Mary has requested that the daily message be given each day to the world. It is read nightly at the prayer service from her Image Building in Clearwater, Florida, U.S.A. This is according to her request. All attempts will be made to publish this daily message to the world at 11 p.m. Eastern time, U.S.A.We acknowledge that the final authority regarding these messages rests with the Holy See of Rome. |
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A Prayer for Intimacy with the Lamb, the Bridegroom of the Soul
Oh Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world, come and act on my soul most intimately. I surrender myself, as I ask for the grace to let go, to just be as I exist in You and You act most intimately on my soul. You are the Initiator. I am the soul waiting Your favors as You act in me. I love You. I adore You. I worship You. Come and possess my soul with Your Divine Grace, as I experience You most intimately.
Messenger: Include Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center in 6:20 prayers.
Messenger: Please pray for an important intention.
Please pray for 5 urgent intentions!
Pray for a special priest and Father Mike,
Spread the Blood of Jesus on all involved, cast the devil far
away, ask for the special coming of the Holy Spirit in a special way
and consecrate all hearts to the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart.
July 21st Holy Spirit Novena Scripture selection is Day 5 Period 2. |
The Novena Rosary Mystery for July 21st is Sorrowful. |
July 20, 2001
Let us pray fervently to St. Ignatius in thePray for funds. Pray for Steve and Sheila.
Messenger: Our Lord wishes that
we circulate
the Priestly Newsletter book II
to all the priests.
We also have bills from the printing
from the last two Newsletters.
If you can help or know someone who
can, please ask them.
We are still short rosary beads for
the rosary makers for rosaries
in the school for the month of October.
Our Lord would like us to purchase
B&M printing.
They have printed most of the materials
you have received and want to work
doing this work for Jesus.
Do you know anyone that can help us?
One of the major expenses is printing.
(They can also print books.)
Shepherds of Christ Ministries
P.O. Box 193
Morrow, OH 45152
July 20, 2001
Jesus speaks: I beg you to reach the
Nursing homes.
Please give them the card.
July 20, 2001 message continues
Jesus speaks:
I can't get through to you.Make the videos.
Please your funds will increase.
Help Me.
It isn't as difficult as you think.
Feed the hungry.
Reach prisoners
Reach school children.
Send prayers to the Foreign Countries
especially Africa.
People Must Pray.
July 20, 2001
- Friday 2:00 P.M.Messenger: Somehow many do not think about death.
They just keep living for
the things of this earth.
I have been on retreat and I visited Father Carter's
grave almost daily. I remember him saying Mass
and all the trips to China and how
he helped us in so many ways.
He and his sister went through all of his belongings
and he made sure he gave everybody anything
of theirs he had. He got rid of everything.
He was really careful to do all things justly.
I never remember Father Carter talking
about anyone.
Our Lord keeps telling me to quote Matthew
about judging.
Sometimes we judge others.
Matthew 7: 1-5
Do not judge
‘Do not judge, and you will not be judged; because the judgements you give are the judgements you will get, and the standard you use will be the standard used for you. Why do you observe the splinter in your brother’s eye and never notice the great log in your own? And how dare you say to your brother, "Let me take that splinter out of your eye," when, look, there is a great log in your own? Hypocrite! Take the log out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.
July 20, 2001 message continues
Messenger: One thing I have learned from this retreat
is my constant dependence on Him.
I try really hard to do His will, but
no matter what I do, He can give a grace that
is so powerful that it could change the souls
of the earth.
He gives us our free will.
He wants us to obey Him.
I look at Father Carter's grave and all that
remains physically of him is buried
in the ground.
He was buried on December 23, 2000. He was in the
ground for the third day on Christmas, 2000,
the last Christmas of the second
millennium. His parents names were
Joseph and Mary and he wrote the
last 33 years of the second millennium.
He published 33 Newsletters during his
life the last 6 years.
Christ was born in Bethlehem.
Luke 2: 6-7
Now it happened that, while they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her first–born.
