JULY 26, 1999
An apostle is one who lives to serve the Lord
The Agony in the Garden
- Messenger: God does not intend us to be alone.
- He wanted comfort in the garden.
- Jesus was with His Apostles a great amount of the time.
- Jesus showed us how He interacted with others.
- When we are alone, sometimes the devil moves in.
- We cannot isolate ourselves too much. Even a holy monk is united
lovingly to others, praying for them and loving them.
- Jesus has the greatest heartfelt love.
- Hail Mary ...
- The deepest relationships are in Him.
- God is our Father, we are children of our Father and Mother.
The Scourging at the Pillar
- Messenger: A tearing at one’s heart is found in isolation.
- We are social creatures, we were created to interact.
- One must have relationships as God wills.
- We cannot just open up our mouths and tell everybody everything.
- God wants us to be prudent, loving and kind.
- God can change all the hearts in the whole world if He wants to.
- God can give us all the funds if He wants to.
- God wants us to grow in holiness.
- Hail Mary...
- God wants a person that acts to please Him. He wants us to strive to
die to our selfish ways.
The Crowning of Thorns
- Messenger: God is the King.
- He is to be served.
- Fathers, leaders act in His name.
- Who wears the crown? Do we wear the crown or does God?
- Who is the King of our hearts?
- How do we best serve Him?
- We are a Movement that exists to serve God, to be handmaids of the Lord.
- And Mary said:
My soul
the greatness of the
Lord (Lk 1:46)
- The desires of the heart to serve God come from a willing heart within.
- Sins are stored in the hearts of men. We must strive to die to them and
come in Mary’s Immaculate Heart.
The Carrying of the Cross
- Messenger: Sins, sins, sins, Jesus shed His Blood for the sins of men.
- Why do they deny they are sinful when they are?
- He carried the cross for all the sins.
- He carried the cross for jealousy.
- He carried the cross for greed.
- He carried the cross and bled for the sins of pride.
- He carried the cross for my sins and for yours, why do we act like we
are perfect, when we are sinners?
- Peter worried about other men. He lacked faith in God. He denied Jesus.
- Many times we are afraid when others do not support Jesus. We must
always give witness to our beloved Jesus.
- Let us carry our cross willingly as Jesus carried His.
The Crucifixion
- Messenger: Jesus is the Son of God.
- Jesus is the eternal Sacrifice.
- Jesus paid the price for our sins.
- Jesus died for all men.
- Jesus gives us Himself in the Eucharist.
- Jesus wants our love given to Him and all.
- Jesus laid down His life for our sins.
- In the Mass the Sacrifice of Calvary is sacramentally made
- Jesus loves us so much He shed His Blood.
- Jesus loves each and every soul so much He died for each
one of them.