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APRIL 25, 1994
Note: These letters were received on April 25, 1994, at Medjugorje, from Our Lady. The message given in the fifth meditation from Mary was received on May 25, 1994.
1. The Agony in the Garden.
Jesus: I knew full well every blow, every wound, the crowning, the crucifixion. I saw My Mother’s suffering. I knew all that would happen. I sweat Blood. I suffered so much mental anguish for you, beloved one, for you. I said yes to all I knew would follow, yes to you, knowing how you one day would love Me, too. Oh, how I love you. Will you say yes to the suffering I send to you? Will you say yes to loving My beloved ones? Say yes to Me today. I loved you so.
2. The Scourging at the Pillar.
Mary: I am the Immaculate Heart. I love you with my tender Heart. I heard the blows they gave my Son. I could scarcely look up. I heard the blows, the awful blows. My Son stood in silence while they beat Him.
Jesus: All the whipping, all the brutality! The blows covered My entire Body. I bled profusely. I stood in My Own Blood. These were My beloved ones who beat Me. They tore My flesh until it hung from My Body and they laughed at their handiwork.
Do your brothers persecute you and say mean things to you? Do as I did. Respond with love. Anyone who is hating you is suffering from connectedness to Me. Pray for their conversion. Live to help them get to heaven.
3. Crowning with Thorns
Jesus: Think of someone you love very deeply yelling awful accusations at you. How it wounds your heart, My child. I sat there while they crowned Me with thorns and they hollered awful accusations at Me. They were My beloved ones, yet they stood there spitting at Me and hollering awful things at Me. Those whom I dearly loved, and they mocked Me and insulted Me and hurled their ugly hatred and lies at Me. I accepted all they did with a bleeding Heart and forgave them and loved them still.
Oh, you do not know suffering. Suffer for Me and lessen My load. This world is wounding My aching Heart. People are indifferent and hateful. They mistreat one another and are proud of their actions. Pray for your beloved persecutors. Don’t hate them. It is as with those who tore My flesh and mocked Me. They were so engulfed in darkness! They did not know what they were doing.
All that matters is how you love Me and one another. Love those who hate you. My way is a hard way. When they hurt you and holler every ill thing at you, look to heaven and praise the Lord for the trial. It is in suffering that you are drawn closer to My precious Heart. I shed My Blood for you. I suffered for you. Will you not suffer when I ask you to?
4. Carrying of the Cross
Mary: I could scarcely stand to walk the way with Him. I was so sick at what they had done but I wanted to be with my Son. I walked by the grace of God.
Jesus: My suffering was intensified by the sorrow and suffering of My Mother. My eyes met hers and I saw her red, teary face. All they did to Me, but to watch My beloved Mother suffer! She heard the cross as it thumped up the hill. The sounds were so loud and, at the sight, she had to look away.
Stand by Me and walk this road to Calvary. Listen and see My beaten Body. Hear the jeers of the crowd. Hear the thumping of the cross. Listen when it falls hard on Me and I can scarcely go any more. Walk with Me and be there, then think of the little crosses I ask you to carry. Do not put them down. Accept them for Me. It is in your crosses that you are drawn closer to Me. I endured all this suffering for deep and ardent love of you and I would do it today for you alone.
5. The Crucifixion
Mary: They hung Him on the cross. I was so weak I could barely stand. I was held up by John. I watched my Son in such agony. Oh, my beloved Son! What had He done to deserve such suffering? He loved you to His death. He was crucified for love.
Jesus: How do I tell you that I died for you? Do you even know I would do it today, just for you? They nailed My beautiful hands and feet to the cross. Big, gigantic nails they pounded into My precious hands. Such hard hearts! They pounded the nails through My feet. Blood spurted out and they continued. Such hardness of hearts. Look at your hands, My child. Would you allow someone to nail them to a cross? Would you withstand this torture for love? This is My love for you. It is not a little lip service love. It is the love that made Me lay down My life for you.
Surrender. I call you to surrender. Open your arms as I did when I died on the cross. Let all your worldly possessions drop around you and you will experience the joy of being free, united only to Me, of letting go and knowing that I, God, tend to your every need. To My death on the cross I loved you and I love you this way this very day. Let go and give it all to Me. I will care for you far better than you could for yourself. I am God and I love you more than you can love yourself.
Messenger: Jesus is dead, hanging on the cross, arms outstretched. His feet are not even on the ground. He is hanging by nails on a piece of wood. What do we hold on to? He wants us in midair in total surrender.
Jesus: Oh, little ones, how you squander your possessions. How you hold on to people, how you won’t let go! See Me in total surrender. I gave My very life for you. What do you hold on to, My little ones? Little bits and pieces you give to Me and you hold tightly to your lives. All will go up in smoke and only the things of God will remain. Not one pair of shoes do you take with you, only your love given to God and to others.
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