July 20, 2001 message continues
Messenger: His Mother was Mary and His
was Joseph. He lived 33 years.
Father Carter was opened up and
found out he had cancer on the
third anniversary of the message
September 22, 1997.
For Three and half days Father and I suffered so much
after that message, three and 1/2
days later the Basilica in Assisi
was destroyed with the Frescos of
St. Francis and St. Clare.
From the September 22, 1997 message
Jesus speaks: "STIFF-NECKED, stiff-necked, stiff-necked. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. The old order will pass away. For they worshipped Me with their lips only and their hearts were far from Me.
I will rock the earth and bring the senseless men to their knees. They will learn to beg ‘LAMB OF GOD, YOU TAKE AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD, HAVE MERCY ON US!"
Their thoughts are far from me....
I am the LAMB OF GOD. I AM THE BRIDEGROOM OF THEIR SOULS -- of a country of stiffs, naked in their ways, their hearts are haughty, for they persist in their same ways.
They are resistant to change. They refuse to go to the Heart of My Mother, yet she is their Mother and Mother of the Church.
Oh, to a world of stiff-necked.... I give you this message. Look at My Body on the cross, it was broken and mutilated, it was constrained, it was the picture of torment and twisting.
I speak through these messages and you continue in your stiff-necked ways. Would the destruction of your temples bring you to your knees? Or should I destroy My own houses? Or would they get the message anyway, if I burned them down?
end of September 22, 1997 message
July 20, 2001 message continues
Messenger: After they opened Father Carter
September 22, 2000 and found
he had cancer, exactly 3 months to the day December 22, 2000 was
Father Carter's funeral.
Exactly 6 months from that day was the
feast of the Sacred Heart June 22, 2001.
Exactly 9 months from the day they opened him
him up September 22, 2000 and found out he had cancer,
was the feast of the Sacred Heart
June 22, 2001.
The dates are so engraved in my soul, so too the
message of Mary in her daily visits
July 5, 1994 - September 5, 1995.
I see the cancer eating at our children, a spiritual cancer, the
devil wants their souls.
I see the sun pulsating on that video April 17, 1994
over Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center
heralding a great gift from God, a new
time in which the Sacred Heart of Jesus
would soon reign in so many hearts.
I did not know April 17, 1994 that Mary would
appear on the building as she had on
December 17, 1996 and she would still appear as
she does today.
The First Blue Book Meeting was February 17, 1994 as
directed firmly by Our Lord. This was the
anniversary of the day God flooded the earth as
recorded in Genesis.
Genesis 7: 11-12
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, and on the seventeenth day of the month, that very day all the springs of the great deep burst through, and the sluices of heaven opened. And heavy rain fell on earth for forty days and forty nights.
July 20, 2001 message continues
Messenger: I just didn't know when I received
this vision
December 17, 1991
from the front of the Blue Book
July 20, 2001 message continues
Messenger: what it would mean to spread the
devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to so many,
but here is what I wrote when I
received that vision as prompted by Our Lord, the writing was
soon circulated to many, long
before Mary appeared on the building December 17, 1996 -
5 years later.
There were all those meetings on the 17th of every
month since February 17, 1994 and Father Carter
came in June 17, 1994 and went to a lot of the
meetings after that. He helped me by discerning
the material. A lot of these booklets made
for each 17th meeting are available on the
internet under the book entitled 17th
meetings.Whoever would have thought June 17, 1996 when
we were told once again we couldn't hold
our prayer services at Our Lady of
the Holy Spirit Center that 6 months later
Mary would appear on the building in
Clearwater, Florida.So many memories of so many events that led
us to where we are today in 90 countries
all over the world, in just 6 years since
Father Carter began the movement. The Newsletter is
circulated to 75,000 priests all over the world.I sit and write close to Father Carter's grave. The seeds
of his labor have spread far and wide
because he said yes to Jesus.
July 20, 2001 message continues
Messenger: Think of all the seeds and all the lives effected
by his yes.
July 20, 2001 message continues
Messenger: He told John Our Lord told him
to help me in anyway I needed help
in this mission.
