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AUGUST 17, 1994
Agony in the Garden
- Messenger: Jesus went with Peter, James and John to the garden of
Olives in Gethsemane.
- ..."My soul is sorrowful to the point of death. Wait here and stay
awake with me." (Matthew 26:38)
- Jesus fell to His knees and prayed, " ‘Father,’ he said, ‘if
you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless, let your will be
done, not mine.’ " (Luke 22:42)
- The angel appeared and comforted Him.
- Jesus found the disciples sleeping and He said, ‘...So you had not the
strength to stay awake with me for one hour.?’ (Matthew 26:40)
- Jesus was so alone. He suffered for all the sins of all men for all times.
- Jesus suffered so for the indifference, rejection, disrespect and lack of
love He receives in the Eucharist, the Sacrament of His great love for us.
- Jesus did not want to leave us . He gives us Himself in the Sacrament of
the Eucharist.
- ... ‘This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.’
..... ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood poured out for you.’
(Luke 22:19-20)
- Jesus’ anguish was so great that His sweat became as great drops of
Blood on the ground.
Scourging At the Pillar
- Messenger: Jesus loved Judas so much but Jesus knew Judas would
betray Him with a kiss.
- They led Jesus away as a common criminal. They pulled His hair, they hit
Him on the cheek, they spit on Him.
- They stripped Jesus and tied Him to a pillar.
- They scourged Him, whipping Him all over His entire Body.
- Mary knew from the prophesy of Simeon that Jesus would suffer.
- Jesus’ whole Body was beaten.
- Jesus’ flesh hung from where they had beaten Him.
- Jesus stood in His Own Blood.
- Jesus’ beautiful back, once perfect, was now so badly beaten and
- Jesus suffered so for the sins of the flesh.
Crowning with Thorns
- Messenger: These ruthless men stripped Jesus and put a scarlet robe
on Him and gave Him a reed for His right hand. Then kneeling, they mocked
Jesus and called out, .... ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’ (Matthew 27:29)
- They wove a piercing crown of thorns for Jesus’ precious head.
- They pounded the thorns so harshly into His beautiful head.
- Blood poured from Jesus’ head and trickled into his eyes and ears and
His hair was matted.
- Blood ran from His mouth, from the blows to His head.
- Then they knelt, mocking Him, spitting on Him, and saying, ... ‘Hail,
king of the Jews!’ (Matthew 27:29)
- Jesus suffered for all the sins of the head.
- Jesus suffered for love of us!
- When Jesus suffered for the horrible sins, He was comforted by the love
that we give to Him this day.
- Jesus suffered for the indifference to the Eucharist. Jesus saw us giving
Him so much love when we receive Him.
Carrying of the Cross
- Messenger: They condemned our precious Jesus to death on a cross.
- They gave to Jesus a great cross and threw it on His shoulder. It was so
- Jesus’ shoulder felt as it if would crack, the cross was so heavy.
- Jesus’ beloved Mother stood by and watched this massacre of her
precious, beautiful Child.
- She heard the thumping of the cross and the jeers of the crowd.
- Mary’s eyes peered into Jesus’ eyes. Their suffering was intensified
by the suffering of the other.
- Jesus never gave up His cross, He collapsed under His cross.
- Mary walked the walk with Him, always by His side, as she walks our walk
of suffering with us this day.
- They poked at Jesus and treated Him with such dishonor. Our beautiful
Jesus! Mary stood by and watched her beloved suffer.
- They stripped Jesus of His garments and He accepted the abuse.
He allowed all this to happen.
He loves us this much!
The Crucifixion
- Messenger: When Mary reached the hill of Calvary where Jesus was to
be crucified, she saw all the instruments prepared for His crucifixion.
- The men pounded the nails into Jesus’ precious hands and feet.
- Mary’s Heart was torn in her chest as she helplessly watched the
treatment of her blessed Child.
- Jesus had given His all for love of us. Battered and bruised from head to
toe, He shed His Blood.
- He hung there in such agony for three hours.
- Mary stood under His cross, supported by her beloved John.
- Jesus’ last thoughts were for us, when He gave us his Own Mother.
- Jesus gave us the last beat of His Heart, the last drop of His Blood.
- Jesus is our Savior. He merited the SAVING GRACE BY HIS LIFE and death.
- Mary held Jesus as a Baby, now she sees His lifeless Body in her arms
after His death.
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