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Vision as seen by Rita Ring, March 20, 1997
Mary appeared as Our Lady of Fatima for one hour and l5 minutes. Mary appeared in the Sorrowful Mother statue at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center.
I was at Our Lady’s House for the Junior Shepherds of Christ meeting. I cannot remember any great apparition of Mary in the Sorrowful Mother statue since August l2 and l3, l996. She appeared all night and two times on August l3, l996, once right before I went to the rosary at Tom’s farm about 5:30 p.m. (the night John was there and St. Michael came out of the water). Mary comes when you least expect her.
Tonight I went to the Holy Spirit Center for the rosary with the Junior Shepherds of Christ. We could not pray in the Rosary chapel because Fr. Smith was going to say Mass. We could not pray in the Sorrowful Mother’s chapel because the pews were draped with work clothes. We could not pray in the social hall because the band was playing. The only place left was in the hall on the other side of the wall from the band. The youth in the Shepherds of Christ Chapter decided this was the place and moved pews in front of the statue.
As we began the rosary I began to see Mary, covered with a mist. Then I saw light around her. She got bigger than the statue, her face softened to that of the most beautiful woman--the same as the picture I took on Mother’s Day l995 when she told me to buy film and take her picture. She was all adorned in light. She changed, around her head and she became a young, beautiful girl. She then changed into a lady of immense light, all white, beautiful and young. I wanted to cry in awe looking at her. I wanted to stop the rosary and just see the apparition, but I continued to speak as she spoke through me.
The whole rosary was on Our Lady of Fatima. She turned into Our Lady of Fatima, so white, so beautiful, young in her face. I have seen many statues of Our Lady of Fatima. I have seen her all white and adorned in light before--Our Lady of Light, that is what she called herself.
On October 5, l996 I saw her at Immaculata in the grotto. She had told me earlier that day she was Our Lady of the Rosary and gave a very strong message.
I do not recall seeing her in an apparition in the Sorrowful Mother’s statue since August l3, l996.
She was clearly, clearly, "Our Lady of Fatima" - LIVE. I saw her. I am in awe and wanted more, it was so beautiful!
She may have appeared as Our Lady of Fatima the first time. She was covered with the greatest light - a light as from a fire and all white, but on July 5, l994 when she first appeared,
I did not know what Our Lady of Fatima looked like.
I know tonight she was like every statue I have ever seen of Our Lady of Fatima, glistening,, and all white. She had beads or embroidery around her cloak. I know she looked like the Lady of Fatima statues but LIVE.
Every time we sang A Song From Jesus she would shine with the brightest light and her face would fill with the greatest joy.
There was no place for Jesus to be born--He was born the Light of the World in a stable in Bethlehem and the brightest star shone above His bed.
This rosary on Fatima needs to circulate to the youth. Mary appeared to tell us to tell the youth this rosary. It does not have any message from Mary, only information from her for the youth.
Mary’s message for the youth: a rosary on Fatima--as she appeared to deliver it.
This is a great comfort to me. She appeared, Our Lady of Fatima, to tell us that this is truly a major part of the completion of the Fatima message.
The youth told me they could not hear the rosary, only the loud music of the band. I did not hear the band at all - but was in awe with Mary’s appearing and the rosary!
At one point I saw a little blond hair sticking out from under her veil at the top of her head.
At least three times I saw this immense Lady of Light turn into Our Lady of Fatima. It was as if she was transformed from the Lady of Light into the Lady of Fatima.
The room was a brightly lighted hallway with big balls of light that came down from the ceiling.
She was adorned in light, brighter than the hallway, light as bright as seven suns, the Lady of Light.
It is in her womb we see the light, the light of knowing God through the power of the Holy Spirit.
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