ELATIONSHIPS: BE IN ONE HEART WITH ALL MENBetween 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., Divine Mercy time:
My dear Jesus,
I have been troubled for a long time with my relationship with others. To have a heart like Yours, I cannot have division in my heart toward any man. I feel separation between myself and many others. To be in one heart with all men, I must not have division with any person, primarily my family. I must, at all times, stay one with my husband and obey him unless he tells me to commit a sin. I must be loyal to him.
Everything is as it is for You have allowed it in my life. I must always live in the Father's will to have peace in my life. Nothing that is right need be hidden. I do not have to reveal myself to every person, but I must remain undivided and one with all my brothers in Christ at all times.
My primary concern is that of being obedient to You and living in the Father's will.
Fr. Carter is my spiritual director. He represents You to me on this earth. He tells me what You would tell me, and You have given to him great graces to help me draw closer to You. Nothing I do on this earth is of any account if it divides me from You. Under obedience, I must comply always to what he tells me. My closeness to him is as my spiritual director. You act through him and guide him in his actions to draw me closer to You.
I thank Him for all He has given to me and am forever grateful for His deep love for me!
I see as never before, since December 15, when I was enveloped in His love and existed in Him. From this point on, the goal of my life must be to live to try to be as my heavenly Father wants me to be. I am weak and I fail, but my goal is to love God above all things, to always do His will, to want nothing but to please Him as a most devoted child, living to please her Father. I love God with my whole heart and my whole soul and my whole being. I love each and every Person of the Trinity. I love God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I know and love Him as one. I know and love God as one. I know and love God in each Person of the Trinity. I know so much from standing under the crucifix and being so united to Him on December 15, 1995. He lifted the veil and I saw with eyes unveiled.
I saw with eyes unveiled. I know now the immense concern of His Heart. His Heart is a Heart of endless love. It is burning. It engulfs a soul. He takes them unto Himself. He gives us special moments in which many things are made clear. In that moment, I was embraced by His burning love. I was swept within the deepest chamber of His Heart and heard the roar of the fire from His Heart. In that moment, I knew what it was to be united to God. My eyes were unveiled, and I was enveloped and swallowed up by His presence. I existed in Him. I existed in the endless cavern of His divine love. I wanted for nothing. I felt satisfied, for in that moment I was absorbed in Him, and I knew no fear being united to love itself.
I do not think that I am better than anyone. He has given to me great gifts to share His burning love to all. With all my heart, for my whole life, I will spend all my waking hours trying to please Him and tell this world of His love, my whole life being lived to love God and my fellow man.
Oh, that He loves us so much that He gave Himself for us, and He gives Himself to us now. In the deepest recesses of His Heart, I will find shelter from the rain and the storm, for the embers of His Heart burn the brightest and we cannot even comprehend this deep cavern of His endless love.
He took me to the deepest chamber of His Heart, and I was embraced by the love of God. To this day, I will not be the same. I saw with unveiled eyes, and I saw, as He allowed me to see, with His divine wisdom. Many things being made clear, I embraced eternity, and I know the presence of God as never before.
Alleluia, Alleluia. He is a God, true and just, Who knows no favorites, but loves all His precious souls with an unfathomable love. Alleluia.
(I had a dream about a little boy riding his bike. A bunch of hungry kids would kill him. I woke up and my heart was sick.)
We must be willing as a little child to suffer martyrdom for His sake. We will love to the bitter end, for in the cavern of His endless love there is no fear. Perfect love cast out fear. The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with the fire of God's love, and we are indeed made fearless in His love.
The wind may blow and the earth shake, and we will not fear for we exist In God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are one with the heart of Mary and one with the world and all its inhabitants. To know Him is to love all He created, and to know Him is to love all. There will be one heart and one soul, all united under the reign of His Sacred Heart. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph and the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign, and we will be one in Their Hearts. To know Him, to be one in Him is to exist in His love. We will be joined in one heart with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary were joined in one body before His birth. We will be joined in one heart, all the members of the body of Christ. The Church is the body of Christ. Jesus is the Head. Mary is the Mother of the Church. Mary is our Mother; the Father is Our Father.
As members of His body, we will be like Him in our actions. He lives in the hearts of His members and His love is emitted from their being.
We are one body in Him, joined as one heart in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
They were in the upper room, and the Holy Spirit descended on them and they were as one mind. We will be one mind and one heart, living in the Father's will.
