Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding
these messages |
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April 8, 2006
April 9th Holy Spirit Novena
Scripture selection is Day 9 Period I.The Novena Rosary Mysteries
for April 9th are Joyful.
Servants and Handmaids praying in China.
Come to the Retreat in China!
The retreat begins at 9:00am.
We hope to have the Blue Book 5 by the 13th!
Pray for the urgent intentions.
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P. O. Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152
We take credit card donations.
We are now printing Blue Book V.
Please pray for the printing of it.
Blue Book 6
January 14, 1995 Holy Spirit Chapel 6:30 a.m.
Messenger: Jesus is in the tabernacle. I saw rays coming at me. They were pointed at me. There was a light over the tabernacle which pulsated. The candle, the Sanctuary light pulsated.
Jesus said: This is how My Heart is beating for you. Every second My Heart beating and beating, My Most Sacred Heart on fire, beating for you.
Messenger: I saw rays off all the candles once in the front of this chapel, all directed at me. This was last summer.
I had such a presence of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I could feel the presence of Jesus and Mary all the way down, so overwhelmed with Their presence, I was crying. Someone came in, it was as if I was slapped back into this world. It was the coldest reality, I want it back so much.
Penetrate My Soul: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I know the love of Father, Son and Holy Spirit so deep.
Excerpt from Response to God's Love, by Father Edward Carter, S.J.
...In reference to Christianity, God himself is the ultimate mystery. Radically, God is completely other and transcendent, hidden from man in his inner life, unless he chooses to reveal himself. Let us briefly look at this inner life of God.
The Father, in a perfect act of self-expression, in a perfect act of knowing, generates his son. The Son, the Word, is, then, the immanent expression of God's fullness, the reflection of the Father. Likewise, from all eternity, the Father and the Son bring forth the Holy Spirit in a perfect act of loving.
At the destined moment in human history, God's self-expression, the Word, immersed himself into man's world. God's inner self-expression now had also become God's outer self-expression. Consequently, the mystery of God becomes the mystery of Christ. In Christ, God tells us about himself, about his inner life, about his plan of creation and redemption. He tells us how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit desire to dwell within us in the most intimate fashion, how they wish to share with us their own life through grace. All this he has accomplished and does accomplish through Christ. St. Paul tells us: "I became a minister of this Church through the commission God gave me to preach among you his word in its fullness, that mystery hidden from ages and generations past but now revealed to his holy ones. God has willed to make known to them the glory beyond price which this mystery brings to the Gentiles—the mystery of Christ in you, your hope of glory. This is the Christ we proclaim while we admonish all men and teach them in the full measure of wisdom, hoping to make every man complete in Christ" (Col 1:25-28).
Messenger: I know the love of the Holy Spirit. I know this immense love of Father and Son -- Fire burning, shooting forth with fire and force, as a Spirit that moves, driven by immense power -- transcending power (love power) pouring forth and moving in my being.
Spirit of love, pour into me.
Fill me with your fire and your presence.
Fire in my heart, that burns with Divine love.
Love from the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
LIFE abundant life, pouring forth and moving with the power of eternal love.
The fire of this love that filled the Virgin and the WORD was made FLESH
LOVE of GOD from the Father to the Son from the Son to the Father and I believe in the Holy Spirit who proceedeth from the Father and the Son (from the Creed)
so immense is this love of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
MOVINGThe love between the Father and the Son and the Son and the Father, and I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life: who proceedeth from the Father and the Son. (from the Creed)
It is this Spirit, the Spirit of Eternal Love, on Fire, that filled Mary and the WORD was made Flesh, Jesus Christ the Son of God.
It is this Power from the Holy Spirit, this Might that filled the apostles, that transformed them from fear to fearlessness.
This Spirit is life, it is Love of the Father for the Son and the Son for the Father, brimming over on fire and alive.
The Living GOD, the Son was born into this world. God the Father sent His only Son into this world through the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word was made Flesh and dwelt among us.
Jesus, the Son of God, is truly present in His Divinity and humanity, this day in the Eucharist -- God is with us in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, with us, the same as the day He walked this earth. And He dwelt among us and remains with us in His Body and Blood this day.
Oh Holy GOD, who are we that You love us so much. But You oh God are love, You created man in an act of love. We are creatures of Your love, but sin entered the world and we were tainted by this sin of Adam. Our human natures created out of Your love is now damaged by the sin of Adam.
It is in baptism we become children of God and heirs of heaven and receive a special sharing in Your life.
Oh Divine Life, oh Holy Life,
Oh God fill us with Your Love.
Oh Your LOVE poured forth into us.
To be wrapped in the arms of love.
It is the Spirit that transforms us more and more into the image of Jesus, as we grow in greater union with Mary our model, the Spirit transforms us more and more into Jesus' Image.
Jesus in turn leads us to our beloved Father.
