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APRIL 17, 1999

The Resurrection

  1. Messenger: Be at the tomb with Jesus.
  2. See the bright light at the tomb on Easter Morn.
  3. Look at the big rock they rolled up to the tomb.
  4. Hear Jesus say to us: John 11:25
            Jesus said:
            I am the resurrection.
            Anyone who believes in me,
                even though that person dies, will live,
  5. John 6:32
            Jesus answered them:
            In all truth, I tell you,
            it was not Moses
                who gave you the bread from heaven,
            it is my Father
                who gives you the bread from heaven,
            the true bread;
  6. Messenger: Jesus is life.
  7. There is not real life without Jesus.
  8. Jesus comes that we will have life to the full.
  9. John 1:14
            The Word became flesh,
            he lived among us,
            and we saw the glory,
            the glory that he has from the Father
                 as only Son of the Father,
            full of grace and truth.
  10. 1 John 1:2
            That life was made visible;
            we saw it and are giving our testimony,
            declaring to you the eternal life,
            which was present to the Father
            and has been revealed to us.

The Ascension

  1. Messenger: Be there with the Apostles.
  2. Stand beside Jesus.
  3. Watch Jesus go up into the sky.
  4. Are you afraid?
  5. Are you happy?
  6. Jesus is with you, do not be afraid.
  7. This really happened, that Jesus ascended into heaven.
  8. Jesus remains with us today in the Eucharist.
  9. Jesus likes little ones to come and visit Him before the tabernacle.
  10. Jesus loves little ones so much.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit

  1. Messenger: Send forth Your Spirit and all will be reborn.
  2. You will renew the face of the earth.
  3. The Holy Spirit wants us to love Mary.
  4. Mary is the gate of heaven.
  5. Mary has the deepest union of any human person with God.
  6. The Holy Spirit helps us to act so that we please God.
  7. The Holy Spirit gives us gifts.
  8. We should pray for His gifts and for their growth in us.
  9. His special gifts are Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord.
  10. Dear Holy Spirit, please help us to use Your gifts.

The Assumption

  1. Messenger: Mary must be honored in her Immaculate Conception.
  2. Mary must be honored in her Virginity.
  3. Mary must be honored as Mother of God.
  4. Mary must be honored as Queen.
  5. Mary’s Immaculate Heart will triumph.
  6. The Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign.
  7. Mary is full of grace.
  8. Mary shows sinners the way.
  9. Mary never forgets her children.
  10. Mary walks by our side today as she did with Jesus on the way to Calvary.

The Coronation

  1. Messenger: Mary is Queen of Heaven and Earth.
  2. Mary is Queen of her children.
  3. Mary is gate of heaven.
  4. Mary is Mother of God.
  5. Mary is our Mother.
  6. Mary is Queen of Peace.
  7. Mary asks us to love each other.
  8. Mary asked us at Fatima to pray the rosary.
  9. We should give our hearts to her pure Heart.
  10. We should give ourselves to her Immaculate Heart and the Heart of her Son.

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