They were one mind and one heart for they knew His love, His burning love.
See the heavens and earth as one in Him, all living as being one. The unseen world is really real. What is really real is that which we do not see and do not fully comprehend. We do not know how we ourselves breathe and why our hearts beat and why, at one moment, our bodies will cease to be alive.
Man tries to explain everything with scientific reasoning. He cannot explain the vast universe and the life in the womb of a mother. He cannot explain the power of the sun, and he cannot control the weather, the clouds, a disease such as cancer. He cannot live on his own, he depends on a Being higher than himself-this Being is the Almighty God! I see so clearly how our interior life must be rooted in Him.
We search. We want something to feed our starved souls. We want a person, place, or thing to fill the hunger within us. There is no other way. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The more I search this empty wasteland, the more I am left empty. All things must be used according to His will, not too much, not too little, neither all nor nothing, but moderation in all things.
For me many times it was easier to be extreme one way or the other. This is not of God. All things are in moderation, according to His will, not my will. He gives us what we need to help us to grow in sanctity. If we do not learn the lessons, He increases His teachings. All things in moderation, according to His will.
We see hardened faces in this world. We know of the hardened hearts of men. The eyes are sullen, their actions self-centered and on the surface.
He is the source of life.
He says:
I am the true vine,
and my Father is the vinedresser.
Every branch in me that bears no fruit
he cuts away,
and every branch that does bear fruit
he prunes
to make it bear even more.
You are clean already,
by means of the word
that I have spoken to you.
Remain in me, as I in you.
As a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself,
unless it remains part of the vine,
neither can you unless you remain in me.
I am the vine,
you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me, with me in him,
bears fruit in plenty;
for cut off from me you can do nothing.
Anyone who does not remain in me
is thrown away like a branch
-and withers;
these branches are collected
and thrown on the fire
and are burnt.
…My command to you
is to love one another. (Jn. 15:1-17)
He is the Life. We receive our life in Him. We are as the branches connected to the tree. If I am an isolated branch disconnected from the vine, I do not have life in me. I will wither and die.
We are one in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As I become one in the sacrifice with Jesus and die to myself and offer myself to the Father. I am one in Him.
The oneness is deep, not lip service love. All members of the vine must live with their primary purpose to know, love, and serve Him. He died and what flowed forth from His Heart, His adorable Heart, was blood and water. He is the Source of our life. We are given and nourished by Him. As we become one in this Heart, one in the Sacrifice of Calvary, sacramentally made present at the Mass, we become one in Him. His life comes to us through His Mother, Mary. She stood under the cross, and Jesus gave us His Mother as the Mother of our spiritual life. Our life in Him is in a constant state of becoming in the spiritual womb of our Mother through the action of the Holy Spirit. The life of the Church is in a constant state of becoming as Mary mothers the Church through the action of the Holy Spirit.
Life flows from the Father, in the Holy Spirit, through the pierced Heart of Jesus, and through the heart of Mary.
We cannot leave out the Source. To focus on the interaction only between the members is to cut off our life supply from the source. And what does He want? He wants life rooted in Him. He wants oneness with Him. He wants us saturated as watered and fed deeply in Him. To be saturated with His life, we will bear abundant fruit.
We must feed the hungry with the message of His burning love for them. To not have His divine life is to be starved.
So many this day have cut themselves off. They exist isolated from the vine. Their interior life lacks the light of His life. Their hearts are hungry. They exist in and of themselves. They have made themselves their gods. They exist with a gaze that is focused on self.
Unless we die to ourselves, we will not have life in Him. Man cannot serve two masters: He must be rooted in Him. These roots are deep penetration. The heart is the life of the body. In dwelling in His Heart and His Mother's heart (her heart that dwells most perfectly in His Heart), we are saturated with His divine life.
A branch cannot exist separate from the vine. Likewise, we cannot be one body in Him if we are not joined in one heart and one mind with Him.
The Father has a plan for us. We were uniquely created. Each branch of the tree has its own beauty. Each one of us, created in His image and likeness, have a beauty uniquely our own. It is in living in Him that our beauty reaches greater perfection as the Spirit's action works on us to sanctify us. He wants us holy as saints. He wants us to be joined in Him. He wants our goal to be a reflection of the God Who dwells within us. He wants to live in us and become one in us and live in this world in us.
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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. For information contact Shepherds of Christ Publications
First Printing: September, 1997