Father Carter suffered a lot of persecution, all
the way to the end for helping me. But he was there
helping to spread the seeds to the Church and
the world despite the persecution and
suffering. He believed the messages, he
grew closer to Jesus through the
writings we both received.It is every person's yes that has made the movement
what it is today. Our Lord has merged our
hearts more and more to do this work.
Praying the Shepherds of Christ prayers have helped a lot.Our Lord tells me we should keep a notebook
every day and write the good things
that happen, write to God the Father every day,
we should date it and write to Him, keep the
notebook, read it and write every day.What will remain of us here on earth when
we die.Think of all the things we hold on to.
I heard a priest give a homily and he said we
can't be attached to anything, we must
use everything as God wills.We don't want more than he wants for us or
less. We must surrender all our problems
to Him.Sometimes we must do things that are not easy
to do.
Another priest called some things "tough love."
When we must say something to our children
and we do not want to and they do not
want to listen, it is "tough love" to say what
we have to say.I see the shriveled up souls of hell in my
mind's eye, I see them vividly, in
a red, golden glow, dark stick-
like figures. Mary showed the children
of Fatima hell.I want to include this writing today at the
direction of Our Lord and after that
a short writing on how He wants us
to love Him.God is good.
In suffering we are brought closer to Him.
We must not be attached to things, using them
only according to God's will. We can't be controlling
over many situations. We must live to grow in deeper
holiness. The more we surrender to His will, the more
we will have peace.The key is surrender wanting His will in everything.
Father Carter and Father Willig
have moved on, their
cancer ridden bodies were buried.What a reward God has planned for those who love and
serve Him.St. Clare help us, St. Francis Help us, St. Margaret Mary help us,
St. Claude de Colombiere help us, St. Ignatius and St. Xavier help us.
St. Michael help us.
From April 17, 2000 Daily Message
A Tribute to Mary my Mother
Messenger: When I was five years old my mother died. The light in my life felt as if it went out and I had to look for another light, I found the light inside my heart and soul. My God became so real to me and I knew that deep place within where I found God. I also began to know my Mother Mary.
Soon afterward my step-mom came to live with us and she was very holy. We prayed the rosary every night as a family and my dad prayed three rosaries every day. He would walk around in the yard and pray his rosaries. My dad was not perfect, but he lived his life with his focus on God.
The greatest thing I was taught was by his example. In all his good points or in his imperfections and weaknesses, the candle he held high in his heart was his God. When my mother died, despite all the sorrow, the light passed on to me always was that of God and His true presence in the Eucharist. I began to know the power of prayer and the rosary.
In the world of imperfect human beings, mothers, fathers, children, grandmas, grandpas, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is that of our example and our lives lived in trying to please God, obey His Commandments and stay connected to God. We may have fallen or maybe are learning about God now for the first time. It is important we teach them about God today. The world is in the state of becoming and so is the Church. We are in a state of becoming in our lives. We are hopefully, becoming more and more like Jesus.
We cannot lose hope ever. We may suffer, we may feel alone, we may be misunderstood, we may need time to work things out, but we must be constant in our relationship with God and realize that we are teaching many things to others by how we live.
The victory is WON. My dad may have been one way and your dad another way, but we want to teach our children about God. We teach them by showing them our constant dependency on Him. When we cannot do anything in certain situations, we have faith in the power of prayer. We know our God is hearing our prayers and will help us. So we pray when we need help.
We are the children of God. What good parent would not help her own child when the little child comes for help?
I write to you of my Mother Mary, Mother of the Church, bride of Christ.
I saw her appear all those times and it wasn’t a sophisticated document she delivered. It was the simple cry of a Mother anguishing for her children going to hell.
What did Mary say to Jacinta before Jacinta died?
(From: The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje: )More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.
Priests must be pure, very pure. They should not busy themselves with anything except what concerns the Church and souls. The disobedience of priests, to their superiors and to the Holy Father, is very displeasing to Our Lord.