It is through Jesus we are led to the Father.
Spirit of GOD move in my being, fill me with Your life, fill me with Your love, so I can more and more become like Jesus.
Oh Jesus lead me to the Father.
Mary is a human person, she is sinless, she is untainted by original sin. I can model myself after her, she is most like me, except she does not have original sin.
My human nature has been tainted or damaged.
Baptism frees us from original sin, but we have weaknesses from original sin.
To model myself more and more after my Mother, untainted by original sin and to lead me more and more into the image of Jesus.
Jesus takes us to the Father. Jesus came to show us the way. He is GOD! He took the nature of a man. We can relate to GOD through the Person, Jesus Christ.
Oh Sweet Jesus, that You came to save us from our sins.
It is through You we are restored to new life. Through baptism we are made children of God and heirs of heaven.
Oh Mighty Lord, our dear Father, that You care for us, that You loved us so much that You created us in Your own image and likeness.
We are made Your heirs to the heavenly kingdom if we love and serve You as You want through Your Son Jesus Christ, conceived in the womb of Mary through the Holy Spirit.
Oh God that You gave to us Your Son Jesus Christ, incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Hebrews 1: 1-2
At many moments in the past and by many means, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our time, the final days, he has spoken to us in the person of his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things and through whom he made the ages.
Oh God that You gave to us a spotless virgin, our Mother, Mary sinless, Our Mother so we can model our lives after her.
Oh God that You created us out of love, but all You create is out of love, since you are love and all you do is an act of love.
NOTE: Is it not fitting children should be conceived out of love of their mom and dad in marriage.
Jesus: Love to you My beloved Child, love that I impart to you My grace to share more fully in My life. My grace I give to you in abundance. Tape this lesson and listen over and over, remember the moments when I infuse into you special gifts which help you understand with clarity insight into My Divine Mysteries -- insight about sharing in My life.
I am Jesus, your beloved, yet you comprehend so little My immense love for you. I give you this knowledge with greatest love, My beloved little child, you will grow in wisdom and love of God more and more.
Keep your heart forever pure and focused on My immense love for you. Live in My Heart totally resting there, go to My Mother as her little child and be held close to her breast. She will lead you closer and closer to Me.
Oh little loved child, sing and play for this world, My great songs of love.
It is in your music and your speech you will touch so many of My beloved hearts, I love so dearly.
I love, I love, I love, I am love. Do you hear Me My child. Do you feel My immense love and gifts I pour out to you. I am talking to you, but you must deliver this message of My love to this world.
I talk to you because I love you so, but as I love you, I love each and every soul. I am depending on you to tell them how My Heart is an endless furnace of burning love, beating with deepest love for them. I love you this way, as you experience and know this Divine Love I have for you, I want you to tell this world I love them. I love each soul this tenderly. The poorest beggar I love with the tenderest love.
Oh my child, do not be distracted by this. I leave you not dear one. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God and it is in realizing My presence you will spread My love to this world.
January 15, 1995
Messenger: My dear spiritual advisor,
You are truly shining in this world with the love of Jesus in your heart.
Thank you for saying yes to Jesus and Mary.
I am so grateful to Jesus for you.
You have taught me so much about God. I love God and Mary so much, this means more to me than I can ever say in words.
Thank you for all your patience and love and for being there.
You truly are giving His love to this world. He is acting through you .
You have truly changed my life and helped me to love God and love others so much more.
May Jesus pour out His abundant graces on you, May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever dwell in such union with you. May you forever feel deeper and deeper the love of the Two Hearts, so one day you will be so joined with a deep union with Them in heaven.
I love you,
John 3: 16
For this is how God loved the world:
he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him
may not perish
but may have eternal life.
Philippians 2: 5-11
Make your own the mind of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in the form of God,
did not count equality with God
something to be grasped.But he emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
becoming as human beings are;
and being in every way
like a human being,
he was humbler yet,
even to accepting death,
death on a cross.And for this God raised him high,
and gave him the name
which is above all other names;so that all beings
in the heavens, on earth
and in the underworld,
should bend the knee at the name of Jesus
and that every tongue should acknowledge
Jesus Christ as Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
John 1: 14
The Word became flesh,
he lived among us,
and we saw his glory,
the glory that he has from the Father
as only Son of the Father,
full of grace and truth.
January 15, 1995
Messenger: My heart is overwhelmed to tears for His goodness to be born a man and die for us.
And people are so indifferent. I feel His presence and realization of this so intense in my whole being, I am ecstatic and sorrowed by the ignorance.
I see so clear more and more and experience His presence which fills me with such emotion, I scarce can breathe.
Oh the goodness of God to become a man for love of us.
