 2001























































































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Merry Christmas


   During the Rosary and 6:20 Prayers
November 5, 2001

December 17, 2001
5 years
since Mary appeared
Prayers 6:20 PM & Procession


(Right next to each other #19 & #20
on the roll)

     Mary speaks:            

      My dear children,
          I have appeared now for five years from
        my image site in Clearwater, Florida.
        Special graces will be given for all those
        coming on this anniversary of my five year
        appearance and praying devoutly.
        My Son Jesus has appeared here. We call you
        to come and to pray for the priests, the Church
        and the world.
          A special prayer vigil with procession
        will begin at  6:20. Other prayers are prayed
        all through the day beneath Mary's image.
        The 6:20 prayers have been prayed beneath
        my image since July 5, 1998 and throughout
        the world. My Son Jesus wants you to come
        and to sing praise to your God. He wishes
        you to come and gather on this day.
        Oh my children, I love you so much. There
        is so much evil in the world. My children my
        Son Jesus wants you to come and pray.
                                   I am Mary your Mother

Mary appeared in Clearwater
on December 17, 1996

     Jesus speaks:       

      Oh My beloved children,
          Come to Me. Bring the little ones. Prayers
       are held daily at 6:20. I want the little ones to
       come and see the gifts God has given you here.
       My little ones must pray. You must pray. There
       will be prayers throughout the days as usual. Have
       rosary meditation books and rosaries available.
       Pictures for all who come.
           Bring your petitions to Me. I will grant you
       special graces for your heartfelt prayers.
           Oh I love you so much. Please come. Pray -
       help make reparation to Our Hearts. Have prayer
       sheets and coloring books available. Morning
       Offering cards (Say daily). Have videos of the
       Mass and Nursing home videos available.
           Encourage all to pray the prayers, to pray the
       rosary and to consecrate their hearts.
           Have cards "I give my heart to Jesus and Mary
      This is a special day to heaven. This is a special
  place. Come and pray for the days before and after
  also if you wish. The big celebration is December 17,
  2001 at 6:20 call for details. I ask you to come to Me.
  I love you so much. Please pray for your world.
                                             I am Jesus your Savior.

November 5, 2001
Jesus' face


I love you, I love you, I love you,



Nursing Home Mass Video

We updated the Nursing videos so that if you have a good dialup 
connection, you should be able to watch the movie live.

Click Here for help with Videos

click here to download the Nursing Home and Homebound Mass video (12.3 MB)



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All scripture quotes are from the New Jerusalem Bible, July 1990, published by Doubleday.
December 10, 2001
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Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193

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