Messenger: On July 13, 1917, apparition, Mary showed those three little children hell, she said:
(From: The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje: )
You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart.
Messenger: Oh my children, Mary is Mother.
The Church is Mother of her children.
Oh, I write now from my heart about our Mother and my role as mother in delivering these messages.
At the end of the Bible it says:
Revelation 21:1-7
The heavenly Jerusalem
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; the first heaven and the first earth had disappeared now, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride dressed for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice call from the throne, 'Look, here God lives among human beings. He will make his home among them; they will be his people, and he will be their God, God-with-them. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes; there will be no more death, and no more mourning or sadness or pain. The world of the past has gone.'
Then the One sitting on the throne spoke. 'Look, I am making the whole of creation new. Write this, "What I am saying is trustworthy and will come true."' Then he said to me, 'It has already happened. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give water from the well of life free to anybody who is thirsty; anyone who proves victorious will inherit these things; and I will be his God and he will be my son.
Messenger: The Church is bride. Our role is to live more like that bride of Christ.
Behold the Bridegroom comes.
Revelation 22:12-14
Look, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay everyone as their deeds deserve. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Blessed are those who will have washed their robes clean, so that they will have the right to feed on the tree of life and can come through the gates into the city.
Messenger: The last two verses of the Bible say:
Revelation 22: 20 - 21
The one who attests these things says: I am indeed coming soon.
Amen; come, Lord Jesus.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen
Messenger: I lived my life as a mother of four children. I had each baby, carried it and watched it. I worried with them when they were sick and I was always afraid of something happening that they could die, so I watched them really close. There were always little things around they could choke on or choke on their food, or run in the street or drown in a pool. The biggest fear for a mother is that something could happen to kill her child.
Then there is the care, the nursing, the getting up with little babies with high fevers, the staying up with one that may be asthmatic and listening to the breathing, the worrying about their nutrition, their teeth, their sleep, their spiritual needs, their needs, their friends, their toys, their feelings… I speak only as a mother. I am sure fathers have similar concerns. I do so thusly as I have been directed by our Lord to demonstrate the motherly care of the Church for the spiritual needs of the children.
So you wonder, why a housewife, a mother of four, a math professor, one who did not know the books in the Bible in 1993, why did God ask me to write to you? YOU HAVE AN IMPORTANT ROLE TO play in bringing about the reign of His Sacred Heart. You have been led down this path that He could give these revelations to help both of us and to help others to prosper from them. Your life is tailor made for you to help in this most extensive plan of helping to renew the Church and the world. Your life is most important to this plan of the Father.
Mine was the life of a mother, one who nurtured and raised babies, not one who studied in seminaries or went always to church. I did go to the Eucharist a lot my whole life and prayed the rosary.
I include here a letter I wrote to a dear friend.
Jesus wants me to share this with you.
I write as a mother, one chosen by Him to write about mothers and their children.
My dear friend,
Jesus came to save men from their sins.
Jesus reveals to us the plan of the Father.
It is through Jesus we are saved.
The Church is the Body of Christ.
God came to save us from our sins. Mary said this to Jacinta before she (Jacinta) died:
(From: The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje: )
More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.
Priests must be pure, very pure. They should not busy themselves with anything except what concerns the Church and souls. The disobedience of priests, to their superiors and to the Holy Father, is very displeasing to Our Lord.
Messenger: Why would not the Lord Who is telling us about Holy Mother the Church want His Church to speak about the 6th Commandment when the children are dying because of sins against it? Our Lord told us to read the Catechism about the 6th commandment and study it.
What mother wouldn’t tell her children about the cars in the street that could kill them if they do not watch when they cross the street?
In the Church we learn a lot of teachings, but Mary our Mother tells us of her children going to hell.
A great fear of a mother of a small child is that he could get killed. They can choke on little toys and trinkets on the floor, choke on food, run into the street, drown in a pool or fall in a river.
A mother fears her child dying. She must protect them.
Mary, Mother of her children, tells of her children dying and going to hell.