I just have His presence so keen in me, it makes me shake to realize what is going on, I tremble, I cry, I am in awe, I am in ecstasy, there are not words to say the way I feel, there are not words to describe the Divine. I feel oneness with God in my whole being that is ecstatic. He humbled Himself and took the nature of a man, like us. His goodness is inexpressible.
January 13, 1995
Feast of St. Hilary
This rosary was transcribed from a tape as Jesus and Mary appeared.
Sorrowful Mysteries
The Agony in the Garden
1. Messenger: See our Beloved Savior in the Garden. Be with Him in the darkened night. The agonies that were His greatest agonies were those to His most Sacred Heart.
2. Messenger: Jesus saw before Him all the sins of all men for all time.
3. Messenger: Jesus' Heart was overwhelmed with love for each soul for all time.
4 . Messenger: Jesus saw all the suffering that He would experience.
5. Messenger: With full knowledge of everything that He would experience through the Passion all the way to His brutal death on the cross, He allowed this to happen to Him because He loved us so much.
6. Messenger: We give so little to one another and we count the cost. Jesus truly gave His life, He gave His flesh, He gave His blood, He gave His all, and He gave it because it was the Father's Will and because He loves each one of us so much that He would do it for us this very day.
7. Messenger: Think of how it is to love someone so much and to be treated with coldness and rejection. Jesus is Love, and He saw before Him each and every precious soul that He loved. And He knew all the souls that would neglect Him to their own destruction; that they would be condemned forever to everlasting damnation.
8. Messenger: To say that His Heart is a burning furnace of endless love is not to even say sufficiently the love that He has for us. We cannot even imagine anything of the true love that He has.
9. Messenger: Jesus suffered so much agony in the Garden that His sweat became as great drops of blood on the ground.
10. Jesus: I love you, I love you, I love you.
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
The Scourging at the Pillar
1. Messenger: Jesus loved Judas so dearly and Judas betrayed Him with a kiss.
2. Messenger: They led Jesus away. They pulled His hair, and they hit our Precious Jesus on His face.
3. Messenger: They tied Jesus so cruelly to a pillar.
4. Messenger: And they whipped Jesus. His once unblemished back was now covered with deep wounds. They had whipped Him to their own exhaustion.
5. Messenger: See the darkened room and hear the sounds as they hit Jesus so hard.
6. Messenger: With full knowledge of everything that Jesus would suffer, Jesus withstood all of this treatment because He loved us so much.
7. Messenger: Jesus withstood these blows for each and every soul. He withstood these blows to His most precious body for love of me and for love of you and for love of all our brothers. He stood as they tore His flesh because He loved each and every soul with a personal love.
8. Messenger: How can I not love my brother when I realize that my brother was created by God the Father with the greatest love, with the greatest uniqueness; that God the Father created my brother with a special plan; and that Jesus stood at the pillar and allowed them to tear His flesh because He loved my brother.
9. Messenger: Jesus is Love. He took on a human nature so that He could show us the way; so that we could look at His life and meditate on these mysteries of the rosary, all fifteen mysteries, and see how Jesus lived so we can more and more imitate the lives of Jesus and His most Beloved Mother.
10. Messenger: When they hit Jesus and they persecuted Him and they scourged Him at the pillar, He loved those who treated Him this way.
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Crowned With Thorns
1. Messenger: They pounded into Jesus' most Precious Head a piercing crown of thorns. See the blood as it rolls down Jesus' face. He loved us so much that Jesus withstood all of this treatment. Jesus shed His Most Precious Blood that we could be saved.
2. Messenger: Think of how it is when you see someone bleed, someone you love so dearly. Jesus truly shed His blood, bright red blood, for love of each one of us.
3. Messenger: And Jesus asks us for two things: to love Him and to love one another.
4. Messenger: How much do I love Jesus? When He asks me in my heart to tell others of His love, how will this hurting world know of the love of God if I do not stand up for the love of God.
5. Messenger: How many times does Jesus call us to show love to those who are not very nice to us. Following Him a lot of times is doing the hardest thing that we do not want to do. But He showed us the way. They pounded the thorns so harshly into His head. They spit on Him, they hit Him, they mocked Him; and Jesus sat, God, the Son of Man, and withstood all this treatment because He loves each one of us so much. This is the love that He came to show us. He is Love. He asks us to love as He showed us the way.
6. Messenger: Jesus wants such union with us. He longs for us to come and to sit with Him in front of the Tabernacle. But I cannot unite with Him unless I come with a pure heart. I must rid myself of hate and anger. To unite with love, I must love.
7. Messenger: Jesus' greatest agonies were the agonies that He suffered to His most Precious Heart because He loved those so dearly who spit on Him, who pounded the thorns into His head. He loved those who hollered slanders at Him. He loved as He loves each soul this day with His most Sacred Precious Heart.
8. Sing: Crown Him With Many Crowns
9. Sing: At the Cross Her Station Keeping
10. Sing: The King of Glory
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus Carries His Cross
1. Messenger: Jesus stood with His hands tied and they poked at Him, With their mean and ugly faces, they hollered and they condemned our Precious Jesus to death - death on a cross.
2. Messenger: They put a heavy cross on His shoulder and He walked with the weight of this heavy cross and it felt as if His shoulder would break through to the ground.
3. Messenger: There is suffering in love. Jesus comes with His most Sacred Heart ablaze and on fire for love of us. Mary is His Loving Mother. She stands by His side. The baby that she once held in her arms, now she sees Him as He walks on Calvary covered with blood.
4. Messenger: Mary, His Loving Mother, could not help Him. Mary stood by with her heart torn in her chest and watched Her Beloved Son as He struggled with the cross laden with the sins of the world. She stood by with her heart pierced with a sword.
5. Messenger: And Their eyes peered into each other's. The oneness between this Son and His Mother. The Hearts that were overwhelmed with love: His most Sacred Heart as He went through this Passion was so full of love for each one of us, and her heart suffering so much agony.
6. Messenger: Whenever there is love, there is suffering. His Heart was pierced with a lance, her heart was pierced with a sword.
7. Song: See the Eyes that Look at Mary
8. Messenger: See through Mary's eyes all the suffering her Beloved Son endured for love of us. And she comes this day and she asks you to turn your hearts to hearts that are pure hearts that are full of love; to answer His call to love for Him to this world. To not say no. To think first of the most ardent love of His most Sacred Heart and the love of her Immaculate Heart. To think of Him as He hung on the cross out of love. This is the love that He had for us and He asks us to take a stand today. A stand in this cold world that is hurting, and to show the love as He showed us the way.
9. Mary: When they persecute you stand up for the love of My Beloved Son. He loved you so that He hung on the cross for three agonizing hours and gave His most Precious Blood and His flesh for you. My Son wants you in this world to carry the cross, to love those who are hurting, to stand up for the love of God.
10. Song: Lord Let Me Walk this Lonesome Road with You!!
Song between decades: A Song from Jesus
Jesus is Crucified and Dies on the Cross
1. Messenger: If you see through the eyes of Mary as she watched Her Son, watched His hands nailed to the cross; if you see through the eyes of Mary as Her Son was raised high on the cross. How can we say no to little things like showing His love and standing up for what we know He wants us to stand up for today.
2. Messenger: Mary calls us here. Mary calls us here today to be the soldiers to spread the love of His Most Sacred Heart and her Immaculate Heart. These are the Two Hearts brimming over with greatest love to the point that Mary suffered by Jesus' side and He hung on the cross to His death. This is love that He gave for each one of us and He calls us to love this day no matter how hard it may seem. If we look at Him as He hung on the cross, how can we deny Him this request to love those who are hurting?
3. Messenger: Dear Holy Spirit, through Mary our Mother, transform our hearts more and more into the image of Jesus and lead us ever closer to the love of our Beloved Father.
4. Messenger: Holy Spirit, transform us from fear to fearlessness as you did with the Apostles so that we have the courage to stand out and spread this love of God in this world in which many are godless. Mary is calling us this day to pray to the Holy Spirit to have the courage to spread the love of God, to be the apostles of the Most Sacred Heart; and she is forever by our side. She says to see through her eyes the love that Jesus Christ has for you. Life is so short. I call you this day to pray for courage, to be an apostle, to spread the love of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus to a hurting world.
5. Messenger: Jesus hung for three agonizing hours on the cross and His Beloved Mother stood beneath the cross, her heart torn within her chest. The child that she once held and now she stands under His cross and watches Him as He dies.
6. Messenger: It is through the love of these Two Hearts that we are filled up with love to love this hurting world.
7. Messenger: As Mary held the child Jesus in her arms, she now holds the lifeless body of Her Beloved Son. But death has no power over Jesus for on the third day He rose from the dead to bring us life that we may have life eternal.
8. Messenger: Mary asks you to answer her call that when it is hard to love those who are persecuting you, to see beyond their anger and their hatred and to see the child that God the Father created with such love; to see the person that is hurting and needs the love of God. You are His soldiers to spread the love of His Heart. If you do not touch those who are in pain, they will not receive His love this day, for He places you ever closer to these people to give His love to them for Him.
9. Jesus: As I died on the cross for you, I ask you to give of yourself this day in this world to love your brothers. Your brothers are those I died for. Can you say no? See Me hanging on the cross for love of you and each soul.
Sing: I am the Bread of Life
10. Sing: One Bread One Body
Song after last decade: A Song from Jesus
Rita stated that Our Blessed Mother appeared in great light throughout the entire rosary. Jesus appeared in great light also.
This rosary was prayed just prior to the prayer service at the Holy Spirit Chapel. Many people were present.
Shepherds of Christ
P O Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152
We take Credit Cards.