She is a Mother. Her Fatima messages tell of their spiritual death. She shows them hell. She is a Mother.
The Church is Mother. She is called Holy Mother the Church.
It’s simple, its like raising children, you’ve got to watch them or they could die.
Mary watches her children.
She comes and cries to me 500 times. HELP ME!!
Then she appears in Florida. "I STOOD BENEATH THE CROSS AND CRIED."
THE CHURCH IS MOTHER. She must tell the children about sin and the devil and the errors in the world.
I’ll tell you, if you carried a baby in your womb and threw-up for months and nursed babies on sore breasts and you fed them every little drip of nutrition for their little bodies to make them strong, your inside would be bleeding and your heart pierced with swords about what is happening to the children.
When a baby bleeds in the street you cry about it, you feel it deep in your heart.
The Church’s babies are crying in the street. Some are covered with black blood that Satan has spread on them because their souls are dead. Satan is luring them into sin.
The Church must warn the children about the devil, tell them about sin, like a mother would protect a child by instructing them about the traffic in the street.
I nursed my babies and held them and kissed them and cried when they fell and I shared the pain of their wounded knees. I remember when the piano bench went into my child’s skin right above his eye and I had to take him to the hospital for stitches. He was about two years old. They had to sew up a big gashing wound.
A mother would run in the street after a child about to get hit, she wouldn’t look around and see if anybody is going to mind if she runs on their grass.
Mary appears in Florida to tell us how serious it is.
Mary said at Fatima:
(From: The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje: )
You have seen Hell, where the souls of poor sinners go….
Messenger: Then she showed 3 little children hell.
It is simple. Jesus came to save souls. A lot of Mary’s children are disobeying the 6th commandment. WE CAN’T LOOK AROUND while the kids run in the street and worry if the neighbors will get mad if we walk on their grass. The kids are dying. Much of this is caused by the devil using sex to lure the children into sin. We need to talk about what is right and what is wrong and tell them about the devil. What mother would stand by and watch her child get hit by the cars? She WOULD WARN them about the cars and the street. She WOULD RISK her own life to save them. She doesn’t worry about the neighbor’s grass.
The kids are dying. I can’t stand it. I wish that others would have seen Mary appear with the sword in her Heart. The messages of Jesus and Mary are in the red Rosary Book---Rosaries from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. I saw Jesus at the point of death. I saw Him as He hung on the cross.
DO YOU SEE MARY-MOTHER-APPEAR ON THE building in Florida? Do we worry about what people think and miss our bleeding children?
They are dying in the street. The devil comes like a black car out of nowhere. He is running down the children.
I am a mother and mothers with little children run in the street and get the kid about to get run over.
A lot isn’t done because of blindness and past learned behavior patterns. And the devil blocks communication. The Trinity communicates in perfect love. The Father sends the Son. The Son obeys. They work together as one perfectly. The kids are dying. A mother with a heart so attached to her kids would go to any extent to save her kids.
It’s not only books and scholars - we need to love the children and reach out to help save them. Look at the love of Christ. He got on the cross and died for them. We must instruct them about the devil and his tactics, teach them about the Commandments and realize some of our children are dying a real death in their souls.
Mary speaks: I am Mary your Mother
I appear to you on the building. I am crying to you to reach my children. I appear with a rosary in my hand. In my final apparition at Fatima I said this to you:
(From The Spirituality of Fatima and Medjugorje: )
The October 13 vision was accompanied by the great Miracle of the Sun described in the previous chapter. In her message that day, Our Blessed Mother told the children:
I am the Lady of the Rosary. I have come to warn the faithful to amend their lives and to ask pardon for their sins. They must not offend Our Lord any more, for He is already too grievously offended by the sins of men. People must say the Rosary. Let them continue saying it every day.(17)
While the people in attendance were beholding the great Miracle of the Sun, the three young visionaries, and they alone, were privileged to see striking visions in the heavens:
As Our Lady had promised, St. Joseph had come with the Holy Family and had blessed the world. Then, Our Lady appeared as the Mother of Sorrows, accompanied by her Divine Son, Who also blessed the world. Finally, Lucy had seen the Blessed Virgin, dressed in the brown robes of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth, holding a brown Scapular in her hand, with her infant Son upon her knee. However, in none of these visions had any of the figures spoken to the children. (18)
Besides the messages associated with the major Fatima apparitions, there were other revelations given by Our Lady. Before Jacinta died, she told of other messages given her (during her illness) by Mary:
More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.
Certain fashions will be introduced that will offend Our Lord very much.
Many marriages are not good; they do not please Our Lord and are not of God.
Priests must be pure, very pure. They should not busy themselves with anything except what concerns the Church and souls. The disobedience of priests, to their superiors and to the Holy Father, is very displeasing to Our Lord.
I can no longer restrain the hand of my Divine Son from striking the world with just punishments for its many crimes.
If the government of a country leaves the Church in peace and gives liberty to our Holy Religion, it will be blessed by God.
Tell everybody that God gives graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Tell them to ask grace from her, and that the Heart of Jesus wishes to be venerated together with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Ask them to plead for peace from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the Lord has confided the peace of the world to her. (19)
Mary speaks: Show a picture of me on the building.
Mary speaks: Show the cover of my red rosary book.
Mary speaks: Please study the Catechism on the 6th Commandment as my Son, Jesus, has told you.
Please study this for me.
I am Mary your Mother, Mother of the Church and of my children.
Messenger: The Church teaches us:
Matthew 28: 18-20
Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And look, I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.’
Luke 10: 16
‘Anyone who listens to you listens to me; anyone who rejects you rejects me, and those who reject me reject the one who sent me.’
John 19: 26-27
Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, 'Woman, this is your son.' Then to the disciple he said, 'This is your mother.' And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
Luke 1: 48
because he has looked upon
the humiliation of his servant.
Yes, from now onwards
all generations will call me blessed,
Messenger: Mary says from now on that all ages will call her blessed.
Mary is Mother of the Body of Christ.
end of April 17, 2000 message
January 12, 1999
Message from Jesus: To Be Alone with HimJesus speaks: I come and I give Myself to you, I long to hear you say to Me, "My God, I want to be alone with You." I long for love. I long for time that you would give to your most intimate friend. I long for a relationship with you. I long for you to want to know Me and know My great goodness. Such favor I will pour out on the soul that just wants to adore and love Me. Spend your time today just thinking of the great love we share with one another. Spend time alone with Me, not being busy reciting prayers, just savoring Our time together. You would sit and hold hands and embrace those you love. How little time you spend with Me, just being, existing in God’s love, being wrapped in the embrace of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, existing in Me. I love music and songs of worship and joy praising God. Sing to Me. Love Me. I want your favor. A glance, a hand held, the heart that skips a beat, are not all these signs of great love between friends? Is it not important to you that you relish and look for the moments spent alone with Me? I am God, I loved you so much, I died for you. I gave willingly of Myself for love of you. Oh you carefully plan words you say to one another when you want them to love you in an intimate relationship. How it would please Me that you thought of special words of love and appreciation to say to Me! Oh, My children, when you visited My sick one you visited Me.
Say to Me on busy days, "My God, I see Your eyes in their eyes. I do this, My God, to You when I love them." Take time in the day to be alone with Me. Give Me this pleasure, that I am in all you do. You administer to others and see Me in them and when those special moments come for us, you say, "Oh God, how good it is to be alone with Thee!"
I love you so much, I am a jealous lover, I wish your time spent alone with Me every day. In your bed at night, I wish your thoughts to be of Me. Your God wishes a special presence with you in your bed, in the 6:30 p.m. prayer services, before the tabernacle. Experience the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with you in these treasured moments. Be alone with Me.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
end of January 12, 1999 message
Messenger: Jesus asks us to
pray for special things.
Spread the Blood of Jesus, Consecrate their hearts,
Cast the Devil far away, ask for the coming of the Holy
1) Pray for urgent intention, a special priest
and all involved.
2) Pray for Father Mike and Father Laurentin.
3) Pray for special Bishops and Archbishops
4) Pray for a special man and son,
and family and all involved.
5) Pray for all priests, Bishops and Cardinals
receiving the Newsletter.
Pray for grace for them to respond especially
by beginning prayer chapters.
6) Pray for the telephone operators.
7) Pray for communication and business in
8) Pray for people to respond to fund letters.
9) Pray for money to circulate pictures.
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March 5, 2001 |
March 5, 2001 |
10) Pray for funds and grace.
Pray for all Shepherds of Christ apostles,
handmaids, servants.
Pray for availability Prayer manuals.
Pray for second priestly Newsletter Book.
Pray for documentary and all involved.
15) Pray
for special intentions of our donors.
A Note from the President of Shepherds of Christ:
If you are devoted to Our Lady's rosary, we need your help! A member of our ministry is very devoted to Our Blessed Mother and he is helping to teach us how to grow our volunteer rosary makers. He estimates that we will need approximately $37,000 this year for beads alone! This translates into 22,339,500 rosary beads (yes, 22 million beads) assembled by volunteers into 378 thousand rosaries. The biggest users of our rosaries are the Catholic schools, who requested more than 100,000 rosaries last year.
Can you help us? I appeal to you for funds, whether large or small. We give because we love God, we love our Blessed Mother, and we love souls. We will accept gifts in many forms, besides cash or check donations, we can receive gifts directly in the form of stocks or property. These gifts can offer large tax advantages to the donor and increase the monetary value of the gift to us. Also if you can help assemble rosaries we need your help! If you can help us in anyway, please call or write us. God Bless!
I love you,
John Weickert
A rosary can be used to pray for healing. It is powerful to unite our prayers to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and pray through the powerful intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater.
In times of trouble, for special prayer, we can use our rosary and pray as follows.
A Rosary for Healing or for Someone with Cancer.
On one Hail Mary bead or as many as you desire, say:
May God heal through the intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater in union with the Mass and all the Masses being celebrated around the world.
Pray the Hail Mary or Hail Mary's then pray this after the Hail Mary.
May the cancer be uprooted and thrown into the sea.
We believe with all our hearts.
After the Glory Be pray the following petition.
May be healed through the intercession of Our Lady of Clearwater if it be the holy will of God.
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Note: You can look at Mary on the image rosary while you pray this rosary. | ![]() |
Note: The above section can be printed out from a PDF file, and you can pray the rosary looking at the pictures.
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December 17, 2000, Mary speaks: Help me to circulate my red and blue This is a gift we give you. |
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To order your Rosary Book fill out this form and send your donation to Shepherds of Christ Ministries, PO Box 193, Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193, Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451.
Name: _________________ Street: _____________________________
City: _________________ State: _________________ Zip: ________
Donation price: $7 A $15 A $25 A $50 A $100 A Other $_____ A
Messenger: Pray for Ron, Fernando and Perry.
Prayer List for apostles for interior use in the Movement. Pray hourly.
is being sent from China and from Cincinnati.Spread the Blood of Jesus on everyone involved with Shepherds of Christ in any way, consecrate their hearts, cast the devil out, pray for coming of the Holy Spirit in a special way for all people involved on this list.
Please pray for one new very important intention.
Pray for the 5 urgent intentions.
Pray for the Pope and everyone we need to help us.
* Pray for the priestly newsletter, for funds for it and for all involved.
Pray for the taping of the priestly newsletter.
Pray for the reproduction of disks.
Pray for the Newsletter that
AND THE WORLDI _________________ give my heart to
You Jesus and Mary on this day
I promise to help spread the devotion to
the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
How do I feel when I do something really special for you and you do not notice?Shepherds of Christ Ministries
PO Box 193
Morrow, Ohio 45152-0193
Telephone: (toll free) 1-888-211-3041 or (513) 932-4451
FAX: (513) 932-6791